마늘의 풍미가 끝내주는, 갈릭 감자링 :: 갈릭버터 감자스낵 :: 감자요리 :: 감자튀김 :: Garlic Potato Ring, Potato Snacks, Fried Potato

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435g, 2 Potatoes Peel the potatoes Then cut into dice size Cook for 7 minutes in the microwave (based on 700W) 50g Green onion Chop the green onion into small pieces After checking that the potatoes are well cooked Mash the potatoes finely 20g Unsalted butter Melt the butter in a pan 36g (2Tbsp) Minced garlic Saute minced garlic in butter When the garlic is cooked, the fragrant garlic aroma rises. 100ml Water 3g (1tsp) Salt 40g (4Tbsp) All-purpose flour Add flour and mix well Add mashed potatoes and mix together Stove turned off Roll out the dough and let it cool 40g (4Tbsp) Cornstarch Add starch and chopped green onion and mix well Now flatten it with a roller. Take a shape with a circular frame (6cm in diameter) Dig the inside with a circular frame (3.5cm in diameter) About 0.5cm thick If you don't have a round frame, let's make it like this Now put it in preheated oil and fry. I turn it back and forth and take good care of it When the color starts to turn yellow, take it out. Oh! it will be delicious It smells like delicious garlic, it's like I'm in a restaurant now Wow~ Soft but crispy texture, the position of garlic and green onion is perfect Unstoppable addictive taste, this taste is a crime
Channel: 매일맛나 delicious day
Views: 8,494,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 간단요리, 매일맛나, 자취요리, 쉬운요리, 초간단레시피, 인생레시피, 황금레시피, 간식만들기, 아이디어요리, 외식요리, delicious day, 한그릇요리, 외식메뉴, cookingvideo, foodrecipe, breadeasyrecipe, easyrecipes, 갈릭감자링, 갈릭버터감자, 감자간식, 감자요리, 마늘감자링, 감자도넛, 감자튀김, 튀긴감자, 감자레시피, 대파감자, 갈릭대파감자, 마늘대파감자, 대파요리, 마늘요리, Garlic Potato Ring, Potato Snack, Fried Potato, french fries
Id: lxmx9c15BY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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