Between Cloud Layers - IFR for a Hamburger

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well departure suspects drove an iWatch 16 during their never went off in the park your radar contact climb and maintain 6,000 direct fredericksburg look at that [Music] we're gonna fly over to Fredericksburg one of our go-to spots I'm hungry I haven't eaten yet so we're gonna go eat there we've got any I don't care oh then you're fine we have a nice marginal ceiling right now I think the ceiling is about 1,200 over castes 1,500 overcast something like that and we filed for 6000 so we're gonna be up in the clouds go over to Fredericksburg shoot an approach we're gonna utilize today with this nice low ish ceiling and we're just gonna get some IMC and maybe wash off the airplane in the clouds and go find some food right maybe a bomber burger maybe a bomb burger but it'll be good we'll see how we can see and we'll get up get up IFR and go say market air for information gulf 1 7 4 5 jersey weather when three five zero five is building one zero tonight overcast 1300 temperature one eight two point one six now 200 three zero two one our net GPS approaching use landing in the party we're only three five those there is actually Delta closed only one three alignment in the care lights at a service on the craft advise our some contact you have golf okay so what elebrate tax the IFR I usually tell them you know give them a cold call first once they come back and I say eight zero nine nine one I have Marta Fredericksburg or I have heart of tango eight to is what I would say they'll either give us a clearance or they'll say clearance on request advise or in taxi or they might just say your clearance is on request and then at that point I just say ready to text you get my cold call get their attention and then once they come back just say eight zero nine nine nine one I have far to tango eight to submerge Graham says that eight zero nine another one niner niner one San Marcos Graham just major another one at the D hangers with based golf FR - tango 8 - perfect perfect sister Niner Niner one clearance on request ready to taxi you don't already text since 1991 runway 35 taxi via alpha Charlie Fox travels for only thirty one alpha totally Foxtrot will hold short of three one eight zero that Cessna two four seven seven Foxtrot ground clearance on request and obviously we never want to copy the clearance while we're taxing so when he says I have your clearance advise and ready to copy or say will let you know I was flying with Harry and the Cirrus and we were holding short of one three over there and we were going through the the run-up checklist so we were busy at the moment and they said well I have your clearance advised and ready to copy and he click the button he said it kind of fast when I understood what he said he said we'll let you know when we're ready to copy seventeen Lima and then tower took that as ready to copy oh then he started giving us the clearance and we were like oh crap yeah one clearance available will let you know it already go donate I will will let you know when we're ready and square zero five so first let's get the clearance so that way as part of our object plus PDV onyx ready we already know what we're gonna put the dark picture okay so whenever you're ready to copy go ahead to tell them eight zero nine nine one ready to copy some are three ounces eight zero nine I want ready copy sustain 0 9 9 1 is clear to tango 82 airport via radar vectors and then direct I'm a maintain 3000 expect six thousand 1 0 minutes after departure departure frequency will be one one eight point one five squawk four or five one six she cleared a tango a to the effectors direct 3000 Quebec six out of ten minutes one one eight point one five and squawk four five one six eight I know your bed corrected 8:09 while holding short of three one ready for IFR departure three five ten marks tower Cessna 8:09 I want hold short of runway three one ready for a departure three five they go jogging zero nine and I know once I mark start cross runway three one right away three five clever take off fly heading three six zero cross three one cleared go three five heading three six zero zero another one very good okay baby buddy down there oh we're good okay you ready huh Lin a bit of a right wind or headache three six zero up to 3,000 and make sure you're off those brakes there we go oh we want to climb about 78 and we're going up to 3,000 on a heading of 360 and we just want to scan our instruments make sure we got that ball in the center all that good stuff Destin 19 I don't I take calls in departure departure 8 0 9 1 [Music] also the purchase is not a drill down on one sixteen hundred hey I'm doing there went off in the park your radar contact climb and maintain 6,000 clear direct Fredericksburg five maintain 6,000 three or four expert doesn't even I don't want okay so continue to climb we're already climbing right but so we got that stuff done go direct Fredericksburg so you can hit direct enter enter and then turn on course are going into the soup so eyes on the instruments keeper coordinated right about V Y climbing through two thousand feet so we're direct Fredricksburg up to six that's our instructions yep so we actually need to be flying like a 3:05 verse three three 100 or something like that let's let's turn off course about five degrees right that just glanced up these numbers every now I'm going to check the check where you're at and then kind of correct it there bend a little bright here it yep Nelson approached Skyhawk a zero hundred I want tops of the low overcast layers three thousand okay 9r1 Roger thank you really look at that Wow on top Wow we got another layer way that way up there but I can see the precip up there see how it kind of darkens up you know there's a little bit of precip to the west of Fredericksburg find go through it a little bit [Music] number nine nine eleven I maintain five thousand five one four one three go radar service terminated contact you prop up our checklist picture and rich animated five-year contract Houston center one three four point two it is a wass brave zero contact altimeter set mr. ed set you some senators sjl901 five thousand we have the prettiest burg whether we like request the are now for runway three deuce presently comer a zero Niner Niner one right here click there expected fires momentarily ok so direct serious number not another one I am understanding you said that you have the latest weather and know the correct model metal so when they clear us direct to a fix like that weird form of additional approaches get help to back up tournament a little bit of the e tune if you're you constantly trending down trip it up a little bit 3,500 to our initial approach fix been down to 3300 for final approach fix our decision altitudes gonna be 1935 no big deal and our miss approach we go straight ahead Miami straight ahead the court found into UC city so we're clear were clear for the approach so that means fortunately than three stories do another Niner one I do have traffic to that is one zero miles northeast of the Fredericksburg Airport type unknown outfit indicate 2510 advisories of proof will be looking to an advisory did you Norma were you looking to do with bus and just remember to camp on this frequency in the air or on the ground for flight very normal and remember we want to use into our position reports with distance right little bow for a fix so now we can see right yes we get the ring start descending right yeah once we cross York's but hit our instructions are to stay at 5,000 until sterics which is a little under half a litter a little under a mile away you're gonna start getting a count down here in ten seconds that's what it wants you to turn three two one we begin our turn right two three two three track now we're waiting on this to sequence so if we so they're just sequence at that point on the g5 we'd see the pink arrow turn two three two three you're already there I think [Music] all right so keep are coming around I want this in the center this is now our localizer and that's now our glide slope our glide path let's keep her coming around we're watching our track and we begin descending down to 3300 right okay and we're approximately 12 miles to the south of the airport straight up three two let's get tragic cackling poor bug hotel five miles north will be joining the left downwind the 45 for runway three-two 11 accountant just precip it enables coming in pretty good all right we're taking her down to at or above 3300 and once we're at 3,300 that's once we if we're at 3300 at the rios intersection that's right where the glide path will intersect us that's how we cross-check our altimeter and make sure our altimeter is reading right we're not there yet we level off white boy Carl final approach to fix right need to come back to the ride a little bit and right about the time we get to Reyes that's when I be sure I'm out in the wide arc and I go ahead and drop 10 degrees and that'll help us slow down and kind of stay in the wide arc don't get no correct too much I'd give it a little power so we're not really crawling back here and they keep that descent rate up right about a 5 500 feet a minute we're starting to go into the clouds here right at 3,700 feet let's be counting traffic's going for five hotels on flip downwind for runway three to collect we count you can announce about an eight mile final we kind of traffic so you drilling down to 1/8 mile file runway three-two there you go hi as on the instruments keeping these needles Center and coming up on 3300 I'm gonna start to increase a little bit of power and start to arrest the descent and then once we intercept the glide path we can start down so I'd go ahead and start reducing power let's get the wide arc a little bit and then we can drop the first notch and here's Reyes cool right there right on glide path so let's reduce the power and start down and once you're in the wide arc drop 10 degrees flaps that'll help you this hope you help you slow down a little bit there you go don't correct too much those too much of a grab-bag character than I the right other way a vor half of 4 miles to the south good job so about 75 knots is a really good speed really and we had just start descent rate with the power and we're adjusting our speed with the pitch on glide path on localizer and now it's about a 4 mile final whenever you get a chance you can trust us eight zero nine nine one four mile final three two Gloucester County good job good job back to the ride a little bit at free landing checklist brakes pedal test make sure we got pressure good planning light on when it's on autopilot off seat belts harnesses good extra set for best power going full rich car beats on bar Peters on feel selector on both bill selectors on both and the flap says require labs are down ten right now alright every landing checklist complete all right now about that's too much to push to the right little power I don't need a little power just straighten those up a lupus we'll start the drop their second looks good 2500 about 600 to go still at 75 76 knots perfect my needles in just not sneeze right now they getting a little high with the tavrani traffic koga 95 tango is 4 miles south of you can over fly 24:40 go missed approach off the vor out to be a climbing left-hand turn back so there's brick traffic cessna you do not know 1 1 mile final 3 2 . frankfurt okay there's our decision alright i see directly yep good job wait very good now we're doing okay yeah we are a little fast but i just power to idle nose up let that speed bleed off you got a little bit of a right cross with those up let's believe that speed nose up that was up those are those uh those uh leave that speed off nose up nose up all right good job that was a very very good approach okay I couldn't live that much better all right I'm dialing flight service to cancel sky Hawk 8-0 at Niner Niner one on the ground at tango gate to air for canceling IFR I appreciate it sir thank you [Music] okay I have far cancel that was a pretty good approach on his part thank you I was pretty good that's the beauty of being able to do this when nobody else can we came IFR nobody wants to fly when it's IFR like this just to go get food but we do we got the whole place to ourselves we do we have the whole way of the whole ramp to ourselves there's just one airplane over there that's I'll take it [Music] [Music] look at here what I yeah we're gonna get food okay yeah yeah so we met me do a weight balance well fine we'll be fine the beauty of it coming on a day like this when the weather is not the greatest is we really much have the place to ourselves there was a few other people in there that I guess drove in from town because there's no airplanes out here on the ramp but as always it's good food it's awesome I had a burger yet Brecker weak person I always say next time I'm coming here I'm getting the bomber burger now look at the menu see something else destroyed first business yeah now it's hard to beat that burger they cook it perfectly every time and they the bread is so good it's just it's all around good Airport diner at the Fredericksburg Airport it's a it's a great place and one of these days I need to save this hotel I've never stayed here before but it's a it's a cool Airport do it during the busy time we just sit up on that big couch you watching it just watch the airplane not yeah like looks over the runway that's a pretty cool place but anyways one of my go-to places as always rain or shine and it's a good flight over here so this is where we're gonna wrap the video up we just ate we're gonna climb in the airplane we got to get our clearance over the phone and we're gonna go back to San Marcos and and call it a day of flying so he did an awesome approach that was the first time you've done anything instrument related and a couple months local moon we just haven't had time but is a great approach all that stuff and we're gonna head back so I'm gonna wrap up the video here don't forget to hit like on this video if you liked it if you didn't like it hit the thumbs down and tell me why in the comments hopefully and if you haven't yet don't forget to hit subscribe and plenty of other videos on the channel anything else that good to like yeah okay well you better listen to him [Music]
Channel: Aviation101
Views: 49,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sponsored, cessna, 172, skyhawk, lightspeed, aviation, headset, zulu, three, sierra, anr, n80991, t82, fredericksburg, texas, hyi, san, marcos, ifr, imc, clouds, layers, atc, intercom, hd, 4k, gopro, hero 7, black, solid, overcast
Id: 3wXcrTcjiuE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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