HA LONG BAY: NOT What We Expected! VIETNAM 2024 πŸ‡»πŸ‡³

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[Music] another day in halong Bay and we are on our way to sunor today I to RH that much don't like this one more than the other one is cold is cold it is cold it's too cold you tell we're cold it's too cold up there trips been Heights Heights HS Heights Heights I don't want to do it [Music] anymore welcome to how long bay good morning we are are going on a cruise in har Long Bay today I think it's about a 7h hour Cruise in total currently the weather is cold um and there's no one else around on the drive it felt like we're going through Ghost Town it feels like we're going to be the only people on the boat but we'll see yeah so H Long Bay has been a unusual experience so far we got here yesterday but it was wet and rainy and we didn't really have too much to do in how long bay itself so we decided just to go and get some food and spend a little bit of time trying to catch up on Vlogs because as you can tell we've been a little bit behind it's unusual we're getting used to how long bay but it seems like potentially this place has been hit by uh covid maybe in the last few years cuz there seems to be a few places that have closed down we drove past a closed sea life center um lots of Tourism places seem to have closed so yeah who knows but we're really excited to go and do the day cruise it is just here us here at the moment the boats are behind us over there look like a nice boat does look like a nice boat it should be a good day but it is cold as you can tell from the jumper and Jean situation so fingers crossed it does warm up a little bit later H everyone today I'm so happy to welcome only 12 of customer and do know capacity for the our boat in 100 customer 100 100 is the last season for the Trel weather today a little bit cold [Music] as now C PR cold it is cold it's a cold day in Hong Bay I'm in my England outfit so on the boat we've just been told there is 12 people out of what would normally be 100 people on this boat it is coming to offseason it is a cold day today hence wife think gets a little bit quieter but we should see what the experience holds for us there is a lot of swimming on this activity and there's also CL in which I don't know if we're going to do we'll see what we're feeling like later we do have swim shorts but at the moment we are feeling the chill I don't have swim shorts I have a swim costume [Music] look like a priv boat got our own boat for the day so as you can tell we whed out to the inside because it's too cold outside but little facts 1,969 Islands in Hong Bay and on the 200 P of Vietnamese Dong Bill one of those islands is represented bear in mind when it says like 2,000 islands like that's one you're seeing chicken so the one on the right is a rooster and the one on the left is a hen I don't really care to be honest go here's the chicken you actually be quite a bit of sea I know someone saw that in the ocean I I'm going to eat that you going to eat it I guess I just don't chew it and just that's what they say isn't it see bad bit [Music] nervous like a Dr boie so much other stuff with it I had to chew it this tastes like the other stuff that was with it maybe that's a good thing like crunchy vegetables on our way to go in a cave we've just said that we keep unintentionally going into caves but we didn't plan to do it it just halfens have have a trip so many caves let's See's going to surprise us cuz it's called surprising cave so we we'll let you know hope you craving caving [Music] baby do take it back this cave is a bit more impressive than the last year okay yeah this one cool go go and find the Pirates treasure Captain John Silver [Music] the summer outside is super hot like a 41 or 42Β° the came inside cold and the winter outside cold inside warm so the Mad thing about this cave actually tell you about everything I said is rocking my world is the ceiling in this place actually used to be the sea level so it's it's not manmade it's natural and it's where the water would cut into the rock over I guess hundreds thousands of years but fortunately sea levels dropped people like me and you can walk around she was also saying the reason why it's called surprising cave is because when it's cold outside it's not cold in the cave it's like warm I wouldn't say it's warm but it's definitely not cold and then when it's hot outside it's cold in here so she's saiding that lots of fishermen like live in these caves or did in the past [Music] yeah go make a wish after the caves we went on to the next stop which was kaying if you didn't want to do kayaking you got the option of going on a bamboo boat which is what I did and Luke went kayak in because he loves that and then we got to see these cute little wild monkeys while we were there and just have a Wonder around on the boat before heading [Music] back so actually has the actual camera but Kay in man somebody else is fine kak in is the best way to chill out especially when you're in such a Serene place and you got little monkeys around you so it's perfect out here if it was sunny I take it back it was sunny it would be perfect down here but it's near to perfect I need to go now cuz I'm about to crash into a rock there he is Bab yeah enjoyed that good you enjoy your trip it was right yeah [Music] next stop we've come to tit toop island or is it the place you come to get a titop island a what titop what you on about you're an idiot when you look at this video I want you to imagine it's hot and sunny we're in our swimmers we're on the beach playing some football beautiful n hi okay got the supplies that you knew you would say that apparently I can't climb up the mountain why it's mly it's definitely not easy there's a lot of steps look at boat are are [Music] first time on a trip that we actually seen the sand and it's not hot the weather's not hot I feel like this this the first time been at the beach it's a bit of a beach but it don't feel like it's like fullblown this is the beach no but it is nice Sun though yeah what there there's always a random bloke wants to come and stand in your show oh I mean it wasn't like freezing but it was cold I think I feel like it's kind of water you'd get used to though I only put my toe in like not my whole body yeah yeah yeah good though yeah good you want to do it you never regret a swim no thank you [Music] oh my gosh such a boy that you need to do some of his mouth like teeth or oh wow so portrait yeah pretty handsome admed you've all got dirty Ms of thought I was drawing something else there didn't you you dirty dirty dogs Dirty Dog how long B definitely a stunning place and it is a world heritage site or a new world heritage site but it's definitely got Sunday Vibes it's got Sunday Vibes I think that's just because it's dark and cloudy a little bit chilly and it's the offseason and don't think it's been quieter here than we expected because it's the off season but there's still all these boats if it was a sunny hot day we would be lavish and in the quieter Beach like can be ar you getting in the pool babe I've got cup of tea coffee chil can you tell we're cold we've come back in cuz it's too cold up there we couldn't handle it don't know what this angle is guys I don't know why we're doing this but two giant teas and coffees when you look at it like this they're nice and hot yes cheers big is the scenery outside looks like it's just like a picture on the wall isn't it [Music] good morning guys we are up I say good morning we're up late today it's about 20 1 we've been so tired after the Harang Loop and I don't really think we've given ourselves an opportunity to catch up today is the first day I feel awake and back with it again the boat yesterday in how long bay was just absolutely beautiful the weather unfortunately as you saw was a bit colder but my God were we tired and I was definitely craving the coffees that came through the day each time we had our little coffee stop on the boat so we were thankful for that but anyway yeah another day in Hal Long Bay and we are on our way to sunor today to rhyme that much I'm The Man Who Rhymes in time with my wine I don't know what I'm saying anymore a cable car yes it says the longest one in the world but I feel like every cable car we go on it's the longest one in the world in some capacity like for some reason so I don't understand why we don't understand but maybe we'll learn about that on the way why this cable car is called the longest one in the world cuz it definitely ain't longer than the one in sapper I'll tell you that the one in sapper was insane the one in sapper was definitely more of an incline as well yeah but we're looking forward to it sun World we've heard is a good fun place to go we are in the offseason as well so it might well be quieter but hopefully we can get around things quickly so we'll see you a little bit closer near the cable [Music] cars so we're currently here the thing is do we get the car up or do we go in there maybe it's just because it's like the off season it just feels weird it's so quiet it's like they try to make something here and it's just a ghost town yeah like I don't maybe it is just because it's cold this is how the beckhams must feel when they rent out ought and Towers or something I don't like it I prefer the atmosphere of the people weird [Music] weird so we've been part of the reason this park is just so quiet today is the dragon Park and the typhoon Park so the water park and also the theme park seem to be closed so maybe it is just mostly closed up for the winter but the cable star still still seems to be running so we're going to go and check out the cable car in just a minute but for context this is what we mean when we're talking about the theme park and the typhoon Park and how much of this place is actually closed off to us right now so this the W Park that whole bit and the theme par so SM it this side let's go get the cable [Music] car so we' just found out that sunor in terms of the Dragon Park and also the Ocean Park which is the water park was closed and it's closed from the 1st of Feb until the 9th of March so but we can go over the cable car so we paid about Β£232 go over the cable car have look around on that side of things and see if there's a little bit more going on over there I actually don't like this one more than the other one really freakishly high on this was that the longest cable carard i' ever been on definitely not sapper in comparison and we were on it for about half an hour that was like 5 minutes yeah I don't know what this is somebody pointed and said free which was all I needed to hear I it's including the ticket [Music] price you're a bit of a gamer like me and you'll know that from G of dasima [Music] [Applause] [Music] I don't really know what's going on this feels totally random it's about the Japanese culture in the ancient Samurai it's quite cool really L know that's going on better than I do I feel [Music] like L okay [Music] L I don't know it's weird having a big sword you feel like you're taking your life into your own hands even though you're the one doing it Luma Luma which is lucky if you rub it so give it a rub as you come somewhere okay so yes it is free to come down here but you do have to pay for the experiences as you actually get down here Samurai sorder was cool though I didn't enjoy that although they told me it was 60 it was 80 cheeky boogers um but yeah good F on to the next you look so cool sunwell didn't bring the Sun for us today it's chilly so it's still quiet up the top here even though there is more open not everything is open and still quiet but it'd be good to see what it would be like well it's busy well it's sunny so feel free to ping some comments in send us a video what it's like when it is really busy up here Sharon's [Music] caring so loud in here that music is so loud and there's like warm place to eat and it's completely empty but we're hungry I have to say I did enjoy the show though the show UPS we thought was really good they're obviously talented performers and they still have to perform regardless whether there's an audience front of them or not which is a hard thing to do not the arm for or even have any idea what that must be like but I think they're [Music] good just like a mama used to make the music stopped can you hear us now these chips taste like they've got vinegar on which have not tasted since we've been in the UK Miss vinegar yeah tastes good how tall they actually are scy tipto oh my gosh looks like he's broke his wrist it looks like he's in Harry Potter someone's broke his wrist RS his arms so floppy the royal family you can tell who they are you are they that tall is he that tall that's just like what he wears in the all his coronations and stuff develops an under bite he does have a bit of in the bik going now wao Liz oh my God that's creepy don't like Liz anymore she's not with us I find that one creepy do you know what I find the weirdest is the eyes like they're actually doesn't his hand look real s righto that's not too bad that's not too bad Dr player the worst of all being Daniel Craig though I don't think it's that bad you can tell who it is if you didn't see him who's that no idea who's this meant to be that's not great either what we'll do is we'll play a game in the comments cut all the names out and you have to guess who each of these people are looking forward to it yeah going nice and cozy in there get fire going it's pretty cold shut the window shut the window baby shut the window shut the window baby shut the window the window baby shut the window shut the wi baby okay smells like hot dogs I thought you another food in here smells like hot dogs going over the edge I don't think the view is going to be great because it's misty misty came over the bay yeah but just imagine when it's not like this and you can see how long bay all the islands but yeah I think that's what this was like made for yeah but today is not quite the day we not had the best weather in h long be no we've not needless to say how long be weather's not good today and it seems like it's a place to be when it's warm yeah you know what I mean on a nice day needless to say you could probably play in how long bay you just spent time thinking about that such is the way I know what to say okay I just don't like these kind of things why do we do it to ourselves it's just awful every time I feel I'm done with Heights now this trip has been Heights Heights Heights Heights Heights I don't want to do it anymore better I just want to be on the ground I I know what I'm saying okay we're about a qu all the way up and we've just realized we don't want to go on the cable car again or you can't can't even see it um but we're higher than the cable car now and we're not even at the top I hate this let's just talk about something else let's just down I'm not even here yeah it's fine what I don't know why do we keep doing this so many cable cars and high air balloons and Tall things I don't like it you're not going on rides though stop we survived we made it we just set our phones a bit and pretended we weren't here there wasn't too much to see when you're up there to be fair so cloudy yeah um like Ashley said it' be a mega view like if you were up there on a c day yeah but now done let's get off [Music] tick [Music] hello oh God oh we were just Rebels and took our phone on to that little ride we didn't dare take the camera but We snuck the phone on [Music] who why he key what can I get for you right you blend in with the background it's definitely quite quite quiet here given the fact that I can 10 [Music] bar so we down our cruise of the day you R the turtles head for Good Fortune So Good Fortune please [Music] you like that do you it's not going to be a surprise when we say that it's quiet up here cuz it's quiet everywhere but it's nice it is beautiful we were just saying if this Temple was anywhere else outside of some world I think it'd be really well visited and it is offse so we keep saying it's quiet but I imagine this place is really busy when it's not offse and the place is very [Music] open okay we've left some world and we didn't want to get the cable car back over so we got a taxi out of there and we looked on B and it said 50,000 Vietnamese Dong um but the guy called us a taxi and the taxi wanted to charge us $10 um which is 250 Vietnam is dong 250 when I'm B it was 50 um so we ended up paying what do we pay 80 yeah you just gave us a 20 change out of 100 so as if you wanted to charge us 250 for a 7 minute drive that's like a pound a minute ridiculous anyway so we just spoke to my dad last night and we were telling him about how we don't really see milk here and they use condensed milk mostly for coffee and then it's just been like yogurt and we've just going to a supermarket and there's milk the Holy Grail it's actually milk and cereal SK milk I need a bowl and I can have cereal and it's from Ireland do the fun it skimmed milk from Island can't be from Island like it can't be island do we get some honestly the things were excited about first it was Pavements in LA and now milk but I'm I so want some cereal like chocolate cereal think we figured out that with halong Bay most tourists would get an overnight cruise from Hanoi come down stay on the boat and then go back and not even come into halong but if you do come to halong or halong Bay you need to stay on on this side of the bridge cuz where we're staying over the other side where it's s like Ghost Town um there's nothing really there and on this side of the bridge it's like a normality City yeah there's traffic there's loads of shops it's what we expected so this is the place to be yeah don't go across the bridge this is the place just been to the big mall that we'll show you and it's got a lot of decent shops it's got all the shops that you'd expect but right now we need to go cuz I can see my grab driver so we'll see you back at the place we're now back in the room and just wanted to double check does anybody else do this if you do leave a comment but instead of dinner decide that you're going to have a snack night instead because we went to that shopping mall I think we got far too excited about the food that we were looking at and decided that instead of having anything sensible we were going to just get loads of snacks and snack on them tonight so that's the plan nice chilled night then tomorrow morning we are on the bus from halong Bay and on the way to nimin so we'll be leaving this Vlog here if you have watched this far you support means so much to us do like and subscribe because that lets us know that you like our videos and we love your comments so thanks for that guys we're really enjoying your support but yeah let's show you the snack Tropicana standard oh this is so good and then we couldn't resist some skimmed milk as we saw in that shopping mall water to go with some needle apples cookies we bought ourself a little spoon and Bowl because we needed some ink to eat our cereal wh and then lastly Doritos yeah these on are mine there yours I'll take it thanks for watching guys we shall see you in the next one in N bye
Channel: Ashleigh & Luke
Views: 1,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halong bay, halong bay cruise, halong bay day trip, halong bay city, sun world halong complex, what to do in halong bay, what to do in halong, things to do in halong bay, things to do in halong city, vietnam 2024, Sung Sot Cave, cruise halong bay, halong bay 2024, halong bay cruise 2024, Ha Long, Ha Long Bay, Ha Long Bay 2024, Ha Long Bay Cruise, what to do in Ha Long, ha long bay day cruise, sun world ha long, Ha Long Bay Vietnam, Ha Long Bay City, cruise ha long bay
Id: iA92VchUd20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 28sec (1648 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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