Our FIRST TIME in VIETNAM! πŸ‡»πŸ‡³ Shocked by Our First Impressions of Hanoi

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foreign we are actually only here for a very quick kind of stop over before we head to a new adventure but we're really excited to explore this city we just got here so we're gonna be bringing it to you as we see it first this is going to be a true first impression destroy because we haven't seen any of it yet so we're gonna walk around see what we can find and bring it all to you right now let's go so one thing here is that you hear about is how crazy busy it is with mopeds and everybody's moving around really fast but it's really cool right now because this main area down by the lake is closed down the streets are closed down so you can just freely walk around so really enjoying that part right now [Music] foreign [Music] cathedral in a while we're out of Europe we're in Hanoi obviously and this place is massive it's right in the middle of Old Town you can't miss it now we have read some things online about it um you can't go in it's the only thing about it yeah but it was a beautiful cathedral St Joseph's Cathedral yeah all right correction normally would I read on the Internet is a hundred percent true in this case it wasn't true at all we did get to go in yeah they do have limited hours but they're posted at the front and I know that they're open until 11 A.M and then they open again in the in the and then just like a lot of the places you need to be covered um they do say no short shorts but you know knee length was fine so there you go don't believe what you read on the internet [Music] no thank you it's okay thank you though thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] authentic Oakleys Ray-Bans are all polarized foreign [Music] okay so we got two different kinds of kind of the most popular ones we got the egg coffee which we hear is kind of interesting and then we got the coconut coffee which I'm actually super excited for but we'll see what we think of the egg coffee it's really hot they are it was 90 for two of them so about three dollars a little over three dollars so you know what I was actually really kind of nervous to try this because everything that I had heard was It was kind of different Brian's gonna love it I actually think it's fantastic because it's very much like eggnog which is one of his favorite things in the wintertime yeah foreign [Music] so that coffee shop is actually super cool um it is a very narrow stairway and very steep going up there are four floors we found a seat on the fourth floor I feel sorry for the people that work there they have to go they get their workout on I went up once and I was done I wouldn't want to go down the stairs over and over again honestly as well as I take it it's a very cool place yeah fantastic place and you need to check it out because boy that egg coffee now it's actually easier to walk in the street than walk on the side of the Box sidewalks are covered with mopeds now this is a Controlled Chaos um as long as they know not to hit me I feel safe because otherwise if I'm looking out for them I'll probably get run over you have to be to be very aggressive you can't be timid and walk through walk through own your space when you cross the street go with the grain and they'll go around you that's what I've discovered [Music] now when you visit Hanoi you kind of have to decide where you want to stay and when you're looking at pictures sometimes it can be a little overwhelming because in Old quarter it is chaotic it is busy so we chose to stay in an area called French Quarter which is just off to the side if you look at a map of Hanoi you'll see there's a lake and you just kind of want to be off to the side of it and that's French Quarter so we'll show that on the screen it kind of just removes you a little bit from the case which is enough and yeah tomorrow hotels back down an alley and and which at first we thought was kind of odd but then we got into it and we got upstairs to our room it was super quiet so quiet yeah so we're actually we're where we're staying is perfect it's really nothing that special but it was great and the cost was good and everything like that and the other thing that you find over here in the French Quarter is there's actual legit sidewalks you can walk on so you're not walking in the street but right now we're over by the lake which is absolutely gorgeous to just walk around and there is a bridge here that you can go out to and go to is a temple there's a Temple out there yeah and you do pay to go out on the bridge so we are going to do that just in a little bit because we want to take you out there at night when it is a lot more pretty because they Light It Up red [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so there's an area called train Street and it's really cool the train comes through there's little cafes and bars along there they have it blocked off and police are blocking it and if you try and go in they stop you but if you go in with one of the people that has a restaurant there apparently that's how you get in we need an escort yeah if you don't have one you get yelled at so if the Carrie got yelled at honestly well you gotta try right it's not worth it for us we just had our coffee we don't need anything else but it is kind of cool because there's all these places lining it so just kind of you just come take a look at it at least until the train go by no I am getting thirsty though yeah so it is becoming that time and there is an area here called beer we're gonna find it you can't go wrong on a street called beer Street I think they probably have beer [Music] so we found a balmy place that we wanted to go and have something to eat because it was really highly rated but there is a huge lunch outside and unfortunately we are here for one day and we don't have time to wait for it in line [Music] foreign [Music] I got the special and so good we didn't have to wait and land off there's no way at all these are probably better than those other ones we'll just go with that especially now this has got to be the best bomb me I've ever had and it's really really good [Music] [Music] okay so it is a 30 dong each to go in and we're gonna hit it hopefully just in time to get over to the temple foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] the time that this is open is it closes at 6 PM but it's 6 pm to go into the temple so luckily we got out here I think we got here like it at 5 556. yeah but I think that's when they stop letting people out here so it's well past six now we're still out here it's a great time to be here because it's dark and so you see everything lit up which is really pretty but now if you just want to come out onto the bridge the bridge itself is open later than that so you can go ahead and still pay but then the bridge is all lit up super beautiful so it's probably still well well worth the dollar or something to come out there absolutely foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] okay so behind us here is Spear Street and it's kind of a little bit bigger area than this but this is kind of the main stretch of it and you're going to be asked by every single place to come into their place all you have to say is no thank you for the long ways sometimes sometimes it sounds like no thank you but it's still no thank you so so but they're very polite it's a lot of fun yeah we're gonna go try and find some place a little quieter yeah it's not even so much the noise it's honestly because there's so much it's so tiny back there and it's so many people it's hot back there so we're gonna try and get out of there a little bit there's not a lack of places to go to that's for sure okay so they come through and they're going to clear out the streets you're not supposed to apparently be out into the streets drinking beer they clear it really quick and then soon as they go through you get back out to the center so don't move out so here they come now they're all coming back the police are gone we're setting up shots foreign [Music] we highly recommend coming here I know we say that about a lot of places but we really loved it here we would save it probably a couple days is more than enough but you really get to just kind of experience and get thrown right into the middle of Vietnam we love it here we're excited about the rest of our adventures here in Vietnam so make sure and hit the Subscribe button so you can follow us on our journey all right cheers [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Brian and Carrie
Views: 132,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shocked by hanoi, Our FIRST TIME in VIETNAM, hanoi vietnam, first time in vietnam, travel to vietnam, first impressions of hanoi, first impressions hanoi, hanoi city, vietnam 2023, Brian and Carrie, vietnamese coffee, hanoi train street, hanoi old quarter, vietnam travel, vietnam travel vlog, travel vietnam, hanoi nightlife, first impressions of vietnam, vietnam travel vlog hanoi, vietnamese food vlog, things to do in hanoi, Hanoi travel guide, Vietnam street food
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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