LIVING in Vietnam 🇻🇳 for Less a Than $26 a Day - Is this the CHEAPEST Place to Travel?

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foreign [Music] we just got done spending 30 days in Vietnam and we traveled around quite a bit during that time yeah we went to three different locations had a fantastic time we're going to cover all three of those locations and what we got for the price we spent right and then at the end you can see if it's worth it okay so the first category is always rent how much were our accommodations we're going to start in Hanoi because that's where we started our journey now Hanoi we stayed in the French Quarter and everything you see in that Hanoi video we walked everywhere and it was easy to walk so we would highly recommend staying in that area it's a little quieter and we only paid 88 dollars for two nights in Hanoi now the next place that we went and where we were going to spend the majority of our month was Da Nang we absolutely loved our time in Da Nang the place that we had was a fantastic location it was a great it like had all the amenities that we were looking for in a place it was near everything near a little market which was perfect and the one thing I would say is the staff there was top-notch they were fantastic and so we would highly recommend that and we will put the link to that down below now for our month there it only cost us 390 dollars and that included cleaning twice a week that's a big plus for me and Brian too so from Danang we went down the coast to Hoi An now this was just a two-night stopover we still had our place in Danang we just decided to have a two-day little Retreat down to Hoi An and we loved it the place we stayed in was real close to everything it was right by the street market so we were able to go down there and do that we stayed two nights the next night we spent time over looking at the lanterns and everything that hoyan has to offer that costs us 47 for two nights so for our total 30 days of rent in Vietnam it was 525 dollars now that to me is a bargain it's really looking for where we stayed yeah we didn't skimp so to speak on our standards we think that's a great deal it is a great deal and the thing is is that had we not done Hanoi in there and had we not done Hoi An we could have been 390 dollars for the for the months right keep that in mind if you don't want to move around very much you can do it for cheaper and you get housekeeping two days a week he really likes that yeah so our next category is our grocery and our grocery budget just so you kind of know what's put into this category is anything that we walk into a grocery store or in Vietnam a convenience store and buy so it's going to include anything that we needed for our household deodorant any of that kind of stuff is in there beer Brian's beer carry snacks yeah I snack more than he does yeah so the one thing in Vietnam is we only spent many on groceries in Da Nang we did not need to buy groceries in Hoi An or in Hanoi because we were only there for two days so our grocery budget is pretty low and it was a total of 216 dollars that's the least we've spent on groceries I think so yeah anywhere in the world yeah so far so far okay next category is entertainment now entertainment includes anytime we eat out we go out for beers we buy tickets to get into any temples or any events or anything like that that's our entertainment budget now in Hanoi we went out to the temple on the bridge out to the island we also went to beer Street and on beer Street you've got to stop and have at least two beverages again that's not our rule that's just a rule so we have to follow it we also ate out of course because we didn't cook in so that's all included in our entertainment budget and in Hanoi we spent 34.50 now in Da Nang where we spent the majority of our time we went and we went to Marble mountain and we ate out but not as much as we maybe anticipated we were going to eat out we did enjoy our beers on the beach because we found a fantastic location that had a great View and the beers were pretty affordable and that came to 153 dollars so in Hoi An we did paid ten dollars to get into the UNESCO world heritage sites that you get to pick and choose which sites you go into but those tickets cost ten dollars plus all the food that we ate came to 78 dollars okay so the month that we spent in Vietnam we don't feel like we denied ourselves of any excursions or any activities at all we felt like we did everything that we wanted to do yeah so for our entire fun including both side trips that we did it came to 265 dollars and 50 cents which was once again very affordable okay so the next category is transportation now in Vietnam we actually use the transportation quite a bit but we didn't use their transportation so much we used grab mostly and we used taxis now in Hanoi we got a taxi from the airport to Old Town or to the French Quarter and that was three dollars and fifty cents now we also mostly use grab in Danang as well and we did spend a little more money while we were in Danang obviously because we were there longer but we also went to some places that cost a lot more money a good chunk of that was when we went out to Lady Buddha we went to Marble Mount so the total cost for our transportation in Da Nang was forty eight dollars so now going to Hawaii Ann we could have probably taken a bus Which would have been cheaper but we just decided for convenience to take grab because they're so easy to use in Vietnam and that was 13 each way so it's a total of 26 dollars and we didn't need any other Transportation while we were in Hoi An because it's incredibly walkable City so now for 30 days getting around Vietnam and we used grab quite a bit all the time yeah so a little more than we typically probably spend on Transportation but we knew that our costs were going to be a little bit lower on other things and it was just so easy it was just so much easier yeah so if you don't have that grab app download it okay next category is miscellaneous items now we don't tend to spend a lot of money on miscellaneous items we don't do souvenirs and things like that so in Hanoi we didn't have any extra expenses at all now in Da Nang we did have a couple couple things we needed to do our Airbnb we needed to pay for our utilities we knew that going in and they told us it would be a roughly 40 to 60 dollars and ended up costing us twenty four dollars and that's a month of air conditioning the second thing we had to buy which was very important if you've been watching this Channel at all you know I get a monthly haircut my haircut this month came to two dollars and 50 cents so our total expenses in those two locations was twenty six dollars and fifty cents so our last stop with toy Ann and in Hawaii we didn't really we looked a lot there was a lot of shopping to do on hand which was really fun and I did find myself two dresses for a grand total of 16 so that was pretty affordable for two dresses they may not last me very long but that's okay so for our entire month of miscellaneous costs in Vietnam it came to 42.50 so our final category is our reoccurring monthly expenses now most of these we just have every month like clockwork they just I know we just pay them so the first one that we have is our health insurance very important for our health insurance we both go through Cigna Global and that runs us 290 dollars a month for both of us right and we also get a data plan and we've discovered that it is so much easier just to get it at the airport it might cost you a little bit more but not really that much this month we had unlimited service for the two of us 15 dollars each thirty dollars a month yeah really good price the other expense we have have is Netflix we love our Netflix and we use it all the time and that is 17 a month and then the other one that we have is our VPN now for our VPN we use surfshark if you don't have a VPN you should probably have a VPN especially if you are looking to travel the link is down below in the description if you want to check out the one that we use we've been really happy with it it's worked every time yeah and it's very affordable and that is two dollars and fifty cents a month okay so our total monthly cost here in Vietnam with a major expense that we did not include in our month we'll get to that in a minute we're going to start Hanoi are two nights in Hanoi ended up costing us 126 dollars and then our one month in Da Nang ended up costing us 1 173 and then Hawaiian hoyan ended up costing us 167 dollars a little bit more for two days but we did we did quite a bit there yeah you also had to buy those two dresses yeah that was a big expense so now another expense that we had that we wanted to throw in there we don't normally include in our monthly cost because it's kind of part of our yearly cost but we wanted to be true on what we spent this month was our flight from Hanoi to Danang and that was a hundred and four dollars for both of us so our total expenses for one month here in Vietnam came to 1570 dollars affordable month at 785 dollars and a daily price per person was 26 dollars that's kind of hard to beat yeah I don't think you can beat that we're gonna try but I don't think we can we're always up for the challenge okay so the other expense that we kind of saved to the end and we did not add into our monthly costs because it wouldn't give you a really good feel for what it would truly cost you to come to Vietnam right it was an Excursion that you might not do so we didn't include it right so we went on a halong bay cruise we went on the two night three-day cruise which we'd highly recommend doing we did a video on that so you can check that one out that's a good video too I'd watch that one for sure it was a good video it was fun it was fun to do and so that Excursion for us cost 769 dollars for the both of us right and as you can tell with our monthly budget in Vietnam that added on wouldn't be really fair to include that in monthly costs right now the two days that we did go on that be that halong bay Cruise though I would say we paid for our place in Danang for an entire month so those days that we did stay on a bay cruise we were already paying for rent so so that is all figured in so our month in Vietnam we absolutely loved it we had a great time it's a bucket list destination that should be on your list if it's not put it on there yeah so we only get 30 days in Vietnam and I think everybody only gets 30 days in Vietnam so we are definitely planning on returning back and uh hope to bring more of the areas to you so if there's any place that you think we should go see be sure and leave that in the comments below make sure and hit the Subscribe button so you continue to follow us along on our adventures and we will catch you next time cheers now our final category is what is it expenses reoccurring expenses so quick it goes away now for the month we're here in Vietnam we don't feel like at all that we Jesus laughs
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 43,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cost of living vietnam 2023, brian and carrie, Cost of living vietnam, vietnam cost of living, da nang 2023, da nang vietnam, vietnam 2023, living in vietnam, vietnam travel, travel vietnam, is vietnam cheap, vietnam today, Vietnam vlog 2023, cost of living in hanoi vietnam, cost of living in danang vietnam, vietnam travel vlog 2023, vietnam 2023 travel, hanoi vietnam
Id: ziE0pqXCDFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 01 2023
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