Biggest $700 MISTAKE? Halong Bay Luxury Cruise 🇻🇳 - Worth the Price? Mon Cheri Cruise 2023

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foreign a couple years ago we were planning a vacation to Thailand and to Vietnam and one of the things that we knew that we wanted to do top on our priority list was a Long Bay Cruise now we changed plans and now we travel full time and we're also budget Travelers so halong Bay Cruise kind of is out of our price range a little bit but we're here in Vietnam and it is something that we wanted to treat ourselves to so here we are we just decided to do it now we're going to share the complete cost with you we're going to break it all down and bring to you what it includes and what it doesn't include right so the cruise for us we're going to just tell you right out the gate what the price was it was 697 dollars for the two of us [Music] um okay now if you're staying in Hanoi you've got to get here and one of the things that we chose to do was get a one-way ride from Hanoi and you have to stay in the French Quarter or the old town to be able to take advantage of this and so we got one way right here that was not included in the price of the cruise right and that cost is 25 yes that was 25 each you can do a round trip and it's 35 so a lot of people are returning right back to Hanoi so that makes complete sense and they will take you back to the right where you started so not bad and they they stop right before you get here to take you through a little Pearl shop and kind of show you around but it is nice to get out and use the restrooms yeah and you know you're not riding a Shabby old van or or anything like that you're riding in they call them a limousine now when you are looking to book your halong Bay Cruise you're gonna find yourself very overwhelmed by how many different ships that you can choose from and so for us I really just we were watching a ton of YouTube videos I was reading blogs and I just kept doing a lot of research and ultimately we wound up with we are staying on the mon Cherry so Brian likes to say it a different way that when you first get on the boat they're going to take you all up to a dining hall they're going to sit you down they're going to ask you if you want any drinks and they're going to feed you lunch and it's a buffet and it's a ton of seafood rice different kinds of meats dessert desserts which is key um so it was fantastic meal we over ate and we're gonna eat again at six o'clock it's like three hours from now I won't even be hungry but we're going to eat anyway because it comes with the price of the ticket simply fall overboard here two here see if I get my change here you got change change but they all just bought two more okay okay I just bought two more by mistake but I think she uh she's smarter than I am thank you okay so I got four beers uh because she didn't have change or she wasn't willing to give me change instead of giving me change she just sold me two more beers and I got four Bears um and I think they cost about two dollars and ten cents each Which is less than they are on the boat so it's a good deal I guess because alcohol on the boat is not included in the price [Music] so Carrie she almost knocked me out of the boat how much of this kayaking Excursion cost us so this kayaking Excursion didn't cost us anything I love kayaking but it's one of those things that we don't typically pay for but this one is included and enjoy all of this in the price all right now kayaking's not yours Fang if you just uh don't feel like you want to do it you could get on one of these as well they offer that where you just sit and take everything in and they do the paddling for you so that's that's also an option and honestly a pretty good one or or what you could do even better is you can so the larger person sits in the back of the kayak like myself and Carries in the front so what you could do is you could do what I'm doing and have Perry do all the work because she can't turn around and see what I'm doing [Music] oh my God look at those bats [Music] time between all the work this is really beautiful unfortunately it's a little bit um hazy today so not seeing as much maybe as clear of the mountains but going through the cave is really pretty yeah the fog is free too the Vlog is free Sunshine's free too hopefully we get that tomorrow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] Excursion we're not really totally sure what it is we know it involves some I don't know biking maybe and kayaking we'll see yeah and if you went kayaking yesterday like we did and you got wet you're still wet your clothes are still wet everything's still wet it's very humid yeah so take those same clothes with you if you're gonna go kayaking again bring bring a plastic bag I brought a Ziploc bag to put my wet stuff in so yeah I did not she's smarter than I am [Music] thank you foreign [Music] this is just kind of we thought it was going to be a small boat they just took us out to our Excursion but it actually put you on another kind of bigger boat and we spend the day on this boat we'll be served lunch on here um and it takes a couple hours to get us out to the actual place where we're gonna I don't know venture out onto the island um but it's a really beautiful ride so yeah this isn't something that we typically do as far as um being told where to go when to go there how to do it we kind of like to freelance and do things on our own however this is kind of nice it is kind of nice and everything is just kind of done for you and there's not a lot of prep and planning we have to do so they just tell you where to go so it's our couple day break from uh having to think a whole lot yeah we don't like thinking if we don't match thank you [Music] our Bell doesn't work [Music] should have grabbed on but she's here going down nice work man [Music] yeah I'll throw up here about five minutes [Music] [Applause] [Music] and when we go back we go to the tender again and now we can continue going we are going yeah [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] well learned bigger hello [Music] last night before [Music] so first Excursion here was a bike ride and it was wet it was five kilometers kilometers yeah and really not bad there's one hill we still have to do that hill on the way back so that's okay Brian gets a beer when we're done yeah I gotta be here and we'll get a beer on the way back too if you know how to ride a bike you can do this you can do this if you're just not comfortable doing it like I said earlier they got these little uh electric electric cars they'll take you up here now one thing I do want to point out is this was also free it was free it was part of the ticket it is yeah so the bikes are free and the one thing it isn't free is when we did get up here if you do want to have a beverage or you want to have a snack you are going to pay for that but honestly the price is up here even though we're in this small little remote Little Village we're less than they were if we wanted a bear on the boat so there you go ride your bike here and have a beer there you go maybe help too three [Music] we are ready the menu looks really good first dish was uh the chicken noodle or a chicken potato soup it is really good and then our view out the window while we're traveling we get to check this Gary gets to check out her view and I get to check out my view yeah it's funny it is funny it just is the way things happen for Brian sometimes he likes to tell me all about it foreign out to this is kind of a nice one because there wasn't so much just where you had to go and everything this one you get to kind of Do Your Own Thing [Music] so I wasn't even thinking about having a beer until the guy showed up with a tray full of beverages and totally twisted my arm so carrying I each got one the sun's come out the guns have come out yeah but it's not covered in the Press you got paid for the beers Sunshine's free though [Music] so like on any cruise ship people wonder what's the food like because that's kind of one of the parts of the experience that we look forward to it's been great you know we've had two breakfasts which are both uh buffet style breakfast so you just go through and pick what you want and then yeah and then the lunches are you get a lunch when you arrive which is just a buffet lunch and then the second day because we're on the boat for uh two nights and three days the second day you actually have your lunch out on the day trip and then tomorrow before we leave so our final day they do kind of a brunch at about 11 o'clock so they feed you something right for you later which is nice it's been great you know if you have any food allergies they'll ask you that question as you're getting on the boat if you're vegetarian they'll adapt to whatever you need so that's not it's the the meals you get or what's on the menu but they can adjust that menu according to your life yeah and we've had people uh and then the the dinners are actually really nice they are a five course sit down the food just keeps coming and you kind of want it to stop because you're so full but it is fantastic so thumbs up for the food here and that is fully included in your price thank you [Music] [Music] all right last day final Excursion we're not sure what this one involves either but uh we it involves a little walking and a cave we think yeah and you know they they do load you up they don't give you a whole lot of down time you do you get some but they have activities constantly throughout the uh really two and a half days they are and I would also point out that they've had to set alarm in a while because the excursions are early in the morning so uh you do have an option though to go I'm not sure if you have an option on all the excursions but you do have an option on some of them to not go yeah and if you want to you can get up super early and do tai chias six o'clock in the morning which we opted out up yeah yeah oh thank you no we don't yeah positive okay because I was really wondering [Music] [Music] [Music] can't be limber oh my gosh miserable my glutes are killing me I said the part of this excursion is that you come down into this really cool cave um it's actually really nice but it's if you have any issues of like I don't know you have to crouch down a long ways and and go up some seat upstairs so yeah Mobility might be an issue for some people so that is really cool the one thing I would notice if you do the one day or the one night you're gonna do this and then you're gonna do the first day kayaking if you do two that's when you're going to get the biking through the in the middle of the island to the Village right and you know take note also like Kerry just said if you have any mobility issues this might be kind of difficult might be kind of tight for you I mean for me I gotta get glute workout today um so that's what I was looking for anyway but but yeah just keep that in mind as well yeah we got a good workout we've been eating well we needed it good so much food those like areas in the middle there yeah you go through the first one thinking okay I got through that and then they got harder right you know and then you're kind of you're kind of you then you're stuck yeah the Aussies they didn't have any problems oh cold beer so there will be other guides also on this hike through so you won't be the only group our guide pointed in the direction we were supposed to go and just said to go which I prefer so that wraps up our cruise on Long Bay uh what were your thoughts well you know I think it's fantastic I think it's a great deal they feed you if you're catching a theme Here everything's included with that that final cost except for your drinks yeah you drink a lot then then you might have a question at the end there but um we're probably gonna I don't know we had some beers um we're probably looking at maybe 20 bucks so it really wasn't bad um yeah I would highly recommend doing the cruise uh we really appreciated the two nights because I just think that by the time you get settled on the boat um and not having that next day to fully enjoy it might have felt a little rushed especially because they do try and put a lot into the time that you're doing it yeah they're very well organized very polite yeah double thumbs up for the both guys yeah Cheers Cheers foreign [Music]
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 108,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biggest $700 mistake, Brian and Carrie, ha long bay cruise, ha long bay, halong bay cruise, vietnam halong bay, ha long bay vietnam, halong bay 2023, halong bay vietnam, mon cheri cruises, Worth the luxury price tag, halong bay cruise price, Worth the Luxury Price Tag?, beauty of ha long bay, halong bay luxury cruise, best luxury cruise in vietnam, halong luxury cruise, travel vietnam 2023, halong bay cruise 3 days 2 nights, Luxury cruise halong bay vietnam
Id: hCfli0KG7p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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