Best Way to Grow and Harvest Kohlrabi | EASY for Beginners

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today's video is sponsored by black gold compost company i want to thank the good people over at black gold for the generous domain donation of all this beautiful black cow cow manure that we use in our video today and it's made a tremendous success in our garden i've been using black cow for uh many years ever since 1980 and it's always made a tremendous difference in my garden and i've been very pleased with our product i highly recommend it thank you black gold for sponsoring our channel well good morning homestead family today we're going to plant a pretty cool vegetable i think you're going to really like it it's called kohlrabi be right back after the break [Music] well welcome back i just wanted to go through a vegetable with you today that you may want to try in your fall garden it's called kohlrabi very good tasting vegetable you want to eat that root that that's a root plant and it has a beautiful root you'll see the stem come up out of the ground then the roots above the ground a big old bulb and then it'll have the tops the tops are edible if you want to saute those down and cook those you can but the root the big whole bulb that's on there is what you really want it's pretty good eating a kohlrabi grows throughout the growing season in the far north down here where we live in florida our only chance to grow this is in the fall when the temperatures are cool because this is a cool weather plant and they don't like high temperatures so we're going to grow this this year in the fall garden i'm going to plant these in seeds and seed starting trays because you can actually plant these by direct sow but i'm going to start them into seed starting trays because of the my heat temperatures that i have to deal with down here in florida and once i get these um seedlings up and hardened off and everything we'll put some in the earth bed and we'll also put some in some three gallon containers because a lot of folks just don't have a big a lot of room in their yard for an earth bed but they have room for containers so we'll try the containers too uh i got these seeds at if you want to check out that website they got a lot of good uh selection of seeds that you may want to browse through and take a look and pick something out for your garden this year anyway these are pretty cool i've got um two colors here one's purple one's green and i got them started in the trays a couple three days ago they've already started to emerge i don't know if you can see them but if you look real close you can see the little tiny little seedlings starting to pop through so that's very encouraging down here so we got this we got the seeds started i'm going to get them over here in the seed starting rack and let them let them continue to mature over the period a couple two three weeks here until i get them up you know transplant in size and then we'll uh put some out in the earth bed and some in containers and we'll go through that process together and we're gonna continue to monitor the progression of these plants all the way from seeds all the way to the day we harvest them so watch the video to the end because there's there's plenty more to come so let me get these seedlings over here in the seeds starting rack and let them continue to grow and we'll be back in a couple two three weeks and to check on the progress of these together we'll see you soon well good morning our coal robbie is really doing pretty good it's only been nine days since we uh planted these seeds together and we've already got them germinated they're up and running there's some very very small true leaves starting to appear now they're still really living off the condolen leaves at this point but the true leaves are fixing to come on so we're going to give this about another week week and a half to get them to grow and we'll come back and take another look at them and then determine uh if it's ready to harden off but right now they're looking really good i'm i'm had a very successful germination rate with them so i'm very pleased with this our temperatures are starting to cool off now here in florida so this is going to be a great fall vegetable for us and we're really looking forward to munching out on these things because they're quite tasty so we'll be back in about a week or so see you then well good morning friends our kohlrabi was uh has been in the seed trays for 18 days today and as you can see you they have got some full leaves on them and i've been hardening them off out here for the last three days and you can actually take a look up close here you can see how the the purple kohlrabi you can already see the purple stems and the leaves are pretty um purple it's looking pretty good and if you take a look over at the um the green kohlrabi well i keep calling it green it's actually white on the inside green on the outside so i guess you can call it green or white right okay so anyway uh this is the the white and i as you can see it's a much lighter color than the purple both trays are ready to go me and nancy are gonna get out here and prep the garden bed get the earth bed ready we're gonna um use fish as a fertilizer with some blood meals so we want to push a lot of nitrogen through this is a root vegetable but i'm still using the nitrogen because i want to get some leaf foliage up there to get a lot of photosynthesis to get the stuff really rolling rocking and rolling the fish is going to give it all kind of nutrients so between the fish and the blood mill these things are to do spectacular so anyway we're gonna put these in the earth bed and um nancy wants to go ahead and put a few of them in some five-gallon three-gallon buckets as well just to show you um you know that can be done on your patio as well because these are quite tasty we don't want to we don't want anyone to miss out on them so let's head over to the earth bed and let's uh let's get started on today's today's work and get this beautiful kohlrabi off and running meet you at the earth bed [Music] okay i got my first row ready i'm going to be putting in four rows of kohlrabi two purple and two of the white so um what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna plant these on about eight to ten inch centers kind of kind of close and um i got my uh that's eight to ten inches on the row and i got my rows 36 inches apart simply because that's how i do all of them you don't really need to be a full 36 inches you can put these about two feet apart if you're doing this at home in your garden so eight to ten inches on the row about 24 inches between the rows aren't to be just right so let's get these holes in the ground and uh get the fish in get nicole robbie in and we'll be off and running let's get rolling [Music] so [Music] okay we got in four rows two of the purple and two of the white so we'll um we'll watch the progression of these over the days ahead so don't click off the video it's seed to harvest remember so uh we got the earth bed set i think let's head over here back over to the uh seed starting area and let's put a few of them in some three gallon containers for you folks who want to grow some on the patio so meet your [Music] yonder [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay i got my container mix mixed up and i don't know if y'all have seen this or not but we've got a video on our channel on how to make container mix at home on just how i make this up i make it myself and it seems to work really good for me you know three three equal parts of peat black cow cow manure and some potting soil and then you know about um add some perlite on top because i want to keep my containers aerated remember so i um that's why i include the perlite okay we got 12 containers these are the three gallon containers i got these at zen zen now you can get containers anywhere greenhouse mega store sells them they're they're pretty readily available but what i want you to see is i'm just using a three gallon not a five gallon bucket it's not going to take a whole lot to grow these call rubbish i want to fill my buckets up until i get about three inches from the top okay we got the containers filled up three inches from the top next thing i want to do is add a handful or about three tablespoons of bone meal into each one of these containers now remember on bone mill bone meal is slow release and it only takes about 90 days to grow called robbie and when you when you put the bone meal in there when i wet it down it's only going to release about 10 of that phosphorus over a period of time it'll take three to four months for it to gradually release into and incorporate with the soil so keep that in mind when we need the phosphorus in our plant life i try to use it on something that's going to take at least 90 days to grow so that second thing there was a second application there was blood meal so i can get the nitrogen okay the next thing i do is i want to soak these pots so i flood them to where it's standing in water i get about two inches of water in there and then i let that soak down that way it pre-moistens that container all the way to the bottom so this will take about 15 minutes to soak down so let me get these these containers flooded and let them soak and we'll be back in about 15 minutes okay our pots are ready let me go ahead and put some dry container soil in here i fill it up to the top stick my hand in here and pull a hole from the center of my palm to the tip of my finger that's how deep i want it then i take about a tablespoon of blood bone meal put that in the hole a tablespoon full of blood put that in a hole take my seed my transplant seedling get it right down in there i collapse the sides around it try to mash it down kind of tight get some of that air out of there put a little bit more soil in there that's dry and there we go that one's ready for the grow table let me get the rest of these in the pots and we'll get them over there and get them started [Music] [Music] what a morning that's been huh hey if they didn't taste so good we wouldn't do it would we that's good all right we got all our coal robbies planted we got four rows out in the earth bed and we got 12 in the containers here and notice that these are only three gallon containers so it doesn't take a whole lot of soil to grow these coal robbies so anyway we'll be watching in the days ahead as all these plants get to progressing all the way up until we pick them up out of the ground and eat them right so we'll see you back here in a few weeks well our four rows of coal robbie have been have been out here for about five weeks in the earth bed and they're really looking great they're they they got plenty of good foliage and they're getting a lot of structure on the bottom and they're starting to make that little um root just above the ground level that we're looking for so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch these as we get them on up till we harvest and we got some over in the container garden that's looking terribly good really good and i thought we'd go over there and just take a look at them up close so you can see that little baby kohlrabi starting to develop so let's go over to the container table and check that out well our kohlrabi on the on the grow table in the three gallon containers is doing beautiful and you can see that they're all looking very healthy very strong and if you look up real close you could see where the stem has now grown above the soil level in the container and you can see that little leaf node in there that is now forming above the soil level that's developing that um big old little turnip that we're looking for and we'll be harvesting that that's the part that we want to you know grow that's the part i'm looking for so we'll keep our eye on these uh beautiful kohlrabi in the days ahead and we'll be looking forward to harvesting these and getting them in the kitchen so nancy can get them on the table so we'll be back soon well good morning friends our coal robbie's been on in the uh earth garden for six weeks from seed to now it's been six weeks and the purple kohlrabi is doing beautiful they're a little bit slower growing than the white coal robbie or the green whatever you want to call them but they're doing what they're supposed to do they're catching up they got the little node on there now and they're starting to develop that purple root that i'm looking for and the the green or the white are really coming on pretty fast now and their their route is you know about twice as big so it's getting there i'm really happy with them i'm looking forward to plenty of good meals with this and we put some in over in the container garden remember so i thought we'd just step over there and take a look at the uh coal robbie that's growing in the three gallon buckets just to show you their progress meet you over there well here's our coal robbie on the on the grow table and three gallon buckets they're really doing good i'm very happy with them so come on up and take a close look you can see that they've got some beautiful little roots forming just above the soil level like in the earth garden there there really no difference in these and the ones that are in the earth garden they're um their progress is basically about the same so if you want to grow these on your patio by all means these are a good candidate for your container garden but these um these little roots are developing quick now so we're looking forward to the days ahead when we can come out here and harvest these and we'll show you a couple ways to cook them so we'll be back soon and continue to watch the progress of these beautiful coal robbies well good morning friends today's pretty overcast we just had a uh a storm come through it was a hurricane ada uh it was downgraded to a tropical storm once it hit the west coast of florida but it ran directly over our homestead yesterday and uh the lord protected us um the winds you know weren't that bad by the time it got to us and the wind i mean the rain was actually kind of to the south east of us and and kind of went around us we still got a lot of rain but nothing like the poor folks down in tampa and miami in that area down there but we got our share but me and nancy we took our precautions we took us we did everything we could to secure a garden and the homestead and it passed us by and really no real damage to speak of a little bit of minor tree tree work had to be done yesterday we cleaned up some of that after the storm got on by and we're back up and running but today i wanted to show you there our our kohlrabi they're actually um they're eight weeks old today since the day that we planted the seed and a lot of them are ready to go especially you know the white ones the purple ones they they tend to take a little longer to mature and get big they grow a little bit slower than the white ones but we can pull up a couple of them just so you can see what they look like and we're going to harvest a couple of these beautiful kohlrabis and uh nancy's gonna make them for supper tonight so i'm i'm looking forward to it but these four rows in the earth bed are really looking good the containers over there want to share that with you too because a lot of folks can grow those in your containers on your balcony or your patio you know if you don't have enough space for a big garden those little three gallon buckets are ideal and we'll go look at that in a minute but right now let me grab up a couple of these um purple ones just so you can see what they look like these look great as you can see they have a beautiful purple root that's that's that's the part you want these tops are also edible i don't particularly like the tops so we're going to feed the tops to the chickens but they are edible some folks may like them it depends on what your taste is but check that out but we're gonna these are the purples take a good close look see if the camera will focus on that and we'll head over there to the container garden and let's get a couple of of the white ones and you can tell the difference there's quite a bit of difference in them they were planted at the same time so i'll see you over there well here we are over at the container garden and these uh coal robbies that were planted in these three gallon containers have done fantastic i can tell you this that there's no difference in the ones i put in the containers than the ones that are in the in the earth bed out there so these are a great candidate for a patio a little container garden on your patio these things are really magnificent uh in the plants uh in the pots so i wanted you to come up here and take a close look at them and see how the root grows above the soil there's a tap root that comes out the bottom i just want to show you all that so you can see what to expect and then we'll take them over to the harvest area and clean them up and we'll show you how to prepare these for cooking uh come on up here okay here's our beautiful plant as you can see this one's much larger than the purple ones but see how it forms this beautiful little root off of the um above the soil level see the soil level right under here let's pull it up let me show you the taproot there's the taproot coming down see right here and what i do is i go ahead and cut off that taproot see how big that taproot is big old woody taproot so we get that off get that out of the way and that leaves us you know the top so let me get a couple of these and we'll head over to the harvest area and wash them up and peel them and show you what's next let me grab another one okay got the tap root off that leaves you the beautiful top that i'm looking for though this is the part i want so let's head over yonder and clean these up take a close-up look at this all right here we go welcome to the harvest jerry i got all the uh kohlrabi's over here and i've rinsed them off real good and the next thing i'm gonna do here is i'm gonna cut off all of these leaves now remember what i talked about earlier is you can eat those i just personally don't care for them but they are edible a lot of people like them they like to saute them down but what you do is once i get all these off that now is a nice treat for the chickens but it leaves you with this beautiful root okay and let me show you my little next step let me get the rest of these done then we'll go to the next step okay i got them all shucked took off all the little leaf leafs on them and got them down to the little root and as you can see there's a quite a bit of difference in these two the purple and the white the the purples like i said earlier grow much slower than the white ones but um really we're just growing the purple ones just for the fun of growing something with some pretty color in it because the inside's all the same but anyway let's take a look at one of these and show you what i do on you notice on the bottom you have where the tap root was and that area right here around that tap root it's kind of tough this kind of woody is in fact so what i do is i cut just above that and i get that off of there okay and then up here on the top where the stems were coming out i go ahead and i i cut a little piece of that right on out of there now i got something then they'll sit without rolling see that's just how i roll okay other people might do it different then the next thing i do is i come to the edge here and i i peel i don't try to go all the way around i go down to about the middle of the root best i can and get that skin off of there this skin is real tough i get that off of there it takes a little bit of work with these things but the taste of them is fantastic so it's worth the effort and see as what i have left is a little bit on the top so now i'll go around this way and do it the opposite way and i'm sure some of you girls out there that are real good at cooking probably have a much better way of doing it that's just that's the way i do it i get rid of all these little pieces okay now i have a peeled kohlrabi and at this point i cut it right down the middle and i turn it on the side like this just like i do when i'm making french fries and i slice it pretty thin right out about maybe a quarter of an inch and then i'll take some of these two or three of them and i go down there and chop them like i'm making french fries see nancy does a lot better at this than i do she makes them look like matchsticks mine tend to look like french fries from mcdonald's see here's what i end up with hers are a lot better hers look like this of course she's got more patience than i do she trims them down real fine that's how nancy does it see how she does she gets some real fine like matchsticks compared to mine you know but anyway you chop these down let me go ahead and get these done real quick here let me show you a purple one tap root end go ahead and take that that tap root in right there right off and that thing's pretty tough then take the top off remember what i was saying the inside's the same as these see there's nearly no difference it's the skin and it's just for the color presentation it's fun growing stuff of color out in the garden i've always liked it and i'm a real sucker for anything that's purple i just love purple it's like my favorite color and nancy's of course is red she loves red stuff out there red and yellow that's hers so between the two of us we get a rainbow in our garden all the time but there you go there's the purple peeled and as you can see there's no real difference on the two kohlrabis they look exactly the same on the inside okay and then i just go through that same process again and i chop them up nice and thin take your time i'm not exactly a chef you see some of these guys on youtube boy they can they can really chop stuff i mean i'm pretty impressed with their chopping skills they can really roll through this kind of stuff they're probably laughing at me right now but i'm just a good old boy and i'm doing good to get it cut i'm not trying to cook for a restaurant i'm just trying to do nancy a favor by giving her a hand and helping her chop up some stuff so bad as i do it she has never complained when i help her so let me go ahead and get the rest of these chopped up and we'll take it to the next step okay i got it all cut up got a nice bowl i might want to also point out that just for uh future reference if you want to make some of this for your family i probably got way more than you really want to cook at one time i always figure one of those per person is plenty but i got four because i wanted to use some in our salad as well and uh the reason is is as as you can see this one's raw they are delicious raw i could eat a bowl of these just like they are just raw tastes fantastic very sweet got a hint of cabbage and a hint of turnip all at the same time hard to describe that taste but check it out i think you'll like it anyway i got this done what i'll do with this is i'll take some out and have them sprinkled on top of our salad tonight raw you know as part of our salad and then i'll take the rest of them and i'll chop up one of our texas sweet sweet yellow onions and i'll put some butter in a frying pan put this onion in and put the kohlrabi in there and saute it together and it's delicious you know and nancy's gonna make a t-bone steak tonight and i look forward to that because i don't get to eat t-bone steak very often but um when we do it's good to have something like this to go along with it so i got all the um the leaves pulled off i'm gonna go feed those to the chickens because uh they love them oh another way you can cook this is you can steam it you can boil it or you can um wrap it in tin foil with some butter and a little bit of onion and put it on the grill and cook it on the grill there there's all kinds of ways to cook it delicious so anyway let's take these to the kitchen to miss nancy and let's take the leaves over to the chickens and make their day see you over the chicken yard got y'all a bucket full of coal robbie all right try not to fight over it all right there's plenty for everybody it's so good to give these chickens some good and healthy green vegetable matter because it makes those egg yolks so purdy that their egg yolks are so orange and firm very healthy very healthy for them in addition to their regular food of course but as you can see they just love this stuff so there we go today everybody's a winner me and nancy get some fantastic coal robbie for supper and with a t-bone steak and a nice salad and uh the chickens they enjoying what they get into and even bing bing he's going to get his little piece of steak tonight nancy always cooks him his own little piece of steak so he's spoiled rotten and we know it so anyway that's it for today i think this is a good vegetable that you may want to consider planting in your fall garden and enjoy it especially if you've never had it before it's really tasty and i think you'll enjoy it so we hope that our video brought a smile to your face and some joy to your heart today and so until me and nancy bing bing and all the little girls see you next time always remember buy his hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] do
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 79,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Growing Purple Kohlrabi, best ways to grow kohlrabi, container kohlrabi, gardening, gardening videos, grow kohlrabi, grow purple kohlrabi, grow purple kohlrabi at home, growing kohlrabi at home, growing kohlrabi from seed, growing kohlrabi from seed to harvest., growing kohlrabi in containers, growing kohlrabi in pot, hollis, hollisandnancyshomestead, how to grow kohlrabi in containers, kohlrabi, kohlrabi from seed, kohlrabi growing, kohlrabi harvest, kohlrabi in containers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 51sec (2271 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 14 2022
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