Numeric patterns of 37 and 73 in the Bible

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Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew has 7 words. 7 is a prime number. There are 7 letters in these two words, and 7 letters in these two words. There is a mid-word and 3 words to the right and 3 words to the left. This word has 3 letters, and this word has 3 letters. The numeric value of all the words is 2,701 which is 37 times 73. 37 and 73 are prime numbers. 3 and 7 and 37 and 73 show up frequently in the underlying numeric patterns in the Bible, both in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, in the Hebrew text and in the Greek. Examples: the Hebrew word for the "only Son" is "ha'yachid". The numeric value of these letters total 37. Jesus is God's Son. "God gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." Isaiah chapter 9 has a prophecy of Jesus, "For to us a child is born, a son is given, and the government will rest on His shoulders and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." In Hebrew, "ki'yeled yelad lanu ben niten lanu va'tihi ha'misrah al shichmo va'yikra shemo pele yo'etz el gibor aviyad sar shalom." This verse in Hebrew has exactly 66 letters. There are 66 chapters in Isaiah, 66 books in the Bible. What is interesting about this verse? The first two words ... well, we'd say two, but in the original Hebrew they are joined ... "ki'yeled" has a value of 74, which is 2 times 37. And the last word (again for us it's two words, but really it's joined in the original) "Sar Shalom" (Prince of Peace) has a numeric value of 500 plus 376, a total of 876 which is 73 times 12. So we see the numbers 37 and 73 bracketing this significant verse but a word I want to focus on here is this one, "Pele". The first title for Jesus. It means "wonderful". The numeric value is 111, and 111 is 37 times 3. Of course I'm giving you a few notable examples. There are patterns in the numeric value of words and verses, in the number of words, in the number of letters, in words and phrases, in whole passages, and in chapters and books of the Bible. These things could not have happened by chance. Genesis chapter 1 through to Genesis chapter 2, the end of verse 3, is the account of the 7 days of creation. There are exactly 1,813 letters in the passage in Hebrew, and 1,813 is 7 times 7 times 37. For more examples of 37 in the Hebrew text, go to our website where this video session is embedded, and you can download a PDF "37 in the Old Testament". Now to the Greek of the New Testament. Bearing in mind that Genesis 1:1 in Hebrew has a numeric value of 2,701 which is 37 times 73, it is interesting to note that the Greek word "OSAFTOS" has a numeric value of 2,701 which is 37 times 73. And also "OSAFTOS" means "likewise, in the same way". The word for "Jesus" in Greek is IESOUS. It has a numeric value of 888, which is 37 times 3 times 8. The word "CHRISTOS" (Christ, The Anointed One) has a value of 1,480 which is 37 times 40. "IESOUS CHRISTOS" has a total value of 2,368 which is 37 times 8 times 8. "THEOTITOS" (the one occurrence of a Greek word meaning the "Godhead" or the "Deity") which occurs in Colossians chapter 2 has a numeric value of 962 which is 37 times 26. I believe that 37 points to Jesus as the Word of God, as the Living Word. Interesting then that the word for "scripture" in Greek is "GRAMMA" which has a numeric value of 185, which is 37 times 5. The word for "epistle" or "letter" as in the short books in the New Testament, is "EPISTOLI", which has a numeric value of 703. 703 is divisible by 37. The phrase "according to the scriptures", which we find in 1 Corinthians 15 verse 3 (just to name one example) is "KATA TAS GRAFAS". The numeric value of this phrase is 1,628 which is 37 times 22 times 2. The phrase "the blood of Jesus" which we find in 1 John chapter 1 verse 7, "TO AEMA IESOU" has a numeric value of 1,110 which is 37 times 30. At the Last Supper, before Jesus went to the cross, He gave us a new commandment, that we love one another. This is the commandment that sums up all the Law. In John chapter 15 verses 12 to 14, Jesus says "This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down His life for His friends. You are my friends if you do what I command." In the Greek, that is exactly 37 words. John chapter 15 verse 17, Jesus repeats the commandment, "This I command you, that you love one another". In Greek "TAFTA ENTELOMAI ININ, INA AGAPATI ALLILOUS". There are exactly 37 letters in that phrase. And within it "that you love one another" (INA AGAPATI ALLILOUS) has a numeric value of 1,221 which is divisible by 37. Now, here are a few key words and phrases that highlight the prime number 73. First in Hebrew. Isaiah 52 verse 6 says "My people shall know My name; therefore in that day I am He who is speaking. Here I am." The keywords "I am He" in Hebrew "Ani hu" have a numeric value of 73. Psalm 40 verse 16 says "Let those who love Your salvation say continually, 'the LORD be magnified'". "The LORD be magnified" in Hebrew "Yigdal Adonai" has a numeric value of 73. The whole phrase in Hebrew, "yomru tamid yigdal adonai ohaveh t'shuatecha", has a numeric value of 1,998 which is 999 times 2, which is 37 times 3 times 18. Psalm 23 in Hebrew has exactly 219 letters which is 3 times 73. In Psalm 24 verse 9, the phrase "and the King of Glory will come in" in Hebrew is 've'yavo melech ha'kavod". Note that the word "the glory" (ha'kavod) has a value of 37, while the whole phrase has a value of 146 which is 73 times 2. Psalm 118 is a Messianic Psalm. It speaks prophetically of Jesus. It is the last of the Hallel Psalms (the praise Psalms) that are sung by Jewish people at Passover. In the New Testament, we're told that at the Last Supper, "they sang a Psalm" and then went out to the Garden of Gethsemane. That would be Psalm 118 that they sang, the last Psalm sung by Jesus in His days on earth. Verse 17 says, "I will not die but live and tell of the works of the LORD" In Hebrew "Lo amut ki'echiyeh ve'asapair ma'asei Adonai". The value of this phrase is 1,314 which is 73 times 18. Verse 21 of Psalm 118 says "I shall give thanks to You, for You have answered me, and You have become my salvation." In Hebrew, "Otcha ki anitani va't'hili li'shua". The phrase has a total value of 1,533 which is 3 times 7 times 73 (3 7 7 3). It's not as if these are obscure or barely relevant phrases. Now for 73 in the Greek of the New Testament. A few examples. Within the passage 1 John chapter 5 verses 6 to 10, we read "This is He who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ." In verse 8, "... the witnessing ones are three, the spirit and the water and the blood, and the three agree in one." The phrase "the Spirit and the water and the blood and the three agree in one" in Greek is "to pnevma kai to edur kai to ema, kai i'tris is to en issin". The total value of this phrase is 4,745 which is 73 times 13 times 5. John chapters 13 through to chapter 17 are what is often called the Upper Room discourse, the Last Supper, when Jesus spoke to the disciples before He went to Gethsemane and to the cross. And John chapter 17 is Jesus' high priestly prayer. In verse 5 Jesus prays "Now Father, glorify Me together with Yourself". In Greek "kai nin doxason mi su patair". The numeric value of this phrase is 2,117 which is divisible by 73. In verse 8 of John 17, "and they believed that you sent Me", in Greek "kai epistevsan oti sou mi apisteilas". Numeric value 3,139 which is divisible by 73. You have this next example on a downloadable PDF on the website. Mark chapter 10 verses 43 to 45, Jesus speaking. "Whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." Verse 45 in Greek has a numeric value of 10,658 which is 73 times 73 times 2. Another downloadable PDF on the website, Revelation chapter one verses 17 to 18, when the Apostle John saw the resurrected Jesus and when Jesus spoke to him. The verses say, "He placed His right hand on me saying 'Do not be afraid. I am the first and the last and the living one. I was dead and behold I am alive for evermore, and I have the keys of death." This is one of the 37 occurrences where Jesus uses the words "EGO EIMI" (I am) to announce that He is the promised Messiah. In the Greek the passage has exactly 37 words. There are 146 letters which is 73 times 2, and the numeric value of all the letters, all the words is 20,002 (2 0 0 0 2) which is 137 times 73 times 2. There is also a PDF on the website titled "The New Covenant". The New Covenant was foretold in the Old Testament. Chapter 31 of Jeremiah, verses 31 and 32 say "'Behold days are coming' declares the LORD 'when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, and I was a husband to them' declares the LORD." The numeric value of these two verses in Hebrew is 10,512 which breaks down to 73 times 8 times 18. 18 is significant to Jewish people. The Hebrew letters Chet Yud spell "chai". And "chai" in Hebrew means "life", and the two letters have a numeric value of 18. These verses in Jeremiah about the New Covenant are quoted in the New Testament in the book of Hebrews, chapter 8 verses 8 and 9. In the passage quoting Jeremiah, there are exactly 52 words in the Greek. 52 is 2 times 26. 26 is the numeric value of the word that represents the name of the LORD in Hebrew (YUD HEH VAV HEH). There are 259 letters in the Greek words in this passage in Hebrews. 259 is 37 times 7. And the numeric value of all the letters in the passage in Greek is 25,662 which is a number divisible by 3 and by 7 and by 26.
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Keywords: Biblical Hebrew, Biblical Greek, Bible numerics, Gematria
Id: G7uU3nJ5aAU
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Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2015
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