Best WINNER EVER in The Voice history? | #Journey 160

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wow this is a singer a real singer with true belief yeah thank you [Music] she was lost in so many different ways out in the darkness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and then i hear this voice in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] while you're busy making plays suddenly [Music] [Applause] and then [Music] [Applause] [Music] voice lay oh my gosh wow oh my goodness [Applause] wow what is your name i'm bella and i'm 23 and i'm from sydney [Music] growing up was you know a little messy i've definitely taken on quite a lot [Music] i'm helping to raise my younger sister gabby i never really knew why i could sing or what i was going to do with it until i started going to church [Music] it's an incredibly powerful thing in my life i think singing brings so much freedom and so does music [Music] i'm so excited for my two sisters gabby and sofia to see me chasing after something that i'm passionate about i'm completely convinced that you will do amazing i haven't really sung much outside of church at all [Music] i've never really been a person to do anything for me i really hope that this will be a defining moment for me yeah hi little angel why are you so emotional well tell us what's going through your head right now i'm just really excited to be here and to share something and it just feels like the right time for me so i'm really blessed to be here wow so good so good oh my gosh oh my gosh what do you do what's your daily life like i'm a singing teacher and i work for my church singing good i mean with that type of run and no soul yeah i was gonna say you took it to church i have to ask i grew up singing in church i was in my church choir and what do you think growing up in an environment like church has taught you most about your gift i don't feel like i can lay claim to my gift and i think humility and kindness are so incredibly important and just the joy that comes from music is something that's always worth sharing the weirdest thing right when i auditioned um i think was because you sing in church it's about other people you're there to sort of give peace and it's really grounding i think it's like your realization that exactly what you said your gift is for a reason and you've got to bring love to people you've put your gift out there now but it's not a bad thing it's not a bad thing that your gift is about you as well the service is still there but you discover that your gift actually will reach people beyond what you thought it could reach in the most humbling and in the most purposeful way and i can see that humility i can see that love for your gift and it's beautiful there's no ego in it it's just like yeah yeah i mean that emotion only comes from a place of belief yes as a singer to get to that point of knowing you were going to nail that run that you just delivered at the end of this like when we got i was like what's happening i was like i'm so dizzy i thought to myself wow this is a singer a real singer with true belief yeah thank you i'm just gonna hit it off the bat i really really would be honored to have someone like you on my team and i don't know who blocked jess and i don't want to get involved in that but it was not me oh man i'm so mad right now so mad oh my goodness you are incredible you just let it soar i am an awful person yes you are you are guy and i just say i'm happy that guy blocked jess too because i was gonna do it [Laughter] sorry guys you know what i forgive you we'll go fishing later but i just have to say you could be on any stage that voice is sublime like it is like i would absolutely kill to have you on my team i genuinely just believe in you and i think you're great and i think you've got a future and i want to be part of it go go do it do it just do it [Music] i think the coach that i'm going to go with [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but guys not sorry sorry not sorry [Applause] oh my gosh your voice is crazy there's a lot of pressure moving into this next round yeah it's super nerve-wracking i'm incredibly nervous so much is riding on this for me i just feel like it's probably going to be the most important 60 seconds of my singing life actually so the song i've chosen for you guys is time after time all right danielle i'll start with you [Music] there [Music] if you're lost you can look me time after time [Music] bella did a really great job she certainly has a beautiful voice and she's very talented young lady [Music] i knew this was gonna be exceptional you're all so different so soulful whatever happens from this point you should all be so proud the down part is i can only take one from this group yeah if we all hold hands while i tell you guys it's such an honor to work with all of you guys and um i'm just gonna rip the band-aid off i'm gonna take through bella to this next round i think we can all agree your performance was just so magical and so unique can't really contain it i feel like i'm jumping out of my skin with happiness and excitement so that's great thank you guys how do you choose from that i've never heard singers this good like a as a team yeah like it's it's been faultless julianne and danielle are obviously insanely talented but when bella was singing i literally thought i have never heard a better version of that song her choices ever her choices are i don't think i've heard better singing ever on this show hello hello hi bella you look cool there is something about you that shines through every time i've heard you sing now the blends were crazy it's amazing because i started singing and then all four chairs had turned so that was very relieving [Applause] but it was awesome because i got to look over to the left and see my sisters and like just seeing their response and their excitement was really special for me [Music] how did it feel having your sisters watching as well good and like for gabby i'm glad that i can be an example for her to do things like this and i knew that you were the pillar for your little sisters and that you would kind of help bring them up tell me about your dad a little bit yeah he is so kind and um just the best like he was just the best dad you know but i was like 16 15 16. there was lots of slack addiction issues and things that were kind of happening and i found out that he'd started using ice yeah my god so that was like really hard who was looking after the girls um so they were with me sometimes with their mum sometimes so you carried a lot of the weight i guess in in the household yes and dad are you still in touch yeah he um got arrested in september so he's in jail at the moment so i get to see him now and he's clean for the first time in like six years which is amazing yeah so it means that like i can you know talk to him about this experience and like get what did he say yes when he told him cried i couldn't [Music] it felt good to share with guy a little bit about my story and about kind of the heaviness of the things that i've dealt with and i think it will really help him and i work together in unity [Music] the song i've chosen for you it's the voice within by christina aguilera okay when you read those lyrics what does that mean to you yeah i think like it reminds me a lot of my sister gabby of course i thought you would make it about your sisters because it feels like that yeah absolutely i've got a picture to show you oh my god they're so little you look the same so what do you think when you look at that yeah so this is you as a little girl [Music] so even though you automatically want to sing to them [Music] i want you to sing to her instead yeah [Music] she connects with her gift in such a deep way too now that i know all that stuff about her it just it just makes sense i'm just so moved [Music] how do you feel singing that to yourself as a little girl good i feel good singing it i feel like you saying that is what my heart needs probably to believe this for myself and not just for my family but for myself yeah i really want to make it through to the semi-final [Music] i've never like actually stopped and like hoped for something for myself [Music] so it's like it's getting me emotional because i genuinely really want it you can't [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] young girl don't cry i'll be right here when your world starts [Music] your tears will dry you'll soon [Music] and when you're safe inside your room you tend to dream of a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] with [Music] you said is [Music] with me [Music] fella taylor smith that was so powerful [Applause] we're like everyone's just crying i'm just crying because you're not on my team i just think there's levels you know that was just just so crazy next level and i feel like it's you that's like your song i just felt like i was listening to your song you know jess you were very emotional there what was going on for you oh i think just that you were just so present um present with your story present with who you are and where you've come from and i i think that's the greatest part to be able to stand up there and show the world show everybody in this room and everybody watching who you really are and for you to be able to tell you a story like that for so many who are who may be going through the same thing it's it's so helping and and it creates change and it heals people so thank you thank you you sing with the purest motive you just you you emanate such kindness i've seen how you are to to a lot of the other artists and you're just you're so nurturing and so caring and when when people talk you really listen and care and i think because you're so pure inside when you sing people can't help but be drawn to this thing that that feels so beautiful and and it's unbelievable guy it's decision time now for you you have two semi-final spots left on your team so will you take bella straight through say goodbye right now or do you need a bit more time to make your decision okay so um [Applause] thank you so much thank you my god give it up for bella taylor smith you're just ridiculous hello oh my gosh hello bella hi how are you good how are you i thought i'd put some color on for you today it's actually so cool you can't miss me can you so obnoxious yeah it's awesome so two left crazy over the last mentoring session i learned a fair bit about bella and her struggles with her family with her dad being in jail how's everything going on that front like personally for you um i'm just in the process of trying to get my dad's bail application through okay and stuff like that which is amazing but have you heard from dad yeah yeah he wrote me a letter about the show and about every like a little bit yeah yeah this is the letter dear bella sorry it's taken so long to write to you i know it's been so long since we had a normal relationship but i believe you and i have a special connection i believe we will always be able to pick up where we left off every time sorry [Music] every time we catch up i can see how well you have a handle on life i'm so proud of you for going on the voice and what a great result with the terms so you told him um i'm glad to hear that you were nervous that means that you'll do really well i'm prouder than you could ever imagine together we will always get through things love always dad well that's beautiful yeah it's very personal for her to share all this stuff with me and it reminds me that as a coach we've got such a huge responsibility to actually be there as a shoulder for these artists that we're coaching so the song that i chose for you is everybody hurts by rem i think that's beautiful yeah yeah what are your thoughts when you first read through the lyrics i feel like it's how i feel a little bit yeah [Music] when you're sure you've had enough [Music] of this life it's always hard choosing a song and and you don't know what that song is going to mean to the artist that you've chosen it for but as bella started to sing that i know she was connecting with it straight away those words are actually perfect especially after she read her dad's letter don't let yourself go it's really scary for me to be vulnerable and it feels really exposing singing words like this everybody cry i feel like it would be good for me to show that on stage i need to kind of like bring people along the journey with me [Applause] and the day's alone in the night the night is yours alone [Music] when you're sure you've had enough [Music] don't let yourself go [Music] everybody cries trust me i know everybody hurts [Music] sometimes everybody hurts [Music] i know everybody [Music] everybody [Music] everybody everybody a standing ovation i didn't even know what to say that was i actually have like goosebumps what just happened like actually just someone tell me what just happened because i feel like these chairs need to just be made like straight so we don't sit down when you come on because it's like what is the point of sitting down when you're on that stage that was something that i've never seen before ever and i mean that and i mean that sincerely you have just really inspired me beyond belief tonight i don't even know how i can speak i'm emotional tonight what a great performance you did i mean jordan came out and sang the best he's ever sung and i'm like what has made him so good that right there yeah because he knows what you were bringing tonight and that is going to be a tough tough call for you tonight because you both just knocked it out of the park it was beautiful beautiful [Applause] the artist that i'm gonna take through to the voice grand finale is the artist that i believe is connected to and trusts their gift just that little bit more [Music] and that's you bella congratulations i'm just like so incredibly grateful and this experience has been so amazing so far you're a magician congrats how you feeling yeah great how are you i'm good grand finale yeah you made it yes it doesn't surprise me that bella's in the grand finale i think we all said that in her blind audition we knew we were witnessing something pretty special every week you just keep delivering it's unbelievable so you've done well you can breathe a sigh of relief you know every every week so far we've dived into bella's past and we've cried every time in the mentoring session today i just wanted it to be all love and so i had a little surprise for her and your partner he's been supportive throughout this process yeah super supportive what did he say when you told him i'm gonna try out for the voice you're gonna win i mean i may as well just ask him because i've got him here as a surprise if you don't mind me bringing in liam are you lying liam babe [Laughter] he's so bad at keeping surprises yeah and i'm really good at figuring them out but i have no idea oh my god and your head you shaved your head last night oh this makes so much sense really bad haircut yesterday and i couldn't figure out why he was so worked up and upset about it i tried i tried so how do you feel liam are you proud she's in the finale now i'm immensely proud she absolutely deserves it like just doing something for yourself i am extremely proud of you if anyone can do it it's you it's grand finale so we're gonna go big and when i say big like the greatest showman never enough i've been wanting to give this song to somebody for a long time on the show and i just haven't quite had the right voice i finally found the voice that matches the song and i feel safe giving it to bella never enough [Music] that's that's pretty good that's pretty good not bad that's ridiculous um cool good sesh yeah i don't need to really tell you much except for just now give you time to make this your own on stage i i don't want bells and whistles the best thing about you is your voice i want you to enjoy this yeah i mean this is the moment everyone wants to get to thousands and thousands of people have tried to get to this very point i feel really validated in like the most beautiful way just like in every thing that we've done yeah well you just need to keep being you you deserve to be here and now it's up to australia [Music] [Applause] come on bella i'm trying to hold my breath let it stay this way can you hear it echoing [Music] take my hair would you share this with me [Music] cause darling without you oh the shine of a thousand spotlights oh the stars would steal from the night sky will never be enough oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for me [Applause] [Music] so our grand finale duet is its big song um i always describe this as the most beautifully written song in the world and it's the prayer wow yeah it's a bit nerve-wracking singing the duet with guy i think i hope that i do it justice because i know he will you know that's such a big thing but that's exciting like i think i'm really excited to sing with you i so indulgently love your voice you know what i mean the fact that i get to sing that song with you is it's a real treat guy's been so lovely and genuine this whole process and i'm really grateful that he's been my mentor feel very lucky to be able to sing with him i pray you'll be ours and watch us where we [Music] and help us to be wise [Music] in times when we don't know [Music] let this [Music] [Applause] [Music] lead us to a place guide us with your grace give us faith so we'll [Music] and every heart that's broken will be mended [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] reaching to the skies [Music] give us faith so we'll be same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the winner of the voice 2021 is [Applause] billah what is going through your mind right now yeah i just really can't believe it you know i just um i'm so thankful and i can't wait to see what incredible things are ahead for me and i'm really grateful for you and for everyone who voted and for my beautiful family who i love so thank you so much you
Channel: The Voice Global
Views: 1,699,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Voice, The Voice Kids, La Voz, La Voz Kids, La Voix, Голос, O Ses, the voice australia, the voice 2021, winner of 2021, best winners 2021, best of 2021, a star is born, unbelievable, incredible, shocking, surprising, four chair turn, all chair turn, quick turn, fast turn, inspiring, emotional, guy sebastian, rita ora, Keith Urban, Jessica Mauboy
Id: 1z7uCTlL7Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 58sec (2218 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 15 2021
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