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440g, 2 Potatoes Peel the potatoes Cut into small size Put on the wrap Bake in the microwave for about 7 minutes (based on 700W) Make sure it's cooked Mash it finely 200g Potato starch 150ml Water Since all potatoes have different moisture content, add water little by little and mix. Finished with a soft, non-cracking dough Roll the dough and make it into a circle Use a bottle to make a mushroom shape Add potatoes to boiling water Boil for 2 minutes and 30 seconds They are rising one by one as they cooked If the potatoes are full, it is a sign that they are cooked Drain the potatoes and rinse them in cold water Drain the potatoes and place them in a bowl 14g (0.7Tbsp) Chopped garlic 32g (4Tbsp) Soy sauce 3g (1tsp) Sugar 4g (1Tbsp) Chili powder 9g (1Tbsp) Chopped green onion 24g (3Tbsp) Avocado oil (can be use cooking oil) After boiling the oil Pour over seasoning Mix evenly It's the scenery where the appetite starts to spring up. Round and round cute The shape is a mushroom, but it contains the pride of a potato. Wow~ Wonderful chewy taste, the more I chew now, the happier I am The garlic flavor is also really good.
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 20,315,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 쉬운요리, 초간단레시피, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식만들기, 아이디어요리, 외식요리, delicious day, 한그릇요리, 외식메뉴, cookingvideo, foodrecipe, breadeasyrecipe, easyrecipes, 갈릭비빔감자, 감자요리, 양념감자, 감자레시피, 감자간식, 술안주, 감자삶는법, 감자전자레인지, 감자반죽, 감자술안주, 비빔감자, 마늘감자, 마늘비빔감자, 아이들간식, 별미감자, 별미메뉴, Garlic Seasoned Potatoes, Potato Recipe, Potato Dinner, Potato Snack, 감자수제비, 비빔수제비, 비빔양념, Garlic Potato, Garlic Bibim Potatoes
Id: -BYPCJNm5uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 52sec (292 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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