Bethel Stony Hill Sunday Morning Worship | 2nd Service | Feb 13, 2022

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coming to his courts with praise we are thankful unto him and we want to bless his name for what the lord is good hallelujah the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good the lord is good hallelujah and his mercies his mercies enjoyed forever his mercies endured forever what shall i render hallelujah unto the lord abhashana messiah for all his benefits towards me what shall i render what shall i give to the lord what shall i give when i think about the last seven days what can i offer to the lord for all that he has done hallelujah hallelujah what shall i render what shall i give what shall i offer to him for what he has done i pause and i reflect i was not left hungry i was not left naked i had a job to go to more so i woke up in my right mind my members are functioning my family is well by the grace of god hallelujah and i'm able to gather with the people of god this morning thank you lord thank you lord amen thank you lord thank you lord i know that at some points i might not have felt like worshipping him and at some points i might have done things i should not have done but i remember while driving up this morning i said lord whatever it is please wash me so even though i thank him for the blood hallelujah that wash is whiter than snow and so i enter into his gates as i said with thanksgiving with thanksgiving for the lord is good and his mercies his mercies come on his mercies endure it for ever hallelujah and so we have come this morning and i want to give us us one more opportunity just to lift our hands and from our own lips not encouraged not crowded not thrusted come on you know what the lord has done you know what he has done you know what he has done you know what he has done you know what he has done you know what he has done you know what he has done there were 10 that were cleansed but only one returned there were ten that were cleansed but only one returned to say thank you lord let us not be ungrateful as we have come to him this morning but we give a free will offering of ourselves to the king of kings unto the lord of lords what shall i render i have come with my praises to give unto the lord so i'm happy to be in the house of the lord this morning come just put our hands together and offer clap offering to him i am happy to be in the presence of the lord i don't know if they can turn and point to somebody across the way and just wave i'm happy to see you come on sister kimono i'm happy to see you again come on but i'm happy to see you i'm happy to see you happy sister anna i'm happy to see you i know we can't take off the mask you know but with our eyes can we even smile brother corey i'm happy to see you and your wife god bless you god bless you god bless you sister tanisha a lovely yellow happy to see you praise god praise god it's good to be nothing lord no it's good it's good it's good and so even as we continue in worship i'm going to be inviting uh missionary karen brown just to read our morning's lesson this morning taken from the book of hebrews our lesson this morning comes to us from the book of hebrews chapter 11 reading from verse one through to verse six hebrews chapter eleven from verse one through to verse six in jesus name that's the name of jesus hebrews 11 verses 1 to 6. now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtain a good report through faith we understand that the world were framed by the word of god so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear by faith able to offer unto god a more excellent sacrifice than cain by which he obtained witness that he was righteous god testified of his faith of his gifts and by it he been dead yet speaketh by faith enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because god has translated him for for before his translation he had his testimony that he pleased god sixth and last but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he his and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him this is a portion of god's holy word tis so sweet to trust in jesus just to take him out [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] oh [Music] just [Music] will be [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh jesus [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] jesus hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] vote for grace [Music] oh [Music] just to take us to the throne of grace [Music] hallelujah let us pray father in the name of jesus we come before you today god one more service father god we want to tell you thank you for grace thank you for mercies jesus that you have extended father we are not worthy but god you saw it fit for us to be in the service today so father we pray oh god first and foremost that self will be slain we pray that all flesh will die and be in subjection even now we pray that god you will take preeminence in the service that god your spirit god almighty will move throughout this place spirit of the living god we invite you in our midst come and dwell father god come and tabernacle with us jesus sir we pray father no other spirit other than your spirit lord jesus christ will move and reign in this place oh god almighty we pray that your train will fill this temple today god we pray father that we will be in one mind and in one accord lord jesus that as we lift our hands as we open our mouths god almighty to utter praises that it will come as a sweet smelling savor into your nostrils we pray father god that every spirit will be subject in the name of jesus we bind every spirit of destruction every spirit god almighty that has been sent out god to mess up today's service we bind principalities and powers we bind fear we bind out and we bind unbelief we pray god that the spirit of unity will be in our midst that god almighty you will be able to come down and bless and deliver and set free god almighty we pray for every soul that is in our service both physically and virtually god the needs our god are before you we pray that god those who have joined in will never be the same as they came on we pray that you will minister to the hearts and the minds of your people god those who seek a word those who seek a touch those who need deliverance we pray god that you will move by your spirit god almighty i pray for those that are listening and watching virtually god that you will tabernacle with them god bless them jesus send forth your healing your deliverance and your provision god for this week we pray for those in the house that god almighty we will not take this opportunity for granted but god we will worship you with unreserved praise god we pray for the one that will bring the word today that jesus you will anoint such a one from the crown of their head to the soul of their feet use them as an oracle let your word go forth with power and with clarity prepare our hearts god prepare our hearts that as we hear the word we will receive it we will hold it within our bosom and we will run with it give us strength and grace to go through this week god remember those that are sick in body we pray today god that healing virtue will flow got every stripe that you took it was for our healing so i speak healing i release healing into the body of christ today every ailment god every sickness every pain god we pray jesus that you will heal and deliver and touch god almighty you are the same yesterday today and forever and god almighty we believe and trust your words god remember the unsaved the souls god almighty that are not saved as yet we pray you will touch them that the word of god will prick their hearts that they will cry out i yield i yield a trouble the water today god let us not just come to have a feel good service but understand that the mandate remains the same that souls need to be delivered touch the backsliders let them be reclaimed today god in the mighty name of jesus bless every aspect of our service bless everybody that will be taking part today let today be a blessed day in your sanctuary in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah shall we just lift our hands in the sanctuary hallelujah can we just lift our hands and worship the lord hallelujah can we just lift our hands and give god all the glory hallelujah what a good god hallelujah in spite of everything he remains faithful hallelujah his words remain true hallelujah and we want to lift up the name of jesus this morning hallelujah because we have a hope hallelujah we have our hope in christ jesus hallelujah jesus jesus gone to prepare mansion for me far far away [Music] for me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] far away [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we are the son of god [Music] what do we know [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what we know [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] what do we know [Music] [Music] we shall [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] drink [Music] oh [Music] my [Music] happy morning [Music] a new name [Music] a precious name in that sunny land a new name a precious name [Music] [Music] a precious name [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] land [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] when [Music] i'm gonna put [Music] yes [Music] i'm [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] i'm gonna talk i'm gonna dance [Music] [Music] i'm gonna say goodbye [Music] i'm gonna say [Music] goodbye i'm gonna say [Music] on earth [Music] god bless you [Music] since god bless you [Music] is [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] we're going up we're going up we're going up we're going up we're going up [Music] we're going up get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready get ready god bless you god bless you saints be seated [Music] when god gets ready [Music] you have got to move [Music] god bless you greetings to the household of faith in the name of the lord jesus greetings brethren greetings be seated be seated lord i thank you all i thank you lord we thank you for the promise of eternal life that takes us from this plane to another wherein you dwell giving us peace for eternity thank you lord thank you and so i am looking forward to the day because there must be something better than this there must be something better than this plane there must be something better than what we are experiencing and so i am waiting for my translation hey kosha talama i am waiting for my call to move aboard and i embrace that time for when god gets ready i must move and so i give the lord thanks and praise for his enabling power that has brought us together like this one more time and for his presence with us in in a marked way so we just want to acknowledge the presence of almighty god with us amen we acknowledge god we acknowledge god come on sins we acknowledge god we acknowledge god and in his absence i want to greet bishop devon charles brown and his family bishop brown is on assignment overseas at this time and i am sure he will be tuning in and has already sent the link out as he did for the first service and so we just want to acknowledge you bishop and your family and we pray for you and your family a safe so journey home oreo come on praise god but instead i want to greet my brother elder mark brown and his wife second lady karen brown praise god they're in the stead today they're in the shaft today and we greet them come on we exalt them in jesus name praise god and to my mother who left the island last week she has been watching since the first service so greetings to associate pastor marine scott elder admon was also watching in the first service i greet him as well and to sister kathy and sister nivee and the entire family greetings we continue to pray for them and pray their strength i also want to greet my brother what's your name again delaware's george scott greetings to you jr praise the lord jesus and greetings to malaysia and her family as well as they join in worship with us each sunday today i want to greet everyone who is present all our members all our visitors who are present i greet the gentleman who has been joining us from the gate not sure if he wants to come inside but greetings greetings sir greetings mr robinson yes greetings mr robinson thank you for joining the service from that side if you are willing we can invite you in as well so we also want to greet um all our children who are present come on strong applause for our children praise the lord jesus i have some special guests here today we have is it miss p landley landell miss landell and the girls from sos children's village are visiting us today praise god and they have been enjoying the worship happy to have you special guest i'm sure that brother jason is watching and listening um to hear or or acknowledgement of you and it's good to have you in church today and i pray that before the end of the service you will enjoy the blessings of the lord praise god praise god saints are there any other first-time visitors who are in the building today i wanted us to stand so we can acknowledge you praise the lord greetings happy to have you with us in bethel today thank you for choosing bethel and i hope that you will enjoy the blessing of the lord while you are with us amen if you don't have a church home please feel free bethel is your church home all right bless the lord jesus i want to do some other acknowledgments i saw brother gillani simba how are you sir greetings in jesus name and his family here today greetings to brother jilani i also want to greet our newest new convert sister carrion morgan yes bless the lord i remember you bless the lord jesus what a god good man god is good welcome sister carrie and morgan i remember you you're the guest of [Music] sister dunbar williams yes praise god praise god praise god what a god good he's still in the transformation business and so we just want to praise him angels in heaven rejoicing when when when when souls give their heart to jesus i want to do some other acknowledgements i'm happy to see sister lopez today looking so prosperous greeting the lopez i also want to greet sister miller today greeting sister miller and i pray that all is well with your mother and that you know the lord will strengthen you i also want to greet the mother of sister kabry with us again today greetings and the little one greetings in jesus name we have some birthdays and anniversaries for this month birthdays you know february is one of the other good months of the year not the greatest because that's november hands down right with us that's there's no question about that but february is also a good month can the church say amen praise god and so we have we're sister susie we have brother roger barrett on the 14th if she was here you would hear the excitement but she's not here because she's not here can you put your hands together for brother roger all right we also have sister marilyn smith on the 18th and i hear the clap from sister kelly mundo who will be on the 18th as well greetings on the 17th on the 17th right where your club's trunk of february i heard you and i looked on a cna but i also want to celebrate with my um little boy jack neil gray whose birthday would be on the 15th of this month for anniversaries we have mr and mrs javon lopez on the 17th anna that's you that's the lord and big things going on now bishop brown will be celebrating his 32nd pastoral anniversary on the 17th and that's his appointment to be pastor of this church and so we want to celebrate with bishop brown during that time as we usually say please if you're able to send the notes and greetings send cards send love we just want to celebrate each other because in this day and age having life is really precious i want to take time out to also greet or e-worship us those who worship online we have some faithful persons who worship online every service every sunday i greet you when i when i looked on this morning just quickly i saw my aunt sister colleen admon brown was also online i'm trying to remember some names sister montgomery i saw you as well and some dion lindsay from new york we have a number of persons who join us in all our services and so we want to take time out to greet you in jesus name i also want to greet all our first-time visitors online to bethel whichever platform you are using we greet you and thank you for choosing bethel and if it is that you are there we want to ask you to acknowledge yourself send a message in the chat so that we'll know that you're visiting bethel for the first time and those who are online please respond by being polite to our guests and welcoming them to bethel today it's offering time in the house of the lord it's offering time in the house of the lord praise the lord jesus and so we stand together and we repeat or give us creed in jesus name let's begin we affirm that the tithe belongs to god for the work of god we will not rob god of his tenth we shall stand on the promised blessings we affirm that he which so sparingly shall also reap sparingly and he we so it bountifully shall also reap bountifully every man according as he purposes in his heart so let us give not grudgingly not of necessity for god loveth a cheerful giver that's from second corinthians 9 verse 7 at this time i'd be inviting deacon christopher brown just to ask god's blessing on the giving today in jesus name hallelujah to god let's borrow ahead gracious and eternal father we acknowledge your kingship acknowledge our lordship we acknowledge you for who you are this morning lord god and as we come lord god to the central part of our service look at where we give back a portion of what you have provided for us lord god i pray that you bless the hands of your people this morning oh god as we give help us to give will and the lord god help us to give in abundance bless us dear god continue to provide make ways on avenue bless the hands of your people continually we look to you we honor you and we tell the thanks in jesus name amen there are a number of giving options that we would like to share for those who are local and are not in the sanctuary you have the option to utilize or bank of nova scotia account the account information will be shared also on the screen throughout the giving of the offertory we also have global giving options through paypal venmo cash app and [Music] zell and we want to ask persons just to utilize those options and give to the work of the lord in jesus name we're gonna we're gonna ask also the members inside just to follow the direction of the ushers while we give in jesus name you have heard of little moses in the bull rush you have heard of fearless david and his sling you have heard the story told of dreaming joseph and all jonah and the way we often sing there are many many others through the bible i should like to beat them all i do declare by and by the lord will surely let us [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] no [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] be no loneliness [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] bless the name of the lord jesus bless the name of the lord jesus you may be seated brother you may be seated sister morgan just jump and shout hallelujah one more time hallelujah [Music] praise the name of the lord jesus sister martha just jump and shout hallelujah one more time hallelujah come on sister tanisha finish that road just jump and shout hallelujah [Music] one more time hallelujah let the redeemed of the lord shout hallelujah come on one more time shout hallelujah if you believe he is worthy to be praised just shout hallelujah praise the name of the lord jesus before i hand over to or associate pastor for today i just want to acknowledge sandra from bowdoin hill who has sent her gifts to the church but is also requesting a special purr we just want to lift our hands right now as we stretch our hands lord your daughter you know where she is you understand her needs but i pray you may change her circumstances lord go into her situation mighty god and let yourself be made known and you'll be made strong and let her declare your name as a deliverer in the mighty name of jesus oh god come in like a flood lord jesus into her circumstance wash out everything that is not of you lord and lord god change her situation praise the lord jesus at this time we stand to receive associate pastor mark brown in jesus name we praise the lord in the house go ahead beloved and give god a praise [Music] no no no no no go ahead and give god our praise just in case you didn't hear me give god the praise in the house let the worshipers give god a shout of praise in the house if you're blessed give god a praise hallelujah if you're glad to be the house leave god of praise hallelujah god bless you may be seated in the presence of the lord hallelujah it's such a good thing to give praises unto our god hallelujah whoever shouts in the house have to hack said hallelujah we have a shelter praise in the house we love it sometimes if you follow the circumstances which confronts your life you come to church and lock him up but this morning regardless of what we may have been you came with the praise i want to see you stand i give god a praise i want to see you stand i give god hallelujah hallelujah i praise hallelujah a grateful heart a grateful lord god bless you in jesus name you may be seated in the presence of the lord hallelujah something good is going to happen hallelujah jesus of nazareth is passing your way hallelujah hallelujah just wave your hands in the presence of the almighty god can you feel the anointing hallelujah can you feel the presence of the lord hallelujah if you can feel him just stand up and acknowledge maintain us wave your hands beloved if you can feel him just stand and wave your heart yeah yeah glory and acknowledgement to the king this morning what a great god we serve hallelujah time is slipping away but this morning i agreed hallelujah the presence of the lord to our able moderator evangelist davia scott gray in the house almost said nelson in the hospital together for her hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to our presiding bishop bishop david charles brown hallelujah and first lady janet brown and other members who are in fort lauderdale attending a convocation we greet them today we greet them in the name of jesus to my fellow associate pastors pastor adrian edmond and mr cathy edmund or his country hallelujah as you know missionary cathy has been put her mother to rest on friday so they're still in the country hallelujah and the associate pastor of the dance world lady marian's caught telling accept greetings in jesus name and her family hallelujah if if you may not know you may not have known but this is on one of her daughters mr davis got gray so for those of me that know david is our daughter hallelujah one of them hallelujah and to all the visitors online we agree to we welcome you in jesus name beloved to the sweet sweet spirit in this place with a sweet sweet spirit in this place hallelujah before the preacher comes hallelujah we just and that's gonna sing the refrain hallelujah time is almost it's the one hallelujah stand with me and sing this on the next voice to hear will be that of our speaker evangelist notorious symbol may invite us this time this morning i trust in god [Music] i know he cares for me i'm on my pour across the store [Music] [Music] watch it [Applause] [Music] i don't know what you're going through this morning i trust in god wherever i may be [Music] is [Music] [Music] our heavenly father [Music] i know [Music] [Music] received [Music] he cares for me [Music] hallelujah [Music] or a sister their friends hallelujah evangelist the holy ghost i trust [Music] he keeps my soul [Music] my heavenly father watches watch [Music] oh we believe [Music] all things [Music] oh [Music] i release a radical type of faith in this house today but there is no secrets [Music] what god can do [Music] for you with [Music] [Music] and you believe that god doesn't see it but there is no secret [Music] what god can do [Music] i release [Music] he'll do it for you [Music] i wanna sing it one more time there is no secrets [Music] for you [Music] with your arms [Music] in this place [Music] with arms wide open with arms wide open with arms wide open feel part of you there is no secret [Music] that is barred from jesus there is no stress and they get a [Music] there's no tear there's no pain there's no defeat there's no illness there's no confrontation there is absolutely nothing that is going on in your life that god does not know about [Music] it may be a secret that your friend next door doesn't know about but i want to tell you about the man called jesus that knows about secrets [Music] i don't know who i'm talking to today but you came with a deep secret shandoza you came here with deep hurt and pain but jesus says there is no secret no secrets your husband that you lay beside at nights probably don't even know this secret your wife may not know this secret your children your best friend you're confident but i want to tell you that jesus knows it and if you put your absolute trust [Music] if you put your absolute confidence then he's gonna fix it father in the name of jesus [Music] god we release this house to you today unbelievable god i release every single person that is standing in this sanctuary in your care gonna release every person that is watching online in your care elaboration god you know about your struggles you know about their pain [Music] and so god as you have brought us to your banqueting house today where your banner over us is love i release your presence i release your will i release your purpose for this service that i release a radical type of faith that will change someone's circumstance i release someone who is watching you're sick and tired of being sick elaborate i release the grace of god oh god let your will be fulfilled in this house god let self be slain and let your name be glorified but i stand here as just an oracle of thine i ask that i will decrease and that your holy presence will increase god gonna ask that you will send your rhema word anoint my lips my hands my voice oh god send forth a word today that will transform someone that will heal someone that will do a new fresh thing in someone we glorify your name we give you honor and praise in jesus name you may be seated i greet you all in the powerful name of jesus i give god thanks for this opportunity this blessed opportunity to be standing in the house of bethel to declare the mind of god i always say that i'm nothing without jesus and it is really so i i could have been otherwise god could have chosen someone else but before the very beginning of time he knew me and he framed me and he fashioned me to be his a piece of his will in this earth and so every chance i get to magnify god and glorify him i will take it as an honor to do his work so i just want to salute the king of my life the king of glory hallelujah who is very present in this house today can we just shout jesus can we just give god a wave offering today hallelujah also greet the angel of this house bishop brown and his wonderful family uh sir thank you for trusting me in your absence hallelujah i know that wherever you are you are praying for the brethren and you are praying for me that god will send a word i salute you sir and lady brown hallelujah i want to also give god thanks for our associate pastor brown who has been juggling both services today you've been doing such a wonderful job and your lovely wife missionary karen brown can we just give the lord a praise for god's people hallelujah elder admon who is watching online hallelujah still supporting his wonderful wife lady kathy who just laid her mom to rest on friday hallelujah i pray that the strength of god will clothe you hallelu and i thank the lord for your very supportive husband who is i'm sure by your side today offering his continued strength and support sister nivea and the entire chambers family we greet you and we continue to pray for you sister joan and all those who are grieving sister michelle who lost her brother there are so many people who are going through so many stuff and every week we come here and sir just preach the word last week that it's the year of fulfillment and you know i know some persons they're struggling with that to say my god how is it the year of fulfillment but so many things are happening around us oh my god every time i i i look to grasp fulfillment something else happens that would want us to detour from trusting that there is a god but i came to tell you today brethren to activate your faith because god is going to do something hallelujah god is not a man that he should neither is he the son of man that he should repent if god says it it is so you can take it to the bank and you can book it and you will get interest on it hallelujah i salute my life partner i am so happy to have hallelujah i call him minister jalani simba in the host today hallelujah and my beautiful children i am so happy my mom who i'm sure is watching online and my family my friends i just love you god's wonderful people accept greetings from wherever you are today missionary marines cut my dear friend accept holy greetings in the powerful name of jesus i want us to get into the word of god today because i believe that there is a release monday in this house for somebody that is struggling with doubt and fear someone that is struggling with anxiety somebody that is struggling with depression someone that is cast down by the cures of this world hallelujah as i sought the lord for a word today i heard clearly in my spirit where the lord is saying to his people stop worry stop doubt me and activate your faith and so today i came with a word of faith to encourage the body of christ hallelujah if you permit me i'm going to read a few verses from hebrews chapter 11 hallelujah and while we declare the mind of christ today i just believe that faith is going to make somebody whole faith is going to transform somebody's circumstance today and so if you can grasp this word i guarantee you that transformation will take place the book of hebrews chapter 11 verse 1 and 6 says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen hallelujah and verse 6 goes on to say but without faith it is impossible to please god for he that commits to god must first believe that god your king your creator he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him in the in chapters 10 verse 30 6 it says for 35 cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward hallelujah and then over by verse 38 it says now the just shall live by faith but if any man i want you to listen to this piece carefully it says if any man draw back my soul shall have no pleasure in him god is saying to somebody today activate your faith activate your faith i am sure this is a foundation scripture that a lot of us know you heard you've heard it before and i'm not the first person to introduce hebrews chapter 11 to you but the lord would have me to remind you today that faith can take you to places where this world can take you where your boss can take you where your money can't take you where your friend can take you faith will take you there and so when the bible speaks about faith i grasp faith because the truth is i live my life by faith and every christian every single believer for you to be inducted in the body of christ the first tenet of the christian faith starts with faith because the word of the lord says he that believe must believe through faith hallelujah and he that comes to god must first believe that he is and so if you are going to start with the lord being sovereign master over your faith you first need to find faith and believe that the god that you serve hallelujah inducts you hallelujah to a new understanding of his word and that can only happen through faith can i submit to you brethren that the lord wants us to live by faith if we allow our sight to be the only thing that we live by then we're gonna get up and we're gonna be miserable christians every day because what our sight is showing us my god what our sight is showing us it is crazy if we brethren if we stop to believe what we see we don't bother trust god if we stop to believe what our mere eyes can see we do not bother to trust god but you see when the lord says hallelujah the just shall live by faith hallelujah what he's saying is every single believer must first understand that whatever he says in his word he will do it god is not a man did i say god is not a man that he should lie god can't lie god don't give false promises hallelujah god is not a fiction of our imagination whatever god says it is it is so and so that is the very reason why the word of god says if you don't live by faith hallelujah and you choose to draw back then god is not going to find every any pleasure at all in you and so if you're going to live for god you first have to believe in the god that you're living for jalani is my husband and if i don't establish a trusted relationship with this man it is going to be very hard to to to to reap the benefits of what a marriage should give because you first have to trust the suppose that god has given you hallelujah trust is like having my dear children hallelujah and divine destiny and zion no matter what you're trusting mommy because they know deep down mommy is going to take care of them mommy's not going to make them hungry if they're sick mommy's gonna either pray or take them to the doctor mommy's going to ensure that they get a good education mommy and daddy is going to care for them and so our children is an example of what this relationship of trust is that is called faith it doesn't matter how you scold a child amen hallelujah anything goes wrong before you know it brother dennis that child is going to run back right to you as the parent why because jadea he trusts you sister devia hallelujah your your child finds such consolation in you and so it is god is saying if you trust me if you can only trust me then i'm going to do things that you never imagine hallelujah when we talk about now faith is the substance for things hoped for and the evidence brethren of things not seen what this chapter is really telling us is a call to persevere in faith whatever the odds is the elders they obtained a very good report through faith the very foundation and infrastructure of what is made manifested in our lives is only gonna come through faith is the assurance when we talk about the assurance you don't have to see it to believe it if you already see it then it is not yet faith you can't see it and says it is faith faith is what you hope for it's a future event that becomes present through faith it is believing to see not seeing to believe and some of us we say that we don't understand why nothing is happening for us why isn't anything happening for us because we are not believing to see the goodness of god let me tell you something faith is established on the divine knowledge of god a lot of us our life is not based on faith it is based on the manifestation of the things that we see around us why some of us we can't activate our faith is because we don't understand the very divine knowledge of god you cannot you cannot activate your faith if you don't know the god of your faith the god of your faith says let there be and there was satire if you'd remember the prescription of faith is to first diligently seek him a lot of persons are mixing up faith for positive thinking faith is not an event faith is not something that you show up for and it just radically changed faith is not your feeling neither it is an emotion faith is first understanding the focus of your faith and if you don't know the god or the very object of your faith then who are you really believing in and some of us are tricked getting up every day mixing up emotions with faith but before you can first activate faith you must have a relationship with the man called christ jesus i i wonder if you understand that the only way you can trade goods and serve for goods and services in the natural is by having a currency that facilitates trading that currency in the physical is called money you can only access goods if you have money to access it or money in the form of something called a vulture and that is the only way so it is in the natural so it is in the spiritual i want to tell somebody today that your faith in god can move mighty mountain [Applause] but if you don't understand how to activate faith you will be tricked by just getting up and thinking that if my emotion is up or down today it's because my faith in god is not working brethren some of us we will never live to see the goodness of god why because god does not know our name allah god does not know our address god does not have a relationship with us but yet still every time we show up we take god for the figment of our imagination and he should just turn up it does not work like that it first starts it says he that comments so god must believe that he is and that he only rewards the diligent seekers we have some very lazy entitled christians who believe that their back is gonna become filled with grocery because i became baptized and i said ashama mama mama but god still does not know you how diligently have you sought god so you can exchange the currency of faith that moves him does god know your name does god know your address god is tired of seeing our pain and our tears and we mix that up for faith faith is not tears faith is not pain faith is not hardship because a lot of persons believes that when we're going through through through pain and hardship or faith is going to automatically connect with it and something is going to happen but that is not how it works pain and hardship is different from the execution of faith in god faith is first seeking and having a relationship with the man called christ jesus if you've been calling on god but god has not been answering you maybe it is because you have a transactional type of faith and the only the only time you call on god is when it is convenient for you to call on him but god is calling first for a relationship so faith can be made manifested in this earth so many of us are living beneath our means because we don't know the god of our faith why is it in former times so many wonderful works happened because these great men of faith they lived breathe eat sleep everything they did they did it through faith god is calling us to a place where we can activate faith so heaven can touch earth i told you that the money is the currency of this world but faith is the currency of the church it is the only currency that god knows it is the only currency that moves god he says the just shall live by faith it is the assurance real faith is one capacity is built on god real faith is activated when the thing seems dead but you know that if i trust god i shall live again faith is when you don't see it but you believe that the assurance ah that the assurances in god is gonna make it happen faith is being sure of what you cannot see faith is being sure of what your eyes can see but your heart it doesn't believe elder brown faith is what makes us believe that mother brown when we release faith in the atmosphere that she's gonna be healed she shall be healed because faith is what executes whatever we call on earth it taps into heaven and it's made manifested in this earth no other currency is more powerful than the currency of faith god says the church lacks faith and today is the day that we need to activate our faith in him i will lift up my eyes onto the hills from whence comment my help my help cometh from the lord the maker of heaven and earth my faith tells me that i need to look up and not look around me a lot of us are looking around us but we're not looking up to god who is the author and the finisher of our faith if you want transformation you better activate faith faith allows you to anticipate and visualize the future it does things in advance for you true faith does not see and then believe true faith gives us access to god's reality not man's reality true faith defies the order of this world because god uses the wisdom of of of men to confound the very wisdom of those who says they are intellectual faith will defy the doctor's report faith is what activates the impossible did you come here today with a circumstance that is deemed impossible if it looks impossible if it looks unreachable if it looks unattainable if it looks irredeemable if it looks invisible if it looks unthinkable that is the time you need to activate your faith you said you see if your eyes could see it then your heart would not need to believe it a year ago when i looked on a situation that confronted me god told me don't believe what your eyes can see if you believe me i will change that situation miraculously i tell you you know the will of god for your life is not a fad it is not magical it is not mystical it is not unreal it is not false my sister it is not untrue the will of god for your life is not a lie the will of god for your life is not that you should fail the will of god for your life is not that you should be sick the will of god for your life is not that you should get up and be cast down every day the will of god for your life is that you will tie your faith to him he says if your faith is as small as the size of a mustard seed you can say to that mountain move and the mountain is moved because nothing is impossible with god through faith do you know the god that i'm talking about do you know the type of faith that i'm talking about it is not the quantity of your faith it is the quality of your faith and who you put the quality of your faith to when men may fail you jesus will never fail you have you ever put your trust in a boss but the boss failed you have you ever put your trust in the doctor and the doctor says things are going to turn around but instead of it turning around it turned the other way around but there is a man called jesus and today he's searching for you to release your faith in him so he can change your see you way sean brethren i have enough testimonies to know that god is real i have enough testimonies to know that god is a healer i have enough testimonies to know that god is a provider i have enough testimonies to tell you that god works miracles and if you trust him you will live again who is in here your very secure ill your heart is filled with pain god says if you activate your faith today if you tear this roof off with your faith if you can see him through your faith then your situation is going to be changed jericho walls after the children of god marched around it seven times through faith it crumbled down sarah in her old age was told that she would not have children but the faith allowed her to bear isaac do you know that the dead was raged through faith there was a man called jairus hallelujah as he went to jairus's house jairus went looking for jesus because he had a doctor at home who was very sick monday said to jesus god you must come to my house because my 12 year old daughter is about to die jesus christ heard gyrus and on the way to jairus's house he came across a woman with the issue of blood she was sick for 12 long years doctors gave up on her physicians took all of her money she was soaked and dried but she extended her faith she says only if i could just but touch sorry my sister if i could just her faith told you that i did not need to speak to jesus but if i touched jesus my situation is going to change the woman with the issue of blood she touched jesus the crowd was so sick she was desperately in need of america she extended a radical faith she extended her currency for the healing that she needed she said jesus if i could just but torture we are waiting for god to touch us but god is waiting on us to touch him the woman touched the hem of jesus's garment and straight away her issue of blood was dried up mandiaka when a woman touched jesus jesus who touched me because of virtue elam a shatter somebody somebody somebody you need to touch jesus jesus said who touched me who touched me who touched i felt virtue leaving me his disciples thought he was crazy his disciples say how could the crowd be so thick and you ask who touched me but jesus knew what had left him she was desperate desperate times call for desperate measure and jesus said your situation has become desperate and you need to reactivate your faith you're forgotten that i got kiana you have forgotten that i god will you have forgotten that i am the same god of yesterday today and forever touched me somebody needs to touch somebody your circumstance is gonna change if you touch jesus you've never experienced love but god says if you touch me look attention for reaches illogical to the highest mountain makusha feel your dream and it flows to the lowest valley manish come your daughter at the back in the beach it flows to the lowest valley extend your hands towards jesus as you walk to me it's the blood that gives me strength i release faith in you woman i release faith in you that you will be made whole today of every single circumstance everything that you're going through right now god says touch me with your faith we're gonna tear this roof off we're gonna activate faith we're gonna raise our praise we're gonna trust god that our situation is gonna change praise god change your situation with faith i know god did not just give me this word on the shot god says faith needs to be reactivated in bethel you're looking to the wrong thing you are looking to the wrong source god says look to me and i will answer thee i extend faith i release the faith of god i release the faith of god i release the fight of god for your woman iraq oh shut her god said who touched me some of us situation it is stink it is dead but god says i am come that you will have life and the faith that you extend is what is going to give you life your situation can be changed with faith the woman touched the hymn of jesus garment jesus let the woman with the issue of blood to the house of jairus i feel you jesus i feel you jesus i feel you jesus somebody's situation is about to change somebody's about to be healed somebody's about to be blessed somebody's about to be delivered somebody is your blood is about to dry up somebody's gonna give birth to purpose the doctors can't do it the lawyer god do it your case is before the judge but god says they can't do it your faith can when jesus went to the house of jairus the servants ran out to jesus and he said to jesus he said to jairus why trouble us though jesus because jairus's daughter is already dead jesus said to jairus before he said to send them out of the house jairus said to jesus jesus said to jairus do not be afraid if somebody tells you that your 12 year old child is dead your first instinct is to panic you're gonna cry like you're gonna lose your mind you're gonna scream down the place you're gonna holla you're gonna bawl because my 12 year old is dead but god says to jairus i'm speaking to somebody whose situation is dead god said to jairus be not a fried only believe on this you heard me sing the song only believe only believe that all things are made possible if you only believe missionary karen i don't know what you're believing god for today but god says to reactivate your faith in him because you've been you've been seeking him for long you've been a diligent seeker and god says as you reactivate your faith that dead dream is gonna come alive jesus ran out the people who laughed when he says the child isn't dead jesus says why are you all here making a commotion you say we love to make commotion it's easy for us not to trust god in the time that we should trust him the most god says run out the one them with the commotion god don't work with doubt god does not work with fear god does not work with anxiety god works with an absolute confident and assurance that he is god that he is a healer that he's a miraculous wonder that is a mighty good god that he can fix kidneys and liver and heart and ulcer and cancer dry up if you have people around you that are doting about your circumstances and release your unconditional faith you have too many naysayers around you you are too many people who are not believing with god for you god says only believe that all things are possible sickness must dry up at the name of jesus i tell you we have too many sick people in this house recently every week we hear about a new sick case every year we every every week we hear about somebody else who is hospitalized but we break that in the name of jesus and we release the healing virtue of god in bethel jesus entered jairus's house and he said to that dead woman he said to that dead woman talisa comey damsel arise arise who do you see jesus asked today i don't know your circumstance i don't know your situation i don't know what you've tried up faith against i i don't know what is not working out in your life i don't know what went wrong but you started to doubt god and start to put your attention somewhere but god is saying to you today reactivate your faith i can tell you about jairus's situation i can tell you about the woman with the issue of blood allah i can tell you about jericho walls tumbling down i can tell you about sarah and isaac and abraham and all the fathers of old yes i can tell you about them but i can tell you about a miraculous wonder called jesus who worked a miracle in my life elaborate you know god has allowed me to believe that my circumstance can change when i activate my faith in him when nobody else believed seven years ago i can tell you about the miracles god has done in my life because it's my own story it's not somebody else's story sister wilson it is my story seven years ago you see we can't just hear about these men of old that gave us good report we need to also see the evidence in this age that god still work miracles and if we don't testify of the mighty wonders then people won't know that god still weren't miracles missionary karen i was coming from new york seven years ago 33 000 feet eye in the ear i saw i i literally heard when my abdomen crashed i thought it was yes i thought it may have just been something normal but my abdomen my organs started shutting down without even knowing 33 000 feet high in the air my organs started to shut down i came in from the states the sunday i had pepto-bismol and other things for tummy ache thinking that it was a mere abdominal pain that i could take household matters to fix an address by the monday i was rushed to medical associates [Music] i can tell you about a god that heals zamasu no i release the healing power of god in bethel yura koto shah by the time i was rushed to medical associates the monday my tummy had swollen like i was five to six months pregnant my organs they were blocked mandia you know when you can't pass anything and your organ is obstructed then it starts to affect so many other parts of your body my body was shutting down for death i called my personal doctor he says this is an emergency i hate when my patience tells me these things by the time they did the ct scan mandia chatoza they they immediately rushed me from medical associates to the university hospital they said this is emergency we have seen too many people die in the past week from this even in the midst of them saying this i was saying deep down on the inside i shall not die i shall not die i shall not die i shall not die i shall not die they say they're gonna cut you by the time they reach i shall not be caught i will not be opened by any surgical scissors i activated the currency of heaven on earth ma shutter when they put me in the city's can machine hero kotosha my tummy was so high by the time they put me in the ct scan machine lady karen and i called out with the faith of heaven i felt a man's hand like the size of my hand went straight in my body and i fell to an unturned mash [Music] when i felt the hand of god turned in me i say yes the surgery has taken place miracash i'm sharing a bit of my story to strengthen somebody who believes that healing god does not work healing still happens when you believe i said i felt the hand called miracle turn in my tummy by the time the hand turned in my tummy when i came out of the ct scan machine i said i need to use the bathroom brethren the abdomen that was blocked no waste could pass through toxins that started to poison my body but god says you are my servant and the devil can't get you i said i went in that bathroom and i passed out everything i said faith in god iraqi ashan moves mighty mountains called sicknesses you see some of us we present our cases as insurmountable but we serve a god that is not exclusive to certain miracles we serve a god that works all miracles it doesn't matter how small great or in between god work miracles by the time the surgeons were supposed to get me they said what is the case because clearly something has happened i say yes god has already performed the surgery they didn't believe me so i they admitted me on ward so they could monitor me the next day they came back looking for the obstruction they saw no obstruction because god had already plead my case god has already fixed my case there was no evidence of an abdominal obstruction they did not need to put a scissors on me i said when the devil say yes i said when the devil says yes over your finances when the devil say yes over your marriage when the devil say yes over your health when the devil say yes over your spouse while the devil say yes over your children when the devil said yes over this while the devil said yes over that we serve our god that switches god is real i said god is real in my soul i said god is real in my soul don't allow your appearance to become your reality eyes haven't seen ears haven't heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men the things that god has in store for them that love and trust him i said man you came here today seeking an answer but god says i have found you even me lord you think my story you think my story stopped at an abdominal obstruction 33 000 feet high in the air no my story don't stop there my story also continued six years after that encounter god gave me another miraculous encounter hallelujah i got pregnant with twin girls and i went to deliver my babies weeks before the delivery the enemy showed me that i was going to have stillbirth i went in prayer and fasting and i said no still birth devil i'm gonna take home both babies the devil played on my mind and he said one of your baby will not go home with you ah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but i tell you i am walking faith nothing that the devil tells me i believe it i don't trust that old serpent i don't trust him one bit so when he talks to me i don't believe him everything he tells me i do the opposite of what he says because all things that comes from the devil they are alive from the pit of hell and you have too many church people who are believing the lies and that is why you come here every sunday feeling depressed feeling hopeless feeling cast down feeling ridiculed but you serve a god if you activate your faith your season will change you got to start activating a radical type of well i'm not so much stories you see it should not take you the world defeat here all of them but i'm going to give you the last one and then i'm going to quit because somebody needs to hear that jesus brings back dead to life not only did he bring back lazarus from the grave after four days but when i went in that hospital room and i started to push naturally to have my baby girls their names are divinely ordained by god himself elaborate when i pushed out the first girl the vine came at about 10 05 when i pushed out divine and destiny was left to be pushed out destiny would just not come hallelujah i only heard when the doctor said to me mother if you don't push ah yeah yeah you're gonna lose this one when i heard the midwives oh my god when i heard the midwife said that to me brethren i was not feeling any contraction and any person any mother in this room would tell you that you need contraction to push i did not have any contraction at the time when the midwife said to me if you don't push you're gonna lose that one oh my god lady thompson lady i started to push without my pain when i pushed without the con and the the contractions i felt so much pain but i said i'm going to get in a burst position and i'm going to push my baby out you know what is happening to the church we're not in a birth position and god is saying that the church needs to get in a birth position so his glory can be under shianne god says the church needs to get in a pushing position where purpose will come alive and this house will be filled with mighty wonders get in a birth position today so you can experience your miracle about 15 to 20 and asia about 15 to 20 minutes after you should not have twins typically so far apart by the time destiny came out destiny was lifeless her daddy's up at the top right now he's my weakness because he was in the room with me when destiny came out the midwife i saw when she turned her head and she shook her head because in in her physical eyes this baby was dead but as jesus told jairus be not afraid god says to me latoya don't be afraid back up watch my hands you're not taking all my stillbirth destiny was blue she was lifeless she would not cry for an extended period ah the midwives they gave it over and they're saying maybe we can just give you one child but after pushing two babies naturally all i could do i felt my hand of faith being extended to the lifeless child you understand and i stretched my hand to the midwife and i said in the name of jesus destiny you shall live i'm taking all my life baby i i said destiny you're going home don't you know that there is power mama shot you need to put jesus on the job iran too too many of us are putting our husbands and our wives on the job but you need to put jesus on the job reactivate your faith in him i wonder if i'm preaching to a lifeless soul today when i extended my hand to destiny you know i never knew that i would have gotten the chance to give this testimony over social media but when this occurrence happened this and abdominal obstruction the lord told me to write down the events and the dates and i should never forget to share them with the world i said to the lord god how am i going to share this with the world when there's no means for me to travel the world but here comes covid for me to tell somebody in africa for me to tell somebody in europe for me to tell somebody in ethiopia for me to tell somebody in canada for me to tell somebody in nigeria for me to sell somebody in china for me to tell somebody in zambia that got still work ma machende god still work miracles i stretched my hands towards destiny and i said in the name of jesus when i said in the name of jesus i heard the lifeless baby started to cry a lot the lifeless baby started to cry they did not even give me the baby because the baby was not supposed to live they immediately rushed the baby to the nursery to see how they could save my baby but my baby was already saved through faith by the extension of grace because i knew the knowledge of god in christ jesus my lord and i know my god to be a miraculous wonder i know my god to be a healer i tell you brethren i don't know how to tell you one more time when the doctors say no i don't know what is happening with mother brown minister but when the doctor says no jesus says yes don't allow what your eyes can see stand with me ima messiah to determine what your heart should believe i came by to tell somebody to reactivate your faith in jesus because he still were miracles reactivate your faith in jesus because even if he is four days or two days late your situation can can still ah be resurrected jesus turned two days after mary and martha sent to get him they told him lazarus was dead jesus stayed with the disciples and said let's go up to capernaum when they said that to him the disciples said about jesus your friend lazarus is dead and mary and martha has sent to call you jesus smiled and he said i'm gonna delay for two more days your situation has been delayed for a reason because the only way god can be glorified is when the situation gets to the stage where it is no longer possible with man but it's possible with god some of us we have some situation that is no longer possible allah [Music] your situation is no longer possible with man it can no longer be fixed by the lawyer or the doctor the police are the firefighter but god is about to fix it i said jesus is passing this way if you came here today with a situation that seems lifeless you came here with an illness you came here with a financial struggle you came here with a relationship struggle you came here with your tomb being blocked up you came here with fibroids god says i can fix it i don't know your situation in the house of bethel but if you only believe all things will become possible i'm inviting you to extend your faith if you're watching online extend your faith if you're in the house extend your faith i'm inviting you to this altar to the man called christ jesus who still fix situations that are impossible only believe ah the dictates of men are not the dictates of god three years ago i was at south camp road at a ladies fellowship and i was preaching in a deliverance service and i remember the mic going towards my mouth and the mic burst my lips and my mouth started to bleed but as it bled the lord says somebody with fibroids in the room it's going to be dried up i saw a young lady wailing on the floor she cried so hard and about one year after somebody called me and said that woman that you saw rejoicing on the ground is now with child elaborate what seems foolish to man is the wisdom of god in my heart i was saying god how could you create such an embarrassing situation for my mouth to be bleeding but god says that is virtue virtue i release virtue i release virtue i release virtue i release the healing power of god i activate the faith of god you know that you are here with the secret mandiata i was not supposed to give that story because i told you it was the second and then i would quit but god says he's about to dry up some fibrous boom god is about to dry up some fibrous womb god is about to dry up some cancerous [Music] if you only believe all things are possible come for your miracle come for your victory come for your breakthrough i know i know you came here today god says if you reactivate your faith then i'm going to bless you i don't know what you are reactivating your faith for but somebody's situation is about somebody's heart take somebody's pain i stand up today against the spirit of diseases under shut i cancel every assignment an assassin that has been sent for the people of god cancerous cells dry you up in the name of jesus ah kidney dysfunction we dry you up in the name of jesus liver disorder we dry you up in the name of jesus comorbilities we dry you up in the name of jesus healing is the children's my undersha i'm gonna quit now healing is the children's bread we don't serve a god of magic we don't serve a god that is mystical we don't serve a god that is mysterious we serve a god that is real and faith is the most certain currency that makes dead situation come alive activate your faith and see god work in your life god bless you in jesus name [Applause] monday praise the lord jesus jesus walking being met by jairus jairus had a need because his daughter was very sick so jesus turned to go to jairus's house to treat with jairus's daughter but while he was on his way to treat with jairus's daughter there was a woman with the issue of blood 12 years she suffered jesus was on his way you know [Music] to deal with another situation but this lady had a need this lady was [Music] desperate that while jesus was attending to someone else all she did in her own mind and faith said all i have to do is just touch him and i'd be made whole she never stopped jesus and another conversation but she by faith believed that if i just do this one thing all i have suffered for 12 years will be made whole brethren there's something about coming to the altar when we have a need is it like that woman in our minds in our hearts in our spirits we should be so desperate that we are reaching out to touch jesus there was no prescription given to the woman as to what she should have done but by faith she believed that if i do this one thing i'm going to be whole those of you that have walked out of your seats you all understand your conditions you all know what you need jesus to do but what will make the difference today is the exercise of faith that you have it is not about somebody touching you it's about you touching god and about god touching you so we can't touch you today but there's no limitations or any protocols to you touching god he that commits to god must first understand that god exists god real and that those who seek after him will be rewarded i i want to say to you this morning this afternoon lift your hands and lift your faith lift your hands and lift your faith lift your hands and lift your faith i will say that but for others that may not be what you need but between you and god that necessary relationship you will be prodded by the spirit in you to do what needs to allow you to access access access what it is that you need there must be desperation on your part there was desperation on the woman's part jairus was a ruler of the synagogue but he understood that only jesus holy ghost only jesus could do it for me [Music] so there is no one in this room standing that can provide for you what you need but we can assure you right now that jesus is passing this way [Music] is passing he's passing he's passing this way [Music] so like the woman with the issue of blood and even like jairus who found jesus where he was find him when i say find jesus jesus is not lost he's right here but in your own heart and mind be so centered on the move of god that you can feel the warmth of his healing presence a question of messiah i believe god for testimonies in this room that upon a day like today a miracle was born oh mama messiah on the 13th of february when we stood in this room and it's almost at 2 o'clock that jesus will work a miracle that somebody will come back to say thank you lord for what you did for me the woman should not have been in the crowd elder brown based on their own protocol she should not have been there but i have a desperate situation and no one else can fix this but jesus can i take you to blind bartimaeus blind man by the way side but like all of us today all he heard was that jesus was passing by and when he heard that he cried out jesus though son of david have mercy on me the crowd said please stop stop stop crying after jesus but the scripture said he cried the more jesus thou son of david have mercy on me there is a cry that is made that draws jesus's attention and if it is that you need him today will you not cry to him will you not cry to him will you not cry to him you know what puzzles me very often and i'll say it and we're going to be closing i tried to understand what was the difference between the press that was on jesus the crowd that was so thick that was on jesus and the woman with the issue of blood the press was stick in that person's words squeezing on jesus but there was this difference when this woman touched the hem of his garment there is a press today those who have come to say i need him but there are those who are going to touch him hallelujah hallelujah and by touching your situation will change there is someone who is ashamed to cry out and say jesus but can i ask you just to cry out jesus just cry jesus just cry jesus just cried jesus just cried jesus just cry jesus just cry jesus [Music] i am crying because i can't help myself and nobody else can help me and jesus is my source jesus jesus jesus is there one that will cry jesus this afternoon is there one one one one one that will cry jesus one that will cry jesus he's passing by touching jesus is all that really matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way [Music] just believe [Music] when you call on his name touching jesus is all that really matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way to touch him just believe when you call on his name [Applause] is all that really matters and your life will never be the same there is only one way to touch him just believe when you call on his name sister latoya don't leave just yet i'd like to pray for you today yes can somebody hallelujah [Music] he's the answer when god hallelujah he's the answer in god for we pray in jesus name and by faith he's the answer in god hallelujah
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 58sec (9358 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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