Wizard Evolution Will *BREAK* Clash Royale… or NOT?

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the newest evolution in Clash Royal is coming out really soon and it's the wizard most of you already guessed it it's absolutely incredible the wizard has really really interesting Concept in the evolution form you're going to get a shield which has around 540 HP on maximum level and also 371 HP on tournament C all the other stats are the exact same super sa kind want to make to sure that Evolutions are not having like any stats buff besides like their evolution thing and as you guys can see here so has a really interesting concept you actually have a shield which is going to be able to like protect your wizard to make him way way way way way way better against spells and also when the shield gets like killed off when the shield dies you have a small explosion bomb which is able to kill Minion hords Minions bats and so on so overall really really interesting concept let me know what you guys think about that and I would say d Jump games and I want to find out how the evolution wizard will work in the arena going into game number one here RS is called The Legend I'm so excited to see like the evolution wizard bro first of all of course they also zoomed in the picture like in case you guys didn't see it I think you I already noticed that so the wizard it's a bit more zoomed there and I kind of want to find out like all the interaction what he does I think normally if I'm like taking a look at the stats it should survive lightning so this is like the thing I'm kind of want to take a look at so let's see he has poison and should be just like way better against spells I feel like the current problem with wizard is it doesn't really get any value for six Elixir so people were thinking about like maybe seeing a re work of this card but super kind of decided to switch this a bit up and decided to put like an evolution which kind of makes like another possibility instead of buffing a card just giving it an evolution so I'm just going to go for my night there and just like a shield with the splash damage effect can be crucial sometimes so I'm just going to go for this so this is a small Shield whenever the opponent is going to play something like a mean hard on top of that this will lead to just die like so this is like the shield is off this means the Wiz the wizard doesn't have any stats buff in case you guys didn't notice that but with like the The Shield of course I mean The Shield is kind of like a stats buff has like as you guys saw I think about 500 damage so I kind of want to see what he plays so he plays this wizard so this is our perfect opportunity I'm just going to go for the lightning there so I'm just going to go for my lightning there lightning is going to come down and it what what what it doesn't Target the let me think that's a really weird interaction is that like really weird is it like intended bro or am I just pretty dumb but because if you lightning and Dark Prince is it going to hit twice the Dark Prince shield and the dark prins this is like kind of in finger right now bro maybe I'm just too dumb to understand this but this seems to be such a weird interaction so I'm just going to go for my boy there of course like Evolution Z does pretty well against this so you first have to kill the shield bro okay that makes sense I guess so I'm just going to go for this he's going to go for this I might still have a push there I'm just going to go for another Knight and now I'm just going to go wizard again I kind of want to see maybe the wizard is going to do something so of course I guess maybe on defense against graveyard it would be good to just play immediately into that everything like if it explodes it just gets like a ton of value but so let's see it's going to die now and it's going to okay the range is really really small the range is really really small guys so he just goes for just going to go lightning there again let's going to find it out okay so it just hits the shield bro it just really hits the shield okay that's really good to know bro what the heck he looks so weird he looks so broken but I I don't know if it's like that good I really want to know like your opinion comment section is is evolution wizard going to be a really good card I'm not certainly sure about that please Don't splash into lightning ah it's j GG's for a play that's interesting guys to be fair guys I was just taking a look at like the normal CL game plan I was actually I don't know was I wrong or was I right so if if you hit the dark prins The Shield of the dark prins you're not able to hit the normal one same with Gods so it's like actually normal interaction but it kind of just shows to you guys that wizard now I guess the main buff kind of with the shield like made him way better against spells right of course you can still kill the shield with log and so on and then just go lightning it still works but overall I feel like it just makes it way way better in this type of matchups where you normally just get like spell cycle like Po poison and so on but poison loog and so on still does really really well I mean poison loog still kills it right you just need to kill the loog I mean you not just need to kill Shield which I'm also going to can show you and then you're just going to be able to get the value on top of that with the poison example here I'm playing Fireball lock so will be a bit different but still so I'm playing axo bro let's see how this is going to work out so I guess I think to get the maximum of wizard value okay just go lock there so to just make sure okay it does entirely kill the shield this is pretty nice um this is pretty nice I guess but I get like for the maximum volue maybe you sometimes have to play what the heck you sometimes have to play the wizard maybe the evolution wizard directly on top of something to get like the explosion bomb which is interesting right because it's a long range tube it's not like the Mikey Min where you're targeting close to of course you can but it's really squishy tubes so I feel like in this type of tubes of course also has knockback it's that kind of thing what do you really want to do what you want to risk right how do you want to get value out of it um but I feel like sometimes would make more more sense to play the wizard on top of something to just get like the boom effect to push back troops but it's really important for you guys to know which I like kind of got wrong I don't know why um lock plus actually poison is not going to be entirely able to kill him so this is really really important for you guys to know so just's go for in the back but yeah I don't know I just feel like I'm not really big fan of the Evo I just feel like it's not really that F fun to play just like a small Shield which is going to get yet I don't know maybe you guys have a different opinion maybe you guys really enjoy it but I personally think it's one of the less exciting Heros to be honest so let's go for my ice bir there so I don't know let's see maybe I just going to go Expo now and now I kind of want to just show what we can do there so okay I'm just going to go for my wizard there okay so is the wizard is it going to hit no it's not even going to hit my shield okay so just go skeletons I'm just going to go lock there and I mean it's still really bad on Tower right like it's more of defensive troop as it always was but now a bit better with the shield I just feel like I don't know I just feel like the explosion damage from The Shield doesn't have too much impact maybe like maybe I'm just dumb but I just feel like the explosion damage doesn't have any impact to Shield itself it's a really cool feature but explosion damage feels like it's not going to do too much I don't know just go for skeletons there ice Spirit just like this just going to go for my knight okay I'm just going to go AOW I mean Tesla now cuz it's going to come down we do get a small axo lock okay I might just go for another um okay bro just going to go for another wizard there and then I just might go for skeletons Expo and I'm just going to go for another Knight here I know I think will be one of the worst evos not going to lie just think my wizard sucks besides in like low Le so let's go for my wizard there so maybe we are able to get like some Splash damage he goes in for the lock I mean as I said is still going to be alive but now like I don't know I don't know I don't know as I said you want to play it on top of the troops to get like the value out of the to get a value value out of the shield explosion but at the same time bro it just dies so quick since it's so squishy I don't know bro I honestly have no idea if that's really he played as so we're just going to go for another Tesla I'm just going to go Ice Bird skel are going to come down but this game will be Jova I guess there will be like a last chance but yeah this is over I don't know let me know what you guys think about that I think honestly I expected a bit more of this card so guys also really important for you guys to know I just wanted to mention that area damage of arrows are 366 on level 11 for Wizard as you guys can see here this is really really important and really really cool to know is 371 so actually no small spell will be able to kill the shield out of the wizard so guys I've actually decided to pick a deck with like Royal Hogs and I kind of want to see if call is actually playing the Wizard maybe on top of the hogies I kind of want to kind of just want to get once value out of the bomb bro of course it does pretty well against Min it kills minion at example when you're playing wizard here and the opponent plays an ice G and play wizard I mean just like play a minion h on off of The Wizard it actually dies from The Shield bomb but like skele ranks and so on also W there so it's like an arrows bomb I would say but also push back troops bro it also push back troops so I'm just going wi in the back so call plays actually princess to really nice prin to is awesome so I kind of want to find out like I maybe against battle Ram it could be fun to try out against bam just playing on top of the battle Ram I want to see if it gets push back what is actually going to happen there so going for my hog at the bridge he goes in paracka okay okay he goes in for this so bro normal wizard is so bad bro I guess some of you guys will say Mar I face it every single day yeah because you might be a midl and your opponents are really annoying bro but normally in top ler nobody's using this card I guess for a reason bro for a reason I'm just go for my Cannon let's go skeletons now thei L guess the defense wasn't that bad so and I want to find out what he does so go in for your go in go in go in bro okay I'm just going to go with it now like this okay so what is so what's going to happen now boom okay okay okay okay I like that I like that I like that but it's not like I'm going to jump out of my um not like I'm going to jump out of my chair I'm like what the heck m mom we got the new broken Evo it's not even close to be like that bro I'm not going to lie but I guess it's like some potential bro maybe I don't know maybe against like big pushes but I don't like it's a five elixir bro card bro I know I'm repeating myself I just want to tell you how crazy it is to bring this inter action for a card for a long range Cube which is like not a mighty Miner right I would kind of compare to a mighty Miner bomb bro where you're just playing Mighty Miner but with Mighty Miner the difference is bro it's like like it's already like a card which you have to play on troops and this is the main difference bro normally wizard you're playing outside so it's a nice ition I guess it's a nice of course it doesn't make the card worse but I don't see any reason to use the wizard even I feel like it's the first long range tube in the entire game um I guess like super I kind of planed maybe to make it like instead of The Little Prince maybe to see a bit more but yeah it's crazy I'm let's go for my wizard there so we just kind of is it also like push backing the Packa bro so as you guys know wizard shield no it's not going to push back that okay wizard Shield doesn't get taken off by ours this is what I just showed you in the last after the last game so this over GG's well played interesting to see I would say we do one more game but to be fair I guess wizard I don't know is it a disappointment let me know what you guys think about that like I don't want to say disappointment but it's honestly disappointment so we're playing electr now and of course this cyle has to be one I mean if it would have been two it would have been just like Bro Dog Water I don't know maybe it's going to be good like against lava on decks I guess um maybe against Lavon is going to be good if they have like Arrow zap or like Fireball zap I guess like on defense this type of decks maybe I'm like a bit too harsh I guess like against dcks like Lava Hound it will be really Sol since like you cannot just like fire Z him anymore but yeah bro I don't know just like little prince is so much better well I guess I'm just going to go for my e there he just decides to Tower trade he just decides to Tower trade me if it's even going to work out bro I'm just going to go for a tornado there to activate King Tower great and I'm now going to lose my entire Tower I think but maybe I'm able to save it maybe I'm able to save it and the tower stays alive bro no worries no worries easy defense I'm not I didn't even cycle wizard yet which is a bit annoying can just go for my cage there though cage is going to put him work work work work work work and now this looks really really good okay I need to go Phoenix there obviously and I think with the help of the king to that should be a good defense I hope it dies yeah okay I was like kind of scared of maybe my Phoenix is going to die there against this LP that would have been really really bad but it's all all right bro so what are we going to cook next up do I just go like for my bowler do I go for another wizard I think I have to go wizard right I want to go cycling my Evolution wizard sounds weird by the way Evolution wizard bro so he also has this wizard so of course you cannot just liting it immediately okay maybe I'm just going to go electr there and I want to go like NATO how the wizard want to see what happens let's go for myado there making sure to kill this and now boom and yeah it doesn't really affect anything bro it just sucks maybe like with tornado on defense it can be nice like to pull it into your like into your wizard to get like the bomb value but I don't know I don't know maybe like I'm think about maybe I like forgot to like mention an interaction I feel like it could be really good but overall I feel like wizard just will suck but maybe I'm still going to click about you guys saying the best Evolution ever wizard is going to be broken so people already get mad so I hope you watch this spe on now if you watch this spe on now you know wizard is not that great so I'm just going to go for this let's go tornado here so let's see what's he going to now it's going to we going to get no we don't even get the bomb out because it's not dead yet okay please die I want to get okay he goes in Z please die now okay boom yeah okay I guess in in case he plays like a skeleton army but who would play something like this okay it's over GG's for play let me know in the comment section what you guys think about the evolution wizard you guys like it you guys think it's bad I would say it's probably one of the worst Evolutions I also just feel like it's not really cool is not really fun it's like kind of I don't know like a night with like a bit of in it I don't know like let me know what you think about that use C support Channel with out thanks for watching love you guys goodbye
Channel: mortenroyale[ENG]
Views: 32,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clash, royale, pro, CRL, mortenroyale, english, tipps, tricks, live, gameplay, esports, highladder
Id: flQ4vSJRZLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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