Faking Your Job

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lying on a job resume or bluffing your way to a job that you have absolutely no idea how to handle isn't the most uncommon thing in the world my favorite example of this is George Lazenby who played James Bond for a single movie he made up his entire resume lied about all of it in order to land the role and played it one time and quit dude had no acting experience at all and must have forged the best summer reading report of a resume ever so he'd get to be James Bond on Her Majesty's Secret Service and I love the poster here far up far out far more James Bond 007 is back more like [ __ ] lames Bond Jesus Christ that hasn't aged well that goes to show you how much we've evolved that that is not the best tagline now but I do appreciate it point is forging a resume making [ __ ] up in order to get a job that's not unheard of and today I was thinking back to some classic controversies and examples of this happening and I remembered like four or five years ago there was a couple cases where people pretended to be sign language interpreters and landed roles in major Productions such as news broadcasts or events and concerts and eventually people that actually understood sign language called them out because they were signing complete nonsense it wasn't even close it was blatantly way off they were up there just doing the [ __ ] Scatman with their hands not making any sense they're up there like popping and locking doing like Tick Tock dances basically and calling it sign language happen and again another sign language interpreter accused of signing total gibberish this time it was at the police news conference announcing an arrest in the Tampa serial killings we will be charging four counts of first degree murder I don't know American Sign Language but I do know she got one of those right four I understood that one a pretty high profile case here a serial killer and I bet all the viewers that are hard of hearing must have been beyond confused as to the report that was being delivered from this lady standing off to this apparently we received over 5 000 tips in this case but it turns out much of what she was signed nonsense he waved her arms around like she was Jingle Bells I've got to admire the fake it till you make it attitude here but unfortunately the only thing to make was a fool of herself I decided to look at comments which is usually very ill-advised when you go into the YouTube comments you're going into the swamp but I really was curious if she was signing any real words at all because even to my stupid smooth little reptile brain some of those did look like actual sign language you know movements and it turns out she was using some words correctly such as kill and murder and arrested however most of it was gibberish most of it was just actual mumbled nonsense so when she was doing all that stuff with her like fingers none of that was real you know I could have been up there doing like The Hunger Games Mockingjay Part One salute and I would have been making more sense than she was it's also wild to think that anyone hard of hearing that would have been watching this broadcast might have been concerned for her health because the way she's signing would have been like having a stroke a ton of gibberish with a few words that get mumbled out what would have been like going to an auction during a bidding war where the auctioneers just going [ __ ] Hog Wild like yeah do I hear five five I do it here five five and then I'm going on going one trying to do hey five five five five five five five five five five four twenty five five five twenty five five five over there five five says one outrage sign language expert the woman identified as Darlin Roberts has a string of arrests for fraud so how did she come to be translating at last week's high-profile police news conference I just didn't ask enough questions I love this section where he just kind of Pops in like yep it was me I'm the [ __ ] idiot I did it like he's just very upfront and honest like a parent that caught their kids stealing a cookie from the cookie jar and just folding like knows me I did it it's my fault I'm the dummy Point laugh at me shoot your spit balls at me I know it was me also at a certain point I just have to admire this lady's grind she was born for one purpose trolling like her whole life has been nothing but fraud and she still continues to go down that path and she wasn't even getting paid for this by the way she did this just for the love of lying so she had no experience signing she also had a history of Fraud and still landed the biggest sign language interpretation position of that year this serial killer broadcast was a huge one I I remember this vividly so it hats off to her that she's still able to keep performing at a high level of fraud Tampa Police public information Officer Steve hegarty told me the woman simply showed up out of the blue and offered her Services my immediate reaction was I didn't call for a sign language interpreter but that's great that we have one here I let her in did this woman appear to know what she was doing to the untrained eye and that would include mine I didn't see any problems there's almost an art form for something being so stupid that it's smart a plan like this which at its core is just complete dog [ __ ] dummy that it crosses over that event horizon into being genius this is something where No One's Gonna really question you so she shows up like an angel hey I'll be a sign language interpreter here just so that way if anyone's hard of hearing and watching this they can get the information like oh that's so nice of you to offer your services can you prove that you can do it and then if you don't know American Sign Language you're not going to be able to pick up on like all kinds of moves with your hands and [ __ ] not meaning anything so she could have easily faked her way into it and she did flawlessly like the guy said to the untrained eye he had no red flags being tripped off and they're not going to really background check someone that's offering their service for free because what would be the incentive like why would they be lying about it this latest embarrassment comes three months after it was revealed that the sign language interpreter at our hurricane Irma news conference also in Florida made no sense now hegarty is summing up latest goof we won't be using that woman again cops say this was not a crime but it was an ethical violation so we're going to get to that other sign language blunder in just a moment because it also happened in Florida and I also remember that one as well because I'm from Florida now as he mentioned it's not a crime to be faking a sign language position I guess since she wasn't charging for her service she didn't defraud them or anything she just lied to them and pretended she knew what she was doing they got pranked basically I bet she was giggling the entire way home that she actually pulled this off she must have like a Facebook group that they do these high-profile pranks in or something like I I don't know why she would do this other than just having fun with it which is still such a wild activity like a wild hobby to just pretend to be a sign language interpreter and time to act is now it wasn't urgent hurricane Irma evacuation order but look at the sign language interpreter on the right he's actually signing total gibberish what's T really communicating to deaf citizens caught up in the hurricane crisis words like pizza monsters and the sentence help you at that time to use bear hug this situation actually has a lot more Nuance compared to the last one and the last one it's like that Shaq meme I'm unfamiliar with your game I don't know why that lady pretends to be a sign language interpreter especially when she's not getting paid for it she does it just to make the whole broadcast silly and goofy a mere mortal can't possibly understand her deep complex motivations for why she fakes being a sign language interpreter but in this case the guy did not want to do this he was forced to and he actually does have a sympathetic background and actually does have experience with sign language but told them he wasn't comfortable doing this and didn't think he was cut out for it so they mentioned here that he was signing Real words like pizza and monsters both of which could be applicable to a hurricane a hurricane comes around you're probably gonna have pizza places being hit pizza's not safe as not like a [ __ ] safe spot or anything you might even have pizza flying around the hurricane that could be used as a projectile weapon so maybe he had a whole Spiel he was going to go into about pizza monsters a hurricane is absolutely Nature's monster it's been called that since the beginning of time and then about the bear hug you know better hug your loved ones because you you might [ __ ] lose them in the hurricane there's plenty of ways of spinning that where it makes sense the point is he was using real words and actually stringing together sentences they just didn't fully make sense at all deaf actress Marley Matlin posted this is outrageous please heat our warnings interpreter's name is Marshall Green officials in Manatee County asked green to step in because no one else was available his mom brother Morgan who is hearing impaired and Morgan's fiancee chassa are coming to his defense today this is where the plot starts to thicken you can see where the narrative is about to get real convoluted and confusing here so they called upon him like Batman with the signal in the sky in order to be the sign language interpreter for the evacuation orders for Irma that's a very serious thing the evacuation for Irma was a huge deal I got evacuated during Hurricane Irma now luckily I didn't see his broadcast and I don't understand sign language because if I did I may have ended up just getting a pizza and writing it out which may have [ __ ] killed me who knows but point is they chose Marshall saying they had nobody else to go to so it was their last ditch Hail Mary desperate attempt to get some kind of sign language interpreter up there for the broadcast to relay the information to the hearing impaired Community I don't know how they chose him someone must have just been like hey I saw Marshall do the [ __ ] Vulcan salute at the office one time good enough bring him in surely he knows sign language he uh you know told them he didn't think that he was able to do it and they didn't felt like that they needed him to so he said yes the vocabulary for an evacuation is very different than everyday language I'm just asking uh as someone hearing impaired what your reaction is to this criticism Joss assigned my question to Morgan he only did what he was told to do so please leave our family alone in this case I really just don't blame Marshall for this situation at all this is not his fault he gave them warning that he probably couldn't do this and he didn't feel comfortable trying his brother is hearing impaired so he does know sign language and his brother and family also confirmed he does know sign language but the vocabulary and the speed of the evacuation orders are very different than what he's used to which is why he said he didn't feel comfortable trying it but he still did the best that he could when they asked him to so I do really feel bad for him and the family here because this is really not his fault he didn't want to be there he didn't lie to get there and he didn't try to like [ __ ] the whole thing up but anyway I just wanted to talk about these because they popped into my head this afternoon because I remembered there was so much sign language controversy for like a year where even outside of these two cases a couple other sign language interpreters were revealed as complete frauds and there they were ones that actually traveled with bands and rappers where they'd like sign the songs and it turns out they weren't even signing anything close to the songs so the whole thing was just a wild little Trend almost and I just want to talk about it that's about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,716,668
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Id: OIzeJQzO_6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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