Amazing New Masking Inside latest Lightroom Classic Release 2022

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welcome back to adobe lightroom classic and wow did we get an amazing update this year adobe really stepped up their game what we're going to do today is i'm going to show you a couple of these small updates and then we're going to dive into the big update the big feature it's a huge benefit as far as adjusting images in lightroom and remember these updates are also going to be available in adobe camera raw because the develop module in lightroom classic and adobe camera raw are basically the same thing you will be able to see they might look a little bit different but you're going to see both options in both classic and adobe camera all [Music] the first one that we're going to take a look at is right over here in metadata and look if you don't have metadata open you just click on the little triangle and it will open and now as long as the preset is set to none that we're not using a preset and i move this because i do have a custom preset you'll notice down here we've now got a customize button so i'm going to click that customize button and it's going to bring up this little window in this window is going to allow us to customize what we see right here let's say i didn't want something here or i wanted to change it so let's say i don't want label but i do want caption i want file name i want file type and i can scroll down here to get basically anything that i'd want and i want to do this and i want my city i can come down hit done and you can see it's updated what we see now look when you import you can still use a custom metadata template where it has all the information that we saw just a second ago all this is doing is just showing us what we have quick access to over here i love metadata i use metadata in every single image that i use and i think this is an awesome update this is something i wish they would add to the photo downloader in adobe bridge so we're going ahead and close the metadata and we're going to come up here we're going to click on that develop module and we're going to slide on over here to presets so adobe has updated and given us some new presets now i'm not going to come in here and click through all the different presets but i'm just alerting you go ahead open these up scroll through see what you like they've got a whole bunch of new presets for adobe lightroom classic so the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to slide on over and this is the massive update inside of lightroom in the develop module you'll slide over here and you're going to notice that this area has changed that little adjustment brush where we would make a selective adjustment is gone it's not really gone it's just in a different location and that has been replaced here with this masking icon when i hover over it it turns to masking and what we're gonna do is click on that masking icon and it brings up this new area that we see right here inside of this new masking area we're going to skip these first two here's our old brush it's still the letter k nothing has changed we still have linear gradients and radial gradients we have color range luminance range and depth range up here we have two new options and these were stolen from adobe photoshop these are using artificial intelligence to make selections the first one is select subject which we won't be using here and select sky which we won't be using in this image here but i will be showing you these in a second so these are using artificial intelligence to make selections we still have our brush and then i'm going to show you how the color range works now and how luminance range works inside of the program so this is a little bit different it's going to take you guys a while to get used to it look it came out yesterday i don't get it in advance of when things are coming out i tried this this morning and now i'm actually using it it hasn't been a long time that i've been playing around with these options so let's come down here and we're going to click on color range and when i do that it brings up this window now it might by default open up is one of these little teeny tiny windows over here this is going to be your add to button this is going to be new for you and you'll see it here in a second this is going to be your mask and inside the mask you're going to have some sub level options and right here this is what we call a quick mask so when i open this up you'll see it more so this is the quick mask to make it show you need that ticked you can see this is the mask and to create a new mask up here the way this works is think of a selection and a mask is basically the same thing inside of lightroom the way a mask works is right now it's all black black means that it's hiding and adjustment an adjustment is whatever you would dial in over here so i would come in over here and i would dial it up nothing's happened because i haven't made a selection first so i need to make that selection first if you remember a second ago i selected color range so what color range does is notice that my icon is turned into an eyedropper i can come in here and click and pick a color and then photoshop is going to pick anything that has that color and make a selection the selection is the area that we see in red you notice it didn't make a perfect selection because it's very specific now we can come over here and refine that selection by adjusting this slider so as i go to the right it's going to add more to that selection and if i go to the left it's going to remove that now in this case we're going to go ahead and undo the overlay for a second for you to see remember i just clicked this little blue point right here but there's some different shades of blue that we see so this really isn't going to work the best so i'm going to come down here and hit reset so we can redo this again we'll slide down we're going to pick color range again and this time watch what i do i'm going to click hold and drag and make this little box so notice i went over the lighter shades in the darker areas lightroom classic is going to look for all shades of this blue color that i have selected inside of the box so it's going to take a second but now you can see it's done a much better job of making the selection now one smart thing that you should do is you don't want to dial in an adjustment first because if you don't it automatically shows you your mask and that way you know what areas are being selected just like before we can still refine that mask by sliding this little slider over here we can also change the mask color so notice right here if i wanted to turn the mask off i can click that box if i want to turn it back on we can click that button right here we have three little dots this is basically a settings menu so we can click this and this is bringing up different ways in which the mask works right now we're doing the color overlay but i could do a color overlay on black and white the black and white is the area not selected we could do image on black and white so we can see that way we can do image on black image on white last which is white on black and what this is showing us is basically the mask so notice this mask in this picture are exactly the same this is what a mask looks like now the cool thing is notice we missed a few little bits right here and a couple little bits here that's not a big deal now inside of lightroom what we can do we have an add and a subtract button in this case we want to add and how do we want to add in this case i'm going to use the brush so now i can use the brush to add to the selection and i can just paint out those little bits that we're seeing in the mask and clean that up and make it look better just like the opposite i could come in here and hit subtract i could hit brush and i could paint this area out of the mask remember this is not being black or white into my photo it's just showing us the areas where this adjustment is going to be applied i'm going to leave this here for a second and we're going to remove the overlay and what i'm going to do is i'm going to reduce the saturation notice this little spot up here the color hasn't been removed well why because in a mask in a mask wherever there's white it's showing the adjustment that we dialed in here but wherever there's black it's not applying the adjustments so that's why the the flowers are still yellow but this area has gone to black and white if i wanted to add i could click add brush and then i could just come in here and remove that and you can see right here we've got a little bit too much areas these are things that are easily fixable we can refine that mask we're just not going to go into it right now so below the mask we have some sub menus and items up here and what i'm going to end up showing you here is resetting this and show you how to do something a little different and maybe we'll just go ahead and do it on a different image so we have something new to look at and let's go ahead and pick a new image i actually think this one's gonna work good for what we're gonna do actually this one will be better so we're gonna go ahead and hit develop so now we're going to come up to our masking icon right up here we're going to select that this time we're going to be able to select select sky well why because we have a sky we will click it and see how well that lightroom can select the sky in our image and just like that remember we're using the black and white overlay if i want to switch this back to the color overlay i can do it like that looks like it's bleeding down on this way a little bit but not a big deal we could always brush that out if we need b i can come in here and i can adjust my exposure if i wanted to darken the sky and that looks pretty good let's say i just wanted to darken the sky a little bit if i wanted to add some color we can add some color to our sky now what happens if i want to select this area there isn't any foreground selection but what we can do is come up here and click on create new mask and we're going to do create new mask with select sky again and notice now we have the exact same thing that we did down here but what we can do is come down to sky and notice this only works on the sub menu of the mask so this area we can come down to these three little dots and we can click on this and hit invert so now instead of selecting the sky it's selected the opposite which is like inverse on photoshop so now if i wanted to brighten the foreground add some highlights and maybe some color i can change that by doing an inverted mask now look if we come up here there isn't an invert invert is only available on these little sub menus that we see right here invert is going to be located right here so now we've created two masks one mask to adjust here if i want to work on that one all i need to do is click on it and then if i change the slider you can see it's doing the sky if i want to work on the other mask i click on it and i can come in here and slide it and adjust the mask there so go back to our library and we will pick a subject we will pick we'll do this person right here and hit develop so notice this image is very dark we're just going to open it up in general a little bit and now what i want to do is make a selection of our subject inside of any photo editing program most adjustments that you do are selective adjustments where they are in a specific area so i'm going to click on our new masking option and this time i'm going to hit select subject and let's see what lightroom classic does it's thinking and just like that it's made a very accurate selection of our subject missing a little hair doesn't have a refined edge like it does in photoshop but this has made a really good adjustment here just like before we can always do an add or a subtract to this but in this case i think we're going to be good so then we can come in here and i'm going to open up the shadows on her to just get it and lower the contrast a little bit and then we'll just brighten up that exposure a little bit and now we have a really nice selective adjustment just on our subject so if you remember up here we've got some options one of the options is this little button and this is kind of an on off switch so this is what it was before and this is what it looks like now so much much better selective adjustment and it's more accurate i'm going to come over here i'm going to hit create new mask and this time i'm going to go ahead and pick luminance range when i pick luminance range that's basically lightness range so if i pick this area right here it's going to make a selection with any area that looks like that remember with luminance range you have the ability to refine that adjustment and that is done right over here so the box is the area that has been selected if i want to expand that box i want to click on this little rectangle tab out here that we see right there and and i can expand that as i expand that it's going to select more areas i can also move this box to control the different areas that it's selecting i can also come over here and make this more refined until i get the selection that i want right now let's say i wanted all this selected but not her face i'm not going to worry about the face what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna come in here and i'm gonna brighten up the highlights in this area just a little bit but remember i don't want this in her face i just wanted this everywhere but her face so what can i do i can easily add to the mask so in this case i want to subtract so i'm going to click subtract with the brush and then i can simply just come in here and paint black and that's going to hide this adjustment from her face right there so if we come up here and select this now notice that her face is not in that area if i come down here and change this and look at our mask we can see that it looks like we even missed a little bit of an area we can remove that so anything that's white it's being applied to and anywhere it's black it's not being applied to so i could simply come up here if i didn't want it in this window i could easily paint it out of that window 100 and if i wanted to add to it to get all these little bits i could also paint white into the mask up here to fix and apply that right now we're still on the subtract you can see in the middle of my icon there's a minus if i want to add i just need to click add go to brush and then there's a plus now in the middle of my icon and now i can add to that selection if that's what i wanted to do you're using a mask to either hide or show an adjustment inside of lightroom works really well takes a little bit of time to get used to but once you get used to it it shouldn't be any problem using this actually i'm a huge fan of it i love selective adjustments and i think this is going to be a great option for those of you who love using lightroom so the last thing we'll just cover a little bit on the gradients and radio gradients and how they work they've been in photoshop for a while but some of you might be new and never have seen this linear gradient works like this the quick key is m you click on it and then you come over here and you make a little gradient and so basically in this area it's going to apply the adjustment and then kind of fade it off into the distance here and you can adjust that this wouldn't be a perfect image for something like this usually if your horizon line was flat and level instead of being up and down like that that's the reason i have this gradient kind of going at an angle and then i could come in here and make an adjustment and make that darker or lighter that's one thing that we could do we'll hit reset next thing is uh radial gradient so i'll click on the radial gradient and basically we'll just open this area up a little bit i'll move that here so now we're applying the radial gradient and if i want to open the shadows up a little bit and make this area brighter we're using a radial gradient to apply it to that area and so the last thing i'll do is click on this image and this would be a great image to show you how that color selection works so we're going to click on that mask i'm going to come down here to color range i'm going to pick one with a little bit of dark and a little bit of light in it so we get a good balance of what's going on so this right here so i'm going to do is select this area it's going to make a color range selection and then as soon as i come down here and dial something in which is going to be saturation we're just going to boost the saturation notice that it's just happening in that specific area we could refine that i'm not going to spend time doing it but that is how you use the new masking options inside of lightroom classic don't forget that i have created a facebook group the facebook group is helpful in answering questions a lot of times i get comments on how to do something but i'm not quite sure what you mean and by either posting a video or an image allows me to better answer what your problem or issue might be if you do have any comments or questions still feel free to put those below and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: John Whitehead Images
Views: 1,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lightroom masking
Id: K78ZmCL-_-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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