Simple way of making chocolate with milk (4 ingredients)

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This is really fudge, not chocolate... with five ingredients, not four.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/snowblader1412 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can you use ready made condensed milk?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Odd-Valuable6914 📅︎︎ May 19 2021 🗫︎ replies
'Making handmade chocolate' start [Milk 600ml] I need condensed milk, so I'm going to make it first. [Sugar 160-170g] If you want sweet chocolate, I recommend 170g of sugar. Turn on the gas. Stir and melt the sugar. Make sure the sugar particles are gone by dissolving them thoroughly. Gradually boil over medium low heat. If the sugar's all melted, [Butter 15g] [Vanilla essence 5-6 drops] (Vanilla essence is optional, but it's really good if you put it in.) Mix the ingredients well. Stir frequently to prevent sticking until it starts to boil. ※ When the edges start to boil, turn down the heat and be careful not to overflow. Go back and forth between medium and low heat like pushing and pulling. We need the aesthetics of waiting until it's yellow and thick. The boiling speed slowed noticeably and the color began to change. This is exactly how it feels. Turn off the gas. Making condensed milk was a huge success Put condensed milk in a bowl. Lay sieve on. First, sieve [100g of cocoa powder]. Sieving makes softness to be up. Now mix them well. When you mix, it gets darker and starts to form a mass. Now, add [30g of cocoa powder] Mix them again. It's kind of hard to mix because it's too dry. But try your best to make perfect chocolate. Mix all without powder to complete sweet chocolate A plate for chocolate Put a wrap on top. Put chocolate on top. Tap to flatten Now wrap it up and store it in the freezer for about 40 minutes to make it cold. After 40 minutes, place an appropriate amount of cocoa powder before transferring the chocolate. Cool, sweet chocolate Into the cocoa powder. Sprinkle cocoa powder for topping. Cut it into bite-sized pieces. It's good to eat chocolate that looks good. Let's make it look good. Round~ Tada! This time, it's a square. It's pretty if you put them in the same size and gather them together. Handmade chocolate, which is good for gifts and good for eating alone. It's sweet on the outside, but much sweeter on the inside. It's so delicious to eat using fork :)
Channel: 집밥요리 Home Cooking
Views: 27,570,479
Rating: 4.9468236 out of 5
Keywords: Chocolate, 발렌타인데이, 초콜릿 만들기, 연유 만드는 방법, 생초콜릿, 초코간식, 발레타인데이 선물, 초콜릿, Making Simple Chocolate, 연유 만들기, 코코아파우더로 간식 만들기, 간단한 간식, 우유초콜릿, 수제초콜릿, 우유초콜릿 만들기, 간단 초콜릿 만들기, Homemade chocolate, 간식만들기, 연유 초콜릿 만들기, 파베초콜릿 만들기, 발렌타인데이초콜릿, 파베초콜릿, 발렌타인데이 만들기, Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day Chocolate, 발렌타인데이 간단, 연유 없이, 초콜릿 만드는법, 간단 홈베이킹, 우유간식, 발렌타인데이 초콜릿 만들기, 수제초콜릿 만들기, 코코아파우더, 믹스 없이, 코코아파우더 베이킹, 발렌타인데이 베이킹, 화이트데이, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 15sec (255 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2021
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