Howie Mandel Went Too Far

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i was trying to have a conversation with my girlfriend earlier today about some of the wacky stuff going on like i was trying to talk to her about howie mandel posting a prolapsed anus on tick tock but she just didn't have much interest in the topic she just can't appreciate a good prolapse like we can so i figured you know what if she's not interested i'll talk to you all about it but it's not just the blown out [ __ ] that i want to talk about there's a couple things that went on this week that i just want to at least discuss a little bit but let's go ahead and start with the most interesting on howie mandel's official tiktok account he posted a peculiar piece of film where he showed a picture of a man whose entire butthole fell out and asked if it was related to kovid i obviously can't show the full anus here but i can at least show howie mandel's portion of it when my friend neil bent over this happened does somebody know is this covid related and if it is what do we do about it ow right next to howie is a giant prolapsed ass it's not like goatsy or anything it's a picture of a man who's squatted over and it actually just looks like he dropped sausage casing out of his pockets i'm sure all of us are familiar with prolapses but just in case an anal prolapse is when the rectum falls out of the hole a bit it tries to make a prison escape and it pokes its playful little head out of the anus like a curious gopher and in the picture howie mandel shows it looks kind of alien it looks like a zit that's being popped it also looks kind of sharp like it has a pointed edge on the prolapse that [ __ ] looks like it could cut bread it almost looks like a challenge flag is being thrown out of this dude's ass it's not all super red like some of it around it looks like even a little infected so it is a pretty unnerving picture that definitely would catch people off guard especially on tick tock where the average age is like nine years old they would think this is the scariest thing in the world howie basically just posted the new blue waffle for zoomers and i actually thought this was a great piece of content from him i only really know how he mandel from deal or no deal in america's got talent so i had no idea how we went this hard dude straight up went insano style but maybe this has like a direct tie-in to his other properties like the actual prolapse anus victim here is the banker from deal or no deal but how he really did just hit us all with that golden buzzer i didn't expect it most people didn't expect it but i actually thought it was pretty entertaining he's clearly doing it as a joke my friend neil bent over and this happened is it covid related you know like it's clearly just meant to be a quick 15 second little joke bang here's a shocking picture and here's howie right next to it it's just a good piece of fun people really blew it out of proportion a couple news outlets picked it up saying that it was traumatizing to his audience and this and that just a bunch of [ __ ] but i want to commend howie for being this brave no one goes on tick tock expecting to see what how he posted so he really bamboozled us there but apparently it's not the first time he went a little unhinged there was actually a circulated rumor on tick-tock that howie mandel was kidnapped in being forced to make tick-tocks a wild story i didn't really look much into it because the very first piece of evidence i saw is howie mandel holding up a bag that had shoe supplies on it or something and when he was pointing to shoe supplies on the bag he made a triangle with his finger on the s o and s so people were saying that it was a cry for help or something it was outrageous but it was a moderately popular theory that howie mandel was kidnapped i don't necessarily believe it maybe he was i mean who am i to say i'm not howie's pr guy i don't know all of his lore but the evidence wasn't super compelling and from the brief 45 seconds i spent looking at it but again this isn't the first time howie mandel's been in the spotlight for some weird [ __ ] now another thing i wanted to briefly touched on since i get asked about it a lot is my opinion on elon musk backing out of the twitter deal for those that don't know elon musk is trying to weasel his way out of buying twitter now saying that he's you know no longer interested in twitter was a in breach of the provisions this and that and now twitter's trying to sue elon to force him to close the deal and buy them out it's just it's a big mess it's super muddy and stinky and i don't get all the specifics but i will say elon musk is just like a human shitpost there is never any telling when he's genuinely going to follow through on something dude's been promising self-driving cars every year for like the last eight years and his entire twitter feed is nothing but memes but i still believed he was actually following through on this purchase since he went through all of the effort all of the legality and litigation or whatever to get it to this point i didn't think you could go that far and then just conclude with it's just a prank but the madman did just that citing that twitter was actually the one in breach of their agreed upon rules because they didn't accurately disclose how many bots there were on the platform which does sound like a legitimate concern if twitter isn't providing like actual information on how many of its users are bots but to me this just seems like elon finally sobered up from his two month long bender realized he made a stupid decision that no sane rational person would do with trying to purchase this dog [ __ ] cesspool of a website and then looked for any way out of it and this seemed like one that was a good target i don't know if it'll work probably will but i guess we'll see i just wanted to at least mention that yes i know elon is no longer buying twitter but i am curious to see how this concludes twitter lawyers are probably also coming in there with like big muscles because twitter they're not going to just take that [ __ ] lying down their stock is already dropping from this so i'm curious to see that clash of the titans and how that unfolds but yeah i at least wanted to bring it up since i get asked about it a lot my opinion has always been if elon buys twitter great i don't think anything changes if elon doesn't buy twitter great obviously nothing changes it's still shitty both ways you can't really fix it the the problem with twitter isn't like a problem specific to the platform it's a people problem the people on twitter are [ __ ] stupid like it's just it is infiltrated and infested with the actual dumbest human beings this god forsaken space rock has to offer giving the worst takes on every situation ever and you can't really fix that and then the last thing that happened this week that i just want to at least mention is that whole dosiacat drama with noah from stranger things i don't know why anyone thought that would be interesting to me but i got that question a lot during twitch streams because it was huge on twitter basically dozia cat sent a message to noah asking if the guy who plays eddie in stranger things was single and that was like a whole big [ __ ] hoopla on twitter for like three days it was the most uninteresting stale ranky dank nonsense like i don't give a [ __ ] about that i love petty internet drama a lot all of you know that that's not a secret that wasn't anything it was the biggest nothing burger i've ever seen but it had like 300 thousand something tweets about it and every time i was looking for some spicy garbage on twitter it was just dozier cat and noah stuff i don't care i i don't want to get asked about it anymore i just want to make it clear i i don't care that is the most meaningless [ __ ] ever to me a celebrity asked another celebrity about another celebrity's uh status on whether they're single or not i mean that's like that's just so [ __ ] boring see i just wanted to clear that up that's not my my kind of internet beef that i care about that's just not super interesting to me i like the more wacky and wild stuff so anyway just wanted to mainly talk about the howie mandel [ __ ] but also at least briefly mention these other two things since i got asked about them so much that's really about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,498,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Cbket319NzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 12 2022
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