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bars gonna get towed right now he's saying he's gonna tow my Murcielago dude I'm never in this position so I'm not sure which way you want [Music] [Music] see we began pulled over not really sure for what huh Oh hon do I get pulled over for good evening how's it going all right you know the speed limit is yeah we were all doing it 65 I'm trying to get up to catch up without car the win at the carpool lane but she wanted to skip on following me yeah we were all cruising like people are still passing us speed limit is 65 miles per hours not what you'd make it to be no I was doing 65 all right Lindsay license registration insurance yeah sure so you honestly think you are only going 65 miles per hour 100% okay yeah you want it in here how's your night going alright maybe citations of California ever yep oh yeah for sure where's your insurance that's all of it right now it's all under the plate and all that it's a little different than down here just like we also don't have to have a front plate but you're in California now though so you'd require to have one what's that a front plate no I can travel as a tourist from my province and as long as it's all legal they literally that that company actually like that we get like the province I'm from they don't even issue a front plate so it's impossible for me to have a front plate so I've actually had a ticket for that before went to court and the judge is like yeah here oh yeah we were driving down the freeway and legitimately like I was driving doing this like no word of a lie we were doing the speed limit and I was going basically around the rig I accelerated literally a little bit and he assumed that I was apparently keeping up with him for that stretch of the truck or whatever and I guess there's no radar or anything like that he didn't get me with a measuring device who's yelling at Dave now okay it is information you want to stay on the road write him a ticket yeah more officers now I guess Dave had to get like off the curb or wherever he was well this is interesting the officer just came over and asked me for my keys to the car because she said that my license is suspended which it is not it's completely valid so this could get really interesting really quick when was your last ticket that you had in California quite a while ago and they're all paid up my attorney takes care of all of them I know what's quite a while ago do you have any last year yeah would have been it would have been like you know it would have been like back in eighteen none none this year yeah okay and he said that my license suspended that's impossible because I come down here every week and we stay on top of all of it alright just stay in the vehicle just finished up the citation for that very back what's the citation for speed right now then also you're suspended driving license how is the spender drive unless I'm just telling you right now that you do you're gonna get served with some paperwork that says that you have a suspended drivers license with the DMV mm-hmm here yes for what probably other tickets maybe your lawyer hasn't taken care of the ticket knob they're all taking care of you guys have like a super archaic like system so it's showing in the system that it's suspended Cameron I'm sitting on the side of the road here with a CHP officer telling me I have a suspended license over this last ticket my attorneys telling me he's looking in the system okay and it's not suspended well it's showing an AR system that is suspended right now so this is gonna be your copy of their proving that your suspension is suspended effective as of May 4th of 2019 earlier this year for failure to appear for a ticket that you received did you hear that camera so is that the ticket that you're talking to me about when was the I can get the date for you when I come back up but right now I just need to get his signature right here then you're gonna get a I need a signature for the citation I'm writing you right now for your speeder than for your license so what do I do about my car right now your car is gonna get towed right now where it's I'll give you the information of where it's getting towed you can I tell it you know he's saying he's gonna tow my Murcielago dude yeah you're talking to him right now okay so I'm not gonna talk to an attorney right now I don't need to talk to an attorney right now what I'm telling you is I need a signature here and this is for your suspended drives driver's license if you don't want to sign you don't have to sign this one but this one you're gonna have to sign this is your citation for gonna be for your speeder then also for driving on a suspended drivers license okay well so you're asking me to sign something that's saying that okay you're not at meeting guilt okay that you're gonna take care of everything with the courthouse you could read that right there that's what it says right there all right all right what what's that we turned out well more sideways it's gonna be August of last year when you receive the last citation it was August of last year when I received the last citation so this is the copy right here this is the courthouse where everything's gonna get taken care about it this is gonna be the Newport Beach courthouse here in Orange County gave it two weeks I put the edge that you had off in Victoria give it two weeks if you don't receive anything the mail you can give this number down here a call or you can go to this website and they'll tell you to take care of everything on that website as well all right were they gonna take my car what's the tow yard can I just have it towed to a shop I'm being compliant go ahead and take a seat up over there I'm just saying I'm gonna do anything out of the vehicle right now yeah I have to grab a few things okay go ahead and go you can pick the vehicle up tomorrow you just got to get it cleared with a CHP and you got to have a licensed driver with you okay we're gonna give you the information of where the vehicle is gonna get towed at then you can go you can take care of care of everything tomorrow you have a flatbed coming for this okay you just got to understand like this is it's not like I haven't told exotic cars before I know but tow trucks can also do damage so I'm just making sure okay guess we'll just have to like go over this and try to figure out what exactly is you know what's going on here there's no way you let me move this thing man it's just a really expensive car it's gonna be Harborside to--that's tow yard right here okay you're gonna get a copy of this right here this is the tow yard Harbor sideshow it's in a Laguna Canyon Road off they're gonna be in Laguna Beach okay and that's gonna be their phone number but you just got to get it cleared for the CHP before it gets released no problem so I got a speeding ticket how did you measure my speed measure my speed off of my odometer now how'd you measure my speed because you're keeping up with my patrol vehicle I was behind you I know you're right next to me well next to you slightly behind you you see you thought that I was right beside you but you were actually passing me what's up you didn't have to break to get him behind me I did after basically you're pacing a patrol vehicle right next to me but you what are you facing where you could show up to court then we can have this conversation in front of a judge all right cool I can just use my footage that would work yes you can bring whatever you need to bring to cook what's an accurate amount of time to pay someone to get an accurate speed reading hey someone pace pace well you didn't get me on radar and you didn't get me with lidar so in order for you to pace me to get the speed right or measuring point distort I can explain all that to you so now you stopped answering my questions here I don't need to answer those questions here no you said if I had any more questions I could ask some right and then that was about the citation and everything and I explained everything to you but I got you for your speed and then again for my speed okay well you have a court date yeah its your right to show up to court and contest the citation yeah I was just asking questions since we're here burning time waiting for him to figure out how to load this so my attorney says everything's clear unfortunately the officer saying that is not clear he holds the badge in the gun as you guys know so all you can do is be polite ask questions they don't want to answer some of the questions like pacing is obviously like I was literally like kitty-corner behind his quarter panel he was passing me I had to move over a lane like I said and pass this very slow under 65 rig in the right lane I was in the right lane because Dave was in the Hummer and the Hummer barely does the speed limit it's actually really slow so long story short I went around this rig and I was behind him I think it's because I'm switched lanes and got closer to him so that appeared to be like I was close to him and maybe keeping up anyhow he's just being obviously not that nice about it he has the choice to let obviously Dave move the car he doesn't want let that happen so it is what it is we can go pick up the car tomorrow no big deal it looks like this guy knows what he's doing he's got lots of wood to tow it so I'm gonna show him where the lift is and yeah we'll see what happens to what this cop says for the rest of this but we're gonna stand here and make sure that there's no damage done to this car because it's an expensive car and it's our pride and joy so I'm obviously a little bit annoyed about this but it is what it is so pull that out there you go turn the wrong and right here we got so [Music] there you go they give you another couple inches yes I see the red button on the dash or to see the red light flashing as soon as that goes solid it's fully up there you go so now if you yeah it's on the left side in order to release the ebrake you have to pull it up and pull the handle in and then push it back down a little careful you know I appreciate careful [Music] [Laughter] [Music] he's not jumping in the car and driving it you all let me drive it on the truck I'm driving on a suspended license four feet to the front of the tow truck kind of stay back here back on the sidewalk ensure that he's okay in the car just stay back because he's moving the car I understand but I want this driving I want to make sure you can have the park brake on stay over here I want to make sure there's another park brake on he ruins my car then that's on him [Music] [Music] doing an awesome job man thank you preciate it [Music] well done well done this guy's awesome attention to detail I like him nice work brother good job Thanks I get the front seat of the back a cage and we can't have somebody behind us yeah you don't have any weapons on you no I'm gonna do a preliminary Frisco form the vehicle I'm just checking for weapons absolutely oh you're good you've got all the info just you know you're not you're not under arrest thank you Oh behind my head yeah I'm never never in this position so I'm not sure which way you want it I just got to make sure there's no no and like I said I really respect what you guys do and at the end of the day you've been super professional I just wish you know I didn't get the hard towtruck treatment but it is what it is it's been an interesting night [Music] it's my first ride in the CHP a car police here in the front I didn't tend to never be in the back sir San Diego yeah yeah we gotta go down there we're actually dropping the Hummer off I like a little bit of a crack a smile there guys I understand trust me don't think just cuz I have to hold this I just do it to protect myself just like the pat-down okay yeah the computer system says that essentially you know I don't have a ticket that's paid that's probably paid but the computer systems are kids what the heck happened I have a license don't I Beverly Hills this is from the ticket with Pena they told me that they told me they dismissed the ticket but they didn't dismiss the ticket nope you have international driver's license you're a cop you should know I don't need that I'm a Canadian citizen you have a treaty with us I'm gonna exit the vehicle to get my passport and then you got a feel since you have a Canadian license they gave you a temporary license which is called the X number so they can actually suspend your license so you cannot drive in California at all I'm in order to get that taken off you have to go to the courthouse and get a court date unfortunately your case was in like a limbo mode where I was in collections and in the court so it was in the middle and unfortunately we have to just pay it off because of a court date that was given to us with June 5th and in your situation that was the best thing that's paid off we paid off a ticket that technically doesn't even legally exist because you can't give me a ticket for not having a kanay for not having a California license which is what we which is what we just paid off hey you guys into suspensions for California later bro
Channel: DailyDrivenExotics
Views: 4,108,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Beverly Hills Police Unlawful, CHP Unlawful, Police, Cops, Bad Cops, Bad Police, Beverly Hills Cop, California state police, Daily Driven Exotics, Lamborghini, Supercharged Lamborghini, Exotic Rental Car, Rental Car, Lamborghini Huracan, Drifting, Burnouts, Supercar, Porsche, McLaren, Bugatti, Pagani, Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Audi R8, Mercedes Benz, Amg
Id: KDMp6M-P7vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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