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[Music] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] Mar fre [Music] sh sh sh [Music] [Music] yo yo guys I'm darkis and welcome to S House Park for beta Squad versus and before before we get into it I'm with two of the lest men that London has to offer and that it's James and Fu I'm so happy I'm doing this BR I'm so happy what's going on bro happy to be here happy to be here well happy to see you bro can you believe this is happening bro brother this is crazy yeah this is so insane bro people screaming from the stands everyone's in a good mood the look who we have here I me we've got the likes of Ray H angry Ginge come on man I mean Philly I mean these are all my friends I just don't know why I'm G to see them again of yeah it's a perfect day for it as well yeah amazing I mean you know is when I saw you when I saw you guys' name on the list I was like okay are they playing but are we ever going to see you in a charity game just in general I mean I would love to see you guys play H brosi to be fair with the talent we got on Pitch today I would have run it I haven't got the hamstrings for a proper yeah knock I've not warmed up enough years in years fair enough fair enough so oh listen how' you f about the turnout so far I mean the stadium just looks like it's filling out by a minute turnout is crazy the fans are going crazy every time we got here like 4 hours ago when there were fans outside so I think it's it's qely sold over 70,000 queing tickets wow yeah and there's only 25,000 seat that's insane there might be just 50,000 people outside TR to claw their way in yeah lit BR you know what makes it so special it's the first time you two YouTube groups have come together and gone head to-head this is football versus soccer but this is just football vers and football for us yeah it's football I mean it's patterned I mean calling it football it's an egg let's just go it's an egg I mean you're throwing an egg about but this is all for a good cause I mean this is this is just beautiful standing out here and the weather was fantastic I'm so glad I have to wear a jacket today 100% honestly I was worried I'm like is it going to be cold I don't know but literally I think I'm just looking around right now this is surreal I mean SC you know is I just want to kick it right off the bat who you looking forward to seeing play the most brother I'm not going to lie to you someone said agent can score a header from the halfway line so I'm looking forward to seeing that I'm going to person you that's a lie agent no agent agent agent oh okay okay I you said a I heard you it's a lie it's a lie bro but yeah I saw the hemisphere and I was like it could be the Legends could be true oh fair enough what about you I feel like n might do something you know might do something today you know one Dre one can dream one can dream one can dream and what do you think about the managers this Mark goldbridge versus dusi yeah I heard dusi was saying some stuff on her face off so he's here to play dirty I asked him what his tactics were and he said he's going to start off with stretching I didn't know that was a tactic the match off was stretching yeah so his tactic is stretching and callisthenics he has no idea what talking about serious cuz he didn't cream his knees anyone who doesn't cream their knees for a match like today is only focus on the task at hand definitely but actually speaking of the managers we did catch up with the beta Squad manager earlier and this is what he had to say Mark today's the day are there any injury concerns ahead of the game and why yeah I think uh there's a few people carrying a few injuries obviously shy Nico did his ankle in Africa a couple of weeks ago as well so but we've got a strong bench and uh we're we're all very very excited as I'm sure people can hear in and around the dressing room at the moment and Mark could you please explain to me what is goldbridge ball uh goldbridge ball is H is basically well we saw it a couple of years ago didn't we it's about it's it's an ethos of playing out from the back and playing through looking for the forward pass keeping it on the ground and and a team workor uh way up to the pitch score goals that way rather than individual talents focusing on controlling the game and uh winning the game as a team and Mark you uh you met dusi yesterday after meeting him are you worried at all not in a footballing sense no um I'm worried with his obsession about my previous Vacations or vacations but um no no it was it was good fun yesterday enjoyed it and uh looking forward to uh continuing the Rivalry on the pitch okay and Mark now we're here we're in the stadium uh could you please give us your final score predictions I think the draft yesterday has changed things a little bit uh I was very very confident about the beta Squad winning obviously against because we're better than them but the draft has leveled things up a bit there's a few unknown surprises in there um I think it will be close but we're still very very confident that we'll win today and could you please tell me as manager Mark what does this match mean to you um look personally I want to win I've seen that trophy it's a fantastic trophy Sur supplied by YouTube and uh I want I think the lads deserve to win they've put on a great show here and um that's what we want to do a massive a audience and But ultimately want to entertain uh there's two teams in it uh but at the end of it we want to be winning and the most important thing of course is the water project so if you could donate that would be absolutely fantastic links in the video description okay well that was Mark goldbridge guys so uh just want to say after hearing the gaffa speak how do we feel about it sounds confident he does sound confident I generally feel like he's got the tactics right obviously he's clued on with football anyway we all knowed football so I feel like him managing a beta Squad is a perfect alignment yeah definitely I mean what about you what about you James bro I'm excited but I'm my biggest fear is that beta Squad think they've got too easy bro they think they've got it too easy and I'm worried they might get comfortable might come out I mean you know it is out of out of out of B Squad I think the five that can the five that are in there chunks can play Nik can play AJ can play Shaka can definitely play and and Kenny's Kenny Kenny's Kenny I mean Kenny's Kenny okay he doesn't he can't play but then there's 11 people on the pitch they've got the likes of jidon and deji who are lovely Souls they're great people I mean they do well they do well the well yeah they do but ah I just I just I just don't know how they do on the pitch I mean when you look at I mean when you look at when you look at's team yeah I mean the five of them can't play the five of them can't play I mean they they've got athleticism on their side oh Duke Dennis can do anything the interet says he can do anything I've seen him run and jump and I'm just like okay so humans can do this like literally he's yeah so honestly um you know my biggest worry is dusi I feel like he's going to do something that right he might run onto the pitch I want to see him play I think that would be my dream something might happen with him you know something might happen he might coming in with some prison rules thing he has he has he has he's showing up for a reason he's showing up for a reason all right well speaking of ji let's see what our opponent let's see my opponent he's not my oponent well let's see what ji had to say when we had a chat with him today is the day what is the what is the team's morale looking like ahead of the game uh a lot of my players showed up late today we had a late night last night we're not going to really talk too much about what we were getting into um yeah we we we came dressed to impress but uh a bit late tad bit late so uh I'm very disappointed in some of the boys I uh we had Phantom come in about an hour late Duke came in uh he had a couple girls with him so uh yeah everything good we just uh we just need to get more focused and dusi as you're aware there will be a mystery player today what impact will the mystery player have on the game well some kind of okay all right hey so what do we think A's Chances with drei in charge after hearing him talk like that the man ooes confidence he does but it's not backed by anything we've got we've got 90 minutes to see yeah that's the thing we've got we got to see now we've got to see and to be fair they do have the they do have the mystery player exactly yeah the mystery player on their see who that is and you know I saw him I did see like a dread hanging out same W yeah I saw the dread hanging out it's not a secret it's not I think it's doku you think it's do why do you think it's doku I don't know I just okay you know it is it's just wishful thinking I I want it to be doku I feel like is probably like e e or like Alis one of them I don't know we're in Palace it it might as well be it might as well be what about you James bro he sounded Road when I heard him speak he sounded Road bro so I can't place it I have no idea well generally I don't know you know you know when I'm when I'm looking at the score I'm thinking beta Squad should win yeah I mean they've got five men who live in a football country yeah I mean they've got they've got a somewhat decent team they've got Harry and Philly who also experienced who've played in charity matches before yeah and um but yeah slightly a piece of me just a little piece I don't know if it makes me a snake I want to win by a little bit want them to win and I've got the beta Squad ma bro they've got Chris MD on there Will on they've got players that can play bro definitely and if anything delusion is what got everyone here today if anyone's delusional it's a am so that's only going to play in their favor bro it's only going to play in their favor we love an underdog team we do love an underdog team so and we F in the previous charity match um that saw Kai playing yeah he did he missed the sitter he didn't miss it okay he scored but he was offside I don't think these guys really know what offside means I think they just sort of treat like NFL and just be like hey go long like is thats bro one of them ones if B SC play him offside the game's Char yeah you know if I don't think there should be offsides in charity matches agree yeah it's just it's a hard rule to follow man be freefor all yeah just a freefor all if you're there you're there Fair okay we just just to just to end off what score predictions what do you think I am going beta Squad six am3 okay I'm going to go for a competitive 75 beta Squad what you saying okay me okay can I tell you what I wish would happen or okay give us both okay okay what I wish would happen is beta Squad 55 goes to penalties I would love to I would love to see penties but then um I would want I would want beta score to him generally they haven't got a choice yeah they don't they don't they don't I mean this is where you we don't live that far from him they have to win this is their Champions League final they have to win yeah generally but I think that's I would love to see penalties and I would love to see the managers get a go on the pitch just in general and um maybe see you come on the half time you never know who knows anything can happen anything can happen yeah honestly but guys just take a look at the fans out there everyone's just going nuts it's a hot day thank God I love you Sharky yeah just change that name to darkest and we're all good love yeah this is amazing what an atmosphere man it showed out today man it's good vibes all around it's a very very very nice day thank God thank the Lord literally now compar I think compared to when we started to now yeah oh wow it looks like everyone's here it's doubled in size it has doubled in size we can see Philly on the side just greeting his fans let's ask you bro are we ever going to see you on a pitch me the fans are going n for you today I I did make the decision a while ago to never to never play in a charity match why I don't know I just don't enjoy the sport of football so muchir do you get what I mean I like watching it okay sometimes if it's a big game me I'm the kind of if I'm a United fan so if you're United I'm playing yeah my gu so what about you impartial okay just join United brother okay that's the conversation la la said La no but you know know if they play if this was basketball yeah I'd be I'd be the be the first CL down brother I'm putting it here for if we do a charity basketball match I'll be the first one to sign up I I'll be there bro I'd absolutely love that okay cool well I heard your score predictions top who who's getting man of the match uh Philly I'm calling it that's actually not a bad shot I'm calling it Philly not a bad shot at all that actually isn't a bad shot I'm I'm going to say chunks really bro okay you know I said really like I don't yeah bro your blood now I think I think CH you know is I think chunks is the more he'll get his little two goals but he might chill after that you get me and just assist everyone and just yeah I mean he doesn't he's not a glory Hunter what about you who do you think me I'm going to go shy yeah yeah shy shy I mean sh you know he's not going to tell you right now but he's he's a bit injured but he's still going to play oh sh sh sh's probably my most brittle friend yeah the guy made out of glass but but still I think that guy's mind probably one of the most mentally strong people I know so okay I I believe in shy right now say less any um honorable mentions that you think might surprise us today you know it's out of let's let's let's look ATM I I even though Duke Dennis doesn't play football yeah not soccer football um I'd expect at least a header or just a close chance maybe a crossbar something I need to look like he's a threat he needs to look like he's a threat and Kai that just because of what happened last time I I'd like to see him get a goal as well I'd like to see Kai get a goal I think um sketching goal might surprise us yeah I think he's willing to put it all in the line bro I'm not going to lie to you I saw him running a combine with speed a couple weeks ago he's willing to leave it on the pitch say say less n should be a lovely game but I can't wait to see it honestly and we could just see them I think they're not warming up now I don't even know where they are but H okay cool can we can you just take a look at the stadium one more time I'm not bugging the stadium is vomiting people yeah it's mad bro it's packed it's actually stressing me out I can see people fighting for their seats yeah wait I think someone's holding your B sign no no no my bad I'm bugging I'm bugging so it's just PTSD brother honestly don't even know but honestly I'm just grateful for today just want to thank bet squad for the opportunity to present again because uh it is what I love to do and to do it with these two lovely men who make my job 10 times easier H Thani honestly more than Greatful more than grateful to bet Squad love love you guys love you guys so much okay guys honestly you know it is I changed my mind God no I want to play I want to play there should be there should be a spare pair of mercurials back there that I could just slap on my feet and I need to play right now you going to go on bait or you going to go huh you're going to go beta or you going to go I want to make my own team yeah run R fre what should we call it shits in gigs and Ducks SGD that sounds so wrong SGD SGD yeah that's the one SGD so guys honestly I forgot to tell you um speaking to Jui yesterday um we did they did the face off Jui and Mark goldbridge I asked him um I asked him for his score prediction yeah and he just he just showed how American he is so he then proceeds to tell me yeah we going to go uh 70 up we going to be up 7212 at the half at the 7212 7212 okay and and what kills it is he looked dead serious I bet he was dead serious bet he was I bet he was I think what do you think it would be the biggest upset of the year if managed to win this game 100% like I would say it's an upset I feel like it'll be great for the fans great for the great for the sports for who fans great for the people for who fans for the world's fans is it watching worldwide there's no fan that wants to see an American team come here shut it down in front of everyone that's true that's true but it's like it's like taking basketball over there yeah oh bro it's game over though dark hes things happen man yeah things happen yeah if we go 3-0 down I'm lacing up yeah if B score go three no down I'm lacing up lacing up for the free kicks yeah for the free kicks only there for the corners yeah well guys we're GNA take you over to our commentary is muna and lias let's go welcome ladies and gentlemen to cell Hurst Park an absolutely beautiful day out today for it and we're graced with one of the biggest and I would actually say the biggest game of the weekend no it's not the Champions League final although Real Madrid vers barisha Dortmund was in bad we're here today for of course beta Squad vers am going to charity ladies and gentlemen I'm your match commentator for today lias Bui yes and I here because Steven Tes was too expensive it's m Chihuahua but I do go by a lot of things M unknown PE Daddy but very excited to commentate on today's match you're the football pro so I'm just going to try and bring the bring the bands I'm I'm the diversity high for today I'm I'm Steven tri's jolof Rice I think it's a good balance you bring the you bring the jokes I'll try and bring as much football knowledge as we can but look man I'm super excited for this I've been looking forward to this the entire week some of the biggest names in this space that you can get from both the US side yeah and from the UK side honestly man I mean watching The Players walk in and hearing the screams it's it's unbelievable I don't even know if on a normal day you hear this kind of noise um I feel like I'm waiting for the Americans to impress me today because we know that the beta Squad boys are boress yeah am I lying no no absolutely or they should be anyways yeah so look I mean it's versus beta Squad uh I don't know what to expect from the Americans I mean they are Americans so they should be good at shooting indiscriminately uh as for beta Squad you know we know a lot of these guys are charity match veterans absolutely I mean you've got someone like young Philly who's played four or five times this year already so it's really great to see him getting kids into football and the British army so yeah it should be a um it should be uh I'm looking forward to hey we might not make half time by the way this is there's someone actually coming to take us off right now so he's set it on me so you know a lot of these boys you know a lot of the Americans absolutely uh talk me through who you think the biggest threats from the American side maybe the team I mean it's interesting how this has kind of gone down I think before a ball was kicked or before any of this was really decided you kind of looked at the beta Squad guys like you said a few of them have played in a lot of Charity games the not so much that they're not really football players but I think after last night's draft everything is looking completely different primarily when you look at a few of the players they picked up Chris MD some would argue he is the best footballing YouTuber on the scene he's that good definitely the best in four fo uh he's a playmaker you know I've seen this guy I play before uh he's he's pretty good wherever you put him but taken from someone who's played soccer raade given I played very badly if you're running up and down it doesn't matter how good the skill is you're going to get tired and it's a hot day today absolutely um so look Chris andd is one to look out for as well angry Ginge yeah he's a bit of a unit an absolute unit uh so yeah we're we're I mean we we can expect some good things but I I think in terms of beta Squad they seem to have it a bit more watertight you've got chunks up from the niiko um Harry I mean defending tank Lally you talk about unit honestly I've seen this guy for years now playing at Center back imposing is the word I would use for him yeah yeah so anyway those are our early thoughts uh are we throwing back to someone I I mean I've be throwing it back all afternoon to be fair so let's go back to our matchday presenters I think well guys the energy in here is blasting the players are going to come out in a bit to warm up I can't wait to see that cuz you know you know I saw them out here earlier no one was smiling bro I saw to be fair the squad obviously were on their side at the moment when they were warming up and some of the penalties these men were taken it weren't penalties yeah they W for penalties it like they were kicking marbles like crazy going over the stands going over the post yeah yeah but it's good good luck to them no you know I don't want to judge them off that though I don't want to judge them yeah yeah I think you know it could be just a haha look how I play football and then when you come on you're doing bicyle kick yeah once the whistle goes yeah once the whistle so that's we're going to that's we're going to see who the men are and who the boys are 100% bro and it's like them ones you you know in PE where you were just so much better than everyone else know but there sometimes when you're playing terrible players you start playing terribly yeah yeah yeah definitely that's that's the issue we might we might land on today no but you know I'm the complete opposite I play better when I'm playing with someone that's worse than me oh for real really yeah definitely I don't know why it's the opposite for me a lot about your mental you get comfortable huh you get comfortable when losers are Los raise the bar no the thing is I don't like the pressure of knowing I should win yeah yeah yeah you what I mean I like I like being the underdog so you don't like you don't like mentally challenging yourself is what I'm hearing huh you don't like mentally challenging yourself is what no I do don't you son of a that's that's what I'm hearing that's what I'm hearing she know to okay you can't you can't even argue I you like to surpass our limits exactly that's fine open that gate eight or whatever yeah yeah no I set myself up in here but honestly you know just looking around here I don't know I'm just so proud of beta Squad ANM for all the accomplish honestly this is just I didn't you know is when I first when we first started I was like okay I see a few empty seats and I'm like okay cool maybe but now overflowing overflowing for real for real um yeah it's going to be a good day get Mexican wave going on or something yeah generally but I'm just wait I'm just waiting for kickoff I'm just waiting for kickoff literally right now I'm just I'm more than excited for this game janz I'm I'm guessing halim well I think you know is halim we're going to come back here yeah and I feel like that's going to change my mood a little I mean we'll see how we to do in that half time I mean if it's nil not half time are you still going to go B Squad win I don't think I am I'm not going to lie to you it does look like can hold their own embarrassing thing is I'm a pride Seeker do you know what I mean I'm a CL Chaser so I can't come in nil nil Hal time and be like beta Squad beta Squad beta Squad I need to switch sides yeah I I would be very disappointed if it's nil nil half time very disappointed yeah um Bay Squad still have to still have to win i' be disappointed if it's n n not going to lie to you well fair enough do you know is I'm I'm I'm more than confident of my boys is if I'm being realistic V squad's going to win but I just want to see what life would be like yeah if ifm just just somehow managed to pull out the bag and just you know pitch pitch Invasion I'm promise you you think so pitch Invasion 100% 100% you can see it coming I can see it com bro know I hope no one gets hurt but I hope it happens just so I can say you guys are right because calling the pitch evasion and getting it right as it say pitch for real I think as well we haven't really got much choice because we can't go over there and beat them in anything let's hot hands up we can't go over there and beat them in anything true so um we we've only got this staying thin maybe right now what did you say staying th staying thin maybe back you got that in the back for I mean I mean America is the calorie capital of the world say say actually to fair you know that's what I'm saying to if this gets big enough we can take basketball over there and just see what's cracking hey that would be lit that I swear to God that be lit play years but yeah I'll do some we'll take like 30 man just in case we're just yeah that different five every every quarter rotate that five different five every quarter but honestly the players should be coming out any minut in yeah I saw Phil and chunks earlier they were over the moon they were excited um I don't know what kind of vibe they're going to come on because they could come on a you know is I'm taking it all out I don't care I'm doing I'm doing what I usually do or they could be like a it's a charity game let me take it easy let me get my little highlights and was anyone nervous did you speak to anyone earlier see if they were nervous okay um oh that's a very good question did I say anyone no I didn't see anyone nervous um you know I think a lot of people back there may hide their nerves with like excitement like um I saw Nissan Gibb back there and Nissan Gibb he um I think as soon as I walked over to him just tried to act like he was energized but 10 seconds before that he was just like you yeah yeah yeah like didn't blink for 5 minutes Gally so as soon as he saw me just Dash his shoes he was like Hey I was like yeah but you I would I wouldn't be surprised I'd expect them to be nervous on a day like this I mean front of what 25,000 that's a lot of people I'm telling you cuz if you put me on this pitch and I somehow get nutmegged or I miss or I miss a sitter I'm vomiting every I'm going to R off the pitch you're not you're not not Mak for me in front of all these people I think so would you would you slide tackle someone yeah do what it takes I'll do it my dignity is more important than any any anything that's happening El today all right I've got I've got a question for both of you I've got a question for both of you go ahead if it went to penalties would you rather score the winner or would you rather score the a screamer to make it 4-3 screamer for me screamer yeah now okay winning penalty for me penalty yeah winning penalty because I'm glad you guys went opposite yeah yeah yeah yeah I like winning penalty is just cuz I don't know it's all all eyes are on you at this moment PR yeah I know but pressure makes diamonds and he used to call me VVS in school what I'm saying hey yo okay I'm proud of that one I okay yeah that was quick that was quick but definitely I I what about you I would definitely go for a screamer because one it's unexpected true two I think I'll do a lap of Honor like I'll do a complete lap of Honor yeah but your stamina your stamina's 9 adrenaline run yeah take me boy see ABS I'll take all my GS yeah 100% but guys uh did you get to see um Kenny's Hair by yeah for that I I I when did that happen I thought it was a hoax okay no no no so did I and I thought it was a hoax I want I want to know how we did it because I I need it it you know but I looked it it looked so L like it looks real yeah you get me like I even touched it everything pause hey get back to the ha bro that's not really what we want to promote here but it's s but I apologize guys for everyone at home for but yeah um also jyon two who's like me fully fully Bal and he's got a head full of hair yeah and he did it within a space of an hour I think yeah I don't know how they're doing that's concerning man yeah I don't a beautiful time for men like yourself like definitely can't be healthy healthy cannot be healthy that male weave is doing wonders EAS I'm looking forward to seeing you in dread stst I think it'll suit you I think it'll Su you to okay can I ask you great what what hairstyle do you think will suit me best why are you stting the live I don't know you're just posing okay um I think anything that requires you to shake it out of your eyes yeah you think one of them ones yeah probably can okay can I ask you guys just like just you know this is a off camera question I'm want to ask you on camera all right do you think I look good bold I of course you look stunning this is the only way I've seen you and known you and it suits you completely I like that so okay but do I only do I okay so the first time you've ever seen me if you remember did I look good on that day of course you did bro this is dark as man we talking about no but you're just I feel no man you're no my bro why would I guess you why would I guess you on camera makes sense yeah man yeah man yeah man well does a baby look good coming out huh does a newborn baby look good I think so did you just I'm 27 years old does a birthday balloon look good yes it does there we go come on man own it yeah to be fair I use Rolland instead of deodorant you wow right I have a question go when the players come out on the pitch and they start warming up what should we be looking for to see who's on form who's not what are we looking for do you know is I think the first thing I'm going to look at cuz um I don't want to stare at I don't want to stare at men warm up for too long but it's just I'm looking at facial expressions okay do you I mean I think their face will tell me everything if they're doing the simple yeah then I know they're not here to play games you that Focus yeah yeah yeah yeah you need to you need to be like Kobe like just don't notice anyone like you can't you can't you can't see anything so first thing I'm looking at his um it's definitely facial expressions and to see how they like hit a ball definitely because they're people F had same question to you what should we be looking for bro um just focus just that mental and like visual Focus they're just cracking on and yeah man they're not they're not messing about that's what I'm looking for that's what I'm looking to see that's how I know who's on it and who's not yeah definitely you can definitely see that from facial expressions and other things hopefully no one PS a ham or something during warm-ups my good you might have to lace up if if that happens I'd go home you might have to lce up I I generally hope no one gets hurt here yeah honestly just look so beta Squad are receiving so much love right now you can see that and the whole flag and yeah man I think the crowd's ready we're ready yeah manam and yeah man we're just waiting for this game to start cannot wait cannot wait cannot wait honestly scratching everywhere yeah crowd is INS sign Galore boy signs Galore Flags Galore okay now now this is this full yeah now it's full it's crazy yeah definitely now I can breath what does today mean for YouTube sport in general moving forward man B this is this is this is Legacy this is history definitely I think this is history is the word yeah I don't want to say the First YouTube match I think that's happened before but in terms of this exp some like a YouTube group from America coming over here yeah and doing a charity game first time a lot of people won't forget this day I know I won't do you get what I mean so yeah I think definitely Legacy man we've done a done a big% 100% love man yeah definitely bro I mean five five young kids from the Block selling out selling out so park yeah honestly is they they should all be proud of themselves we can take a look at the Players right there ready to come in oh they're in a tunnel yeah and Harry Harry's wearing a GoPro if he's not getting a YouTube video out of this here Inc coming do we think H has got the stamina okay all right guys I think it will last last a while pause yeah you think you think so I defin I want to see H play definitely man H deserves yeah he deserves it though if anyone's going to get in their heads as H yeah I feel like he's going to he's going to talk to them like you ain't going like he might be one of them one yeah defitely to make their way yeah but guys before before before kickoff let's just see what the commentators have to say let's go over to M and leas right so they told us there are about to be 30 players in the turnel I was worried about what was going coming on screen there but it's just a play is getting ready to come on to the pitch so we're going to go through the lineups in a sec buts it's about to about to kick off isn't it no 100% I can already feel the atmosphere is absolutely bubbling I'm excited man I've been I've been looking forward for this all week bro you don't understand so we're seeing shots right now of the beta Squad in the tunnel they're looking fairly chill to be honest lots of smiles I feel like they they think they've got this in the bag they've been here before man they've been here before these guys have played at some of the biggest grounds in the country this is one of them don't get it twisted but I don't think the occasion is going to phase them whatsoever for these guys though a lot of First Time games playing football regardless not even just in a major stadium so I'm interested how will the pressure get to them really curious a lot of them looking for the three-point line here um just a reminder we are playing UK football ads I did see Duke Dennis mouth touchdown yeah yeah I know yeah he was and uh We've obviously got the mystery player as well who's head to toe uh in a morph suit he's got Bal clav on I've got no idea who this guy could be I was thinking Ronaldinho we know that Ronaldinho is in London he he hangs out with chunks a lot he was at the match last night Shephard Bush other day that would be pretty amazing if we had right here we [Applause] go so here we go am sketch the keeper for MP Niko close on his tail big moment this has got to be a moment for the boys isn't it absolutely for a lot of these guys I mean walking out of Premier League Stadium as a dream come true so yeah this is insane why you just got to let them soak in if I was one of those kids holding their hand I'd literally sell that handprint on eBay make a quick thousand you know what I mean chunks his handprint that goes for a lot of money online trust me he's never washing his hands again [Music] there's deji there just a reminder everyone uh deji is not just ksi's brother he's also mini min's friend so we've still got people waiting to get into the stadium which is just I guess Testament to how busy it's been absolutely uh you know the cues were around the block all the RADS have been closed off so you know for the first charity game this is a big deal absolutely bet Squad have shut down south London 100% um and uh in case you're wondering about the Charities being supported it's the Water Project I think the boys went out to Kenya a couple of weeks ago um so you can donate by going over to their website and don't forget 5p in every donation will go towards getting chunks of full beard now we're going to go through the lineups really quickly first up starting with beta Squad of course managing today is Mark goldbridge who is Al also a veteran in this kind of event yes a man who looks like he screams lovely jubly during sex in goal of course is United trade massive on football Twitter I mean the announcement completely broke the internet yeah now here we go this is a crazy defensive lineup obviously you know Harry paneer fantastic Defender but if youve watched him on the shiks and Giggles podcast you'll know he doesn't mind having someone near his box jidan and Dan on either side the field is strong Kenny deji shy Philly Philly and shy will run this game or at least they'll be hoping to and of course up front has to be the dynamic duo or the dynamic Trio excuse me of AJ chunks nichel a completely beta Squad made three chunks and Nik I mean they're just the diverse ANTM deck and AJ playing up front as well that's a massive achievement you got to hand it to him partly because he can't reach it himself on the subs bench we've obviously got chonic George Gibb extino H and Bradley H will be an interesting one I imagine play defense as he loves to hit it from the back extino as well to a real weapon on that bench druski is managing here we go biggy not so Smalls came in looking like an American football coach though I can't lie of course in goal we have sketch massive content creator out in the US about the new Harry Potter remake to be fair back three of Chris next door and Davis not necessarily football players but this guy right here angry Ginge a unit in the back yeah one to watch for sure who we got in the middle fenom Agent Zero Chris MD and that's the mystery player we've been talking about I don't know who he is bro very he's good for his and he's great on the right wing and then of course up front will en who we expected to play in the back but he'll be up front apparently kaat and Duke Dennis yeah I mean k that obviously everyone saw his Elden ring string stream the other day that's a massive achievement but most things are when you're in for and on the subs bench Johnny carry Shanks John Dabney Ray sv2 and deod I said that right deod yeah I think sv2 really really good player name it is so loud in the stadium right now we're going to have a hard time hearing each other because the fans are going in absolutely it's a premier league atmosphere man could that mystery player perhaps be a Crystal Palace player man it's really tough to identify look I was pressing shy all week trying to get an answer out of him who is it can you give me some hints what I have heard and this is all I can tell you guys I do believe he is a current player well I've also heard that they're going to try and limit how many gos he can score how many goals he can score because this guy is good right there he is there that faceing the leather mask I mean that is uh that's a big commitment I know bro is sweating under there like prince Andrew under interrogation I'll tell you what just off first glance I can tell you it's not hricane so everyone starting to look a little bit more locked in now tray and goal there big responsibility we see a lot of goals slip past the keep in these games so uh oh a lot of the boys wearing GoPros today makes for some good YouTube videos but not 100% right goalkeepers can really make or break a charity game because a good one and you're really seeing a competitive game a bad one you might be seeing shots from 40 yards out Phantom here entertaining the crowd Phantom is that short for Phantom or is that just a sort of grammatical error on his part Phantom AJ shabil he's one to look out for he could be all over the you know as we know in London you're never more than 6t away from a rat AJ is raing I didn't know if that was a six foot Joker or a red oh my look at the height difference between Nik and this is literally a modern day David and Goliath this is crazy yeah n though up front he is a a threat I've seen him at these charity games yeah unsuspecting but he's got a strike on him it's crazy to see neither of the captains smiling you can see their prop [Music] di team right flipping the coin toss big noise from beta Squad here lot of support here so who is uh who win the toss there let's have a look um it was a good toss referee's fantastic toss actually big game looking sharp he's died in man he knows the responsibility of being Captain go Chris MD just teaching at the rules about football right before the game yeah AJ shabil um chatting with the mystery player there I wonder if they know who it [Music] is and we're about to kick off here it does appear beta Squad have won the toss we've got a lot of handshakes taking place across the pitch so it's going to be you know it's a friendly atmosphere but I think once it gets down to it the beta Squad boys are going to want to take home the W you can't be beaten on your home turf no definitely not uh Harry paner is obviously dowed in I mean he's very he lived very close to the stadium so hopefully he'll have the uh Retirement Home Advantage he's fresh off playing at Old Trafford as well too so this game shouldn't be daunting for him whatsoever practicing his counting skills there good to see he still got those going L those as to get more subscribers so apparently we've got a player missing at the moment which is why we haven't had kickoff oh dear who are we missing from the team sheet oh here we go it's Ray is it Ray oh no Ray wasn't expected to start the game just being shipped on there by forced him all right now we are 11 aside as Ray wearing 111 on the back of his shirt unorthodox to be sure well I mean look at Nik he's wearing 69 which sucks whichever way you look at it and we're about to kick off B Squad start with the ball [Applause] here so cautious beginning yep let's see if they're going to use any strategy here cuz a lot of the time you just see uh oh here's jidan there recently got dreadlocks they're calling him BBL jiddy in the street I think this is really where both teams kind of feel each other out and I'm looking at a few guys for both of these teams to really make their Mark today first of all lost possession there jidan don't try and do too much bro okay he's actually yeah this guy definitely playing American football in his mind he's stiff arming people left right and Center friendly little shove [Applause] there ball over the top here's Ray he didn't know the game was happening until about one second ago and all of a and he's in the Penalty Box could be a penalty it is oh my it's a penalty for oh my gosh and it's getting a little bit of AR there jidon is uh he's doing the most from early wow Ray who wasn't even expected to start this game within a minute has already won a penalty for listen you can't barely flop people and expect not to get finished UFC was last night mate let's have a look at that again yeah I mean M man was bringing back back the planking check from four years ago on another human being who's going to take this penalty for though that's the big you got to think it's going to be the mystery player surely this will be maybe the first but I do think mystery player if he only has allowed one goal you kind of want him to save it like four yard you're totally right it does appear that sketch the goalkeeper for is going to step up to potentially score the very first goal of this year's beta Squad vers match this is insane I mean sketch does have glasses on I'm not sure what the implications for the penalty are there I have to be honest with you too mun I have seen more confident penalty takers step up the shoot yeah oh wait you need to wait for the sketch oh off the off the crossbar sketch Clapp I think he just scored a touch there did yeah he thought that was a field goal I don't think the keeper got fingers on that I don't think Trey got fingers on that so we're back we're back in the game all right what a start wow J we did promise you excitement though yeah that's insane all right sarky here on the ball he is one of beta squad's more players of course beta squad's finest SDS is finest absolutely I you see the whole of beta Squad you think that's a good looking group of boys and [Applause] AJ right who's this now Kenny on the ball oh Kenny king Kenny nice to see a king with normalized fingers yeah another toe punt there by judan I think he's going to be a bit of a playmaker this match here we Go's first defensive bit of miscommunication there aent gets off the ball it through no no no Harry's on him fantastic work there by Harry I mean the guy's 34 years old that's this is a testament he didn't even need to use his Zimmer frame today so he's been work walk out a b all f a brilliant move from AJ he could be an X Factor today man honestly absolutely rapid drops the mystery player another Philly I do believe so Philly wearing number seven sari just looking to get on the ball calm things down I have to say with Shari he is playing injured I have been told he's on several painkillers before the here Chris MD Now this is aat player here Chris goes theot surely lays it just from but that's two opportunities now from letting them know they're there I don't think beta Squad have left their half so far no and uh you know Harry's going to be having some strong words because it feels like I mean darney aens that could have been dangerous there absolutely it feels like Harry's doing most of the heavy lifting right now Y and Ray inches away from scoring right where at right now we're still watching the replay get so right again what those feet are like Lely challenge there deji wins the ball deji yeah Ray skips past shy here's agent some decent feet from agent yeah I think that's a battle to look out for agan and uh jidon over here on this right hand side or this left hand side and he's got the muscle but slightly clumsy with the footwork okay agent and HP is there the ultimate insurance policy let's see what Harry's going to do here okay pass it I thought he might go g for the clear clear a brilliant from Harry Harry obviously a dad which must be so hard all the Tantrum suking nafy changes but uh that's what you get for being friends with Philly let's see if we're going to see a little through ball here Kenny to n nich brilliant Hold Up play there holds up angry Ginge shark struggling there in the Midfield won by Chris MD that's a really interesting battle for me but Ray has Acres of space right look at that ball there to Kai is running Duke these two best buds but there doesn't seem to be a telepathic connection just yet and Harry once again on the ball he I I feel like as long as Harry's there it's going to be really it's going to be pretty much an iron defense absolutely Shi gracefully skipping out the back deji finds Kenny Kenny is goal here and pH brilliant defend no no no no no still in play gives it back to Kenny look for that space lad what's going on there looks like the ref's called something here free kick for am was a bit of shin kicking there uh deji is not looking too bad not too bad maybe the June Sunshine is helping we know he doesn't do very well against Mayweather Mark goldbridge just trying to work out what the plays got gold he he looks the part though huh he used to be a cop so he's just thinking about who to stop and search first oh my God Chris getting it out from the back interesting touch there and here we have the mystery player yeah him I'm I'm really paying attention to how good really is he you got remember as well this guy's trying to see through two tiny eye holes so that's going to imped Vision he skips past AJ the Box Ka out was waiting but HP clears the danger yeah as we said HP uh dangerous threat even from defense he's not letting anything that's our first real Glimpse at the mystery player and and and and look at the way he's looking down he's having to trap that ball because if you see the mask there's not a lot look look at that there's not tons of room to see through uh no face no case maybe no face no goal we'll have to see saw corner there again Harry Panero top form once again uh this match is not being sponsored by McDonald's despite what Harry line mates yes gu a fair few Corners quite early on Chris MD beautiful cross a little bit too much just over everyone here's Duke a natural athlete back to the mystery player skips P one skips P two from distance cuts on his left surely not another one yeah he knows hold that goal just as well yeah yeah my guy's play still playing the Super Bowl in his head so look the mystery play is going to be interesting because you can see him holding back yeah he's thinking to himself do I need to save this goal for the 90th minut absolutely I think it's a good show to be honest cuz if he scores now that's all well and good but if his team's down by by by one in the last minute and he can't score the goal yeah agent not agent AJ excuse me here's Kai Kai I don't know what that was man was imag ni Spice in his brain can get the image here's the mystery player he does have space to shoot here and HP just takes care of that brilliantly almost ricochets off Danny erens safe to say though have had most of the ball and most of the chances so far in these first 8 to 10 minutes which is really surprising I don't think we've seen chunks even get near the ball yet I haven't seen him once but here is Philly over to Danny erens I think bet Squad they just need to focus on keeping the ball at this point yeah there we go Kenny back on the ball here big cheers for him not sure about that Kenny uh recently said that Michael Jackson was his hero and it does show he's had a few terrible touches now come on Kenny eye on the ball man maybe maybe the Heat's getting to the players more than we know uh Philly interesting battle Philly versus Chris MD shakes him off Cuts in deji wasn't ready for it but it falls back to to Philly here to chunks first touches of the ball brilliant tackle from Chris MD we is a little stuck in Saved by Kenny but here's Ray skips past J yeah Ray definitely didn't know that that white line was out for a second there yeah I've been impressed though I can't lie Ray so far is the one that I'm looking saying you got more to you than I thought oh here we go little bit between the managers with the crotch towel I mean that's got to be intimidating looks like he's ready to call a timeout Philly and like I said Ray getting himself stuck in not sure about that sharks with the interception Philly beautiful pass wi here to chunks finds deji come on boys still with it brilliant tackle from M right let's see what this clearance is like first goal kick from The Keeper out to angry Ginge yeah Ginge with the opportunity to bring it out the back like a young Harry MaGuire some would say oh brilliant Ball even here's Chris getting loads of touches here in these first 10 minutes oh and that's a brilliant B ging cuts through Here Comes agent but where is the cross going to a HP again from HP really good stuff reliable is the word for today jidon to Philly n tries timing his run Philly zooms past Phenom here we go the right wing oh what a tackle [Applause] Phantom gets there before him Ray brilliant touch Phantom again nice nice relationship between the two of them here Ray and Phenom really interesting seeing Ray set up a lot of these attacking plays actually and here's Duke could be an opportunity here but not Danny arens is all over him falls back to the mystery play play is he going to take his shot now Duke Dennis just wide just wide it's only a matter of time though surely until gets that opener yes and will this Dennis prove to be a menace later on in the game still to find out but that is probably one of the closer attempts we've seen so far actually no I take that back so very interesting to see none of the players are going crazy Shari carrying the ball out from the back out wide to AJ I think we need to see more of those two to be honest with you we go AJ the star of beta Squad and also after to to deji picks up the ball here to Philly finds his way to chunks who does have a strike on him he doesn't even let him pull it off though and here's the mystery player can we just call him MP I can't lie mystery players become a mouthful yeah we've got an interesting relationship with our MPS at the moment so maybe not again setting it up I think he's starting to get a little frustrated trying to work out who it could be from the hair yeah look he's struggling with the vision there it's like if sort of you asked Rey Mysterio to play up front it's not an easy task is it not at all and as you can see there on the uh on the banners the Water Project is the charity behind today's match so anything you can donate please head over to the website boys were out in Kenya a couple of weeks ago oh Chris MD brilliant Denny eron not he got a foot in there Chris MD ruining my charity appeal there don't worry buddy I remember that Chris MD is not for the kids I'm hearing Chris MD the bbo baggin meets Balor oh don't know what the ref doing there uh Chris MD seems to be signaling for a new ball either that or a massive Bund clear at this point we're going to have our first substitutions here though X datino otherwise known as Alfie massive FIFA YouTuber also Rel ated to dirty wine quite big in the YouTube Community as well and a sub from the side maybe I'm not sure yeah fenom is coming off the pitch right so we can hear dusi is making two subs here uh it's not the first time he's ordered two subs but let's see who he's putting on instead yeah goldbridge is bringing Dei off probably just for quick questioning comes Dei de's run a shift though he's not had shift yeah yeah I think he would have liked to have done more maybe he will later on oh we're hearing a conversation there goldbridge wants to put Dean defense and he is not having it I think he wants to he wants to play up front player power these days AR absolutely disgraceful oh my Lord potentially another penalty jidan maradon oh boy surely not another pen this man is a menace he's had um yeah jidan with the with the with the forearm straight out the KSI play but there right we can also hear at the moment uh goldbridge is hoping to bring jidon off I think he's been you know he's been he's been a bit of a liability and is another penalty this time it's going to be taken by Kai CET can he please open the scoring for Kai oh my Lord off the woodworker back out Chris MD in for the clearance Chris MD brilliant Oh my days that's two penalties two misses for amp here my God and that's what happens when you spend all day every day in your bedroom yeah Trey was shook there for a minute the second Penny's had to defend within the first half first 15 minutes even to a little corner now here's the mystery player finds himself on the left here over to Chris MD Ray back to Chris MD hey Ray is impressing me so far clearance so we can hear the coaches uh from our com ground here and we can hear dusi is looking to make a lot of changes he is really not happy with what he's seen even though have had the most chances so far don't let the standard slip here of course we have Brody assistant coach here for trains a lot of these guys as well too so shout out to him just floats over the top there beta Squad seems seem frustrated though honestly I think they probably entered this game expecting to kind of have the upper hand because so many of them have played this sport before but I have to be honest withun 16 minutes in yeah are the better team here I agree I I don't feel a lot of urgency coming from beta Squad right now we know they've got some incredible players Harry Panero is definitely carrying right now absolutely right let's see what Philly can do here cleared out by shy and Niko has hung back King Kenny is on the break here Ken's on the move oh trunks is there to pick it up trunks ofs one tackle because that wide CH from distance oh my Lord just over that's a little bit of a glimpse though into what beta Squad can offer you on the break they are a threat 100% And I think we might be able to speak to Mark goldbridge now uh let's have a little listen Mark can you hear US 33 Mark can you hear us Mark can you hear US 33 for 89 yeah Mark doesn't care he's got no interest in talking to us we both got well I've got 300,000 Subs so uh I'm just a mere peasant in his eyes if you do want to subscribe ladies and gentlemen only reason I'm doing it and for clean war of course right here we go Ray again Ray again here on the left this time not so good from Ray and Philly now picks up the ball in a dangerous position looks to feed in niiko but will and is there to read the danger oh that's brilliant yeah it's all that's absolutely brilliant over here at the mystery player what's he got got for us now little bit of showboating Good Feet for mystery play yeah FIFA Street to on his left Mark goldbridge isn't really appreciator of his moves agent over to kais I do believe he was probably going to be offside though yeah HP that's brilliant Harry's not letting anything into his Chamber of Secrets AJ over to Philly near the coach there goldbridge shouting to take time maybe the B Squad boys have been rushing today I don't know out wide here to Kenny this right hand side for beta squad has seen a lot of the ball Alfie over to Phil oh that's a brilliant pass over the top to niiko can he get under control chunks in the middle goes for himself Niko just outside the netting we know that Niko can take a shot it's just slightly clunky footwork maybe that will line itself out as we go but uh as you can see here the touch was a little clumsy and that that just B unorthodox for sure feed though here so we can hear the coaches right now and Mark goldbridge very vocal oh here comes uh George yep Niko's right hand man which is concerning because of what most of us do with our right hand and an comes as well too looks like Johnny K is going to be entering the frey as well too for many players it will be the first time they've seen a Johnny interesting trims there from the American side is that the French flag am I seeing over the top here what kind of composure can can they show BR there charging through my very much carrying the defense right now that's a brilliant ball to King Kenny out to King Kenny here we go oh an angry Jing wow as per there to clear the danger very aggressive there it's the angry Ginge since King Charles ask what color the baby was apologies for the language there if you did hear TR over the top of the chunks nonchalantly brings it down angry Ginge is just there every single time he's there he's very much the you know he is to their defense what Haro is to absolutely I think it's really a case of which one of them blinks first EXO on the corner here yep bit of a sharpshooter on his day yeah man's been bulking from the looks of it sh looking to get ahead on that go shy not just a pretty face we were meant to have uh Martin Tyler commentating today but his last name kept making shy aroused and back into play now let's have a look what the boys inter by extino see the team get a little more active now you see AJ haven't seen too much from him he likes these situations here though Cuts in chunks just a Flash no oh my God the shirt has come off wow we are in absolute shock an absolute screamer insane from AJ Le what's going through your head right now about damn time wow 21 minutes in we were expecting goals so far both defenses have been strong but who else than AJ we were just talking about him someone that can kind of break the deadlock give us that moment of magic AJ shab for Wow there was no chance he was going that let's not get it twisted there were Defenders on him and because of FIFA you would think they were used to pressing triangles but AJ managed to slip through pokes it in top right corner gorgeous job this hollowed ground has seen a lot of brilliant goals Mona but that is right up there with any of them that technique right there is brilliant from a YouTuber or not insane the shirt came off as well we saw all two of his abs look at that what a moment that's a screen record for the only what a moment for AJ we'll see that on his Instagram later the Deadlock's finally been broken here wow rata oi that was insane angry ging not happy about that one I think you look at to the first 20 minutes that they've played they should have been encouraged and I think they'll be very disappointed they've had two penalties here let's not forget about that I wonder if we can speak to drei that would be great because we should be able to speak to the coaches we'll find out what dusi is thinking in just a sec here we go duke not Duke Ean excuse me Ray almost felt brilliant for him mystery player does he may be think that now is his time I think he might good Fe here for this replay and go for it straight away but it might not be the right decision oh brilliant cut Alfie stands him up though and mystery player I I do hope his actual Club isn't watching right now you might be ducked a few weeks wages for that if you are just tuning in now in case you did miss it this is a mystery player apparently current professional footballer hasn't been confirmed to me what we know is he has a goatee so he hasn't got tons of self respect whoever it is uh dusi looking very concerned there still wondering when the top the chunks oh that's brilliant squ starting to play here now AJ has the opportunity to cross it in ging is there to take care of the danger now Ray to Duke excuse me to Ean wow that's really interesting I've just heard dusi ask to sub out Chris MD which is a crazy decision if that happens myy player brilliant cut sends Dan flying he's really struggling with that mask yeah if you guys do hear any whistles by the way it isn't the referee is in fact druski I think trying to draw plays chunks picks up the ball middle of the pitch here Sharky huge opportunity nickl waits for the ball to be sled through looking for through ball was that on maybe finds Niko Nik good there in the middle wasn't quite danger taken care of by Angry enough and here's Ean oh Ean that's brilliant Ean really is one of the better players on this pitch by the way top top player although I'm really impressed with Ray I man that's brilliant Ean ooh slots it into the bottom corner cool as you like we did warn you Ean becomes the man by equalizing there for questionable dance but there's nothing questionable at the finish that move right there is vintage Eman dusi is going absolutely crazy now this move right here pass Alfie pass Danny arens from a tight angle as well too I think HP thinks he's had it cut off but Ean you can't stop him when he's in this kind of vein of form Unstoppable brilliant finish I think you're totally right about Harry you can see him look ground and realize I was the only one there so there you go now willin is not the only thing all square about this match it's one all apologies there for the language as well from dusi just a passionate man let's see if we can hear us markb looking to make a few Subs now let's have a look dusi can you hear us in the commentary box now to be honest I I think we're just being totally ignored here are we even are we even on the stream Le so quick water break here uh good chance to plug as well the charity uh the Water project uh which is the good CA behind today's match you can donate on their website boys are out there in Kenya a couple of weeks ago oh dusi making moves with Linda there could this be another Royal Wedding another American UK crossover dusi obviously uh hosting one of his notorious talent shows yesterday in Kennington I mean just join hinge man do you know what I mean that's some fashion statement by druski by the way huh yeah the reverse backwards upside down cev that's how Len to what the managers are saying let's just simplify it compact the pitch don't play so wide get AJ and Kenny to tuck in right and theno as a he wants to see AJ and Kenny doing more it seems like the team aren't really tapped into his speech at the moment I mean that's what you get for looking 14 and 45 at the same time isn't it Nick armala stepping in [Music] here dusi looks a lot more relaxed a lot of angry hand motions careful throwing those in South London [Music] buddy so leas uh thoughts so far in terms of well the score first of all and the performances are are the sort of MVPs you had in mind standing up to the the expectations you had look I think right now one1 is a fair score look amp had those two massive opportunities from the spot both sketch and Ka that missing their penalties respectively but I think beta Squad have done well to to the respond obviously that goal from AJ is absolutely out of this world yeah but Eman has responded well one guy I'm telling you I'm I'm really impressed with I think we all looked at the natural footballers and expected big things but this man on the screen right now Ray has actually shocked me man really really good on that left hand side really been a danger for so more of the same from him I think he's doing really F he looks slightly confused as to where he is but when he does get the ball he's doing amazing things with it and maybe we just need to to see him get the confidence to take a shot who knows absolutely and Ray is obviously a beautiful story him and Ka at how they met almost a year ago uh in Japan kaet obviously just chilling there for one of his streams and and Ray was just a fan of kaet and the way it's kind of come down like a friendship has automatically blossomed from there to the point now where they're playing together at curst Park in London in a charity game that's insane stuff things are dream stuff dreams are made of yeah absolutely yes Finly there we haven't quite seen him come into his own yet but we know he's dangerous in front of goal so let's see what the what the the rest of the half holds I I think Philly is the one I'm really looking for more from to be honest with you I like when you look at Chris you look at Philly these are the two best ones in some crowd interaction there uh I mean usually save that for when you've won but you know Americans do it differently so the ref is counting plays and the match is about to resume here we go B Squad to kickoff alus is kind of slipped in here at right backck right Harry paner is going to be kicking himself about that goal so I imagine we're going to see him amp up the aggression even more so from the back abolutely and Philly and shy now they really need to get a grip of this game because I think that first 30 minutes questionable no one there at the end of Philly's uh pass there he's a passionate player oh yeah yeah see him Anno let's see what he does here not much let's have a look Anis Gib I believe is on the pitch here does that any sound Gib number four I think yeah it is goldbridge may have made some subs absolutely yeah yeah gib gib is on the pitch little uh tackle there it'll be interesting to see Gib on the pitch how how is he usually it's a it's a bit of a weird one I definitely do think he knows how to play which is for me in these charity games the number one thing you can kind of go from there yeah I couldn't find much about him footballing uh I do know he once boxed against Jake Paul yeah wait a minute it says he's under the age of 80 so that can't be right it was an exception on that day but he is a bit of a wild card all right so we've got free kick here is that Sharky taking I think it is let's have a look what's happening and they've got the big guys in there HP chunks nck some big guys in there sketch is squinting not g for oh my Lord shaki from distance the boy from beta Squad with the world at his feet take a B has just scored one of the best free kicks at Sellers part you'll see in a while wow shaki rescuing the victory from the jaws of defeat there with a beautiful free kick sketch doesn't know what's happened I pot and the philosopher stoned we saw Ronaldinho in London the other day that's reminiscent of Ronaldinho versus England all the way back in 2002 brilliant just over the top that could have so easily skimmed the crossbar and it dips under the last minute two1 to Beta Squad we talked about the goalkeepers before this right they can really make or break these charity games if you have a good goalkeeper you could be looking at a a low score line but with all due respect the sketch right there you shouldn't be being being beat from your line from halfway no and the thing is look you can see sketch jumped up and reach for it it's not as if he didn't try it was just a brilliant free kick that's his moment right there dreaming of that shy runs a great podcast as well too SDS podcast go check it out you may hear a familiar voice fantastic work by shaky there born in Holland parents from Somalia basically Nigel farage's worst nightmare Mr worldwide yeah exactly securing the goal there it's two on up to B Squad mystery mystery player looks drunk I'm not trying to out him in front of potentially his Club but yeah uh this is very interesting he's just lost all control I think the mask might come off you know yeah it might have to Philly now in the center of the pitch out here to AJ May the squad have numbers they want to commit here AJ fancies himself here beats one niiko can he find AJ back chunks beta Squad I think are finally starting to get a foot on this game to be honest with you sh's got little that goal has kind of woken him up Philly Philly from distance and now you see this is the issue because we have seen sketch beaten from distance on two occasions this is where I think you start to see beta Squad tester look absolutely although I think could have slightly got closer to the there were people open but you know you got to have a crack sometimes absolutely who is this now the back can hear dusi shouting for a substitution let's see if they're going to out play What's Happening Here angry ging going back to the keeper got some powerful legs on him I will say that looks a little bit like a minion in this outfit sorry that was very despicable of me now What's Happening Here We paused the play Let's have a little look over to see what RI is saying druski is having a great time to be honest he mocking his own players and H is on the pitch though here we go H crowd's absolutely loving it musical sensation and Bradley a fan favorite amongst all beta Squad fans almost getting a lot TI than AG yeah Bradley looks like he said breit means breit at least once in his life no wonder nickol Lo him right let's see what hard here on the ball see what H can do you know decent ball out there H and Philly obviously got some great chemistry off the pitch uh released a new single together let's see how that translates shank is also on the pitch as well too shank kids H brilliant pass there to Philly wins it h back on the right H and Philly obviously we do know they know how to link up so right be looking to see it on the pitch this time here's Ean brilliant turn out of pressure well just trying to spread the pitch but AJ expertly reads it there good Fain to Iman uh dusi screaming push in not sure what he expects to come from that Kai it does look like the game is starting to kind of evade him I can't lie Chase is down Philly here yeah I mean for saying he's meant to be striking he's yeah just exhausted himself with the full pitch run for no real reason Philly against angry jines but that's someone you don't want to mess around with I can't lie oh brilliant from W using that square head for all the r reasons we go on the attack now SP on left oh here we got mystery man um oh skips past George ball into the box just know man an HP just rollsroyce I think that's the only way you can describe him rollsroyce wants the ball Sharky brilliant oh Hefty challenge there I think he's gotten away with it there though I can't lie I think that's a fair challenge chunks over to shy sh's finally starting to get a grips with this game yeah he's going to want to build on that score count there chunks TI turning towards the middle Bradley Bradley that's actually a brilliant pass chunks has your touch chunks decent six out of 10 what's going on there okay Bradley is getting a telling off I'm not sure unless he's offside here Johnny KY finally entering the pitch Ka that's going to take a break here how cost could that penalty Miss in those opening moments from Ka it would have just helped the confidence I think of the team although have been playing with with some Vim you know I feel like it would have maybe maybe was a good thing it didn't happen because it sort of encouraged them to keep attacking which we're seeing here even now that's brilliant the mystery play has been a little bit of a liability so far so much space Acres of space here to take on extino strikes no Cuts in oh okay here we go with his left oh he's and there you go and there you go that's that moment of class that we were promised that's what you want from your m is the mask going to come on the mask stays on the mask does stay on mass STS on a little bit tripping to shake hands my man still living in covid-19 ladies and gentlemen I'll tell you what though that cut that sent me let's take a look at this again again we said it found himself in acres of Space X datino bites for the cutch up finds it on his left HP done better there yeah he could have it wasn't even the most powerful shot not the best sort of trickled off the toe yeah he sent the though and uh yeah you got to feel for Harry he's doing most of the defensive work out there I think hp's just relieved he didn't get a touch on it himself you see one of the Defenders head in hands there from the B Squad side Anonymous 99 right come on B Squad score is 22 at the moment and here we say see rapper and part-time letter H can try to go for the challenge there Ray playing right back now finds Ean here's AJ oh that's brilliant lapping here chunks is kind of just lingering at the top of the box if he can find him oh brilliant brilliant can he find great tackle from tack great tackle from Ray sh you can do it on both sides of the ball riski apparently disappointed with Davis's contribution so far wow that was very fortunate with the challenge otherwise we could have seen Ray back and one for you sunglasses lovers out there that's who we do it for the crowd are on their feet they're expecting something big to come from this uh druski screaming for a medic I don't think he knows about NHS waiting times he's us to that instant healthare dusi shouting duski shouting stretch him out so we've had push him stretch him out I'm starting to wonder whether dusi is thinking entirely about football here I'm I'm wondering if you had to compare druski to a modern day football manager what's what te so we see Ray here potentially injured being dragged off the pitch by dusi gives me gives me a bit of Shawn D Vibes I can't lie Rough Around the Edges defensively solid No Nonsense right at the moment dusi looks like he's about to perform CPR on the gr which you know may may be in American style but raid isn't getting the help he needs hopefully he's all right I think it's just maybe a little clash with The Shins there or the C there we go chunks happing up there as well that's what we like to see good job get stuck in there he's been brilliant he's been absolutely fantastic and I hope we get to see him back on in the second half risking literally carrying him off the pitch to be fair ra does look like he's a 60 lb soing [Applause] w at the same time though beta Squad do have a corner here AJ's about to take it some big names in there yeah we're on our feet ready for this one and at the far post if you can if you can see him Bradley is waiting for a potential T yeah chunks as well waving from the middle MH it's decent cross now joh car pulling his pants I'm not sure what's happened there as he pulled something immediately Duke Dennis here in a similar situation that mystery player was in just now it appears he's upside upside yeah now I'm hearing druski say we may have another injury was it was it carry you spotted joh Johnny Carrey yeah I did see him grasping his hamstring Johnny Cary there like one too many trips I be yeah like every love Islander rolled into one human being here's Philly now on the ball find Shari chunks some brilliant link up play there in the middle AJ on the left can he make something happen again of course scored the first goal here tonight AJ against aent brilliant feet brilliant feet from AJ AJ H wasn't quite in the space wondered whether be able toy yeah Harding here mystery player over here to shank we haven't seen too much of him no he's got an interesting haircut when people have a haircut like that brilant football Duke here on the ball some good Hold Up play over here now that final pass from from amp today is just kind of lacking they've had some promising positions but Final Touch yeah HP oh that's brilliant that's just brilliant agent less less than brilliant touch okay dusi just shouting words of encouragement from the touch line there's Gib who we got in out let's see again with the long cross let's have a look here's Ean Ean to Duke questionable touch how's the Finish though Duke go for it again not quite the fire power needed he is a handful in that penalty box though I think on a few occasions that we've seen the ball fall to Duke big big guy guys don't want to get too close to him but the last touch from duke and I think if he can get that right we could be in for a big game from him chunks come on chunks oh will brilliant I think Ean and uh John Dabney just on the wrong wavelength there Philly yeah chunks is there's Bradley oh that's brilliant that's brilliant Kenny's broken through no he's gone down pre kick just outside the box okay another set piece for bet Squad I've been impressive Bradley's first time passing though huh when you look at him maybe you're looking at maybe an orthodox player but I've been impressed by the passing so far yeah he's making himself known on the pitch a yellow card for as well too yeah that's yeah I think druski just kind of echoed our thoughts right there yeah we don't know if you can hear the coaches from where you're listening but uh duski is very much just here for the Vibes to be honest right who's taking this then chunks re tack chunks and we know chunks can Strike A B from screaming out for the cheers I haven't seen him this desperate to be noticed since Chris Brown was in say we've seen be a squad from distance from a free kick chance oh no must have been under the influence there not a great free kick base Squad throwing let's have a look what they can do from this oh brilliant being barged off the ball there Shak is a decent player though Eman questionable touch comes out to George to Alfie and here's the mystery player you can break now mystery player with numbers in front of him mystery player carrying the ball forward he's just got Alfie to be cuts inside Ean wants down the overlap eeman brilliant fantastic block there putting his body on the line there blocking that ball like 80% of the models that follow him on Instagram good stuff everything good from though is coming from eeman and mystery player Oh SS him a dream there I think he wants the overlap from Ean eeman wants a short instead seen a lot of show booting it's not NE ated into that's a brilliant ball the back postes just just wi shy ball getting caught under his feet HP fantastic clearance from Harry nonsense clearance I don't know if you've ever played FIFA but every time mysty player is getting the ball I've dabbled in it he's if you have you know just Spam that right analog stick you get a few you get a few skills some you don't expect but yeah I feel like at the moment our mystery player is just smashing that right we're not actually tap in a circle I would have said B but Xbox um yeah come on it's 20 24 people Shanks here oh well dealt with by Philly no yeah a lot of plays back now from beta Squad y you know chunks is a great defender he just needs to Mark right should say that name out loud actually right Philly driving up from the left hand side as I mention H is making that space one of the few places he can drive at the moment oh that's brilliant H H is there no don't go down don't go down and the referee says no penalty I'm not so sure about that I'd have to take a second look at that but that looks like a penalty and I haven't seen him that head over heel since Amelia was on the scene really should have stayed up he's looking for V here I'm going to take a second look at that it is soft it is soft yeah but I will say British gymnastics Olympic team we may have found the men's freestyle candidate cuz that was a fantastic roly poly mystery player picking it up again oh here's Shanks Shanks I think he had more time and space than he kind of thought there and there's halftime wow that has come around really quickly so leas let's get your thoughts first half we're all square who you been impressed with by almost everybody that I wasn't expecting to be impressed by I think we go into these games looking at the same usual cast the characters to impress and to be fair some of them have done some good work that Sharky goal unreal AJ brilliant mystery player has kind of been the star man for his team along Ean but I think it's the guys that you don't really expect I highlighted Ray at the at the interval where they're taking a water break I think Ray has been really really promising Ray's been fantastic wanting to see a little bit more from the attacking uh beta Squad players you know your chunks your n your Billy but AJ and shy just phenomenal stuff over 300 million people struggle with this issue with the population still gr the need for clean water keeps Rising unfortunately water scarcity has been a huge issue for decades we recently traveled to Kenya to see the impact of the water project firstand and visited a range of so we're going to throw to the water project uh video you should be seeing now just to talk a little bit more about the charity behind today's incredible [Music] game water something everyone deserves access to but the reality is in Kenya alone over 19 million people still live without clean water let alone the rest of sub Sahara in Africa where over 300 million people struggle with this issue with the population still growing the need for clean water keeps Rising unfortunately water scarcity has been a huge issue for decades we recently traveled to Kenya to see the impact of the Water Project firsthand and visited a range of schools that they work with we thought it's important to see the journey the community and children used to do before the water project installed those wells in the schools and on top of the long walks the people who have to take these paths are also at risk of snakes so I think I'm looking left right down up left left I'm so scared right now it's terrifying and in this area the kids in school had to do this walk at least four times a day there's nothing easy about this the Water Crisis doesn't just affect their health it also affects their education children are having to disrupt their education multiple times a day to walk miles under the scorching Sun just to fetch water that's not even safe getting water from places like this can put you at risk of diseases such as diarrhea typhoid and desenty this could take up to a third of their day and this is a daily struggle access to clean water means so much more than just hydration it means Better Health improved education and economic growth when communities have water they can Thrive so how did it feel when the Water Project brought the well I feel very excited yeah the smiles came out yeah yeah yeah you guys have got some great smiles traditionally the simplest Wells are hand dug costing many unskilled laborers their lives the Deep walls that the Water Project builds provide large communities with Clean safe water can typically be up to 500 ft deep which brings all sorts of challenges and are not cheap either right now there isn't enough files to get the equipment needed to build these deep Wells which is why you donation is so important this is why we're supporting the Water Project a charity that's been fighting this crisis since 2006 by providing clean reliable water sources to those in desperate need in subsaharan Africa this is the director of the regional service Hub Humphrey who has been a huge part of bringing this dream to reality the pupils here have actually gotten sufficient time to concentrate in their studies because before they would waste a lot of time going down the stream to get that same water not only do these schools now have access to fresh clean water this also gives the local community the ability to share the facilities for day-to-day needs providing water for livestock and crops for the village however with the great promise clean water brings comes to an even greater responsibility keep things working the Water Project have regular and systematic upkeep and care of the world to ensure proper function and Longevity to sustain water supply the work that the Water Project is doing is changing a lot of lives but not enough they need our help to continue this life changing work so make sure you donate right now or join us by liking sharing and subscribing to the water projects content so we can introduce millions of more voices to this amazing course to ensure everyone has access to their basic human rights but my friends please donate now just10 helps bring clean water to a child or community in need 20 helps to keep the clean water flowing this is the cost of the most most frequently replaced part A U seal but please donate whatever you can because we want to build as many Wells as possible in Africa so make sure you go to the waterer beta and donate now it's so important guys and together we can really help change people's lives thank you so a look there at the uh the amazing cause behind today's match and you know what it's it's these boys are Role Models because they're putting on a fantastic game we get fantastic content from them and now there's a fantastic course to back it so well done boys absolutely uh if you want to donate the link should be in the description underneath the video so any amount you can give we know it's tough out there any amount you can give would be much appreciated so back to the match uh the first half leas you've just been digesting everything bro you you've been shaking Bro you've had some moments where you've been up out of your chair now we're both about 5 fo seven so it doesn't make too much difference but combine that's a ling foot for it what what are your thoughts to be honest with you I think with these uh these charity games it's always interesting seeing the first few minutes because that's when you can really tell who's up for it and I think like I said this guy on the screen right here Ray has been the one for me that's really impressed me and surprised me to be honest with you but I think both teams are a lot more evenly matched than I originally thought we looked at beta Squad so many actual football players the lik of chunks nio Philly shark we HP we've said the names I mean Ray's been and Ray's been through a lot he body slammed within the first 15 seconds by BB J this was the big moment though right right from the beginning it looked like would make this a light easy day right sketch stepping up for the penalty off the woodwork and it's not a terrible penalty actually as well from The Keeper that's the moment of Madness right there I I think we didn't even react to it because what the hell was that yeah uh look I mean and K that again opportunity that's actually a really good penalty jidan actually had to get taken off because he was proving too much of a risk early on we haven't seen him on I think once we get into that second half and here's the break through this moment right here at King Kenya I think two on either side had to do a little better there and chunks haven't seen T from chunks there not a terrible effort there yep I think those were those first early signs though from beta Squad that they were going to kind of look to put early pressure on AMP here was another moment as well too from Niko just struggling to get his feet sorted still managed to carve out a half decent opportunity here but the angle is really really tight there for Niko there's not a lot of sinking up between the players up top in the ba Squad at the moment we SE a couple moves this moment right here yeah is the moment of the of the game so far AJ the chunks finds it back to AJ somehow and wow yeah it's a triangle of Madness uh when it comes to AJ and that shot there the shirt came off he couldn't quite believe it either yeah questionable celebration but nothing questionable about that finish right there this right here chunks well done but this finish that's something he'll be he'll have been dreaming of unreal finish just guides it into the far corner wow and from there I think it was kind of a question of how do kind of react from this moment because they had all the early chances that was kind of like a sucker punch from beta Squad just to kind of let them know that they were there wow it's a gorgeous goal brilliant and uh it didn't necessarily come from any massive buildup either AJ just to took the punt and that's what you got to do sometimes in these charity games absolutely also they set pieces I will say from B Squad have been pretty good yeah let's see but then we had eeman who entered the equation right I I actually learned at half time he he kind of came late from a a charity game right before this so he's warm from the start yeah man up motheres yeah and this right here kind of uses uh them as a disguise One V one HP probably thought that he could have uh intercepted that but that's a brilliant finish from Ean straight from the Emirates it's a lot of expectation being put on Harry Panera here today he to do a lot of the heavy lifting defensively and I don't know if you can hear this watching the stream we've got some halime entertainment it maybe would have been H but he's actually playing today so it's all hands- on Deck we might be looking at some sort of uh penalty Showdown but until then let's keep looking at these highlights not doing that we are not doing that it's versus better Squad and we are here for the cross really interesting opportunity from Shar I think he must have looked at sketch and said yeah I fancy my thought from here and that right there is it might be the goal of his life man look I I understand the opposition quality isn't brilliant but from that distance unal finding that from that distance that's otherworldly from sharis scoring a goal like that in South London just call the guy David pekham and for anyone watching outside of England that joke will make no sense okay Crossbar Challenge M yeah you got your new B is on my we're hitting the crossbar yeah what you saying what an incredible goal are you ready yeah I'm ready you nervous so angry ginger has been an interesting one as well he's uh he's been pretty Stonewall at the back but again we need to see more of a defensive unit I feel but that ball from him to find Mystery player right here and that chop that's the sign of a of a world class player and we're not 100% sure who this guy that beta Squad have kind of brought into the equation is one thing is for certain he's got moves man look Le I'm going to have to press you here because you know football much better than I do we know that this player has got um a goatee yep we know that they're what they're sort of Fairly tall they've got like some form of dreads any guesses who it could be I'm going to put my reputation on the line here right y I don't think this guy when he plays professionally is an attacker or a midfielder right he's giving me defensive Vibes because like he's good obviously like professional players at this level everyone's going to look like Ronaldinho but he doesn't look as natural an attack as you would see I'm I'm willing to bet that this guy's a Defender interesting any names are I need some names give me like three names maybe it's tough man it's tough at first I thought maybe it could be e right m i mean e playing at Crystal Palace it just kind of makes sense but then we've seen a lot of him on on his left hand side and that's not really A's game I have to be honest man they've sted me wow in the meantime dusi exercising some tough love there by literally carrying Ray off the field Philly taking matters into his own hand here and this was a questionable penalty from agent but on second look I do believe that H kind of fell down a little too easily so those are the highlights from the first half loads to come back in the second half it's me m chaa and Le in the commentary box taking you all the way through the B Squad match come on man come on come on Cross T so be close up right here so you can do this you can do this so we are currently in the dressing rooms of the beta Squad and uh what what do we think the mood is in there right now I think Mark goldbridge is really a manager that likes to get hands on like he re like he'll be he'll be giving them a an earful to be be honest obviously he's a massive Manchester United fan big advocate for Eric panag which if I'm being honest I'm not sure if that's the best thing for these players at the moment judging off man United's recent form look at the difference between these changing rooms you've got gathered around dusi commanding their attention around the Whiteboard it's actually it's actually not druski here this is bro this is one of the guys trains these guys individually was an assistant coach for the match for Hope and Qatar obviously an assistant coach here for druski on the day but I think while druski is really the man the the motivator the man manager I think bro is really the guy behind the tactics here right absolutely sorry my bad for the microaggression there uh bro is uh drawing up some tactics we did not see that in the beta Squad changing room we just saw Mark goldbridge with tiny pockets of players look have a look here you've got Niko over there chunks and H having a chat Mark goldbridge is nowhere to be seen look maybe he feels slightly out of place with these players you know he is a famous man united fan so it may be confusing seeing some actual decent footballers in front of him he's just gone to the birro had a s it's the best football he seen in months so the boys stepping out now onto the pitch Harry Panero who has been imperious by the way I know we've talked about Ray we Philly all those guys said imperious bringing up Harry Potter spous yeah well look I just seen HP floating over a second but I HP at these charity games he's always the one for me that guarantees you a base level of seven out of 10 minimum man honestly what a BL you got it you got this and uh some little selfies happening there with angry ging I mean he's got to be boiling this man will get sunburn from opening the fridge so great effort from him out there today yep um chunks giving him a word here on the side let me score I've heard yeah this is interesting what could chunks be saying I think he's offering him a spot the the next beta Squad video if he allows him a goal or two that would be interesting so we've got about one minute left on halime here it's all square going into the second half uh let's make some predictions two two here finish okay right so I'm about 5k Subs away from 300,000 yeah if chunk scores I need 5,000 subscribers or I'm deleting my channel and let me tell you right now no one cares if I do but I do and I'll I'll match that I'm about 3,000 followers away on my Instagram Li bu 10 cheeky cheeky shout out there if um who who should I say if Philly grabs a goal today nah bro that's too bait you to say for scores if sketch scores if sketch scores y better give me 100k if sketch scores Le gets 100K subs and I get promoted to the beta Squad look anything can happen there's goldbridge asking where he was on the 19th of December classic C is that druski in one of the kid I don't know what is going on there uh ladies and gentlemen I think we may be seeing druski enter the equation in the second half it does look like it that would be insane he's got like the camo shorts on the bright white shirt do you want to be seen or not mate yeah he's he's stepping on he's stepping on he's their mystery player this is interesting obviously the beta Squad boys pulling out all the stops for today's match we had a brass band playing earlier today which was spectacular uh they said they were the bre uh the best brass band in the world not to blow their own trumpets we've just heard some very interesting news here we just heard some very interesed news that Drew ski might be stepping on it's not to be it's not been confirmed just yet so let's see what happens what I have heard though is that Mark goldbridge is feeling extremely IR rate after that performance so let's just see what happens if beta Squad continue dragging their feet in the second half yeah Mark goldbridge was uh telling us before the game that uh his footballing ethos if you want to call it that relies heavily on his team playing out from the back so I think he'll be really frustrated to see that that first 45 minutes we weren't really seeing much of that a lot of wayward clearances a lot of straight passes I I wouldn't be expecting him to be giving them the hairdryer treatment and gorgeous weather here today at S Park beautiful day for it huh wow yeah yeah did I use my Mayweather joke already I can't remember if I did once or twice if you just once or [Music] twice so geing up for the second half here uh the refs have been pretty good they've let the play run where there have been a few uh tricky tackles I definitely think so so the ref is counting players now just to make sure no one's done a runner got sketch there taking Sou these the only shots he's done well with today to be [Music] fair right so dusi is officially on the pitch look at those squat jumps there that's a lot of man and you know what we might see him putting some pretty hefty challenges So currently we are three players short from beginning dr's tapped in [Music] though it's been a pretty easy day for Trey the beta Squad goalie yeah I mean look I think sketch is definitely being pepper bit more shots than he is but at the moment what two shots on target two goals for yeah and uh you know the ball has come to him a couple times he's he wrapped hands around it which is good he's been getting those balls out quicker than speed on a stream so really good stuff from T let's see more of it in the second half we're about to kick off now we've had a couple players wander onto the pitch AJ beckoning for more noise I think he's going to get it [Applause] I think that's AJ's way of trying to bribe the linesmen to keep him on side I was going to say as someone from Zimbabwe I know all about bribery and important decisions and it looks like Angry Ginge is right about where the kickoff is going to be head yeah could we be seeing him line up as a striker for the second half look I've seen him keep goals out I've never really seen him as someone who's much of a goal scorer I'd want to see it he's I've been impressed with what I've seen so far so let's just hope they give him a shot up front he has been streaming of course with Wayne Rooney recently so maybe a few tips for him but the game has kicked off second half here and just like in that first half it does appear beta Squad have a bit more home support if you want to call it though absolutely mystery play is still on I wondered whether we might see him come off for a little while but uh he can't he may not be allowed to score we're not sure you'd imagine if he's a secret weapon they use him in moderation but let's See's on the pitch here we go first sech of the ball maybe now no ni takes it off him deji is also back on the pitch so is Kenny oh angry chin that's a brilliant pass over the top that expertly dealt with by George here comes a throw now from am y agent questionable form pretty sure your back foot's not supposed to lift that high up it's really well taken by by Kenny here oh brilliant deji deji to chunks nope chunks finds it somehow oh being barged off the bow that and here is Duke Duke vers chunks two of the biggest names here at this event Phenom oh that's that's a good play from Phenom little bit more intensity going into the second half which is good to see you man lets it go through his legs to agent agent to Kai Kai who's still waiting for that big moment defended well by Kenny and here's deji the mystery player just takes the ball of deji like deji needs to put a little bit more taking candy off a baby Phantom to the mystery player space to run into and I think he's looking for that back close to eeman there he goes with that right analog stick again the back post agent little bit too high there off the top of the head Trey hasn't had to work too hard in this game so far but looks ready AJ actually watch him now he actually looks a little bit tired so for anyone just tuning in the water beta if you want to donate any amount is great there should be a link in the description underneath the video uh the amazing charity behind today's game and we're in play again that's a great pass from extino and that's an even better touch from chunks leaves well on on the ground chunks now leading the Counterattack Niko is just waiting for the ball over the top here's AJ Now Beta Squad have numbers on the far on the far side here's shy looks for Niko tries to hold it up but well defended by right here we go Philly with the foot work let's see where he can take it he's looking out wide to Kenny there he is Kenny Kenny to shy well defended by shank out there again I think we're starting to see Philly more on the ball you Good Feet here really good stuff a man with many talents rapping football agreeing with anything chunk says man you're F John right from under his nose there oh here we go Ging lie the lines's done well there and it looks like whatever AJ told him at the start of the second half has already started right so what's happening here then it is a referee's called it back and uh let's see what angry Ginge can do up top here angry Ginge not to be confused with horny Ginge which just pull skulls whenever he sees his daughter's feet does look like there's a bit of a stoppage in play here just from the referee few guys feeling it in their muscles well I mean this is the thing it's it's in the heat it's meant to be you know slightly better for the cramps and the twists and whatnot but you know these boys are putting in a lot of work so injuries can be expected who's actually on the ground I can't see through the I'm just noticing as well too druski seems to have put his shirt on the wrong way so that's his at first half and now his shirt the second half so let's have a look someone's getting taken off there hope they're hope they're okay it is can't quite make out is that is Ka that seems to be his ey streaming this afternoon hopefully he's all right seems to have joged off just at the end there so should be okay and who are they bringing on instead I think that might be phom after just see jogging on I just can't imagine how mystery player is doing this right now man must be sweating like crazy on the mask AJ now picks up the ball oh just needed a touch from chunks yeah chunks wanted it behind agent suspect touch here's Kenny Kenny oh KN has just ruined his dream right there man thought Nik could polish it off there chunks plays it short to AJ here Phantom tries closing him down and they have completely completely ruined that set piece yeah really in his face that yeah offside lad sorry it's actually supposed to be who doesn't know the rules no you guys so it begs a question if Drew's on the pitch who's managing who's managing M I think it's Brody I think I think that's kind of why you saw him in that halftime locker room kind of just directing plays telling them the new taxs for the second half and to be fair whoever we can hear right now in our ears is mapping out a lot of set pieces and play so let's see what can pull out of the bag yeah here's Eman oh good play on the left angry Jing screamed for in the middle and he's going to get it Jing just missing that first touch and I'm telling you that's been the issue of they've carved out some decent opportunities but that Final Touch is just letting them down at the moment true say but we've not seen angry Ginge at the end of those attacks and I have a feeling that if we see a goal it might come from him in the second half right here we go AJ the shabil deal and here over to chunks come on mate you've got the tast in your ah a the chunks feel something that's not good that's not good right there you may have pulled something and it certainly wasn't my Jammer here's AJ oh he's limping hopefully he's all right let's see I think he's asking to be subed [Music] off Dan arens find shy here they are pressing them yeah they are has really turned up the defense this second half is AJ let's think AJ triy slutting in chunks chunks has space here if he can turn come on chunks yeah if he can turn nice there's Philly tiny bit of Limp but he's pushing towards go he's sced it in am's Defenders trying to ah sketch devastating oh that's that's a horrible moment there from sketch I think am's Defenders are just trying to let him know look it's not your fault but I think when they see a second look at that that's one he's got to be saving yeah from that distance a he just sent him the wrong way just uh with the goal line oh boy goore number pH and there you see it once again knows his way around the white line and look we've seen some good goals from beta Squad today that that AJ oh here's angry Jin from halfway no way surely not it's not the worst attempt in the world but we've seen some good goals from beta Squad here today right AJ brilliant goal Sharky that one from Philly right there not to take anything away from Philly but it's one you'd kind of be expecting any carting goalkeeper to kind of stuck well it was a brilliant strike and we know that Phil's got it in him just not quite seen him reach final form yet but maybe that's going to put the fire Underneath Him Now absolutely in the second half Alie to AJ can he y keeps it in just here on the near side squaring up to mystery player and Alfie so far I can't lie extino has looked really sharp in the back right now for for the beta Squad here's Philly brilliant touch J jid back on now gives it to Philly agent triy sliding in Nik Kenny let's see whether Phil's going to make that getting another powerful strike Phil Philly for the second Philly wow this one he CLS oh he's happy with that that's a brilliant move from beta Squad Kenny to Nick back to keep that energy man Che what they say about him great striking we've seen him on on stream in pro clubs obviously plays for girth and tur and we've seen him finish those kinds of chances in a virtual game but it's always nice to see that they can finish him off in real life as well too Philly brilliant wow I haven't seen a strike that big since I tried to get the train to Sheffield that was fantastic stuff Philly that's now two you see the way Philly is celebrating here right I think the first one he was a bit sheepish almost embarrassed the score but that one that's a brilliant goal both from the team and from him individually 42 to Beta Squad now what a turnar around yeah starting to open up here dusi maybe making a mistake coming onto the pitch here we've not seenot Brant pass the shank shank shank shank's are wi that could have been something it's a decent strike to be fair gets some decent contact on it but yeah for wide oh careful oh that could have been subm in again ging is going to Lurch in and make those challenges if he needs to even going to chase the ball let's get on with it yep and actually looking now do we still have Harry on the pitch I think Harry may have come off if I'm not mistaken Y which probably explains why we're seeing a little bit more attacking football from here Danny arens with the Cross Field pass intercepted by Niko brilliant play Oh cheeky little slide there on Niko flag's gone up we're going to have a substitution here and I do believe chonic is coming on to the pitch number 6.5 chonic yep 6.5 a bit of a weird number Choice we've seen some weird ones today but 6.5 I can't lie I've been watching football for a long long time I have to be honest that's the first time I've seen that now as you know James jonic his recent upload was titled escaping a locked room with only a paperclip someone's been to a diddy party allegedly oh that's a brilliant pass oh and AJ end almost touched over his head he can chunks uses his body to clear o just wide I've liked that link up on this left hand side though between AJ and chunks obviously childhood friends they've been doing this together for a long time and it looks like that understanding has kind of crept it way onto the pitch as well too yeah I mean there's some great chemistry in the beta Squad pairs but what we want to see is that movement happening in The Wider team so look they're they're two up now well that's a brilliant pass AJ intercepts it well and AJ has space now to run at Phantom he'll be relishing that match up Beats Phantom wow AJ n who's that ch ch oh the bar that would have been the move of the day wow that's the beta Squad Lup we've been talking about AJ to Niko to chunks that shot from chunks is delightful and sketch making a save where chunks really didn't want him to be doing one wow that was brilliant that had us on our feet I mean we've been standing for the last 20 minutes but tiptoes oh that shot from chunks is delightful sketch actually gets a hand on that chunks can't believe it man out of all the shots sketch's face that's the one he gets a hand on bad than the guy AJ telling fenom look this ain't this ain't American football back up back up AJ that's a great pass oh it's in no no no sh chunks is telling it to Shari Shari doesn't want to claim it own goal by the mystery player you're joking that is that's got to hurt I got to see a replay of that well we know it's not Ronaldinho now yeah it looks like it was about to fall the chunks let's have a look tipped off by sketch chunks and it is the mystery player and that's why shy didn't want to claim it either exactly chunks was saying it was shy shy was saying it was chunks it turns out it was the mystery player uh that's got to hurt myy player rated 99 was his player rating that mask is definitely staying on whoever Club is employing him is not wanting to see that Michael own goal from the looks of things yeah that's got to hurt I think we might see the mystery player come off there's druski playing to the crowd not much on the field right here we go mystery FL trying to redeem himself off the kickoff here's Ean there he making that run yet brilant over the top he's got the vengance in his eyes now he's got chewan going towards him wow SS him a dream here's Eman oh brilliant turn faces him up again eeman against AJ they've played against each other a fair few times mystery player can't keep it in too much on it and look we haven't had HP in the back for beta Squad so you would expect them to be a weaker outfit here but they're dealing with it well so far well jidon calmed down a little bit which is interesting I I quite like the idea of him just charging into people maybe a little bit later on in the match all right clearance and Trey there over the top deji here shy looks exhausted now I told you was on painkillers before that they might just be fading off at this point in the game Ean Ean Trey gets a little something on it United Trey very Andre NES there man knew where that one was going the corner now and we had that covered Kon that wants [Applause] it right so let's hope Kon for his Togo stick along because this one's coming High dusi lurking in the Box as well melin Charlie sloth in it comes the Ginge Ginge Ginge one United fan to another office Ginger nut wasn't quite strong enough and it's coming straight back to Ean oh that touch is delightful Ean no way outrageous oh that is what he's capable of though he does have that little bit of extravagance in his game now we can hear Mark goldbridge he is sounding a lot more relaxed at this point absolutely I think whatever he said the guys at half time has really paid off three goals ahead it's a big lead I think are capable of claing it back but we need to see heavier attacking football here and I might go as fast to say get the mystery player off wow maybe imagine saying that before a ball was kicked now if you look at the formation ofp you'll see Angry Ginger's actually taking a step back now has he gone back into defense maybe cple nice overs Kai wanted it back AJ can't believe it yeah angry jinge back at the back now CH here's the danger man for am and now it looks like he's really going to take matters into his own hands well fate yeah that too Ginge oh that's brilliant ball to will will will I'm not sure about that technique squares it you can see why he did it when you look at will head he is a Newcastle fan that was maybe a bit more akin to Newcastle before the Takeover and K he has run this space to run into but maybe needs to buy into his stock a little more chunks to Alfie go k chunks over the top now n just offside play the off sideline very well there haven't seen too much from uh niiko this afternoon still more consistent than his upload schedule though y here's Chris Chris yet to really have that big moment but he's already kind of Jing back up got himself on the balls the good touch HP and AJ is on AJ is on and he has numbers alongside with him looking for Niko Niko is offside though by a mile the spirit of speed is in the stadium here today right I can hear Mark goldbridge looking to make a permanent substitution Alfie's about to kind of come off now who's coming off Alfie brilliant performance from Alfie by the way Rock Solid at the back on comes [Applause] Gib Chris restarts play but Kai's actually on the ground there he is yes uh currently stretching out back on his feet seems all right Ean excuse me Ean Ean there's one back cool as there's one back celebrates I think someone has to tell him he's still down by two yeah yeah Ean is very much doing a world tour of celebrations right now two more to go mate hey he said I'm leaving here with son if anyone can get am back into this game though you'd have to imagine it is Eman abely hang on what's Happening Here Mark goldbridge is leaving the pitch you're joking I think he's absolutely disgusted by the way look that his team has kind of defended that go Mark goldridge has just stormed off that's something you don't see often look he's walking down the tunnel that's unbelievable ripping off the head T that's unbelievable I've never seen anything like that wow wow that's unprecedented left without a manager B Squad still two up that pass from Chris is scrumptious an Ean I mean you just always knew he was going to finish from there but Mark goldbridge leaving with 25 minutes left to play what's his angle here I don't know do you think this is the last we've seen of him anything can happen anything can happen but for the moment he stormed off I can't believe the scenes we're watching here beta Squad seems stunned confused and now both managers that we started the game off with drei and Mark goldbridge are no longer on the touch line for their respective teams I mean this is awful hopefully there's no K in the crowd because there are no managers to speak to at this point game's come to a stand still and we're back in chunks is kind of looking for that ball over the top to AJ shy just keeping it close HP o Kai HP on the attack Glides out of the back gracefully HP here we go HP surely still has it oh goes down good play from will though HP brings him down Jing charging up the pitch there's Ean Ean sees the switch to the mystery player he thought about passing to win here's the mystery player we need more from him Glides past tronic oh player a a good go good go that's a moment of class right there making up for his own goal and now only one goal separates the two sides yeah I think he's atoned himself for that own goal there slightly decent goal straight down the middle posing with the fans who can go back to their parents say hey m i met actually I don't know who it was this moment right here look it definitely isn't Arian Robin but you could be fooled for thinking it was picking it up on the right hand side skips past one skips past another and a wonderful finish on his left foot nothing United Trey could do there so one goal to separate the two teams we are quickly passing through the second half here I can't lie since Mark goldbridge exited the proceedings team have looks organized you say a lot better I mean yeah I was going to say his a lot more relax since the cops left I mean my my cheeks have certainly unclenched oh man Come N still waiting for that goal yeah one of the biggest YouTubers in the planet he's met the leader of the KKK so coolly spoken to Donald Trump and uh shy here now out to the left AJ of Harding in front of him goes back to chonic okay shy good feed there sh is looking really cool on the ball yeah yeah no sense of urgency there and I think oh that's a brilliant touch that's a brilliant touch sh keeps on it there go manages to get out of the situation and AJ now has space to run into rapid hang on someone's coming out the tunnel what it's that goldbridge with the kneecaps fully out and summer hang on a minute I feel like Mark goldbridge is going to try and get onto the pitch not surely not that would be a huge twist we've heard of player managers both managers onto the field who's coming off though yeah we're having a sub who's it's Mark goldbridge coming out of the tunnel my Lord built like a stick insect but has this man got a sting on him I can't believe the scenes I'm watching right now this is straight out of WWE we were talking about it before the game this is like the opposite of Stone Cold Austin coming out no one is afraid what's the opposite of stone C this this man is lukewarm lukewarm or [Laughter] goldd so team tactics being discussed here looking very fired up kais that especially he wants that w hang on a minute so Daniel sturd there we can see maybe stepping into the management role for beta Squad what do we think doesn't know a thing or two about the game greeting young Philly there they were actually all with Ronaldinho yesterday nice little link up yesterday what Daniel St those in ANM shirt interesting fraternizing with the Enemy if that's the [Music] case once again if you just tuning in or if you're about to leave us don't forget the Water Project is the charity behind today's game you see the donation links down in the description any amount you can give will be totally fantastic so please do [Music] donate I'm being told here yeah that Daniel Sturridge might actually be entering the proceedings amp they need a goal they're down by one and who better to call upon than quite literally a premier league CT hero he scored so many goals in the past for Liverpool for Chelsea for Manchester City for Bolton wanders he knows where the back of the net is well I mean that would be incredible I mean if we can go to pens by the final whistle that' be fantastic what a Twist but then again it'll be interesting to see how someone like Harry Panera matches up against the sturd well I've seen Harry Panero match up against the likes of kaka yeah that uh drug B he's he's gone up against some big Heavy Hitters but Daniel St is freshly retired I actually I don't even know if he is retired I think he I'm not even going to comment on that just cuz I'm not 100% sure on what Daniel st's current situation is like but this is a guy that was playing Premier League football not too long ago well it's all smiles now but trust me when that final whistle goes all of the uh sorry when the whistle goes all of those old instincts are going to kick absolutely bro even I've played with a couple of you know Big Dog players in Sade and bro they will run rings around you my guy I got nutmeg so many times I had my legs surgically sealed after that match I was going to say you've been standing very bizarrely all game yeah yeah yeah well uh didn't want to bring it up Brody just giving Daniel Serge some tips Brody I'm you're my guy but I'm not 100% sure he needs him [Music] kaon that asking for some noise here on comes Daniel Sturridge this wasn't part of the script this is going to be very interesting here one goal in it 73 minutes into the match STD obviously made such a brilliant career off his his uh relationship with Luis Suarez at Liverpool he's going to have to make do of Duke Dennis today both know a finger two by teeth there we go that joke had a little bite to it we'll be here all [Applause] [Music] week that definitely died in almost being tackled by the uh the camera which is almost half his s yeah we've got cameras on wheels for the game and here's Ray as well too yes good to see Ray back on okay so all the big guns are back on for this last 15 minutes the ball's thrown into play by the beta Squad side here we go most importantly Daniel Sturridge what can he bring to this game chunks there we go Chris gets the ball back from him yeah I think have all their best players on the pitch at the moment bar maybe the mystery player Chris Now is really I think going to run this game Daniel sturd first touches on the ball yeah Chris MD two I mean you look at some of these names man eeman Daniel Sturridge Chris MD angry Ginge this is the best that they can offer in my opinion phom phom tly known for YouTube videos where he actually swalls the food he's the opposite of bivo fitting in [Applause] now and ahic really well done tell you what his sh say 6.5 but I think his performance has been a bit higher than that I'll give him an eight yeah I'm really sad it's not Ronaldinho I had some pretty good jokes written down for him but uh I have to wait till next year I mean it could be Ronaldinho the mystery player could be roninho we don't know if that's Ronaldinho I think my childhood is ruined Chris D offside here oh I'm not I'm not sure druski is necessarily familiar with that rule who's gone down down I like I said shy did enter this game a late Fitness scare he is loaded up on painkillers I spoke to him the night before the game we're talking Achilles we're talking ankle we're talking groin we're talking hip flexor this dude is is made out of plastic it seems it took a lot for him to be here at this game but it may have just taken his toll on him he took a little delayed reaction going down there so maybe I see we see chunks coming off as well with a Lim a lot of beta Squad injuries AJ stretching out I mean look man a hot day like today they' they've ran e like bro they haven't stopped running yeah so it's can't be easy on the muscles nice pass from I can't still could be mark goldbridge on the pitch at the moment give to Niko Niko has struggled with Ginge today I can't lie nickel gets it back though nice pirouette there shy so we've had Mark goldbridge to Mark goldbridge and Bradley on the field today I played a mark goldbridge before sneakily good player yeah well look I mean bring it out from the back here Niko H is there if he wants him chooses instead to go to his beta Squad member Kenny Mark goldbridge gets it back and he's just there to kind of just slow things down but Chris MD Oh my days on the break Chris MD on the ball here just has GI to beat no one quite has the pace he's offering at the moment touch on him Chris from distance stage was there oh he slippedy oh my God I'm not sure it's how they drew it up but sometimes that's how the best gos get drawn up let's see this Chris what did he slip did he Chris will be trying to tell me after this game that that's a pass but on the world's tiniest banana skin yeah you can't fool me AJ oh nice from AJ suppose you could call it falling short Daniel Sturridge Daniel Sturridge and Ray in the same proximity were words I never thought in my life I'd be saying but that's the beauty of these charity games you kind of get these fantasy link UPS Daniel Sturridge now lovely quick turn step overs as well his left foot is a w Chris can he find Daniel St oh Daniel I think he's holding back there I can't lie he knew yeah was it was that off I don't think so that could have been a go 100% here's HP I think HP saw Daniel stage and said yeah I fancy some of that a nice pass out to AJ decent touch it's been a nice little battle AJ vers Phantom I think so far it's safe to say AJ has kind of won that battle but we'll see how it goes H was just making a run Niko let's it lets it Go Niko could finally get that goal oh stagger slightly n used his body well they're going to chop him down in the Box n no the refere penalty referee says nothing AJ flicks it over it oh for good measure three three flicks a charm I think he's called for a free kick I'm not 100% sure it's a free kick for am I'm not 100% sure about this there was an eye poke I think AJ temporarily entering Ric Flair mode there with the thumb in the eye just toying having fun him out there I think what we're really missing here though is a moment from the guys like they played decent games honestly I've actually been impressed by them because look they don't really have a huge footballing background but that goal is I think what all their fans are really waiting to see whether it comes from Kai whether it comes from duke Phantom we need that moment 100% And this is a great opportunity for some of the UK audience to you know check out some of these absolutely massive American streamers who uh you know if we were playing basketball right now oh yeah different stor so these boys are putting up a good show Absolutely and seriously at this point if you don't know the likes of phantom agent Chris next door all these guys right Davis like come on are you living under a rock the biggest streamers on the planet Kenny good defensively tracked by Duke there United Trey has given it back to Chris MD Chris MD from distance oh my Lord chrisd the Chris MD that's an absolute howler from Trey right there Chris MD goes to run over to the fans copies garula celebration that's the moment that United Trey is not going to want to go and look back up wow that's got to [Music] sting all of am joining Chris MD there and that's the worry right like I mean if you if you miss place of pass like that you want it to go to almost anyone except Chris MD he's shown you that he's got range in his game fantastic goal there from Chris MD hailing from Jersey no doubt everyone back home will be giving him a high six on return all six of them really good stuff so we're all square again five five this is more like it 10 goals in this match definitely getting your money's worth in fact we've got so excited Leo has just spilled his water all over the commentary Des it's now the second excited spinage we've had this afternoon first one was from me sorry drei looking uh pretty peeved at the moment really great show from the Americans here today and as Le was saying you got to check out some of their channels I had a look at Phantom's Channel his recent video was titled eating everything in Africa which feels a bit selfish to be honest now you go shy uh who got making the Run Dei looks over the top to AG H is there H can find deji Dei showing up the moves oh my goodness K surely he's been crying n who's for ball n sloted in P sketch finally the captain the UK's biggest Menace becomes mayor of curst park with that goal Niko has run the channels selflessly today he's been crying out for that goal he's been he's had to be patient to be honest with you but that move right there I want to give massive credit to deji for kind of finding that anchor of space but nichel the ball Falls him in such a promising position he's never going to miss that chance insane and mocking the celebration there as well love to see it 82 minutes into the second half just in the nick of time9 listen to that man fan favorite is an understatement he deserves that man honestly what it's been a good performance and I know sometimes we look have they scored have they not we talking about the the amp guys in that regard but I think nicho has been really good today oh my God yeah and he's really deserved that goal he got into space he took his time he slotted it in sadik Khan could never y there you go it's got to be a great feeling as a captain slotting one away especially maybe the winner the match winner I mean look you've seen angry ginch has been on him like a rash man honestly he hasn't let him breathe in the one moment that nikl kind of gets away from him he's got to be clinical there such a well taken goal Mark goldbridge coming off for some advice funny how things turn around isn't it he was the manager just for the majority of the game and now he's uh having a talking two on he goes so we've had had St might be lining up to sho from half here had Mark goldbridge and Bradley here today two men white men over the age of 40 it's nice to see such an underrepresented group been given a chance to shine keep an eye out on Daniel STD man I think he's looked a few times over at the Keever to see if he's off his line I mean that could be spectacular I think he's he's talking to Ean should I try it should I not you think he's going to try and score go from half line gives him another a that's a long shot I'm no he doesn't okay be Chris MD on the prowl again over to St surely he's going to Daniel St could it be it was a lovely a lovely intention out of everybody on the planet to finish that chance that's currently on the pitch he can't believe it he can't believe it Daniel St rich like Daniel St poor you see I'm running out yeah yeah rrap it up get St we TR angry gin angry gin flying through there come on boys need to communicate couple of players going for the ball there St kind of offering himself up there oh is he on side Sturridge was in a world of his own for a second middle to Ean it's got to be eeman if there anyone surely not D no chance how has he missed that he'll never get a better chance than that oh the goal was literally begging for him to put it in man took out a Ryan Air flight Sky it I would have love seen to have seen dusi pop that away from there that was unself unselfish from dusi as well too I think he' have very easily taken that himself Kai and uh J just saying were even now Phenom might have just inad sent Nik through one go can get is chasing back Kenny come on Kenny can they finish off here Kenny to deji Dei wow no words you know it was a good effort terrible finish I mean the silence says it all from uses it I'm stunned I'm son Kai is running without actually looking where the ball is come on dusi dusi all yours mate come on it's dusi [Laughter] yeah words can't describe the scenes we've just witnessed here that could have been but fortunately not still getting the crowd a little burov spino I don't know where he learned that from but this right here I think Philly's coming off here still got a little spring in his step who is he coming let's have a look who's coming on for him George is back on if I'm not mistaken jidan in the back as well too Chris delightful flick that the legendary Scorpion Kick may look they're getting their chances Duke again Sur could this be his moment oh my Lord s off the line the line from Danny aens wow Danny aens take a bowon Danny aens has just ruined Daniel st's opportunity but Daniel sturge has the ball back here yeah he does not want to be scorned Sturridge on his left Chris MD MD is surely Chris Mt oh Danny AR stage again Danny aens is here to ruin the party this guy's a footballer I think the fans want penalties but I can't lie if it's up to Danny arens we're not getting him no I mean I thought he was a boxer from the amount of times people say he's punching but he has put great effort here today on the pitch three minutes to go maybe less than a couple of minutes extra time I'm guessing H the Sharks but they s on the move again y shark just playing it simple Kenny Kenny is put in a great performance a loose ball here though Mark goldbridge taking no prisoners Niko over to Mark I'd love to see Kenny score here just be the cherry on top for the B Squad that's really all we need oh angry ging though doesn't do cherry here we go Chris MD again uh dusi and Ka I have no idea what offside is here's Duke oh Lord could it [Applause] Bei wow what a moment druski actively tried to kick it out and the Lord said not today my son with the triple barrel roll he usually prefers a Swiss the goal was literally gaping no no no when he turns around he's going to be absolutely devastated and we saw that half time oh my God we saw a half time with AJ shabil and the linesman he doesn't know and AJ shabil is running over to the linesman hey Zimbabwe in representative here what's going on some little bribery happening there please they're asking put down the flag dusi is right home he's uploading Facebook stat AJ stolen the flag Ka and AJ getting into it play has continued there's a wrestling match happening over here in the corner uh wrestling Karmasutra I think oh kais booting the flag and in the mean time STD is in on STD STD Cuts him across yes oh my Lord Absolute Total Chaos here at saur Park it had to be him it just had to be him another is will sturd do his iconic celebration yes he will yes he will brings out the the sturd celebration here at sers Ka and AJ shabil fighting like a pair of Hobbits in the corner there Liverpool fans be wondering why he couldn't do that in 2014 wow what an unreal 30 seconds gold disallowed by dusi sturd on the counter attack slots it in calm as you like it's six all look at this yeah they all got the memo they all got the memo of STD Premier League fans have seen that celebration countless times over the years I think I might have even done that on FIFA the one time I scored in the last five years and Drew ski just to covering that's got to be a uh a lot to swallow although here we go then not sure how many how many uh minutes of extra time we've got here oh and uh a pitch inv the pitch uh they're going to call off the play the fans have been great so far kight is taking down the pitch Invader himself this is crazy okay so we have heard there going to be 3 minutes of added time we can see the boys now asking pitch in a this isn't what you like to see guys come on it's just a this just isn't what you like to see man well look it's a shame that uh this has had to happen it's been a spectacular game from all of the players here this afternoon yeah I think the boys are going to have to rush down into the tunnel to be honest with you because this pitch invasion I just gotten out of him honestly well look for everyone who tuned in we appreciate the support thank you for donating the players are going to head into the tunnel until we can get a little bit of calm here uh look it's not a deal when this happens it does sometimes happen and uh obviously real disappointment for the boys who put a lot into making this happen a raise money for charity anyway look if you're still watching the link to donate is in the bio Le maybe we will go to penalties maybe we won't yeah I I hope they do I hope they get given the chance to do that look obviously we had we had two minutes left to play couldn't you guys wait till after the shootout if you were going to do this at all so there's disappointing sites but let's talk about the game a little obviously that should be the focus that and of course the charity at hand today those last 5 to 10 minutes were getting Interesting Man honestly six6 before these incidents happen sturd was a a real game changer uh really showcasing some of that Pro skill and and uh the dusi moment was crazy that's going to be the headline moment dusi slotting away a ball in the last minute only to find it was disallowed now look this isn't ideal the game called off in the game's been called off okay well look ladies and gents thanks so much for tuning in yep to the very first beta Squad match the boys did no wrong uh put together a great game it's just a shame about the fans but for all of you who've watched through the Stream stream and donated we appreciate you I'm going to show you little highlights package because it's been a fantastic day and we're not going to let that get M I don't think I'll ever forget stri from AJ honestly man this is one of the best strikes by a YouTuber I've seen man the celebration the match yeah lots of roly polies in this game AJ nearly actually dislocated his shoulder go for that one and then of course am toen that away bottom left corner expy taken by Ean wags his finger shy this strike is exceptional wow that was special mystery uh the mystery player there kind of making it two two at that point you know what it wasn't a terrible performance from the mystery player I think our expectations were just too high man yeah yeah absolutely Philly this is maybe one to forget for sketch man I think even Philly look that's a cheeky grin right there man he knows that's a bit fortunate but this one more than made up for this is a strike right here this one he embraced fully and uh sketch sketch put on a great show you know the guy is not necessarily the tallest dude in the world but he was jumping and reaching up for saves and all sorts he had one on chunks that I couldn't believe he saved Chris MD here uh fantastic playmaker expected nothing less Y and then Ean you know he's just going to finish Ean really impressed me yeah yeah I told you I think I think him Chris you're talking about some of the best YouTubers at football that that this this space kind of has to offer that's a brilliant strike from really good goal and we never found out who the mystery strike was uh safe to say that probably wasn't Ronaldinho no this is just a moment to forget from unit United Trey I think he actually had a decent game but that's just the moment to forget and it falls the last person outside the box nice scenes here from the guys I think one of the guys on the end eating a peer armi that's uh one way to celebrate us an absolute screamer this moment here was one my favorite moment of the game though huh deji did well and Nik deserve that goal man honestly worked his sucks off today but then look Chris MD to Daniel Sturridge this is just not a kind of relationship between two players you want to see if you're a beta Squad fan honestly world class playmaking from Chris and world class finishing from a premier league cult hero Daniel stge now we didn't get a chance to see the dusi uh disallowed goal but we're going to be talking about that questionable moves from Chris though by the way huh get back in the Le really good stuff yeah now look uh obviously what what we're seeing here is not what we wanted but it's been a great day overall leas you've been fantastic thank you you as well um I've been bun Chihuahua and hopefully we'll be back next year for another fantastic game the donation link will be in the description it's for the water project and if you need a reminder as to why you should donate let's throw to a video [Music] now water something everyone deserves access to but the reality is in Kenya alone over 19 million people still live without clean water let alone the rest of sub Sahara in Africa where over 300 million people struggle with this issue with the population still growing the need for clean water keeps Rising unfortunately water scarcity has been a huge issue for decades we recently traveled to Kenya to see the impact of the Water Project firsthand and visited a range of schools that they work with we thought it's important to see the journey the community and children used to do before the water project installed those wells in the schools and on top of the long walks the people who have to take these paths are also at risk of snakes so I think I'm looking left right down up left left I'm so scared right now it's terrifying and in this area the kids in school had to do this walk at least four times a day there's nothing easy about this the Water Crisis doesn't just affect their health it also affects their education children are having to disrupt their education multiple times a day to walk miles under the scorching Sun just to fetch water that's not even safe getting water from places like this to put your risk of diseases such as diarrhea typhoid and desenty this could take up to a third of their day and this is a daily struggle access to clean water means so much more than just hydration it means Better Health improved education and economic growth when communities have water they can Thrive so how did it feel when the Water Project brought the well feel very excited yeah the smiles came out yeah yeah you guys have got some great smiles traditionally the simplest Wells are hand dug costing many unskilled laborers their lives the Deep walls that the Water Project builds provide large communities with Clean safe water can typically be up to 500 ft deep which brings all sorts of challenges and are not cheap either right now there isn't enough files to get the equipment needed to build these deep Wells which is why your donation is so important this is why we're supporting the Water Project a charity that's been fighting this crisis since 2006 by providing clean reliable water sources to those in desperate need in subsaharan Africa this is the director of the regional service Hub hum free who has been a huge part of bringing the stream to reality the pupils here have actually gotten sufficient time to concentrate in their studies because before they would waste a lot of time going down the stream to get that same water not only do these schools now have access to fresh clean water this also gives the local community the ability to share the facilities for day-to-day needs providing water for livestock and crops for the village however with the great promise clean water brings comes to an even greater responsibility keep things working the water project have regular and systematic upkeep and care of the world to ensures proper function and Longevity and sustained water supply the work that the Water Project is doing is changing a lot of lives but not enough they need our help to continue this life changing work so make sure you donate right now or join us by liking sharing and subscribing to the water projects content so we can introduce millions of more voices to this amazing course to ensure everyone has access to their basic human right pleas doing amazing things [Music] but my friends please donate now just10 helps bring clean water to a child or community in need 20 helps to keep the clean water flowing this is the cost of the most frequently replaced part A you seal but please donate whatever you can because we want to build as many Wells as possible in Africa so make sure you go to the water SL beta and donate now it's so important guys and together we can really help change people's lives thank you TR [Music] Mar ch [Music] fre TR Mar fre TR TR sh [Music] freaking TR [Music] fre TR TR [Music] Mar the whole time we went hello everyone why did you guys do that I mean the people why did the people that at the stadium run the PCT guys we really want to do a penalty shootout to find out who are the YouTube Champions but uh we're not sure how to do that right now because there's a bunch of people on the pitch so um yeah we we still want to do penalties I think right now they're clearing out the stadium and we're going to still try and have a safety of course yeah exactly we have some superstars on the pitch like Nico you know I mean okay fine okay but hly all jokes as side thank you so much for everybody that's watching thank you for the people that are in the stadium that didn't run on the pitch um of course we're here for the water project so if you haven't already please do donate to the Water Project they're doing an amazing work out in Africa building Wells giving people water so please do donate any amount would be massively appreciated and um also tell your friends to tell our friends that the penalties might be on so to just stay tuned jump on the stream uh because it could be a pan sh out and if it's not then out give it 5 10 minutes and we'll see we'll see what happens thank you so much for everybody that's watching we love you guys man bet Squad love I honestly massively appreciate you all Mar fre okay I'm joined here with Kai snack Kai could you please give me your initial thought no no I'm pissed 66 I going I going to score I was going to score three goals three I was going to score three goals bro everybody R everybody r on the pitch it was my it was my moment it's said oh my God it's Faldo Messi and then K that that was my moment bro y'all ran out bro six who won nobody we don't know we will never know who won really 66 literally 3 minutes left on the pitch oh my oh my God oh my God give me a water please please [Music] [Music] fre ch ch sh [Music] fre TR Harry Panero can you please give me your initial thoughts after coming off the pitch um not really happy I felt like this was brewing to be a classic um we was level approaching penalties and obviously um excited fans who were kids obviously um ruined what was going to be penalty shootout uh which we was going to win as well so I'm guessing obviously have paid off those little kids um this is what they do I saw Phantom reaching into his pocket um to pay um cheaters a lot of them but jokes side honestly I'm really upset I think the a lot of the boys everyone's upset because we really wanted to give the kids a massive amazing show and we did that and obviously the excitement of the game was ruined in it so bit of a bit of sweet one but other than that it was a great day well I've just had some news for that we might be doing penalties you well wait listen no no because if no genuinely look I've got I've taken off my boots I can put them back on no are are you joking possible want to let the people know listen all right anyone that's watching this on their phone right that's run on to the pitch we forgive you provided you don't do this again please this is for char so don't be selfish wait until the game's done but don't run on the pitch again um and honestly I will donate some follicules of my hair on the pitch to one of you guys if you don't run on the pitch please I'm begging you we're doing this for you guys don't ruin it all right I'm begging you another question do you could you please tell me what you think was the best goal of the game um best goal of the game I'm G to give it to AJ I think AJ's goal was really really good um he cut in there was a lot of good play from him as well um obviously closely followed by a shot goal which was an amazing free kick he actually meant to do it as well which was really good but yeah I'll go AJ oh you want to ask who the man oh yeah I think Harry Panero I think when you think about how what Harry Panero done today um was very very uh you know strong in the back kind of nullified a lot of the players led by example um an amazing man and I think without Harry Panero the score would have been 192 to so I just want to say thank you to the people who voted me man of the match perfect and any final words um yeah follow my Instagram Harry Panero YouTube Harry Panero my son needs to eat as well so if you really care about uh kids getting fed and stuff then yeah follow that as well twitch H as well I'm joined here with Sharky shy can you please give me your initial thoughts after coming off the pitch uh obviously disappointed um it was a sick event 66 it's tied uh we really wanted to end the game you know we got a whole trophy we got medals we got everything um but right now it's like no one gets to take it home you know no one gets to take the trophy home because we drew um but you know these kind of games you need a winner and now you know the fans ruined the opportunity um for us to decide a winner so very disappointing well thinking back to you know when the game was going on uh who would you say was the best player on the pitch um it's a tough one to be fair a lot of people that played well from our team I think AJ was really really good AJ did really well you know beat his man a lot of the time you know scored an unbelievable goal never seen him score a goal like that so flipping ridiculous um and then on other team of course mystery player was was was ridiculous and he could barely see from his mask he was struggling and he still did that so obviously like you know mysty player on another team definitely was really good and also could you please let me know uh who do you think scored the best goal of the game AJ for sure AJ if AJ didn't score that goal then I would have said me but AJ for sure definitely unbelievable finish I don't think keeper saving that that's the that's the thing with my one it went high and dip last minute but ad's one top Corner high as well definitely best goal to game and talking about your goal could you uh tell me a little bit about how you think your performance was uh so obviously I don't want to make excuses but hand on heart generally this the most I've been injured in my life um I've got like three or four injuries right now all at the same time had to take some painkillers and everything just to play um of course there are excuses but I think I did okay obviously my body isn't the same as it used to be um but did okay playing the Midfield moved the ball quite a bit you know let the boys play as well didn't do too much I was playing defensive Midfield and uh switching the ball pretty well and obviously I got my goal so not not not awful but obviously I'm not fully happy with how I played but my body can lose so much with these injuries so amazing and uh any final words um any final words um listen thank you guys for watching thank you guys for tuning in if you came thank you for for coming down to the game if you ran on the pitch I'm not going to say thank you to you guys because you've just you know you've basically ruined the event I mean thank you for the support as always but you know we could have really done with a with a proper ending so but thank you so much for raising all the money that we did and it was an amazing event Mar TR Mar ch sh fre ch fre all right guys so we've just found out that unfortunately we won't be able to have a penalty shootout which means we do not have a winner I say I say I said we won that I said we won the back I said we do a rematch I said we bro that it messed up so much we might as well we can't leave it off there bro I say Y come I say y'all come to America and y'all face us literally come on let's do it literally it literally do you have to bro you think let the people to say bro yeah so they out of the side so y have to say yo y'all have the Y have the yes or no and the power to determine if they got to come to America and do a rematch I say you do it I'm not going out like that there's no way yeah to decide that you two bow Champions you guys can do it so yeah I mean tweet us send us messages what is confirmed it will be in motion No Cap you guys have the power make sure if you want to see that match hype it up let's see we'll do a rematch America we're on the way there we Go's go all right guys but thank you everyone who tuned in and make sure you please donate to the Water Project we're really sorry that we couldn't do a penic shoot out today we we wanted to do it at the end there but this is all for charity so please please go to the water and thank you to everybody who already donated who's taking the trophy fre e e e e e e e for
Channel: Beta Squad
Views: 5,937,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beta squad, beta squad last to leave the box, last to leave the box, last to leave the box challenge, amp vs beta squad, beta squad vs amp, last to leave the box vs amp, amp beta squad, amp, ajshabeel, niko, chunkz, sharky, kenny, kai cenat, duke dennis, davis, chrisnxtdoor, fanum, agent00, beta squad vs amp football, beta squad vs amp soccer, last to fall asleep, amp beta squad silent library, beta squad charity match, beta vs amp charity match, beta squad vs amp charity match
Id: ChEmvP52p0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 209min 30sec (12570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 02 2024
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