Using BIG BAITS for SPILLWAY MONSTERS!!! (Surprise Catch!)

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Oh big bite what's going on everybody Nichkhun six one eight fishing gear and welcome back to another fishing adventure [Music] [Music] this episode is going to be a little bit different because I'm heading to a brand new spillway that I just found on Google Earth last night most of the fishing spots that I go to I've been scouting out for months that is not the case with this episode I'm a little nervous about those fishing spots because I don't know if I'll actually be able to access the spillway the satellite images weren't exactly clear and on top of that it's almost an hour away so this could turn into a pretty big fail I almost made it to the spillway when I encountered a giant barbed wire fence and an even bigger no trespassing sign so it looks like I'm never going to be able to fish that spillway there's absolutely no way to access it so I'm going to go ahead and proceed on to plan B I'd be lying if I said that was not incredibly disappointed that I was not able to access that spillway but I'm going to try and make the best of today I'm actually at a fishing spot where last time I caught a brand new species that being a common carp and at the same time I was having some really big takes on some live bait I had so I'm heading back to that same location with some heavier gear to hopefully pull out some even bigger fish I just made it to the fishing spot and I was looking over this edge down into the water in there is a monster monster fish down there I'm not too sure I think it's a species of carp but I'm gonna try to catch it now as far as what I'm gonna use I think I might try dropping down a small piece of a night crawler to see if he goes for it all right guys here we go [Music] oh my god you guys somebody's coming to check it out you got something has it there we go fish on oh my god it's a giant bass what no way you guys it's a largemouth bass are you serious no way holy cow oh my god okay I gotta get down here oh my god I cannot believe this right now okay not as big as I thought look at the mouth on this guy I cannot believe I just caught this bass out of that Creek see you later buddy when I was looking over that wall I thought I was looking at carp know that right there was a really nice largemouth bass and I'm pretty sure I saw a ton more I'm gonna drop another bait down there and see if I can catch another fish hopefully I did not spook them all off unfortunately I am no longer seeing fish in that little passageway so I'm gonna go ahead target the open water and I'm excited for that because I have a very special bait but I'll be using today to hopefully catch a monster fish here it's what I will be using it is a giant rainbow trout head from a fish that I caught over a year ago this thing was originally about a three pound trout today I'll be using its head for bait on my second rod I'll be tossing out a bluegill head so I'll have a trout head out there and a bluegill head [Music] you guys somebody has a trout head [Music] I'm gonna give them time to eat it and then I'm gonna set the hook hopefully this is a big fish [Music] no you guys they dropped it thank you guys I think they picked it back up yeah something has it oh my gosh no no no no I missed it I felt heavy yeah okay I still have the trout head all right let's get it back out there oh yeah oh [Music] [Music] something has the trap head something has the trout head oh no you guys something is just munching on it I'm gonna try casting it somewhere else I think there's a turtle down there munching like a childhood [Music] big bite oh no you guys something took the child head dang it all right time for Plan B Oh somebody's trickling automatical excited [Music] bhishan oh yes you guys just caught a little sunfish all right I'm gonna use this guy as live bait check that out guys that should catch a monster [Music] it's really deep out there I'd say it's at least 15 feet deep there we go this is gonna be perfect live bait [Music] fish on something hit the live bait hole yeah [Music] I haven't seen it yet it's going crazy down there though what is that no it's off what is this what I was hoping yes oh my god finally caught what was eating my live bait this is one of the coolest looking folks and I've ever caught see you later buddy that was such a cool looking both and I've never caught one with those colors but it's also interesting because I've never caught a bowfin using a whole live bluegill most of the both in the night catch I catch using small cut up pieces of bluegill so for some reason the fish in this Creek prefer the live sunfish so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna try to catch another one rig it up and possibly catch a bigger bow fin so to catch the bait I'm just using a small Carolina rig with a little Jay hook and on that Jay hook is a miniscule piece of Nightcrawler there we go yes perfect size all right guys I think something's on here there we go fish on what is it oh I think it's another Baofeng awesome oh my gosh I know the really cool looking one see you later buddy that last fish completely shredded my line so I'm gonna go ahead and retie and if you guys are curious I'm using a two OTT or three OTT circle hook on a Carolina rig and I've got my egg weight and swivel about 24 inches above my hook there we go yes another perfect one hopefully I'll be able to turn this bluegill into a giant bow fin [Music] there we go Oh No dan snagged holy cow you guys there's still a fish on there just about pull the rod out of my hand there we go it's free oh now I'm in trouble okay it's another bowfin come on there we go yes I cannot believe the size of bait this both and win four see you later buddy all right you guys already know the drill I need to catch another live bait all right this one's a little bit too big it's a really nice-looking sunfish though dang one of the coolest looking Sunda fish I've ever caught see you later buddy here we go oh yes [Music] I'm gonna fish here for just a little bit longer but there's a nice sandy beach oh there we go just caught a bait oh this is a nice one perfect size yes oh-ho buddy second perfect size bluegill alright guys I think I'm gonna go ahead move over to that nice-looking sandy beach over there because I'm seeing a lot of fish activity right out in front of it [Music] Hey that wasn't too bad [Music] I'm feeling pretty good about this spot there's actually somewhat of a drop-off right from the bank so it looks like it's actually pretty deep right out here in front of me I'm gonna toss some live baits out and hopefully hook into a monster [Music] oh you guys is a raccoon oh oh I'm gonna bite here we go fish on oh my god it's fighting so crazy holy smokes oh it's another baofeng this is a nice one guys fish fight so hard it is so cool seeing them fight in clear water yes oh yeah you guys what a beast this has to be the coolest one yet see you later buddy the bowfin living in this Clear Creek they look incredible I've never caught any baofeng that look anything like them they are just so much darker the stripes on them are so much more pronounced and all around they are just some of the coolest looking fish that I've ever caught [Music] holy cow Kishan something just triggered my my hook cider what is this you guys this is something else this is not a bow Finn now get away from there [Music] ah fish is fighting hard [Music] there we go yes all right guys looks like a common carp this is only the second one I've ever landed and the first one I actually caught from the same spot last time I was here such a cool fish and dang do they fight hard see you later buddy well guys that's gonna do it for today's episode and I am very happy with how it ended because it's started off horribly but after coming to this location I tossed around some big baits and I caught some really nice fish including some of the coolest looking bow fin that I've ever landed a really nice largemouth bass and a comment card so needless to say I had a lot of fun today if you guys enjoyed this episode I'd have really appreciate it if you'd left the thumbs up but I'm gonna head out of here I will catch you on the next one [Music] [Music] let's go watering my boot my foot is soaked now because I went chasing after a baby snapping turtle but anyways
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 1,961,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7xWICslWcpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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