Best Way To Make a Digital Planner on Canva 🔥

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hi everyone in this video I'm going to share with you how to create a digital planner in Google slides and quinoa that's a more advanced version if you're looking for you know a tutorial how to create a digital planner in less than 10 minutes to do it very quickly there's one in the link below however in this video we're going to go a little bit deeper and we're gonna find how you can make it professionally and also save yourself a lot of time so the first part we're gonna go to canva and in there we're going to create our planners visuals we're going to create this beautiful planner right here together and then the second part is where we make all the tabs clickable and I show you how to use Master slides and things like that so if you came to this video for that how to create hyperlinks in your planner you can jump to that video and you can find the timestamp in the description below okay let's get started and let's get started with camera so first up we need the correct size right we need to know what kind of planner we're creating so we're going to go to canva click creates and design and then you can just type in here us letter document and you can just click on that then it's going to select 8.5 to 11 inches and this is the site that actually goodnotes says that this is one of the most the best sizes that you could choose but also it's so Universal that you could create a planner that later you could sell for good notes no chill notability so you could resell the same planner just have different keywords on your Etsy shop now I have my horizontal View and now I can choose my gray color so I'm just going to click here and I'm gonna go to the very top and just do that so we have that to make this process better and more efficient we're going to create some guides and the way we're going to do it is you're going to click r and then you're gonna hold shift and option and just resize it I'm going to choose 0.4 and then I'm going to move this to the corner then I'm gonna hold option key and move the other one to the other corner and then I'm gonna create one more and move it to the middle so make sure the pink line is right in the middle okay now I'm going to hold option and just make it a little smaller maybe 0.2 here now let's click file and then show rollers and guides and then I can just drag this and it snaps automatically so I don't have to like you know because sometimes on camera that's I'm gonna do this this move this one here and I'm gonna move this one here and I'm gonna move the last one there and then I also separate the middle one so basically just follow me and do that and then delete everything else so select everything and delete so here we have our guides for the planner now now that I have that I can easily create my paper so again I'm going to click r or if you don't like this method you can just click lines and shapes and choose this shape and then I'm going to move it to the corner and then I'm going to move it to the other corner and then I'm going to duplicate this by holding option and then shift I'm going to select both of them and I'm Gonna Make Them White so here really easy now that I've done that I can actually remove the guides I don't really need them but again depends on what you're gonna do and now we need to create the coils so this part where are you here so this one's uh so you can buy them and there's a link in the description below from Etsy or you can try to create your own and I'm going to show you how you can do that so one of the ways is to just write open notebook over here and then you're gonna start finding these nice notebooks that have uh ring coils in between in the middle don't choose one that has this background choose something that's like this like a white background and don't worry if it's a little too dark we can always make it brighter and I'm going to show you just how so I'm going to choose this click edit image room background remover I click apply and that's where it is I'm gonna make these lines the purple lines smaller because I don't need such a big file there's nothing there anyways and it appeared again sometimes it does that let's choose a different one so it's easier is it easier and it's okay let's do this with this one so if you just try and the image doesn't just doesn't work find a new one very easy and you can also find images in pixels so you know there's really no limit for images like that okay so as you can see I like this one even better actually so I'm going to keep that one I'm gonna click apply and this is how we have it and because my image is as you can see is um like I need to zoom in and make sure that it's in the middle of this so here I can do it like this or I can create uh two small ones or I can make them bigger and create ones like that so really this comes to personal preference but I like to select both of them and make sure that they're in the middle okay so the one I had in the example was this one and this is the other version now what I want to add to create a realistic feel and kind of make this planner a little nicer is some Shadow underneath and we're just going to type in Shadow and then you can choose free ones or you can choose food ones really doesn't matter and then I can just move it here and go down and put it under so you can position back on I really recommend that you learn some of the shortcuts or like you know once in a while just pay attention to them because it makes it so much easier and then we're gonna make this a little bit we're going to turn it down and we're gonna move this one by holding option key here and I'm gonna decrease even more I want it to look like there are two different pages so that's why that's the look I like if you want you can keep both of them the same this one I feel like it's a little too strong so we're gonna tone it down okay now that we have our pages and it looks like it's there's something under them um we can go and create our monthly line like this one so for that it's very easy I just click l to create a line then I choose the weight that's one so it's nice and thin and then that's it now if you want you can follow a guide here and you know because there is one guide that I can follow that pink one I'm gonna put it there just to make it easy for myself and then I'm gonna click see so make sure you deselected everything then click T and then your text appears I'm gonna type in month and I'm going to choose play for display font and that's it my Month part is ready if I feel like it needs a little bit more spacing I don't have to follow these guys anyways and you can actually uh turn them and on and off here I don't know if you can actually turn off that those pink ones but anyways I'm just gonna eyeball it um but what I want to make sure is that this side is the same as this side so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to create a little rectangle here and do it like that and then make sure that it's the same size okay I'm gonna delete them later don't worry I'm just going to group them okay now we need to add the months and the way we're going to do it is we're going to click rectangle again basically this planner is made from rectangles welcome to the rectangle land okay and I'm gonna hold shift and I'm gonna hold um option to make sure it's a square instead of a rectangle and then I'm just gonna hold option and shift to move them so first you hold option then you hold shift and so we have four now they're way too big for me so instead I'm gonna resize them I need five of these or four well let's do four on one side and three on the other and actually I don't know why I moved it I don't want to Loop it and I'm gonna move it here to make sure that it's the same size also and I'm just gonna move these hold them and hold shift and then just make make them that size now I can delete the guides on that side but I don't really like how it looks um so actually I'm gonna hold it over here I wanted to end here I feel like visually it's more eye pleasing so that's what I'm gonna do hold shift and that's it okay now these I like to make them very weird colors so I don't forget to delete them and now I'm going to copy these and paste them here and I'm gonna copy them again because they ran away and I'm gonna paste them here and one more time um so yeah we have our month and now we need the same on this side so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to select everything deselect the things I don't want to be selected and then I'm just going to drag them to this side I don't remember if it's five or four five okay so now I have them um I'm gonna kind of click on the objects I don't want to change anymore uh and so this and this so I'm holding shift while I'm doing this and then I'm gonna lock them so I don't have to you know worry about them and this one also I don't really want to move them want them to stay so I don't really like using guides like those lines are distracting for me I rather use my squares but if you like the guides you can use them I'm going to select everything I feel like they should go a little lower like over here I like that okay and I'm also going to change the color because the thing is if I group them what canva does is doesn't allow you to change the color so now when I click on it it just changes one shape um but if it's ungrouped and selected then I can change all of their color so I'm not a fan anyways I'm gonna add some lines here so I'm gonna just copy this and we're gonna move it to this and I'm gonna add it like that and then I'm going to select it makes your position vertically that's all fine and then I'm going to move it to the middle I think it's too many so I'm just going to keep three and maybe I want them longer let's delete this let's see how it looks yeah it looks kind of empty so we're gonna do that but again let's see what happens even if I grip them I can't move them I can't change them so that part is very annoying for me that I have to individually change them or otherwise it doesn't work I can't just select all of them and change it in Google Slides you could but I know most people are more comfortable here that's why I decided to make a video here instead of Google Slides but anyways now I don't worry about anything I'm gonna group them so I'm gonna group these three and then these three and then this uh and now I'm gonna just copy them now I'm gonna make sure that this one is at the right place and then this one is at the right place which is the middle of the square then I'm going to select all of them and then I'm going to click position and vertically so now they're all perfectly aligned really nicely now what else we need is this like note down here so I'm just gonna copy this and as it as a note and then just copy the same thing and now this part is over you guys so it was pretty quick I think and you can see looks pretty similar one more thing that we are missing is these days so we're just gonna copy this move it make sure it all it's all aligned and then I'm going to say Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday like these have had three and then they had two for some reason sometimes what a camera also does is adds these dots that are driving me crazy because I didn't tell me to do that I mean they're helping me but don't don't need help okay so I have this I feel like this is way too long and I make sure that everything's aligned so it's you know kind of OCD but it is what it is okay so that's what it is and then maybe the Slime would look good here also I don't know what do you think okay so I feel like it's a little bit um I'm gonna unline them in the middle I think this is good okay so this one I don't need anymore I'm gonna unlock it and delete it and this is how it looks like now um we can look at what else we need and we need the tabs so let's go to the tabs and I'm going to click r as a rectangle and in this case what I recommend is making a tab smaller than you actually will need later because when you try to zoom in on canva it's fine if you try to make something smaller so many times it's such a pain and they don't let you so keep that in mind but I kind of like this so I think those are cute one two three six so we create six and then we create six more and then I'm gonna make them bigger so now making them bigger is no problem just holding shift and I'm just gonna put them here um but see making them smaller it's such a pain like they don't let me okay I know you can't see but I can't do it so that's why first you make it as small as possible and then only then you make it bigger and the way I'm going to do it is I'm going to add it here and I actually need one more for the home page um here make sure everything's aligned perfectly and now I'm good okay so now I can make them bigger I have 13 you need a 13. I'm gonna yeah and that's it very easy um but you know like if you want to make change them here you can't you have to do one by one so it's better to do it the first time the way you want it okay so we have them here and the way we can do it we can make them different colors we can make you know maybe this one is darker you can also just add the numbers or the months here so whatever you feel like is better for you um I'm gonna make them different color just because so I'm just gonna add some colors I don't know how people prefer it they probably prefer it it's numbered um because you know then it's easier for them to know and quickly click to January or February or something but I'm not listening to them this is my plan right now not selling it so I'm just gonna do this process so just click the last color and then go a little bit darker and maybe I want to repeat the same thing so then I just leave this one and then I just click the colors I had before very easy process maybe it doesn't it takes you a minute but I like the look something okay so we have this and then this one I want to be completely different because this is my home page so I'm gonna do something with this and yeah that's it or maybe even more different maybe like let's make it almost black it's really stands out or white yeah white is fine okay so we have this and now what we're going to do you can also add a line to it if you want um and make it to 0.5 or 1 so it also can be something interesting I don't like the Bold look I don't know no this is too bold it's too boom um but yeah I can play with this forever and ever and that's kind of the problem so okay I think this is good this I don't I don't know I can't decide what to do with it happens all the time so what I sometimes do when I can't decide is to create a new one and then I just try different things and then choose what I like yeah I like this gray one okay see easy so I don't feel like fomo of missing out or for like you know like losing my project so now what we need is to differentiate these and to show what is what so I like to add a home button so you can actually uh Burger home menu and well let's call it our number yeah that's the one and you can just add this you can also go to flatter icon and so this one and download the icons that you want this is also uh something to do so I'm gonna add this and I'm gonna add it in white I think yeah I like how it looks like let's see again on piano I don't know why it's so difficult for them to make things smaller sometimes okay here it is so this is my menu my index page my home page whatever you would call it and then here I'll have my months so in this version I wrote numbers now we're gonna just write I'm going to copy this um paste it here and then I'm going to just write the first letter of the month and I'm going to repeat this process so I'm going to write F maybe let's make them small is my English teacher I don't like this but you know it's design you can do whatever you want every I'm so bad with months like I I don't remember months like the sequence okay so now that we have all of them and they're perfectly perfect I'm making sure that the this one is right in the middle so I'm gonna zoom into that and just drag it to the middle let me see when that line appears and then last one also make it in the center okay and then once you do that you're gonna select all of them so first I'm selecting the squares that some of the letters are selected also but I'm going to just select the squares and I'm gonna lock them and then this one is probably J so don't judge me and then I'm going to select everything again and I'm going to say you know what vertically and Center so here and you know what also make them white here it's a bossy okay so this is one of the versions uh and this is the other version I've created and now we get to the good part so now I'm going to download this page so I'm just gonna say you know download PNG and I'm just going to choose the second page download and then we're going to Google Slides choose blank just go here and then go to file page setup and we need to change the size of this so make sure you choose the size that your planner is so in my case it was 11 inches to 8.5 and then I'm going to delete this and what we're gonna do now is the good part so excited we're gonna go to slide and we're gonna click edit theme so edit theme is basically Master slides but Google Sheets Google Slides recently changed the name so if you know what Master slides are same thing basically what it means is that this whole thing that I put in this first slide is going to be repeated on each slide that I have so I'm gonna delete everything that's here and then I'm gonna insert image upload from computer or actually I can no I can't drag I think I could oh yeah I can just drag and then I'm just gonna adjust it because for some reason they decided they don't want to do it exactly so this is kind of concerning but whatever um yeah so we have the master slide here now ready for us and then each time I'm going to create a new slide now it's gonna repeat that part and I actually can't do anything to it so you can't edit it here it's done um and what we're gonna do is we're gonna create 13 slides like that so four copy and so I'm just going to create six first so it's easier for me and then I'm going to select everything so all of them and duplicate so I have 12 slides now and we're going to create one more for our index or for the cover okay so now if you want to add a cover you can you can just you know create a little square here again me and my rectangles as friends so here it is my little thing maybe around once I want the line to be transparent maybe the color could be nicer so maybe let's do something pink dirty pink and then I'm just gonna type in text so I'm gonna add this text box over here and I'm going to just say mine Banner um so I have this planner I'm gonna make it in the middle so Central and now finally we're gonna add hyperlinks so we're going to go to the second slide and then we're going to click slide edit theme now make sure you click on the theme because it's going to add you to the layouts and we don't need to be there we need to be on the team theme so now that I'm here I can actually add my hyperlinks and what I'm going to do is I'm going to click this icon here click shape and then just add a bunch of squares again make it really visible and then I'm gonna just add all of them now I'm don't worry about adding them perfectly we're gonna distribute and align them but just add a bunch of them I'm gonna select multiple ones so I don't have to just do it one by one and oh and then two last ones so the ones you do need to care about were they are placed is the first one and the last one so let's let's look at the last one and let's make sure that like exactly where we want it to be and same with the first one now select all of them deselect the main page so just hold shift and click on it and then let's change the color first distribute sorry so I'm going to right click on the distribute and then I'm going to click vertically so they're all nice and then I make sure that they're all aligned as well in the center okay now I can make them invisible so I'm gonna remove this and I'm going to remove the color so that's just all it is you can also create these tabs here instead of uh creating them in canva but I like to create them like this because now if I want I can just change this one background and my whole my whole my tabs are going to stay the same so for example if I go back to this planner and I say let's download this top if I go here and I delete the image and I add this image instead because my no Tabs are at the same place I'll have no issue um I will have no issue changing it or let's say if I went to my planner let's go to this one that I've created and let's say I want it in pink version I would go here change the this all this doesn't look great maybe lighter and let's say I want to change all the squares I'm going to choose all the squares and I'm going to make them pink and same here all here it's complicated let's lock this up let's lock everything we don't need and then I'm going to choose this and I'm going to make it okay so now I can download this planner so let's download it's the current version download and then I can go back to Google Slides and add it really quickly over here so I'm just dragging it and put it here now make sure it's at the back so I'm going to delete this one and then I'm gonna go order send to back and now I have my links here so that means that now that when I'm creating the links they're going to stay the same for the same pattern just make sure that the tabs are at the same places okay so now with these tabs we're clicking on the first one we're clicking this insert link or you can use a shortcut and then you're going to say slide one because this is the cover um or it's the home page depends on what it is uh in this one I need slide two because that's my January so I'm gonna click here and say slide and then copy this uh and write two I'm going to click this one click this one paste free apply just again same process so see how much more quickly it is when you do it like that especially if you use shortcuts the only thing you need to remember is which number it was before but even that don't worry about because we can add it later we can check on it okay eight and make sure don't just click apply click on the slide itself because that's what I'm doing and that's why it's sending me that error another thing when you um write slide and copy it copy it with a space so it's easier for you and now I just forgot which one it is 9 10. I messed up somewhere eight seven six five four three too no everything's good okay I'm just making sure and then this one so this one was nine I mean you're not going to be talking like me so it's going to be better for you ten I promise this is gonna end soon the level 12 and 13. it's all and then you never have to do this again and creates a million planners 13. so here so now you're probably wondering okay but what does that do so what it does is that in each page I don't have to copy and paste these links I can already use them so let's see how it looks like downloads we're going to download it as a PDF and now if I click on it have my planner I have my links I can click on them and go to different pages which you don't see you see it here it's changing here but we need to add the months so the way we do this is we can have a layout so we're going to say a slide at its theme and then here are the layouts so this one I'm just going to delete I don't want it bye and then this one I'm gonna add so I'm going to add it exactly where I need it to be I'm going to make it Vermont uh and I'm gonna make it smaller so I'm gonna be 20. so this is way too big okay and then I'm gonna say General no you didn't listen to me it's just very slow right now don't maybe nervous camera nervous or something what is this oh I don't need to write anything here it's just the text okay it's only me anyways never mind moving on so I'm gonna make this even more smaller um and then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to select all of these and I'm gonna go slide apply layout and I think it was title slide yeah so I'm just gonna say January here um the thing I didn't do there I think I don't know if I can let's go back to the slide edit theme yeah I need to make sure it's the right lace and also I feel like it's way too big still here what do you think I think it looks good looks much better okay now this is the perfectionist to me we're just like is never happy but here it is okay so now it's all changed everywhere and all you need to do is write January February March and so on I'm not gonna do all of them I've already you know but so you see that it's changing and now if I download this as a PDF I can move between slides and as you can see here it's changing to the great month well I I don't know months as you can see so I messed up but it's changing okay so you can find them here um I don't know what did I do that happened let's see let's fix this let's so I don't leave you with um something that I messed up so this is slide two this is slide four that's why so to change this I'm gonna click again and just write slide three so this was me talking too much and then this one is slight for anything else you want to tell me no you're good you're happy okay so now it's correct planner um and we can do the same for the days at um the links to the days so you would do the same process which go to the master slide so don't add it here go to slide edit theme go to the main one and then there you add it to the new ones so you do the same thing little square thingies uh that you create and you can make this transparent and then you just add multiple ones and repeat the process the same way we did for um the other one and if you're asking but where are my pages well you create them so you create a new slide and then here you can choose the layout if you want you can just delete this also no worries and you can just make it on top of everything another thing that I think is really cool sometimes people make these clickable so again we would do the same thing we would go to edit theme and we would make the squares again let's just call this a square video and then we will add the links to let's say slide one as our home page and we're gonna just this could be slide two or a different site so this could be your sticker slide and then you just add the links to them so I'll just choose one and then add the link and then move on from there I hope that this video is helpful and also don't forget to turn off the transparency and the lines okay I hope that this video is helpful for you also if you have any questions whatsoever just leave them in the comments below subscribe if you haven't and see you in the next one
Channel: RealisticPlanner
Views: 72,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital planner canva, make digital planner canva, hyperlinked digital planner, hyperlinked digital planner goodnotes, hyperlinked notebook goodnotes, hyperlinked digital notebook, how to create a digital planner, goodnotes planner, how to make digital planner, canva digital planner, digital planner goodnotes, how to make digital planners to sell on etsy, how to make a digital planner in canva, goodnotes templates, digital planner with hyperlinks, canva planner tutorial
Id: gwuQsUVLzf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 41sec (2141 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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