Bethel CONVOCATION 2018 Wednesday Night Bishop Peter Edmund

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war you are Jesus come on this welcome the Lord in the house tonight Oh Lord [Music] Jesus [Music] see while you are key [Music] to not do this lie on holiday we're going to sing it softly I'm gonna have another bar this time I wanna invite missionary back for us to come and to free do a missionary Beckford [Music] outside [Music] [Applause] oh thank you Jesus mighty God everlasting father the Prince of Peace in mind well God with us we come before you this evening mighty God we come to worship you we come to hona you we come to lift up your name mighty God we want to thank you for today we want to thank you Lord and this is the day that thou hast made we come to rejoice and be glad in it God we thank you that you give us life we take you that you died in our stead o God we thank you for salvation blind all God we thank you for this our holy convocation thank you Lord as we live to see another year or God and as we come Lord God we come in adoration we common hearts of gratitude Lord we come because you have kept us another year and we are fasting and forcing in a full and free salvation Oh God wanna thank you Lord Jesus that we can come mighty God today again to worship You Lord you see true worshipers unless we come Lord God what a worship you in spirit and in truth mighty God we just want to forget about ourselves mighty God we just want to lift up holy hands and we just want to worship you mighty God we thank you for the activity of the day and as we're approaching our evening service and as we are both to go into a worship service Massa God we ask that your anointing will come down in the house we ask Lord that you sit upon each and every one of us tonight we ask Lord Jesus sin on the praises with regard until annoyed the moderator with regard at Illinois the choir Okara pray Illinois the speaker in the name of Jesus or God remember the unsaved a comma we pray God does your word go forth it will reach their hearts and they will surrender to you we pragmatic God for those without the Holy Ghost that has your word go forth my god there is sent in your hearts my to garden that they will speak with an order Tolna as a spirited autoruns we pray my to God for a revival for the rest of us love already been filled I need a fresh culture Oh God my Savior only a fresh touch come heal the anointing breaks the yoke break every yoke and every fit us tonight give us a victory remember of Bishops remember our pastors remember overseas I pray God for a double portion I pray in the name of Jesus we respected waited for the miracles in the name of Jesus have your way tonight lead direct Oh God leave no stone unturned tonight but somebody will cry out I yield I cannot hold it all no longer fix everything that needs to be fixed in our lives and see just for your coming coming is near but keep reminds us chi-su not very soon you're becoming help us to be ready as we give you thanks in Jesus name let's just lift your hands and worship the King of Kings him and he's already here somebody tell him thank you for the miracles he's about to perform tonight come on and lift your hands and tell him thank you come on say something to the King of Kings say something to the Lord of lords hallelujah come on lift him up lift him up lift him up lift him up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Jesus I'll never forget what you've done for me Jesus I'll never forget how you say [Music] Jesus I'll never forget no Jesus I never forget what you're come on Jesus I'll never forget me [Music] one time Jesus I'll never forget what you've done come on singing now Jesus ha ha Oh how can I forget [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] that's when I see a movie [Music] sweet Jesus Jesus you are my turn [Music] [Music] come on I don't see why should be yet tell me one more time sweet cheese cheese cheese [Music] [Music] by the way [Music] ah he said me agree one day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so everybody's backs over [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's me [Music] I don't worship up [Music] come on say it's a nice come on welcome him coming down jeez jeez oh jeez [Music] lift up the Lord and worship Him right now come on raise those hands in worship with the glory of God right now with the wash ever ever sick of rises up in your hands in one Accord come on let us agree lift up your hands and worship everybody in the South everybody everybody lift those hands and worship right now not you deserve it Jesus you deserve it my hallelujah belongs to come on let's just do that one more time my my hallelujah hallelujah it belongs to Jesus I'm just gonna do that one more terrible gonna wrap up right there can you send my thank you my thank you Jesus belongs to you say my thank you Jesus one more time my thank you Jesus everybody [Music] my time [Music] [Music] [Music] can you just give him your hallelujah right now can you offer him your hallelujah can you just offer him your hallelujah thank you Jesus we are in the presence of the Lord and in the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy just one more time miss asleep your hands and as worship the king of kings [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we worship your name mighty God we worship your name mighty God we had such your name mighty God hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we surrender to the Lord we surrender to the move of the Lord we surrender to the voice of the Lord we surrender to the will of the Lord have your way Lord have your way Lord have your way Lord establish your kingdom establish your kingdom establish your kingdom and have your will in this place have your way have your way Lord have your way have your way as we continue in worship we sing hymn number one from the Pentecostal hymnal [Music] [Music] I can be Victoria [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our reading tonight is taken from the book of st. mark chapter 16 reading from verse 15 since verse 20 Saint Mark chapter 16 from verse 15 through the first twenty whereas the Lord I will meet in your hearing and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name shall they cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirmed the word with signs following Amen may the Lord interpret his words to heart bless the name of the Lord Jesus with that missionary Bruce for reading or scripture lesson tonight I just want to share with us that there are persons who have been viewing our services during this convocation and they have sent in their prayer requests some of which we'll share before we go into prayer tonight we have Denisha Evans Kelly who is asking for prayer for her family Levine Laird has bone cancer and is asking for a miracle he's asking for a miracle he cannot walk because of the chemotherapy and other treatments mr. Gordon in Columbus Georgia needs healing for his prostate somebody's just saying lord I believe hallelujah purse for Lorna flowers Christine Cole sherry Mackesy and lastly we have prayer requests for sister not early garden grant who used to be a member of self camp rude she's now living in Florida she's going to be buying a house and she's believing the Lord for a mortgage of less than $1,000 per month so she sent a seed offering tonight believe in the Lord for a miracle Lord I believe Lord I believe lord I believe hallelujah Lord I believe are there any other prayer requests tonight that you may have we want to present them before the Lord right now as we sing together him 2:48 revive us again we praise thee O God for the son of thy love for Jesus is now [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my village hard with maybe Oh [Music] [Music] ha [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] by to drive a second we also have prayer requests for Andrea Richard who has bone cancer that has spread throughout her body brethren the reason why we're receiving the prayer request is because persons believe that the God that we serve is a God that is a God of the miraculous and the power resides in him to do the miraculous and so by faith right now we agree in this congregation that there be testimonies of God's goodness of his healing and saving power because we know that God is indeed able revive us let us pray God we exalt you tonight Lord our King our Savior hallelujah we lift up your holy name in this place hallelujah we exalt you Lord above all else tonight hallelujah for you are our King you are the God arrange supreme hallelujah and holy God we said take your rightful place in the name of Jesus our King we come to you tonight God because we know that you are our deliverer hallelujah we know that you are our healer hallelujah we know God that you are our comforter hallelujah and so we said the exalted in our midst night Lord hallelujah we say rain in our midst night King of Kings hallelujah hallelujah we are grateful Lord but it's privilege to be in your presence one more time we don't take it for granted God that we are here one night hallelujah and so we said thank you Jesus we said thank you Lord for the privilege to call upon your name one more time we said thank you Lord for one more opportunity to experience the miraculous we say thank you Lord for one more time we are able to offer praises to your name hallelujah there are many - my God who cannot speak but we are able to speak and so we say thank you Jesus there are many tonight God who cannot work but we have walked into your presence another time and we say thank you Jesus there are many who are not in their right minds tonight hallelujah but we are also demise tonight God and we said thank you our Father hallelujah there are many who cannot come the way we have come and so we said thank you Jesus we don't take your goodness for granted tonight Lord we say thank you for this privilege and so as we have come Lord we will offer sacrifice of praise we will offer Thanksgiving we will give our all to you tonight Lord and we say accept our praises we say sanctify our hearts we say sanctify our minds holy God that has we offer our sacrifice tonight it will be acceptable unto you hallelujah as we offer a praises tonight Lord it will be like a sweet smelling fragrance coming up to you and so holy God we said take control tonight we said take control God because you are the God who hears and answers prayer you tell us in your word God even before we call you hear us and while we are yet speaking God you answer and so we say here on answers tonight mighty God hear an answer requests not half come before you hallelujah here on answer every request Mikheil and every request for deliverance in the name of Jesus because you are not a man that you should lie Oh God and your words at you and so as we come before you tonight every request that was made oh god we pray God that you would heal and you would deliver because you are the healing Jesus with the here and he Lord we say here under liberal in the name of Jesus father we say here unprovided because you are the great provider tonight Lord and so other requests come before you those that are spoken and those that can be returned alone can know your Messiah we say here your people tonight God we say here your people tonight God we said in liver Lord with a minister to unspoken requests in the name of Jesus but as we come Lord we will not just come like before but this will be a night will to be a different a night with new testimonies in the name of Jesus Lord nothing is too hard for you hallelujah there is nothing that you cannot do and so Lord as we lift our faith tonight we pray God that you would hear us and you would do the miraculous one more time in our means we pray God that every need you administer before you now in the name of Jesus we say occupy this place with the holy God your presence hallelujah like never before O God our people know and desire for another move that which surpasses human understanding Shaya so we say holy God leave this place with your presence in the name of Jesus that every heart would be born before you but everyone will be broken before you but every thought would be subjected to you in the name of Jesus we pray that you will know we'll be glorified we come against everything that is not of you every spirit of destruction in the name of Jesus we believe in the name of Jesus we've turned our lack of faith candle your Messiah in the name of Jesus everything that is not of you God we again see tonight in the name of Jesus we said one do your work yourself in the name of Jesus Oh Oh God because you are the one that hears and answers prayer and indeed your people no more tonight Jesus and that your people's faith would be lifted towards heaven tonight in the name of Jesus we regard that you take full control tonight and what will be spoken everything that we've been darlin let it all beyond to your glory in the name of Jesus and you are only glorified you are only lifted up King Jesus and we are careful tonight to give you all the glory all the honor under praise in Jesus me [Music] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah just lift him up tonight halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah [Music] father we lift you up tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah can we just lift up the Lord in this house I was if I'm alone in his house can we just lift up the Lord in his house hallelujah bless the name of the Lord Jesus I just want to take this opportunity to welcome everyone to convocation 2018 welcome welcome welcome may I ask you to turn to your neighbor and say neighbor welcome to convocation tell somebody that's welcome thank you do you feel let me tell somebody as well called bless the name of the Lord Jesus it's testimony time and we are going to be taking four testimonies tonight because we have two special testimonies to be given but we're gonna sing this song I have been on my heart since yesterday and I think most if not all of us know this song right you can say it many people doubt him but I can't do without him that is why I love him so he's so real many people many people but I [Music] [Music] now most of us learned this song in basic school hands up primary school er high school I learned a song in a bedroom when you Sunday school all rights on that school know when we learn this song I think we did not yet have an understanding of how good god is know that we are more mature more experienced know how good god is we stick with more understanding [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I saw [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus he's my reason for living he gives me everything I need he's my source of survival every moment of the day every minute every hour every second just give me Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] norge [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] grateful people worship of good God grateful people acknowledge his sacrifice grateful people would just say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus you know since we acknowledge the Lord and we acknowledge the Lord as sovereign of this house tonight we acknowledge in the sole authority the sole authority the sole authority in this house tonight we acknowledge the Lord testimony I'm going to ask us just to be considerate of the other persons we have only four persons tonight to testify we're gonna show God's goodness and its miracle god bless you hazal [Music] praise the Lord tonight God is a healer yes you know in August 2016 I had a ruptured tendon my poor knees give way I was walking normal and my ponies give way when I when I look I could have died because but when I dropped I dropped prostrate on like I'm sitting here I just undergone like this I didn't leave my head when I look and I said God you are so awesome when they rush me to the hospital and when they did all the tests I when they do when they describe or the knees where they said he looked like all the mops real oh that's all my knees was don't when I look again and I said God you are so awesome when I look for 12 week money was all straight in the in the Bundy straight or could not bend because they want to just to sit by the knees and when I look and when I looking awesome God is virgin I sometimes I could not sit up so long and that's where I come to convocation I was sitting up long I just want to give God thanks because I believe that one day I will not be using these two coaches anymore invalid aim of Jesus I believe by faith someone is gonna make me walk okay you frame your pin Jesus hallelujah thank you Jesus by faith we believe hallelujah bless the knees hallelujah hallelujah by faith we agree by faith we agreed by faith we agreed by faith we agree in Jesus name all things are possible and tonight I want to take the limit of God cuz he was hurt being in the service boy blood do something sometimes not God made just you know work it out that she gave her a testimony but before leaving something will happen hallelujah [Music] on the name when fastened over I went missing everyone it must have seven body now in which to means attorney sir you can come back miss okay so when I went to my cell I was in the kitchen I know something about no more doctor wrong with me I mean I wrote about food is not maybe good church I'm a prayer without fasting and everything just leave my body and when I went too fast for that ship I was there testifying about the goodness of God whole I was peeing up on the pillars fast foolish if I'm going the parents taught differently again and I said that is a line that went certifiable it spin again animal I'm a church products in wife sick and I say you know I want you Mia I was feeling penis at Twitter I want me to faster for 1d and I did it from 66 and an exhale ability to me year 10 no and I first semester thank you Jesus hallelujah that's the name of the Lord Jesus praise the Lord sing hallelujah I'm grateful to God God has been a good god to me I love him I worship Him with all of my heart I have some situations in my life me alone and my host testy bomb bastian prayin prayin for the needs of my family there are some backsliders and God is tearing them bringing them back in the name of Jesus today I had no money because I had some money and it was supposed to transfer to my account today but I didn't trust that it will be reaching in time and I called my daughter I should come at any time i caller she's dear to assist me and I pray and I can tell you Pat hands past it wasn't like this right she's a work in progress and I'm asking since of God to pray for her right my husband has been baptized in this church and I stopped coming and every day when I'm hunting my knees I'm coming to church him gone beau Timken to him work right and I've been praying and asking God to bring him back because I feel lonely and alone as a family right and I've been praying and I said God you gotta work at old and loud - Saturday nights ago I just spoke to him on the phone and by the time I talked to him and they ever come and called me and said they'd be sworn to talk to you and when I hear that I know something I because I thought the talk could it be such as calling and they said admitting an accident and he get head injuries and all that and to tell you the truth I never feel perturb at all I was just calm and I said okay I'm gonna call them an economy they give me information about the accident and one of the other taxi drivers came for me because it's not what about 10:30 in the night and when you Joe I was so calm going to kph and when I went to kph I saw him sitting down on a chair and a wheelchair knowledge to his ADA just a bandage to say that after that they admitted him because that the test if he had internal bleeding and all like that and I was there in the hospital with him until the morning I slept on the chair all morning and right true he came home he came up with a broken shoulder and he surely is broken say he is in armband and all of that but thank God is not too bad an ascension know that God is never gonna padlet impasse because the prayer that I am praying is for a Sewell to be see if thank you Jesus he was baptized as a mother for this for him to come back right and when we he was discharged from the hospital I have a son sent to school and don't talk to me because the Henry was using them to to work at me and when I went to the hospital with him nodded at the pharmacy when we're doing discharge I went to the pharmacy when I went to the pharmacy my son was at the counter working the man that don't talk to me my son I when I go to the counter I said morning you know me I said you know me an intern in a delivery i'ma say anyway we have the prescription to feel and him fill the prescription and even workers alter the pharmacy and tables and walk us to the car and sigourney we and everything and two days after that McCollum enhance at the fall because whenever Colleen don't answer Jesus amen 34 and income in Osaka and my mother's always had him come down him coming us walk past you know in normal me he's right and I've been praying and God is to you know metals in one one Gospels in this church the only failure to attend church at clothes and go to church a funeral but tonight God is yours in my body's alone tonight I give him the glory because he's gonna work it out in Jesus name lesson learned our last testimony and this one's gonna be short and spicy amen hallelujah praise the Lord Jesus everybody hallelujah you know short and spicy pray that our last year I I was going to you take and so fun my desire was to go on to work on travel program did not the money I didn't have anything and I prayed and I said lord if it is your will you have to send the money call me so um when I'm a minister she gave me fifty Canadian dollars towards my program fee and I said okay Lord this look like I will I didn't have the passport yet I didn't know anything yet and I prayed and I every time before I went to the passport office I always get denied for one reason or other and I went there this year and Amanda's asked me who is my GP and I said my pastor and he signed a sample said combat makes it clear passports I say okay Lord and I walk away and later don't you know getting to work on children money nothing could have come to deadlines passed the text message Shaniqua extending the deadline for you where extent we're waiting on you to bring in your money so that we can close off everything and I said okay god be so good it's look good and I prayed and I prayed and I prayed and I wanted the money and one day I was like dear in my room and I said Lord what is going on this look like is I will watching us and the money come and he said shiny you have faith but you're not acting on your faith and same time immediately jumped in my spirit and never paid the registration fee no how am I going to go on a program that I'm not registered for you know and I said okay Lord I'm gonna act on a fee that I take the fifty Canadian dollar and my friend here with ten US dollar and I went to the bank and I paid the registration fee and I finished with a registration fee are nine nine hundred and eighteen Jamaican dollars left and I said Lord and I said miss how much is 685 u.s. converted in Jamaican currency and she said eighty-nine tells us something something so and I said all right god I said this is my mustard seed fit and I paid that nine hundred and eighteen dollars and I paid that manager $80 and gotta I don't about dalam or you'll have to pay the race and since I've God God provided the money every single Jew Jesus he provided the money so much so when I when I got to America since I've got a and I was able to treat myself to a few things and one of the negative man oh I'm getting there yes what are the negatives of online shopping is that the cationic Lewis so I bought some clothes I'm not gonna fit me and I prayed I stood here in the room and I cried and I said God when we supposed to know I prayed and I prayed and I prayed and I got an email the same a few days later I think and they aren't pasta for the church that there when the process went for the churches I went she said sister Shamika can we meet and I said okay I was a bit nervous cuz I don't know him I just went to the church and she went when I met them they said that um that the Lord show me you in a room brain and I say show me Prine and I say okay Lord is look interesting they carried me since I've God they treated me to a day of shopping at the bar they bought me clothes there are issues and they bought me a new rad suitcase to put all the clothes and shoes [Music] [Music] [Music] you just shot hallelujah it is real - you just shot hallelujah God is a good God God is a provider God is a healer God is a way maker hallelujah praise the Lord that is similar to inviting or latest person to come missionary Grayson McDonald to make of your announcements at this time in Jesus name many people doubt him I can do many people's that is why let's pray the Lord everyone let's praise the Lord one more time isn't the Lord good isn't he waited to be praised let all the people of God just show the place right now let's the name of Jesus the Lord is indeed worthy to be praised I just want to greet the armed Island Bishop all the other bishops the the pastor of this church host pastor all of the workers in this wonderful organization except Holy greetings in the name of Jesus I want to extend greetings to everyone else that is here tonight special special greetings to all the ladies of Bethel put all the ladies of settle just stand up for a moment and doesn't lift your hand and just give the Lord a special praise let the name of Jesus what a powerful set of persons indeed the Lord has been very good to us ladies the Lord has kept us through a year filled with so many activities the Lord has given us so much favor and so we are here tonight to celebrate you know the victories that the Lord has given to us first of all I would like to make mention of the the different churches and their contribution to the ladies special offering I'm going to be starting with the Northern District the Northern District golden here contributed $7,500 to the special offering West prospect $12,000 word close 16,500 Alipore 20,000 heart of thirty four thousand three hundred Stony Hill sixty thousand and temple hall you know we decided not to give temple aller a figure this year because they are new but they said it's a first year in the organization as an established church and they said they wanted to do something so I said let's give them something hard like ten thousand dollars we were surprised because temper Hall has contributed sixty thousand dollars isn't that cool and so tonight I'm gonna act fast a very good job and of course your ladies president at this time I'm going to ask the wife of the island bishop could you please help us to present to the Northern District ladies president sir a package of certificates for all the churches [Applause] amen now we had as a little dilemma because Stony Hill contributed 60,000 and tempeh horn and we only have one trophy you are saying the right thing I'm sure that Stony Hill does not mind that we give the trophy the temple Tony had given birth to them so they are willing to bless their children okay so I'm gonna ask sister prudence to then is to also receive the trophy okay what we were doing we were just presenting to the district presidents to give in you know instead of having persons come in and you know in the interest of time so we wanted to give to the district president on behalf of the church okay is that okay all right I like bishop could you please allow us to have your wife do this again I hope you don't mind okay so we're going to ask you lady Browne to help us in this regard Harlan I present this to you missionary Danny to present to missionary Francis god bless you and now we go to the Southern District four thousand dollars Joyner town ten thousand dollars may pain $13,000 Darla ston $15,000 and Barbra Hall $26,000 amen so for the Southern District the special trophy will be going to Barbie Hall this year also have certificates for all the churches of that district so I'm going to ask the president for the southern district missionary Tamika Scott to receive on behalf of the Southern District [Applause] yes honor industry god bless you keep working for the Lord amen so we move now to the central district port more $20,000 Lloyd's $30,000 and that used to be the baby church so no longer the baby Church Daytona $45,000 South's Camp Road 150 $1,600 [Applause] now we did some activities through the year and we were able at the national level to make a contribution of $50,000 100 and so our eyelid Bishop had given us a target of 480 thousand dollars and I was really worried but tonight with the help of the Lord and with all you hard-working ladies we were able to achieve a target of 593 thousand four hundred and forty dollars indeed the Lord has been born and now we today we had our ladies Department display and wasn't it wonderful I did not know that the ladies of Bethel were so creative I got a rude awakening today and so many persons had no idea what Churchill could do so many persons had no idea what planting could do you thought that it was just a fryer and to probably make porridge but plantain has so many other benefits so for the display competition we had three main categories most innovative craft item and the judges unanimously agreed and so many on lookers agreed that the district that excelled okay I overlooked the award for the Central District oh I'm sure that they are looking forward to that okay so for the Central District the trophy goes of course to south Camp Road [Applause] let's use the prints I presented to you and they have central district continue working hard for the Lord okay ladies and gentlemen Saints in Christ so as we were talking about the innovative craft pieces that were you know that were displayed today the judges and everyone you know most persons were in agreement that the most excellent effort came from the northern district so the northern district will receive a trophy for the most innovative craft products sister Monique could you please assist us praise the Lord tonight we honor you on behalf of the Lord we thank you for your hard work and we are praying that God will continue to bless you in Jesus name Amen and then there was the most innovative use of the food item and that ladies and gentlemen according to the judges was very difficult however after much deliberation they decided that the caramelized plantain ice cream is the best and most innovative product this year and so it goes to Central District and sub-camp Road in particular praise the Lord the most innovative dish we want to bless the Lord for your creativity because you're in the kingdom and we know that next year you're going to do even better [Music] and then there is an award for the black the best overall display and the judges have spoken and they believe that the Northern District should receive the trophy for the best district this display again we just want to thank the Lord for your efforts we want to thank him for what he's doing with the ladies and we pray that he'll continue to strengthen them as they continue to work for him hey man now ladies last year November we had our ladies in action day that was a new activity that we had added to the agenda and there is one district that really helped us in that event they provide the speaker for the children's session they did a presentation on hair care they had craft items on display they had models for the modesty ablaze Fashion Show they had pieces to be modeled they provided the emcee for the concert they hosted the training they also hosted the conference and this district is the Southern District and so we have a special award dubbed the president special award of appreciation to the Southern District so we're gonna add sister Tameka to receive that award sister Tameka be honorable today on behalf of all the ladies at work with you and we are praying that God will help them as they continue to contribute to the kingdom in Jesus name sister Tameka is no longer going to be working with the department at this level and so we thought it only fitting to present her with a little token to say we appreciate your hard work over a number of years so thank you all right this is a certification of appreciation to you sister to media for your contribution to the National ladies Department maybe I'll continue to honor all that you do for him and if you see that your sown in the kingdom it will bear fruits in Jesus and my final thing fort for tonight is to call on evangelist glorious Emma knees to come right here thank you and for this surprise that I'm sure she's gonna kill me over I'm gonna ask the our island Bishop to just present her sister Gloria evangelist Gloria this small token of love she has labored in the lady's apartment for a number of years and I believe it is only fitting to show her that we appreciate all that she has done in this department [Applause] it is my delight to do this I remember some 18 years ago when I was made oversee the district you are one liquor sister up in Peters a treat no hafiz and I recruited you to be our first not learn district it is preserved without a title the of maturity have grown beautifully from a local president this represented national president and we are so happy for your growth of development come on give it a praise for her so this gesture is worthwhile preservative anise glory Germany's with gratitude and deeper position for your faithful and available services to the National ladies Department on this day god bless you in Jesus name [Applause] that's the name of Jesus praise the Lord everybody praise the Lord everybody it seems as if you are the person that that is in shock all right I just truly appreciate this and I just want to say thanks to our Island Bishop and also to our national women's team for this token of appreciation it's really appreciated thank you very much and you know my heart is with the women's ministry but at some point you just have to take exit the Lord bless you sister sister Grayson and you're doing a marvelous job god bless you ladies that going forward that we will just all work together to strengthen each other to bring all the gifts and calling that are in each other and to make each other rapture ready the Lord bless you all in Jesus name let's the Lord everybody amen rest God I just want to take a quick moment to talk about the health fair that's coming up on Saturday amen those of you who plan to be here just wave your hands no hands going up amen let's go the focus this year will be healthy lifestyle practices amen we have no.1 national survey that we're running on just folks that are in church we're looking at our our own health amen and this year we want to encourage Bethel to take responsibility for your own health so our focus this year will be healthy lifestyle practices we start out the day with a prayer fun it begins at 6:30 a.m. what time now I know some of you haven't been too promising all who deacon so you're gonna jump up out of your bed early on such an immortal are gonna go for a walk together amen we're starting all the church you're right amen bless God we're asking you to put on a jean skirt and a white t-shirt with your running shoes and we're gonna start off right here we start with warm up at 6:30 we will have a health instructure gym instructor coming in and just giving us some warm up we're gonna do some Holy Ghost shout and so on amen praise God and then we will the prayer team will lead us off and we will go down from the church to Grandma Road then we will go to Upper Ellison Road around to deanery Road then sir Marion Road and back we will have three or four points that we will stop and pray we will repeat at the hospital for a miraculous move of God amen hallelujah much how many of you believe that God can heal someone in the hospital while we're standing there will also be stopping at the police station amen we're praying for order in this country we're putting all those gunmen under arrest amen praise God we'll be praying for schools we know how the devil is moving in the young people praise God and we want to put we want to just claim the atmosphere over schools all over Jamaica so when we stop at each point we will use it as a referal point and the prayer team will be leading us and we're getting a good exercise we're gonna sing exercise our lungs and have a good walk whether or not you're a part of the church we ask you to come out if you want to join us in that walk on Saturday morning it's 6:30 we'll take about one hour to get right back here at South camera we'll have a cool-down and then the health care will be taking place right here for the services for the day we will have a dentist this year we're focusing on healthy lifestyle so we try to get those services that keep you healthy amen and preventive so we have a dentist he'll be doing cleaning now we have a cap on the amount of training we're only doing 20 this year I'm looking at the shop to make sure 220 bless God if if we're over that 20 we will do it for $3,000 no you can't get your teeth clean for that anywhere can you is there any $3,000 depleting new so you can pay 3,000 and the dentist if you do wear dentures so that's what those who are preventing their teeth from going bad but those who have dentures the dentist can fix it if it's broken they can glue it back together they can do any little impression yes up at the back here hallelujah bring yours early okay and get here with it bless God we also have an optometrists we want to keep the eyes healthy they'll be doing some eye testing and if you do need glasses we'll be giving you a prescription but we're going to also tell you how to keep your eyes healthy do you know that's possible what you eat keep those eyes healthy okay we're also having last year we focus on the men we did some prostate cancer testing this year we're doing 20 pap smear for our woman of the church and the community a man risk are the first 20 that comes we'll also be doing breast self-examination we'll have our nurse practitioner sister Anna Tabor who will be running some breast self-examination for us amen we know that breast cancer is the number one the leading cause of cancer deaths among among women and it's also in men - we have breast cancer in men but it's very small amount so this year we want to focus on doing some tests you never know come on out and have us do your examination then we're gonna have the Citizens Advisory Bureau they'll be here our GD will be here with their list you know what a GD does right the births deaths the registration all of that your debt registration come out and do that such a car will be here will be having lady turmoil just a darts business she be telling us about face care and keeping our bodies and her hair very clean email remember the Queen Esther is a whole year and study tech to prepare ourselves you know to see the king so we need to make sure that we have the right products to keep our faces healthier here will be also giving health advice will have a physical activity booth with exercise machines and healthy juices will tell you how to blend up those juices I'm not talking about the Magnum juice now we're gonna teach y'all to make a little green juice and so on you know keep your body pure and soul right cooking demonstration we have blood pressure checks blood glucose checks will be here also there will be a photo kiosk we captured a lot of the shots of the convocation every year some of you never get to see it if you're not on Facebook we'll have a booth on Saturday with all the pictures there right there you can come and look to see if you were captured in any of them and you can make an order for one or two if you do so desire to keep a memory of the convocation amen so I'm looking forward to see you if I don't come back I will still try to come back before the week is ended but we start at 6:30 with their prayers on and then we go for a walk we come back and the Health Fair will be right here on the grounds of 20 Souls camera god bless y'all please let everybody praise the Lord everybody come on do something with your gift tonight praise the Lord let me see your lip lines up in the house tonight come on everybody do something you gotta do something tonight we have been feasting at Jesus's feet praise the Lord praise God and we just want to continue to worship God throughout the rest of this week we are a beautiful day today with the ladies let me hear all the ladies showed hallelujah glory to God it was a beautiful day and we just want to give God thanks so far we have been blessed from Monday Tuesday come on last night was powerful praise God do you believe tonight do you know what your investment is come on I hope you have not forgotten the message praise God and so today we feasted on the word through the different speakers we had three presenters today and they did wonderful praise God the latter of the presenter today was Alan Kay Alan Kay Andre Allen KC and he presented on the body forgiveness the body the bodybuilding thing you know about that one anybody remember Bo not unforgiveness were you able to lift those weights today off praise God we were we were brought into introspection and we were also brought into repentance and so I pray that having listened to the word that we will move forward so that we can take this country by storm praise the Lord tomorrow is going to be another exceptional day the men will be in charge tomorrow morning per meeting begins at 6 a.m. let me ask everybody to come out and support the / department praise God their souls that needs still needs the Holy Ghost so far we have 22 persons that have received the gift of the Holy Ghost put your hands together praise God we have not reached the target as yet so we just want to continue to pray and to support those who are seeking the gift of the Holy Ghost also tomorrow teaching session for that session or presenter will be elder Winston Rowe and he will be teaching on miracles of the apothem of the Apostles evangelism in action praise the Lord can't afford to miss that also in the afternoon there'll be the men's department activities and our presenter at that time will be elder can you chambers and he'll be presenting on righteousness righteous living for the miraculous and after that will be the farmers market remember you were told last night that you don't need to go down to coronation market bring your basket bring your bags and come to farmers market tomorrow in the afternoon also on Friday they will also be permitted in the morning at 10 o clock will be another teaching session this teaching will be entitled miracles now what God can do through you and our presenter will be our own elder Wayne Brown praise the Lord we're expecting the entire membership to be in the house on Friday morning also there'll be a leadership empowerment session praise God here I have the flyer and our leadership training will be principles of effective leadership and it's in collaboration with the Bethel United Church and Bishop PJ Edmund ministries praise the Lord our presenter will be Bishop Edmund praise God praise Lord and this will be for the pastors and officers of the Bethel United Church praise praise garden or Vania will be at 16 Camp Road that's up the road from us praise God praise the Lord saints of God let us continue to lift the blood-stained banner high we heard today from the the woman's Department this book profoundly praise God the creativity was just over this world I was taken about you know when Ethel it's away died I thought all of that stuff went to the grave what women of Bethel you've got talent you are creative let me hear it for all the women of Zion praise God creativity creativity turn up today god bless you in Jesus name turned of creativity praise God an announcement sister Gertrude Williams your husband is on the outside he needs to have a short discussion with you sister Gertrude Williams yes your husband is on me that's just a kerchief right there camera can turn and catch our going up yes obedient wife trace got a good example on this woman state praise the Lord Jesus is offering time with the house of the Lord I'm inviting pasta Seymour Seymour Brown from the Bethel Lloyd's Church to lift an offering to the Lord in Jesus name praise the Lord everybody somebody showed a praise tonight release an apostolic praise tonight it's got him good to you let me see all those who receive the Holy Ghost chop up my shoulder praise you'll receive the order go since the service start from Monday morning and you're in here jump up and show the praise you're inside you is there another weakness is there another witness is there anybody on the other side receive the Holy Ghost on the on the outside shout appraise nobody on the outside I know there's a voice somewhere down there somebody release a praise in the house tonight so why is it rare so quiet when we're about to take the offering Oh glory to God amen where you to lift an offering for the working of the Lord Jesus Christ in the book of Exodus chapter number 25 the writer says and the Lord spake unto Moses saying speak unto the children of Israel that they bring me an offering of every man that give it it willingly with his heart and he shall take my offering and this is the offering which I shall take of them gold and silver and brass tonight we're going to do that according to the word of Almighty God now we're gonna start it out with all the big general sirs and so as I grew up under the leadership of Bishop ad Thompson therefore we have to start first and I am taking out my two on two thousand job a Khandala mm Jamaican dollars and I'm asking all of the elders all of the pastor's to bring me just to Andre mm mm mm we're getting up there something is in my mind don't worry mm of all the pastor's up here and then thank you sir that's the first one Ella Lewis could you stand over here help me cone sir praise the Lord amen that's two already amen all the pastor's just mm if you cannot find it just make up with somebody but let's do that quickly quickly quickly praise the Lord thank you thank you thank you all the pastor's if you appear are you down there I'm talking to you too yes all the pastor's praise the Lord Amen praise the Lord are you coming I know it's in the house yes will you come quickly prickly quickly quickly quickly quickly praise the Lord all the passive is starting up your first come to man do something quickly d-double Thompson praise the Lord is monies heavy you know praise the Lord you can double that elder praise the name of the Lord thank you sir men praise the Lord Amen praises its summing thank you sir man praise the Lord it's coming all semesters yes sir Amen yes praise the Lord oversee a five-run Rita crazy story it's coming it's coming it's coming I'm talking to the missionary know your mission yes yes we're talking to you too yes come quickly come quickly yeah praise the Lord Amen right up here quickly quickly merrily we're going somewhere we're going somewhere praise the Lord praise go man then I'm gonna be asking a Hans red person to give me $1,000 quickly starting on e over decide yes sir god bless you Pastor screeners praise the Lord just the own jet purser on this side on jet person just bring me a thousand down up quickly all of them hallelujah thank you Jesus or anybody ever thank you Jesus in your mouth thank you Jesus as they come hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus quickly man let's do that quickly you want to get the choir in tonight in Jesus name all thank you pretty lady praise the Lord uh-huh it's something it's coming it's coming us yes phrase Godavari Columbus Ohio yes it's coming it's coming it's yes bring them from no.1 hi yes praise the Lord Jesus I know they're coming praise the Lord Jesus come quickly come on to tell the person do something to man do something else Lord with a lovely smile on her face praise Jesus hallelujah it's intensified it's in the house it's in the house thank you lord praise the Lord Jesus it's coming praising oh never seen this Patil edition mm-hmm praise oh yes Nick me up yeah after yes man mm-hmm a long time and no see I mean no I Sheila Cristina not long ago here praise the Lord Jesus one season it's coming it's coming to me do something over the univer and do something do something come on come on come on come on come on yes but it's coming it's coming praise the Lord Jesus it's coming yes Mac we're not finished over here yet you know do something do something then the person do something something yes man it's coming it's in the house that somebody's in the house praise the name of Jesus it's coming he bought those on the back what about those on the upstairs thousand dollars on the upstairs yes yes yes find something I'm bringing bring it real quick praise the Lord Jesus it's coming it's coming it's in the house tonight I know it's in the house spinning quickly I know you might be say we're taking up time to take up the offer but can attend or something I don't want the IRS Oh a bishop II know it has some bills to pay so we have to make sure that the bill is paid are you with me somebody show the Lord of his mercy praise the Lord it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming it's coming as praise the Lord Jesus knocks on door hi I'm so glad of God's salvation died hi I'm Sarah I've got salvation in time yes yes I am oh yes oh yes God salvation in turn [Music] [Music] [Music] the responders [Music] US citizen us singing [Music] ha [Music] [Music] nobody knew you raise his name every day just save if you know the Lord is giving you if you know the Lord you know Ariana do you release his name every day just the same if you know their God can you give me some $500 will pick you didn't have the blue one but you have this one you must can find it somewhere in about singing if you know the Lord is Steve break 5 mantra is name I know you can find it it's somewhere in the body if you know the Lord [Music] Jesus [Music] oh Jesus it's coming it's coming Jesus Shyam [Music] [Music] Jesus we worship [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody somebody showed up a surprise in the house amen understand the choir will be singing will be coming back to bless these gifts tonight in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody shout [Music] [Applause] [Music] ossama stand with me stand with me we're gonna bless the gifts tonight we're gonna bless the gifts with me everybody stand father we thank you tonight we thank you for the gifts that you have all your children are brought into your house equality the right to Laura should bring an offering of every man and let him bring it willingly and so that we thank you for those who have Stretford their hands to give sacrificially I pray God that you bless them immensely tear down every barriers in their lives let me increase an overflow father God Almighty will decree tonight that this offering that is given to this house it will increase it will overflow in the name of Jesus our bills will be paid off deputy Chancellor 3-under Claire in the name of Jesus your children will receive good measure pressed down shaken together and running over shall men give into your bosom for the same measure you met with all its shad be measured unto you again thank you for your gifts tonight as it can be use to the glory of the kingdom here on earth we thank you now in Jesus name god bless you may be seated it is important for us to remember that in this convocation were focusing on end time evangelism and operating in the miraculous as a means of bringing souls into the kingdom of God it was about three years ago that I recognized that something was not going right in my body I've given this testimony before at my local church and when I went to the doctors the first thing he said to me at that point was that it is possible that I may have a brain tumor when I heard that I was like no that's not what I have so he decided that we were going to do some tests all the tests came back there was no brain tumor but I knew that something was wrong I said to him doctor there's something wrong in my body something is just not right couple months down the road when I became so annoyed I'm not knowing what was happening he decided one day he said let's do an ultrasound so I said alright let's do an ultrasound at that point in time the truth be told in my mind I might have conceived that I possibly had cancer for those of you who are honest with yourselves there are times when things are wrong you think all sorts of things in my mind summer on a Conner on a back part I said I think I have cancer when we when I went that night to do the ultrasound I told no man no man no boy no girl my mother didn't even know that I was going I went I went with Jenny my son and I walked into him and I said god this is you and I mer you know this I when I lied on the bed I said you need to give me the best report when the technician started his examination he said there's a baby in your belly I said I'm sorry excuse me what did you say he replied and a big one too brethren when I said to the doctor how far along is this he said 18 weeks plushes almost 20 weeks I said to him how many months is that he said divided by four I cannot divide by four right now it's my reply to him he said four week for months and couple weeks I said you're telling me that there's a healthy baby in my belly and then I heard the soul of the heartbeat wah I screamed out in shock and then he printed the image of the child that was in my belly for five months within those five months I have youth Congress and for those who know who I can be at Congress I do not be and it was rigorous I went away to about on our kind of things I did not know there was a baby in my belly fast forward my husband was in shock JD start a ball in no one a brother no sister I can't help you right now my husband look at the ultra soul look at me walked away in silence like Zacharias I said okay fine I'm on this I'm in this by myself like a rocket old jump on a plane by Samba meetings because by this time my son J day was it we gave away everything power plant power one anywhere fast forward I know um I'm about 36 weeks moving on and one day Valentine's Day was a Sunday I remember clearly I just could have wanna go back to church I said you see I counted a vehicle driving today I tired an early Monday morning I felt something I'm saying okay it's kind of a little funny by the time I recognized what it was I called the doctor I said I think something is happening this was about 6:00 a.m. Monday morning and by the time I hope the phone he said go to the hospital I held the phone and I was no on the floor in a sharp contraction I screamed to my husband we drove out left Jenny in the bed sleeping but I had friends close by before we got to the gate of my community my water broke five minutes later by the time we got to the toll because I'm living in Portmore one the back road they back road I felt the baby's head so I undressed my lower parts and I lie down on the back seat [Music] I when we drove up to the toll Monday morning minister seven those who live in port more understand what that look like I said you see no join online wiki on join online no there's no tag on the vehicle we just he drove past everybody to different I say my you'd beg you apply then give my black cuz I was screaming in the backseat and by the time of course by that time doc was on the phone like I said just create a hey till I get to the hospital brethren when we got on at all headed up to Marcus Garvey upper part QC cetera doctor the baby is out the baby flew out on the back seat brethren and I wanted to understand I'm not joking no there was no pushing there was no nurse there was no doctor me QC and Jesus and the baby when he flew out on the back seat we stopped right by some cars on SpaceX on a tree mail QC cetera doctor on the phone and stopping the babies out and when he came out him look at the bed and say nearly you're all right I'm thinking this man did not speak couple months ago no he's needed and my husband is as calm as ever and I am in shock when I looked the doctor said to him you have a knife something need to cut the cord in Luke Ronin see a guy on a bicycle myut of a knife and the dog tries on speakerphone said hold this time here cut there my husband told Sir John on a court time and when he did that the doctor said okay gets a cord or something to tide on a part of the placenta and say you have any cuts have no this song a little schoolgirl maybe from Coburn Gardens my girl maybe a clip so they clip out of her here while she was going to school no form the cord for the placenta that blessed February 15 morning when he was through with the knife him said okay my you take my can i said no i know my mother you can open up - I am I I'm a guy let's open road brethren at this time when I like I'll sit on the back seat in three mile some pars tree might Mahna Mahna traffic at that point two ladies just appeared out of a car they said to me where'd we're towing where wives were where's everything I said in the trunk I don't know these two ladies never seen them before haven't seen them since don't know them name the ladies took the baby wrap him up right here this that give me a total Bella Bella they listen to me hold him close that's when tears came to my eyes I couldn't talk so when they gave him to me and said hold him close this time I felt the fear but I remember two weeks earlier when I felt fear the first time the spirit said to me be anxious for nothing same time when I felt the fear and the tears came here the scripture came back be anxious for nothing that morning he droves to the traffic no entry might take seven o'clock traffic made a third lane up half a tree on the opposite side of the road to Andrews Hospital drum x1 bugger excitement but I want to show you brethren nice evidence I've kept this knife when I all this knife I remember that day we have to understand that there are so many testimonies of the goodness of the Lord our testimonies are not all the same but when I think of the goodness of Jesus has done for me my cries because many circumstances like the common sense to do things he was the one in wife on the side of our road never firstly Jesus you've got thanks to my ice big way no to let you know that children's convention is well on its way last night two souls receive the gift of the Holy Ghost and can I tell you my two-year-old is around here somewhere you will see him eventually but today they had the small people program doing a live broadcast for the first time from convocation children's convention who want to administrate truly God has been a good God and so even in this atmosphere and that testimony I want to live someone spare tonight to know that God still deals in the miraculous or whatever your circumstances God is still able let's all stand together as I welcome to the podium or Island Bishop Bishop Devon child's grown in Jesus name remain standing Avadi praise the Lord God is a good God is an amazing God he's a real God he's a mighty God thank you Jesus come on say hey man praise the Lord a treaty Hall tonight in the powerful name of Jesus welcome to bishop thompson come on praise the Lord for him good to have a shop Eunice and a wife from Benefield god bless you praise the Lord it is time for the word my pleasure to present to you the night speaker Bishop Peter headsman receive him in Jesus name with uplifted hands everywhere father in Jesus name come on let's pray together father in Jesus name we love you tonight because of your graciousness we love you because your grace is amazing and because of you we are able to survive Lord we thank you for the strength that we have now to even raise our hands in this place on the earth it might look strange but when we raise our hands it's a sign to heaven if you're looking for somebody to bless here I am Lord if you're looking for somebody to heal here I am Lord come on stretch your hands towards the God if you need somebody somebody needs a miracle in this room tonight you lift your hands on the earth you you're signaling to heaven and Here I am now father we pray that you have your way right now we thank you for the demonstration of worship and praise we thank you for the testimonial but a call into Psalms 119 the entrance of your word brings light we want you to bring light into our lives now give us direction help we understand the steps that I'm about to take 37:23 the steps of a righteous person they are ordered by the Lord order our steps tonight that when we leave here we'll know which way to turn we bind confusion now in the name of Jesus or we bind low self-esteem we bind paranoia oh god we bind fear when we bind everything that's not like you and we reach for the everlasting prize of who you are bless us now gone as we receive your word we believe these things in Jesus name now clap your hands and gift out the greatest you were forgiven him I said give him the greatest praise you have never given him the new you oh come on praise Him greater than that he is a mighty God he's a mighty God before you take your seat huggin Eber and tell him he's a mighty God he's a mighty God if the last thing father the Prince of Peace oh come on talk to your neighbor again and tell him he's a mighty God he is and if you're looking for a miracle look no further I has not seen ear has not heard neither has it entered into the hearts of men things if Ghana has in store for you you may be seated in the power of the lord I give honor to the Spirit of the Lord grace and peace be unto you and we thank God for the opportunity to be in convocation one more night and we're just grateful for what the Lord has deposited in our hearts and tonight we've come again because we expect the Lord to take us another step higher and we honoring him to the island bishop a tremendous visionary and man of God can you help me thank God for him one more time the automobile ship Devon brown and and lady brown come on show that we love him please show them your love and God for the host pastor an amazing man of God a great thing too great pastor come on help me thank God for overseer Michael we've got the place for him and lady honor bishop DW Thomson come on thank God for safe arrival belong to I want to greet my brother Bishop Dexter Edmund in his absence tonight I love him dearly and celebrate all that he is now if you haven't sent anything nice to your neighbor take one second and tell somebody something nice just something nice amen man that's amazing how we can come to church and sometimes not say anything nice are you enjoying the convocation this year and tonight we're grateful to the Lord for all that he's doing let me mention this I brought some things with me that's been a blessing to our church one of my what I believe is my kingdom of Simon or my Episcopal my Episcopal Simon is to is to inspire leadership and there's leader there is a leader in you if you have the Holy Ghost there is a leader in you let me try that again if you have the Holy Ghost there is a leader in you 814 Romans for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God so by virtue of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit there is a leader in you that wants to do great and mighty things and with the permission of the Lord so there are a few things that I brought with me tonight and I'm I'm trying not to leave the island with them so I want to talk about them for just a few seconds before we go to the word first of all there's a word that's been really blessing our church it's entitled elevate your praise to the level to the level of your increase in fact what we have to learn to do is to praise God at the level we want him to move and if you want God to move in a high way you have to give him and so you can lead God by exhibiting the faith that will allow God wherever you pitch your faith that's where God's going to show up wherever you believe he's going to work whatever your faith declares that's exactly what he's going to do if you can speak the word and believe that God is able to do it in that what the Centurion said to Jesus you don't have to come to my house I'm just trying to find my seven praisers tonight all you've got to do is open your mouth speak a word and before I get home the thing will be done Oh somebody missed a good place to praise him energize your neighbor tenant before you get home I don't hear worshipers yet somebody holler before I get home the work will be done and so this will teach you how to do that and so we have this with us it's a CD that's been but it's been blessing us and I don't want to leave with any of this so please find out where those are or would do that then the latest book the Lord I gain my love for reading and writing from my mother and for those of you that are familiar with our family in 2016 we lost both Bishop Gerald Edmond and pastor sweetie Edmond with it within eight months of each other now mom left and then dad followed eight months later and if you know my mother the way I know her when Bishop Gerald came to glory she said sure man you couldn't give me more time she wanted to enjoy her experience with God and but he joined her so my love for reading came from her and writing and so what the Lord allowed us to do was to form a publishing company in honor of them called sweetie Gerald publishing house and so everything that the Lord gives us to write republishing under you can give God praise for that that's a good place that you've got praise for that and so the latest thing that the Lord has allowed me to wind up in sharing this wherever I go is a book entitled failure did me a favor failure did me a favor and if you really want to understand where to find God you'll find him when everyone else leaves [Applause] I'm just trying to find out do I have a Wednesday night Church the name that it follows the life of Joseph and it teaches you that no matter where you are if you're in the pit he's there and when you get to the when you get to the prison he's there in fact when Joseph got to the prison as bad as it was when he opened his eyes and looked outward he could see the palace from the prison does anybody realize that sometimes at the worst time of your life is the closest you are to your miracle so sometimes you just have to look out look up and see that God so even though he was incarcerated his dream was still alive and so from there he could reach his destiny so this will teach us how learn how to trust God through the proper through thee through the process it'll teach you how to hold on to a dream when people around you don't even believe your calls it will teach you how to deal with being a visionary amongst people who don't understand what God's calling you to and so the worst challenge the greatest challenge he received was that in his own house I'm getting in trouble down his brethren did not receive him but God called him anybody with me if God calls you you don't have to be received if God calls you the call will protect you against those who won't even receive you Jesus and so you can pick up a copy didn't bring many copies of this but they'll be somewhere around here afterwards up I'd love to be able to sign some for you and send you on your way I think that will be a blessing tonight in Jesus name Amen my assignment tonight is in the 6th chapter of Saint Luke I would that you find go to the 6th chapter of Luke and please stand to your feet want to also greet pastors Martha the Blessed God for them appreciate them so much and give God praise for them and to my sister Marcion love her dearly that's family giving God praise everyone please stand to your feet 6th chapter of Luke and just one verse silver and gold have I none and I think the writer said but such as I have if you just stay with what God's given you he'll use it powerfully such as I have given thee it is in the sixth chapter of Luke I heard this tonight I said well we might as well go with that in and verse number 38 and I want us to read Luke chapter 6 and verse 38 all together with the greatest apostolic authority you have the church say Amen let's go give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together shall men give into your bosom for with the same measure that you meet with all it shall be measured to you I want you to read it aloud and so every enemy can hear tonight again let's go gives at it shall be [Music] [Applause] before you take two seed I want you to edify the worshiper next to you and tell them something is coming back to you that person didn't have enough anointing I want you to find another person and declare to them something is coming back to you now praise him as you take your seat can we talk about that for just a few minutes in the name of the Lord Jesus I would open tonight by making sure that we understand that principles establish truth and the truth establishes a foundation for understanding that as you walk with the Lord you will understand that there are certain systems and certain ways in which God must abide with us God operates by a certain level of principle and because he operates by principle he sets in law things that need to happen based upon certain criteria and so when God establishes a principle he establishes a system and and this is how we ought to live by the Word of God then becomes our principle it is the way that we think it's the way that we operate remember now in acts 7 it teaches us that in him we live in him we move and in him we have our being Paul is being very apostolic in his presentation and oftentimes he really wants to tell the Saints one thing but he has to approach it linguistically in another way really what Paul was saying was outside of him you die but in order to encourage them he affirms the positive by declaring but in him we live sometimes the Lord has got to give us parameters with which to walk in so that we understand when we are in and when we are not in the will of God and if it was not for these parameters if it was not for these these these paths then some of us would lose direction with God because I know when I'm in his will because I feel a connection to God through his word and so God gives us the ability to know who we are and why we are based upon principles that he has set in our lives these principles are laws that when God speaks it is law when God declares it is legislated when God declares something it is not just a word that's established and simply fades away because we've been taught in the word that heaven and earth will pass away but not one jot or one tittle of God's Word will ever pass because the flower fadeth and the grass withereth but the Word of God is going to stand forever so when God establishes his word over your life there is no demon that can break it there is no person that can change it there is no force that can hinder it because the Word of God will stand as long as you live David understood what it meant to have relationship with principles and this is why he writes very candidly in Psalms 1 when he declares and in that law that he meditate day and night David understood that he could not accomplish anything until he understood the path that God would have him to take and so to make sure he understands God he does not read his word he meditates in his word day and night which means the person that's getting ready to do wonderful things for God is the person that's connected to his word in such a way that I love his word more than I love any other thing in this world because until his word is in me I cannot articulate the mind of Christ until I understand what God expects from me and so David said if you want a formula for success meditate in his word read his word eat his word commune in his word I wish I had Bible lovers tonight stay in his word converse in his word and when things look like they're not working for you run to the world because it's the world that's going to give you deliverance out of anything that you're getting ready to run through it is essential then that God establishes law we live in the earth realm and in the earth realm to establish order the man must establish legislation but there must be law to guide our behavior there's law to guide our thinking imagine if it was not illegal to run a red light imagine how many accidents there would be so this is why God says even in the earth if the earth has law the law simply is what has already been cast in heaven because Matthew 6 teaches us that God's will is going to be done in the earth that's already happening in heaven I wish I had somebody right there your breakthrough has already happened in the heavens the door has already opened in the heavens you have already been healed in the heavens what we're doing is trying to wait for the breakthrough to show up in the earth because the miracle has already happened in the heavens and because we're confident of that God has set certain laws in place when it comes to spiritual understanding and scriptural knowledge he sets things in order God is a God of systems and order he does not operate outside of his world he does not parade outside of what he has said this is why the law simply says there's a law called gravity and the law of gravity says that everything that goes up must come down there is a parallel law in the heavens and it says something like this when praises go up I don't hear anybody yet then the blessings of God touch a neighbor tell him it's a law it's a law it cannot be broken it cannot be subverted if it has been declared it's going to happen if you know when you open your mouth because a closed mouth will never open heaven nobody's saying anything yet but when you look it's a law when you open your mouth and declare the goodness of the Lord this is why David said I shall live and not die it's a law so that I might declare the works of the law as long as you praise you can't leave here as long as you have the ability to give God praise and so God establishes a system we're guided by who he has declared we're going to be are you still with me tonight so my life now is being governed by law I'm not just here by accident I'm here because there is a path that God has established for me yes so then now we have to run to 119:105 Psalms and God says this that the steps of a righteous person they are ordained now that word says order but in the Hebrew it means ordained that every step you take is ordained this is why the devil hates you when you make progress because the child of God can make a wrong move and still be ordained to come out because you're not losing your focus God's just taking you through another direction you to where you need to be my seven praises here yet Tapani but tell him you're or danger ordained you are ordained to go in I need to hear praises now and you are ordained to come out so when you go in the first thing you ought to look for is how in the world is God going to bring me out of this because I am ordained so now God has a system of order somebody just scream order and we have to understand that our steps have been ordered they are ordained by God which means he sanctifies and blesses you this is how the mistake didn't kill you because you were ordained this is why the disease did not get you because you were ordained this is why you still have your right mind because you were ordained this is why you still have the ability to love him because you were ordained the devil is not mad at you because you're saved he's mad at you because you're ordained Oh God and if you're ordained no matter what comes against you you are going to come through so God has a system of order it was order that made God called Moses to bring Israel out of a bad place the place that they were in was terrible because they had been slaves in Egypt for 400 years now this is generation after generation after generation that did not have a taste for freedom every generation was born into slavery that this is why we shouldn't be too harsh on Israel when they came into the wilderness and wanted to go back into slavery because they had never tasted freedom before nobody talking to me yet yeah I know you wanna talk about them being rebellious but think about their heritage their fathers father's father was a slave and so when God brings him now into freedom the first thing that goes wrong they want to go back to what they were called out of don't sit in judgment on Israel tonight because sometimes when we don't understand the ordination of God we have a tendency to go back in to what God has delivered us out of because I believe a person needs to be delivered twice we first must be delivered from a thing and then we must be delivered from going back to the thing that God delivered us from in the first place but do I have any real praises that will tell the devil I'm not going back on that if he brought me this time I'm not got somebody lift your hand and holler I'm not going back Oh God's done too much for me for me to lose my mind now so when God says Moses now as the deliverer oh now God says I've got to observe you this is why we cannot just go with the fliction yeah you can be afflicted and God not move you can be hurt and God not move you can be confused and God not move because God said I didn't hear I did just see the reflection that what I also did was hear their cry so now I'm understanding if God's going to deliver you you'll never be delivered with folded arms you'll never be delivered with a closed mouth I wish I had eleven people now right here you you'll never be delivered coming to convocation vix Alexei you'll never be delivered having an all against your brother but every child of God knows God needs to see your affliction but he also needs to hear your cry he needs to hear your cry no matter who knows what you're going through but the truth of the matter is I didn't come here to impress you tonight I came to get a breakthrough from God and if I got a holla till I lose my mind if I got to scream until I lose my composure the devil is a liar you don't know what I need from God so when I opened my mouth to praise Him leave me alone cuz I need a breath I need a breakthrough in my life I need a breakthrough you know your neighbor tell him I need a breakthrough I need a breakthrough so bad I'll take off my clothes so I can get a breakthrough from God I didn't come here to impress you I came here to get a breakthrough from God and if you miss me with me tonight I'll shout over your shoes I'll shout over your clothes I'll shout over your bag cuz I didn't come to convocation the same way I'm cried to the Lord I'm not so proud that I can't cry cuz I heard him say weep in me I feel Jesus in here tonight so God had to do it in an orderly way he did not allow Pharaoh to run his people out the devil's not gonna run you this year who am i preaching to now God's gonna bring you out with a strong arm and with righteous indignation you're not gonna pack your bags and be pushed out I know they told you you need to get out of the house the devil is a liar take your time and pack and if they tell you why you're being slow I'm just waiting for the next house that God is getting I'm just me out of my place the reason why you can't push me out is because you [Applause] [Music] it comes it comes it comes the beauty and so he didn't allow theorem just to push his people out he dealt with Pharaoh systematically every plague was in order how we should understand it now why did he take so long because the God that we serve he does everything decently and in order said the first place to set up the second set the second to set up the third but he kept the last plague for last just when Pharaoh thought he could sustain and substan the end of God God says I'm gonna do something that's gonna break you and so this is why we have to stay in the art called the gospel because it wasn't as if the Death Angel didn't have the right to go into every home y'all don't hear what I'm saying yes there is a devil assigned to your house I'm the reason he can't come in there is because he's been told about the blood it's not because your alarm system is so good it's not because your Wi-Fi is so great your security system can't stop some of the diseases in your neighborhood but the Lord told the avenging angel you can't touch this but not Matt's because when you see the blood it represents you my body's I wish I had a thousand people in here tonight that when you get tired of going through you might not be able to call anybody but if you can open your mouth and holler the blood every devil has to move because there's power Oh victory in the blood I was somebody scream the blood I feel the blood flowing here tonight reaches to the highest mountain that snow shovelers Valley it's applause it's not your opinion that gives me what I need yeah and so you brought them out you know order touch any but telling in order you not going to run out of that house until God says it's time they were run out the devil is the world release hey I just felt God release somebody right there the devil's not running you out of that place fired do what God has called me to do in fact that never did me a favor when he frustrated my purpose he didn't understand that God had a blessing and brokenness and this is the mistake that Pharaoh made when he made the taskmasters work the children of Israel to much what he discovered was what he didn't understand was that in anointing is processed through pressure I'm going home now when you pressure the anointing it does not contract it explains God's get me to expand somebody in this room you've been going through enough pressure to lose your mind but I just heard him say our bodies and shine saw the light has come I'm the glory of the law does anybody want to feel the glory of the love somebody make the never mad and holler the glory the glory glories in your mouth is in your praise in your mouth because I somebody give him the glory whatever you wanna do give him the glory take a 30 second praise break him give him the glory I believe God when the glorify him he's gonna give you what you need and operate by what you know I just wanted you know you were there and so this is why God does things in order when you look at time zones when you look at geographical structures when you look at architectural design everything is done by process it's done in an orderly way your life is a blueprint that God is working on most people when they see an architectural design they can't determine what it is because it's linear but you have to see vision from another standpoint you've got to be able to look at what doesn't look like God and claim it to be God because God does it in an orderly way and so this is why systems are in place that's how you know it's God because it's done by the order of heaven when you look at time zones they follow principle when you look at everything it follows principle this is why God is not starving to get show glory because he has established time zones that help him to receive glory 24/7 when England go to sleep when England stops praising him they Jam makeup wakes up and picks up the place when Jamaica goes to sleep Australia wakes up and gives him the place when Australia goes to sleep then Africa wakes up and gives him the praise God is so orderly there's not one second in a day where somebody's not giving God the glory so you're not hurting God when you won't give it praise and glory you won't praise when God you're not hurting God when you don't open your mouth and praise him you're not hurting God because 24 hours a day the righteous in the South are glorying the righteous in the north are praising so praise does not hurt God but cannot tell you who it does hurt when you don't open your mouth and bless the name of God hurting your chances to be healed you're hurting your chances to be delivered you're hurting your chances to be puffy that's why as for me my house prays about myself but everything in my house you're not hearing what I'm saying when German Abraham when he got the Covenant of calm cup of circumcision Abraham said if you're in my house whether you're a Jew or not he's circumcised every Jew he circumcised every Gentile because you can't have nobody in your church y'all gonna get me in trouble now you should have nobody here Church that refuses to give God praise I told you it's a law that helps me to understand your profit that everything is going to be alright can I preach a little longer that everything is gonna be alright I'm so proud must do things in order there are systems now that God has to hold by and here it is the principal of seasons must be observed this is why yes these teachers that to everything there is a season and a time to every purpose that is under heaven if you're ever confused about your life there are only three questions you ought to ask God what is the season what is the time what is the purpose because according to the Word of God to everything there is a season for every purpose under heaven which means that when God opens a door you don't have long to react I don't think you get it yet God's get rid or open the door in this convocation and when it opens it's only gonna open for a season I wish I had worshipers here you can sit and look and describe sometimes we have people they can tell you who prays they can tell you who was in the floor they can tell you who's at the altar the only question I have is what were you doing if you have time to know what everybody else was doing I didn't come to spectate I came to participate in a move up the Holy Ghost Oh God o magnify the Lord with me so seasons will come and seasons will go this is now Kairos this is not Chronos because Chronos is linear and Chronos is sequential Chronos time is tick tock Time which means we're going by the clock some people look at a clock when they come to worship because in their minds they're saying I'm only gonna give God a certain amount of time but when you walk by season no matter what the clock says I'll stay here until oh yeah yeah yeah yeah can I preach Jacob tonight I will not let you go the clock might be late but you're still on time cuz I need a breakthrough from the name of the Lord can somebody prophesy breaker and so Chronos its linear time but the text is not talking about Chronos momís I'm trying to help them it's talking about Carol's and Kairos is not about time it's about timing I wish I could talk now some of your waiting for the time but I'm waiting for a moment in time which is the timing of God and when you get the timing right you don't have to worry about the time because when you're no Kairos it might look like God has passed you by but the devil is alive I've waited in this house long enough to be blessed by God after you've prayed as much as you prayed you've got to learn how to hold on to what God has declared even though it's beyond time god I gotta preach it another way can I take as a case study Abraham and Sarah Abraham received the promise of a child when he was 75 years old but God made him wait until he was 100 years old to bring to pass what he declared what God must do with us before you get the miracle you've got to learn how to wait before he brings you out you've got to learn patience because waiting is a virtue you can't wait with a frown face you can't wait upset you can't wait angry at the church you can't wait angry at your neighbor but you gotta wait on the Lord that's 27 Psalms now but while you're waiting feel good courage the words put a smile on your face when you don't have any money wait on the Lord but put a smile on your face because what a smile says is that I'm not dealing with Cronos I'm dealing with Kairos and any day I'm gonna receive my prize I'm going to my seat but let the 20 people who've been waiting Trump - you're feeling horror any day go get it and you praise I don't get it cuz I believe that it's coming my way shake cannabis em and tell him it's on the weddi everything you pray for everything you love you go make a everything you've been praying on it's on the way sign about three people and tell him wait on the Lord it's on the way wait on the law he's gonna bring it to pass we don't belong he's gonna be what he said wait on the Lord he's gonna do what he promised wait on the Lord in trouble I'm not in distress but I'm still here are there any survivors in the building you've been cast down but not destroyed if you're a survivor you made it you made it I made it through the storm I made it through the rain [Music] somebody made it meatus cuz I'm going somewhere I'm waiting on the rain somebody wave your hands and hug a rail or a wave your hand I got to go to my seat there were two rain seasons in Israel the former rain the latter rain the former is the early ring latter is the later rain in the former rain it was in October or November when it rainy one raining hard because that rain was to move some the ground to receive the sea so what Israel did when the former rain came they planted their crops because the sea was able to get into the ground and then they went back to their house they waited they went back to their church they waited they went back to their assembly they waited 120 room ladies something happens when God sees you wait and you're not complaining but because he said wait wait I say what were they waiting for they were waiting for the latter rate because the former rain higher God they sowed the seed but in the latter rain they receive a seed I don't think you get it yet let me rewind in the for marine they sowed seed the latter they reap the harvest are you understanding down so after your so you gotta go back to your church and wait what are you waiting for I'm waiting for the former rain to connect to the latter rain and when the former I'm gonna talk to the seed but in a few days i'ma talk to the harvest is anybody receiving this when your plants talk to the seed when you plant talk to the miracle but when the latter rain comes it means harvest I'm convocation you've already sewed in the former rain and the Holy Ghost wants you to get excited because reaping it's on the way you're weeping days are over but you're reaping days it's just about to come and when you see it coming you can give that praise because you know it had to come to pass can I preach for two more minutes touch any botella reap it it's the way your song it tears you can reap in joy you're so frustrated you don't reap in you say cuz I'm waiting for the move Oh God that's why the Texas that give that's the former ring and it shall be given that's the latter rain you can't expect to receive until your seed is in the ground I'm going to my seat but if the seed is in your bank account you're not getting blessed if your seed is in your pocket you're not getting blessed if you see it's locked up in your wallet you're not getting blessed the seed must get into the ground you got to show it believing that great things the way I got to go to my seat but shaken in the center I'm telling my sealed future and your future is greater that your past your future is glorious the past is older so give somebody holler give give and it shall be given to you it's coming back here you cried back [Music] it's come it's coming back somebody open your mouth I praise him so your restoration somebody holler desperation come out of your seat find as many people as I can antenna restoration restoration restoration [Music] I feel the harvest of restoration somebody praise him for your restoration [Music] come on find somebody else telomere speed restoration it's coming back it's coming back press down shaken together running over it stuck it back it's coming back [Applause] both OH - okay praise it to the tongues worship to the club's scheme until it comes it stored it back screams are you changing your changing a topic back your husband's back [Applause] dress down shaken together Megan agent [Applause] [Applause] [Music] second it rains of the restoration somebody play's a thermistor somebody plays it for restoration wrestler I restore you are the star you take it take it take it I restore something [Music] [Applause] [Music] I feel suck restoration is wanted to believe it you've been waiting to be the story digit culprit place right here it keep it waited to be the stone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's coming to your house 5:3 people I tell it it's coming to your house it's top it's at your house this top it's at your house this top it in your house let's plug it in your house let's talk a bit your house it started to go a shuttle it's called me because somebody beam is a great soda place it's a dog it's coming to your house screams for joy scream the place here it comes here it comes here it comes here it comes restoration [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's on the way back it's on the way home [Music] somebody scream it's on the way home [Music] every day the father opened the door and you - the prodigal son because anything he opened the door he said it's all the way back somebody open your mouth and declare it the way back now please it's already here [Applause] mr. the hanukkah's miss store the joy restore the peace mr. Mallory restore my happiness restore my longevity restore it [Applause] we got to go restoration something is coming back [Music] to you if you sewed in the former ring the hanukkah said the latter rain is on the way the latter rain is on the way the times of revival are on their way there's a day harvest lift your hands in this room tonight [Applause] open your tent door tonight God's go to return something that the enemy stole from you [Music] [Applause] I was on a flight from Baltimore to the Bahamas and on the way I got to my destination but my baggage went to Freeport I want to talk to someone who knows you've lost something you know you've lost them [Music] when I called the airport several days later I said I lost my baggage and they said no Reverend Edmund your baggage is here at the airport and I said why didn't somebody call me and tell me never forget it Reverend your baggage is here but you got to come and claim it so I'm not telling you to reclaim what you've lost because even though it's not with you it's still yours so the command tonight is not to reclaim claim it tell the devil give me back my joy give me back my speaking in tongues get back my discernment give me back the gift of interpretation I claim it that's why David had to go to the house of obed-edom because when you know something belongs to you smarter to never tell them it belongs to you it belongs to you still has your name on it and what God will do to get you to go get your stuff is to bring you news that your stuff is blessing somebody else [Music] when David heard that the house of obed-edom was being blessed and he wasn't saved David left the ark there for 90 days the devil is a liar I'm not gonna leave my anointing for 90 seconds because I've already given and God says the latter rain has come and it's coming back to you lift your hands let me pray let Tears be tears of joy now oh it's coming back to you let the smile be a smile of victory because the Holy Ghost just confirmed what you walked away from he's bringing it back to you father we believe you were tonight hears and it shall be given unto you [Music] father we thank you for the return of what was rightfully ours we thank you for the claiming power thank you for leading me back to the place we believe you tonight Lord we have sown in the former ring God says you gonna reap the harvest in the latter round we Pig days are over [Music] reaping days are here somebody's lost their way in this room tonight God's gonna give you a second chance tonight tell the truth he's given you chance after chance after chance but the airport told me your baggage is here Edmond you've just got to come and claim it father tonight give somebody the courage to claim the place that they used to have with you you used to be such a good Saint you were so zealous and so faithful enemies robbed you of a step but the Lord wants to remind you that the latter day is coming the latter rain is coming and everything you've sown is going to come back to you press down she could take it and run we thank you for this time of celebration and of restoration in Jesus name everybody give God corporate release in this place [Music] [Applause] give him culprit priests [Applause] I've got a few minutes tonight but this altar call is serious because it's only for those who know there's something you have to reclaim let me see the hands of those that said I heard from the Lord tonight did you hear from the Lord I've heard from the Lord yeah you heard from the Lord they told me my baggage was there but I had to claim it the Lord is saying if you want returned what you lost your baggage is at this altar if you really want it come down here and claim it if you heard from the Lord tonight meet me at this altar we're going to claim some things back to that i'ma pray one more time come on step out of your seat if you want to claim something back restoration is here if you raise their hand and come quickly come quickly I want the altar workers to come come if you're on if you're on the balconies take me back take me back [Music] to the place where I come from everywhere take me take me back come on squeeze away the altars came in we're gonna pray one more time take me back take me somebody needs to be saved tonight hey somebody needs to be filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost [Music] take me back and be young personal to be at this altar tonight if from the balcony you can still come why don't you come God says you're gonna claim something today take me back I need altar workers to come on preachers come help us for these Souls that night [Music] you didn't take me back [Music] look ahead losing take me back [Music] somebody's being restored tonight in the name of the laws you take me back [Music] somebody's believing again denied me back take me back take me back I want you to lay a hand on somebody's shoulder tonight I want to lay your hand on somebody's shoulder today just lay your hand on somebody's shoulder tonight [Music] you're going to be the channel of blessing tonight as you lay your hands on somebody's shoulder as God blesses you you gotta come you're gonna transfer the blessing into somebody else's life father in Jesus name now we believe in you tonight for our restoration for you to claim everything in our lives father thank you for my brother my sister that understands now that something is coming back to them whatever has been lost whatever has been hidden from them father we believe right now for the miracle is gonna be in their lives father fill them with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost now Obama and a baa-baa shaky release of anointing upon their lives help them to understand who you are and what you've caused them to do we claim every deliverance right now we claim every victory right now we claim every power right now move on their behalf let the former rain and the latter rain come together let there be such an outpouring let there be such an overflow my god I feel it overflow tonight let there be such an overflow of your anointing now oh my god release us in this place we pray somebody is tiring for the Holy Ghost film now Phillip Phillip Phillip Phillip from the Karla they hit to the sole of their feet let them understand real relationship Jesus do it tonight Jesus do it tonight Jesus do it tonight Jesus is doing it tonight Jesus do it tonight in the name of the Lord Jesus release Oh Baba shake release the Holy Ghost here release the Holy Ghost him ibaka baba Sheikh release [Music] restoration is young listen if you have this altar I want you to throw your arms around somebody pray for somebody in the aisle come on throw your arms around somebody pray for somebody right now God's gonna use you God's gonna use you to claim to the place [Music] you didn't take me back [Music] [Applause] [Music] take the back I feel the Holy Ghost in this place right here sang wash it [Music] something's coming back to you pressed down shaken together running over you no more Shabak ended MSA you shut up I can't release the Holy Ghost in this room [Music] take me back take me back fill the holding of God take me back love of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Obama shaper I did God sets you free right now in the name of Jesus everything's being pulled off of your life right now [Music] God he live right now with Jesus name in the name of Jesus to the double you break through a shake let there be a breakthrough right here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] take me back [Music] ah I need somebody to keep on praying [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Views: 16,291
Rating: 4.6153846 out of 5
Id: acuWg3ou32s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 233min 3sec (13983 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 04 2018
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