Barely Yielding Barley?

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all right smoke is back that sun  should be like blaring on me right now   and it's not yeah unfortunately smoke rolled  in when billy was here for the make-a-wish   and uh this again it was a great  time with him but we're gonna start   where we left off yesterday he'll be down a  little bit of help he was uh helping us get some   makers knocked out yesterday but now he's gone  things are run a little slower around the farm   that's okay billy we'll uh we'll pick  up the slack and we'll pick up a rock   so it's amazing how green everything's getting  out here that two and a half inches of rain   that we had uh it's uh doesn't take long  that grass looks dead it is brown it's   just crunchy but the roots underneath are  still alive even in the driest of dry and   two and a half inches of rain and everything  wakes up it's just really cool to see so and   in two days they're talking another  inch of rain so it's looking good   you know the drought might be over i don't know  but we're getting a nice relief to it we're just   going to try to get this harvest wrapped up before  then uh because this combine i'm driving right now   needs to go to the farm progress show and i want  to make sure it gets there oh look at those weeds ah they're everywhere   this is peace double that we harvested a couple  weeks ago this stuff got hailed really bad   and wow there is a flush of weeds like you would  not believe and i don't know what to do about it i   really don't know i don't want to plow everything  i don't want to spray everything because right   now this stuff's probably mostly resistant to  just about anything we throw at except for one   herbicide that i don't really want to use but  i know it'll torch it so it's a tough tough   situation to be in because right now this stuff's  sucking up moisture and it's probably going to go   to seed and make a lot more weed seeds and it  really needs controlled but we're stuck in the   confines because harvest is more important  so yeah tough one i don't know what to do look at all those peas on the  ground that's the hail took out   there's probably four or five maybe  up to 10 bushels on the ground here probably could have got in the header have  been awesome whoa how'd you guys get here you hide in here oh you climbed up  in here you guys are eating popcorn   is it yummy oh can i have some of your popcorn oh all right all right that's it for the night we're gonna call  it quits pick it up tomorrow and uh and then rain   a lot of rain but i think we'll get a  chunk done tomorrow if nothing breaks down   we'll get most of the good acres cut and then  it'll just be basically whatever's left over   they got hail they're droughted really hard  we'll decide if we want to go over or not so   i'm sure we will okay see you tomorrow not trying  to pressure you but i will suggest that we do have   pretty nice merchandise honestly the quality of  the shirts the hats they're awesome if you guys   are interested and you want a patch hat go to a  farm focus and check it out you might like some   of the items that we have there and you can also  find some other youtubers that uh has a bunch of   merchandise on there so if you support a couple  other individuals besides us you might want to get   some other gear too so yeah and then you get a box  of all sorts of goodies it's like christmas just   a weird time of year for christmas but anyways  what can you say check them out patchats love it just a day left maybe a couple hours  tomorrow but not much time so we're   gonna knock out as many acres as we possibly  can today i think it's gonna be a good day   thanks for a good day yesterday the other  combined was down because of a bearing   clifford lost it's a refresher bearing on one  of the paddle wheels in here so of course it   was sunday they had to get an after hour service  call and had someone get them to part but they   got it fixed otherwise though these things  are running like tops i mean honestly they're   been pretty solid machines they do such a good  job compared to our 2588s it's night and day the   quality of grain thrown in the tank the capacity  and being able to handle weeds oh these weeds oh these weeds oh the flush of  weeds is just it's out of control   much more of this and we won't  be able to harvest these fields   i'm betting a week week and a half but we don't  get these this crop cut in a week and a half   we won't be able to cut it because the weeds all  grow what's there normally this isn't an issue but   this year because of just a strange series of  events we're dealing with uh wheat apocalypse   there's always weed seeds on the ground the  ground has got millions of seeds everywhere you   just don't know they're there but they're there  and they're waiting to grow they just the right   circumstances then they'll germinate and sprout  and boom you got weeds so what's happened is   the drought even though we sprayed all across we  sprayed them like we do every year the drought   left an open stand so there's not a lot of cover  there there's no shade the sun can get down to the   soil well the combination of the heavy hail storm  that we had like three weeks ago four weeks ago   and the several large rains that we've  had have allowed all those seeds that   were sitting dormant under this the the crop to  sprout and now they're all starting to bolt up   and there's nothing to stop them because there's  no cover if you have a heavy crops and above a   nice cover they won't grow very well because they  don't get the sunlight well they've got sunlight   they've got water and that's in heat it's hot  so that's all they need and they are going   crazy so it's the year i guess to kill weeds  but unfortunately these weeds don't die with   most herbicides today so we're gonna have to use  some special stuff which i don't like to use but   we have no more options otherwise we have to  plow it to cultivate every acre on the farm   and that's something we don't want to do we're  not set up to do that and two it would hurt the   soil it hurt the land if we did that it messed  up our stubble to catch snow for the winter so   anyways bottom line is we're in a pickle not easy  we're gonna try and knock out these acres as fast   as we can so then we get the sprayer and spray  as fast as we can so let me get the air dry on   the air drill seat as fast as we can so then we  can take a vacation sound good all right let's go just hit 500 000 subscribers ah thank you  guys thank you so much just hit 500k 500   000 youtube subscribers only took a decade no  joke actually it's about 10 years thank you guys   i appreciate it that is amazing never saw  that day coming sincerely grateful thank you   maybe some people hit a million but 500k that's a good number to hit all right well we're  finishing up this area over here and there's just   a little bit of hailed ground that we've kind  of just left and i don't know i'm just cruising   around eight miles an hour just sort of seeing if  there's anything here right now i'm getting zero   bushels an acre and the kosha which is the weed  that we deal with really bad in the area is just   overtake another half this field so i'm getting  one now i think it's gonna be left i don't know i   was just hoping it may be something more than one  bushel an acre here but i think that's not here so   on top of the truck and then we're gonna head  all the way to their side of the farm because   there is one field all over the side of the farm  that got missed by the hail well it got clipped   didn't but there's still bushels there that we  need to get that's green a lot of green in there   yeah mixed in with these weeds and whatnot there's  a lot of green berries but it'll blend out okay   with everything else that's ripe that we've  harvested so i'm not too worried about it but   i'm getting 11 bushels an acre right here  i better get it better get it might as well so whoops we're gonna find another way around this  spot trucks got to come through here and uh   that near three-inch rain that we had uh yeah  made a mud hole here all right at least we   got it unstuck fire truck grain truck combines  we're ready to go combine some wheat let's do it gonna need to fix that for the farm progress  show i'll steal a cover off clifford put it   on there and that way no it'll know right and  that turning light down there that one's broke   too we'll fix that while i'm waiting for the  trucks to get full my lovely wife decided to   get me uh lunch thanks babe yeah i love you she  drove like 80 miles just give me a happy meal   are you happy now well i'm not happy  yet until i eat my happy meal so   i mean i'm getting happier but anyways is there  a toy she got me a toy i actually have something   to do now isn't she the best happy meal time  oh i didn't know they had these in happy meals it's a big mac cool right on  and oh sweet i got a scooby-doo i'm gonna have fun with this guy  to keep me company for a long time   what's he doing just spin his head around   oh it's a bobble head ha ha right on i need  to glue him to the dash of the truck sweet all right there we go we finished we had one  field over here there's roughly a thousand acres   over here we seeded it all and then only 300 of it  got spared enough that we could harvest it we got   10 bushels an acre off of it but that's better  than what is that 3 000 bushels that's not bad   it's better than leaving 3 000 bushels  out there of course we got to harvest it   basically out of fuel over here to come get so  now we're going back across the interstate got   to drive across that bridge again and get back to  the farm but uh that's good this was one of our   goals was to get this done before the rain comes  tomorrow and we got it done there is one barley   field that might have some barley on it that  did get hailed as bad and i might swing into it   i've never harvested barley before so we're gonna  find out what that's like but i'm just gonna pull   it and start harvesting and see what the monitor  says and if it says anything above three or four   i'll probably stay stand harvested tonight   but that'd be good and once again weeds everywhere  absolutely everywhere the hail hailed hail hailed   the hail inhaled hailed the  weeds grew amazing off-roading   beating path definitely not on it all right  this is a steep hill i'm gonna put this in   second while we go down the thing a little safer  than third i got good brakes too but here we go there we go made it this hill's a little  easier to pull okay here's the barley field   let's find out what we're getting here i  have no idea what settings to put in here   um i'm just going to leave it on wheat  and i'm just going to run wheat settings   i know it doesn't take as much to thresh  barley but let's just see how it goes come on 20 bushel 20 bushel one bushel one  bush will be great give me one no bushels well   let's just see what happens let's just keep going  around here and we'll see if we get anything above   don't there's two i've got two well i see four  now okay i saw as high as 10 bushel in one spot   the size of the hills i didn't get the  hail or getting five or six bushels   the sides i got the hail are zero and uh i think  we have to write this field off i just don't think   there's enough here to make it worthwhile that  took me 15 minutes to get that there's probably   six bushels in there okay because we're done  over here whoa these leds make these signs bright   holy cow yeah i know where they're at i can see  them all right we're back next morning it is   windy out there storm is moving in i've got about  four hours to combine with this machine and then   i think it's got to get loaded up to go to  the farm progress show because after this rain   wrapping a large for a few days and then there'll  be another rain after that so this might be the   last time i got to use b spine this harvest so i  better make use of it so i'm gonna try to just uh   grind through some acres and see if i can find  some stuff ready to cut a little windy out here   lost my flag my girls think i put it in the cab  i'll get it back on when i get a chance starting   to come down on the combine now for those that  may not know um you can't harvest wheat with   much rain at all corn i think you can kind of  get by with a little bit of wet because the   corn's so waxy and the way the cobs go in it just  processes it differently in the combine but weeds   uh the heads don't thresh out very well and you  get a lot of unfresh kernels in the back your   grain loss goes way up it just gets messy so when  we get a little bit here we're going to shut down   but i think i think i think clock's ticking we're  running short on time it's about to happen oh   there's a big rock i'm just going to cut a circle  around this thing that way uh leave some grain   there so when i come back the rock picker someday  i'll hopefully see this pile of grain back why   don't we harvest that oh yeah that's right there's  a rock there let's do a progress check yeah   yeah dad um you know pick it up a little bit there  a lot more green than blue over here just saying that's a close call i was watching i was watching yeah that could have been some damage  nice flat ones like that they go in   and they don't like to come out you notice this hail damage here is real  extensive we're still getting a couple bushels   two to five so we're running over it but look at  this it's pretty sad but i think we're gonna get   it all done before the rain comes so we'll keep  pushing at it except to the rock trap real quick yep a couple keepers in there all  right back to business now that i   uh didn't destroy the combine right there  well i uh wasn't quick enough for this one that's a bad place for a rock right  there oh we're gonna do some repairs   in these combines tell you what this  is gonna be a bad year for headers   any new cutter bars new drapers i don't know  whole things we need to be going through well   i just pulled a rock in it's inside the rotor i  shut everything off immediately as soon as i heard   it make it past the rock trap and i deslogged it  kind of i ran the d slugger and just slowly turned   the rotor i could hear it clunking around in there  so i stopped i gotta take it back to the shop drop   the modules find the rock pull it out but by the  time i'm done with that it's gonna rain so i think   that might be it for this combine for a while  all right let's go dump in the truck yeah we'll   finish this field it's just getting to be a mess  because there's just a lot of new green growth   growing in there too so it's green it's weedy it's  short and it's something else well i took covers   off i could not find the rod i didn't take the  models out i ran the d slug in the lowest rpm oh that is a vain oh yeah that's bad that's bad that is a vein out  of somewhere in there um hard to say if this is   out of the the transition cone or if it's just  around the road or housing but that's not good   i think columbine's done for now because it's  gotta get shipped to the farm progress show here   real soon and uh with the rain coming tonight and  rain coming in three days and by time that truck's   gotta come pick that calm line up get on the road  there's no way we're getting back in the field   with that thing in time so i guess it goes to  the show broke look at that it's like a boomerang   man whoo i am nervous to find out what's wrong  with that thing all right well there you guys go   there's the end of beast bite for 2021 he'll  be back don't worry we'll get them good for   the next year got a lot of work to do with  these things there we go both back in the   yard both blown off we're both ready for some  rain but that one's got still some time in the   field got some color to cut it's got some  barley to cut a little bit of wheat left so   we're running over time with that thing that  one it's going on the road soon so i hope you   guys are gonna have some fun climbing around  on it expect it to be mostly field ready mostly you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 196,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, buck, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, vlog, facebook, amazon, youtube, gmail, ford
Id: 7xWFM5pSS0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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