Bible Stories || Jesus Walks on Water & Peter Denies Jesus || Animated Famous Bible Stories

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Jesus and his disciples had been working  hard to spread the good word of God they had travelled around the sea of Galilee and beyond telling special stories to crowds of people and teaching them all about God Jesus and his disciples called their special stories parables and townsfolk would come from all  over to hear Jesus tell his parables Jesus had also been performing miracles showing the people his remarkable  gifts and blessings from God on one particular day Jesus  had fed thousands of people with just five loaves of bread and two fishes you might already know that story  called the feeding of the five thousand the disciples had seen jesus perform this miracle   but didn't quite understand did jesus do some  trick to make more bread and find more fish on the evening of this day jesus and his disciples  were feeling tired it had been a long day   jesus had fed the crowds told them lots of  parables and even healed their sick people   his disciples wanted to start their  journey to the next destination   it was getting late in the day and  they were in a remote part of the lake   the villages were quite far away and they had  planned to travel onto capernaum and genzere   these were small settlements across the sea of  galilee that they needed to travel to by boat   but jesus told his disciples to take  the boats and go on ahead without him   he would dismiss the crowd and  go up into the mountains to pray   he thanked the crowd for listening  and dismissed them for the day the news had recently reached jesus and his  disciples that their dear old friend john the   baptist had been killed by king herod perhaps  jesus wanted to pray for john the baptist   or perhaps he just wanted to  talk to god his father privately and so the disciples got into boats and started   their journey across the water to  the towns of capernaum and gensare jesus traveled along to a nearby mountainside  and stayed there to pray for some time   he could see the disciples  boats traveling out on the lake   buffeted by a strong wind they were  already some way away from the shore   jesus stayed on the mountain until the early  hours of the morning praying to god he thought   about his day preaching to the townspeople  healing the sick and performing miracles then   when he was ready to finish praying and come down  from the mountainside he looked out to the waters he could still see the boats of disciples  floating around some way away on the lake   it was shortly before dawn   jesus went down to the edge  of the shore and began to walk he stepped onto the water which rippled  and waved gently beneath his feet step by step he walked onto the  water towards the disciples boat his disciples were not sleeping they had been  looking out of the boat and across the water   hoping to catch a glimpse of  jesus coming down the mountainside they had been looking out of  the boat and across the water when they saw the figure of jesus  coming across the water towards them   they felt terrified and  they cried out it's a ghost the disciples may have been so scared because of  a superstition that was widespread in the age when   jesus walked the earth they believed that seeing a  spirit before dawn would bring bad things to their   lives and they were frightened that the figure  walking on the water in front of them was a spirit surely a man couldn't carry out such  a feat but then jesus called to them   across the water and tried to calm them  take courage it is i don't be afraid the disciples heard the voice of their leader  and teacher jesus and they felt bewildered they looked across the cold blue ripples of  the windy lake and squinted towards the figure   then with courage peter called out  lord if it's you tell me to come to   you on the water jesus heard peter  call to him and he called back come so for the first few steps to the amazement  of the other disciples peter walked cleanly   across the surface of the water with ripples  forming beneath his feet just like jesus had   the disciples watched in wonder their eyes wide   but after the first few steps the wind blew harder  and the dark sea rumbled beneath peter's feet   he looked down into the deep black  water and began to feel frightened again   the wind puffed and wailed around him and his feet  sank into the water peter cried out lord save me lord save me please the disciples cried  and shouted as peter sank into the water   surely he would drown in the windy sea but jesus  heard peter's cry jesus walked towards him jesus   extended his hands and he caught peter wailing  and thrashing just as he was about to drown he took peter's hand and  brought him back to the boat peter and jesus both stepped back into the boat   peter shook the water from his clothes jesus said  to peter you of little faith why did you doubt   the wind had dropped now and the deep waters  of the sea of galilee were cold and still again peter and the other disciples were  amazed surely they had seen a miracle   jesus had walked on water and  rescued peter from certainly drowning   and indeed peter had walked on water  for just a few steps too guided by jesus all the disciples dropped to  their knees and worshipped jesus   they reached out towards jesus  saying truly you are the son of god now they felt ashamed for they knew the son of  god wouldn't need to rely on tricks or schemes   jesus had faith in god and god had  provided for jesus and his followers the disciples had witnessed the miracles  of the feeding of the five thousand   and the miracle of jesus walking  on water how lucky they were   now they understand that  jesus was truly the son of god   disciples took up the oars again and continued  the journey onto the small towns of genzere and   capernaum when they reached these places  they told all the local people about the   amazing things they had seen jesus do and  the wonderful parables he had told them the townsfolk of these places recognized  jesus they had already heard word of a   wonderful preacher who had come from  god to help the people of the world   they brought out their sick and wounded and  took them to jesus begging him to let the sick   touch the hem of his cloak jesus was kind  and he let all the sick people come to him   all those who truly believed in the word of  god were healed when they touched his clothes   and they danced and celebrated in the  streets of genzere and capernaum and so   the good news about jesus and his miracles  continued to spread throughout the land baby jesus and his disciples were in jerusalem  for a very special time the passover celebration   this passover though was the most special passover  because god was about to rescue his people again   this time he would free people from the power  of sin and he had sent his own son to do the job   you might have already heard  the story of the last supper   the last supper is the final meal  that jesus had with his disciples   when he told them that soon he would be  leaving to return to his father in heaven at the last supper he broke bread  and shared it with the disciples   saying this is my body which is given  for you do this in remembrance of me and he poured wine for them to drink  telling them this is my blood which   confirms the special relationship between god  and his people it is poured out as a sacrifice the meal was a happy occasion because  they were all together but a sad one too   they knew that the elders of different  faiths were looking for jesus   because they wanted to  throw him in prison or worse   jesus told the disciples that the elders and  their soldiers were getting closer to finding him as well as showing them how to eat the lord's  supper with the bread as his body and the wine   as his blood jesus foretold that the faith of his  disciples would soon be tested all of you will   desert me for the scriptures say god will strike  the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered but after i am raised from the dead  i will go ahead of you to galilee   and meet you there the disciples did not believe  jesus they had seen jesus perform miracles   they believed in him and loved him as the  son of god they would never betray him one of the disciples peter who had said to jesus   even if everyone else deserts you i never will but  jesus knew that peter would face a special test   and so he told peter i tell you the truth peter  this very night before the rooster crows twice   you will deny three times that you even know  me peter was horrified he would never deny that   he knew jesus he was proud to be a disciple so  peter said with passion and sureness in his voice   no even if i have to die with you i will never  deny you lord i am ready to go with you both   to prison and to death all of the other disciples  nodded in agreement with peter they believed they   would never deny that jesus was their lord the son  of god and they were followers of his teachings after their supper jesus led three of  his disciples to a beautiful olive grove   called the garden of gethsemane the stars twinkled above them  and the moon lit their pathway the three disciples he had chosen to  come with him were peter john and james   they walked into the olive grove where  the twisted gray tree trunks surrounded   them and the cool green leaves rustled  gently in the warm breeze the disciples   and jesus had come to gethsemane many times  before to pray so they knew the garden well   as they walked jesus began to look troubled  and sad he said to peter john and james   my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow  stay here and keep watch with me   the three disciples felt tired and weary  after their meal and their walk to the garden   but they were happy to be with jesus and were  keen to obey his wishes they assured jesus that   they would stay awake and pray watching  out for anyone walking into the garden   jesus walked a little way away from the three  disciples and knelt to pray to god his father   father if you are willing remove this suffering  from me nevertheless not my will but yours be done he prayed for a bit longer  thanking god for his love he walked back to where his three  disciples had been keeping watch   as he asked them to and found them  all asleep he was disappointed he woke them and said why are you sleeping rise and pray  that you may not enter into temptation   it was then that jesus saw  another of his disciples   judas coming into the garden of gethsemane an army of men followed judas the army has  been sent by the local leaders and governors   who didn't believe that jesus was the son of  god and wanted to punish him for his preaching when jesus saw them coming he said to peter  john and james look the hour has come and   the son of man is delivered into the hands of  sinners rise let us go here comes my betrayer peter john and james were astonished to  see judas leading the governor's army   right to jesus judas had betrayed jesus the  one i kiss is the man you seek arrest him jesus did not run or hide from the men who  had come to arrest him he simply said to judas   do what you came for friend and as judas  step forward and kiss jesus on the cheek peter drew a sword from his belt and attacked  one of the soldiers cutting his ear off jesus held up his hand and said put your sword  back in its place for all who draw the sword   will die by the sword peter understood  that this was all part of jesus's plan   although he was sad and scared for jesus  he put his sword back into his belt   jesus stepped forward and healed the soldier's ear but even this wasn't enough to soften the  hearts and open the faith of the soldiers they seized jesus and dragged him from the garden  of gethsemane while peter john and james fled   jesus had been arrested by local governors  and leaders and he was taken to the house of   a jewish high priest inside the house jesus was  questioned about his preaching his parables and   why he said he was the son of god outside peter  had not fled after all instead he had carefully   followed the soldiers and jesus at a safe distance  trying to see where they were taking him peter was   scared that if the soldiers saw he had followed  jesus he would be arrested and questioned too a crowd of soldiers and servants from the   jewish high priest's house had  gathered outside around a fire peter carefully and quietly slipped into the  crowd sitting by the fire to warm himself in   the cold night air in the light of the fire  a servant girl looked at him suspiciously   this man was also with jesus the servant girl  pointed at peter and the crowd turned a look   but peter scared of the soldiers shook  his head and said no i do not know him   a second servant girl peered  at peter across the fire   this fellow was with jesus of nazareth  i don't know what you're talking about   the crowd murmured and looked at each other  with narrowed eyes they were still suspicious   a man shouted out to peter you must be  one of them because you're a galilean   and peter swore for a third time that he did not  know jesus a curse on me if i'm lying i don't know   this man you're talking about as the last word  left peter's lips he heard a rooster crow twice he remembered what jesus had said to him the  night before that peter would betray jesus   this very night before the rooster crossed  twice as the sun came up peter wept and wept peter had done just as jesus had  predicted peter had let jesus and god down
Channel: Geethanjali - Cartoons for Kids
Views: 4,764
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Keywords: bible stories, jesus christ, jesus walks on water, peter denies, peter denies jesus, peter denies jesus for kids, peter denies jesus passion ofthe christ, jesus walking, jesus walking on water, bible animation, bible animated stories, geethanjali kids bible stories, bible story for children, bible story for kids, jesus story, superbook bible stories, superbook stories bible, superbook peter denies jesus
Id: 30XGnTpVJzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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