Best Ways To FARM GOLD - Lost Ark Jump Start Guide

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by now you might be wondering why does this number here never seems to grow in today's video we're going to talk about exactly that I'm going to take you through all of the content that gives you gold on a weekly basis limited gold and throughout the video I'm also going to give you some Pro tips as to how you can manage your gold and what are a few Investments that you can make in order to have it better or make more out of your little goal right now later down the road first let's talk about the obvious things let's get those out of the way your weekly gold earning characters you can find them in this menu right here and every single character that you have on your roster up to a maximum of six can earn gold from three different pieces of content that reward gold for example one of my characters can do valtan vikas and cuckoo and get the gold from all of these three Legion rates I can also do brillshasa cuckoo and vikas and earn more gold simply because belshazza gives more golden cuckoo cuckoo gives more than Vegas vikas more than valtan and so on Abyssal dungeons also give gold as you can see there's gold as a reward here gold is a reward later down the road here when you reach this item level eventually at the end of the day you're gonna have to choose which pieces of content do you want to get more gold from generally speaking is the three pieces of content that gives you the most gold so the highest tier that you can possibly do doing group content in Lost Ark of course gives you a lot of other rewards but stuff that gives you gold is also the bid at the end of every Legion raid for the legendary engraving book that you drop if it's a valuable legendary engraving you're gonna get an extra amount of gold and this is why very many people prefer to have six characters that can take part in three of these pieces of group content that reward with gold the next source of gold I would like to talk about is the unas tokens these are tokens that that you get by completing your dailies and your weeklies all of the characters on your roster contribute to this so this is not per character it's per your whole roster per server and then these tokens you can exchange them at the Gold Exchange Merchant available in every major town with chests of gold now I even though I have enough to buy two of these pouches I won't do that simply because I'm saving up for this box right here the reason being that the Willy Wonka ticket is something that if you get lucky enough to drop it it gives you 10 000 gold that amount of gold on the Fresh Start servers is absolutely massive you get more and more unas tokens the higher item level your highest character on that roster is later down the road when you finish your Super mokoko Hyper Express and reach item level 1540 you will be able to afford several of these 500 token chests on a weekly basis so by the that logic having one Higher item level character on your roster sooner puts you in a much better spot because you can get more of those boxes more chances that the Willy Wonka ticket other sources of reliable gold are for example the event Islands if you open the proclions compass and look at the islands for that day sometimes there is one that gives you cold as a main reward getting 5 7 900 gold from it is quite something on the fresh start service the Fate ember in chaos dungeons which is a very rare drop also has the chance to give you gold as a reward and with that the more chaos dungeons you do the more characters you have able to do chaos dungeons the more chances you have at fate Ember and with that extra gold your life energy is basically gold waiting for you here simply because you can go out in the open World start gathering in the free time that you might have and sell the tradable gatherables you get on the auction house for extra gold sometimes wood and rock go better than others eventually later down the road the two professions that you should be focusing on is either Excavating or fishing simply because long term these two are gonna be the highlights and are going to give you the materials that people really want for their end game as opposed to anything else being in a very active Guild that actually takes it seriously and gathers the people together for the events that reward The Guild with gold is another source of making some every week because then it gets distributed to the people who have participated in that event another piece of content that rewards you with guaranteed gold at the end is a chaos gate the guaranteed gold comes from the fact that when you finish the event there is a legendary map up for a bit and then everyone that's there can bid for it now at the moment on the Fresh Start servers you're not going to make a lot of gold from that bid simply because because people don't have that much gold to bid on it but the more important reason to do a chaos gate is so that you would get yourself your own personal map that you can then take another three players and in a party of four go explore a secret dungeon that gives you amongst other things tradable pouches of owner shards these can be sold on the auction house for quite a nice amount of gold and that was everything for the renewable sources of getting gold let's talk a little bit about limited gold sources for example the blooming mokoko event this is just something temporary you should never skip it every day you can do it on one character for the whole roster and there is a chance you get a little bit of gold all the way to a lot of gold the super mokoko Express is also a limited batch of gold at the end when you do finish the whole thing moco's shining Harvest event is also a limited thing on the Fresh Start servers that does give you gold there's also a collectible that gives you gold as the rewards for various stages the masterpieces it's pretty easy to reach 20 masterpieces if you put your mind to it a little bit but the best way to make goals let's say is to play the auction house especially on the Fresh Start servers right now people need some things and people don't yet need some other things of course as a brand new player which is why I'm creating this video you won't necessarily know every single thing that's worth it to buy or sell however you can know that by simply comparing the prices here on the market with the website lowstar Market Dot online and this way you can at least get a little bit of knowledge as to when you sell something or when you want to sell something from your bag here on the website you can see the prices available on the Legacy servers of Lost Ark right now which is also where the Fresh Start server is going to reach eventually maybe not this week maybe not next week but at the end of the day you are getting merged to the servers to this economy and so looking at how much it costs now and comparing it with how much you can get on the Fresh Start servers this is obviously extremely Fair because here people don't have that much money to buy them but it always makes you wonder should I sell it today or should I wait another week or two because obviously if you really need the gold and your start for cash and you want to spend your gold on something truly valuable here on the freestyle servers of course you should be selling your things right but otherwise you have the future in front of you combat items for example is not something that's worthwhile doing on the Fresh Start servers right now being a herbalist and Gathering plants or or a minor and getting a rock to craft some battle items and sell them why everyone got thousands of them for free and most likely we're gonna get even more boxes than this at one point just to help people out even more so there are some good ideas and there are also some bad ideas in terms what you can of uh what you can do um gems for example are a very good idea if you look at level five gems in general are a business that's kind of a forever business everyone's always needing gems everyone's combining getting higher and higher gems Etc and if you look at the gym prices here on the freestyle service you can buy a level 5 gem for 450 gold why while a level 5 gym in reality is more towards one thousand one thousand one one hundred gold this is basically doubling your gold in a couple of months from now or a few months from now I myself have found level 5 gems that's why I have so few gold simply because I have purchased level 5 gems with 300 gold and I'm gonna keep them because I really don't need them I'm having having fun as is I'm just going to keep them until later on of course I don't want to get left behind compared to my peers in terms of item level or whatever so I'm working towards that too but at the same time I do want to make some Investments that are very worthwhile level 4 gems for example are 200 the cheapest 250 Etc why would I buy three of these 200 ones because it takes three to combine into a level five so why would I spend two four six hundred gold when in fact I can spend 450 for this one so it you don't have to be a rocket scientist to play the auction house I'm not teaching you here in depth but level mechanics of doing things it's just like common sense right at the end of the video I'd like to mention one last thing that brings quite a lot of gold in Lost Ark and that is busing or carrying other players through content now at the moment you're new I understand that you're gonna take a few months to get used to the game to the content but if you want to take low Stark seriously if you eventually later down the road and are interested in a fantastic way to make this gold carrying other players is very popular in the game you take a legion rate for example voltan you gear yourself to a point where you are able to either take it on Solo or with another person or with three other people in the group while the other four to complete the eight-man raid are just there dead they pay you some gold before the run and you just finish the encounter as a four man that obviously can double the amount of gold that you get from a particular piece of content and it's very popular in the game one of the best ways of putting your Olds to use just thought I would mention it for those of you who are taking this seriously and are here to learn the game and get invested and really take advantage of every single thing Lost Ark has to offer that's all from me again I thank you for watching and I'm gonna see you really soon take care
Channel: Sywo
Views: 26,932
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Keywords: lost ark how to make gold, lost ark how to get gold, lost ark gold guide, lost ark gold guide jump start, lost ark how to make gold jump start, lost ark gold guide 2023, lost ark news 2023, lost ark guide 2023, lost ark beginner guide 2023, lost ark beginner guide, lost ark new player guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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