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it's 7am and i just have an insatiable appetite for a healthy balanced breakfast of [ __ ] on the world's most prolific television scam artist dr oz i'm sure you've heard of dr oz maybe even watch some clips and laughed at him but you know who's not laughing your mom and your grandma who's buying all the dog [ __ ] that he keeps peddling this guy is like the television version of those tech support scammers that take advantage of old people it's so [ __ ] gross but what's crazy is he's an actual real surgeon and i guess a pretty well respected one at that but i guess when he's outside of a hospital setting he just gets hit by like a stupid beam and just becomes like a mindless drone that promotes anything that pays him his television show is nothing but bad advice outright lies and selling products that don't work you're better off getting your health advice from your local crack head at least he'll be more honest than dr oz you can really find endless examples of dr oz lying about [ __ ] on his show in order to promote some new fat buster or magic cure to something the main thing he always targets is fat busters metabolism boosters and just general magic pills he's always going on about pills this man promotes more pills than a [ __ ] pharmacy and it's the most nonsensical garbage you've ever heard of ah this is goat urine concentrate it's wonderful and will instantly cure any muscle aches in the body as well as fighting that stubborn belly fat and it's shameless let me go ahead and show you one of his uh fat busting gadgets that he promoted one time called the fat magnet the difficult thing to do so to help you out we've got some gadgets going to help you stiff off a little bit of that fat the first is a gadget that actually help you cut the fat quite literally let's see if it really works what's this called well the name says it all this is the fat magnet and what this actually does is it skins the fat off from stews and chilies and different types of gravies what you do is you just freeze this in the freezer for two and a half hours and then you glide it on top and what this does is it gets rid of all of that grease you all see that so it solidifies it and then you can use a scraper to actually get rid of it so it's if i have to explain to you why this doesn't work then you're already too far gone this is one of the most blatantly obvious scams i've ever seen promoted on a show a fat magnet there is no basis in science or anything with this one and the demonstration they give here is oh you just run it on top of the food here and look at all the grease it picked up and it's just some [ __ ] grease sitting on top of there no [ __ ] you just put it inside of a [ __ ] greasy stew like you could get the same effect if you put a paper towel in there but what gets me is the audience going whoa like if their mind just got blown like they've never seen [ __ ] grease on the surface of something this doesn't suck up fat or anything there's plenty of videos including news agencies that were just debunking dr oz because it got so bad at one point going over like how the fat magnet doesn't work even slightly it is literally a [ __ ] butt plug that can just touch grease and that's it it's not some magic wizard grease wand that can somehow vaporize the fat and solidify it from the from the pan here and it doesn't even try in their own demonstration dr oz doesn't challenge it or explain it or anything because it's not real he was paid to shill it and god damn it he will this man will literally sell anything now from what i remember most of it's not harmful to your health i mean i guess if you tried to take every single pill he's promoted you'd probably explode like something right out of the boys but like the actual individual stuff he peddles isn't like detrimental to your health it's just useless and a waste of money it'll just be some garbage like you know every afternoon around 3 p.m if you gargle pickled chicken foot juice it'll be great for your tonsils or if you go on my website right now and buy this magic bean pill it'll give you bigger muscles and tone up that stubborn arm fat just nonsense it's it's just absolute nonsense and from most of the medical community they call him a quack because of his show even though he was an actual real surgeon and a pretty successful one at that but this this guy has become so corrupted there is nothing he won't promote to his audience i could probably pay him 50 bucks and he would go on his show and claim that my pocket trumpet is actually a fat blasting apparatus and then you know start talking about how if you just listen to me playing the pocket trumpet for 15 minutes a day your body fat will just start to melt right off your bones thanks to the frequencies of the notes i'm playing just garbage and he will do it with a smile on his face if you've got a medical problem you can't solve you may find the answer in the next few minutes start and this is the area of energy medicine reiki and you're a reiki master my wife lisa is reiki master so when the kids get sick when i'm out of sorts she actually comes by i can't even tell when she's treating me sometimes she secretly treats me she thinks i'm in a bad mood and i see hands moving around but i actually feel the heat he's not only a dog [ __ ] salesman he also has no problem selling pseudoscience so in this segment he's talking about energy medicine and reiki therapy where he brings on a reiki master and talks about how if you know you know modern medicine can't solve it maybe it's because it's not spiritually getting after you here with the energy therapy from reiki so he even tells this anecdotal story about his wife being a reiki master when the kids are sick or you know he's in a bad mood she'll start waving her hands around and treating them making her sound like the [ __ ] avatar here just like blood bending in order to heal the family it's outrageous oh you know actually my wife is a middle clarian expert she's able to deduce the amount of middle chlorians in the bloodstream and decide whether or not we're worthy to become a jedi like this is all a bunch of [ __ ] nonsense but he keeps using words like therapy healing treatment when just when talking about reiki here which obviously convinces the older viewers that it must be real because it's coming from a [ __ ] doctor like that's so wrong like there is a reason why the medical community hates dr oz so much and it's for [ __ ] like this not just the selling of pills that don't work and all of that but also the promotion of alternative medicine that isn't legitimate this is supposed to be a medical show based in science evidence [ __ ] facts but instead we have an entire reiki section here reiki is a balancing practice and so rather than addressing the headache or whatever else is the problem what it does is it influences the person's overall system toward balance and then as her system becomes more balanced symptoms tend to fall away then over time for example if if you get headaches you know you may find that you get them less frequently do you feel anything to leave that oh yes my headache's going away your headache's way away and you feel any heat yes because those are usually what i feel oh my god it's a miracle she squeezed the headache right out of her skull there she was able to touch the pain away [ __ ] magnificent i'll have to book a reiki therapy session asap it's so [ __ ] stupid uh i don't know what compelled me to talk about dr oz today i just started thinking about it and decided to jump down the rabbit hole again because it's been a little while since i checked it on dr oz i don't think he even has his show anymore i'm not positive and i don't feel like really looking into it so much at the moment but this went on for years he was able to convince older viewers for a long time on things that don't exist and aren't legitimately based in anything real and i think that's pretty wrong i think i think that's pretty sad i do remember that dr oz is trying to get into politics i think he's actually running for senate or something at the moment uh hopefully that doesn't pan out that would be [ __ ] awful and miserable but anyway i just wanted to talk about some of these scams here a little bit and that's really about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,876,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gxkorg1rWvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 40sec (520 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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