I *INVENTED* The Best PumpBow Deck EVER...

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yo what's going on boys today I'm going to be playing this new PPO deck that I just made if you guys enjoy the video make sure to like And subscribe and I've actually got the Phoenix in there I tried to make it like a little bit unique nothing like the previous pumo decks and I also tried to counter The Meta a little bit with the log and the arrows so let's see how this goes I'm going to pump in the middle problem is my cycle a little bit too heavy for a pumpo deck so I'm probably not going to be able to pump up a lot I'm going to have to punish after like maybe getting down one or two pumps Max okay this guy just missed a fireball on my tower by the way okay I don't know how you miss a fireball from that spot not going to lie the pump is right there like you can hit either Tower with the fireball but I'll good though I'm not complaining I mean he's playing RG so like if he doesn't do damage on my tower and single Elixir then I'm chilling okay easy defense on the ghost was kind of hoping that it wouldn't splash the bomber but it actually ended up splashing it so I'm going to pump in the middle I think he's one guard off Fireball right now so he's going to have to go for like something and then a fireball on the pump okay let's go for the evil bomber in the back I'm actually going to arrows here I could have evil bomed but that could have been pretty pretty easy for him to block so I'll just take my arrows damage save the bomber for when I go Expo because if they play the RG a little bit low like right here I'm going to try if he plays the RG like a little bit low then I'm actually going to be able to DPS it down pretty quick okay nice I'm going to hit the tower like twice here look one and then twice maybe if I put that down earlier I could have gotten three but yeah only two for now but I was kind of worried about taking out the RG before getting the bomber damage though all good though next cycle he is going to be back to evil RG I got some pretty good damage so I don't really need to like pressure again for a minute I got the damage I needed and evil bombers is going to be nice cuz I can snipe out like the fisherman and stuff and log arrows is actually going to help me keep up with the fireball cycle as well so I think I'll be able to win this yeah even though the match is not that good I think I'll be able to win this would have been nice if I had like a mighty Miner or a mini Pekka to take out the RG but going to Fenix in the back here to cycle okay bomber in the back I kind of want to go in cuz I've got the Evo Knight yeah I'll just go in I've got evil Knight so if he goes for evg the evg is going to die to my knight what I'm actually going to hold on to it for now he might fisherman pull it away so I'm going to kill it with the Phoenix cuz on my side he can't do anything for the Phoenix okay Knight right now I think that's on the Knight o okay I'm going to Phoenix again and then I'm just going to RG again cuz why all my stuff is alive so if he goes RG then it might get like DPS down pretty quick he's back to RG so he's probably going to do it ooh play it in the middle that's pretty smart all the way up high so that I wouldn't be able to get any bomber damage pretty good um I guess I could Pump N I don't need to pump though feel like I don't need a pump anymore we're in double Elixir so I can just keep playing back and forth like I don't need a pump okay let's go for the ghost hold up wait maybe get a lock here dagger help out no he barely got that down wow okay he actually barely barely got that down I think I'm going to be able to out cycle the RG in the next cycle though he was kind of struggling to get it back right here so I think I might be able to out cycle him dagger come on okay expo here what's he going to do for this like ghost bomber okay I don't H he's back to RG with the E Spirit actually that's pretty good bomber here yo give me one shot one shot one shot one shot nice perfect okay if that egg didn't bounce the bomber back I think it would have gotten like three hits but that's still good damage though one shot is pretty good cuz I'm up like almost 1,000 damage going to go for arrows yo bomber a I thought the bomber would live and hit the ghost that would have been amazing but gonna log right now he's definitely gonna RG I'm gonna go for a phoenix and then I need to defensive Expo can't let that thing on my tower okay perfect good defense right here I just have to make sure to not let the actual RG on the tower I don't care about Fireball cycle cuz at this point I can log arrows more than he can Fireball so just going to arrows on the tower okay looking good how am I winning this by so much this is actually kind of crazy okay Phoenix on the actually going to Knight here to make the Fisher walk and then going to Phoenix ooh perfect good going to go for a Expo in the middle defensive I'm also going to quickly arrows I don't want the bomber to do any like funny stuff on my tower I don't want to take any damage right now just play it safe okay my Phoenix is going to respawn um I think I'm going to try to get a second Phoenix down Phoenix has been so nice the entire game I'm just like dpsing down everything and winning a lot of bridge battles arrows on the Fisher and the bomber okay looking good um probably going to RG I'm going to night bridge and then bom on the side to kind of prevent it yo one shot that's going to be one right oh I didn't get a shot shot it's barely not on the tower but all good though I'm not desperate for damage or anything I'm going to go for ice bear I'm just going to go for arrows and I think I'll go for bomber on the side here okay Knight on top for the bomber and the Phoenix and I need to get a phoenix down as well all right wait that RG might get like two hits on my tower but I think I can afford to eat it cuz I can't really afford a building right now hold up only one shot yo okay Fenix does a lot of DPS I'll take that super nice win definitely not my match up by the way this guy didn't play well in single he was on the defensive the whole time so as a RG player you want to get a RG on the tower and single exra that way you can like spell cycle and double but I'll take the win all I'm in my next match oh wow okay this guy's actually just on the dot 150 below me love that just absolutely love that if I lose I lose like 42 if I win I get 18 that's so dumb okay arrows here on the bomber oh yikes and I bet it's going to be a really bad match up too but let's see bomb and to Phoenix okay looking like the giant deck which is obviously not a good match up but I don't know Phoenix might help out the Phoenix might actually come in clutch oh wait what wait a minute he has a Skelly King this is going to be Golem yikes okay Golem's also really bad but a little bit better than giant though I just have to worry about one or two pushes the entire game which is why I think it's a little bit better but yeah if I manage to defend both those bushes I think I'll be fine maybe even more than two I don't know but Golem players don't get more than like two or three pushes the entire game so going to log right now and I think I think I'll try to go for a second pump sometime soon he pumped on me so probably going to try to get a second one down Evo Skelly though he has the fast cycle deck what okay okay Golem in the back wait guys I think he's going to evil bomber ready ready now oh no he was patient bro I'm cooked wait hold up I'm actually just cooked wait oh no I'm cooked how do I defend I don't even care about the bomber on the right how do I defend the left he has like 10 elixir right now oh oh my God okay okay man dude how do I do this H I need to rotate back to my second Phoenix probably yeah let me bomb her the back here and then I'll just go Fenix on top hold up Phoenix might cook a little bit yo lock on the eag lock on the eag nice perfect okay arrows coming in now egg's going to pull the Phoenix back okay wait best defense ever how did I defend that what the hell I actually have my tower alive right now o he pumped okay wait I'm going to take the tower on the right I think since I defended that push in single Elixir I definitely think I could defend that in double but I just need a defensive Expo in double Elixir so I'm just going to play Early axo take the tower and then try to get a defensive Expo down going to Knight the back here him not having the evil bomber and having the Evo skell is kind of helping out right now going to go for a bomber in the back yeah cuz I'd have to worry about the evil bomber a lot right but now I don't really have to worry about the Evo skellies I've got log and arrows in my deck okay expo here I need to get back to my second Phoenix um I'm just going to arrows right now okay Skelly King not too bad going to go for a bomber down lad yo that's defended like easy light work oh shoot wait I need to huh I need to get a phoenix down on top of the eag okay and then I need to log here for the Golem and the egg then I need to go for a bomber bro I'm defending these oh my okay I win these bro I win these arrows over here take out everything on the field oh my God Knight here and then I'm just going to go for ice bear and that's going to be a good game wow okay I did not think I was going to win this match up but I'll take the win wow that was amazing not going to lie I'll just hop right in and see when I find a match all right I'm in my next match here facing Point Mass hopefully I get a good match up now I think I got the bad matchups out of the way so I'm going to Ice Spirit at the back and then just going to pump in the middle see what deck this guy's playing though I feel like this guy plays a lot of Pekka I could be wrong though lightning okay could be giant could be Golem could also be Packa lightning but we'll find out in a bit I'm going to bomber the back here to SU though should play like Alp in the back or something okay log and arrows in a deck when I'm facing Pekka is going to be awkward but Pekka is a good match up so I should be able to win okay I'm going to a on the right he's playing the lightning variant so I forget that he has a baby dragon so he kind of wasted that wait log wait he can't pop the ability bro he's dead unless he gets a bar barrel down on time he's dead ooh let's go Okay Ice Spirit no I couldn't block the bar Barrel but that was good though that was good damage right there he messed up the LP because he put in front of the Knight and you know what sucks for him he actually could have popped the ability there had he not had to zap on Max but to make it lock back on the Knight but he messed it up so bad okay pump in the back here probably going to lightning he's at six right now but not playing the lightning okay I'm going to be up a lot of Elixir soon I guess I can probably go for a second pump soon too with this deck I haven't really gotten over like two pumps at the same time down so I'm probably going to try to do that in like one of these matches but I don't know if this is the right match up for it cuz uh okay everything's just on the night that's a little bit annoying ramr is going to hit my tower thankfully not a charge though I'll take that for sure okay how do I get damage man I got damage the one time because he messed up the defense but I don't know how else to get damage I feel like he has Pekka and just everything he needs to defend my stuff okay Elixir collector in the back and then guess I'll try to bomb her in the back here or huh wait I'm not going to bomb the back you could Evo zap it Phoenix in the back here okay and then I'll go Evo Knight if I go Evo Knight here he's going to have to be forced to play a pekka right or like a Evo Knight at least okay looking good I'm going to axo on the right here opposite lane axo because I want to bait out like a pekka on the other side oh he plays the Evo Knight okay I'm going to go for my bomber he might try to pack up oh never mind okay that's going to be one hit on the tower going to Knight right now and then I'll go log here my Phoenix is going to respawn but not going to do much cuz the dagger Dutch is just going to take it out okay baby dragon should die to my Phoenix here I'm out of deger so I need to actually defend the Baby D going to go for one of these and then I'm going to Expo again okay let's go for the AL he's probably going to Knight and then go Pekka in front oh this is going to be so annoying to defend look at my hand dude I have arrows and a log I need to get rid of them right now going to bomber okay can't take out the bomber right now which is like the one good thing that I've got going on on defense okay I'm going to Expo actually it's not working like I'm going Expo back to back but it's not working so not going AO okay I'm going to Knight at the bridge though try to block his knight from crossing the river and then I'll go log over here kind of save up the daggers for a little bit for the ram Rider I'm going to Ice Spirit come on no oh I thought he hit the perfect zap on the ice spirit I just had a hard attack but I'm back to life now don't worry about me going to go for Elixir pump in the back okay I've got two downs so maybe I'll be able to do something here right like I should be able to do something if I have two down bomber over here to snipe out the Alp give me two at least so I can take out the AL thank you okay I'm going to Ice Spirit going a Phoenix right now too okay I need to go for a knight and then I need to go for an expo okay all right I had to kind of play a defensive Expo into the ram Rider but got to do what you got to do I was not trying to take any damage there bro I cannot take any more than what I've already taken okay Fenix over here I need to go for a log Knight the ice spear didn't jump ice spear sold I lost dang I think I sold wait maybe not yet though I'll try I'll keep trying but but this is not good at all I'm going to go for a bommer right now okay I'm just going to go for a Phoenix on the Pekka I need a phoenix to DPS down the Pekka not having the skellies in the deck is so awkward man like how do I kill the. Pekka okay Pekka die nice I'm going to a I'm going to bomb her hold up wait a minute his cycle is really bad he's going to have to like do some interesting stuff here the a waa lightning okay wait I don't know if he's going to be able to defend my second X I'm going to arrows it quickly yo bad zap oh oh my God now back to lightning and he Zapped the floor let's go that's going to be a nice W dude I think he panicked and like Zapped the floor not going to lie cuz he could have Zapped the AA and quickly placed a knight I think he would have been able to get it down but he wasn't able to get it down cuz he was panicking so I'll take the win going to hop right in see when I find a match all right I'm in my next match here facing tectonic okay this guy's a little bit lower than me so I cannot afford to lose going to go for a bomber the back to cycle see what deck he's playing bomber as well could be any deck The Meta literally every deck in The Meta runs a bomber okay I'm going to pump in the middle Phoenix ready for the giant because he played a night which in the back definitely going to be some sort of giant deck I don't know what support units though but yeah going to be a giant deck so going to have a lot of fun yay oh even better wow okay I need to get a knight down I need to get a bomber down and then I need to log it back I need a ice spear for the night witch bats I think I defend this just fine think I took a bunch but defended it pretty well okay not too bad I've got a pump down so I can definitely go for a second pump dude why is the meta all just like giant lightning giant graveyard just giant decks and then it's like other half is like Golem and Lava Hound like what is this man no cycle decks the only cycle deck that's alive right now is Goblin drill because of how broken the drill actually is like that's so dumb okay going to ax on the right dude I can't wait for Bown to die hopefully they kill it next season man I'm so like fed up with beat down okay is going to die there I'm going to go for a bomber on the giant I don't want him to like graveyard late he's at like four Elixir right now probably so I don't want him to graveyard late cuz I'm out of dagger so could be bad Ice Spirit the back here I'm just going to go for a pump in the middle again okay looking good got two pumps on the field killed the giant just now so he's not going to be back to Giant for a while and he's also not going to be back to evil bomber in the next cycle okay if I'm going to get damag this is where I'm going to have to try cuz like I need to actually just going in his cycle is so bad right now okay what do I do here axell on the right and then H do I go KN yeah I'll go Knight cuz not back to Giant right so he's going to have to Giant and then zap now okay looking good um I'm going to ice be on the Phoenix so that it doesn't do a lot of damage on the axell nice the dagger Dutch is going to take out the Phoenix and the egg's going to die to my bomber that means I can axell again you're really bad arrows I think he lost yeah that's good game I don't see him defending this if he defends this I'm giving away 20 million wait did I speak too soon um uh Expo come on please lock on the tower I don't want to lose 20 million I don't even have 20 million forget 20 I don't even have 1 million okay going to Expo on the right let's go I don't have to give out 20 million oh let's go let's go yeah he lost he doesn't have any Elixir and the lp was just like cherry on top cuz he popped the ability last second which was so bad the Phoenix went back and killed it and then the dagger Dutchess also killed it so that was really bad I'm going to BM this guy a little bit cuz he gave me the crl like what how do you give crl after getting cooked like that such a bad match up for me too by the way like what okay any heway going to AA on the king Tower and that is going to be a pretty easy win I'm going to cut to the next game I will see when I find a match all right I'm in a match here facing freezer um this guy I think he's known to play giant graveyard he's one of like the worst giant graveir players of all time I think dude how many Giants have I faced this video God damn man oh my God I'm so annoyed like holy can I get something other than giant please like I face one Pekka three giant beatdowns including this and then one RG and one. Pekka yeah that was it like Dude Where's the cycle man all beat down I'm so annoyed I'm actually so annoyed okay n the back to cycle I can't wait for cycle to be back call me biased or whatever but I cannot stand beat on being The Meta cuz this is like all like look at all the cancer Decks that are in The Meta right now Jesus okay bomber the back here I'm going to pump in the back left okay looking good um I think my bomber is actually going to bait out a giant like a whole giant cuz if he doesn't put a giant down then the bomber's going to get a lot of damage on the tower yo bomber about to go crazy come on bounce on it wait log back and then I Knight here to save the bomber and then the bomber is going to get 15 Elixir worth of value right here take out the bowler and the witch unless he zaps ooh okay took out basically the whole bowler and the witch and then still baited out the zap that's so good man oh my God I'm up so much right now I'm going to bomb right here I'm just going to axo on the right to get damage and then he's going to kill it somehow right but I'm going to pump in the back again once my XO dies but I'm going to get some damage though like there's no way I don't get damage here I'm going to log ah I M Ed it oh no okay still damage I mean it would have been on half HP if I didn't like Miss time cuz one extra bullet shot removed from the axo is a lot of HP but it's okay though I got damage I wanted and I've got two pumps on the field and this guy definitely cannot beat me with this kind of lead he definitely cannot beat me going into double exir as well okay Knight in the back here I guess I'll go Phoenix in the back I don't want to Knight the back yikes I wasted Elixir no I took too long to think there okay I spawn the right and then I'm going to keep the bomber ready I'm not going to bomber right away he could like arrows predict me wait a minute that's a dead giant log ooh okay wait he's going to have to Bullet yeah just go for the bullet I'm going to bomb her in the middle take out the lp oh only got one shot on it okay hold up the bowler actually hit my tower that's so broken but we don't talk about it going to act spawn the right okay Giant in the middle he's back to Giant because he had the Alp down he's back to bowler now so I'm going to block the bowler with the Knight okay bomber on the side okay wait log over here the giant dies right cuz my dagger dutes ooh almost okay I'm going to Phoenix here and then I could go again but like dude it's just not working like he's going to be able to Trant here I think man that's so annoying okay arrows over here I need to go for huh I need to defend both LS I need to make sure that he doesn't want to pop the ability or anything I'm going to Ice Spirit and then I'm just going to log the giant back okay I'll pump in the middle now if he goes in he's stupid cuz I have a lot of Defense ready he's just dumb if he goes in oh my God okay all right well he's just stupid going to go for a phoenix actually going to Knight and then go Phoenix bomber ooh nice really good bomber okay log it back and then I'm back to second bomber bomber's getting a lot of value here taking out the Witch and everything and the bowler especially the evil bomber cuz it's like bouncing on everything taking out the skellies taking out the giant the bowler okay I can pump again I'm going to pump in the back here what is that witch the hell is this guy doing I'm so confused he's just feeding me at this point like okay log over here what he tried to predict my evil bomber oh that's going to backfire on him so hard cuz now I'm going to ask so with this actually I don't know if I should X for opposite or pump I'm going to pump yeah whatever I'll just pump I'll go for a Phoenix on the bowler once it crosses yo double bouncer oh my God nice okay that's all the damage I need I don't even need a lock anymore I can go for a bomber I can go for a knight go for a log here I just need to kind of be careful here cuz that graveyard could actually like grab met right now stop oh Evo zap okay all right I'm fine I think I'm fine going to Ice Spirit over here to reset the lp and everything should be dead I'm going to Expo on the right cu the Giant on the left is taking out the Expo but the point of the Expo was to bait out the giant though so that he wouldn't be able to try on the other side I think he's back now though like it doesn't matter anymore but log right now Phoenix right now ice spear right now Balmer in a bit not right now okay bummer now and he's going to drant right but I'm going to log right now I'm going to just stack up like everything at the bridge his Giant's going to get cooked so quick like look at this oh look at that Giant's going to be dead in like two more seconds one two look at that nice okay Fenix here going to go for a log 8 seconds left he can't get the damage he needs I'm going to go for arrows I'm just going to go for evil bomber maybe get the one shot n never mind I'm not going to get the one shot but I'll take the win though pretty nice win um I hit beat down moral of the story moral of the video I hit beat down uh if you face giant probably just hit yourself in the head and close the game like I don't know but love you guys bye
Channel: Eragon - Clash Royale
Views: 27,487
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Za2oiGkU0Bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 54sec (1254 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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