Misplaced Fear | Pastor Ken Gurley

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] father we ask you for your best [Music] [Music] reaching [Music] worship and grace [Music] let's see that reaching out for [Music] we want more [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] reaching out for you god we cry out holy one from open wise we're here hallelujah come on give him praise right now if you know he's worthy thank you jesus we lift you up oh god good morning everybody thank you for being here on a sunday morning why don't you look at somebody way back i'm telling you glad to see them right now we are incredibly glad you're here if you're joining us online we love you i wish you were right here with us but hope you feel the same thing right there that we feel in this room today why don't you take a seat for just a minute i got to tell you a couple of things about this week and about today but first i just want to say truly from the bottom of our heart we know that there's a ton of stuff you could be doing right now and we don't take it for granted that you have chosen to worship with the first church family this morning there's no place like this place don't you just love getting together with the people of god amen hey look wednesday wednesday this coming wednesday is first wednesday it's going to be an incredible worship service we do it each and every month on the first wednesday of every month and we're just going to spend some time in worship we're going to spend some time here in the word of god we're going to gather together it's just like a breath of fresh air during the week and so you don't want to miss that invite somebody wednesday at seven o'clock today today is a special day there is no first steps today because it's the fifth sunday of the month but we do have something and just amazing lots of fun planned at the end of service everybody say small groups all right the small group fair is today it is your chance to get connected and get plugged in and uh just joined up with a group of people that are just gonna be a part of your life for the next little while we take 13 weeks and there's all kind of stuff going on there's there's there's deep spiritual bible studies there's some very unspiritual like taco tuesday we just gather any tacos on tuesday nights there there's whatever you're looking for you're gonna find some people that gather together around a common interest uh there's there's prayer meetings uh there's my girls are so excited they've got a park play day that they've planned and they're they're wanting a big group not a small group they just want everybody to come out and and play together so they're they're telling the kids about it this morning in kids church we've got all of that i'm doing one with with young couples we're about to get married if if you need to get connected i'll be over there you'll see that take you through some some pre-marriage class all kind of stuff's going on all kind of stuff's going on we just want to challenge you 2020 was a rough one y'all and we need people back in our lives so we are joining together around small groups we did just send you to your phone if you're on the uh on the list you have the app or if you've opted into text messages we sent you a link where you can sign up online as well and find out more information about what groups are available there's gonna be a taco truck over there i heard that so you can grab lunch get signed up get connected we just believe that life change happens in relationships so if you've been struggling if you've been going through something can i challenge you get connected to people we're gonna we're gonna do our best to keep you safe we're gonna you know we've told him you need to socially distance and all that kind of stuff in your small group be responsible and yet we can't lay aside relationship in a season like this isolation kills and so we got to get back together and be the church so we're going to do that today and i'm just looking forward to a great small group semester of relationship building and connection and we'll just see what god's going to do in the weeks and months ahead i want to give you an opportunity right now to give now one of the things that we're constantly talking about at this church is that you are a giving church you are a church of generosity and it just overflows out of your heart and i want to thank you you're always so quick to respond when when a need is presented and i think not only does that make me proud as a pastor i think i think it makes jesus smile when a group of people embrace his heart for generosity and i've got a lot of pastor friends and we have a lot of conversations and for some of them getting up and just taking an offering on a sunday morning is a struggle because they view it as a frustration i view it as a joy because you are always so quick to respond you've got giving and joy and generosity in your heart so i just wanted to stop and say thank you this morning for being who you are for being the way you are for supporting the kingdom of god the work of god for supporting the church for supporting global missions for all the things that you give to i simply wanted to say thank you today we're going to give you an opportunity right now we're going to move back into worship and give you a chance to give will you stand with me one more time now you can give a lot of different ways you can give through the app you can give firstchurch.com you can text to give if you want to give physically in the room if you want to drop in an envelope or a check on your way out today you'll be able to drop those in and some buckets in the back but right now we're going to get to the heart of why we give which is just that he's so great he is a great god because he's given so much it's very easy to give in response so we're going to take a minute we're going to pray right now and i just believe i just believe that whatever you put into this service you're going to get far more out of it so we're going to move back into worship we're going to spend some time praying for some needs and i know there's a lot of needs they'll be up on the screen in just a moment we're going to pray and we're going to believe that as we move back into worship and as we move into a time of giving that we're going to see our god show himself strong in this place in our hearts and in our situations does anybody believe that right now if if you believe that will you just lift your voice and pray with me right now in this moment lord jesus god we thank you that you are a generous and giving and loving god we thank you for the chance to worship you and to praise you and to declare that you are great and you are mighty god we thank you that you're a god of hope you're a god of strength you're a god of peace god we elevate and lift up your name and your greatness and your power in this place we thank you that we have the privilege of knowing you and worshiping you and coming before you with singing with a praise on our hearts because you are good you are great god you give your hope to the nations and god we thank you for that right now can you turn that into a praise right now if you believe and receive that god we praise you we lift you up we bless your name in jesus name we pray [Music] so when the mountain stands before me the darkness in the middle of the chaos [Music] is you're with me [Music] there's nothing i can stand [Music] against [Applause] me [Music] mystery [Music] [Music] you are i will speak the name of jesus i know that you are holding me [Music] your shadows when i hide there's nothing that can stand against your mind i know that you [Music] i hope it's built on nothing less than jesus blood and righteousness come and say i dare not trust the sweetest on jesus and [Music] on righteousness i know [Music] mystery [Music] can you just lift your hands right now we trust you lord [Music] is in your lord thank you for your presence we feel right now can we just lift our hands together we thank you for your spirit that we feel moving in this house we ask lord that as we pour our praise on you today god and as we worship you you would turn your face god and that you would show us your glory today god and your spirit would move in this house we ask it in the precious name of jesus and everybody say amen thank you jesus [Music] can't go back to the beginning [Music] can't control what tomorrow will bring but i know here in the middle is the place where you promise to be i'm not enough [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] above every dream [Music] in my weakness [Music] unless you come will you leave here again this is all you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] we want you to [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] is thank you for meeting me here again [Music] thank you lord come on just sing that with us again i'm not enough i'm not enough unless you come will you meet me here again it's my prayer today lord it's all i want is all you are say it again oh i'm not enough [Music] [Music] [Music] right now [Music] we're here [Music] nothing like your presence [Music] there's a song that we used to sing that says come home [Music] is that how you feel this morning come on [Music] we need you [Music] [Music] tell god how much you need [Music] [Music] say it again oh god we need you so oh one more time somebody in this place is history tell the lord to come come on reach out to him as he passes by holy spirit [Music] situation we need you jesus we need you god we need anybody this place really needs jesus reach out when we need we need you [Music] all we need is your lord is you lord all i need is new [Music] all i need is you lord you is [Music] is is is [Applause] all i need is is you come on just reach out for him right now all i need is you all i need is you kiss you come on i need is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] you [Music] oh i can't make it without you love me like i can't make it without you lord [Music] mountains [Music] strongholds are still god we believe and yes we can see it and wonders are still what you do and your bodies are still being raised yes we can see it that wonders hearts feel what you do we are here for you come and do what you do we set a heart [Music] cause we need [Music] tv [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] because miracles happen when you know healing is coming in [Music] [Applause] [Music] is yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] just lift your voice to heaven do you need a miracle in the building right now do you need a healing touch in your body right now why not right here at this very moment just lift your face to heaven and say it's mine in the name of jesus it's mine let the waters be troubled let healing flow in this house let the anointing oil of heaven come down in a body way or praise god put your hands together and give him praise [Music] i feel a move of the spirit in this place i feel a move of the spirit in this house right here at this moment those of you in the room those watching online i just wish you'd lift your hands to heaven lift your face just a moment [Music] if that angel is still alive then trouble the waters once a year we're serving the god who controls that angel and i believe there can be a moving and a stirring in this building i believe something dormant can come back to life again something dying resurrection power can come into that life right now oh in the name of jesus healing virtue and we give you praise for the move of your spirit in this place in the mighty name of jesus and can you say amen to that wow what a privilege what a privilege to be in the house of the lord thank you praise team give them a hand and all the dream team everybody that works so hard amen you can be seated you stood i don't know 22 minutes or so your fitbit is probably registering it right now you're closing some rings on your fitness so it's good to see each and every one of you and we're happy to hear so especially happy to have brother barnett sitting down here can you say amen of that amen so very happy so very happy to have my dad-in-law it's been a rough time it's been a rough time thank you for your prayers and your concerns and and everything and i'm just happy he's here and i'm happy he's endured almost 92 going on a hundred he endured and we thank god for that amen amen one year ago right now uh clifford and i were supposed to be on a plane headed to sri lanka discussing what was going to be done for revival and growth in that asia region trip was cancelled for a couple of reasons but one of the reasons was talk of a new virus from asia and its possible spread it had already showed up in sri lanka and since that a year ago it's been a long year we've operated on bits and pieces of information some right some wrong the sickness came and it was serious for some here recently our own dear brother marshall win it's good to have sister win in the building today would you put your hands together with sister win and then just yesterday we learned of the passing of brother ronnie quartz and i don't know if sister gene courts is in the building i glanced i didn't see her but remember the courts family in your prayer yes it has been serious for some serious for some but we know where they are we know they're in a far better country amen we know that it's been serious for some not so serious for most the 12 months have now passed 12 months of can i say it 12 months of fear and to this fear has been added more fear and anxieties and phobias and and all sorts of unrest and conspiracy theories running rampant people are troubled about the future what's going to happen where this is where is this going to end troubled about the very fabric of our nation uh with what happened at the capitol can this nation survive trouble troubled about where the righteous fit in to an increasingly unrighteous world and so it was in that frame of mind this past week that i began to search the mind and heart of god and it happened that i landed on a section of isaiah four chapters if you want to open your bible just open them to isaiah and uh this is the four chapters seven through ten it's actually one single prophecy i want to read two verses now and i'll expand on that as we go and just for a few minutes here today because i know we have some great and exciting things happening but isaiah 8 and verse 11 says for the lord spoke thus to me with a strong hand and he instructed me that i should not walk in the way of this people saying do not say it's a conspiracy concerning all this people call a conspiracy don't be afraid of their threats nor be troubled then now in verse 13 the lord of hosts him you shall hallow let him be your fear let him be your dread and he will be as a sanctuary to you oh praise god oh praise god you see the problem is not having fear is the problem is that we have misdirected our fear god should be our fear we should hallow and revere him and we have a promise that if we will direct our fear toward god and away from the face of man and the whispers of conspiracies if we will hallow god revere god fear god he will become a place of safety and a sanctuary for each and every one of us you see church our problem is not that we have too much fear our problem is that we have misplaced our fear we put it in the wrong place i just want you to know that i still believe he's high and lifted up and his train can fill the temple that he is on the throne of heaven and this earth is nothing but his footstool he's not worried he's not biting his fingernails god has not developed an ulcer and so i'm going to put my hope my trust my life i'm going to rest my case on the lord jesus christ i'm going to place my reverence my all and my fear in him isaiah chapter 7 through 10. this is the section if you ever see isaiah outline you're going to find something similar to this in an outline that this section is called the hope of future in the coming child that sounds strange doesn't it four chapters that describe a future far different than the one the conspiratorial theorists imagine we are in messianic country in this section a moment ago i even stopped reading mid-sentence in verse 14 because right then it starts into a discussion of the lord jesus christ it talks about a stone of stumbling and a rock of a fits that's what paul called jesus in romans 9. that's what peter called jesus in first peter 2 and both say that rock of stumbling to this world is none other than jesus christ indeed we are in and living in the hope of the future of the coming child it was a time of national crisis when isaiah wrote this king ahas judah they were scared half to death look at your neighbor and say you're about to hear some strange names oh boy here we go in fact we'll be having a baby dedication soon and i ask you to reconsider what you've named your child until we go through these names together is that all right ahaz that'd be a good one ahaz ahaz was approached by syria and samaria and they said come with us and let's fight against the assyrians and king a has said no and he wisely said no and so these two forces that asked him to join them said you said no we're going to attack you instead and there was havoc and there was slaughter and they raced across the land of judah and ahaz was paralyzed with fears and there were rumors and conspiracies it's about to get terrible it's about to get bad it's going to get worse it's going to be it's going to be terrible aha's heart was overwhelmed isaiah goes to ahaz and says i and my two sons we are your answer that god's answer to his fear god's answer to the conspiracies were found in isaiah and his two sons here's what he said in isaiah 8 18 here am i and the children whom the lord has given me we are your signs we are your wonders we are sent from god i wish the church would get that kind of confidence we are your signs and we are your wonders in this world we're not biting our fingernails either we're not hiding in caves either we're not stockpiling and running for the hills either we are the signs and wonder to the world from the lord of hosts who dwells in mount zion what does that mean when that godly man stepped before the king and said we are your signs me and my two sons we are your signs well you got to know when you said the name of isaiah you were saying this god is salvation your salvation is not going to come from the east west north or south your help comes from the lord isaiah said king i'm your sign god is salvation and wrapped up in that name is so much because to say hey king god is your salvation it means quit listening to them quit following their blogs unsubscribe from their channels quit listening to their lies and their false prophecies god and god alone is your salvation they are not your salvation god is yourself come on church it's not a political party that's your salvation it's not an ideology or a philosophy that is it's not a mantra or a slogan oh no the lord our god i will lift up mine eyes to the hills from which cometh my help my help comes from the lord i think this is what god is speaking to the church today quit looking to the arm of the flesh we're trying to figure out what you're going to do quit trying to figure out where you should be what you just quit reasoning in your mind rehashing things over and over isaiah look to god he is your salvation oh praise god you say brother girl that's a pretty good name i'm considering that well get ready i'm about to give you some good names you ready because isaiah said it it's me and my two sons we are the signs to this age and the eldest son was named cher joshua man i i love that the remnant shall return it doesn't matter how bad it gets god is always going to have a righteous remnant this is the hope of a child this isaiah said this is the hope of a child she or joshua the remnant is going to return so king quit freddie god's always going to have a people god's always going to have a church no matter what the rumors no matter what the conspiratorial whispers no matter what the wild prognostications you know if today's prophets were held to the judgment of these prophets there wouldn't be too many alive today because i've heard more false prophecies in the last few months than i've ever heard in my life why don't you build your life on the solid rock of christ jesus and say god is my salvation i'm going to be a part of that righteous remnant oh praise god oh praise god it was in isaiah 7 that he takes his son to stand before the fearful king in a fuller's field the bible said there they stood messages in themselves and god is saying god is my salvation and there's always going to be a church god is my salvation and there's always going to be a church put in my vernacular god's got this quit worrying on god's behalf he's got this his arm is not short he's still paul oh my my he's bigger than anything you're facing right now he's bigger than anything being faced in austin or l.a or houston or dc or new york city he's got it all folks we used to sing it he's got the whole world in his head he got you and me brother he's got everything in his hand and he's got it all oh praise god and before isaiah 7 is over it's going to reveal the true name of the child that's the hope of the future but i get ahead of myself isaiah had a second son now folks you're really going to want to pay attention in fact go ahead and pull out your phones get ready to snap a picture of this because i believe god is speaking to somebody right now isaiah had a second son and god said you take a couple of witnesses with you get a great scroll and you write the name of your second son on the scroll what does that mean it's a property transfer he's going through the motions of a property transfer he had two witnesses a scroll a pen he was transferring title he was stating this is a deed you can hold on to this and isaiah writes in the front of the witnesses and i'm feeling it i'm just feeling it my hair shallow it's actually two phrases my hair shallow that means the same thing as hashbas same thing it means speed the spoil and hasten the plunder he's saying to the king and to god's people these people attacking us they're about to lose everything they got because god is in the mode of acceleration and god is going to come against your enemy he tried to treat your enemy he goes on to say with the soft waters of shiloh he tried to reason with them that's god's nature it's his grace but they wouldn't listen to his grace and so now he's coming like a rushing strong river and he's going to sweep them away and that's when in isaiah 7 and isaiah 8 you're given the hope of the child for the future a new name is given for god emmanuel god is with us in the age of conspiracies in the age of false prophecies god wants to give you the hope of the future in the coming child and by the time you get to isaiah 9 you're going to realize we are in messianic country for unto us a child is born and unto us a son is given and the government of this whole world is going to be upon his shoulder and he shall be called wonderful counselor mighty god everlasting father prince of peace and of the increase of his government earthly government you're going down but his government is on the rise and there's going to be no end well somebody praise him right now i shall give you a prophecy if you're so hungry for one one of two things is about to happen to america revival or ruin nothing in between we are about to see either the greatest awakening this world has ever seen and it's going to sweep from sea to shining sea or from the gulf coast to the great lakes uh oh let's go canada and canada is struggling right now let's include canada in the mix we're either going to see an awakening or a destruction i'll tell you what i believe we're going to see i believe we're about to see the greatest awakening this world has ever seen i believe that people's hope is about to be turned to the coming king and saying god only you can fix this mass and isaiah looked at that king and said don't you dare listen to their conspiracies quit listening to their outrage quit listening to people who are bound by fear who are getting lost in one conspiracy or another this should not be among people of faith why because the fear of the lord is the beginning of divine wisdom and wise people are building their lives on the rock christ jesus that stone of stumbling that rock of offense brother gurley i need scripture all right i'm gonna give you some you ready here we go psalm 27 my favorite psalm the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked came against me to eat up my flesh boy isn't there a cannibalistic spirit out there right now my enemies and foes they stumbled and fell though an army can camp around about me though i be canceled though my social media presence be shut down boy that'd be a blessing for well anyway my heart shall not fear the war rise against me this i'll be confident one thing if i desire that's not enough brother gurley i need more okay psalm 118 6 the lord is on my side i will not fear what can man do to me oh man oh man don't you know that's what caused the early christians to march to their martyrdom singing and rejoicing it's so unnerved the pagans that they knew this world was not their home what are you gonna do to me you're gonna kill me great i'll be home with jesus which is far better that was the faith of the first church and it had better be the faith of the first church today in this place brother gurley i i'm still not feeling it well i want you to feel it but faith isn't feeling faith is i am persuaded and i know that i know that i know but i'll give you i'll i'll give i'll give you to your feelings isaiah 51 12 i even i am he who comforts you who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die and of a son of man who will be made like grass why are you fearing the face of man why are you hiding from people brother girlie i'm not going to be around people from now until the year of 2043 because i figure it's going to swept over by then honey i'm going to be gone by 2043 hopefully in the rapture you know what you i i'm not gonna look at my brother and my sister and say they're my enemy i am not going to look at people and say oh stay away from me yes we're going to be mindful but we shall not be fearful why are you afraid of people god's here to comfort you well that's good pastor and uh that's good that's good i need a little bit more you do know there's 365 fear not in the bible i told you i could go a long way with this you got a new testament pastor okay i got one so we may boldly say the lord is my helper i will not fear what can man do to me well thank you pastor uh i'm about at my sunday quota now i'm gonna uh thank you uh i'm gonna head on back to social media and see what trash is happening and i'm gonna get on back to my blogs and head on back to to my dark web and see what i can find out there get back in my cave and uh you know i see the problem i do see the problem you fear man more than you fear god you fear rumors murder or mutterings and lies more than you fear the lord god almighty you fear sickness and death more than you fear god we're only a month from christmas and have you forgotten the message of emmanuel well god with us that hope has a name and his name is jesus the confidence faith trust has a name and his name is jesus and the one who took captivity captive now bids me and you to cast down every argument every high thing that exalts it and i'm not talking about rebuking princes and powers here's what i'm talking about bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of christ that the contours of our lives shall not be confined by conspiracies that my heart is not going to be filled with fear but perfect love cast out all fear that god is with me god is my salvation god is on my side god is going to bring isaiah would go on to say and when they say to you seek those who are mediums and wizards who whisper and mutter he said shouldn't shouldn't the people seek their god should they seek the dead on behalf of the living when people say have you seen the latest just say i sure have have you heard the latest oh my i got the latest this morning lagos became rhema in my life and i got a word i gotta oh somebody praise him right now somebody praise it i'm getting out of this fear-based conspiracy-fueled power hungry world and i'm laying a hold on the lord jesus christ it's misplaced fear jesus emmanuel god with us he said don't you fear those who can kill the body but can't kill the soul rather fear him put that in capitals fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell if you're going to fear somebody that's going to hurt your physical man rather than fearing the one who is your judge and has eternity in his hand you are practicing a dangerous practice of misplaced fear i shouldn't be fearing threats to my body or my physical man it can't touch my inner man they can't affect my identity they can't affect my future they are not going to affect my destiny but i'm going to fear god who's got my life my heart my home in his hand i'm not gonna fear all of these things musicians come i'm almost through let's see here i got you three buckets you ready i got three buckets that we need to talk about real fast this is a tale of three buckets there was a book that came out at the outset of pandemic it wasn't about the pandemic it was about something possessing resiliency and hardiness in times of stress why do some people thrive in times of stress and some people don't why and it's interesting that the authors said there's three things three buckets and the first one is commitment you gotta have commitment in your life if you're gonna make it in times of stress you need commitment let me let you see it over there you see that commitment you see it up there you see it over there we need commitment you know what a person with commitment is it a commitment a person with commitment has deep meaning in their lives their bucket is full with deep meaning to overflowing they know they have a reason to live they know they were called according to his purpose they know that they're in the perfect will of god they've got a commitment down in their life the wind may blow but you can't shake them the storms may rise because you can't shake them because they've got a commitment proven in the pow camps and also in the holocaust in the death camps uh anybody that had a high level of commitment to they were more apt to make it through the next one is challenge people that are not afraid of challenge that when you hear a whisper we go into hiding oh no oh no oh no she liked that on social media that person hates me so therefore that person must hate me too yeah challenge people with a high degree of challenge the author says view every experience as a chance to grow i'm gonna come out stronger i know it's just been bad but i'm gonna be stronger i'm gonna get some things underneath my feet and pandemic i'm gonna get them under my feet off my back and under my feet and i'm gonna triumph if you're gonna make it you better be you better be up to the challenge you better be filled with overflowing and saying this is not going to kill me but i am coming out of this and the final measure if you're going to make it in this time it's control control control control control god i'm not in control of what's going on around me but lord what's happening in me is so much greater than what's happening on the outside of me that it centers me it stabilizes me it puts me not as the tail but as the head it gives me the spirit to overcome that i can be large and in charge over my own life i can't i can't control what's happening to me but i can control how i respond to it i can be filled with a spirit of love joy peace long suffering faith meekness goodness temperance i can have that perseverance on the inside of me you see let me just let me just say it this way [Music] if you're gonna make it through 2021 you better get these three buckets filled you better be filled with purpose you better be ready you better be ready to grow at any challenge i think it was martin luther king that said our very survival depends upon our ability to stay awake and adjust to new ideas and to remain vigilant to face the challenge of change we've got to be vigilant in this time and then you've got to know this is an old word can i use it an old word say sure pastor you use my hair shallal an old word an old word lordship who's in control of your life well i just feel i'm tired of hearing about feelings you got to know you got to know that there was a day i made a commitment to god and i found life for to me to live his christ and you've got to know that everything i'm going through god's going to work it together for good and i'm going to grow from this and then you've got to say lord i put you in the driver's seat put your hands on the wheel and i'm along for the ride but god we're going to go places that other generations have never gone would you stand all over this building right now i feel the presence of the lord in this room i misplaced fear it's the opposite of misplaced trust will we trust in others more than we trust in god and where we fear others more than we fear god many years ago our family took our very first cruise and we didn't know what was going on and didn't understand really the strategy of it all but if you stay in your cabin they're not making money they want you out doing excursions where they make money and if anybody's in the cruise industry here i apologize but that is your business model and they every so often they'd play something and had a catchy little tune little upbeat tune and it would end with this phrase get out there and you know what was funny we look at each other and say well why don't we get out there [Music] i think that's what's needed in our day in our age never to minimize what we've been through never but also never let a conspiracy and never let fear control me because the day i decided that he is lord god and savior in my life that he is emmanuel god with us and i love this phrase he said you let the strong hand of god lead you through this you let him do it if you fear him and if you hallow him he will become a sanctuary to you you say pastor this is my problem i'm low on commitment this challenge i'm sick of challenge and control i'm a basket case well you know what you need you need the help of the almighty god you need to fear god and hallow him and revere him and respect him and praise him and honor him and feel his presence and know that he is there in just a few moments i just believe there's somebody in this building you're going to be baptized calling on the name of jesus you'll find somebody waiting for you over my right your left but right now right now in this building i feel the presence of the lord how many of you would say it is high time that i honor god and i revere god and i lift him up higher than anything i'm thinking anything i'm hearing and anything i'm facing i if you have your mass put it on because i'm about to ask you to do something i i'm going to ask you i'm going to ask you to just for a moment be careful be mindful but i want you to get down here and i want you to spread out as far as you can or find yourself a place to pray and don't you leave this altar until you know not you feel you know that all three buckets are filled and you know god has restored that meaning and that commitment in your life you know god has picked you up and dusted you off and said come on here we grow again let's grow some more until you know you've let go and said god this belongs to you this is you right now if you'd like to find yourself a place to pray everybody under the sound of my voice i want to say a prayer as you're coming i want to say a prayer for those watching online i rebuke the spirit of fear right now in the mighty name of jesus as michael of old said the lord rebuked thee the lord rebuked the o enemy uh because right now greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world that there is authority and there is power and there is an action and anointing of the spirit i know in whom i have believed and i have persuaded that my god is able would you lift up your voices right now let's go to him let's ah our god is an awesome god show him all and show him reverence let's praise him right now i'm no longer [Music] i am a child of god [Music] a child of a god of god right is [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] oh i am a child i am a child of i am i am i wonder if we could pray together right now just close your eyes and just begin to talk to the lord right now you're already praying but let's pray this together lord jesus god we thank you for your word we thank you for a word direct from heaven to us to this day to our situations and god we pray right now that you would guide us you would direct us god you would fill us with faith and with confidence that we know who you are and we know you are fighting for us and we know that you are going before us and god if there's any spirit of fear that seeks to elevate itself in my life god right now we come against it and god we declare that you are higher and you are greater god we turn to you we elevate faith and we lay down fear we we lay aside anxiety god we we lay aside our fear for the future because we know that we are in your hands and we believe it and we declare it by faith god we receive your provision we receive your strength god we receive what you are ministering into our spirits right now god that there could be a new faith awakened on the inside of us that there could be a new hope and a new outlook a new attitude god to face the day before us with a fear and with a certainty that we are yours and you are fighting for us god you are opening doors you are making ways god we believe it we believe it we believe it right now we stand on your word we stand on your word on the truth that you are who you say you are oh god and god if you are for us tell me who can be against us god we thank you that we have laid aside the bondage of fear and anxiety and insecurity because we rejoice in knowing that you go before us you prepare the way and you order our steps we thank you o god we receive it right now by the power of the name of jesus and if you believe that and receive it can you lift up a great shot of praise in this place come on praise it for who he is praise him for what you know praise him for what you've done i'm no longer no i longer i am a child of god i am a child of god oh right i am is i am a child i am can you feel faith rising in your heart right now why don't you give him praise i am a child of god i'm not a slave to fear [Music] amen amen amen god bless you thank you so much for being here today i want to challenge you when you leave here today don't let this be a sermon you heard but let it be something that shifts the way you live your life and the way you respond to things this week we're going to be different and we're going to be better amen amen god bless you thank you once again for being here small group fair is starting right now right now go outside go to the right to the event center you can sign up for all kinds of things that you can get involved in and there's some food trucks down there that you can grab a quick lunch right here in the church parking lot if you want to god bless you once again thank you so much for being here today [Music] [Music] you
Channel: First Church
Views: 1,789
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: e2bkC2Gi2-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 45sec (5025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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