ROCKET PIRATE SHIP?! - Raft Multiplayer Gameplay - Survival Raft Building Game

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we're taking them to the plank alright okay there's no hesitation there hey hey how's it going guys spy here and welcome back to another raft episode with beautiful Obi and Komodo gaming and today we are in creative mode because what we are going to be doing is we are going to be building a giant pirate ship so we can escape this ocean once and for all I don't want to escape I want to live here Oh No why I have arrow oxygen and water okay I'm pretty settled in so we're reaping to utopia new job okay but the problem is we are in like Hawaii right now and I think utopia is in Australia so we got to get there fast and to do that we need to build rockets on a pirate ship rock a pirate pirate ship I feel good me too alright so let's get building we're going to build the bottom part first and then once we could build the upper decks what we are going to do is we are going to build separate rooms but we're gonna we're gonna do that as like a little contest whoever builds the coolest room at the end of the episode wins but it's the viewers decision okay don't instantly because someone already did it so we need to build the ship pretty long it's gonna be very long long we're rocket boys I think like right here is good that's good right there okay this is the front right here right right no so that's what it's gonna look like once we build it and now we need to add the slope so we're gonna have the sloping upwards even though this is not how ships work on the water because they're floating too high above right uh-huh we're using these and I think we got to go up at least to to build properly just like this yeah okay okay I got X I go on no no that'll be it's a boat it'd be hydrodynamics right yeah OB what does it be it is a thing ah blighter thank you we need to build a school that's gonna be the first thing we need here OB yeah you messed up my game oh yeah every time I build now it does the crooked one see no it's bad I got the curse of OB that's worth like a million dollars at lease Oh having the skill set uh yeah I'm just gonna throw in the garbage I don't want it oh that was mean do that now we got to build the top deck so to do this we need to have a lot of supports I think we're gonna throw supports on all the corners first and then we're gonna build the floor and go out from there just like this I could get got it kind of looks good you poopy face and now we just need to add the floor just like this oh yeah let's go to a fancy pants this is looking nice guys wow I'm impressed with it this is a huge ship already mm-hmm okay hold up okay before we build the top decks who's the captain I call the first Oh kitchen managers the kitchen manager yeah I'll be a navigator this is the back we're gonna build stairs here let me see what kind of stairs we want really nice stairs right I think so the nicest stairs we can get this like that and then it would be two sides okay so there we go look at this now we need to build the upper deck so at the back here we're gonna have like the captain's area and everything like that do we need a quarters for him oh yeah for sure I want a quarter okay so hey I'm a navigator so I got to stay near the captain right you can have a room like across across the way and then we'll have another set of stairs going up on top of this right yeah boom and then we'll have this go like that and then there will be rooms there I call left side okay I get I get right side oh but you don't get a room okay hold up hold up they usually put the kitchens under underneath right yeah so normal down here Oh be I'm gonna make you wait a second hmm very spacious down here no not really but you know what we want the kitchen easily accessible so I'm thinking like right here you can have your kitchen yeah yeah this is your room and this is your corner right here we should build probably the stairs up how how is that work it probably dual stairs up each side maybe like this oh that looks neat Oh actually I do like that yeah I'm actually making a full-fledged restaurant whoa better be free oh my star a free something that a buffet fellas okay I'm the captain it's gonna be free I don't care what you are or who you are oh what'd you say can we build a plank and I'll be off it yeah we were we were already gonna do that we'll do that later once the ship is done we're gonna do a grand tour and then we're gonna do like throwing OBO off the ship as like a celebration the show sounds great oh thank I like that idea at all but okay I do sounds fun all right what's up Komodo what are we doing I'm decorating some my room right now we've got poopers come here poopers oh yeah you got here this is gonna be my poop area and I might just like maybe demolish the floor and poop into Obi's room why why can I not poop into the restaurant no what no no okay so I'm I'm making my room I'm gonna do what Komodo did and make a poop or back here and I'm gonna make a little pooper hole okay pearl it's gonna be a little weird but I think it's already got a little weird Hey what well I guess we have to have a shared one cause it's in the middle isn't here's a pooping in the same pooper we're gonna have to because yeah that's in the noise I can't put my pooper that is gross I wish you guys had some simple lies Ness oh look Komodo it's like a little stall we can see ourselves over look hi we're just talking over wait we need a window in the back right you got to be able to air it out well we were working harder to catch you guys playing around with toilets of poop hey you're just jealous you don't have a pooper I don't want a pooper I'm busy there we go look at that nice pie we can prove together yeah Ross can't wait I can't wait either we're pooping under the poop deck there's three of us why is there 20 tables down here this is my room this isn't a room where do you sleep I don't have a bed put in yet oh he doesn't even have a bedroom cuz he used it for a hotel he sleeps under a table I don't care he sleeps inside the grill don't look at my kitchen guys you don't even have anything cooking catch themselves I have a kitchen maid not a fisherman okay big difference this front part you should this be half storage chef where we know people like Oh be in jail oh yeah we're gonna have a Jail down there and a storage so maybe the left side jail right side storage alright Komodo you're responsible for building the jail okay chop him up wait he did what no hey over here get over here you know Toby we're gonna make you walk the plank we're gonna make you you know we got to do right what kill it'll be no come on yes finish the jail cell okay I can see you guys you my bedroom you guys are gonna love my bedroom it's gonna be like the place we all go to hang out after work okay you'll see why I hear someone's wet feet up there slapping around what's going on it's called painting yeah only an artist would know okay Oh kitchens a candy cane I am now working on the deck of the ship to make this look more like a pirate ship okay and then we're gonna have a few nests on our masts everything like that I'm working my bedroom right now why did you paint your walls yeah like a poopy Brown should we or should we try to keep that uniform uh yeah I guess for the outside walls outsides gonna look really weird should we have a top spy uh yeah we can have a little one yeah there yeah that looks good yeah totally gonna move this big boat since this is a pirate rocket ship we got to go super advanced here ah the helm has GPS navigation is it gonna take yeah yeah it's already set up for it and everything well that's all I need you to know heck we're good to go wait we're actually picking up something on the radar yeah is that utopia oh no we're going that way hey are we actually moving yeah we're moving to our port side though what do you guys finding utopia for real yeah we're finding it yep should I come out my room no now we need our other two masts we need a big one with the crow's nest on it though we're just getting your supports like this then go up now how high do I have to go it's probably okay it built perfectly oh I like that that looks nice do we want a smaller sail at the front yeah we need one more that's good looks okay you know what we need now what's that the Rockets the thrusters ready and so you'll build a shell over this and then we'll light up the thrusters like that nice you gotta cook a piece of food it's oh yeah hey you can't cook eggs but we eat the eggs and then we've cooked the food there's one thruster now we need to do the other side I like this crew is more effective than OB yeah we got new crew members no please yep they're better crew that OB no no we paint the deck we can paint the outside black and then they'll the inside we can have like a brown or something so like the that part Brown that yeah yeah yeah there we go thruster to number two most or two that's great we got crew there working on the thrusters when Komodo gives them the go will thrust into space but we're not quite done yet we got to finish up the ship we got to do a little tour we got a deal with our criminals on board and then we're gonna blast off the space I mean utopia criminals on board yeah you know those criminals on board there's a bird on one of the disasters don't talk yeah that's its egg powered Komodo is walking in place that's cuz I'm doing this side I was the health inspector came by for Obi's restaurant you want it you might want to come check this by we might have to do something about this okay dang there's like cockroaches everywhere yo ya know look at the sign Oh be health inspector pirate a health inspector for fantastic okay you gotta go do your test okay what's my test right here you got to sit here I'd stay here till we say you're done okay come on oh come on come on right here right yeah how are we gonna do this well yeah that was the door right yeah okay then we'll put ok Obi we're done oh we go back in the seat I finished it we got a stand from that side that's why I come in we got a a we got a surprise for you okay come on come on in walk to the back the back this is Jay says Judd orange juice okay we're doing some construction here okay stay there the instruction door had a black mold also log here come on you might want to go check out signs on your room we lied about the orange juice this is a jail what they survives I'm gonna give a full whole day so far online got an arrow on your face no take it out dude how does an arrow about okay I break it out of this channel I'm hi Stu this place Oh back in there get back in there yeah Komodo what are you doing decorating I think he'll be died wait what no he escaped I see that Komodo escaping I am right here like it just ruined tying him up she's tied up no taking him to the plank come on come on yeah come on I don't have a plank yet but okay okay there's the plank thank my mom for giving me life oh my dad as well I'd like to fake the national football team for you get out get on the get on the plane okay oh that looks okay all right sorry to say Oh b-but I'm dodging arrows but I have to put an anchor near kitchen like right here okay well that's not ugly at all no looks like a fishing drop yeah you can fish in there I pull fresh fish daily through a time all right everyone to the deck here we are on the deck of our brand-new rocket-propelled ship I guess we'll just go top to bottom so up here we got ourselves we have a crow's nest high-tech crow's nest and as you can see on the right and the left we have the seagull powered thrusters the eggs power the rostov's because of the protein yep turn it turn log turn we're actually warm warming them up we're not ready to go yet yeah yeah yeah it'll take like five minutes okay and then up here this is the helm is how they okay no yep is that what it's called yeah the helm as you can see we are actually GPS set to utopia once the thrusters are ready well blast off and then down here we got the bedrooms we're gonna do a bedroom tour okay come oh do you want to go first all right here we go ready for this where the magic happens all right nothing here check this out oh yeah nice been the core and look we got a pooper in here this is Wow okay hold on stay there stay there Komodo all you want to compete with me hey you came here whoo buddy with this I can see y'all to the cracks though tell about eye level with me this is very awkward okay okay y'all need to calm it down all right so my rooms are best obviously and everybody vote on it because look at that and you got Bob Bob Barker's here well okay so this is my room this is the navigators room this is where everyone comes after work to hang out and chill eat some corn chips okay oh look at this oh wow so you got the big-screen TV watch water volleyball yeah I brought a housewarming gift for you channel got a turn off and on sometimes got to blow on the battery - hmm it looks like the network's down because of apocalypse hey utopia is blocking a signal oh this is your paper my PO bar get out here get now now now it's Obie's area down here okay I mean we've already seen this pile of junk down here Wow my kitchen area over here that for top-of-the-line stoves - top-of-the-line water distillers just raw foods vegetables and cooked food a failing health inspection green poop blaster okay hello I got that they don't Meehan stuff over here boys got my vroom over here no what is it how are you Wow actually this is pretty nice thank you terrible how about it's terrible over here I got my uh research station when I lay my hammock I could watch TV you know depends where I want to lay your backwards now I reckon the way back with this is for my feet this okay but you're doing it backwards I know you do it way down way down I don't want to lay down I don't want to show you how I lay down cuz you guys might try to shoot me - no I'll lay down I shot you TV no oh come on stop so what's over here over here yeah this is my own spot you know so doesn't see the get away from everything books computers people I see ah yeah I think we're in a hurricane good yeah okay let's go back here now we didn't really finish this back room here but essentially this is our booty Lutie room booty booty room the booty Lutie room I swear we loot all the booty laughing I'm sure babe and back here this is the jail wow this is where bad people go they lay on their bed and they get submerged in water yeah what's it here okay so let's head back up to the deck are we ready to blast off to utopia well thrusters are warmed up Komodo you're the captain all right so the whole crew has gathered on the deck here they are ready to go to utopia but that is pretty much it for this episode of raft if you guys enjoyed this build of our super mega rocket-powered pirate ship and shenanigans let us know down below as well as smack that like button with a poop blaster actually please the home I got a whole crowd around hold hands it goes really fast okay okay come on launch it are we in Utopia [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 4,617,278
Rating: 4.8560958 out of 5
Keywords: raft, raft gameplay, raft multiplayer, raft multiplayer gameplay, raft pirate, raft pirate ship, raft building, raft building a pirate ship, raft ship, raft building a ship, raft multiplayer pirate, raft multiplayer pirate ship, raft rocket, raft rocket pirate ship, raft utopia, raft spycakes, spycakes, spycakes raft, pirate ship raft, raft build, raft pirate ship build, spycakes pirate ship, spycakes pirate, raft creative, raft creative mode, raft creative mode gameplay
Id: on-qECpXeOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 28 2018
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