Biker Girl interview-Haley

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- [Mark] All right, Haley. Haley, where are you from? Where did you grow up? - I'm from Pennsylvania, but I grew up all over the place, 'cause I was an army family. And so when I left home about 15, I ran away with an Outlaw Biker and then we moved to Arizona. And- - [Mark] You ran away at 15? - Yup, when I was 15. Yeah. - [Mark] Tell me about your family, your childhood. - Well, I had a problem with, calling my stepdad "Dad" and so I wasn't the greatest daughter. I had some problems in school, they put me in adaptive behavior and stuff like that. - [Mark] You guys just didn't get along? - Huh? - [Mark] You guys just didn't get along? - Yeah, we didn't get along that well. But, he was a good provider. And so anyway... - [Mark] But no abuse, no crazy... - What's that? - [Mark] No abuse, no like sexual or- - No sexual abuse. No sexual abuse. Really no abuse. And now, my real dad was kind of abusive, but not sexually. - [Mark] So you got married at what age? - I got married at 15. - [Mark] Wow. - I told my parents if they ever wanted to see me again that they would sign consent forms, so I could be married and get my independence early. And so at 16 I was married with a new baby. And we moved to Arizona, and I was married for about three years. And then from there... - [Mark] With the biker? - Huh? - [Mark] With the biker? - With the biker guy, yes. And he was my legal guardian. Then from there, I left him for another biker guy, in a Motorcycle Gang called The Dirty Dozen. And then, he put me in a strip club. So I worked as a stripper for three months, and he didn't even come back to pick me up that night. So I had to find my way back to my new place to live. And then he slapped me 'cause I wouldn't go to Sturgis. And I broke up with him, left him, but still worked for the strip club. - [Mark] He did what? - He slapped me in front of a brother because I wouldn't go to Sturgis. - [Mark] The big biker rally? - A big biker rally, yes. - [Mark] Up in Sturgis, North Dakota... South Dakota. - Yes, yes. And then so, but I still was a stripper for a few more months. And then from there I worked at a race car shop called Well Tech fabrications, and I had to build a little race car parts. And then my boss there cut me a check to go get an apartment. And so I got one above a bar called The Road House, where you can come down and play pool and drink beer and stuff like that. And it was a really cool two-bedroom apartment with pink carpet. And so I did that for a while, I was on probation and violated it. Then I finally got my stuff together a little bit, but- - [Mark] Probation for what? - Worked for ampm. It was for a joint. - [Mark] Okay. - And so I had to do three years probation for that and I worked for ampm, and then I found my true love. I was in love for a few years, and then I left him cause he, I had to buy a chocolate cake and a bottle of wine. - Will you slow down? You're hurrying so you can make your bus in about 20 minutes but we're gonna do fine. 'Cause the bus station's literally three blocks down the street. So your true love was your third. - Yes. Yes. He was my third- - [Mark] Was he a biker as well? - He was not, he was from actually Cedar Rapids, Iowa. But he lived in Arizona and he was like my dream guy. He was like the dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, no hair on the chest, chain cross. And yeah, love at first sight. It was a fairytale love story. And anyway, I bought a chocolate cake and a bottle of wine, to ask him if he was in love with me one day, 'cause I turned into a nice boring girl, 'cause I was on probation and pay bills and work. And so when he said, "No.", it kind of broke my heart. And so I sang every one of the Kurt Cobain songs in the middle of my living room. And pretty much manifested my future going to Washington. Didn't know Kurt Cobain was from there in Washington. Didn't learn that 'til five years later. But then after I was there, I moved into from Arizona in 1999, came to Washington in 2000 to see my stepdad retire from the military. And then I got stuck there for 20 years because they went back to the east coast and I stayed there. I was dating a guy, A new guy with a 93 anniversary model Corvette. And so I just stayed behind, stayed there. And then I got a lot of jobs at first, but then 2005 came and I got involved in the meth. And then I went 15 years without working, thought I was gonna get SSI, but it didn't happen. And then I found out the dirty little secret of Olympia which was the heroin, that people are on heroin there. Some of my friends died over the years. The longest people I've ever known in my life lived there in Olympia, Washington. And some of them were heroin addicts and I come across dead bodies all the time. Not too long ago, about three months ago, a friend of mine was behind the Shell gas station, all creeped up against the wall. He had a 211 in one hand and a rig in the other and he had just died back there. It was somebody that I knew from one of my boyfriends, that I had when I first started out in Washington. - [Mark] Is this is fentanyl that's doing this? - What's that? - [Mark] Is this fentanyl, that's doing this? - I think so, yeah, probably I've never gotten into it. I don't like it, but I do use meth. I smoke marijuana and... But I can still work. I'm not disabled enough to work. And so I don't take any medication, I just work and get, try and get my stuff together. So anyway, I'm currently homeless in the Decatur Woods on the West side of Olympia. - [Mark] Washington? - Yeah in Washington, and the people I've known there, I've known for a few years. And so it's kinda cool in a way and I'm in survival mode. But once I'm able to get to where I can come from that tent and go look for a job and get my stuff together... 'Cause I'm all on my own. I have no family help, no resources of any sort. - [Mark] How do you support yourself? - I support myself unfortunately, by prostituting a little bit, with two people only. And I've known these two people for 15 years. - [Mark] So, you have two solid regulars? - Yes, and then I also paint prep. And then recently I had a job for five months at ampm, and I didn't... Be a homeless and living in a garage because, one friend of mine- - [Mark] Do your two regulars know about each other? - No they do not. They do now. With this video which will appear on YouTube. They might find out. - They might (Laughs) - [Mark] You'll have to get a new one. - Probably so. But anyway, yeah, and so I'm currently here in California right now. 'Cause I came out here with two friends of mine that promised me a job, doing some sort of job. He tears down stores and hop on... sound planes, goes to stores, tears them down and gets paid for it. I was coming along to do it too. I was gonna be working for 15 days, but it didn't work out. You know... We used some meth, you know, we got a hotel, but all of a sudden they upset me and I slammed the door and kicked the trashcan. And then the guy told the lady that I was destroying the hotel, which I wasn't. And so he wouldn't let me back in. And I was out there all night long and in a town I have never even been at before. And I couldn't say anything, you know. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't bring any heat and so I was trying to wait in the truck and the guy comes and he goes, "You can't wait in the back of the truck." And I go, "Well, I came here in this truck." and he goes, "You can't wait here in the back of the truck." And I said, "Okay, well can I wait outside?" He goes, "As long as you don't cause any problems." So I said, "Okay." But they never came down from the hotel to come get me or anything. So from that point, I had to make a decision. Because he did give me $200 to get a ticket back. And so I got my ticket right here. And then I just kinda wandered off where I met a friend of mine. That he brought me here to meet you. And then, so yeah. I got ahead and wait a whole night to- - [Mark] So you spent the night on Skid Row? - What's that? - [Mark] You spent the night on Skid Row? - On Skid Row, yes. - [Mark] How was that? - It was interesting. It was interesting- - [Mark] How does it compare to your Olympia Washington's campground? - Well, they have a mitigation center down there in downtown Olympia. Where it's fenced off where all the people that are homeless are. And then there's the Decatur woods where there's people there that they don't let anybody in. You know, it's just like a posse of people. I'm with some friends of mine actually. And yeah, they're kinda cool. And I've been there five years off and on in the Decatur Woods. So it was a cougar that was spotted on my campsite recently. And so that's the only thing I'm worried about, mainly. That my tent's still gonna be standing when I get there. 'Cause it's a big one, you know. It's all nice and clean and everything like that. And I ride the trail. - [Mark] Your child is with your- - What's that? - [Mark] You have children? - Yes, my son is with his, well... he's grown now he's 27. - [Mark] Oh, okay. - And he's a semi-truck driver and he owns his own semi-truck. - [Mark] Oh, he's all grown up? - Yes. Yes. Very good kid. Yeah. Unfortunately he doesn't want anything to do with me right now. I don't know why, but I think he's getting another story, you know, from somebody else or whatever. But I'm a great person, you know what I mean? I've had some fall downs and stuff throughout my life. I've been on and off, you know, drugs, but nothing serious. But I'm a good-hearted person. I help people out every day. And, I'm just a lovely person to be around. Regardless of- - [Mark] Is stopping crystal meth, an option? - Yeah. I don't really consider myself an addict or a fiend or anything like that. I'm just a consumer, cause I don't buy it. I just have a lot of friends that do it. Like all my friends now that I've known for 15 years out of my life to 20 years, they're all convicts and people that use meth. So I get it for free. They just get, you know, just get me high for free and I can take it or leave it. I'm not an addict. - [Mark] And so the men in your life... Right now, you're single? - Yes, I am. I'm single right now. I wanted to go back to Arizona to reunite with my true love. 'Cause I thought maybe I could possibly get him back. Because I'm young and beautiful and I got the nicest ass in this, you know, the whole town I believe. And I saved it for him for this particular person, Todd. Who I'm still in love with today. I've not been able to find another guy quite like him. I can't get involved with in a relationship. He's just the one. And so I've not been able to contact him. I know where he lives at and stuff like that but I haven't had the money yet to go see him. And so, but yeah, I'm in Olympia, Washington. And, so hopefully he'll give me a call, someday. It's 3609 (silence) four. (laughing) - [Mark] This is a little love note on YouTube. - So what time is it? Are we good on our time? - [Mark] We are. Yeah. You got about five, seven minutes. - That's crazy. Because the time out there flies by. And out here the time goes by super slow. - [Mark] We're literally two minutes away. So- - Yeah. Yeah. That's what he said to two minutes away, yeah. But, yeah, and anything else you wanna ask me? - [Mark] So I mean, your childhood experience with your stepdad, did you think that kind of paved the way for your whole lifestyle which is kind of like, (ambulance siren) you know- - What's that? - [Mark] Your lifestyle of like bikers and strip clubs. - Bikers. Yep. We were in a motorcycle club called The Equestrians in Texas. And then I went from MC to MG with a Dirty Dozen Biker guy. Then I was a stripper and never told my mom that. She'll probably know now, but yeah. But then I worked for ampm for three years and walked away from it all my true love, my job and my son to come see my stepdad retire from the military here or up there in Washington. And then I was waiting for a bus coming from a tanning salon one day and this 93 white anniversary model Corvette comes rolling down and I looked up at the sky and I said, "Please don't let this guy turn around please." And he did, he turned around and I got in and I really, really liked that car. It was a whole reason why- - [Mark] So he was picking you up on a date in the street? - Yeah. Yeah. I was just waiting for a bus after tanning in a tanning salon. - [Mark] So a stranger just came up and picked you up in his Corvette? - Yeah, yeah. And I got in, and then I dated that guy for about a year and a half, and he spent like $30,000 on me in the first year and a half we were together. And I had a lot of jobs, you know, and stuff like that. But then I punched him on the freeway, got... A cop saw me do that and had my first trip to the Thurston County Jail. And then our relationship was over. Then I kinda went on my own and discovered Olympia by myself. And met another boyfriend who I stayed with for five years. And I stayed there for 15 years in Washington, in Olympia on my own, after I left him, because I was with him for about five years. It was like a dope house I lived at. And I met a lot of friends of mine which I know today are still there. And like I said, a couple of them died because they were on heroin. And yeah, I don't like that drug. It's terrible. - [Mark] Did you think your somewhat alternative lifestyle is a little bit crazy lifestyle? This may have been what tore that relationship apart that you're longing for? - I think the reason why my crazy lifestyle and the reason why I got stuck in Washington was because well, for one, when 2005 came, I didn't really know what I wanted to do. And so living at the dope house, I did start using meth again. And I actually knew a couple of Hell's Angels as well. I've got a tattoo right here, which is a free tattoo. He's not around anymore. He passed away, but he owned his own three tattoo shops Sacred, Studio 81 and Old School Tattoos. - [Mark] Let's see that tattoo. Yup. It's a Playboy bunny tattoo and she's looking back. I've always wanted to be a Playboy bunny. I was supposed to get a boob job and I got a cherry tattoo right here on my... Right there. - [Mark] You sure do. - I have a nice butt. (laughing) (object clunks on floor) The nicest butt you'll ever see. But I was supposed to get a boob job. In February 14th of last year and it didn't happen. It kind of bummed me out because once I got that then I've got it all in my eyes. And I'll be in love with myself. And I think that that alone is gonna make me, you know, it's gonna make me secure in my relationship. And I'm gonna probably pursue trying to get my true love back there in Arizona while I'm young and beautiful. And probably live out the rest of my life there. - [Mark] So your boob job will win your man? - I believe so. I believe so. - [Mark] I've had girlfriends do that to me. It's done the opposite. (laughing) Every guy is different. - [Haley] I know. And every guy I've talked to, they liked the boobs I have. And I'm the only one that doesn't like them. You know what I mean? It's just me. - [Mark] It works both ways. - [Haley] Yes, yes it does. It does. - [Mark] All right, Haley. Well, I wish you the best of luck. - Thank you. - [Mark] Let me take you to the bus station. So you don't miss your bus. - Thank you. Thank you for the interview. - [Mark] Very interesting story. Thank you very much. - [Haley] Have a good day. (laughing) - [Mark] So tell me about your night on Skid Row, who did you meet? - [Haley] I forget what his name was. But he was definitely an LA boy and he promised me... First he said he wanted to smoke some weed with me or sell me some weed. And then all of a sudden it changed up and he wanted to smoke some weed with me. But then he never did. And then he mentioned something about I may have to go sell my pussy or something like that. I said, "No, I'm just killing time." And I got a bus ticket outta here and stuff like that. And then, so this other guy gave me my first crack hit. I was sitting right there. And then that's when Corey came up- - [Mark] And that's how it all starts. - Yeah, that's how it all starts. Yeah- - [Mark] The next day, you know, you're down here and you're- - Oh, man. - [Mark] You got a pimp. - Yeah, that. I wasn't gonna be doing that, and so Corey came up and- - [Mark] He saved you. - Yeah, he saved me. He totally saved me. - [Mark] He's a good guy. (laughing) See, that's my buddy. (laughing) - [Haley] Yup.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 604,602
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Id: KwoOI3Xy4Y0
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Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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