Every Method I Use To Make Gold | Lost Ark

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Hello friends welcome back to another Banger of a video uh today we're going to be doing something I've done before uh but we're gonna you know give it a little touch up a little fresh close-up paint if you will uh we're gonna be talking about gold what I do to make gold I have a specific video that I made recently on how much gold my roster makes in a week if I do all the dailies and all the weekly uh stuff on that character so I will put that in the description below but this video is going to go a little bit more sort of in-depth kind of like I did with the silver video but there's a bit more to Gold making than silver making so this should have more useful information anyways link down in the description Discord join it if you want if not no worries also do live stream on YouTube notifications from the Discord Bing Bang Boom like the video Let's Go gold making and you there's only a couple different things right you can really do to make gold General thing that I think most people think of when they think of making gold is you get a drop like an accessory a good accessory it drops you sell it right that is definitely a source of where some of my gold comes from you can see this is just like the last 30 days of whatever I sold on this character you can see you certainly do get some drops some of them sell for decent amount some of them sell for a little bit but point is all of this adds up right why is this relevant well a lot of people think you just need High ticket items in order to make any gold which just isn't true the biggest thing is just having more chances at getting more things to sell so obviously what do I mean I mean lots of characters you don't have to go crazy like I do and play a ridiculous roster like this but obviously the more characters that you're willing to play or wanting to play the more chances at the slot machine you get and naturally you will end up hitting more often than you don't well you'll end up hitting more often you'll still get mostly garbage but you'll have a higher chance of getting something sellable that's what I mean so if this isn't the main source of my income then you might be thinking how do you get most of your gold done well again this is no secret but running chaos Dungeons and guardian raids you get tradable materials and you'll notice I've been saving up my leapstones on all of my characters just because I got my tin foil hat on and I think these are gonna be going up so I'm just saving them and that's why I have seven gold to my name ignore that trust me I'm usually a loaded I also have a bunch of level 7 gems basically I haven't sold anything for a very long time that's why my Gold's and shambles and I'm also buying a bunch of stuff but this is where most of it comes from leapstones and selling chaos dungeon drops such as these this is worth a significant amount of money if I were to sell it I can go ahead and show you right here if I were to sell a stack of Destruction stones or just 29 gold that's almost 30k that's a lot of gold man and imagine I have probably about a stack and a half of Destruction stones on all of my characters if I were to sell that that's a solid like 200k gold just in destruction Stones alone so you can kind of see how it starts adding up there's smaller things you can do like chaos Gates I recommend doing Chaos Gates it's just free money you run the map at the end save up The Shard bags or sell them whatever you also get tradable honing mats honing rate up mats rather I sell these two basically anything that isn't glued to my character I sell unless I need it that's why I'm keeping these Stones because I'm going to end up using them myself but if I weren't going to use them or I was focusing on something else I would be selling them that's kind of what you have to understand you need to make informed decisions based on what you are trying to do in the game if you're trying to go for like 20 legendary Grudge books for example well you're not going to be honing anytime soon right so maybe you start selling your honing mats you start selling your tradable Stones your tradable leapstones you start selling your gems from Boss Rush again we'll get to Boss Rush in a minute yes you're not going to be having any honing mats but you're going to be working towards the goal that you're working towards or trying to achieve right now and that's kind of what this game is about it's like piecemealing out what you're trying to do it's hard to kind of join this game from a different MMOs perspective but I think once you shift to understanding that it's okay to false progression in one Avenue to advance in another it's you'll be okay now obviously I'm in my stronghold and I probably should have mentioned this first but I craft a Raja Fusion materials I will leave a description Link in the description rather to the video about this uh this is just free money basically the video I'm gonna link has these being at much higher prices but it doesn't matter because again you can just calculate it yourself or with the calculator and it's it's still profit make an easy couple thousand gold from this just having it run and again just to show you that I do sell them all and they do sell I just have you post them for whatever the lowest prices so the wall is at 11 Gold so I post them at 11 Gold this is probably gonna fall to 10 soon but until it does post them at 11 when it goes to 10 post them for 10. if there's only like a couple thousand I would post some for the higher amount you basically want to look for the wall and post with the wall because the wall is where you want to be generally walls are bad but here they're good keep that in mind another thing is that I was mentioning Boss Rush Boss Rush very good you I don't have any Boss Rush tickets on this character but obviously again the amount of characters you play directly influences how many tickets you're able to get and it's called subsequently run every week I want to like stress the point that you don't need to play this many characters and in fact I don't play them all every day I've I the only thing I'm doing right now and that's because I'm trying to farm up gold is do Guardian reads I just try to make sure chaos dungeon rested doesn't overcap so I ran them yesterday uh but chaos dungeons on lower level characters isn't nearly as impactful as it is on the higher level characters because of the stone prices anyway that's enough with that one of the last things I wanted to bring up is trade skills Loki made a ton of money off Hunting uh why hunting well there's a special trick you can use to double the efficiency of your leap's essence again I have a video on this it's a very old video but I will link it in the description if you are interested this video is going to have so many goddamn resources I hope it helps you at least a little bit Lord help me help you last thing that I can think of as of right now is the obvious one Legion reads you generate gold on your six characters you get static amounts of gold from each Legion raid Bolton vikas and cackle sedon all give the same amounts of total gold from completing the entire raid the difference is ficus hard mode drops a legendary class book at the end auction every single time whereas Walton and cackle sadon do not gives more gold by virtue of there being six gates gates one and two if you don't by chest also just give more gold so bril shaza is a gimme so you always run bro shaza if you're able to and then it's a toss-up between clown vicus vultan if you're looking for maximum efficiency you run vicus and you run vulton I run clowns a lot because I enjoy clown as a raid and I enjoy helping people out so it works out fine but you can get gold rewards from raids uh six characters and they can run three raids each so naturally it's something that you sort of don't have to do but it's something that if you're looking to get gold it's a very consistent way to get gold [Music] last but not least a one-time source of gold that you might not be aware of or you might not be aware of how good some of these can be is masterpieces arm the masterpieces and you get gold boxes some of the up to like ear is pretty easy I think this is like 42 masterpieces I think I don't remember I think it's like 42 or something and you got a way card from it too so it's good to do but 13k gold chess pretty good 8K gold chest pretty good 5K gold chest pretty good 3K gold chest pretty good and then if you somehow go sicko mode and get 52 there's a 20K chest as well this is just a nice little source of one-time gold it's not something you can Farm obviously or repeatedly farm at least but it's something to keep in mind and work towards and if you're like close to one like if you're close to this for example maybe you focus on that you know just a nice little bonus if you're looking for it and then last but not least una tokens this isn't like a massive source of gold it's just a consistent source of gold you fill up your meter you claim all you turn the tokens in for gold I usually just leave this and let it stack up until I absolutely need gold like if I were to do something right now and since I have seven gold I would turn my tokens in for some gold because I am hurt and boss anyways I'll do a short recap here my top methods that you should do if you're looking for gold so run your chaos Dungeons and guardian raids sell your destruction Stones sell your protection Stones sell your Leaf Stones run Boss Rush sell your gems that you get from Boss Rush and do your legion rings those activities give you the most gold for your time spent highly highly recommend it and remember Lost Ark is a very long-term thing not I have to do everything right now and get it all done this week or else I'll die if you look at it like that it becomes a lot more stressful and a game isn't supposed to be stressful it's supposed to be enjoyable so again you do you but hopefully this video helps you at least a little bit um if not I'm sorry I tried anyways thank you all for watching and thank you all to my current members we're up to seven of you now and I can't thank you all enough I appreciate each and every one of you uh please consider becoming a member if you'd like to support this uh Channel and the content I make I'm trying to do it full time so your support is definitely necessary and needed thank you like the video if you liked the video dislike it if you dislike it and of course subscribe to the channel if you made it this far and you haven't for some reason I appreciate each and every one of you and I'm forever in your gratitude especially to my members and all my viewers I will see you all in the next one I
Channel: Brother Chris
Views: 31,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gg0ZUQhaeaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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