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You guys need to get a drone. Footage around the track with it would have been awesome for a clip

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
we're gonna go ever do ever [Music] well we've got date for Asus Spade rally well everyone's leaving Dave and I are only just waking up hey good morning you look away we're not away we've got stuff all over the place what is going on oh by the way these are all unopened energy drinks thank you to everyone that watches the channel if you've got a love letter so I got an update from the guys over at Cincinnati supercars and they said everything so far altered our trying to diagnose the Murcielago points towards make sense right Allah mercy heavy car big engine fiction this is a little clutch and a week gun I knew my new stud watch ticking burnout I'm a professional stutter bear entry on certain seven that effect [Music] there's confetti bombed our car what do you looking for you looking for you need recompense the nice cute girl that gg4 is the evil one what game on I'll tell you that you guys ready oh yeah are you ready get off the phone dude dude why do you let people do that to you Island victim here's the good news though victim somebody had a big bag full of confetti a huge big so I went in there her husband I was like I have a gift for your wife Wow like more confetti cannons worth in that car [Music] [Music] I dunno if at the border to Kentucky culture waiting for us all over the scanner to the radio so feel welcome wagon welcome to Kentucky here the second [Music] copy that coughs hey Nick are you there what happened to the poor so we gotta pull over we need to reset it every 15 minutes thanks Anthony doesn't use PDK does see that's like manual shifting I bet he drives it in auto all the time you think funded by but no thank you Nikki do a guy talking burger converse about things all about it we're done you guys wake up you guys like cops I love cops I can't go back to jail let's get in here a yellow Lamborghini yellow Lamborghini Alberto played David Edward Victor Edward T David David he had words help her David Coulter David we got one in front of us with his lights on I was a Boulevard on let's go vers the roll you guys confirm we have a cop behind us in district 22 as well we're gonna Kentucky dam and invited some of the close friends to join us hey is that cop coming yeah me who idea good Nick where are we we're at the Kentucky Dan we're gonna go on the dam tour yeah and you can take as many damn pictures as a dam dam souvenir shopping oh I damned am currently crossing the dam dam this are eight is turbo single turbo sounds that adds the v8 re [Music] one of you [Music] [Music] why did I even protect my team it's the whole taco a real meat in there you know get it it's not real like a person Elias and fed and manufactured for the internet hey be nice Carolee it's really good we tried it I love it I try this all I eat now Dave he wants to know if that would do anything to a windshield you ready for this let's see let's show it let's do it little torpedo all right here we go Aventador test windshield go just redesign the wrap as you go hey I think I went to concrete concrete yeah are you saving or something oh that totally is concrete it's like hard a little bit [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] see you guys okay okay back on the road again after lunch and all the stupid shenanigans we have about a two-hour drive to the hotel and gonna be an epic drive [Music] go opossum should we pass left I think we should like who's ever passed a call before that's the trick if the chickens not to speak I feel like I feel like you know for the team maybe maybe we should take one for the team and just get pulled over so maybe we just pass them doing like ten over that's a speeding ticket we're gonna pass the cop and he'll pull us over we passed the cop and he didn't even do anything I don't know you passed a cop got some more police oh so good oh yeah [Music] I like that path look good a little team of routine at places with you perfect like that it was great I passed like hop and did not go pull over that's what happens when you have a pretty yellow car that what it is yes that's exactly what it is yes yes yes yes state trooper guys high fives we need we need high fives I totally get in a group this size that no one person is gonna be able to do a stick what everybody does but we're getting complaints and 9-1-1 calls from people recording reckless driving okay what happened I says we're doing 120 I seen pictures of our cars to give us all tickets when we leave oh yeah so what do you do with the photos after you guys have an Instagram account no no no this is social media or like a picture with you this is just in case like I said in case we have any issues because we've been getting a lot of 91 calls oh really okay that's the reason why we're here I don't think for what you guys are doing is awesome and your cars are off it's like the yellow Lamborghini there yeah as soon as I pulled in I was like yeah I remember him because he was actually kind of stuck out in the right lane when you ever guys were passing trying to go past us he was like last one in the line I think of deaths is a slow pump local Illinois fan here Benny what do you think I love it you want one I did it's all yours sir enjoy we'll see you next time he's gonna pull out here in any second he's like following our soldier [Music] good Eddie all fast wins before the overpass tickle your driver's license you have an insurance card yeah my personalized play with my name on it okay yeah Dave so we think complaints on you guys all day I'll rally I have no stickers on this covers cruisin British Cruiser what's happening now what are these all the cars waving at us okay so your insurance driver's license registration up issued a speed citation for 82 and a 700 measure my speed she's made you measurement with the lidar gun sure what's a little I know we said we check it we don't have to check it it's got an internal check on it oh really yes is that a calibration then it's not a calibration most let's not calibrated I did not say that I'm sorry I'm just confused so is it like how do I know if it's an accurate measurement of my speed I was asking questions okay ask questions right you're allowed to ask questions okay so how do I know is an accurate measure of my speed I don't know how it works that's why I'm asking let me show you how it works yeah you saw sure let's hit one of these guys pull gimme the camera right so that's cool okay so when you turn it on they'll go through the self-check I know why you got me look at a uniform sticker on my car that threw it away that has my Instagram on my license plate which you induce your lidar are you a lesson yeah how'd it work turn it off again you write this off for me one of your one of your colleagues was having a bad day can we sign up here cut away if you pull up turn it off can you sign off on it this is what I'm hoping for right here Oh dad you're stuck with it she says she can't write it on why let me talk to her I'm cute hey hey we made it to the close kind of me just come back to your roots doesn't it day that's our NASCAR you see Smith why was her jacket I have a ball you were a big NASCAR guy huge oval turn right every time exactly people try not to hit anybody day but try not a Mustang [Applause] oh look guys here for David everybody [Applause] stays trying to put me to sleep [Music] [Applause] what operandi come back down back down that's what you hear from Walmart that's the best no it's fine the way she was d-does I got a fat head it's not from my brand [Applause] not a parade laughs I believe to go around the track [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guys that's it for the racetrack we had a blast thank you to everybody for coming out so much love we appreciate it yes the only thing left to do one last thing to do before we leave the racetrack let's see if we can do a couple of donuts just swing it for the fans one last time all right guys you want some donuts [Applause] [Music] [Music] guess what one more yeah they want more [Applause] there's no coming next up tire shop hey guys look let's give David huge round of applause because that's not my car we really hope our tire sponsor makes this sighs soon [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 961,936
Rating: 4.9118929 out of 5
Keywords: lamborghini, ferarri, porsche, mclaren, huracan, aventador, 911, gt3rs, supercar, hypercar, car rally, ace space rally, nashville, adventure vlog, police, police giving ticket, confronting the police, police unlawfully give ticket
Id: PEtECDt1t60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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