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[Music] these homes always blow my mind you know like welcome to another episode of daily driven exotics we're starting today in Beverly Hills if you couldn't tell this guy this cruise along in this California we got David behind us but the homes in Beverly Hills are absolutely crazy good morning good morning we had some cars got crazy biker fire [Music] welcome to Beverly Hills know what happened single car you didn't hit anybody I think if it's lost control so you know with our groupings I don't know I hope not oh thanks a lot guys take care you guys heard it Beverly Hills paramedics kinda an m5 crash this morning damn what he's okay he's okay that's why we can just a car just a car we've had a rash of BMWs lately having problems what this thing is nuts I wanted to get one of these like it comes this is how comes stock with the canards the splitter got like louvered fenders the thing is amazing for a Viper little wing Oh so what do you guys think ACR extreme one day for the channel if I can find one you know who had one or boys August luxury motorcars they had one and I was a little late to the draw they basically brought it in sold it right away but I think bang for the buck like rear-wheel drive v10 absolute tyre Slayer for sure it's just so menacing looking I love how it's got like all of this this is all stock we're from freakin dodge yeah wicked car oh no you got to go away Pena was just here do Pena was this dude anyways is here he just came and asked me about you you told me I know I know I told you look Dawn's here Pena those are my patches you don't get those hey hey no no no no no give me my bathroom these are my patches from dawn dawn bottom oh yeah we got B HPV passes bro I'm gonna put them on a DVD jacket and we can wear them when we're here and just you we got a surfing friendly to the guys that don't like us we're gonna you know what we're gonna turn this all around we're gonna become friends with Erik Pena that is the job that's the mission our mission is to become friends with him okay okay I started bringing him out like Dawn comes out and hangs out with us I think he kind of freaked out for a second his he thought I was joking for a second then he goes he goes you told me he was not coming thank you for the patches you're welcome courtesy of Dawn my friendly be HPD officer actually a lot of the guys have been really good I've been chatting with them during coffee breaks and stuff and they like the channel oh yeah so you've got some fans yeah but we're watching you always always that's why I bring you with me chaperone chaperone I have a chaperone I'm Alex's chaperone it just goes down the line David oversees everything sir making sure the environment is good not too many a mission zero mission zero emissions big pass like guy with all the police this morning it was only a matter of time that someone came ripping down the road howdy re well the reality is is there being extra careful because someone already crashed in them an M car like a block away so you know the saying one person ruins it for everybody else mr. speedy over there Clyde no bueno man I need to slow you down good morning don't be like me alright actually if you want to be like me I've been getting more responsible lately thanks for that thumbnail de dum nails thumbnails for days this boy because this is an event like a little toy drive look at this warm up people as soon as one person gets pulled find yourself yeah I found it and I've got a business card so that makes me legit what's a business card you're taking what's a ticket for [Music] Oh [Music] I'll fix it to you what is it for what makes it a good firm you have no front plate in Beverly Hills have you not watched enough of Alex Choi getting no from me I'm a car dealer oh you're a dealer I'm good a drug dealer car it's not technically your cards for sale did you try to sell it to him yeah I tried giving my business cards but you said he already had one do you like out of here you're like I'm out it's like sharks circling Alex joy hey we'll jump in the cars there he is told you you make it yeah but they're okay they know this going on hey Kevin give me one little Rev he wasn't ready I know I pulled he pulled Kevin over you know it's a dealer you're supposed to have you do a plane on the car right yeah I know but let's have my doughnut or they will find some holes for you I'll help you what do you need uh driver let's see I'll get it for you yeah let me call Alex see anybody as I read don't happen yeah I got it [Music] there you go horsepower that's what they're getting everybody on that these things luckily I just got mine and on January 1st boom alright now they know anymore when I see you expect to see plates in your car ah gotta worry about it yeah couple doubt about it Sarge did you forget about it you were intentional let's do it and the homes here are just crazy I can't get over it every time I Drive down here this is a friend of mine dawn phbt beautiful gt-r hey Dylan what year is your car a seventeen I want to like I'm your security guard you are mr. Davies not signing autographs justjust tell ya tell the Polly tell your friends your colleagues I should say I think I think I think friends are there's a loose turret right I think we're driving from Beverly Hills to Malibu which is going to be fun because there's all these twisties and canyons got me right by my ear [Music] [Music] [Music] making me angry again how's my away car spotter it's hard keeping up with you guys there's time we got quite the crew we got DD fam right here there we go I'm home [Music] [Music] the high Gordon's car so the GGG has an exhaust you said that straight pipe yeah Kevin rev it open the door I got Dave's got em level lights on the doors we just roll everybody this is more on here but I'm not gonna tell everybody on the Nama if you have to find them on the car person took it off roading eight hundred thousand dollar car and it's covered in mud yeah lugs a CG blood watch watch under by the wheels [Music] [Music] yeah everybody now we gotta saw you guys are a Malibu where the fires were like to have a station man that sucked like lost their homes and stuff look at this I think I don't know dude like we're all lost yeah dude we were back there doing nothing there yeah that's so weird people are making u-turns to follow us yeah and we were making u-turns and other people are falling we're going to different ways dude isn't it crazy to see people's homes like gone I can't believe this was all on fire I know [Music] Wow whoa it's spirit wall I could just spare these places yeah barely Plus is creepy and kind of like weird it's all play the road there's like still parks and ash and firm road [Music] everybody's like lost it's apparently back where we were it's crazy to see people's homes like gone like those are all those are all homes right on that clip better now like gone destroyed sad but look at the beauty here already started it now the party started edmond just launched it in between that you should do it [Music] you're up you got something line it up launch it punch it you got it an Ingo mode it just turned back on he's got it an eco mode he's gotta for my for an eco mode who does that okay keep going we'll send all right Alex is confirmed it is down that direction so we're gonna go before everyone shows up we can't get parking [Music] yeah people already getting in trouble I heard that's the rumor we are at the spot oh wow does it get any better than this so gorgeous and it's actually quite warm I'm like sweating look at this lineup we got [Music] that old world war two like plane that was sick hey link in description shop dd calm you guys how is Alex wearing a hoodie I don't know I promise you they see you keep you warm maybe he's cold-blooded this was fun this was fun we made it here you guys have just realized if I don't leave right this second I'm going to miss my flight my wife will kill me Alex hey always fun great times good driving you're crazy stay crazy dawn hey hey good to see you thank you for being the responsible one of the group I'm just gonna go from there to there yeah do it so you have to let the clutch out without the gas I want to see this we'll stick around long enough to watch you stall at least once you're doing one of these No so if you touch the gas while letting the clutch out it'll stall the trick is to not touch the gas cos it's got enough out torque right - just just pull the clutch out yeah it'll just roll out and then I don't know we'll see off to a good start there you go [Music] first time driving a CGT in a sand covered parking lot that sounds that sounds logical Kevin's like how's it we're on sand we got to take the opportunity to well you know not work out we got some dust I wonder how that got on [Music] just like you just like me we'll get together next time I come out um when my Mercy's insured let's do ketchup and mustard together okay all right deal oh that's good I love it Edmunds the man you guys go check them out I'll put a link in description hey mo hey good driving everybody have fun no tickets hold I know you guys dig it just one take it one guy yeah that's good you didn't get arrested he's got high goals for himself a shot of the ocean you guys what a fun adventure great Drive I am very very close to possibly missing yet another flight I don't know why I do this I'm awful word time I get all caught up in the moment but Kevin's following me and so is Don we're on our way out of here what an awesome drive though [Music] what was your name - Chris you were saying you have the duffel take this out guys he has the DVD duffel bro that's it and a gt3 RS hey Kevin she's doing my fuel up thank you well hey I'm off to the airport when I'm back we should get together okay have a great day Hey thank you you're the man yeah here are going a different direction yeah probably drive harder way together all right yeah I'll stare at your sick I mean not your sake but that sexy that could have been weird that could have been weird [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all other great adventures over [Music] home stretch you guys this was three segments today to get back home I went from LAX to Salt Lake City Salt Lake City onto another plane to Seattle I'm in Seattle now and now I'm gonna hop over to Victoria hmm and I'll be home for two days and I'll be back on Wednesday and I think I'll be bringing Dave with me because dave has some cool stuff that he wants to do and tell you guys a vote with his car and of course we need to go and check on the mercy and I got to give you guys some updates about all the things that are coming to the channel with that car [Music] back in Canada good thanks [Music] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 855,050
Rating: 4.9094896 out of 5
Keywords: police, cops, Beverly Hills Police, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, VF Engineering, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Tire Change, F1, F1 Sounding Exhaust, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: 9e9ZpKWx184
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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