BUC Stony Hill - Virtual Bible Study - The Things Which Thou Hast Seen - Sept 15, 2021

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certainly certainly our god is wonderful hallelujah so hallelujah and glory to our lord and savior jesus christ because he is certainly wonderful so we ascribe to him this airplane all glory or majesty or the power and all dominion because he is our king yes our king of kings and also our lord of lords and he is still the conquered lion the tribe of judah subscribe to him to deceive with all glory all honor all the majestic for he is wonderful so welcome and greetings everyone to our wednesday evening study the international bible study and we thank the lord for his goodness and his mercies let's pause the prayer as i invite to come in the room and pray god's blessing on our service tonight let me invite uh sister henry azart to pray in jesus name are you there yes bishop i'm here wonderful good and free for us please praise the lord jesus hallelujah glory to god hallelujah we worship you king jesus we honor we exhort we magnify your name you sit higher you look low mighty god you are the king of kings and the lord of lords we exalt your name tonight father we thank you for this privilege to come into your presence one more time to dig deeper into your word and to know what it is that you instructed us to do almighty god we thank you for our bishop that has you have given him this vision that we would come on this platform to hear the word of god oh god we pray you bless him we pray for your teacher father our teacher your man servant who you have endowed and anointed with the word of god you have inspired me and you have given him the mindset to sit and to study your word so that he can come and impart it on to us mighty god we call unto you now and we ask that you peter shall i align our minds hey full mindset lord god to hear the word of god to understand the word of god and to apply it to our lives mighty god we pray for everyone who will lock in almighty god that you've blessed us oh god immensely that we will focus on the word and live by it that we will be transformed and renewed almighty god bless us tonight as we sit at your feet and humbly look to you in jesus name we pray amen lord thank you jesus god bless you sister hazard we thank god for you and for your faithfulness and commitment to the kingdom of god praise the name of jesus so once again let me extend to everyone pastoral greetings and welcome in the wonderful name of jesus uh we're coming to you again from bethel in an absolute church in stoney hill saint andrew and i am your brother in christ uh the lead pastor uh devon brown and to extend to your pastoral welcoming my wife along with my wife and i minister jack brown i said welcome to you god bless you to our associate pastors and their wives to our officers and their families to all the saints of the mosaic god extend it to you welcome and the pastoral greetings in jesus name it's another wednesday night and we are so thankful to god for this privilege to come together again to study the word of god in our respective homes from our respective countries and continents may god bless you and strengthen you as we come together prayerfully amen to hear the word of god on tonight praise the morning so god bless let me extend welcome to all those who've joined us in the zoom room god bless you and those who are with us on facebook yes facebook god bless you over there and those who are with us on youtube uh we thank god for you god bless you and i agree with you well in jesus name to those who join us on twitter we also welcome you and greet you in jesus name we thank god for all the churches who have joined us the first platforms we bless god with the various pastors and may god bless you and strengthen you praise god almighty to those who joined us from europe yes we have steady amen praise god uh attendance from from england from uh from from uh london bremenham god bless you we thank god for you over there may god strengthen you to those who are with us from the us we just want to thank god for you god bless you welcome again in jesus name from canada god bless you we acknowledge your attendance your presence with us tonight god bless you to the canadians and to those who join us from antigua or branch church in antigua buc antigua even pastor and the principal sean richards and the members you know god bless you we welcome you also to our study tonight and to all the members from across jamaica amen yes portland uh said mary uh uh temple all the churches we acknowledge you and we thank god for you to our visitors bless you i see my cousin here with us from montego bay hannah god bless you hannah good to have you with us on tonight may god bless you richly praise the name of jesus amen so we thank god for his goodness and just let me ask you to just take a minute and share the link yes the link if you're on youtube just share the link with a family member a co-worker a friend whoever in the world even share the link with somebody right think of it and share the link with somebody facebook youtube believe in the zoom you'll share the link so we can have a many wider participation attendance uh tonight to our bad study it's about us it's about it's about jesus our glory all honor and praise belong to our lord and savior jesus christ so we thank him for his goodness we thank you for his and we thank him for his kindness to us praise the lord so we are still in the book of revelation uh a book relevant to humanity today we are living the last big last days without doubting the last days and we want to thank god for us leading to us he meant to pro to prompted us to really move to the book of revelation and spend some time in the book of revelation uh we started uh two weeks ago and so far we have been blessed by god through a servant he met minister andrew martin from faith chapel of ministries episode church in kingston we thank god for him so we started doing tweets ago and we are now in the book of revelation dealing with the seven churches last week with five three three churches we're going to complete for others tonight amen for the book of revelation so without further ado let me present to you tonight again our friend or brother a teacher of the word a rabbi a scribe somebody who really emailed love the word of god a diligent student of the bible receive our friendly brother our teacher minister andrew martin in jesus name god bless you sir come on in the room and may god bless you sir over to you now god bless you bishop i want to greet everybody in the mighty name of jesus amen or soon coming king amen it's a privilege to be here one more night praise god and i pray god that we will be blessed tonight as we embark on the study of god's word amen praise god praise god praise god so it's as i said before it's a privilege to be in the host of god tonight amen and to to be involved another night in bible study i pray god that we will be blessed amen and at the end of the day amen we will grow in grace and in the knowledge of our lord and our savior jesus christ amen so tonight praise god and let me just check that we are seeing the screen properly bishop we are good to go yes yes clearly it's a very very good version clearly all right i speak for all those where the rule god bless you amen praise god so tonight we are going to be amen starting from praise god revelation chapter three amen and um our objective tonight is to examine the a most examined four churches but there is so much information in the in each of the churches that i decided to to work with three and then next week we will do the last church which is ladies yeah and go into the historical view in relation to the or the prophetic view in relation to the the seven churches in general so tonight we're going to examine the church of syathera sardis and philadelphia from a historical perspective praise god we're going to determine the significance of the message to the people of those churches in the first century so when i look at what was happening there um what was happening in those cities so on and so forth but to try to determine the present day significance of the message to the church so when we study scriptures our aim at the end of the day is to make it relevant to us amen so therefore when we get the historical and the grammatical and all of these things in their rightful place then what we'll try to do is try to get it to um see how those things apply to us amen and without further ado i'm going to start with um without going into any revision from last week as i said before there's so much information to cover amen i'm going to go straight into uh the first church so tonight we're going to look at first the church of fire thyroid praise god and let us read the letter amen that goes to the church there it says and unto the angel of the church in fire thyroid right these things say the son of god who had his eyes like onto a flame of fire and his feet are like fine brass i know thy works and charity and service and faith and i patience and thy works and the last be more than the first notwithstanding i have a few things against thee because those sufferers that woman jezebel praise god who called herself a prophet to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed onto idols and i gave her space to repent of her fornication and she repented not behold i will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation except they repent of their deeds praise god it says and i will kill her children with death and all the churches shall know that i am he would search the reins and hearts and will give unto every one of you according to your works but unto you i see and unto the rest entire terror as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of satan as they speak i will put upon you none other burden but that would she have already hold fast like home and he that overcometh and keep it my works unto the end to him will i give power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers even as i receive of my father and i will give him the morning star he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit seeth unto the churches praise god you know the letter uh to the third era what would have happened is that as i said before the the the root uh that normally takes these messages would normally go along a particular path so whoever is bringing the message amen would have started from ephesus and they would make their way north to smyrna then they would go to pergamos then they would make their way to tayathira so the letter carrier would leave pergamum or you might see pergamos depending on where you look at it and they would travel south east from about 40 miles over hills and over planes until they reach the plains of like us so what had happened is that thyathira as a city was in a plane and they would travel for about 40 miles with the message and they would bring that message to the church at zayathira now one of the things about diathera is that it was the smallest and it was the least important of the seven cities and this is very important amen actually uh some scholars say that the city of thyathira was billed as a military post um because it was a barrier for pergamos now pergamos was one of the cities that had a lot of uh famous buildings and it had a lot of wealth amen and a lot of things going for it and what would have happened is that invaders from the east i remember in those days when people wanted to capture a city i mean they would come in and they would invade the city and they would take over what they need now in order for them to protect themselves at pergamos what they did they looked to a city that was nearby which was diathera and they would have tried to build it up as a barrier so it really was not a very important city it was the smallest of all the cities amen that were mentioned before and that will ever mention and secondly praise god it was the the smallest and it was the least important amen of all the cities that were there praise god now another thing that is important though is that in theaters to show that it was not very important a city um there was no big temples that were built any particular god they never had a word but temples in men like we saw in for example place like ephesus or in smyrna or so on our pergamos it never had a lot of cities a lot of temples amen no temple was built to no particular god amen but however the people still worship these um pantheons of gods over the and and mainly they would worship apollo because he was considered to be a guardian of the city if you remember from your greek studying in school if you did any form of greek thing in school you remember that apollo would have been the son of zeus amen so there was no big temple to any particular gods in the city of thyatira but apollo was worshiped as the guardian of the city and outside of that the people would have worshiped whoever they want to worship i mean they had their own greek god or their own roman gods that they would worship another thing that was important is that in history and when you when we did the study and we look at it we realize that we have no record that the christians at fire thyroid suffered any significant or political or religious persecution they never had any significant political or religious persecution nobody um gave them much trouble um not that they never had trouble you know but they never had much trouble and when they realized what happened and what was the reason so most of the christians that lived in thailand amen um never suffered many persecutions or are many trouble from the powers that be at the time amen another thing that was important in fire thyroid was this the emperor amen he was worshiped i was he was he was worshipped because he was considered to be an incarnation of apollo my mother said apollo is the is the guardian of the city and therefore what they would do whoever the emperor is they would say aka the emperor is the the apollo being incarnated amen and therefore they would make and they they would make him an apollo i would say is the son of zeus so what they do they worship the emperor amen who is supposed to be the incarnation of apollo amen and they consider apollo himself to be the son of zeus so in other words they would call the emperor the son of god in other words because they consider zeus to be their main god amen and therefore they would worship the emperor as the son of that main god because he was the incarnation of apollo and i hope i want us to make very important uh i take note of this very important point that i'm making now another thing is that the city was a center for business and trade and so while it was not uh full of temples and so on and so forth it was a center for business and children and it is said that it had many straight deals and i will explain what a trade guild is but uh it it it was it was so known that it was a small city but it had the most trade girls out of all the other cities that existed in the roman empire at that time no other city had as many straight girls as the city of tayatera now what is a trade guild my trade guild simply was an association and i took this from the britannica.com you can find it online so look for the definition just to make it clear for us to understand when i say i trade guilds you know what i'm talking about it was an association of craftsmen or merchants formed for mutual aid and protection and for the furtherance of their professional interests in other words what would have happened is that people who were of a similar trade amen would join themselves together and these people would have um ensured that they protect their particular trade so um they consider how much for example nobody could go too low or nobody could go too high on the price and they would ensure that the quality of whatever trade they are doing and when they have an association that burned together to determine amen what was going to happen for that trade so for example persons who uh build for example um gods they would have come together and they would say okay we are the garden vehicles are they are they they they clear the moulders of whatever they call it and they come together and they determine that they are going to do this now one of the good thing about uh the the gills is that it forms some protection as i said before um for the furtherance of that particular profession because nobody could come from the outside and do something except they're a part of that guild so if you for example if you're a maker of clay um then you would come together with the other persons who make clean amen and then you would form like an association or a group that works together to ensure that this profession stays alive now the the thing about these two is that what would have happened is that if you were excommunicated uh from a guild amen then you probably could not find jobs any time again in that particular city so if you're in the city of thailand you live there aiming and you are part of our guild and they decide that they don't want you to be that kid for whatever the reason is then what would have happened is that it would be hard for you to survive in that city it would have been rough because nobody else is going to take you on amen you'd have to probably go to somewhere else in the roman empire and in those days it was not very easy like it is today for somebody to migrate from one part of the roman empire to another part amen so you realize that there were there was a lot of issues aiming in relation to if you never wanted to be a part of if you are excommunicated from a guild amen a trade guilt you would have problems now another problem that existed with each trade guilt entire thyroid is that they they have their own patreon deity from the greek and roman passions of gods so what would have happened is that if you are a part of a guild a trade guild that deals with um selling cloth for example then your group would have met at some point or once a week once a month and what you'd have done you'd have met and then you would have worshiped they would have worshipped their god and in worshiping their god amen as a group amen then whatever is associated with that particular worship you'd have to make yourself to be a part of that and most of the gods of the greeks and the romans we know um did a lot of what we call sexual immorality a lot of um adultery and fornication and and sexual impureness took place in those uh particular trade deals um functions that they would have and they would offer these things and they would do these things to their gods as as a way of trying to bless uh their particular particular guilt so it was it was famous for that and this is very very important i want you to hold that one this particular theologian this guy named walford he said tiata was famous for the manufacture of purple dye and numerous references are found in secular literature of the period to the trade guilds which manufactured cloth so apart from the having trade deals one of the famous uh um trade deal that existed in that time was the whole manufacturing of purple eyes so the people who actually manufactured this die amen they come together and they decided to do their work and if you can remember in the book of acts amen when paul uh went to third pharaoh amen in acts chapter 16 for about verse 14 to 15 the bible mentions a lydia of fire pharaoh who the bible says was a seller of purple cloth from the city of fire thyroid so this is what the verse actually says in acts chapter 16 from verse 14 to 15 it says no a certain woman named lydia heard us so paul went to and he was preaching amen and libya heard the gospel and described her no she was a seller of purple from the city of thyathira who worshipped god the lord opened her heart to hear the things spoken by paul and when she and her whole soul were baptized she begged us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the lord come to my house and stay so she so she's persuaded us so we know that this was one of the first converts that paul had when he went here but what the point i want to bring out is that paul uh the scripture clearly said that she was the seller of purple from the city of parathyroid when it says the cell of purplish was a seller of purple cloth and this was very important because you see purple purple was a very um unique color amen in those days first of all only royalty amen and people who are very rich would have worn the color of purple that's the first thing the second thing is that the purple dye that was used to make this particular clothing was very very expensive and it was not easy to get and therefore anybody who when they talk about people who sell purple are people who buy purple you're talking about people who had money so it was obvious that lydia um was not poor and she was from the city of theater she was the seller of purple and when you talk about the cell of purpose normally purple cloth amen which was normally used to people who are rich to get the dye itself was hard and the shade was hard to make and therefore at the time and therefore people who produce purple amen were considered to be rich people and people who wore purple i remember the story uh i think it was with lazarus and the rich man and the bible talk about he was always because those times purple clothing was a symbol of royalty it was a symbol of a person who was rich and i wanted to get that so we got something so far firstly we said the city of theater was the least important of all the cities secondly we see that there was no significant political or or economical or religious persecution that existed to the church of faith era thirdly we are seeing that the city of therapy was a center of business praise god it was a center of business and trade amen and it was a city that dealt with uh the trade guilds which practically was an association of people who come together amen in a particular trade in order to protect that period and we are seeing also where paul himself ministered at that particular city and we see where he converted um lydia who was a seller of purple so we have a lot of history behind this and i want you to really make note of the things that i said now when jesus described himself to the city of thyatira and if you can remember and we can we can go back to the particular verse to look at what jesus said this is how he described himself to them uh he says these things say the son of god who has his eyes like onto a flame of fire and his feet like fine brass so jesus described himself uh in three ways he said one he was in describe himself as the son of god secondly he described himself as he was eyes like a flame of fire and thirdly he said his feet was like onto fine grass now let us look at some of the reasons why jesus actually described himself in this manner firstly jesus described himself as the son of god because he wanted to to emphasize his deity to the people he wanted them to understand that he jesus was the son of god remember i told you earlier that they worshipped the emperor and they worshipped the emperor as the son of the god zeus and therefore they called him the son of god because a father concerned the emperor was the incarnation of apollo who was the son of zeus and they saw zeus as the supreme god but jesus now is challenging that and jesus is saying look here i am the son of god amen and therefore he is emphasizing his deity to the people at diathera i am glad that i know that jesus is the son of god amen he is the son of god no not only that based on who he was writing to the jewish thought about the son of a thing means that the person possessed the nature of the thing amen so in many cases for example the bible talk about the sons of the sorcerers in isaiah chapter 57 and verse three and the reason the bible called the son of the sorcerers in that scripture is because in that particular scripture it was emphasizing that these persons were sorcerers they had the nature of sorcerers the bible also says in mark chapter 3 and verse 17 the bible talked about the son of conduct and you can remember that amen because he wanted to emphasize that they had a nature like stand up so in a similar way jesus is the son of god amen because guess what he has divine nature he has the nature of god a lot of us don't even understand when we say that jesus is the son of god what we are seeing we are saying that jesus is the son of god he has the nature of god amen and then we say it's setting against apollo and the emperor who said that they were the sons of the chief god zeus and i just mentioned that even it set jesus against them because now jesus is saying to the church that look here the emperor is not the son of god i am the son of god amen and and and i like that no the term son of god amen according to david k bernard and david k bernard is one of the uh one of the good great um apostolic theologians of this time i mean he has written many uh pentecostal books if you're a new convert you should search him out amen and for those of us who have been around long enough we should have at least some of his books in our collection you know the oneness of god the new birth uh so which are two of his many famous books that we have but baby bernard actually made a quote he says the term the son of god may refer to the human nature or it may refer to god manifest in the flesh that is deity in the human nature so in other words and that is why as children of god brethren we never use the term god the son and let me just bring that out clearly to us if you hear anybody go and say we believe in god the father that's fine but when they say god the son i mean that's a problem there is nothing in the scriptures that actually teaches a god the son the scriptures actually teach that jesus is the son of god because while he was both god he was man and jesus was emphasizing this fact to them that he was the son of god amen he's not god the son god the son what do you say god the son what you have done is made jesus humanity divinity his humanity had a beginning which means that he is called the begotten son but not the god the son the begotten son means that he had a beginning amen he was born at some point in time 80 early amen and he died at some point but as the son of god he manifested both uh the characteristics it manifested both the nature of being god and he manifested the nature of being man praise god so jesus just like the emperor was saying that he is the son of god and they understood the term carefully because the emperor was a man and therefore when he said that he was the son of god he was saying that he possessed both the nature of the god zeus and he possessed it a human nature and they understood that the human nature is going to die in a similar way when we say jesus is the son of god we are saying that he was a man that came he walked the earth he grew him and he ate he slept amen at different times he was hungry amen he prayed amen at one point he said it'd be possible let this cup pass from me he was he was a man but guess what he was also god and therefore jesus was saying the omnipotent god the omniscient god the all-powerful god he was that he was man but he was god and i want to emphasize this for somebody that we serve a god who is not god the son we serve a god who is the son of god and never let me hear any apostolic amen use the term anywhere that we believe in god the son we don't we believe in the son of god praise god and jesus described himself to the church of fire tyra as the son of god he went on to describe himself as uh with eyes like flame of fire and this was based on the description that he gave to john in revelation chapter 1 and verse 14 and you can realize that all the descriptions that he gives to all of the churches from ephesus all the way to leo daisy praise god uh he made reference he already told john about them in chapter one in the things which though are seen john saw all of these things so he was bringing out the fact him into the church that he had eyes like flame of fire and this was based on what i said john saw and secondly it was based on the fact that his eyes looked with penetrating judgment and power of his vision in other words jesus had eyes that looked with penetrating judgment amen and power of his vision so he was able to see him and he was able to judge him and he had eyes that speak to that fact amen the eyes of the lord are going in and out i mean discerning what is evil and what is good and he was saying to the church and fire thereof amen that i am the son of god but also i have eyes like flame of fire praise god i can penetrate penetrating judgment this is going to come upon you if you do not change and he went on to describe himself with feet like fine brass and this was based on his description again in saint john chapter 1 and verse 15. and one of the things we must understand brethren about brass uh in the ancient world is that braz was the strongest of the metals in the ancient world it is the strongest and it was very heavy amen and therefore jesus was saying to the church of tyre tyra look here i am unmovable i am strong just like how they looked at brass and they saw brass as something that was very heavy hard to move but it was very strong amen ah um jesus was saying my feet like that i am unmovable you cannot move me amen i have feet like brass amen i am strong and i am unmovable and not only that brass as i said was symbolic of judgment and therefore when jesus came in said that he had feet of brass he was not only just saying that he was strong and unmovable he was saying he was about to move with judgment amen if you can remember in the tabernacle everything that was in the outer court iman of the tabernacle was made with brass amen and there's a reason for that because in the outer court is where sin was judged when you brought your when you brought your your sacrifice to the priest the priest would have brought it first what is called the brazen altar and remember the fire from god would come down and consume the sacrifice and then when you leave the brazen altar you approach the brazen liver where you had to wash amen and the fire which came from the brazen altar would go into the holy place amen in other words god is saying and it would light the candlesticks and it would ensure that it keeps the fire going and so on and so forth but everything that was done praise god in the outer court was made of brass because brass is symbolic of judgment and god was saying to the church in thyathira amen uh that look here i am strong and i am unmovable but guess what i'm going to move to you with judgment praise god and and this is a a description amen that should have wakened up the church that was a diet era no what does jesus know of the dietary church he gave them some good commendation good words of commendation he says one i know your works your love your sacrifice are your service your faith and your patience i'm going to say as for your works the last are more than the first now one of the things i want to do uh going forward is to go down a little more granular i was looking at the the lesson i thought last week and the truth be told i could have gotten granular in each of the stuff but i realized that uh i didn't so what i'll be doing in going forward is to ensure that we get a full understanding a whole some uh understanding of what the scriptures are saying i will take that little granular to bring out some points so first there are five great essential qualities that jesus described to the church of taya terror five words of commendation that he gave to them he said he loved their works he said he loved their love he said he loved your service he said he loved your faith and your patience i'm not going to take it for granted that we understand what these terms mean so i'm going to try to bring it out from its original now the five great essential qualities of thy terror are these one he loves their work it comes from the greek word ergon and it means they're an act it means their deed you mean the things done the idea of working is emphasized in other words these people are the things that they did in ministry how they acted their deeds towards each other amen he loved that praise god he also loved their he loved the fact that they they have love and if you said in the original greek and when you look at these particular words it comes with a distinct uh uh the definite article said love their world you love dear love their service now it was so unique to them love their love which was the greek word agape talk about affection good will love benevolence so when you look at the church of tyre tyra you are seeing a church that people love each other amen people seem to operate if you go in that environment you would have felt comfortable because you're around people that loved each other and operated in love he said he loved their service it's from the word their coma cornea and it actually means their ministry these guys knew what they they they did what they're doing and they didn't do the best of their ability not only that he loved your faith amen and the word fear there is the word peace and this word does not speak to uh beliefs amen this greek word actually speaks to teaching the truth of doctrine so these people love doctrine they love the fact that there was one god they loved the world think about baptism in jesus name they love doctrine and they love their patience amen hype on me which actually means patient endurance sustaining perseverance when i looked at what jesus was saying to the church entire therapy i was saying how can god say anything bad against this church because to make it worse he went on to say as for your works the last is more than the first normally we would say to each other boy when you started those you were doing so well you are doing so much work amen but no it's like you dropped you dropped the ball but jesus flicked that jesus and asked for your works the last is more than the first which actually means not only do they do work and they do love and they do service and they do ministry but their work was increasing in measure they were moving from one state to another they were increasing they were increasing we were getting better and how did the work they were getting better in how they love they were getting better in how they do services everything was being done in the other level and when i saw that so that i said god boy the church i'm seemed to be on its way it seemed to be progressing seem to be doing well but jesus made a statement he said nevertheless and i explained to you a whole thing about nevertheless nevertheless actually means that despite all of those good things i have something against you in other words it would have been better or i would prefer if somebody would say boy and and pull out all my bad things then that i've done and i'm going to say nevertheless which means that even though you do these bad things amen i the good thing that you're doing overshadow the bad things but in this context jesus push out the good things first amen all the good qualities and then he says nevertheless amen praise god i have this against you and he stated two main things that he has against the church that was a third thereof instead one you have a law that woman jezebel who calls herself a prophet to teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat things sacrificed to idols in the second i gave her time to repent and she did not repent now let us bring on these two things that jesus had a problem with first of all he said you have allowed that woman jezebel who calls herself a prophet to teach and seduce my servant to commit sexual immorality and eating sacrificed either that was the first thing right now as i said before the center of corruption at the church at theater was based on a woman that jesus described as jezebel now if if jesus called you jezebel amen then you know that is something bad it is some theologian said probably there's a woman there by the name of jezebel i don't think that's the case amen but i think was more emphasizing the spirit of a woman that had that was from the old testament time the spirit of jezebel i know that jesus said who calls herself a prophet in other words jesus was not saying that this woman was a prophet but jesus said she called herself a prophet no if i want to understand what jesus was saying about this particular woman amen i need to look back at who jezebel was because this will give me a good understanding what was happening say you overload that woman and we're going to talk about the term black woman amen but he was allowing that woman jezebel who called herself a prophet now who was this jezebel praise god so jezebel brothers and sisters was the daughter of one called ethbal no ethmoil was practically up before he he was a king he was a sidonian king he was a feministian king amen and the bible talked about in first kings chapter um from chapter 16 to 21 you talk about jezebel and second kings chapter 9 from verse 30 to 37 i can write down those verses and read about her but her she's the daughter of it now ethel um it is according to history he was uh before he actually became king he was a priest uh in in the greek temple and he was a a priest who was who offered sacrifices at work to the greek form of the moon goddess asterisk amen um so here it is that you will find a daughter who was not supposed not of israel at all amen and and yet still she practically was the daughter of it who was a physician with a sidonian amen and and this man who was a king in from where he comes from but before he became a king he was a a person who offered as it were um in this in their temple amen a to the moon goddess asterisk amen and you know what happened this woman jezebel got married to a king that was called a hab and if you can remember who ahab was um ahab was the seventh king of israel amen and and what i said israel are talking about the divided kingdom because it is um there was a point in time in history amen where the kingdom was divided um so you had israel to the north and you had judah to the south so we talk about um he was a king of israel we're talking about him be the king of the northern kingdom of israel amen so it is that jezebel got married to ahab amen who was supposed to be the king of israel no not only did she get married to him amen but she was so influential amen and she was so wicked she was a wicked woman if you can remember it was obadiah amen who when he was a governor in his region he had to he was he feared for his life so much and he feared the lord i should say amen and he was obedient who had to protect about a hundred of the lord's prophets if you can remember from the scripture in first kings chapter 18 amen he took the prophets because she was looking to kill them and he hid them in a cave and it was obedient who fed them remember it was i think was elijah who was running for his life after he got a letter from this woman say look at man you're going to die amen and after he had dealt with the the bail profits and she realized what had happened she write him a letter and when he got letter the same elijah who had brought on fire from heaven was not running for his life so jezebel was no and he knew who jezebel was i said before she was a wicked woman her daughter afterliar was so wicked that she got rid of she wanted to kill the seed royal and god had to protect one she said her lioness was wicked and guess what she influenced king ahab to worship uh the deities of bl and astra among the people of israel and not all that she influenced him but the influence moved amen through israel and israel um began to worship the gods of this woman wicked woman so here it is that the scripture says that look here you have a load that woman we're talking about a woman with a spirit so you can look at the spirit that i'm talking about you this person that was in the book of revelation is not the same jezebel that existed in first kings but guess what what i've learned is that while jezebel that wicked woman died in cursing spirits do not die amen and what will happen is that the same demonic spirits that existed back then i came back and was doing the same influence in the church amen and the bible said taya tara aloud he said you have a load in other words they could have stopped it but they allowed jezebel to teach and to seduce and i like the fact that the scriptures make it clear that it was tayata who allowed the woman um to do this no why was she allowed to do this this was based on her influence i believe she was a very influential woman should i law or encourage using what we call a prophetic and i put prophetic in court the church to go and commit immorality and idolatry how did she do that when i told you earlier there were trade deals and one of the things that existed in trade deals is that they had to worship these um pantheons of gods they had to worship these greek gods and these roman gods and a part of the ritual that took place in those places was the whole thing of worshipping and sexual immorality now a lot of people knew that it was wrong they knew it was wrong but here was somebody who was influenced in the church and he was saying from a perfect prophetic voice probably allowing the people to go it's okay nothing is wrong with it i mean you you you need worse of what you might say remember i said earlier that if you were not a part of the trade guilds you would have excommunicated from a trade guild you have no job and if you have no job you really can sustain your family like you should and she probably said no man god understands you go commit to fornication you can commit adultery you can do this you can do that god will understand it and she was speaking like she was a prophetic person she had a person of influence now the funny thing about it is that when scripture says you have a lord that woman uh some greek manuscript state that the phrase that woman jezebel uh they look at it as that woman jezebel or better yet it says your woman jezebel or your wife jezebel so in some greek manuscripts you might see the term your wife jezebel or your woman jezebel and because it's of course the greek interpreted the greek manuscripts stated or phrase it some people uh some theologians believe or interpret the woman she was probably the woman the pastor's wife amen so it shows you that the influence that this woman had based on where she sat she was able to tell the people that it is okay and that is why people who are in authority amen leaders in the house of god have to be careful amen how we influence people amen god is going to hold us accountable for what we tell people is right when it is not right amen teach what the scriptures teach amen and it doesn't matter where you sit amen god is going to judge us and the bible said that ah that look here the people would have gone and they would have worshipped um this this this this this this do their rituals based on the fact of what this woman was saying amen basically this woman who was can be interpreted your woman or your wife jezebel was saying amen and therefore people of influence need to be very very very careful now know something about two the scripture says that one of the judgment that came with that he says i gave her time to repent and she did not repent so we're talking about somebody this shows brethren the mercy of god it shows that god is a merciful god even when we go astray amen god will give us time a lot of time to repent amen a lot of us don't understand that we're really living on greatest time that thing that you have been struggling with that thing that god has been speaking to you for years about amen you know you think that you get away with it amen don't don't don't hold it like that god is giving you time to repent because when he cast the judgment amen we cannot say we did not get time the woman did not repent or yield to the work of the holy ghost speaking to our heart can i say to somebody tonight praise god that the holy ghost is convicting your heart if the holy ghost is speaking to you and telling you to repent of a particular thing move at it amen god is giving her time and god gave her time to repent and guess what she did not repent when god give us time to repent we must take advantage of that time because we don't know how long that time is amen for some of us the time can be one year and for some of us the time can be 10 years but we don't know the mind of god all we know is that if we do a thing be quick to repent it was the apostle paul who declared that we must die dearly and i pray god that somebody would die dearly every morning they get up god washed me every night i get up god cleanse me god told him that if they do not repent this is what he's going to do first of all jesus jesus didn't even tell the church entire terror what he wanted them to do he told them based on what is happening this is what he god is going to do and he mentioned two things he says i will cast her into a bed of sickness and those who commit a dodge with her in great tribulation unless unless they repent of their deeds and want to say i will kill our children with death you know i've heard and i've i've heard that people would say god is gentle jesus and god will not do some things amen and god is so merciful and he is merciful and and then they see in a particular light they seem just as as nice nice jesus amen but can i tell you something don't mess with jesus amen amen when it goes to the other side amen we are seeing a god who can pronounce judgment he says first of all i will cast her into a sick bed you mean remember i tell you know the people enduring are involved in himself in the better fornication in the bed of adultery in the bed of this and god would have used a sick bed amen and sometimes god will use sickness in order to bring you to a place where you are to be you say i will cast her into a bed of sickness and those who commit adultery with her into great tribulation unless they repent of their deeds it means i will kill our children with death no a lot of people will say god will not do this but remember god has done this before you can remember when paul wrote to the church in corinth in first corinthians chapter 11 for verse 27 to 30 he said something to them and i want to realize that when god speaks he's not joking when god speaks he is serious when god gives you time to repent take use of it i'm going to say in first corinthians chapter 11 and verse 27 to 30 himself wherefore whosoever shall eat this brain and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread amen and drink unworthily eat up that bread and drink of that cup for he that eat it and drink it unworthily eaten and drinked domination to himself not discerning the lord's body i'm going to say for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep only babysit men asleep so we are seeing that this is not the first time where god is telling you that if you're doing something that is contrary to him one or two things can happen to you sickness can come on you and i'm not saying tonight that everybody who is sick is as a result of the fact that you're living a sinful life but i'm saying that if you live a sinful life one of the punishments that can come to you for living a sinful life is that god can make you sick secondly he will kill you amen and i'm not and i don't know how to to i don't want to mince it he will kill you amen if you can remember god had a requirement amen for how the ark of the covenant should be carried from one place to the other only a special set of uh uh jews were allowed um and they had to be from a special tribe amen and we know what happened one guy there was a rocket in the truck the ark of the covenant was coming back to israel amen and it was a rocking and user pushed his hand forward to touch it amen to steady the ark but god had a requirement and the requirement was that you're not supposed to touch it and god kill him in other words don't play with god amen so the bible says to the woman look here if you don't repent i'm going to cast you into the bed of sickness and those who commit adults with her into great tribulation and not only that i will kill her children with death her children they can be described as anybody who follow her teaching anybody who take on to what she's saying and run with it amen praise god to make you sick and and those who commit adultery i'm going to bring them into great tribulation and i'm going to kill the children i know this is a killing with death because it means not only will they die physically just talking about double deaths not only will they die physically but they're going to die spiritually there are three types of death amen there what is called physical death amen and physical death is where there is a separation from the body and the spirit amen so the bible says the body without the spirit is dead that's physical death this is what is called spiritual death amen spiritual death is when we are like a lot of people who when they're born they're walking around a lot of people walking around amen and they're spiritually dead spiritually dead because they have no connection between their souls and god so they look at the body without the spirit is dead a soul that is not connected to god is dead but it is what is called eternal death where you are eternally separated god for eternity so when god said i will kill her children with death god was talking about a double death in other words you're going to die physically and because of the state that you're in you're going to die spiritually and you're going to die eternally i don't want to experience this so i would take the the better side and repent while i have time to do it what jesus want the church in third terror to know himself fall fast what you have till i come in other words you're supposed to hang in there and stand strong for g until jesus comes saving hold on you're going to hold on with all your life until jesus comes because guess what it is only then that the battle will be over you can't you'll give a fight for your life because until jesus comes if when jesus come the battle is over until then keep on holding and keep on holding strong and jesus told him something said he that overcome he will give him power over the nations two he says he shall rule with them a rod of iron three he will give the morning star now let's look at that he will give him power over the nations means jesus offer a shield of his kingdom to those who overcome the threat of immorality and idolatry brethren you're not going to give up anything for god in this life amen and god don't give you back amen a lot of us boy this is my job i have to do it amen i don't know what you're doing is going contrary to what that is if you have to give it up anything you lose in this life you'll get it back ah he that love with his life shall lose it but he like hates his life amen in other words there are some things in this life that you have to sacrifice as a child of god because what you give up to god ah is going to work it after all amen take care there's only saying that says eternity is too long to be wrong it's better i suffer here and live with him there for eternity than i live with him live good here amen and suffer for eternity praise god in other words persons who are willing to overcome the threat and notice they use the term the threat of immorality and idolatry they're willing to say to this woman look here we're not going to do this we can't endorse if it means out of it of the trade guilds we will not worship your gods amen secondly we will not involve in your rituals because we serve jesus who is the son of god we serve jesus who has eyes like flame of fire we serve jesus his feet like fine brass and therefore it's better i served him amen and live right in this time and he wants to say he that take not overcome will give the nations overcome and you will reign with him it's practically simplifying what i've said earlier he will give him power over the nation meaning he will share his kingdom and secondly you will reign with him thirdly secondly he said he shall rule with a rod of iron in that day righteousness will be enforced that's what he's talking about and those who rebel against jesus will be ruined of two pieces so at the end of the day jesus says we shall rule you and he will rule with a rod of iron in that day righteousness will be enforced and those anybody who rebelled against jesus will be ruined to pieces i mean i want to reign with him i want to ensure that i am on the lord's side and thirdly he said to the church of thyatira that he will give them the mourning star and this is the best gift that you can give to somebody the greatest reward eman he can give to somebody is to give them jesus and jesus is saying that if you overcome all of these things that you're going through all of these things that you have to give up the reward is jesus jesus is the morning star amen uh he is my exceedingly great reward prayer is gonna come to abraham so jesus says in revelation chapter 22 and verse 16 i jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you these things in the churches i am the root and the offspring of david and the bright and morningstar i'm here to tell somebody when you're willing to overcome and to live a victorious life amen when you have to walk away sometimes from some things i have to give up some things amen and some things you have to say why it's hard but look at the enemy i rather uh to be an all-time christian i rather to serve god the right way hey praise god god said your reward is going to be me i'm going to give you the morning star what a good god that's the church of thyatira soon tell you what the spirit is saying to the church but let's just move to the second church which is the church of sardis sardis the bible says in revelation chapter 3 and verse 1 to 6 and unto the angel of the church of sardis right these things said he that had the seven spirits of god and the seven stars i know thy works that thou has a name that thou lives and are dead be watchful and straighten the things which remain that are ready to die for i have not found thy works perfectly for god remember therefore aldo has received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch i will come on thee as a thief and thou shalt not know what hour i will come upon me there was a few names evil inside which have not defiled their garments and they shall walk with me in white for they are worthy i want to say that he that overcometh the same shall be clothed in white raiment and i will not blot out his name out of the book of life but i will confess his name before my father and before his angels he that i'm here let him hear and he has an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches now sardis was about 30 miles from the city of philadelphia that we just spoke about and sardis was at one time one of the most powerful cities of the ancient world at one time when they talk about scientists they're talking about a a a a a city aiming that was powerful during that time praise god it was powerful for a couple reasons one it was powerful because of its defense and when i said it's defense where sardis was located um it was located on a very high mountain the city was ideal for defense it stood high above the valley of what we call hermas and was surrounded by deep cliffs almost impossible to scare and therefore persons who looked at scientists amen armies that wanted to invade scientists didn't try because of how impossible it looked impregnable it looked for one to take on that particular city service also was heavy praise god and trade trade was done among scientists and they were called the argent islands if you can remember if you look at the map amen you would have seen that the sea that is to the side and i showed them up i'll show it at another time but the cedar was called the argan seas and therefore you had islands that were there amen i think patmos was one of the islands that existed in that particular sea and therefore you they had a lot of shrink that took place between sardis and these particular places sadis was powerful because of money the first coin to ever be minted was done in sardis amen and it was done way before the time of jesus about 500 years before jesus actually came on the scene uh there was a king by the name of cro crossov and therefore he was the first to actually uh mint money and it was done in sardis and to the plate to the fact that sardis is called a place where modern money was made so another our mother money was born they would have mint coins the first time you started here about using enough coins or whatever cases was first done in service but guess what this wealth of the city led to moral depravity and overall the city became lethargic and a splendor it had was a distant memory in other words what scientists had amen they lost it over time but to the people of sardis they were still living off their reputation they still wanted to live after the fact that they were from sardis amen and therefore even though science was not so powerful anymore a matter of fact that is a long lost a lot of the things that it had people lived off their memory or lived off the fact that they were from saudis and not only that the city of sardis who seemed so uh it was hard for one to attack he was conquered twice he was conquered first in 549 bc and the persian king cyrus had ended the rule of this particular king that i mentioned earlier he scaled a cliff under the cover that is i'm going to tell you how i'm doing and in 214 bc the armies of antiochus degrade and antiochus the great is one of the the remember after alexander the great died amen he or whatever he conquered places he would have split his his conquest into four but the alexander the great kingdom was divided into four so one of his generals was antiochus the great amen and he was a guy who actually came in in 214 bc and he captured the the the the city of sardis and in the same way it was done years before by the persian king now the greek historian herodotus tells the story of how cyrus actually fall on the side on the cyrus um when king cyrus actually attacked and how he did it now according to this historian he was saying that there was a there was an army he had an army and they said that they would have given uh offered a reward to any soldier in the army who could have figured out a way to get into the city of sardis no he said that one of the soldiers took me the request very received very seriously and he he carefully observed um how the city looked and he looked at it as far as was concerned there is no way to penetrate the city and he was looking i was observing i was watching what was taking place and one day he saw uh uh uh at the helmet of a particular soldier a saddest soldier fell fell from the wall and he watched and he observed how the the soldier climbed on a man a hidden trill to recover his particular helmet and then the soldier i was looking on and looking what was taking place he he he marked that particular location and that night he told a bunch of soldiers that okay there's a hidden trail inside it's a place that we can probably try to use to penetrate the city and that night uh the men decided that they were going to attack the city and they went into this hidden trail i know it was interesting when they went to that hidden field they found nobody watching the city in other words the people were so confident in their natural security that they had at service that look here they never set up soldiers at this location because as far they're concerned nobody is going to try to penetrate the city so they were nobody was watching at that secret location and he said that the men came in and they attacked and they conquered the city was overconfident and because they were overconfident they did not set watch and you know the funny thing about it you would have thought that they would have learned from what happened in 549 dc bucket squad in 214 bc antiochus the great capture the same city using the same method they were just not watching now apart from the attacks from outside the city the city was also destroyed in 80 17. and this was based on an earthquake that happened in saudis sadness is not have a lot of earthquake he was near a fork uh a fart line and he went all the way down to philadelphia feel that it was near to that particular line as well and the city never seemed to recover but guess what the people outside is still wanting to maintain their reputation and in many cases they lived off the name they once had so they knew that they were a powerful city they knew that they had great trade and they made money and they were doing this and they were doing that amen no they were not in ruins no they were not as powerful as before they were practically not even a fragment of what they were very small fragment of what they were they never had anything but guess what they want they they still consider themselves to have a name in order to maintain the particular name that they have to say that sardis uh made a request that look here give us the honor of building the temple to caesar you remember when i did the study on smyrna i said to you that smyrna was the first city that actually built that temple to caesar remember when they started to worship uh the the the greek gods amen i worship the roman um emperors sorry it is said that um that that cyrus was necessary smurna was the first city to actually build this but the requests came from smirnoff from sardis first but guess what it was denied and the honor i said before went to smirnoff you know why they never had it and guess what the trouble the church of smyrna and the church of sardis was untroubled by any persecution because of how compromised they were with their pagan surroundings so guess what we see all the history they were a powerful city they lost it because they did not keep watch they lost it based on the earthquake that destroyed their city they lost it and guess what in losing it instead of trying to rebuild they tried to live off their reputation so jesus described himself as this and say unto the angel of the church of sardis right these things said he that had the seven spirits of god and the seven stars no the seven spirits of god speaks to the holy ghost the spirit of god i would you know scripture i'm reading from isaac the spirit of god moving through and the seven stars are the messengers and the leaders of the church now god is saying we know it is the holy ghost amen which brings us into all truth we know it's the holy ghost who is going to try our hearts and know what is taking place so jesus says i know something of the christians that started i know your works that you have a name that you are alive jesus knew the church of saudis had a name that is they had a reputation of life and vitality when people hear about the church of scientists anybody would have wanted to go there because as far as you concerned in the back of your mind sardis is supposed to be the powerful church saris had a name they started out good they were doing the things of god they were a powerful church just like a city and god used the city a lot of times to bring out what was taking place in the church societies the church had a name that it was it had a name had a reputation it had a reputation of life and vitality but jesus said nevertheless i have this against you you are dead a good reputation is no guarantee of true spiritual character and let me say that again you see a lot of us are living off our reputation when we got saved we usually do some things for god when we got saved we used to study when we got sick we used to pray and people know this people heard you preach people hear you teach amen and it came across hopefully so as far as they concern he and she is still powerful but a lot of us praise god are living of our reputation but our reputation is not a true guarantee of spiritual character let me define reputation and character for you reputation is the belief or opinion that i generally have about someone or something i mean people with a lot of opinions about you about what they think about you about who you are that girl seems so nice she must be powerful she must be this he knows a lot he doesn't know he must be a man of god he's but he's living based on his reputation the character is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual in other words your reputation is what people think of you but your character is who you are and you have to be very careful because god hear people who live off their character better yet god hate people up here when people don't put that away god hated when people try to live off their reputation it's hypocrisy i mean like the pharisees they looked holy i mean but they really had a reputation of holiness but in their character jesus said you're dead men bones praise god you think about people like saul when saul knew he was not supposed to offer the sacrifice even he said to samuel but not before the people in other words he still wanted people to see his reputation but god is not so much concerned about your reputation god is concerned about your character can you search yourself and realize who you are tonight is are you doing the things of god based on your reputation based on what people think you should be doing or is your character at the place where it should be they were dead scientist was dead there was no fight against evil anymore there was no struggle there was no persecution they were living a life that was it was just so smooth and can i tell you something i noticed something it's when you're dead the devil don't have the time to attack you so when your christian life seems like it's all together lovely and good and there's no spiritual attack there's no trouble i mean it's a it's it's something to note if you're if you from the day you get saved and you'll get saved for 10 years and 20 years and you don't have trials and you don't have trouble it means that there is something wrong can i tell you the devil is a thief the devil is a thief and a liar but thieves only attack things of value i've never seen a thief attacked in a garbage truck and this is a madman amen please don't attack garbage jokes amen they attack things of value in a similar way amen if you realize in your christian life that there is no fight against evil there's no struggle there's no persecution coming your way you need to stop and check check scientists was not losing a battle because guess what dead men cannot fight if you are dead in a battle it means that you have already lost the battle being dead means that the battle was already lost and the fight was over and therefore that is why if your life is all together smooth all the time something is wrong and the church of psalmist was experiencing this the church of chinese was at peace i can't do one theologian but it was the peace of the dead my god what did jesus tell them jesus tell them to be watchful i would know why jesus told them to be watchful remember what happened to the city of sardis they were they were so over confident they were living off what they knew and what they experienced halabhasa they were living off the fact that they they looked powerful praise god but god was saying be watchful can i say to somebody tonight be watchful amen never you stop watching amen it says look here i have phone not phone your works perfect before god there's some things we're doing and you think it's okay but god is saying as not fully perfect he said remember therefore how you have received and heard hold fast and repent you know remember the time when you were genuine in what you were doing you said if you will not watch i will come upon you as a thief he was using the same example with with scientists a thief came and destroyed their city a thief came and conquered your city but don't watch and start becoming watchful i will come as a thief amen don't watch i will come as a thief we need to be watchful brethren even this season where i see people are accepting everything and anything relevance even where we have become desensitized amen to the things of god and we're living a season where people must do anything and feel that it's okay and give god any sacrifice amen if the sacrifice is like a lamb with a broken leg and when they bring it to god if they'll sacrifice the lamb with cast i they bring it to god but god is saying i don't want this be watchful look what i need jesus told them you have a few names even sardis who have not defiled their garments you know the funny thing every other church god never described them as a few names god always scattered that it seemed like it was more people were doing good than those that were doing evil but in the church outside it seemed like there was more evil than those that were doing good some say there are few names in sardis who have not defiled their garments and said those few they shall walk with me with white white in the roman empire was a was a color with a cloth the white garment was a close of victory and god is saying look here if you are willing to overcome you're going to walk with me in close of white it's going to be victorious the fuel the fuel you said they that overcome i'm going to do something to do three things for them you say i will clothe in white garments you'll be victorious and say i will not block your name out of the book of life and this this goes against the theology once you've always received amen because guess what happened if you're not living right your name can be blocked out of the book of life don't hold on to the fact that you got saved 15 years ago i mean you're not living right today your name can be blocked out and and last night for the day the bible says in revelation that god opened a book and another book which was the book of life and god is god always going to remember are you going to be judged from it and sure that your name is written there he said i will confess his name for my father and his angels let's look at these so these are the three main things that god says he will do for the church of uh sardis tonight we're gonna look at the last church the church of philadelphia it says and to the angel of the church in philadelphia right these things said he that is holy he that is true he that had the keys of david he had oakless and no man's shortest and shortest and no man openness i know that works behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it for thou has a little strength that's kept my word does not denied my name behold i will make them of the synagogue of satan which say that they are jews and are not but do lie behold i will make them to come and worship before thy feet and to know that i have loved thee it says because though i kept the word of my patience i will also keep thee from the o of temptation we shall come upon all the worlds to try them that dwell upon the earth behold i come quickly whole that fast which thou has that no man take thy crown him that overcometh will i make a pillar in the temple of god and it shall go no more out and i will write upon him the name of my god and the name of the city of my god which is in new jerusalem which cometh down out of the heaven from god and i will write upon him my new name he that had an ear to ear let him hear what the spirit saith to the church is now the church or the city of philadelphia like the other cities were about 25 miles south east of saudis so now we're moved from third para to sardis and now to philadelphia so philadelphia was about 25 miles southeast of san is at about 100 miles due east of smyrna and i mentioned it too because of what philadelphia was like the city was really the youngest of the seven and it was called the gateway to the east because roman postal route went through that city so you can realize that you're gonna have more than one rule especially the rules that were coming from the east would have passed through philadelphia it was like they it was like they they they the highway amen it was a gateway to the east and people could travel from smyrna donor from from spring across or from philip are from sardis dome praise god because it was like it was a trade route the city had planes to the north and the environment was suitable for growing grief so to the north there were many planes and the economy in uh philadelphia was based on agriculture and industry not only that the city of philadelphia was was founded as a missionary base for a hellenism and hellesium is practically the culture of ancient greek when they talk about hellenistic language you're talking about the the greek i mean so the culture of the greek was practically um the purpose of building this young city you see there were other cities that were to the east that were considered to be barbaric um there were cities through the east that they that that that didn't have the greek culture so much amen and therefore they wanted to ensure that they teach them their culture they want to indoctrinate them in their culture so by missionary base i was talking about it was a center for spreading what we call the greek language the greek culture the greek matters to the ancient province and and what would have happened is that when certain um countries would take would conquer not another country they would try to push on them their culture so remember when when they took the when nebuchadnezzar uh got the three hebrew boys and he brought all the people down into um to babylon remember what he tried to do with the hebrew boys he tried to give a new name babylonian names um shadrach meshach and abednego and and and he's trying to give them greek culture many greek um babylonian food and so on and so forth so in a similar way that's what these countries would do and and therefore when they set up philadelphia the aim of philadelphia was like a missionary base but the missionary base was to spread the greek language and the greek culture and the manners make note of that um there was a particular historian by the name of berkeley and he says this philadelphia had been built with the deliberate intention that it might become a missionary city beyond philadelphia lay the wives of phrygia and barbara's tribes and it was intended that the function of philadelphia should be to spread the greek language the greek way of life the greek civilization throughout the regions beyond it not only that philadelphia was near a fault line and because they have this the people suffered many earthquakes and aftershocks um and after what would have happened is that after many earthquakes what was left standing and there was a great earthquake that happened at one point now what would happen it was the pillars of the building normally everything has down and when the people came back they would run out of the city they come back all the thing that was left were the pillars of the city um so everything had to go back to rebuilding back some of these buildings because the earthquake that constantly happened came from arizardis and it was on the same front line and therefore it was nearby so whenever there was an earthquake they would have had the aftershocks as well i guess what the earthquake was so much sometime that it kept some of the people outside of the city um this just says many people lived the city was um live outside the city walls for a while because guess what they were afraid to come back inside the city and they never wanted to happen to them now another thing was understand about philadelphia is that the pillars of the building was a part of what made philadelphia the name of the faithful city servants our distinguished priests was inscribed on the pillars of the temple to honor these men so every now and then they would whenever they set up these pillars they would write inscribe on it the name of faithful city servants are people who are considered to be distinguished priests and philadelphia honored its illustrious sons by putting their names on the pillars of its temple so that all who came to worship might see and remember and i want you to make note of these things that i spoke about as well as the history of philadelphia now just describe himself as this these things say he that is holy he that is true he that had the keys of david he had opened it and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man openeth so jesus said two things to them he said one he is holy and he is true secondly he says he had the keys of david he had opened it and no man shot it and shut it now no man let's just try to dig down into this firstly he says he that is holy and he that is true so first jesus wanted him to understand that he was saying to them that he was god amen and and this was a familiar statement a family title that was referred to god himself when they talk about god being the holy one amen our god being holy our son would normally ascribe these things to god so jesus was making the church in philadelphia know that look here i am god amen so look in isaiah chapter 14 verse 25 and habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 3. he says to whom then will he like me or shall i be equal say the holy one so here in the old testament isaac i was prophesying and then jesus was talking in the first person he was saying the one where like me i shall be equal say the holy one so what jesus says i am holy amen he is linking himself back to the god of the old testament amen habakkuk chapter three and verse three says god came from tenna and the holy one from montparn sealer his glory covered the heavens and the earth was full of his praise so jesus was saying to the church in uh uh philadelphia that he was god not only he was god but he was the holy one secondly he wanted him to understand that these were not tendencies but it spoke to his very being in other words he was not saying he is holy based on his tendencies god is not holy that's not just uh something that he does amen god is not something he doesn't do holiness he is holiness so the ancient greek word ah for the word true that was used with the word and it means real or genuine so jesus is true in all of who he is he is the real god and he's a real man in other words i'm genuine and the real deal that's what he was practically saying to them you know there are two there are two greek words for the word true there's one greek word that we speak about true against two against uh true and untruth amen that's not the word i have true against fake that's the word jesus is not jesus i'm not saying look i'm fit jesus said i am truth i am genuine and i want to stop well he was saying i am the jedi so i am holy i'm god and of course i'm god and i'm the holy god but i'm the genuine i am the real deal i am the real deal that kind of enlightened me secondly he said that he had the keys of david and he had opened it alone and shot it and shot it at no man open it so the key of david actually means he holds all authority and and and this was alluding to something that was happening in the world from the old testament time in isaiah chapter 22 number 15 25 i can write it down but i took through the verses to make the point him say god said the lord god of hosts go get thee onto this treasure even to shebna which is over the house and say and i'm going to tell you something that he's going to say to him and it shall come to pass in that day that i will call my servant elect him the son of kill kyle all right so here it is that he's talking about shebna and he's talking about ella kim and the keys of the house of david lay upon his shoulder talking about elohim so he shall open and non-shall shot and he shall shut and none shall open now what was happening here the official position of the secretary of state was taken from shema and was given to eliakim so god sped through the prophet isaiah and was saying i will give you the keys of house of david and what was he saying to allah he was saying that you're going to hold the highest position in the royal court and whatever door whatever way you make for people whatever door you open will be open and no man can close it however you close nobody cannot open it you have the highest position in the royal court so he that had the keys of david he that opened it a gnome and shot him and shot at a normal opening what jesus was saying is that he has the absolute authority over who will enter the kingdom of god in other words when god when it comes to jesus praise god he is going to determine who enters and who who doesn't enter amen and i like the fact that jesus used that analogy so that they can understand that what was taking place amen even in jewish time they could relate to it from that perspective i know one of the funny things about it the jews who were there in the philippines at the time and i talked about the the jews who practiced judaism amen they were lacking all the jewish christians from going to the snake and then blocking them still can't come in and she was using this analogy also to say look here don't worry about that when i open the door for you no man can go shut it away nobody can open it and guess what you don't need to worry god is knowing how to take care of his people what does jesus know of the church of philadelphia you say i know your works said behold i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it amen i said they have little strength i said they have kept his word and not not denied his name three things jesus said firstly it says i have set before thee an open door and no man can shut it and normally when the scriptures talk about an open door in the context of this of revelation here i mean normally it speaks to the whole view of evangelism amen so the open doors set before the church affirmative that can be looked at from from some couple viewpoints first one from an evangelistic viewpoint so in many times when the bible talk about an open door amen it speaks to an evangelistic opportunity so for example in uh first corinthians chapter 16 and verse 9 for a great deal and effect is open to me and there are many adversaries so just while i was about to do missionary work but a great day was open on him but there are many adversaries in second corinthians chapter 12 and verse 12 furthermore when i came to trust to preach christ's gospel and a door was opened unto me after lord so he's talking about an evangelistic thought without praying also for us that god would open unto us a door of utterance to speak the mystery of christ for which i am also in bands now note why i say it refers to an evangelistic thoughts remember i know the purpose of the whole philadelphia city was to spread uh as it were the hellenistic uh um teaching and they were supposed to induction it as it were they other tribes that were nearby with all of things that were heavenly stick and god is saying look here the church don't worry about that i have set before you an open door amen just like the city and the evangelist you just gotta say look here you have your evangelistic trust this is what i'm going to do i'm going to open the door and when i open this door of evangelism for you nobody can shut it so that's the first reference to if um the open door secondly it speaks to the fact of uh the closed door of the ceiling that i just spoke about that god is going to open the door and guess what the jews are the christian affiliate for who clothed on him god is going to open the door and guess what nobody can uh close it at the end of the day and say you have little strength that's a word of commendation for them in other words the term liquor strength does not imply to weakness they were not weak to the people the term liquor strength speaks to the fact that they were not very big they were small in comparison to probably the other churches like uh i got um smyrna amen or another smurl like uh scientists who had a name amen they were popular they were they practiced house they were the big place to go amen number one they were fulfilling their small little strength not liquor in terms of their weakness but little in terms of their size they were not very popular but god recognized them but god said something of them god said they have kept my words and have not denied my name so even though the church had little strain they were small the church in philadelphia was faithful to jesus and his word the idea behind have not denied my name is not all that they express their allegiance to jesus but they lived in a way that was faithful to the name and accounts of jesus and just like i just said to them i am the holy and true amen in other words i am holy and i'm genuine i'm the real deal jesus was saying to the church in sardis you guys are the real deal you are genuine christians here said to him what rebuke did god for philadelphia that small church no rebuke two churches he had no rebuke for the church of smyrna went through persecution the church of philadelphia what did jesus promise them he says i will make them but a host of synagogues satan come and worship before your feet and they will make their enemies they know that he loves them in other words the jews that were causing problems with them jesus said look here at the end of the day they come to the realization that they are fighting against the same god just like we did with saul when saul came to fight against the church amen god had to bring him to a point where he realized that him can kick against the brick amen he said we're making enemies know that i love you philadelphia you're going through some hard times some troubles that they're locking you all they're treating your bad don't worry about it um so i will make those that have been over your feet and i was talking about the jews and you're not talking about all jews in general but you talk about the jews that were some of the jews that were there groups that were there in philadelphia he says i will keep you from the hour of trial we shall come up on the earth and i want to stop you a bit you will keep from the or we shall come up on the earth you see this verse is debated by many theologians in relation to its meaning and how it applies to the church and therefore let us examine it because it has a wider meaning in my opinion than just as it relates to the church of philadelphia i think this one i have a relation to everybody who lives right point one the word from there in the scripture is from the greek word ek and it means out are away from so god is saying that he is going to keep them from or away or take them out from the hour of trial which shall come upon the earth the second thing is that you use a definite article before the word in other words this was not speaking about any child or any trouble a lot of people would say okay god is going to keep you from troubles and troubles our trials and situations no the scripture says he will keep you from the hour the word video speaks to something greater than just any normal choice because a specific hour that is supposed to come up on the earth amen so it was not speaking about any child but the hour of worldwide inescapable catalysm predicted to come on the earth we're going to talk about that when we reach revelation chapter 6 to revelation chapter 18 you guys see what is called the great tribulation chapter 19 the great tribulation period and that that jesus was talking about jesus said matthew 24 21 for them shall be great tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the world at this time not ever shall be said you shall keep shall keep you from the hour in other words you're going to take you out i'm going to remove you before that actually hour come that hour that is talking about is a great tribulation and persons who believe in what we call a pre-tribulation rapture which is what i believe believe that when god says it to the church of philadelphia what god was saying is that he's going to take out the church before that great or he's going to remove us before that great allah comes up on the earth i'm saying that before that great or come upon those who dwell upon the earth which is point three now point three those who dwell upon the earth normally this phrase and this is used about nine times the book of revelation and at all times it speaks of those who are not saving jesus amen so all the people who are left on the earth god is going to take us from the hour of tribulation or the hour of trouble that is going to come upon those that dwell upon the earth for those who don't under refer not to the believers but to unbelievers or an object of god's wrath through revelation so what we are seeing is that god is going to take us all before the time what a good god and jesus told them behold i come quickly hold fast what you have that no one can take your crown can i tell somebody to hold fast that is about to take us over what we see happening in the world today god is about to take us out god says i will make him a pillar amen and i like that just like the great pillars was the only thing standing after the earthquake remember i said earlier when there was a great earthquake that happened and what happened in philadelphia at that time and the old that was left standing aiming after the great earthquake were the pillars and god says it's going to make your pillow in other words uh just that after the earthquake jesus is saying when everything around us crumbles and we see all these things happening in the world and things are mashed up and what happened god is saying he will give us a strength to remain standing every child of god here can be assured that look if you if you overcome amen your god is going to make you a pillow in other words when all the troubles and situations are happening around you growing up in crumble you're going to be a killer look what it says and you shall go out no more and i told you earlier when they had the persecution and the earthquake the people have run from the city on the outside and some people would have stayed out there because they were fearful after a while for coming back into the city and god said overcomer will have a place of permanence and stability with god can you believe it so no more we will go out no more in other words i will be we will have a place of permanence and stability with god amen as if the citizens of philadelphia lived an unsettled and tremorous life whenever the earthquake chambers came and they up that he came after the people of florida fled from the city out into the open country to escape the fallen machinery and the flying stones which accompanied a severe earthquake shark then when the earthquake was quite again they returned in their fear the people of philadelphia were always going out and coming in in they were always fleeing from the city and then returning to it as a counter theologian but guess what jesus said he shall go out no more at last god says i will write on in the name of my god i will write on him my new name and just like in philadelphia where they honor their son by putting their names on the pillar of its temple so it will be what god is saying for standing up for me i am going to write my name on you so and everybody see it remember the aim of them right now the pillar was for people to say boy it's like a big monument in philadelphia hear what the spirit have to say to the church tonight as i close the letters that we read tonight let us to fire thyroid and listen to societies and let us so philadelphia all apply to all of us and hear what the spirit is saying tonight first of all hear what the spirit says to the church tayata teach us this we must not let not be like jezebel who lead others into sin we must not follow the teaching of jezebel and follow others into sin we must not permit a jezebel to work on wickedness and we must hold fast until jesus come that's what the spirit is saying don't be like jezebel don't follow the teaching of jesus don't permit jezebel to work amen persuading ourselves you'll realize false doctrine cut it on right away don't anything that is country no matter who you are no matter how influential they are i mean if it goes contrary to the word i've got push it out and hold fast until jesus comes what is the spirit saying cyrus teaches us that we must be aware of our success the city was wealthy and easy living but it made them soft and spoiled we must be watchful at our strongest point also so they thought they were unconquerable and so they were conquered i mean that part in your life said that will never happen to me that can't that's the part you need to be very sick i mean one guy said boy me never commit fornication amen me never do this and go lie down beside a girl because he thought he probably thought he was made of cardboard it was long after that things happen what shouldn't happen i mean because he thought this mind that it would never happen at the places where you think you are the strongest and the places you should put the most watch put the most watch amen don't be like like philadelphia the holy ghost is teaching us we must stay on the true foundation which was jesus name and jesus word they said they have not denied his name and they have not denied his word you must also depend on jesus who is our source of strength and not ourselves i pray to god that tonight we will hear what the spirit says to the church next week we continue with the church of laodicea and we go into the uh prophetic significance of all seven churches as you relate to church history and then after we because that we move into the second section with things which shall be hereafter god bless you and i pray god that somebody was third tonight not just informed but somebody is impressed to move if god is giving you time to repent repent if you're leading people astray ask god to forgive you amen if you realize that you're trusting in your wealth and what you know what you have ask god to forgive you but i'm sure like the church of philadelphia which had no rebuke that you are your true foundation is the name of jesus and the word of jesus and that you will always have him to be your source of strength god bless you god bless you in jesus name and god bless you too mr martin we're still in section one section one section two here section two now we're in section to the things which are because what we'll do yes section one would have been chapter one section two the things which are which is one three and then right i think we shall be here after okay god bless you sir we thank god for you tonight we honor god for you so we have dealt with uh the church at ephesus smyrna pergamos and we also praise the lord we've moved on tonight to taitaria sardis and philadelphia as we continue to look at the seven churches book of revelation we were so blessed by a wonderful presentation again and we want to thank god for you praise the lord uh just let me invite those with us tonight god bless you again we give god thanks for those on uh on facebook youtube and with those who are with us in this room we want to move this segment to receive your uh takeaways or you may want to ask questions of the teacher tonight god bless you if you liked us a question just indicate by using the reason icon phrase government might be will be facilitated uh so you can ask your question or if you just want to mute and ask a question or share your takeaway you will also be facilitated so god bless you tonight we thank god for you praise the lord thank you jesus thank you jesus yes we want to receive your questions praise the lord thank god for you praise the lord so next week uh you'll be dealing with the last church age the last the ladies and and then we ride the ladders in church and then we put everything everything together and put them together on a prophetic timeline in terms of church history and show like church history and hospital apply them to church history okay a beautiful kind of way to get additional information all right god bless you no question tonight don't tell me the teacher was so clear even so clear let me go across to canada to practice to nelly with us tonight uh i'm going to share with patrick stanelli from canada share some chicken with us sisters hat or nelly praise the lord all right well god bless you i think you were so clear tonight mister yes galaxy's j6 uh please go ahead with your question galaxy j6 go ahead i'll show you a takeaway galaxy j6 go ahead all right praise the lord we couldn't unmute earlier sorry about that okay go ahead where's the lord this is sister nelly hi great bless you bless the lord sir my takeaway um when god gives one time to repent then such one needs to do so very quickly not to get the cut off from the lord because when he cuts off then it's very very sad nobody can help that one um the three types of death physical death spiritual death and eternal death um we should also do our best to hold fast after and resist the path praise the lord god bless you go ahead praise the bless you it lord an excellent session again um there's so much to learn and uh it it went very quickly each time something was cool i tried to apply to what's happening today you could see the relevance but i have three takeaways i think one question and asking for one elaboration so first in relation to um i think thyatira what you lose in this life god will reward you in the next at least um in relation to sardis um elder martin asked a very important question and i think it's important because oftentimes i have observed preaching going on and individuals are nodding like yes we shouldn't do that but they are actually guilty of doing that particular thing so when he said can you search yourself and see where you are with god i think it's really important for us to do that and that's a great take away for me i always have to be true and honest because i want to be saved it makes no sense to live a lie so that was very a profound takeaway for me and the other takeaway is if there's no persecution coming your way then something is wrong you need to really profound profoundly yes so my so i have a question and request for an elaboration um for thyatira where it says the church allowed i really kind of stopped there and i wanted to understand when it says the church aloud who or what is the the context of church and when you say allowed how did that happen i guess i'm looking for a little bit more on this to apply it to today okay all right i think the people understood what was required of them from a biblical perspective they knew what was right and what was wrong um they so it's not a case where they were they're they're not aware of this but i i as the scripture says i'm saying a load that woman um you just himself said say you have a loner woman which is called jezebel to do this in other words she nobody confronted her and i guess was based on her influence as i said before based on who she was and and i did bring an example in the greek where some greek manuscript will describe that woman to mean that she was probably a woman who um who had who was probably the woman of of of of of the pastor um so many theologians fall to that to that and based on that she was teaching something was that was contrary even though she came across from a prophetic voice because she considered herself to be a prophet and she was saying but it is okay for you to take part in these guilds the straight guilds um you know god will god will see god understands so on and so forth and nobody nobody um contested her nobody said what you're doing is wrong so even though in themselves they probably felt funny um you know they they still nobody stopped her so god said you allow it to happen and there must be a voice of reason to say well this thing is wrong you can see some things if something's happening today in the apostolic church you know a lot of things happening and we know that it's not it doesn't speak to our apostolic identity it doesn't speak to who we are it makes us no longer have that that and people say boy it doesn't matter how you look as a christian but i strongly believe it matters to god amen because i remember one time i and how i know i remember one time i was talking to an unsaved person and the person was saying that them people and he was making reference to some some witnesses that came to to to to witness to talk amen and he was saying them can't talk to me and and i was and i was curious there was a new conversation i said why and he said just let me look like christian and they'll look like you said they will look like chris look what i'm dressed look what i'm having and that has never left me and i've been saying for many years i've seen for 20 something years now and it has never left me because it tells me that as christians we have a look you know but nowadays we have accepted so many of the kind of accommodative to so many things we have allowed a lot of things to happen that we are slowly becoming like firefighter uh we have allowed that woman to speak from prophetic voice and and i'm noticing for that person of influence normally this don't come from people who are just get to see about what it's like talking about a person who's a person of influence and they go contrary and they pull a lot of people with them amen just like what the devil did he was able to pull a lot of people through his deception and it comes he comes across that particular way so that's what i mean when i say the church alone nobody stopped no they knew what's happening there must have been somebody there would have always have reason to say boy this is wrong and even though there were there are people who dear who did what did what she had to do a lot of people um followed her and did what she said because of who she was so that's what i meant i don't know if that is a little clearer uh that was good especially when you talked about the application today um i was really concerned about that because it appears that if and i would say as an assembly if we allow the wrong things to continue then we can be held accountable so that's why that was important to me now um wait before before you go there can i make a point though you see a lot of us a lot of us um turn a blind eye to some things because we don't understand the role that each of us play in the body um if if if a lot of us ever have two states before can i make toothache yes no i have and and again and you realize how i remember having especially wisdom teeth coming up and and and you can't sleep i try to find everything i mean i've used garlic i've used salt water i've used everything because i want to get rid of the pain a small part of my body is causing me not to sleep i would see it one person coming in and infiltrating the body with false teaching we might think that okay it's okay it's not me but we don't understand it affects the entire body we start with with aiken who brought a babylonian garment and priest to understand one guy did it and caused an entire nation to lose about into a little city that was they could have conquered easily in other words we can't allow things to come in and put a blind eye to it where is the first teaching coming we cut it because that's what happened anything that a little even is going to live in the whole lump it's going to cut problems in the end amen and pastor know this well that's why when he when people come out when the pulpit and these things he corrects it quickly because guess what happened you can't afford certain things to even face down long enough to create problems amen amen amen amen i get it i need an elaboration um maybe i didn't get it well and i'm asking for the elaboration because of a personal experience i've had um you talked about with philadelphia the open door that was set before them and you talk about that open door being aligned to evangelism um and i wanted to know if i got that right and if you could elaborate a little more and i say that because um about six six years ago yes i heard those words i was in a particular situation and i heard those words a door has been opened walk through it and i knew that it meant that i should speak and i did walk through the door and my life has and my life has not been the same it's just it just completely changed my life and i think last year january someone wrote to me again and said a door has been set before you that and no man can shut it that's right so we talked a lot about evangelism yes and i wanted to see if i got that right and you know how if you could speak a little bit more about that and and and and and i said it was linked to evangelism based on normally terms in scripture we tend to um they don't tend to be all over the place um the writers of scripture and god god who is the author of scripture when he uses certain terms amen they seem to be consistent through scriptures and what i did was look through scripture to see where an open door was used before and realize that in every instance where god speaks about an open door amen it's always not reference to evangelistic trust i mean god has sit before paul an open door god will do this god will do that amen and and there's a reason why god used that particular terminal terminology for the church of philadelphia remember the purpose of philadelphia the city was to evangelize hellenistic teaching to people who are babylonians people were in a country like to be um um um greek have that greek culture in a similar way god was using the city's culture and what was happening in the city and applying to the church he's saying i have placed before you philadelphia church an open door in other words there are people around and therefore you can witness to him no i heard a story and i'll tell you this young man this young man came to um um this theologian um i think it was spurgeon i've read it somewhere and he asked first on the same question what does it mean to have an open door and personally it means evangelism and whatever and he went and said so how do i does god always put an as a christian do we always have an open door and how do i know and do is open to me and as president said where do you work and he says you work at a practical training station you say um he was asking questions how do i apply this scripture to my life i spread and say you work at a train station do you if there's a person there who works at the church is the man who you work with is he saved and and the guy said i do not know him but i said there is the open door in other words you should find out if that person is safe and be willing to witness to them so before each and every one of us gotta set an open door really i mean your place of work is an open door sometimes like in your instance there might be a situation there's somebody that god has prepared their hearts and god is placing you in their environment and that i said i place before you sister an open door and you should step in and witness to that particular person lead them to god but in reality if we can apply to all of us before all of us gotta set an open door an evangelistic thoughts that we should witness to somebody amen thank you thank you thank you thank you this is part of nelly and no man could no man can shut no man can shut no man initially that's why i'm a stickler for evangelism even this hour and even it's pandemic we will find ways methods to to ensure that we fulfill the mandate of making disciples of all men reaching suits so for no man no pandemic can shut the door amen god bless you lady pat and nelly let me access to han marie hazard to come in your hand is up please go ahead with your question or your takeaway president everybody bless you no questions tonight but take away i found it quite profound well the teaching was quite profound and some instances it was so deep you know i remember i remember minister martin's the last time he preached it or the first time he preached at stoney he says he didn't have anything deep but when i sat and i observed as a nominee's teaching is deep and then i looked also and i said he expounded so much on some of the the terms some of what was brought out in scripture gave examples and he expounded so much on it that it was so clear so i think that is why you know bishop you might have been asking when you did ask any questions any questions because persons it came across absolutely right quite clear crystal clear so it was easy for even the new converts the babes in christ to understand the teaching and to apply it and so the takeaway personally was when he mentioned that sardis i think it was artists that they were so confident in themselves that okay they had no security and that was that ended up being a breach for them that's where the enemy was able to come in and and defeat them and he told me that you know sometimes we say oh yes i'm strong in this area and we all have our strengths but we have to still be watchful and be mindful because the enemy also knows what our weaknesses are and he will just come in at a time when we are not watchful so that's my takeaway bless you yes you profound indeed very relevant take away study i was teaching in fact the service about the mistakes that solomon that samson made samson was so confidently strength he thought he was able to iranian could have uh succeeded against uh delilah and the lost of philistine but he ended up he will lose his strength his anointing so your righteous to hand profound take away tonight god bless you all right let me move across to and see the other times against us antigua let me allow you to come in and share with us uh your take away or take aways takeaways and share with us tonight from antigua praise the lord everybody bless you held up sir praise the lord amen greetings greetings in jesus name god bless you reverend um rabbi andrew martin um oh my god my my heart is bliss my heart is blessed but i'm also troubled um you know as it relates to the application of the understanding through teaching of these of the letters written to this church in particular here the church of criteria and the spirit of and we often see the spirit of jezebel but the scripture says that you have a lord that jezebel and so i i understand and see where theologians uh believe that it could be that there was a woman there by the name of jezebel um when i look at it and when reverend was teaching it draw me back to um you know a teaching that we are on and he alluded to it last week as well that the church cannot be penetrated from outside jesus says it's hard to kick against the prick he said to saul thus we see that each time the church come up against outside opposition it grows right and we we see here that jesus is seen and i love her reverend brought out firstly how how beautiful for the want of a better word that the attitude of the church of criteria is and how they grew from faith to faith or they their state presently is better than their state previously but yet you have a load that woman jezebel to teach a doctrine that is not of god and and i look at it and i and i say i am here saying god has sit in the churches watch men and women that are to look out for these doctrines that are causing people to be led away so so whether or not jezebel was indeed a literal person in criteria or the spirit of jezebel who who is fars brings a false report we are to be careful that's my takeaway tonight we have to be careful that we allow a doctrine to infiltrate from within so it's not a it's not someone that is coming from outside the church or criteria that brought this doctrine it is from within the church that that that it has lord jesus that it came and and it has been a load and that's my that's my takeaway um and i just want to if i may admonish us that are on especially those who are in reputable position in the church the letter is written to the angel of the churches watch watch watch and watch for these this doctrine that are infiltrating the apostolic body and it's creating the lord to have a heart against us god bless us tonight god bless you and the first of all sean richards over there in antigua since then you god bless you sir for your powerful takeaway our takeaways um reverend martin um do you believe that today as i speak the church is also contending with the spirit of jezebel and if what are the things that we are encountering that relates to this spirit of jesus in in our churches today well in in truth i believe that as we said the devil as the level comes with nothing new um and therefore the same thing that happened in the first century i strongly believe that we are still encountering these things we have to fight they will never stop fighting and we have to fight um to the end we have to continue to fight until god comes hold fast until he comes as the scripture says to make sure to have um fire fire but i strongly believe that there are uh people who are coming into the church today and they are bringing in similar um theologies um about for example there's a there's there's a teaching that it really doesn't matter um what you [Music] where for example is really about your spirit and i've seen stuff that is happening in the in the apostolic churches um some people have even denied the fact that you need to get baptized anymore you need to get the holy ghost in order to be saved i've heard it personally without calling names but i've heard it um based on our research so these these doctrines nothing of beer lamb ducks of jezebel all these things that were mentioned to the seven churches they are still alive and well there's nothing new under the sun and because what we as christians what is important is that we must understand that god will always have a remnant and therefore the gates of hell will not prevail against the church the ecclesia the caller ones all right so there are two things that are happening i mean i could put more on it and do some research and show you what is happening in the apostolic body amen really i i mean i could do that i could do as deep into that for you um but i know out there one of the things i do not sir i try to study the truth of what the word of god says i don't i don't try to i so that when the false things come i can easily pick up what they are i don't try to figure out what you're doing there i just stole the truth and when you bring fake things to me then i can know that that is off that is not of god and and i've seen where people come into the church and bring in false things wrongful teaching and i can easily push that out and say that is not of god that is not right so i think our approach should be tell you what the word of god says hold on to what the word of god says teach what the word of god says and therefore when fake things come when fasting is coming foreign bodies come amen we already have the vaccine you mean that picks up praise god i use the term that we're using we have a vaccine that picks up that there's a false body entering the body and knows how to fight against it praise god that's where i'm at but the question is a good question answered i understand where you want me to go but i think i should probably put some more look into that and i'll bring it back i i think it's true because we shouldn't this is uh if you go back to jesse ben jezebel she she was a controller the the woman jezebel was married uh she was a controller and even what what she calls here to do to neighborhood you know it was it was jesse bellino yes it was we'll point it out to to ahab how to get the vineyard yeah call her fast call her fast gather the elders and set up neighbor right so so at the battle said he says here in in in chapter 2 and verse 20 that this woman right call us for prophetess she teach and seduce my servants i don't think servants i don't i don't think servants they were just mere members you know but were leaders officers servants here were leaders officers persons who were in position so i think this jezebel spirit attacks leadership attacks persons who are in authority persons who are called to serve and that's where we have to understand the spirit of jesus because i think it's prevalent today prevalent today in our churches and also the society not only in church but also in leadership of the country leaders of of countries prime ministers and and presidents uh i i think the spirit of is controlling a lot of decisions that are coming our way but i said it earlier sir that's so not that look here the the true attack is not really on the the person the new converter comes in is really an influential person and that's where it goes if if you can get them then you can get right and jesus and jesus was very profoundly holy i'm very um he has a way of it he passes for the leadership to the rest of the body amen he knows how things work if you can get the leaders on board then but the leaders already have a set of people we have people who will listen to my teaching you have people we listen to another person's teaching first you have persons who don't listen to me at times because they say probably i talk too fast they probably say whatever the case so they have their own they understand the devil knows that look here each person have their own leader that day that they and paul put it this way follow me as i follow christ because he know influential remember it caused the issue in church and currently somewhere somewhere for this and because he understands how it works so that's how that spirit operates it goes into leadership and controlling a lot of people yes yes yes yes yes yes uh i i i've been delivering this uh aspect of the church for a while and i see coming up playing out around us especially at this time of deception of apostasy uh we are we are seeing uh the spirit of jezebel at work at work at work even and the targets persons who are anointed persons who are smart persons who really are called persons who are who are leaders of the church targets these these persons and is a teacher just to introduce uh the servants of god to commit foreign fornication and so on so uh it is very deep very wide i don't we don't have time to really dig deeper into it tonight but i want to thank you and god bless you god bless you and the riches let me see if there's anybody else it's one more person we'll take one more person uh to share your take away or ask a question another person as we create the closest ten o'clock in jamaica eleven o'clock in canada eleven in american parts of america new york and about three o'clock in in england praise the lord all right all right so god bless you um uh elder martins remind me again next week you'll be good you're dealing with the last church age the last church uh ladocia a lot of scenes and you also do an application at the same churches right right so from a from our um church history perspective we'll be looking okay right and then we will summarize um everything together and see what we can get from from the whole thing is as related to this particular section so it's practically three main things the last church the history and then some general summary of what we covered with these seven charities then we'll move on to chapter four which are the four deals we think we shall be here after yesterday's the things which shall be here after right you pretty much would have by next week you will cover section one section two things which are i think that were the things which you have seen things which which are so next week you will complete the things which are right exactly yes sir yes and the move order the rapture and then move us the tribulation move us the system of the antichrist wow and into the white judgment and and president babylon yes yes prepare yourself memphis friends all for yourselves make sure you prepare yourself for this journey as we continue to study the book of revelation so god bless you and thank you for coming everyone may god strengthen you we appreciate you in jesus name uh let me ask elder martin since your answer just just closes in her in jesus name it's great god we exhaust you tonight we magnify your name for your worry we thank you lord jesus for your love we thank you lord for your word your word which is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword we thank you lord jesus that your word uh cuts praise god and for those who receive it's a two-edged sword for those who receive it it cuts away sin and dross and all filthiness from our lives but for those who have rejected it god is a sword of judgment and a prayer god that will help us not just to be on the right side of the sword i pray no god forever hear of the word tonight i pray god shall cover them that you will be with them god the devil's aim is to remove this word from their heart heaven lord jesus not to be all our jesus like the church of sardis who think that they have a name oh god who lived from their reputation live from the fact of how they used to live five years ago but they are dead tonight i pray god that you will bring back somebody to life by your word so that you said to lazarus come forth praise god and he rules from the dead and you you said and lose him up i will lose somebody tonight by your word in the name of jesus that prayer anointing will take all residents in our lives in the name of jesus right now we come against every plan of the enemy we apologize every devil who would want to steal this word from their hearts oh god let this word fall on good ground and let persons god move from strength to strength in you i pray god shall help us lord never to deny your name and to stand forth in your word to be like peel us in the host of god we come against every false teaching every false doctrine in this season and i pray god for every person oh god who took part in this bible study tonight and every person who will hear this bible study on youtube oh god that they will not hear hallelujah jesus just the words oh god i must decrease and you must increase this is your word tonight in the name of jesus and we ask god that the spirit of god will rest mighty upon it that every person here will bring a conviction upon your life you are the eyes of god of fire the feet of brass hallelujah in the name of jesus you are the one that is holy and true and we ask your lord jesus to help us lord to hide these things in our heart cover bishop unto your lord jesus to inspire him and to give him strength and wisdom that he may lead your people oh god as they are to in the name of jesus and above all he said you lead the way we follow him as he follows you in the name of jesus touch the body touch better stone and he'll push persons who have sacrificed all over the world to be in this bible story tonight god whatever they have given of the sleep that they have given up whatever they have given up for you god you are planning to give them back you'll be updated to no man thank you one more time in the name of jesus as we look to you god who is the arthur who is the finisher of our faith in the mighty name of jesus saints in hallelujah bermuda in antigua in the name of just touched ministers in the name of cover them yes what's that of the vineyard and god might work even in that country in the name of jesus come again with the power of god in the name of jesus christ oh god pray for them an open door let that church go from strength to strength oh god in the name of jesus minister wisdom as we look to you one more time thank you god for what you have done and what you are about to do in our lives in the mighty name of jesus we pray in the name of jesus in jesus name jesus name amen amen praise the lord in jesus name and for jesus sake praise lord god bless you again please uh again thanks for joining us tonight on on the youtube of uh facebook and the zoom room and twitter god bless you we will be back to the lord teres on friday evening for our men's service powerful topic will be dealt with on this friday evening please join us again on friday at 7 30 and remember sunday lord tyra's also will be uh friends sunday at bethel and soda hill so start inviting your friends saying your acquaintances to church amen on sunday and we'll be back on this platform on sunday amanda zoom onto youtube and facebook in a sunday praise and all so please invite as many of your friends as questions as possible to join us in service on sunday god bless you again thank you be blessed lady marin scott we love you god bless you everyone amen to our social pastors and to my wife and to all our visitors god bless you lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine up and he will be gracious unto you with the light of his countenance upon you and give his peace shalom peace be unto you i bless you all in jesus name god bless you thanks to my son jason in the run the media ministry tonight thank you brother jason we appreciate you sir
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Stony Hill
Views: 768
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: BuKiCnpHUzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 6sec (8886 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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