Biggest Lightroom Update Ever - New Masking Tools (October 2021)

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[Music] hi richard young from new zealand photography workshops here what i want to share with you today is probably the most exciting and the biggest update in lightroom ever the new masking panel this brings in the old graduated radial and brush tools into this exciting new masking panel in this video i want to give you a quick overview of the new features including the new subject and sky selection tools and the way the new um masking panel sits within lightroom so let's jump into lightroom and have a look so if we take a look first of all at this um landscape image and and we come across to the uh tools bar over here on the right hand side you'll notice the original brush and graduated and radial filters have gone and they've been replaced with just this one masking panel brush so if we click on that it now brings up this whole masking panel and i've already done some work to this image and put some different um masking adjustments on it now this masking panel can be moved around the screen and it can even be docked straight into the right hand panel this is just like layers within photoshop that we enable to organize all our masks into an organized set and have different adjustments on each mask and also rename them all so we can easily go back and find all these adjustments under each one of these mods we can put different filters and build up different tools to make the selection that we want and then go through and adjust all the things like we would on the old and filter and brush tools so to create a new mask we just simply press the create the new mask and we've got the option between all the new subjects and sky selections which i'll look at in the minute the original brush linear and radial filter tools and the color and the luminance range masks have now been given their own place these are really powerful masks and we can even use them in much more ways now that they've got their own tool for me the ability to organize these masks is so powerful if we take a look at an image like this one here that's got so many adjustments on it in the old version of lightroom i had all these little pinpoints everywhere it was very hard to see where all these adjustments were and go back and re-edit the image in the new version of lightroom we can easily rename all those layers and quickly go in and adjust any of those layers by just clicking on them again and opening that up and adding subtracting to that mask or adjusting the adjustments on that layer so as well as the ability to reorganize all of our masks and name them like this there's also a couple of new ways we can create masks in lightroom so one of them is the new um sky selection tool so we go to create new mask and we go select sky this is automatically going to create a selection of that whole sky area that we can then go through and work on this is a really quick way to make quite accurate selections of the sky compared to if we were to try and select the sky on a complex skyline like this using some of the old tools the brush or a graduated filter it would be very difficult and it would take quite a lot of time to brush in this area here so this is a really powerful new tool for going and adjusting those sky areas the other new ai selection tool is the new subject selection tool so again going into create mask and go select and subject and this is going to use ai technology to work out what the subject in the image is and create a mask over that subject and you can see it's quickly made a mask over these penguins now this mask isn't a hundred percent and now there's a little bit of overspill here onto the rocks and also it's also masking the area between the penguins feet but i can quickly go in and add additional brushes or additional tools for this to refine that selection to add or subtract to that so it gets a really good selection to start with and then i can go through and work with that i'm really excited to jump in and utilize some of these new tools in lightroom because i think it's going to transform the way i work on some of my images and enable me to go back to older images and just refine selections down a lot better than i could in the past over the next week i'm going to be recording a whole new set of videos covering these masking tools for my online lightroom course this can be found on our online learning platform photoschool dot nz [Music]
Channel: New Zealand Photography Workshops
Views: 1,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe lightroom, Lightroom update, masking lightroom, lightroom masking, Lightroom classic v11, lightroom 11, lightroom v11, Richard young, photography workshops, lightroom, lightroom classic
Id: q721_aUO_gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 8sec (308 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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