Big Green Egg Vs Kamado Joe | Which Is Better? | BGE Vs KJ |

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hello and welcome to another edition of world's grill shack today we're doing a comparison video between the big green egg and the comado joe so [Music] don't forget guys i have got an instagram page i post daily cooks and live cook alongs it should just be here so head on over there check it out and i'll see you over there now this is a long standing debate in the barbecue community which ceramic grill is the best grill to buy and the two that always come up are big green egg and camaro joe now if you've been following this channel for a while you'll know that i've had a kamado joe for the last year and a half and absolutely love it but i've just been given a big green egg xl and i thought what better way to do it than a comparison video against the kamado joe now i'm fairly confident these gonna cook in the exact same way because the ceramic thickness and everything like that is the exact same the only thing that i think separates these two is which is more economical to run and which tastes which of the food tastes better and what's the usability of the grills like so in this video we're going to focus on uh the cooking so we've got some three kilo beef short ribs that we're going to put on both grills and we're just going to see how each grill performs how long it takes to cook them how much charcoal is left and those are the kind of basic things that we're going to cover i am going to be using the slow roller in the kamado joe against just the standard ceramic plates that are in the big green egg and then in the following video that i'm going to do i'm going to focus on side by side comparison against the two grills and also don't forget to hit that subscribe button to see more content just like this so let's get started i'm going to take over to the bench we've got two lovely three kilo beef short ribs from john davidson's butchers so let me take you over there i'm going to show you how to trim them and how i'm going to get them ready for the grills okay here is our two beef short ribs from john davidson's both three kilos as you can see there even nice bit of meat on them and the same with that one there so let's get them out the packet and we give them a trim okay so to trim these short ribs you've got a nice top layer of fat here which we're going to take off and then you've got the membrane on the back which i actually leave on for these short ribs um if you've watched my pork video you'll see that i take them always off um on the pork i leave it on for here i'll just do a diamond but we'll come on to that in a minute so you want to grab your sharp knife and then what we're going to do is just trim off this top layer of fat nice to have a flexible blade because you can really get an angle and apply some pressure okay and after you've trimmed it it should look like this and now these have got um quite a big fat rain fat pain running through them as you can see here so i'll trim that because you will lose any meat that you have on there so we've got that on there then what we'll do is flip them over grab your knife again and we're going to do a diamond on the back okay and there you go you can see we've trimmed it all uh we've just left a little bit of fat here because it goes quite narrow there you can see that um and we don't want to sort of lose the um the meat there so it's still uh still got plenty of meat on that one same with this one it's got a nice bit of fat on it so what we're going to do now is grab your frenchie's mustard here and then we're just going to put a layer of that across the top like so and just rub that in and this is just going to be used as the binder really um for the rub that we're going to be using i always do this it really seems to help the rub stick to the meat and you get no real flavor or anything from the mustard and today we're using uh holy cow from meat church not used this before but looking forward to giving this a nice coat of this over the top and now we're just going to leave those to soak in and put them in the fridge for two hours in tin foil just really let those that rub soak in i always say it's really important to make sure that you keep those beef short ribs into the fridge for as long as possible because the colder it gets the easier it is to get a nice smoke ring on them so let's uh have a look at the grills and what charcoal we're using so to keep this cook fair i'm using i've weighed out five kilos of globaltic lump wood and i put five kilos in each grill the exact same amount we're also using two fire lighters and the exact same number of chunks of wood from the same tree that we cut down ourselves and we're using cherry wood today and the exact same weight and chunk size in each grill so it should be a pretty fair comparison in terms of flavor if they both got the same charcoal and the same rub and the same wood smoke so we're going to be aiming for about 130 140 that's how i cook beef short ribs and i always find that it comes out really really good at this temperature a little bit hotter than what your standard cook would be but this is what we're aiming for on this one interestingly they've both come up to temperature in the exact same time period it's amazing how close in comparison these two grills are so we're now at temperature um the smoke is now running clear which is what we're looking for so now let's get both of these big short ribs onto the grill first of all we get the one on the kamado joe straight in the middle i say we are using the slow roller as well so that could give it an added advantage now let's get the ribs onto the big green egg again just the standard deflectors on that and then what we're going to do is just leave these for an hour and just let them just smoke away okay we are now one hour in and the kamala joe is cooking a lot slower at the moment than what the big green egg is you can see that on the big green egg we've got some really nice meat retraction on the bone and we've got a nice part forming the camaro joe as you can see just you're not getting anything like that at all it's really weird because normally at this point the kj is doing really really well but we'll pop back an hour and we'll see where we're at both grills at the moment absolutely perfectly holding temperature nothing between them at all it is true that once you get the tomatoes and the big green eggs dialed into temperature they just do not move it's just completely solid so we're now at the two hour mark and you can see now that kamala joe meat retraction has happened uh and you can see that it's nicely sort of shifting back um also really nice bark on that kj so the slow roller there doing what it needs to be doing the big green egg again just cuddling on through no drama with that just doing what it needs to be doing but forming nicely i'm not going to spray these and they're actually cooking really really quick so i'm debating even whether to bother wrapping them okay we are now at the four hour mark i left it another extra hour just to carry on seeing what would happen with these two and you can see that the camaro one is leaps and bounds now ahead of the big green egg um we're probing the uh camardo one we're running at 140 degrees and it's already up at the 70 degree mark so this is cooking really really fast um the big green egg is at around the 60 degree mark again we don't seem to be hitting any kind of stool so i've decided that i'm not going to wrap these two but at the moment the grills are just holding temperature absolutely perfectly they were cooking to a real similar rate up until um the last sort of 20 minutes half an hour ago where the camaro's just just rocketed in terms of how quickly it's cooking but it could be that the meat obviously yes they were the same size but it could be from a different cow which no doubt is and hence why it's cooking a little bit quicker okay we are now at the six hour mark and the kamado joe is probing absolutely perfectly you can just see that the probe is just falling through it like absolute butter so this is now ready to come off and we're gonna rest it so that's six hours for a three kilo beef short rib that's really really quick i mean even doing hot and fast let's say 170 degrees i haven't had it done that quick this is mega quick so we're going to get it off and we're going to put it into the yeti and we're going to let that rest for a good two two and a half hours and then we'll obviously slice it up big green egg currently reading um the 80 degree marks it's got a little bit of way to go but if we have a look at the big green egg you can see that the bark on it is absolutely amazing and it's really really looking good i would have said the meat's a little bit thicker on that beef shortbread which is why it's taking that little bit longer but it's looking incredible and smelling incredible so we're another hour on and as you can see the big green egg is just ready now we're probing it it's literally just falling through it like butter again didn't wrap didn't need to there wasn't really a stool really weird for these beef short ribs normally our wrapping butcher's paper but not this time so we're going to get that one off as well and put that into the yeti the ribs that were already in the yeti probably another hour of resting those and then we're going to get them onto the bench and slice them up so now let's take a look at how little fuel we've used in both of these so as you can see in the camaro joe hardly moved really really economic to ban really good and the good thing is you can just reuse that longwood over and over again and the big green egg as you can see hasn't used much at all the exact same as the kamado so they're both really really efficient the the thickness of the ceramics is exactly the same which makes them just work identically in terms of how economic they are to run so join me after they've rested and we'll come back over onto the bench we slice up the commando joe ones and we'll give them a little taste test okay so as you can see nice bark on it um not much meat retraction on the bone that's not necessarily a bad thing uh yeah cook really nice and quick so let's just take a slice straight into it and there we go not much of a smoke ring it's quite juicy as you can see okay the taste test so we've got our massive rib here the size of that let's just bite off a bit oh that was good really nice deep flavor that slow roller really gives a nice flavor into the meat really really nice that rub is also really good got a touch of heat to it as well just hits the back of your throat is you swallow or spot on not as rendered down fat wise as what normally would have i think running at 130 140 potentially was a little bit too much for this set of ribs that i'm using uh british ones normally the usda ones are obviously a much higher fat content and these are sort of british ones so i think maybe a little bit higher potentially a little bit lower and slower would have been a little bit better but look these were cooked in what six and a half seven hours no time at all and i didn't wrap them at all which normally i would wrap but i felt like this time i didn't really need to but yeah kamala joe's definitely done well there nice bark nice smoke flavor and yeah cook really really fast now let's go and have a look at the big green egg ones and then we'll do a little comparison as to what i think is better okay and here are the big green egg ribs bark is really nice on it you can feel it so juicy so let's uh slice straight into it look at that that is beautiful really nice smoke ring on it okay the big green egg one wow really nice hopefully you can see that on the screen there really good smoke ring on that and uh now let's just try a little bite of this you're probably bored of me saying it but wow that was so so good had such a nice flavor to it the fat had rendered down really really beautiful oh absolutely incredible and it just pulled apart so much easier than what the camaro choked one did i still taste on my lips now really really nice so now you're going to ask me which one do i think is better and it's so hard to put this down to one individual cook but on this actual cook in my opinion the big green egg came out better it had more flavor it cooked it better the fat rendered down nicer and it was just really really nice so the winner this time is the big green egg much much nicer really enjoyed it i'm really interested though side by side which grill is going to come out better because they've both got so many good unique features like i'm really liking the expander that comes for the big green egg really versatile cooking surface but then in the big and then obviously the comado joe you've got the divide and conquer system both have got their own tributes and i'm really looking forward to doing this side by side comparison which will be the next video on the channel so just to recap on what we did today we had uh two three kilo um beef short ribs from john davidson's um we put one on the big green egg one on the commando we seasoned them with this here which is a holy cow from meat church first time using that really good let's say we put one on the kamado joe one on the big joe we maintain temperature of 130 140 and we cook them we took them all the way through to 95 degrees on each of them and they were both programmed really really well no wrapping this time either first for me normally i'd wrap on beef short ribs not this time and they both came out really really good and we rest them into the yeti for a good two and a half hours two hours per one and they both say came out really really nice but on this occasion i will say the big green egg did come out better than the camaro joe so i hope you've enjoyed this comparison video if you have please hit that subscribe button below and join me next time for more content just like this as always guys thank you for watching
Channel: Wills Grill Shack
Views: 3,837
Rating: 4.9183674 out of 5
Keywords: BGE, KJ, Kamado Joe, Big Green Egg, Comparison, BGE vs KJ, Short Ribs, Beef, What Grill?, What Grill is best, Best Ceramic BBQ, BEst BBQ?, Cooking, Chef, Which is best?, Wills Grill Shack
Id: eOAwbnVoIcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 42sec (942 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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