Bethel CONVOCATION 2018 Tuesday Night Bishop Edmund "Stay Focus...Do Something"

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah can we just begin to reflect on what we're singing even now the sign is hallelujah hallelujah restoration tonight and a house give me you know hallelujah we are old bath hallelujah all over this house hallelujah I want everybody just to grab a hold of your neighbors hand right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah as you hold your neighbors hand we've been agreeing from we started this convocation hallelujah hallelujah we have been agreeing that the Lord is gonna add sir hallelujah whatever situations that we're asking him to we have been agreeing in this convocation that if two can agree touching anything hallelujah then we know that he's in the midst of less and so tonight as we hold hands in agreement we're gonna be praying we're gonna be praying for the hand that we're holding but we're gonna be praying from the position of agreement hallelujah one thing I know that it was at the hour of her that when Peter and John was enter into the temple hallelujah the man that was a lame at that gate was received up Almighty God from his lame situation Oh God Almighty lift him up from his dead situation why because he was a lame but I believe it's in the power of agreement that's something shifted in his situation and we're gonna pray tonight and we're gonna hold hands and we're gonna agree not the hand that we're holding tonight their situation it's gonna be change a situation it's gonna be changed we're gonna believe God as we pray we're gonna be praying tonight at the gates of Hell shall not prevail hallelujah that that divine miraculous power will be made known unto your people father in the name of Jacomo open up your mouth we're gonna be pretty open up your mouth let boys be heard in the house father in the name of Jesus the Great God everlasting father the Prince of Peace the god to whom we give all glory and Majesty to God - who me a llama father to whom that knot can be compared to the God that is above every else the God that is God up I'm Sarah occupies time and space the God whose steadfast the God who spoke in the beginning I said let there be and there was the god to whom when he opened up his mouth something happens the God we know that his words cannot return unto Him void the god to whom our power to Elsa and so tonight Lord as we come before your presence as we gather in this holy convocation tonita the hand that we're holding is a sign of agreement the hand I will only nod is a sign of commitment the Honda we are holding on to is a sign of unity and father in the name of Jesus we call upon the God that is able or Jesus to hear an answer a prayer and so tonight Lord God Almighty if there's anybody in this house with an infirmity tonight if there is anybody in this house with a sickness tonight if there's anybody who's lame in this house tonight as we hold hands and as we pray and agree touching you right now Lord we are playing just like a man that was at the gate a lame Almighty God we're speaking it as somebody's spirit right now we are calling you for to arise father in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth ah it's not just an ordinary convocation it's not another gathering that we come to year after year but I believe this year on mighty God now we're gonna see something beyond the ordinary Lord Jesus we're gonna see something that we've never seen before and so every person in this house who just came for a gathering a lord that may be a shift in the spirit someone who came for a social meet in a let it be a shift in their spirit father in the name of Jesus Christ I believe Almighty God in this the yolks are going to be broken I believe in this convocation that setters are going to be loser I believe in this convocation Lord that sicknesses are going to be healed somebody was never seen it so at an event spirit setter it's gonna cry out Almighty God in this convocation because you are here you are here you are here almighty that I know that your presenter is sitting in this house father I know that if you God Almighty don't show up and our meeting will be in vain ax but lord I know you I fear I because we're two are three are gathered are touching anything uncertain you are then gonna light you are in the midst of lesser so you're in the mix right now and she's ascribes because you are in the house there is a suite of expectation because you are in the house there is a spirit Almighty God of he later because you are in the house there is a spirit of deliverance because which there is a suite of a breakthrough I saw somebody in this house tonight who has not yet said yes to the caller I pray father in the name of Jesus even at this very hour even at this very moment if that is very Chicana as the Spirit of God began to move just like when you move upon the deeper just actually you move on the darkness and light came I pray father just begin to move right now let the wind of God let the fire of God begin to flow in this house Apostolic believers are the hand that you're holding onto her that deliverance must happen tonight the person that you're not talking must get their breakthrough tonight the handle your holy nacho must be delivered tonight I speak as a dry spirit ah I speak to every desperate eyes that was slowly coming I studied apostolic power just like EC can open up your mouth and prophesy to ever try situation open up your mouth and prophesy to every dead spirit in this house and for my life to return in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let it be so let it be so ha let it be so and if you are in a process that I agree and if you're already to clear the healing I agree how do you feel already declared a breakthrough ayah Korea in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ why because if two can agree I believe the principle of the word if two can agree Almighty God I know the Lord Jesus ha your glory will fill this house lord I pray for the speakers [Applause] my cushy Holy Ghost mmm Hubble Shh Lord Jesus somebody supposed to get your deliverance now Oh Lord Jesus somebody's about to get their breakthrough right now Lord they're waiting for the other caller but you're saying right now it's the moment to receive from you I pray father in this convocation that the word that will turn in this house Almighty God who will only come from the throne room above Lord God Almighty Roberta script Oh God Almighty can serve in man-made programs lowly goes fire you are in control occupy every era of this service occupy every rat aspect of this service' and let angel studying guard let the angels get in position father tonight we believe Almighty God the miraculous in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Pentecostal night and so we know that the walls that the enemy has erected are be crumbled down right now ah as your people stand up we're gonna match in the rightful position and authority and take back everything that the enemy has stolen and so we cheered on the walls we've cheered on the walls somebody prays that I've been locked up by the enemy prisoner both father we prophesy right now we open those prison doors huh we release every chakra Oh God Almighty from Walter replacer Lamar's every hallelujah from our every mother has been locked for a very long time for those pressed have enough spirit smoke any tones in a while Oh goddamn I am not yet spoken in tongues in a while but Lord that I might have speak to every dormant spirit in this house I speak Thomas fruit in this house that enemy has stolen I prophesied to you tonight open up your mouth I speak again I open up your mouth I declare to your God okay speaking in the language ah as a sweet give you authorize in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ somebody's passes before them blocking them Lord God from giving you worship somebody came to this convocation not knowing which direction to go on but I pray for such a person right now I pray for such a person right now charger I just want you to help me right here the surprises came to convocation they were found in the very spirit little shorter formality but in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth ah we are about to set and free in the name of Jesus I just need some people to agree right now I just need you to agree it is the gear up it is the hearer of the miraculous ah it is the year that when you open up your mouth and speak to any situation [Music] clear it's a year that we have to study people says arise something must happen in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth so I speak to you apostolic believers I don't doubt the God that you serve no doubt the power that is in you I just open up your mouth and they clear unto God and watch him work in publication and in the rest of your lives I believe tonight that if we will just believe that God is easier and the power that is if you 1 is greater than every other power in the world that you will not be afraid to demonstrate the miraculous and so tonight we pray Almighty God that you will occupy this service new as you desire breed on the choir Lord as their minister on to your people unemployed let there be a great anointing that is ushered in to you let your presence God see Lord God Almighty everybody knows that is eternal let's somebody here on me change in the name of the Lord said yes any a seat that will stop your anointing in it if there is anything that will stop your glow rain if there is anything on my you're gonna be in the runs when your spiritual over even though not gonna fight a remove it from their lives that your ministry can be perfect and pure as it goes out through these areas by the way thank you somebody's listening right now she'll them Lord Jesus touch them Lord I'll change their life Lord Jesus and let them know that you are God and you are God alone I'll be away tonight as we give you all the glory all the praise and all the honor somebody lift up your Jesus in this house somebody live from your Jesus in this house somebody just begin to call them by his name there is power in the name of she's [Applause] hallelujah so we thank you tonight in Jesus mighty name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah ah ah [Music] ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah [Applause] ah [Applause] ah yeah [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] my father Oh I always showed Reba [Applause] worship the Lord thank you fire [Applause] we are the Ridhima and so tonight I just want to greet everyone in the matchless name of Jesus I praise the Lord tonight under the Spirit of God present in this house greetings tonight and welcome to everyone near and far to all God's wonderful people welcome to the second tonight of this our holy convocation we give that sense tonight for having brought us back into his house' today today is youth day praise the Lord let me see all the young people show the hallelujah praise hallelujah I learned from Bishop Tom C says accept your mobile unread than you are young so let me hear the people of God one more time they young people in the house showed rise Laurie to God praise God we thank God tonight for having brought us of this far and as we come this week we are exploring the theme it says operating in the miraculous praise God it's endtime evangelism praise God can we all repeat the theme together everyone any time event operating in the praise God and we just want to bless God tonight praise God at this time I just want to extend greetings to our Island Bishop Bishop Devon Charles Brown and his lovely wife praise God praise God Oh let me extend greetings also to host pastor of this church pastor Michael Lewis and sister money Lewis praise God bless God also tonight we have in the house or guest speakers praise God in the person's of Bishop Dexter Edmond praise God let's show the hallelujah praise also coming along with him tonight is bishop pizza and tonight let's give the glory hallelujah praise God praise God to all our district overseers from the central northern and southern greetings to you to all our elders of the different churches pastors to the rest of saints greetings tonight in the name of Jesus special greetings tonight all our visitors who are here in this house especially our unsaved let's put our hands together and let me also extend greetings to those on the worldwide web praise God praise God tonight those on Facebook live Twitter YouTube on whatever medium you're joining us tonight greetings in the name of Jesus praise the Lord praise the Lord everybody it's a good feeling way we can come together to just praise the name of Jesus oh oh what a thrill that I feel when we get together praise God God's wonderful people we have some other visitors among our means but when our Bishop comes he will identify each person individually praise the Lord praise the Lord everybody praise Allah I've got a feeling that everything is gonna be alright [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] testimonies brain slaughter I praise the Lord no singing just testimonies no preaching you're gonna come you're gonna form the line we're going to ask those who have a testimony to just come to the front line up and you are going to give your testimonies it's just a few minutes that we have to give those who need to testify praise the Lord hallelujah [Applause] but why God let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and she was going to school one morning but before she leave the O's I asked the Lord to give her a double portion of his spirit while on her way to school a car hit her down I was at work when they called me and said to me come to school kya dodge granddaughter get it done when I said is she okay to say this as a thank you Jesus because I know when I pray that the angel of the Lord and keep it around her because nobody could get a hit with a car and still go to school and perform and 2002 main stake of their body over here of their body dropped off all you could see the skin of the dog and you can't kiss them to pay them because you can't get the change I remember prayed and I said God remember those dog heal those dog and believe me saints of God they thought the Lord in the dog they skinny steadily Rosanna under body and they look so purty honest [Applause] [Music] even the dog even the dog even the dogs experiencing the miraculous how about the people of God tonight crystalline freeze the Lord of taking thanks for being here tonight because if it wasn't for man if it wasn't for God I would not be here I'm standing up here am i living testimony because I remember when what we are God I've been taking me from as a something way back I'm a testimonial that's because when I used to remember me I usually I'm cooler feel the presence of God and women Shirley Ghetts tier-one himself let me turn it off I am me tonight him soften it I'm announcing a presence I'm uncle say the pretentious ear I just read I feel the presence more when he bit him I'm a student I got Church I'm him something I always do that one you up you know always that one comment seminar feel god I never something it I'm a grandmother I said Carmen I know T that seminar so I'm gonna call my church with him with him what time tonight - an hour ago support from the M&E that our master we're not seeing the presence I thought I made it here I'm a student I got a church on himself a local church from church from yes without our church name EMA we'll go to the air I'm a sinner I do feel the presence knowing that something wrong with me but he of any money positions on that church I'm Todd Bodine something years but God don't set me free I'm sorry [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord Jesus everybody this is my testimony that I share so often but you know I was sitting in my seat and I said lord I want to testify and this is the only thing I could think of a few years ago before I gave my life before I surrendered my life to the Lord I was almost an almost within a car accident and in that car the car was going at about 180 K Perot and I was there and I I'm saved girl just oh dear lost in a world I've seen praise the Lord Jesus I sucked the air in the back of the car and if both of the blue arm Jerry Bell decided to overtake somebody on a clear clear water in the sense of overtakes somebody for what reason I don't know and also the blue the car started skidding down the side on two wheels and I say God if you have a tip my life don't take it like this I said God don't ever let that these are altered I blew the car shot by the four-wheel on since I've got a car ah He healed my body he touched my mind he's a pitcher here ty well I want to pray with me today [Music] [Music] great start this is the last testimony praise God on November 26 I got baptized and I was struggling I came to church i sat there and I said I'm not gonna leave here today without giving my legs and I came to this altar and I can remember pastor wife touching me and I said I'm ready I'm not leaving here today without being baptized and I got baptized I was struggling I felt as if I got baptized now it's time for me to be filled with the Holy Ghost and all of that and I did not understand that it's a process I came one day and I came back to the altar and the pastor who ladies under me said you're filled but I didn't believe as they are not feel I didn't teared only please and all of that I'm not filled and I went back home and I said god I want to be filled with the Holy Ghost I want to feel your presence I've been filled at prayer and I feel his presence I come to church and I feel his present but I want to be filled with the Holy Ghost and my idea of being filled with the Holy Ghost is when you're taken to a place where you don't understand that you are and I didn't feel that and I came to prayer Monday morning and God said it's time and I laid on this floor and I was tortured I was filled with the Holy Ghost and I felt his presence this time and I'm Paul in our dreams others continue to pray for me when I saw hallelujah hallelujah whatever you ask for whatever you pray for it shall be done praise God right at this time I'm going to ask oversee a gale to come and take over in Jesus name somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah praise the name of the lord hallelujah god is good amen I'm gonna accent this time wish there Martha Dixon to come amen come on put your hands together we continue to worship the Lord everybody we have in convocation are you feeling excited about God let's set me the name of Jesus let me see all those who love Lord of Mercy I think I stir up some signal you know when I eat have good good mango and the mango just nice what a complication I see before me about sight sweetie no sir convocation nice but accurate for next year again let me tell you something somebody find people them a long time they know it well good mango please to get some mango before your goal nice easton and some people of it come on whatever you like the flavor we have it what a time we have been having in the house put your hands together all right let me put on this hat first I just want to say thanks to all those who in the youth department who have worked with us throughout the course of the year the National Youth Committee put your hands together for them they work tirelessly throughout the course of the year to ensure that all our young people were fed we had our national activities you scam people you were a youth camp wagon and we had those who were Bible Bowl and we had those who were the national fast fellowship those are or national youth activities and we had a good time we had our district activities as well as visited churches right across the Bethel diocese and we had a good time and we just want you to put your hands together so all the young people of Bella let me tell you you have some young people anything is keeping they are there every activity and we just want to give God thanks for them because young people they are going all over the place that when you have those who are consistent in church which really want to give God thanks for them so the youths of the central the southern and another districts come on clap them one more time let's that be the name of Jesus alright so convocation time know we have been having a blast in the Lord what a time we had on Monday during the opening ceremony we saw the visitation we experienced it for ourselves we were here and it was really good Monday nights was on Monday the day what did you remember anything that the preacher said he wanted us to remember one thing all right everybody's on board and then last night it was another night what did hello and he said the Lord is mine anybody know the Shepherd excellent and the the prayer meetings have been going well this morning we can say we have one baptized so far come on give God praise we have a twelve filled with the Holy Ghost come on celebrate Jesus but that the convocation is going on the Monday it is being fulfilled and the today was another day what an awesome time we had in that session this morning with elder Willis did you enjoy video all right excellent know the youth activity today was very good we had career unstoppable with missionary admin she's an HR professional from Becca Stoney who will hear and she really gave it to us she really fellows and the mission miracle facilitated by Minister hall as well from Becca Stony Hill we have been having a good time and we just really want to give God thanks for that know what is on the agenda for two more or anybody excited about Wednesday already we start at 6:00 with prayer and deliverance at 6:00 a.m. then we go for breakfast and or teaching session starts at 10:15 and this is miracles of Jesus Keys for operating in the miraculous or presenter for that session will be Bishop Michael Mitchell and so you really don't want to miss that session now for those who have to work or you know wherever you are you can tune in on your smartphone devices or however you want to watch via YouTube or Facebook life so we ask that you the provision has been made for you to enjoy the services whether you're here or not so we want you to capitalize on that and then at 1 p.m. 1 to 2 there will be the ladies section now the ladies them to some where things don't every year them to some weird so guess what they're doing this year short show like seriously short you're planting now I got a testimonial about the plant in ice cream ice cream putting your hands to work and you're not going to know what on till your taste it right so we want you to come out and have a good time with the ladies and they will be doing lots of confectionery something so if you want a cynically friends come short you can do wonders yeah at all I adore of anything a of chocha in the fridge won't the Church of the work God show cheeky withered or salty palate salty but come on and I have the enjoy the display from the ladies now there's a special session on our 2:00 p.m. tomorrow and you want to experience more of the miraculous brethren you cannot not forgive what I said so there's a special session on forgiveness the wait list who's the weightlifting is only for me it's for everybody so we're asking all the bodybuilders to come out tomorrow because we're going to have that session on forgiveness the zero stick innocence forgiveness is a most serious thing you will not experience the miraculous if you do not forgive and the presenter for this is going to be a surprise so you do not want to miss that session all right now we look at Thursday of course the men will be in action on Thursday and they will be having a display as well and guess what they are going to be having on Thursday as well the farmers market now you know you know we normally set aside alaikum oh nice at the man in Fukuoka curry listen your needs if you're come here with it turns day the dollar go and stretch let me tell you you cannot spend it good at curry so like all you're going to spend it here there is something young banana church oh I love these discs and buy and purchase your things from the Brotherhood's markets farmers markets all right so we want you to bear that in mind all right now there's a gold mark two likes to play at five three nine one decent and it's blocking someone who wants to go so we're asking you to remove your car gold mark to license number five three nine one and of course a person you know that we have a very balanced program on Saturday will be the health fair and you will hear much more about that as the week progresses also on Saturday evening well during the day we have the Sunday school rally and exams and all of that and then we have the harmonies of beth-el which is the convocation edition which is a nice gospel concert and so we want everybody to be both in their numbers on on Saturday all day we expect to end by April you know we have church Sunday morning so we are asking everybody to be old on time for that guess what the children are having their activities as well so parents continue to take your children - children Church there is something special tomorrow and that the the oh there we are outside broadcast with the small people show with love 101 FM and so you really want to get the opportunity to have your child participate in that so we're asking you to support the children on that side now we have a CD on sale by Bishop Edmond and it says elevates your praise please you can get this at the information office so we're asking you get some copies apostolic preaching on it you know make sure they are buy a copy you notice from people by design that understand that this one is an anointed one we want you to get this copy and he also has a book failure did me a favor all right anybody know anything about that we can identify with that please to get a copy Jukka neighbors available by the book by the book all right gets a copy of the book and read and edify yourself I believe right so you can get it autograph and so on and so forth alright to say you know buy these from Bishop it Molina and in autograph is you know it's just different when you get the autograph in there so god bless you and have enjoyed the rest of the week in Jesus name praise the Lord thank you lady Marcia praise the Lord praise Allah to our island bishop greetings to lady Browne overseer Lewis lady Lewis until Bishop Peter Edmund who was introduced to me some years ago in the Cayman Islands because Bishop next to Edmund was there preaching and he told us about his brother Tom guard I've been hearing him tonight amen to all of God's people greetings in Jesus name anybody feel blessed tonight come on let me hear the Blessed people shout hallelujah at this time I will be inviting a blessed man of God to come and to help us to share with the blessing hello in Berlin will be lifting and offering put your hands together and give the Lord a praise o give thanks unto the Lord for oh give thanks unto the Lord for he is all give thanks unto the Lord for he is he's good and His mercies endureth we certainly thank and praise the Lord tonight for this holy convocation 2018 and most of us are delighted and excited to be here amen it's always good to come to Bethel this is the house of the Lord and so we've come this week to enjoy the miraculous and you just need to look at your neighbor and say neighbor you are a miracle sometimes we we just forget that waking up this morning was enough and I know some folks are trying to you know to see the the lame walk and the dumb talk but just to be alive is one of the greatest miracle there are some folks in here that God will heal you and take that stuff from you there are others in here God won't take it but he'll keep you alive [Music] [Applause] to all the bishops and to all the delegates that have come to all the saints to the household of faith god bless you tonight my task is easy and maybe before I go to my task let me bring you greetings from our guys in Bishop Bishop Leslie Jake Barnes mother Barnes and the first United family 590 Utica Avenue in the friendly city of Brooklyn New York Bishop would have loved to be here amen he's not going to be here but he sends his greetings and I know that they're watching you on the live media and they're praying for the success of this convocation and we praise the Lord my task is either tonight one of the most important aspect one of the most important aspect of our worship is giving in this church every Sunday morning you repeat first chronicles chapter 16 verse 29 says give unto the Lord the glory that is due on to his name bring an offering look at the neighbor said neighbor hope you brought an offering he said bring an offering before him and then worship the Lord in beauty of holiness and so it is that time of our service when we are going to take that offering that you have brought for the Lord and the Apostle Paul amplified that in the second chapter of Corinthians chapter number 8 he says as a man has the purpose in him heart in his heart to give so let him give not sparingly not grudgingly or of necessity amen but willingly and with with joyful praise because the Lord loveth a cheerful Giver this is convocation look at the neighbor tell you baby this is convocation and convocation is is that time when we don't want you to bring if I remember rightly if I was in New York I would say we don't want no George Washington I'm trying to remember the currency over here but but but let's run along I have some good friends in the house tonight all these elders all these ministers and more so all these bishops and some of these bishops where they live they know every night in the convocation the offering increase I'm glad I'm not a bishop and I'm glad I'm not a pastor but I want to begin this offering and we're in the season of firstfruits we're in the season of miracle Sunday last we commemorated how Jesus got up and if the first fruit was accepted then all the other fruits are right and so I'm sure you came to convocation this week with your best gift I'm sure you came with your best gift and I don't have to tell you why it's necessary for us to take an offer and you know you've been coming all these years I want to begin this offering tonight with 5000 Jamaican dollars and I'm going to ask I'm gonna ask about ten of my brothers to join me I got some some colleagues from England and some from the United States amen isn't it good to see overseer we talk later we took is somewhere in the house it's good to see him he's our is our big big big big big big brother amen amen [Applause] and some of you young ones coming in what you're looking at he was she was one of the persons that was responsible for all of this and sometimes we don't remember the people who blazed the trail it's good to see over see a widow lady Witter and they're doing a fine work in Florida in the name of the Lord and so I'm gonna ask about five people to join me especially my brothers on the phone amen it's good to see the Morrises amen and elder Morris just started to pastor in Birmingham amen and so we believe because it's good to see them $5,000 and we want to bless your bishop god bless you amen and if I get if I get nine with my one that's fifty and then we will take the rest of the Lord's money and if you don't if you don't have to go less than a thousand dollars tonight its youth night then let's all put it together let's all put it together and give the Lord amen a good offering amen I guarantee that there's a word in the house for every soul in here tonight and you know everybody in here can receive a miracle in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord and God bless you ever Mitchell praise the Lord I just need about five more bless you bishop god bless you bishop quietly sound so beautiful tonight my god can you put $5,000 together just put it together amen didn't the choir sing this evening come on put your hands together for the choir bless you bless you how many you know it's good to have friends in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord now now the ushers are coming but I a beg of you if you can give a give a thousand dollars tonight if you can Amen we've started offering a fifty thousand if you can give $1,000 tonight and the Lord is going to bless you amen he says if you give he'll give back to you pressed down shaken together and running over amen lord have mercy anybody know who that is it's one of the it's a young man who grew up in this church and I'm gonna tell you a secret because not everybody know it was a Thursday night in our teaching Bishop Thompson was teaching and he used to run up and down this place as a little lad and I'll never forget bishops saw him one Thursday night and he said sit down you got a bright future in this church he's doing very well come on put your hands together for pastor McGregor god bless you in the name of the Lord all right so I I want to turn you over into the hands of the ushers amen you know the procedures be guided by the ushers I think the choir has another one of the Lord song for us and then after we have taken all the gifts I'm gonna come back okay so those of the ushers with the blue baskets amen they're the blue baskets is for a speaker's offering and I know you want to bless the man of God I know you want to bless the man of God all of us are gonna the deputy presiding bishop says I got time so everybody in the house who wants to give me $1,000 tonight of the offer and just bring it he wants me to collect that so I'm I'm on the order and easy easy he's the bishop so amen amen amen somebody say that's right god bless your sister god bless you god bless you in the name of the Lord in the name of the Lord bless your little girl man bless you bless you let's you Pastor yes yes that's you sir bless you god bless you bless you sir somebody shall praise the Lord somebody who needs an unusual miracle tonight just tell the Lord thanks come on tell him thanks with an attitude thank you thank you in the name of the Lord bless you bless you in the name of the Lord you know the choir gave us $5,000 come on put your hands together for the choir god bless you god bless you god bless you in the name of the lord in the name of the lord look at your neighbor tell your neighbor your bless your bless your bless some of you this week your blessing is go overtake you my god tell your neighbor everything this week is in the miraculous and I just feel like something good in the name of the Lord amen there's only one name in here that brings a miracle somebody just say Jesus say Jesus one more time [Music] somebody over there shout I received that thank you sis god bless you god bless you come up put your hands together for yourself and they're still coming and they're still coming god bless you mother god bless you god bless you mother there's a miracle in the house for you too in the name of a Long Island in the name of the Lord she got jealous there's a miracle in the house for you too anybody else jealous in the name of the law all right we're going to put you into the hands of the ushers god bless you for your giving so far and the rest of us that's coming give the best that you can give and I guarantee you tonight you're gonna go home with joy see because God is in the house to deliver and to set his people free in the name of the Lord when the choir is finished and we have taken all of the Lord's money then we will come back and we will pronounce a blessing on every offer every Giver tonight in the name of the Lord somebody give him hallelujah one more time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on if the dough here in Santa Fe that say he reigns forever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] why everybody keeps stamping we're gonna place all these gifts that you brought to the Lord tonight gotta ask overseer Jean Louis Michel Jean Louis to come and to pronounce a blessing upon all the givers tonight in the name of the Lord father all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above we thank you for those of stretch for their hands to give to your kingdom father we ask that you will bless them your promises are sure that you will return to us full measure pressed down shaken together let it be so now as we say thanks in Jesus name please remain standing we want we don't want to break the flow amen in this atmosphere I wanted to clap your hands for Jesus [Music] drop them longer drop them stronger let them load [Music] I must decrease and welcome our Ireland Bishop Bishop Devin Charles Brown [Music] come on put your hands together and praise God for overseer David gale praise the name of Jesus we tried to imitate me just now but he cannot succeed so now I'm stronger blossom louder open your mouth and give God a shout of praise another South op race another shout of praise made sorrowful noise unto the Lord or Elance the Lord gladness vampa flourish presence with singing come on say something say something both under the big blue my gospel tent says something says something elected god bless you all you may be seated in Jesus name BMAC Spencer the rest of the person who said welcome sir welcome neighbor welcome to the second night of our only qualification 2018 and we are so delighted so thankful to God for His goodness amen we have been kept by the power of God we have all rights to magnify him and to glorify is a marvelous name except with instant night in the wonderful name of Jesus we are back in God's house to continue to rejoice amen to magnify him on this youth night praise the Lord I'm glad I'm a young person amen I'm glad I'm a young person I feel young look young worship young come on praise the Lord Amen thank you Jesus come on sister Browns the lover drowned amen god bless you tonight to copy the glory it's youth night and we want to thank God for young people let it by if analyst Martha Dixon come on clap your hands and give God praise for her a tremendous worker somebody dependable in a reliable and will go the extra mile to ensure that the mission of the work of the youth apartment men succeed again praise the Lord for her and her team praise the Lord Amen to God with the glories Youth Nitin and I sat there i I recall that the days those days back in the early eighties even when we had a manly youth presidents like Joan Joan she was a hard driver Joan small then come a blessed assurance Marty come on Chris bought for her a manly manly way back in the hate is a man come on she was gonna park are really a MN successfully the president coming I serve under her she was my youth president in him and come on praise the Lord you know at the turn of the nineties we had the largest coming the Ladas coming in to Jamaica I'll acquire a Lada in 1990 there were no Lexus even though for Ratnam and so not milada a block across st. Mary look at the calcite a man come on Prescott was too tall small in tonight praise Lord and we praise God for her another you present amen amen overseer Michael Lewis of a past come on praise Lord for him also amen and how can I forget amen overseer pastor Val we talked a man as youth president you director I tell you what one night I back in her eighties I we came to convocation and he he called the president from stone the comment with the church and there was no president he saw me at the balcony sir brother brother brother definitely come to be the church and I left the balcony came to a great church and from that day that might not be back at the balcony praise the Lord from the balcony to bositis to knock over there and from Cermak to appear come on that is good karma praise the Lord praise our Lord so we are here tonight to magnify taxes today via Scott also awesome youth person prays a lot for her also in Jesus name so god bless our young people we thank God for you and for the work you've been doing the kingdom may God strengthen if they go on in Jesus name Amen praise the Lord well we have a full house tonight again a many want to thank God for His goodness amen - pastor our friend Robert Stewart a man from 111 PGT Pentecostal gospel temple with a cadre of ministers elder dr. patrick thomson stand sir elder Atchinson elder Paul Brown and all of the members of PGT say something PGT gobball PCB sell something one more time the pleasure will love your neighbors and we thank God for you welcome in Jesus name great to have with us again tonight even for the first time in this meeting pastor pure McGregor and the Saints from Amon grace apostolic deliverance Tabernacle common prison Lord for him please vote for them amen god bless you well occur in Jesus name elder Nolan from shadow apostolic Lauriston Eldon Nolan appraisal vote for him hey even a whole time of praise God blesses our good to have you tonight there are members here from grace even greater grace temple greater grace temple where are you mr. van action praise the Lord Amen praise the Lord here greater grace oh it sounds better and no you're a pastor to be a worshiper come on we're the greatest and if I didn't do something all right understand you're tired you're tired just close her convocation yesterday you're tired but thanks for coming Amen god bless you in Jesus name good to have you we're happy to have also with us tonight amen otter Florida brother Adrian Stewart and the members from first United in Kissimmee Florida stand kissing me praise the Lord and this brother Elijah he came last year with of the Holy Ghost I gotta fill him in the convocation lastly on this altar and in fact this year compactify God God bless you a man pass a capital to coming in later this week and we thank God for Kissimmee good friends and we thank God for them in Jesus name also we're happy to have with us a man in this complication I could friend and our brother our colleague Amen overseer Val foreign Hritik sister Vivian Rita and others from part Bay in Florida amen stand for may God bless you hey that's it over there god bless it good to have you amen so go to a pastor Witter here you know massive work over there Pam they built a huge church in about - Oprah - come come August even right others to the church home in the foot of August will be there so God will be there to support a common phrase Lauper pastor Witter tonight praise the name of Jesus God bless you all so glad to have a task amen el Dewayne Brown and his daughter Malone belong Christmas Belon Belon please stand say something Mellon open friends oh my god bless the winter too amen so good to have also tonight coming to be with us a man good friend Amen pastor Michael Morris and his wife sister Maureen the palace Maureen Morris out of Birmingham president unless you will love you Amen such a wonderful project last year god bless you amen god bless you know we have those came in earlier to the complication sister Amen Marcia amen praise God Russell Lawrence Russell amen and also assists of all involve and praise God god bless you and we have a surprise for you for tomorrow night I won't talk yet it's not a shotgun Authority even God bless you tonight also with us tonight a man is now no longer in England in the u.s. is now in the hangman a man-beast Bishop Dexter Edmund now pastored in Bristol England come and praise Lord for him welcome him tonight welcome tonight come on praise Lord for him tonight amen to God be the glory and his brother Amen Bishop Peter Hetland Amen god bless you good to have you sir amen we had such a wonderful time last year in England and I said to be Ximena shot Peter as a youngster and back in the eighties I look forward to convocation a mentor see Bishop Saunders Bishop Dunn Bishop Barros Bishop mellorak amen those men come into convocation has said to these men of God we've got to build a men back the fellowship am I talking here amen are the second generation past we've got to feel about the fellowship I'm glad to have him in the house Amen on tonight come on praise the Lord for it come on say something say something praise the Lord minister do when the way nursing and family from faith Chapel UPC god bless you welcome god bless you good to have you in Jesus name and look in from sweet sweet orange Amen Bishop and lady Faulkner hey man come on received and come and praise the Lord for them Amen could to have a piece of me to partner with our good friends god bless eager to have you and Bishop met Lee is in the house tonight come on praise the Lord for him first of all turn tonight a man where they'd like to have a man this benefit of God god bless you we thank God for you for coming to share with us in only qualification Amen 2018 on the theme and the time evangelism operating in the miraculous say Amen god bless you sister and invite to come and greet us Amen pastor Robert Stewart he manages his name and he'll be followed Amen by Bishop Lord Faulkner amen praise the Lord and we'll see the Morrises from that time we have some time praise God god bless you come on let's give our God praise let's give our God praise let's give our God praise man or God is worthy to be praised I am a miracle my mother told me that I was given over dead with pneumonia but here I am tonight God is indeed a good dog and he is still a healer he is still a deliverer we just want to magnify him and to give him all the praise the glory and honor to my fellow youth its youth night right so I must greet my fellow youth members Amen I understand that from $100 you and I think I fall in that category want to greet Island Bishop Rome tonight and his dear wife sister Brown very good friends overseer Mike Lewis and his wife very good friends before I go any further I'm going to ask all the scenes from Pentecostal gospel 10 to 1 1 1 to stand please all the Saints brother Michael having a paper I need to do a roll call [Applause] every first Tuesday night a church we have what I call pasta stein so I meet with all the leaders so I told them Palestine will be a better tonight so I look around and I see most of them the others I have a good memory and always not here but I'm so glad to see so many of our safe understand with me if you will to introduce the members of our board and our pastoral assistance right here to my immediate left elder dr. Frederick George Thompson our precipitant pastoral assistant elder Richard Hutchinson a member of our board professor elder Paul Brown the secretary for board and his wife Minister Otto Braun and behind him Deaconess Audra Hawthorne and by the column is my wife now sure most times when I go or Twitter that's my better half so that's my wife evangelist Beverly Stewart and other for pastoral assistant it's so nice to see your real leaves come again and we have in the congregation Minister a lieutenant and those are some of the members of our board and we are so happy that they are here tonight what Saints of this church I just want to encourage you since 1920 an Azusa Street a restoration that started with the Pentecostal church we can't go back to reform we must restore so it's restoration time god bless you in Jesus name thank you sir praise the Lord let the church a hallelujah shout glory to God hallelujah grace be to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ was blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places according has chosen us in him before the foundation the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love I'm greeting an amateur's above every name the name of Jesus the Bible are clear there's no other name given under heaven among men whereby we must be saved I am delighted to be here tonight and I'm not here by chance of Acts then but I'm here by divine assignment an appointment before the foundation of the world let's plan a time shoot me here so I'm just fulfilling my assignment tonight it's quite awhile we have not been here lady Faulkner myself over the years until since the new pass has been solved Louis Pasteur Louis my good and I want to find all my friends I got to come here Bishop Brown god bless her Pierre Ireland that's and time it would not afford me to call each one by name but I also bring you greetings from the first United Tabernacle International Ministries located at 425 soldier the street in the state of New Jersey in the city of orange and we delighted to be here to be a part of your holy convocation I came in this afternoon my wife and myself and we decided we want to just come over here fellowship before we move on tomorrow night is our convocation over there bendin and we're expecting a great time good to see my friend at Brown and everyone who have not seen for a long time god bless you bishop god bless you God bless you God bless you Amen god bless yourself the man who got his church of water taken an elevator to go to the church to the sanctuary men lift to the sanctuary praise God god bless you sir amen dr. Palmer is in the house dr. F in the pharmacy does come on praising God for her god Bless You dr. Palma good to have you in Jesus name one more greetings one over C a volunteer but a comment witness come and greet us our friend god bless you sir praise the Lord everyone god is good all the time all the time god is good praise God I honor the spirit of God tonight I agreed Bishop Brown and all the other members of the clergy praise God and all the other Saints god is good Amy and I'm happy to be here tonight with my wife system we talk is somewhere outside she enjoyed so much mango and nice berry and unripe banana that maybe she can come in because of that amen hallelujah I bring you greetings on behalf of mother Tom's and Bishop Thompson would like to be here but unable to be here amen and from all the same from Bethel upon that Life Ministries that bomb a 1081 put Malibu Boulevard in Palm Bay Florida and I'm I'm using this opportunity to invite everyone to work or dedication church dedication August of this year on the fourth day of August I expect to see all the airlines landing in Melbourne or Orlando amen to this meeting praise God it has been a long time of not being here in 2010 you all heard that I got this true but I'm here I'm a miracle and I praise God I bless God for all those of you who prayed for me my assignment is not over yet I'm here a man happy a tribute tonight to see se Hewitt where she raised God god bless you see you commented this convocation I was somewhat saddened because I know I would not see my very good friend and brother Bishop Hewitt today extend that last night I dreamt I saw him he was yeah it was so much on my mind but not seeing Bishop Hewitt and Bishop Thompson and mother Thompson name is sad but I'm glad to see everyone Amen can on the hood work praise God pastor Luis and Susy Luis and all the wonderful saints of so Kemper Road and Lynelle town where you all right praise God God is good god is good amen god has helped me greatly and I'm excited to see everyone god bless you you will see more of me during the course of the week Amen god bless god bless you sir this choirs on fire this Northern District Mass Choir is on fire amen we have members from all the churches in northern district even the newest church in Tampa all of members of this choir tonight come on Fraser Lauri before the speaker read about the cabinet minister in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Lord is taking us deeper and the Lord is taken as higher it is my privilege tonight to be able to introduce to some of you and present two others of you the preacher for this evening whom I know very very well and I'm blessed an honor tonight for the past 28 years any conference that I'm planning any service that I'm arranging any list of preachers that I am going to invite my brother is always the first one on the list he is a preacher of no mean order and we are delighted tonight his first time back in Jamaica since 2010 will you clap their hands and receive Bishop Peter John Edmund pastor the typical church in Largo Maryland [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] with up to fit hands all over the daily father we thank you tonight listen what amazing God you are we thank you that we're gathered here tonight to experience the miracle of God and you brought us together for such a time as this waited from overseas some from Overland but the truth of the matter is if you just made it from across the street you ought to thank God that he brought you this far now father this place is filled with worshippers we understand that worship precedes miracles we're believing you for an outpouring tonight we're believing you God for change to be broken we believe you got to move things in order cure something tonight in the name of Jesus we restore families tonight let the be a healing in this place like never before we understand Lord that you're more than able you're more than capable because your word declares 3:20 Ephesians that you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that worketh in US and so have your way tonight then every worshiper open your mouth and say you have your way Lord I'll make another decoration to make that every devil he is they have your way Lord move in this place now by your spirit turn an overturn fix and move like you've never done it before somebody needs a miracle tonight somebody needs a breakthrough tonight and we thank you for everything that you're getting ready to do we're blessing you in this place Lord we're not freezing you selflessly tonight so take your neighbors hand let's pray for your neighbor give and it shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over squeeze life into you tonight squeeze power into your spirit we release every spiritual anointing into you every high place is getting ready to come down every valley is getting ready to be exalted Jehovah is getting ready to have Israel we declare it and we decree it now we lift our voice loose that hand and give doubt the best praise that you can give him if you really love the Lord tonight or if you really love the Lord tonight come on Zion make a declaration tonight move in this place by your power believe the Lord before you take your seat hug somebody and tell them it's going to be all right it's going to be all right after you freeze them it's going to be all right come on encourage somebody else on your row and tell them is [Applause] I just got confirmation in my spirit that everything is going go up to the window praise now that everything that the daughters declared over you through you beside you let me hear the praises you've got a mighty praise of a mighty stream of place if you know it's going to be alright you may be seated in the power of the Lord we are honoring him because we are confident that the Lord is going to be true to his word he is not a man that he should lie man that she should repent we should never ask god when will it happen our questions should be gone did you speak it because if he speaks it if it has been released from his mouth if somebody just got a release right there if it's been released from his mouth you mothers will give him the glory now because the answer is already on the way from the moment you opened your mouth to praise Him from the moment you declared it and so I honor him tonight I'm grateful to the Lord for my relationship with him I love him dearly all my life to him because he is our God and so we celebrate the presence of the Lord here and then to the island Bishop a great example of leadership and great visionary and I know we have celebrated him but it's it's just in order to be able to just to share how wonderful a man he is and so can you help me thank God again for the island Bishop which is gaining ground and for lady bow oh come on show that you love him so much I love him and patched in this church you see Michael Lewis and lady Lewis come on let's help me thank God for them one more time so the man that I've loved all my life - my brother I love him dearly honorable Bishop Dexter every old Edmund come on help me thank God for him and he is 14 he is 14 months older than I am and obviously 14 inches taller but I love him he's the preacher of our family the priest of our family and it's just an honor to be here tonight to Marcy and to everyone this is our family tonight we honor you in the name of the Lord Jesus my son it tonight isn't the 25th chapter of st. Matthew if you'll get that in your hands and stand to your feet the 25th chapter the Gospel of st. Matthew the bishop Lord fall during co-pastor point I thought we thank God for you we appreciate you so much 25th chapter if you'll if you'll stand on your feet as we read the word of the Lord together I just happen to believe that if we stand for him that he will stand for us twenty-fifth chapter st. Matthew and roundabout verse number 14 of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods and to one he gave five talents to another two and to another one to every man according to his several ability and straightway took his journey then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same made them other five talents likewise he that received two also gained other two and he that received one went and digged in the earth and hid his Lords of money after a long time the Lord of those servants cometh and reckon it with them so that he had received five talents came abroad five talents saying Lord thou delivers under me five talents behold I've gained beside them five talents more and the Lord said unto Him well done thou good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few things I will make you ruler over many I want you to before you take your seat I want you to edify the worshiper next to you and just share with your neighbor tell them do something with your with your gift [Music] that person didn't have enough holy ghost I want you to turn to the other side and said it's time to do something with your gift can we talk about that for just a few minutes you may be seated now the Lord it is significant when you observe the writing of Matthew and part of what Matthews trying to achieve is to train the people of God or to train in the gospel for them to understand that whatever God says before he says it he has every intention of bringing it to pass and that the Lord does not waste time promising you something that will not happen if he said it he's going to do it and if he has promised it it has already come to pass and so the emphasis and the significance of the parable is - it cannot be ignored because one of the leading faults that Matthew is trying to bring us to understand is that when God releases something into our lives there is expectation connected to it God is never going to bless you and there's not a price attached to the blessing that you receive the real question then is can you afford to be blessed and can you handle the responsibility of being blessed because anyone that God blesses anyone that God lives anyone that God elevates there is always a condition that at some point in time there is going to be a return on his investment he saved you but for he saved you for a purpose and part of our challenge as believers is to realize and acknowledge that as good as God has been to us the grill issue and the real question is how good are you going to be to God we know that God is good but the real weight that we have to carry is how good are we going to be to God because of what he has invested in all of us so we didn't save you just because he felt sorry for you that there is indeed a purpose and a call placed on everyone's life and that if he took the time to go to Calvary if he took the time to go into the grave if he took the time to be raised on the third day well you will pay him back there is a price that is always paid and the least that we can do even though we might be concerned the least that we can do even though we might be burdened is every time we come into his presence to remind him how grateful we are that he has invested something in your spirit and so now you become valuable to God this is why he will always bring you out because he has investment in you this is why he will not let the devil have total victory you will not let the enemy have total triumph over you because what he has invested you there are times that God will bring you out not because you're worthy but because there's something in you that he died for you to have and anytime he brings you out of you don't know why is because he's placed a value on your life and this is my David said Lord no matter what happens let not my enemy have triumph over me now because I'm walking right not because I'm always conditional to your love but because of your because of your name see God says I'm going to move on your behalf because I've put something in you is there anybody in this room that realizes that there's something in you that this is why the fight is so hard this is why the challenge is so great and this is why the burden is so amazing because the only thing that the adversary can do to prevent you from being victorious is to make you feel that God does not value you but the blood costs something and suffering costs something and so whenever I come into his presence no matter how I'm feeling the truth of the matter is you all got a praise for everything that he's done on your behalf so God says there's investment in all of us and this is what Matthew is really trying to convey that there is an expectation from God if you expect God to bring you out God expects you to praise him when he brings you out matthew furthers the case here because he wants the purpose to be understood and so that he must be a clear in in all of us that when god created us he created us with a purpose and that nobody comes into the universe nobody comes into this world without direction we may lose our way but all of us have direction because God would never allow us to come into his universe without being a solution for something in this world you may not be a solution to yourself but you are a solution to something God created you to influence something in this universe so every day that you wake up the one thing on your mind must be God I need to do your will today what is it what is the assignment that I must accomplish that I was created for because until we live out the fulfillment of God's plan for our lives then we will live life meaningless unless we find the purpose that God intended for us to have oh yes you have purpose you have purpose you do you you this is the the wonder the enemy's trying to get you to be confused because if you ever realized how valuable you were to God if you ever figured out that greater is he that is it you then he that is in the world if you as a believer ever discovered that you cannot be defeated as long as victory is on your mind if you ever broke through to the knowledge that God is on your side no matter what happens then we would walk in victory we would not we would not be discouraged by what we see but every believer has to learn how to walk in victory oh I know your neighbor doesn't believe it but just tap them and say you need to walk in victory you need to you need to walk as if you're already delivered you need to walk as if you're already free you need to walk us even if you're in it right now you ought to walk as if you've already been delivered from it because God is never going to leave you until he brings out the investment that he has in your spirit oh I need some grateful believers now this that's why you're being pressed on every side because God is trying to get you to understand that there's nothing that anybody could do to prevent you from achieving his goal and so now Matthew wants to make this clear because he understands that the first issue is that you're gifted everybody say you're gifted if there's nothing else that the word declares that God has given you talents and gifts and this is why God is so amazing because nothing that he gives will he ever withdrawn when you're blessed you're just blessed and you're not blessed because of how you feel you're blessed because it's you you're participating in the law of being blessed this is why when things turn against you the child of God is still filled with excitement because we understand that blessing is not a ceiling it's a fact and no matter how things might appear unless whether I believe it and blessed whether I feel it I'm blessed whether I understand because once God lays his hand on you there's absolutely nothing that that can turn you around because if God before you then who can be against you over you understand this then you square your shoulders when you go through and you allow every enemy to know that God is still working in me so now the investment has got to go to work and this is how we know what the value of God is because there are times when I don't always recognize how good God really is to me so the Lord needs to remind me of who he is in and so the formula is this in order for you to be appraiser God has got to give you something to praise him for if he never gave you a situation to recognize his hand on your life we would never receive we would never release any praise because it's the trial that reminds us that God has power above everything that we can ever go through so whenever God is not getting the right level of worship out of the church he will allow the enemy to come in just for a season he's not here to stay he's not here to abide he's just here for a season but when the season comes end of testing that's when the investment begins to move because you have not really worshipped God until you can worship Him with tears running down your face you're not really a praise anybody can praise Him when everything is going well anybody can praise Him when life is flowing and you have anything that you need to have but the true sign of appraiser is when your life is challenged when your ministry is challenged when your relationship is challenged when your family is challenged when your relationships are challenged and you can still walk into convocation and tell the devil for God I'll live and for God I'll die because I have an investment in my spirit and no weapon formed against me oh it's going to be able to prosper wake up and even tell him no weapon no weapon no weapon formed no weapon pointed no weapon driven no weapon created it will not prosper because I have an invest there is an investment I need a thousand worshipers and lift your hand and haaa there is an investment that's why I'm getting ready to be victorious and so God now has to remind us of who we are in him then we find this then in Ephesians 2:10 when Paul says to the believers but we are now we are his workmanship we have been created in Christ Jesus unto good works so God's intention when he created you was for you to be in victory God's intention when he created you was not for you to be beneath but for you to be be above the real question is what did God have in mind when he shaped me in my mother's womb what did he intend for me to achieve when I was born now what was the original purpose that God had me conceived in the first place because there are many of us in here that are miracle children because your mother and your father were told they could not conceive so what happened to allow God to make those that could not conceive conceive to bring forth a child that would be a child of destiny yea I've come to let every devil know you are not a child of despair you are a child of destiny you are not a mistake because a mistake can't worship God and a mistake can't praise God and mistakes don't lift up their hands when trials are on the life and if you ever want to see Satan run lift up your hands in the middle of what you're going through and let the enemy know I am NOT a mistake I will bless his name I will give him praise because I made a commitment in 34 1 that I will bless the Lord at all times and his praises I wish I had a row of people that were hotter and his praises I might below but on his praises I might be losing something but his praises shall continually be in my mouth somebody open your mouth and give him 30 seconds of a continuous I've got to praise Him or touch-a never tell him I got to praise Him oh god I've got to he's done too much for me to be quiet he's done too much for me to act so proud he's done too much for me to come the convocation and keep my mouth closed but science eh oh there's an investment in math God is going to make away touch anybody tell him God's gonna make away because there is an investment in your spirit I was walking down the street one day in Maryland and a man approached me and he asked me for money yeah he begged me for money and I refused him but the next day I saw him when he came he had a child with him the same man that I refused the day before now has a child with him walking down the same streets I had to check my attitude now because the day before I refused him but when I saw him with a child my hand went into my pockets I had to understand one thing right in that moment God said the reason I'm keeping you alive it's not because of you but the reason why I can't bring you out of things that you keep going back into it's not because you're so precious but because there's something in you and with you that if I don't feed you then your gift is going to die I don't think you get it yet the reason why God wakes us up every morning and gives us new Grace and new mercy and new forgiveness and new opportunities because if he lets you starve then the investment that he's placed in your belly it's not going to survive if he allows you to lose your mind with the power of God living inside of you then the devil would get the victory and that God that anytime God cannot bring you out for you he's going to bring you out for his namesake it's because now of his namesake that is going to provide away for you so this is why Paul makes it clear I'm going to my Caesar he said but you have this treasure in earthen vessels I want to do have praises now it's not because of who you are why God's been so good to you it's not because of what your standing is or who people believe that you are David really had the testimony he said I was young but now I'm old and there's one thing I can say about God he said I've never seeing the righteous the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread I've come to announce to a thousand people tonight that your baking days are older and your crying days are over and you're calling days over I said to not go back no more but all you have to do when things get crazy because they that wait upon the Lord shall renew I feel somebody getting new now I was before I came here but I called the name of the law the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous are here the righteous running and they are saying this is not the time to run out of your trials this is the season to run into the house of God and look under every chair and say God where is my miracle you promised you would never leave me nor forsake me where is my miracle I wish add seven praises here touch and never tell where in the miracle you said if I press here if I got here if I press my way through and if I would just be able to get to God and everything I need about a thousand worshipers here I know how to press E I wish I could talk here today patella press e I did come the convocation to impress like a to proceed your miracle is it the present your breakthrough is in the presence your way out it's it the parents shake on your neighbor I'm telling miss him the presence and so now the Bible must be clear that whenever I see God in my life first of all somebody who I'm gifted I'm so gifted yeah but you don't even know who I am because what God will do you'll wrap up a gift in a case that you don't understand the least person in this room is likely to be the more blessed I'm the most gifted because what God has done you'll place a gift step in a nobody I tell the devil that's or somebody I wish I could talk here your place an anointing that's a somebody I'm the devil now has to figure out who you really are but the devil is alive if he knew what you had in your belly if he knew what your head he's walking breaking something something's breaking over your family it's breaking over your ministry somebody open your mouth [Applause] it's break that's what Jesus is your investment the anointing it's your passport the anointing is your access I wish I had anointed people the advantage will keep you alive the anointing will cause you to overcome the unknown [Applause] somebody always complain to get to always be down that's why they couldn't receive Jesus and that's why they won't receive you like the gift your head if they saw your gifts they would respect that when they closed the cross they should have left you there because anytime you make a worshipper raise their hands yeah oh you what I'm saying [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus from the cross and they put him in the grave they didn't know what they were doing up the cross he was a worship [Music] [Music] so he's a worshipper so because he was so good every gift you have discovered the best gift that you can get are the ones too fancy that's why when God made you he wrapped you in weakness he wrapped you in tiredness he wrapped you but that has nothing to do with the gifts so the Lord declares I'm going to my seat if I've given you a talent there's only one thing I expect from you I expect for you to do something with what I gave you tell the devil get off my job chill the dough last time I was the way back do something with it don't don't don't don't shackle preacher I'm going to my seat [Applause] [Music] I'm doing something with it it's personal you wanna be losing your mind if he saved you from much you wanna be giving God the glory to whom much is given let me see the hand of those have been given much what I declare now you've gotta give him much come on open your mouth open your spirit do something do something do something Dean subject [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got to close hello everybody every worshiper knows how to do something with your hands come on do something with your hands yes do something I don't care what you do something yes knows how to do something I feel the release everywhere Chappelle knows how to do something with your feet come on do something with your feet I don't care what you got to do do something do something I'm going to my seat but look at you never tell him that's a worshiper but a true worshipper somebody have a true worshiper a true worshiper can do something with their hands something with their feet [Applause] she doing something doing something creatures be subject profits need something wider King something [Music] until the release now I feel Emily staff don't never Cosby release your new houses be released new pony somebody scream do something with your gift little something with your gift those I got to go take somebody by the hand take somebody by the hand David said o magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together go ahead and help me praise Him go ahead appraise with your labor go ahead a blessed capital either magnify the Lord with me magnify the Lord with me [Applause] I've dinner plates in the room I'll feel oppressing in the room magnify the Lord father Lord gentlemen if you have to come out of the seat if you have to but do something do something [Music] your life depends on it the ministry depends on it your tip depends on it do something I see new churches are seeking churches I see new churches I see new charges know something I see your preachers coming up somebody [Applause] I've seen a running spirit in here I've seen a running spirit in here I feel the gardener on edge spirited and if I run [Applause] so long some of us can't wait for God to do it [Applause] some of us can't wait somebody's so desperate in this room if I got to holla like Brian Bartimaeus [Applause] the Lord has given you a talent I said the Lord has given you a talent [Applause] I feel another wave of you're gonna take I feel another wave of the Advantech I feel another way of they're not take come on somebody do something else do something else you're almost there you're almost there do something with it [Applause] [Applause] I'm told the Maquis come on if you got the holy cones open your mouth and worship bell that my monday should become what I said that day we call it hey come on though we call it so I see I come on worshippers lift essence and open your mouth Roman - whoa Castle do it God do it do it do it God everything you've been promising do it shovel car yeah you get ready to do something [Music] you've never done [Applause] let me be true to the text the reason why the Lord was so angry with the man with one talent it was because of expectation the Lord expects you to double your gift [Applause] I feel double anointing in this room what this text also teaches us and I'm closing is that the body of Christ cannot be so selfish and hold a gift when God gave me the gift to be a blessing to the body of Christ I'm not bad I'm not mad at them I'm not mad at the man who had one Talent I'm really mad at the man who had five and doubled three and doubled that he did not see a man in need and teach him how to double his gift some of us have been sitting on gifts too long [Music] [Applause] my assignment tonight was to remind you you've got to do some good and and here it is it wasn't that Timothy was not gifted it wasn't that Timothy was not gifted the Paul said to Timothy stir up the gift everyone in this room is gifted but God's had God has to send you an agitator to stir up the gift [Applause] and so we declare tonight [Applause] that the gifts that God died Feder hands [Applause] maybe this is a call for the next generation of leadership but the Lord is saying tonight you've been in hiding long enough and I'm calling your gift out from obscurity you know what God's promised you but tonight let no person no tongue no system no structure [Applause] find your gift from this microphone God's releasing your gift tonight [Applause] lift your hands I'm praying father Jesus father I know what you've spoken in my life nobody else was there but you were dad [Applause] so my prayer tonight Lord is don't get mad at me tonight Don don't don't get mad at you the Lord calls me to learn how to increase my anointing tonight we release every gift in this place that has the intention of serving the purpose of God if your motivation is not to build the kingdom then God will make the gift of no effect but I feel God calling somebody tonight I hear the Macedonian call tonight [Applause] devil get off my gift tonight that we will praise you these things we pray cup your hands everywhere I want you to hug your neighbor tell em you're too gifted [Music] to be depressed too gifted to eat this [Applause] [Music] talking to every preacher in this room you're too gifted to be as small as you are you're too gifted only have twenty people do too gifted to lift it God says stir up the gift let me see the heads of those who said this word was for me tonight did you receive from the Lord did you receive from the Lord I'm going to pray one more time that God needs to see you respond if you raise your hand even if you're on the balcony balcony if you raised your hand and said this word was to me I want you to meet with this altar I'm not going screaming it won't make a decision come to the Lord come on come out every seat come to the Lord if you raise your hand I want you to come very quickly all over this room come if you raise your hand I'm a pray one more time maybe in this altar on the balcony come we're gonna pray I feel God getting ready to release some things in this room young man you raise their hands I want you to come I want you to come you I want you to come you come [Applause] if you're under the tent I want you to come come on press your weight gods get ready release something out of you not screaming no more robust shape if you trust him come worshipers [Music] there's a miracle in this room but up on television release it tonight Lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] sing it one more time Jesus Jesus oh geez [Music] [Applause] [Music] press your way to the zone press your way today [Music] somebody's gonna touch the hem of his garment I don't want you to lay your hand on somebody's shoulder just lay your hands on somebody's shoulder let's touch an agree first Corinthians in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established [Music] after the miracle tonight Jesus Romana bbi's [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is what the Lord is saying tonight this is what the hottest thing today that before I can release your gift I have to release you from the stronghold I've gotta break this stronghold the stronghold was is not just on your life it was on your parents life it's a generational thing [Music] thus at this generation this generation will be the generation that comes out of Egypt the stronghold over Israel was slavery the God wants you to do this today just lay your hands on someone's shoulder Dupre no man can walk into a strong Mans house and spoil his Goods unless he first applied let's get ready to bind this the strongman father in Jesus name come on Oh whatever intercessor pre come on i watch everybody open your mouth this cream come on come on three right now cream Laura thank you for the stronghold that you're destroying thank you for setting me free today come on I can hear you Bree thank you for taking this thing out of my house thank you for removing the heaviness from our mouth spirit thank you for releasing this curse out of my life thank you for laying your hand on me tonight thank you for stirring my gift for moving night Oh God thank you for giving me a new understanding Lord I'm getting ready to be free tonight I feel the power to free me if there's any night I'm gonna be free lord I feel that I can be free tonight Mousasi in this place release the gift of the Holy Ghost somebody open your mouth right now God is finished somebody when the Holy Ghost right here in the name of Jesus it's the power of God I release you from the stronghold we bound the strumpet and we loose you in the name of Jesus the power of God is gonna be victorious the power of God is gonna be about Oh Savannah I see you rising child of God I see you rising child of God I see your rising loose us in this place right now Laura thank you for the release not just for me this release is not just for you the Lord said this release is for your household if you get free tonight everybody in your house is gonna be free if you get loose tonight your grandchildren will be loose your children's children's children will be loose stir up the gift today do something with their anointing release us God in the name of Jesus the least before science sake release me for my children's sake release me I don't want to cry myself to sleep another night but I thank you [Music] affect you [Music] in the name of Jesus now collectively everybody clap your hands as a sign of victory in this place come on as a sign of victory even if you don't feel me to clap your hands victory will come when you praise it victory will come when you're praising victory become your friends victory will come with you prese [Music] [Applause] it's a different kind of praise when you've been released here's what I want you to do throw your arms around somebody real quick pray for somebody right next to you come on lift your neighbor strengthen your brother strengthen your sister all over this altar through the arms around somebody pray for someone speak life into their mouth speak life into you a speak life speak life speak life in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus hallelujah in the name ask somebody speak life now I feel the picture coming back to you I feel the energy coming back to you I feel the Holy Ghost coming back to you Oh be filled with the Holy Ghost be filled in the Holy Ghost be filled in the Holy Ghost I'm initiated a ironies ship do something with your gift we've been may endure forever come on don't stop playing don't stop praying don't stop praying somebody's coming through [Applause] come on sighing come on Zion I'll sit up breaking tonight come on sighing come on Zion somebody's receiving the Holy Ghost come on sire oh yeah lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you come on find somebody else to pray for all down the isle throwing arms around somebody God's gonna use you to break somebody out tonight he's pretty kidney free he mama said I wish I had altar workers I wish I had altar workers tonight wish they had altar workers tonight well my mind SME oh yeah my god my god [Music] press it daughter press in do something with they keep pressing pressing somebody press tonight press press press you're almost there you're almost there I feel God moving down y'know [Music] Oh loosen tonight hey Baba shaken and they say like that bow say glory to God [Music] hallelujah he's a miracle working God he's a miracle working God he's a wonder he's the wonder he's a miracle working God he's a miracle working God he's a miracle working he's a miracle working God huh he's a miracle working he's a wonder he's a miracle he's a miracle he's a miracle working [Applause] [Music] he's a miracle worker he's a miracle worker he's a miracle he's a miracle [Music] there are believers caring for the Holy Ghost come on he's a miracle come on altar worker he's a miracle working he's a miracle [Music] he's a miracle-working somebody phrasing he's a miracle worker he is a miracle he's a miracle work oh he's a miracle worker miracle working he's a miracle worker [Music] he's happy Rico come on he is a miracle he's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody under the sound of my voice kept your hands and give the Lord a twist [Applause] so which never seen let's bless God for his servants bless our hands clap our hands officially stand everywhere there is a gift in all of us there was a gift anonymous just remind someone for the last time before we leave let them know there is a gift in you tell them look at them and tell them there is a ministry continues at the altar for those that still need to come the altar workers will remain even after the benediction has been itself so father we thank you tonight for your rich world thank you for the seed that you have planted in our hearts tonight pray for those at the altar we pray for those that have been restored renewing and remind we pray that you will strengthen us all together thank you for your man's servant thank you for this holy convocation we play pressing upon each and everyone in Jesus name that everyone who loves the Lord say Amen and now may the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ the love of God the Father the full fellowship of the Holy Spirit be confident rest remain and revive with us now and forevermore in Jesus name make sure you read at least eight people before you leave tonight
Channel: Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ Apostolic
Views: 8,855
Rating: 4.4468083 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 49sec (10789 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 03 2018
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