Bible World Church-Chesapeake VA

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would you magnify the lord and worship him hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah to the lamb hallelujah hallelujah blessing and honor [Music] praise god it feels good to be in the house of the lord this morning what a beautiful crowd we have here today on this snowy and rainy and icy sunday morning thank you for getting out to the house of the lord today i know there was probably some that were concerned whether or not they could or would but i'm so glad that all of you are here this is a wonderful attendance on a morning like this can you say amen praise god to all of those that are joining us by live stream we welcome you today we're glad that you're here glad that you're with us amen amen amen amen i sure will be happy can when we can put that 200 chairs or so that we took out of here back in here and just have the place packed completely full and we can worship and shout and dance and run and holler and hug necks and shake hands and be friendly and i do believe that that day is coming i believe that we're going to have the opportunity to do that before too awfully long i know that there's some kind of unhappy predictions being made out there about what's going on i don't know how much of it is real and how much of it is not i don't know how much of it is political and how much of it is not i don't know how much of it is just fear factor and not but i'm telling you one of these days we're going to get back to being able to have church the way we want to with the people we want to let me assure all of you those here and those watching from home and i want the devil to hear me when i say this it doesn't matter what's going on in our world an apostolic church is still going to figure out a way to have church can you say amen somebody praise god praise god praise god i am uh thrilled to be able to be here for several reasons i was in california this week left there yesterday got back last evening and first time i had flown since june of last year i think the last time i went that long without flying i was about 13 years old or something but uh it is uh it was good to get to get out to a conference this week first time but it was also kind of a rough trip and a bunch of you said pastor i'm praying for you i want you to know i don't take one of those texts or messages or emails or phone calls for granted i deeply deeply appreciate the prayers of god's people on our behalf i had a rough flight going out but i had a really good one coming home and so i am thrilled thrilled for that you may be seated my subject today is a powerful apostolic church a powerful apostolic church now i'll tell you up front that there may be some of this today that is preaching but there's going to be a whole lot of what i say today that is pastor talking to the church not only those of you that are gathered here but those that are watching by live stream and those that will watch from around the world in the coming days and weeks i am talking to you today from my heart it's not a normal message that i'm going to bring to you today i probably won't beat the pulpit and walk around and raise my voice a whole lot i'm going to talk to you today from what i believe that god has spoken to me about what is happening in our world spiritually what is happening with the church spiritually what god has planned for us what i believe that god is and will do through us those are the kind of things that i want to talk to you about today i first want to tell you and remind you that there is nothing generic there is nothing normal there is nothing ordinary or there is nothing common about a genuinely apostolic church for those of you that are new to the church you're going to find out that we don't do things like everybody else does we don't look at things like everybody else looks at it you're going to find out that we don't ever just go through a form or a fashion of having church we not only don't do it we are opposed to it big time we believe that every time you come to the house of god you ought to feel god we believe every time you come to the house of god you ought to hear from god we believe every time you come to the house of god you ought to respond to god you ought to leave here different than you came if you really been in a real apostolic church clap your hands and say amen an apostolic church is not given to following the religious crowd you'll never hear us get up in this pulpit and say well you know the religious mainstream is doing abc so get ready bible world we're going to follow the religious mainstream and do abc we don't follow the religious world or the religious crowd in a genuinely apostolic church a genuinely apostolic church is not politically motivated it is not politically led it doesn't change who it is what it believes how it acts or reacts because of politics say man somebody paul we are not receptive to charismatic fads as a genuinely apostolic church it's amazing how many people write me text and send me emails and oh brother cunningham do you hear what charismatic joe said oh brother cam do you hear what charismatic singing oh did you hear this new charismatic song oh did you hear that do you understand this new charismatic fad oh we ought to do this at bible world honey if god says do it we'll do it but we are not chasing charismatic fads i don't care who else does amen are y'all okay with this today we're not willing to compromise for the sake of acceptance or for the sake of inclusion i want that to sink in just for a second we are not willing to compromise for the sake of acceptance or the sake of inclusion now i mean that on several different levels we as a church are not willing to compromise with the religious world the charismatic world the political world the education world the finance world for the sake of acceptance or inclusion that's what i mean first what i mean second is that we as individuals should not be willing to compromise are you ready with friends with family with cohorts with culture for the sake of acceptance or inclusion what are you trying to say preacher i'm trying to tell you that an apostolic church is unlike any other entity any other organization any other group on the face of this earth an apostolic church is in a category of its own hello come on an apostolic church has no affinity for tradition or ritual or ceremony talking about a real genuine apostolic church can you say amen we will never trade in an apostolic church we will never on purpose trade the eternal for the temporal we refuse to do it and any time you do it you've made a horribly bad deal because there is nothing in this world which is all temporary that's worth you trading your eternal clap your hands and say amen somebody even though i'm not screaming and hollering and walking around i want you to get with me today if you believe what i'm saying let me know if you don't let everybody else know by sitting there acting like you don't know what's going on hello an apostolic church is a powerful church and may i remind you that we are powerful for very important and very distinct reasons there are at least 10 steadfast unmovable and uncompromised doctrines that we have a death grip on that we will never ever let go of for example old-fashioned repentance to us it's not just the part of the salvation experience the born-again experience of repent be baptized be filled with the holy ghost but repentance is a matter of our daily relationship with god the apostle paul that wrote 14 books of your bible said i died daily and we understand in an apostolic church that we're human we're given to human thinking and human emotions we're given to human actions and human reactions and every day we ought to find time to go back to that altar called repentance and say god forgive me of everything i've done that displeases you god created me a clean heart and renew within me a right spirit you say preacher i did that a week ago i did that a month ago a year ago a decade ago i promise you if you did it an hour ago you may already need to do it again there's got to be something in our heart about old-fashioned repentance that makes us want to be right with god i want to please him clap your hands and say man again the name of jesus we have a revelation of the power of the name jesus to us jesus isn't like saying donald trump it's not like saying joe biden it's not like saying jack cunningham it's not like saying whoever your character is you like i'm here to tell you today when you speak that name all of hell comes to attention when you speak that name the bible said everything that's under the earth everything that's in the earth and everything that's above the earth is going to bow their knee it is the only time somebody better get this it is the only time that heaven and earth and hell all gets down on their knees is when you speak that name jesus in authority and power [Applause] clap your hands and say amen we believe in the infilling of the holy ghost not just the infilling but also the indwelling of the holy ghost it's not just a gift that we receive at salvation we use it every day we live we are guided by the holy ghost we are led by the holy ghost our life is monitored if you please by the holy ghost the spirit that lives in you it'll make you know when you're doing right it'll make you know when you're doing wrong and honey if you've got that little voice going off in your head the spirit telling you yeah to this and no to that don't you ever get so big so high so mighty don't you ever get to thinking you're so spiritual that you can ignore that little voice from the holy ghost shout yes we believe in the infallibility of the word of god the word of god isn't 90 right 95 right 99 right 99.9 right the word of god is 100 right 100 of the time it is always the answer it is not open to your editing it's not open to your translation again i don't care who you are i don't care how long you've been around here i don't care what your name is i don't care how much education you have i don't care how much money you have the word of god is the word of god and when everything else in this earth is melting with a fervent heat the only thing that's going to stand forever is the word of god somebody shout yes [Applause] number five is our faith in god one thing i love about this church there's a whole bunch of you around here that have unshakeable faith there's a lot of people in this place i've seen you go to the very door of hell and back and your faith is still strong you still have faith in god i've said it before but i'm gonna say it again the devil don't know what to do with you hell don't know how to handle you when you keep your faith in god no matter the trial no matter the test no matter the trouble no matter what you're going through you maintain your faith in god clap your hands and say man we believe in signs wonders and miracles around here we do believe that god can heal cancer we do believe that god can fix a a broken heart we do believe that god can heal any manner of sickness or any manner of disease come on am i preaching to an apostolic church we believe it we believe that god can make a way where there is no way what's impossible with man is possible with god we believe that kind of stuff around here say amen we believe in having a personal relationship with god not a sunday morning relationship with god not a three-hour-a-week relationship with god sunday morning sunday night and wednesday but we believe that a relationship with god should be 24 hours a day seven days a week 365 days out of the year we believe that god ought to be a part of every decision we make we believe we ought to we ought to talk to god we ought to go to god with everything that bothers us everything that troubles us we need to have the kind of relationship with him that we can come boldly before the throne of grace that we can get before him and say abba father daddy if you please that's the kind of relationship say man somebody number eight is a commitment to please god yeah yeah this church still believes in holiness and separation [Applause] i don't remember the whole song but i remember that part i don't care what the rest of the world's about to do it don't matter to me what other people think it does not matter to me what your professor thinks we're living in a day that the educated idiots are running the insane asylum hello i don't care what your aunt jane or uncle john says i don't care what grandma and grandpa says oh i'm being mean right now some of you think it don't matter to me what some other religion says it don't matter to me what the tv preacher says it don't matter to me what his million seller book says you see i still believe let god be found true and every man a liar and anybody that opposes god or the word of god is wrong i don't care who they are where they're from what their position i still believe holiness without which no man shall see the lord i still believe coming out from among them be you separate saith the lord touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you i still believe love not the world neither the things that are in the world for if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him i still believe we're not supposed to look like the world we're not supposed to talk like the world we're not supposed to act like the world we're not supposed to think like the world talking about a genuinely apostolic church say amen number nine we believe in the presence of the lord we believe that where two or three are gathered together in his name he'll be in the midst of them come on somebody we still believe in worship oh the way you worshipped i to get a better worship in amen than that i said we still believe in worship [Applause] in this apostolic church [Applause] number 10 and i need to hurry along is we still believe that god speaks to his people we believe that a genuinely apostolic church is led by the spirit let me tell you why we make such a big deal about being led by the spirit pretty much everything jesus said has dual applications there's more than one application there's the primary application and then there are other applications of the very same verses or phrase because his words are eternal his words have life his his words are automatically powerful and when jesus said to nicodemus that which is born of the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the spirit is spirit the primary application is salvation but i want you to know there is a church application to that too there is a believer application to that too that which is born of the flesh will never be anything but flesh it's impossible to be born in the flesh and end in the spirit hello something or some situation or some idea or some plan cannot be born in the flesh and bring about spiritual results that which is born of the flesh is flesh and because we believe and understand that we're going to go the extra mile we're going to do everything in our power to be led by the spirit clap your hands and shout a man having said all of that i hope we all know and believe that god has ordained a destiny for each of us i believe that god has a plan for his church worldwide i believe that god knows who or his i believe that god knows the apostolics behind the bamboo curtain of china i believe that god knows the apostolics in hiding in the soviet union i believe that god knows the apostolics that are a part of the united pentecostal church and the apostolics that are not a part of the united pentecostal church i believe that god has a plan for his church worldwide i believe that god is raising up an army an unprecedented army of believers i believe that god is putting together a church right now that's going to blow your socks off i believe god is putting together a work in the world right now that it is about to come to fruition the cover is about to be pulled back the curtain is about to be removed god's going to bring down the walls that have hidden his church and god's going to bring his church to the forefront come on somebody [Applause] not only do i believe that god has a plan for his church worldwide i i really really really really believe that god has a plan for this church specifically brother gordon mallory will be with us at the end of the month of february again you remember him a guy that presided over a a revival that numbers in the hundreds of thousands of souls a guy that's been used by god around the world to see amazing things done he stood in this pulpit and said i've never said it to a church anywhere i've never told anybody else but he said this is a jerusalem church he said this is where it's going to start this is going to be one of the starting places of end time apostolic revival i believe that god has a specific revival plan for this church say amen somebody and now you really ought to come alive because your pastor believes that god has a plan for each of us individually i believe god's got a plan that's got rick crouch's name on it he's got a plan that's got skye's name on it he's got a plan that's got raquel's name on it he's got a plan that's got desert ray's name on it he's got a plan that's got your name on it he's got a plan that's got your name and your name and your name and your name on it i believe god's got a plan for you come on somebody maybe you've never concerned yourself with what is that plan but can i tell you with everything that's happening in our world right now with everything that god is doing right now if you're praying one prayer it ought to be god what did you design me for what is it you want me to do what is it that you have preordained that i will accomplish for you clap your hands all over this building lift up your voice and magnify the lord with me [Applause] i believe with all of my heart that the 2021 apostolic church is standing at the most prophetically charged time and place in the history of the world i want you to understand the gravity of the statement i just made i believe that the 2021 church is standing at the most prophetically charged time and place the rest of the sins in the history of the whole world oh brother claim you believe this is more important than when they cross the red sea i do you believe this more important than when they come out of the fiery furnace i do do you believe this more important than when they went through the lion's den i do do you believe hold let me move to the new testament you believe this is more important than the time when jesus christ walked the earth i do jesus blew their minds when he said hey i want y'all to know i'm getting ready to leave no no no no no lord don't leave us yeah i'm getting ready to leave but he said don't don't get excited it's going to be better for you when i leave the word in the bible in the king james version is expedient it's going to be expedient the word expedient means better it's going to be better for you when i leave what in the world could be talking about read down just a little further he said i have been with you but i'm going to be in you i'm going to fill you with my spirit i've walked on this earth as one man but when i put my spirit within you every one of you is gonna see every one of you is gonna do everything that i've done and greater works than these shall you do clap your hands to him with all your might i'd rather be alive today than to have been there when jesus walked on the water i'd rather be alive today than to be there when he fed five thousand men not counting the women and children with a boy's lunch i'd rather be alive today than to have been there when he ascended up into heaven i'd rather be alive today than to have been there on the day of pentecost in the upper room with 120. yeah i know what i'm saying i'd rather be alive today than i would have been if i could have been there when all of asia heard the word in a space of two years why preacher because this is the most prophetically charged time in the history of the whole wide world clap your hands and say man [Applause] everything turn your neighbor and say everything everything you've ever heard and understood about end time prophecy points to a specific time in history everything doesn't matter if daniel says it doesn't matter malachi said zechariah zephaniah it doesn't matter if matthew said it 24 it doesn't matter if it's in the book of romans revelation the book of uh hebrews the book of revelation it doesn't matter every prophecy in that book points to a specific time what is that time brother cunningham put your seatbelt on it's our time it's right now it's today every prophecy in the book points to right now it's pointing at us ah my god have mercy i want you to know that every sign every promise every prophecy both in the old testament and the new they all point to our time this time my god have mercy i know you're aware so i'm going to address it there is a treacherous turbulent severe spiritual warfare going on in our world right now when brother ricardo and i landed in stockton california i felt really bad i didn't take in consideration that when you're up that high in the plane for that long that thin of air that it would make the oxygen level go down a little bit mine couldn't afford to go down a little bit it's already i i've been staying about two points ahead where the doctor said if it gets below this number go straight to the emergency room i'm about two points above that and on the plane it went well under that that number i carry that little deal you put on your finger and it it it checks your oxygen i have it with me in my briefcase all the time and and my my oxygen went down brother rick was sitting right beside me he can tell you i was breathing hard i was having a hard time breathing now i'm i'm all ego folks 350 pounds of ego that's what you're looking at i've been on the plane when some nut case starts screaming can't breathe can't breathe they get in the microphone say any doctors or nurses on board and everybody comes running the whole plane you know kind of you know just circles around one person and generally that person is just putting on a little show anyway forgive me i'm sorry i've been on planes that had to make emergency landings for somebody to get off i've been on planes where everybody on the plane had to jump in and try to help somebody that was having a rough time of it i was on a plane one day when a lady was afraid to fly and she starts screaming i mean blood curdling scream she's over on the window on the other side of the plane for me but the window on that side and she is screaming like you've never heard screaming she's afraid to fly and so they uh they're doing everything they can people around her the people with her the the the the stewardesses and the stewards and all that they're all trying to help her and finally after the plane takes off and levels off she's never quit screaming somebody went and got the pilot and the pilot comes back and he kneels down in the seat right in front of her and i was quite impressed how he got her to quit screaming he he said the right things he got her real calm down and she's and she's not screaming now first time since before we took off and and she's finally calmed down about 50 and i'm thinking wow that's wonderful until the pilot said now lady you can trust me i'm the pilot and then you ain't ever heard screaming like she did then you're the pilot who's flying this plane there it goes again i've been there for that i told brother rick i said rick i am not telling nobody i can't breathe ain't nobody gonna hook me up to oxygen they're not gonna land this plane and wheel me off i'm just gonna take it till i get there that's me but when we land in stockton after all of that when we land there it looks like an east coast hurricane is going on it's just horrible i'm telling you trees blown over light's blown over electric is off it's just the wind blowing so hard the vehicle we was in you could almost change lanes the wind was blowing so hard as we're trying to make it from the airport to the to the hotel we get in the hotel and they give us all these things that are going on because of the storm computer don't work can't check people in when we first got there all this kind of stuff because of the storm powered flickered on and off several times and and so we finally got to a room and when i get to the room i look out the window to the front parking lot and there is a tree about six feet from my window and for 24 hours that tree just the branches beat that window in my room i thought for sure it's gonna come through that window anytime it just be there's other trees laying down in the yard of the hotel i think they said three or four of their palm trees fell over it was a mess i couldn't sleep i didn't sleep the whole first night i was there and so finally in the middle of the night i walked to that window you're not supposed to do it but i opened the curtains all that two or three layers of curtains up and i stood in front of that window and i began to pray i was praying against the storm but god let me know that the storm was there for a purpose god spoke to me and said this is a turbulent storm that's the word and then god said this is a severe storm and almost immediately god spoke to me and said this storm is a natural example of what is happening right now in the spirit world a natural example of what is happening right now in the spirit world turbulent storm a horrible time severe treacherous whatever words you want to use i immediately begin to think about what i'm talking to you about today i made notes in the middle of the night about what i wanted to talk to you about today because there is an aggressive if you please an angry a destructive a demonic force at work in our world right now i'm gonna tell you like never before in my lifetime i got the holy ghost at age five i started ministering in my middle teens i pastored my first church right when i turned 20 years old i'm telling you i've been doing this a long time but never in my lifetime have i seen such a spiritual onslaught where the enemy in all of hell has joined forces to come against the people of the living god never before in my life just this morning the lord brought a scripture to my heart it didn't even get into my notes that i sent back there to them but in the book of revelation chapter 12 and verse number 12 it says therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them woe to the inhabitors of the earth and of the sea here it is for the devil is come down unto you having great wrath why because he knoweth that he hath but a short time can i put it in terms you're going to understand the devil's like a little kid pitching a fit he's throwing a fit right now because he know his dominion's coming to an end he knows that his day is about over he knows that his hour is spent because he knoweth that he hath with a short time that's why you're feeling what you're feeling today that's why you're sensing the evil and the destruction and all of that that's taking place in our world today but can i flip that coin over and assure you that at the same time all of hell is at work i sense a heavenly strength i sense a heavenly anointing i sense a heavenly power upon and in the church like i've never seen before in my lifetime not only is the devil doing all he can do i want to assure you that heaven that our great god and his mighty angels are doing all they can do and somebody better hear me today god and his angels can do more with their eyes closed and their arms tied behind their back then the devil can do with help clap your hands and shout i believe it [Applause] i want to challenge every child of god don't be fooled don't be fooled the devil is not in charge of anything quit believing that he is come on somebody the bible said all power in heaven and earth given unto god hello jesus has it all power in heaven and earth now he can't have all if the devil has any [Music] if the devil's got one percent then jesus don't have all come on somebody get a hold of this this morning don't be fooled the devil is not in charge of anything [Applause] don't be fooled the devil is not going to bring about the destruction of christianity and christians of you of god's church you better hear me on this sunday morning the devil is not he cannot it is impossible he can't do it he don't have the power to do it he is throwing a fit because he knows his time is short he's acting out because he knows his hours at the end he's getting every evil force he can to come together against god's church against god's people against faith he's doing all he can do but somebody better hear me on this sunday morning he's not going to win he's not going to succeed he's not in charge [Applause] you have to get this you have to the spiritual warfare that we are going through right now as harsh and as evil and as severe and as turbulent as it may seem i have your attention oh i don't know if you're going to like what i'm about to say it is designed by god with a specific purpose those that are standing up wish they'd been sitting down [Applause] there's a bunch of you happy you didn't start clapping too early it was designed it is designed by god with a specific purpose god will use the present spiritual battle hear this preacher i am prophesying to you for an hour today i am telling you that god is going to use what's happening in our world the spiritual treachery the spiritual severity the spiritual attack against god and his people and his church that i'm telling you that god is going to use this battle to catapult the church of the living god to the forefront the bible said god in his infinite wisdom declared the end from the beginning and he did that before creation before there was even a man god determined how this was going to start and he determined how it was going to end can i tell you that before creation god already knew that we'd be in a battle right now god already knew that all of hell would be joining forces god already knew that everything that's evil would be coming together for the purpose of wiping out faith in the earth but god declared the end from the beginning and the bible said that god's coming back after a church that is a glorious church without spot without wrinkle without blemish honey that's what god's church is we're not even gonna get a hair out of place in this battle he's not going to harm us he's not going to put a blemish on us [Applause] i'm telling you that the devil the forces of evil and sin and the spirit of the antichrist are all coming together they're coming together in perfect unity brother tenney used to say there's more unity in hell than there is in heaven and then he'd go on and say you ever hear of 50 little devils breaking off to start a new hell hello i'm telling you they're unified right now i'm telling you that they all have one purpose it's to wipe out faith in this earth to wipe out the name of jesus in this earth to wipe out everything that is good and righteous and holy in this earth to stop you as a child of god from living for god believing god having faith in god being faithful to god that's their goal for you all you need to know is the devil's job description the bible said that the devil is come that he might destroy to kill to steal and to destroy that's his job description kill steal destroy that's what jesus said he has come to do and can i tell you that's the purpose of what they're doing right now i know that you and i have front row seats to the attack we have front row seats to the hate and the confusion we have front row seats to what the enemy's trying to do however allow me to be crystal clear with this great body today the devil and his cohorts are not overseeing the demise of the church they are not overseeing the demise of god they are not overseeing the demise of faith you and i have got to get this or we will miss everything that god is trying to do in us today these demonic forces they are but pawns on the board moved and used by the master for the purpose if you please for the strength of the church for the faith of the church for the anointing of the church for the unity of the church oh get what i'm trying to tell you today somebody needs to understand that what the enemy means for evil god means to use for good somebody needs to understand what you're seeing is not a bunch of setbacks these are a bunch of setups god's setting up his church to be the light of the world god is setting up his church to have the greatest revival that the church has ever known in the history of the world [Applause] clap your hands and say yes there is no doubt in my mind that we're in the end time there is no doubt in my mind that we are part of the end time apostolic church there is no doubt in my mind that we will probably all be eyewitnesses to the second coming of christ and there is absolutely no question in my mind that we will play a role in the worldwide revival that god has ordained to take place at the end time and i don't know about you but my mind's made up i'm gonna find what god wants me to do i'm gonna find the get the the if you please the vain that he has designed for me and i'm going to get in it and i'm going to say okay god you do what you want to do you make me what you want me to be i'll say what you want me to say i'll go where you want me to go clap your hands to him [Applause] this is god's most powerful church this is god's most spiritual church this is god's most gifted church this is god's most visionary church this is god's most anointed church and honey this is god's most glorious church that's the end time apostolic church that you're a part of so you don't misunderstand the devil's job is to kill to steal and to destroy but in the same place jesus said i have come that you might have life and that more abundantly you know what i'm looking at today i'm not looking at a bunch of defeated has-beens i'm not looking at a bunch of yesterday christians i'm not looking at a bunch of people that's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel i'm not looking at people that's straddling the gates of hell one foot in hell and one foot out let me tell you what i see i see the light of the world standing in front of me i see a city that is set on a hill that cannot be hid in front of me i see the salt of the earth in front of me i see god's called and chosen and faithful in front of me come on somebody it's time to square your shoulders it's time to lift your head and realize who you are in god [Applause] i don't know how you feel but i'm kind of feeling like i'm glad that a little bit of snow and rain didn't keep us out of the house of the lord this morning [Applause] i i i know that there's some here it's not false humility there are some here that are humble and they think pastor all what you're saying is great but but but i don't have that kind of ability i i pastor i don't have that kind of talent pastor i don't ha i'm not that spiritual i i don't have that kind of anointing pastor i don't have a lot of church experience this week i re-read the story of william seymour i had brother rivera helping me research things and finding out some of the facts about his life there's a few of you that know who william seymour is there's a bunch of you that don't but he is a hero in the spiritual world a hero in the spirit world william seymour was a preacher who led what we all refer to as the great azuza street revival it was around the turn of the 19th to the 20th century in fact the very first person in his revival got the holy ghost on the morning of january 1st of the 20th century at the end of the 19th century seymour began to preach that the holy ghost is for god's people that god wants to pour out his spirit upon all flesh and that every believer should be filled with the gift of the holy ghost with the bible evidence of speaking with other tongues now ironically seymour preached that in scores of places for quite a period of time before he himself received the gift of the holy ghost can you imagine a preacher preaching you need the holy ghost and he don't have it himself think about that if you will he traveled from louisiana to los angeles in response to an offer from a los angeles church that promised to hire him as their pastor however when he arrived in los angeles the church had already hired another pastor and informed him that they no longer wanted him to be their pastor when he arrived in los angeles with no job he had no money he had no place to live and he had no prospects he was a young black single man from louisiana his parents were slaves he wasn't the descendant of slaves his parents were slaves he left louisiana to get away from the racism and the prejudice that was there at that time in louisiana and he said only to arrive in los angeles and find out it was worse in los angeles than it was in louisiana when they found out he was on the street homeless with no money no food no place to live a family by the name of asbury a-s-b-e-r-r-y invited him to stay in their home and it was in the asbury home that william seymour started to have bible studies little tiny services if you please and eventually the lee family and other family family friends of the asbury's joined their little group and and that group when it was the lees and the asberries and seymour they had five adults hold your hand up hold it up five i want you to understand how little that number is five adults led by a homeless man they started inviting other friends and families to come and that number grew and grew and grew and finally the church that they were putting together there outgrew the house in fact they had one of the things that made them know they had to find a place with they had so many people that the house was full and the overflow was out on the porch and they had so many people on the porch brother bob that the porch fell off the house and that's when they realized we may ought to find a place to have church and they went looking around and on azusa street a real street in los angeles on azusa street they found a livery stable that below had had uh uh carts and and horses and and and all of the things involved with livery and then over top of it was a big open room that had been used as a meeting room it had seating in it for about 300 people and so they made arrangements their little group to rent that and continue the revival seymour came to the decision that they were going to have church seven nights a week seven days a week what somebody helped me two years three years how long did they go three years is that right for three years they had church seven nights a week they eventually had to take the 300 chairs out and they could cram fifteen hundred people in standing shoulder to shoulder chest to back that came in to hear this man preach that when he started the church he didn't even have the holy ghost himself that revival grew people came from all over the world there were people that went from virginia norfolk virginia read the history of a of a family that went from norfolk to azusa street received the baptism of the holy ghost and brought it back to tidewater there were people that went from houston texas and people that went from oklahoma and people that went from all the great cities of the united states there to hear about the message of the holy ghost to pray for the holy ghost and then take it home to their family and their friends to their city to their state there were people that came from other countries no joke they came from literally around the world because they heard about the azusa street revival and how that god was filling people from everywhere with the baptism of the holy ghost they came from japan they came from china they came from africa they came from europe there were many that came specifically from great britain to azusa street to a livery stable to hear a little humble preacher the son of slaves what's a big deal preacher this is what i had ricardo rivera research for me in the hotel room i said from azusa street till now how many people have received the gift of the holy ghost with the bible evidence of speaking with other tongues and he brought up an article that said one billion with a b not million not a few hundred thousand not tens of thousands but one billion with a b people from azusa street till now have received the gift of the holy ghost put your seat belt on the same article said that 500 million of them are alive today today it means that revival's growing it's not diminishing there's more holy ghost-filled people alive today than ever before in the history of the world now let me go back to it preacher i don't have the ability preacher i'm not talented enough preacher i'm not spiritual enough preacher i'm not educated enough creature i'm not anointed enough preacher i don't have the right experience i don't have this i don't have that and god said hey hey william seymour i want you to leave the land of slavery and come out here to los angeles i'm going to put you in the house with two people and then two more is going to join you and from the beginning of five people i'm going to give you a 1 billion soul revival [Applause] what are you trying to say pastor i'm telling you that every person under the sound of my voice live stream and in person you can do something greater for god than what you've been thinking what god has designed you to do and what god has designed you to be i feel the holy ghost right now it is so much more than anything you've ever thought about i believe looking at me either live or or online i believe that looking and listening to me right now are people who are going to be the greatest soul winners that have ever lived the greatest disciple makers that have ever lived the greatest prayer warriors that have ever lived the greatest teachers that have ever lived the greatest evangelists that have ever lived the greatest pastors that have ever lived the greatest church planters that have ever lived the greatest missionaries that have ever lived i'm not talking about some other church i'm talking about this church you need to know that maybe on the same road as you is one of god's greatest [Applause] i believe what god has prepared for us what god has planned for us let me go ahead and say it what god has destined for us is unprecedented miracle signs and wonders i believe that god has destined this church to be a church that will welcome back scores and hundreds of prodigals into the foe i believe that this church is going to be a soul-winning church that our families and our friends and our neighbors are going to find god here i hope when i say this there isn't one person sitting down i hope when i say this there is one person that sits there thinking that's impossible but i believe that if god could raise up williams see more in five people and have a billion soul revival why can't god start one right here why can't god start one here you may be seated i'm closing we are moving into a time when things are going to start happening quickly and powerfully when i stood before that window in stockton california and god said this is a natural example of what's happening in the spirit world it was just early morning that i went through all this with rick he heard it the very next morning when we got together for coffee god said you're going to see my handiwork you're gonna know it's me brother rick's my judge god said i'm gonna do it quick i'm gonna do it fast you're gonna be amazed at how fast i make it happen and when it happens no man's going to get credit for it when it happens everybody is going to know that god did it i believe that god is planning something right now that the world will recognize it to be the mighty hand of god at work i believe that many people will see the handiwork of god and they're going to turn to him if you want to know what i believe with all of my being i believe number one god is preparing his church to be used in a dimension we've never walked in before and at the very same time i believe that god is preparing this whole world to receive it this world's looking for an answer this world is looking for hope this world is looking for a way out of their mess and guess who has that answer [Applause] get ready it's going to happen quickly it's time to let our faith soar it's time to know that god is in charge it's time for every believer to know that god has a specific plan for you it's time for every believer to know that god is in fact going to use you if you will allow him stand with me things are wrapping up quickly the coming of the lord could be literally at any time now i stand before you and tell you that i don't know of one new or old testament prophecy that has to happen before jesus can come again jesus is coming folks some of you have been around church so long that it's kind of become old hat to you kind of become accustomed to hearing it and not seeing it the bible said in a moment in an hour that you think the not of the lord could be any time now directly before his return if i understand anything about the scripture i have preached entire messages to you about this one statement i'm about to make i believe this scripture lets us know that the greatest revival in the history of the world will be the revival the church is in at the time of the sound of the trumpet i believe that when jesus comes again he's going to find faith in the earth when jesus comes again he's going to find men and women that are praying and fasting men and men and women that are worshiping and witness and men and women that are doing everything they can to move forward the kingdom of god [Applause] and i close by telling you please understand clearly i'm not saying this is what i'm thinking about i'm not saying this is what i'm hoping to do i'm not saying to you today that if everything goes right this is what i want to do i am telling you unequivocally i am going to be a part of what god is doing at the end time i'm going to be brother when we were driving down the highway in california as clear as i'm speaking to you right now god don't speak to me audibly but god speaks into my spirit and when he does i know that it's the voice of the lord because of the way it comes but when i was going down that highway brother ronnie god told me the last thing to tell you the last thing to tell this church is that he has a special end-time anointing prepared for all of us not for jack cunningham not just for the pastor's team he has a special end-time anointing now if you want that anointing i want you to forget about everything and forget about everybody i want you to put both your hands in the air and i want you to convince god i want that anointing i've got to have it i've got to have it i got to have it i got to have it i gotta have it oh god come on cry out from your inner man or inner woman cry out from your inner being cry out from the depth of your heart i gotta have it oh god i want that anointing god i want that anointing i've got to have that anointing with both of your hands in the heavens i want everybody that knows how to pray and the holy ghost get lost in the holy ghost right now get so lost in the holy ghost that the spirit is praying through you praying through you with authority and power come on somebody let the holy ghost begin to pray through you come on that's it come on that's it crowd to god oh lord hallelujah come on feel that boldness welling up inside of you hallelujah i'm going to be a part of the end time revival lord lord i need that anointing lord hallelujah god i receive it right now in the name of jesus the word that our bishop has preached god i received that word that revelation god when i walk out of the doors this morning i'm not the same man i'm not the same woman i'm not the same young person this moment is prophetic god i'm receiving it god i'm receiving that end time anointing lord jesus my prayers will be powerful because i am a member of the apostolic church god hallelujah my declarations are powerful because i am the apostolic church that is powerful god spiritual warfare for me is powerful because i am in the apostolic church god hallelujah that anointing that revival that preaching that teaching that soul winning that discipleship in jesus name my prayers god are from that of an apostolic church in jesus name hallelujah pandemics can't stop me the enemy can't stop me sickness can't stop me fear can't stop me situations cannot stop me the enemy cannot stop me hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah when you feel the time is right come on hallelujah that anointing is your anointing hallelujah i receive it this morning i received the word this morning hallelujah don't stop praying come on lift your voice hallelujah hallelujah there's power in your voice there's power in your declaration there's power in your prayer there's power in your praise this morning that confidence the boldness that you feel that's yours you are the apostolic church you are the powerful apostolic church in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah raise your hands right now come on all over this sanctuary receive it this morning revelation occurred this morning i received it hallelujah that was revelation this morning all prophecy is pointing to this time this is a prophetic moment for the apostolic church hallelujah which is who we are in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name in jesus name the devil had to approach god in the book of job and god told the devil have you considered my servant job and the devil said yes i've considered him but there's a hedge of protection around him i can't get to him i can't get to him there is a hedge of protection around this church there is a hedge of protection around this church the devil cannot get to you the devil cannot get to you everywhere you walk everywhere you walk the earth the devil cannot get to you cannot get to your neighborhood can i get to your community cannot get to your job can i get to your neighbors can i get to your family the devil can i get to you what's worship god thank you lord for the hedge of protection no evil spirit can come in no evil spirit can penetrate no evil spirit can weasel his way and through that hedge that hedge of protection was ordained upon you by the living god hallelujah keep that prayer going hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes yes yes yes the lord is just saying open up your mouth open up your mouth don't be silent open up your mouth praise is your weapon praise is your weapon our god has a sword a two-edged sword and he inhabits his your praise open your mouth hallelujah hallelujah yes lord yes lord we thank you o god we thank you o god we thank you lord jesus thank you for the hedge of god everywhere that we walk o god everywhere we move oh god over our homes oh god as we sleep over our children oh god as they lay their head to rest oh god everywhere that we move myself
Channel: Bible World - An Apostolic Church
Views: 1,557
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: dahWTPiQ8hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 59sec (4499 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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