ROBLOX PIGGY @ the MALL! Chapter 10 FGTeeV Multiplayer Escape (The Secret is Out)

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so where is everybody how about anybody else shopping today whoo-hoo what do we have here mmm scoops ahoy I love me some ice cream hello anybody working today uh yeah okay okay listen listen I'm hoping I'm gonna give you $20 if you don't hit me 20s yours it's you take it here it's yours [Music] George George pig you like George right a bunch of George's that's a dad right here you go here take all the George's can I can I get like a ice cream with that go to like a like a rainbow like a surfer okay enjoy sure oh hi Daddy hey what's going on oh my god rod I guess we gotta beat him up okay okay now hold on be cool we're all children here be cool [Music] what's the bet seat chambers hey hey hey playing piggy chapter 10 with Lex this time chase will be playing from his bedroom you guys are so lucky that you're subscribed to this channel because for the people that aren't subscribed to this channel this weird guy he will cut off all of their hair they will be bald and so if you're not subscribed quickly press the Bell notifications lightning you too will be able to keep all your hair change you go upstairs Shawn's gonna sit on the floor FM Lexi's in the hot seat I'm in the jump seat I don't know what I'm saying let's just go let's has not played roblox like on the computer chapter 10 is the mall where's chase he's not in chase technical difficulties make sure whatever you guys buy robot you use the star code ft TV to support this channel thanks you started they ran this way a mall why would they hide here we're going to find you however you are pinky has woken up what are you doing there go kill a piggy what does who is Lance knocks night morrow I don't know it's supposed to be cheese alright just start going at random Doris what are these trying to find stuff we need a crowbar right here what does that mean what did I just feel no I have an exclamation point Oh a piggy what is that you what the heck oh ah I've been marked run run run run run run I'm going upstairs there's got to be something up here I'm confused okay right here grass all right Lexi this grass I want to give this to Zyzz hey was that chase chase take the grass dizzy okay now sissy's gonna go kill to kill kill kill kill know who just died let's go let's died okay one I can't find a single key yeah same what dog what is this in the vents there's something crawling in the vents I would not stand there before you die wait there must be something in there if it crawls there's got to be something hitting I'm going to check you got killed yeah sorry to hear this okay I'm going in the vents where did you get killed less mouse the mouse held you are I just got what key is this what color yellow yeah I just got the yellow key wait taste taste why are you down here why oh dude all right to go all right well game over a mouse didn't kill you do you want to play down here okay start up that game Jade daddy and me and like I don't we go Alwyn then boom boom everyone is back in Lance is gone alright so there's a piggy in the vent and there's a piggy with it that's a mouse I dig right here oh there's two keys in here what key do you have yellow I have orange I don't have a key you can go up here thank you orange is open what do you got for me in here what is that thing what is Lance Alworth what you got oh oh piggies up let's run whoa oh right here what's up get away from me I got this colorway what color is this purple key okay what's in there God I got the gun what no what does it mean when is that me she's after me yeah wait piggy a girl we have no idea Thanks Oh si gracias okay give it to Z Z who's a Z Z zebra go go ZZ get 50 killer yeah one seconds what's in here oh yeah bullet guys there's a red key in here we're upstairs where the vent was where is the thing at oh god I shot it oh there's a plank guys there's a plank and a red key okay I got the plank where do I go I'm here okay watch houses come on oh no what door what's up dude oh we got it jump well there's bullets in here in another key is that green or the yellow key okay Mickey where's this blue lights yes yes come upstairs right here what's up Lex go in there what's inside bullets and what color is this oh that's a keycard it's this crowbar I've got the crowbar yes I'm dropping down wait Shawn died huh gray bars up here upstairs yeah wait do it that's right right here come on oh I just bust it up and I got money oh come on if I'm dead that means I have to go to the piggy spider dream crowbars also upstairs right in there oh it's right here wait how do I get an ax wait to run tonight how did I get I have because you need the crowbar I did oh but but you still need the blue key wait I figure need a restart chase oh she's got she's got run what up is he stuck in them oh he's in the van oh no that mouse is coming the mouse is stuck oh gosh yeah it you can't win it tell them three minutes see Lex this is spectating it's cool cuz you could really help chase like watch this chase Piggy's behind you chase Piggy's behind you hey she's coming you got it yeah yeah she's good catching on to so try to do something try to help up some more chase whoa piggies right there good job Lex are you gonna really beat this without us chase oh he's got what's in there what what did that do or open up this room with the safety she killed you backwards boss I wonder I really thought you died first last time thanks dad what's infection piggy gets you you turn into piggy so it's kind of like mint like sardines no I don't want to play that right would never win yeah with six players infection would be good before and counting Sean you gotta you found the key oh thank you how about this only tell me when you find a key oh right here or is this orange yes okay ouch he colors it's like you can help me with my college yellow key yeah what comes at me yellow and purple all right out who just got stabbed I don't know where yellow is yellow is safe oh yeah in that room oh gosh piggies right there ah got it hurry I'm very a very daring Lex Lex he's getting scared because I'm sad venturous okay ready right here hurt run out of here oh she's gone she went after somebody else that's the beauty of playing with so many people it's cool next oh wait no shun that's you yeah what you mouse they're mine Elektra Zod was right like daddy and me gonna die oh you're too prophetic shot game over yeah that was wrong why we're gonna do it we're gonna do it listen - I knew in my head phone hello I'm playing daddy buddy bitter beer big beard your big beard anybody almost pigging always start on the second floor I think so okay I probably part of her porky oh wait right there purple right purple I got the goon got the bullet where is it he's behind me behind you I'll stop him ah okay five four three two that's help you so violent sound sets a savage cute Sean you got killed yeah wait what blood I got blue key oh gosh where is it is it coming for me rod wait I don't know how to use this gun no you chump Alexia Lexi is so Savage that hurt dead roblox character made piggy do a flip - she didn't go after you you have that thing Oh what's this ah where's that purple yeah we already got purple though daddy gone there he is where is it where's the pig at outside I think I saw him well I think he left probably chase where is it oh wait try Oh bro you gotta speak up and use the word dream work literally piggy killed Shawn and now he's actually like disappearing really Shawn no maybe he ran off cuz he's a big baby like is dead alright chase operation die yourself we want to play right legs yes we want to play daddy yeah go you're back where were you tell chase to give up okay well guess I'm gonna go back to drawing tattoos if you win let us know we'll be here and the anti team effort lounge to hear tat up Lex come on bruh Wow look at that yes imagine thinking that he's gonna like beauty without us alright ready guys ready play case should you and me transfer our gaming powers to Lex what I need it I'll give you some of mine stinky desk you got it if we die this time again since Chase is better than all of us we have to be infection so we can all gang up on Jason yes oh I got grass hichy wait where's the red okay imagine me asking my my four-year-old why he died so quick in the cnidaria yeah hey what is what is that ready father oh goodness CEL I'm here jail she wants grass she's like nope I pass she pass gas that - I need yellow yes watch out rent and then also that doesn't do anything yet until you get the black yeah go inside the van I'm not going in that door that's what the wrenches for Willie yeah what's happy I drew what I'm just gonna stop okay go in there watch out for the mouse ah watch out you forgive me you're behind you're kick turn left right there I can't see your head what the you got it oh wait wait that room was already open oh no I'm really confused right there you gotta Lex what's in there cash registers downstairs I'm so scared right now you should be your heads in your butt crack show your butt in your face and then you bring it in your face is so good he's always that are you okay he's always the last one standing did you not see piggy because you know or Denis I said that Lex and then buck back happen bye-bye days all right guys we're doing ratty bougie round raji bougie yes everybody click on traitor I love I wish it was BOTS plush traitor I'm the traitor I just stopped the other survivors oh wait I can't pick up the weapons don't get caught so I can how do I get you guys I don't really know honestly this is like secret neighbor 3 oh goodness so there is a piggy I told you I guess ah look it's still coming after me okay so right now I'm on your team I got a blue key no there's dude I'm on your team right now I'm gonna help you try to escape until I have to die I don't want to die right now okay so even though I'm traitor I'm not trying to die blue key okay Piggy's gone me oh wait a sec I'm on your side dude wait I don't turn into piggy oh that's infection daddy killed me I get you guys yeah no that was pointless I'm never doing it again take that [ __ ] done another infection Oh what baba bhot but the infection is bad wait infection wait that's what we wanted to do Justin infection done you're a gay baby this way sorry that's my favorite part the cutscene cuz you're so good at it wait wait shut your piggy wait you died but you know what now Lexus a piggy and Shaun no I command you not to get us not even my fresh pork chops over here I got all my goodness there's so many piggies where's the other wrench go Oh in the vent I'm definitely not headed to the vet no rod not fair mouse is blocking a piggy hello chase hello oh yes hey you do your search I try to get out James come on dude try to get out come on come on daddy's like me how do you get them you're the left click but my show deny anything is stuck in my butt crack and my front crack come on daddy where's chase dude we're piggie we still can't we got to cut him off like oh I got him trapped in here guys he's trapped someone get that door boo buddy buddy it's very fair how about this we just do regular Bob if we all win right now I'm giving everybody $40 $60 if you win please all right we got this have to win we have to win everyone focused this time the $40 right what is this color actually Piggy's roping up yellow what is that not yellow that's greener why do I always do this what should I get Susie the grass right now they never want to use this orange key no [ __ ] yellow key is upstairs guys where's green key I have no idea pinkies like Worman on the floor oh sorry Shawn dollars right here orange pink piggy piggy piggy orange keys open guys I got blue key I got this okay piggies down there blue key yes is pullets up here okay it's up here in the room where the white key were they wear the blue key was Suzie here get it yes piggy stuck on the escalator that's where's green or is grimlock what colors this yellow Thank You Shawn right here I got the wrench where's the piggy at guys who's got I um piggy crowbar goes with the run store you can open that Chase oh go go go yes got it I got that I got this key card ah I can't get me can't get me Mouse can't get me go go okay she's got kind of got no coming back guys that look I think I can trap her guys get ahead I'm just gonna stay here and we're just gonna keep trapping her cuz mousies stuck just get stuff done I have a pen all my eat they spent spent wait the heck where is that wait where's the pig I let it get unstuck daddy I need the green card okay fine guys where's the green key card over where's pinky who's got eyes ah okay [ __ ] why did you stand like a doofus do something with your life okay I'm coming where she's right behind me right there oh that's right is it behind me no wait now oh no oh wait yes it is it's coming it's coming they got it what do I got oh I got it wait wait I didn't switch it I can't wait I didn't get it I got it wait you got it yeah you were behind me you sneaky tiny little thief we need a coin wait wait wait for us we got this I'm right behind one Lex we got yes yes wait what yes we did high-five Lex oh wait I forgot I said that wait what you said but Oh Shawn is sad why why you said George how do you know who I am who are you it's okay I'm FG TV and this is Izzy you guys do that this is the person I was looking for why'd you run George after my family visit at the hospital they acted weird and it's scary john wants us I came here looking for grandma but everyone looked scary so I hid it you'll be safe with us George we'll find the person who did this I promise what what the Arthur we tracked the helicopter say no dear bye mr. P I need to go see him I'll use the bathroom what what you just got back Ida spits I'll be back soon I promise take care of George while we're gone let's go doctor we're stopping George or mr. P okay what if mr. pees on George we beat it so wait you guys want me to give you $60 [Music] right here 60 for you 360 for you and here's 60 for you Sean okay Nancy gonna get to keep it you guys just get to have a sit have a 60cc fun it's fun to have the 60 that's a oh hey get back here get back here this is the worst deal I ever made I literally have 40 can't owe you 20 why did I say that who is good wait do you guys have to give me 60 since I helped win yes so you give me 20 you give me 20 you give me 20 okay and then you give me 20 yeah thank you and then I owe you a two so how do we do that I'll give you this 20 and now it's 16 then you give me back the twenty cool all right anyways do you wanna give me all your money oh thanks oh and then remember that time that you owed me 20 for the Starbucks I got you and another time that I bought the pizza yeah all right I think we're even all right guys sounds like a good deal why do I feel like we just got ripped because we did I'm not Olivia naveen a killing animation and the little rabbit in the Hat killed you oh it is on spider pig what he kills her with that copyrights right now
Channel: FGTeeV
Views: 76,705,086
Rating: 4.8366694 out of 5
Keywords: piggy spider, piggy the mall, spider pig, spider piggy, piggy custom creations, fgteev, fgteev youtube, youtube fgteev, fgteev gaming, fgteev minecraft, fgteev roblox, fgteev hello neighbor, family gaming, gameplay, skit, funny, comedy, ape chase, fgteev ape chase, chapter 10 piggy, fgteev piggy, fgteev gameplay skit, piggy chapter 10, piggy chapter 11, roblox mod, roblox piggy custom, roblox piggy skit, jukebox joker pig, fgteev new video, roblox 61, fgteev roblox 60
Id: 0G4rZ3WJjI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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