Beyond Omega Level: Cosmic Spider-Man | Comics Explained

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what's going on guys this is Rob and if you're enjoying the content here on my channel then make sure you hit the like button and make sure you hit subscribe so you can decide what direction the content on my channel goes in in the foreseeable future okay what's going on guys this is Rob and I'm actually recording this in a hotel room so hopefully you guys can hear the birds chirping and everything but it unfortunately limits my ability to process the audio and make it sound like super polished and everything so I'll do the best I can but we've been covering like beyond omega-level mutant right like a Marvel Comics we've been covering mutants that are beyond Omega level now for those of you guys who renew hear the term Omega level is used to define the power of a mutant in relation to all other mutants mutants that have the ability to fundamentally reshape the planet Earth or to impact the planet Earth in such a way to cause extinction or a massive loss of life or to just change the form and function of the earth itself are generally considered to be Omega level but only insofar that for the most part their powers affect the entirety of the earth but not really anything else outside of it beyond Omega level is basically mutants that have the ability to in some form or fashion alter and manipulate the very fabric of reality itself so you know Franklin Richards is beyond Omega level because he can shoot real bullets from a fake gun you know he can make Galactus as Harold different things like that the molecule man Owen Reese he's not really a mutant but he's a beyond Omega level threat just because of the fact that he can turn a cat into a teacup if he wanted to Eamon live you know he manipulates the molecular structure of matter no matter what universe he's in and there's no limit to the amount of matter he can manipulate so he could change the entirety of the universe if that's what he wanted to do now in Marvel Comics where you have Omega level mutants you also have Omega level threats and those are basically non mutants equivalent to omega-level mutant in terms of their powers beyond Omega level threats are people who are not mutants but have a level of power that makes them equivalent to beyond omega-level mutant so again the molecule man or Mad Jim Jasper's or somebody like that in this video we're gonna be talking about beyond Omega level Spider Man particularly cosmic Spider Man now beyond Omega level cosmic Spider Man is one of the coolest things because it's basically a version of spider-man that becomes god it's crazy the kind of power he possesses but the basis behind the PI that the power that spider-man has is rooted in something called the unit power and the unit power is rooted in something called the enigma force and the Enigma Force is really just this energy force that Marvel's never really bothered to explain we know it comes for the Microverse this tiny itty bitty universe inside the main Marvel Universe those are the guys who saw the movie ant-man if Scott Lang had kept shrinking down in that movie he would have eventually discovered the the Microverse it's that small it's that miniscule but it's stars and planets and life and all different kinds of stuff it's literally a universe but it's just insanely small in scope we know the the Enigma force comes from there but we don't really know who made it we don't know if it's like you know the micro versus equivalent of the power cosmic we don't really know anything about that but we do know that when it comes to the unit power that the unit power is more of like a like a sentience or like a state of being it's an energy force that people are imbued with specifically it's designed to be a guardian for the cosmic entity eternity now it's kind of a weird situation because eternity is the most powerful being in the main Marvel Universe in that particular universe in any one universe eternity is the most powerful cosmic being there now people with like the Infinity Gauntlet will be more powerful than eternity there are some wildly powerful beings like Mad Jim Jasper's but he's not a cosmic being so in terms of the cosmic entities eternity is the most powerful out of all of them but the idea here is that the unit power serves as a protector of eternity which is kind of strange because when you're as powerful as eternity is it's like that image that we've all seen where like Jason Momoa has bodyguards but like he's bigger than his bodyguards like he would protect them better than they would protect him but the fact remains that the Abuna power basically just kind of appears in a time of need and it's really just one of those plot devices that Marwa comes up with worth just like let's give this character an insane amount of power and the unit power will be the way in which we do it no explanation really needed that's really it the instance where Spiderman became God took place during his story called acts of vengeance and acts of vengeance if I remember was like this 12 part crossover event but it was basically a circumstance where Loki had brought together all these villains in the Marvel Universe and the idea was that he was gonna start facing him off against heroes that they would normally never face so think about like the events that led into the original old man Logan's story except this time it took place way back when and it was all led by Loki but it ultimately failed the idea here was that Loki wanted to pit spider-man against something called the Tri Sentinel and the reason why was because of the fact that spider-man had had fought kingpin he'd fought a majority of the villains and some former fashioned he fought a good portion of the villains who were part of the acts of vengeance whether it was he was you know fighting alongside the Avengers albeit not really part of the team whether it's because he had fought alongside the Fantastic Four or he had simply fought them on their own the fact remains that he had fought a lot of these different folks and so pitting him against something like the Tri Sentinel which was basically this amalgamation of three different iterations of the Sentinels as they'd been created over the years the hope was that spider-man wouldn't know how to cope with it and the result was that it would lead to spider-man being defeated the problem with this is that where spider-man would have been beaten he was suddenly imbued with the power of Captain universe now the way that this works is that when a person is imbued with the unit power and they become Captain Universe all the memories and experiences of the past captain universes are all intertwined and then so basically what that means is that spider-man as Captain universe remembers everything from everyone who had ever been Captain universe before so he knows the lengths of the powers that he can use in terms of what they could do which means that if they had super-strength spider-man now knows that he has super strength if they were able to warp reality spider-man now knows that he can warp reality he maintains all those memories and different things like that but in terms of what it is that makes him beyond omega-level to all the different powers of Captain universe have waxed and waned over the years in context with the story which is to say some stories right Captain universe to be a lot more powerful than he is in previous iterations when Spiderman was Captain universe he was basically God he could manipulate matter on a universal scale he could basically do anything he wanted to he could bestow powers to others he could take those powers away he could heal people who were on the brink of death he had no need for any you know food water any of that kind of stuff almost unlimited strength there was actually one instance where he punched the Incredible Hulk into orbit virtually unlimited durability he could fly beyond the speed of light energy projection abilities that would rival that of even Galactus it was crazy the level of power that he had and so because of this spider-man as a you know as Captain universe was basically beyond Omega level because what this meant was that he had a level of power that was unrivaled he was more powerful than like any of the other beings that we've seen so far in terms of you know just powerful people from Planet Earth he was more powerful in Franklin Richards Matthew Molloy because really Matthew although I didn't know how to use his powers what the spider-sense for example the spider sense of Peter Parker had as Captain universe was pushed to the extreme so where he would normally walk around is his normal self without the unit power he would walk around and somebody would you know pull out a gun and try to shoot him his spider sense would tingle and he would be aware to what that guy was doing as cosmic spider-man he was aware of virtually everything he had a cosmic awareness and what cosmic awareness meant was that he knew everything that was going on in the universe at any one particular point in time now most anybody who has universe spanning powers has some ability when it comes to cosmic awareness I mean molecule man has him Franklin Richards has own quasar had it you know I'm marvel of the Kree had a cosmic awareness is just kind of this wild power that's given to people where they basically know everything that's going on in the universe at any one particular time but when you combine that with everything the Spider Man could do it was insane I mean the ability to warp reality on a universal scale to do anything with the universe that he wanted to unlimited strength unlimited durability unlimited stamina instantaneous healing factor energy projections that could destroy planets I mean it was crazy all the different abilities that he had now the way that the unit power works is that it only stays bonded with a person for any period of time but it's limited based on two factors the first is that the need for captain universe basically ends and so if it were some being that showed up but had the ability to destroy the planet Earth and Captain universe shows up and says okay I'm going to bond with spider-man in order to stop the Tri Sentinel then once that that threat is eliminated then the powers of Captain universe go away the unit power basically just dissipates and it leaves that person the only other instance is if a person tries to use the powers for evil because remember the captain universe abilities the unit power is sentient it can think it has its own rationale it has its own line of logic we've seen that over the course of marvel's publication history but it really hit home during the events of Johnathan Hickman's run on Avengers and New Avengers which led up to the collapse of the multiverse when a new captain universe showed up but the woman had been in a car crash and she was in a coma and so when it got to the point where the incursions were happening and the various Earth's were crashing into each other the unit power bonded with this girl who was in a coma and then basically woke her up and so whenever you had like shang-chi who was speaking with this girl trying to figure out who she was every once in a while the girl would go away and then the unit power would step in and start speaking in her place and so the unit powers sentient it has its own desires and ambitions but is only to be used for good it's never to be used for evil and so because of that if somebody were to try to use it for evil deeds the unit power would just dissipate he would abandon them and would either go find a new host or he would simply just go away in its entirety but again that's the whole idea of beyond omega-level threat when it comes to Spider Man as cosmic Spider Man he was limitless there was nothing he couldn't do he was basically God in terms of all the forms and fashions and powers that he had available to him the only major thing that he could not do that virtually any other major cosmic entity can do is resurrect the dead he couldn't bring a person back from the dead but aside from that he could do virtually anything you wanted to but with that being said guys we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end if you are new here - comments explained make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the robb core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,017,984
Rating: 4.9224916 out of 5
Keywords: Comics Explained, Marvel Explained, COmics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Spider-man, Homecoming, Peter Parker, MCU, Iron Man, Avengers, Captain America, Civil War, Omega Level, Omega Level Mutants, Captain Universe, Unipower, The Amazing Spider-Man, Enigma Force, New AVengers, The Hulk, Galactus, Franklin Richards, Matthew Malloy, Cosmic Spider-Man
Id: xGzGeY5ljDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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