How to Grow Baby Bok Choy from Seed to Harvest

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well today's video is sponsored by a black gold compost company we want to thank the good people over black gold for their generous donation of all this black cow cow manure that we're using in our video today thank you for sponsoring our channel [Music] well welcome back friends today i wanted to show you this this new bok choy that we're going to try this year it's called baby milk bok choy and we got these seeds from baker creek heirloom seeds online go check them out you might want to take a look around on that website because they got just a really wide variety of all kinds of really good seeds that are available that you may want to try in your fall or spring garden this year so check it out this year i'm planting these a little baby milk bok choy for nancy because they're much smaller than the big bok choy that i usually grow for she wants some real small ones like this that she wants to use and salads and soups and things like that so i said no problem anytime you want me to grow something just let me know so this is what she wants this year she picked out these seeds so this is for her we've got them planted in the tray and we're going to get them over on the seed starting rack and and let them get going now we're going to follow this this video like all of our videos all the way from seed to harvest and we're going to grow these in containers i've mentioned before on several other of our um bok choy videos i like to use containers for bok choy because it keeps them up off the ground on my grow table away from all the slugs the the plants stay nice and clean because of the water and the rain and the irrigation it doesn't seem to splash up all over the leaves like it does when it's out in the earth bed so if i can control my water and put it right down at the roots where i want them it just doesn't get the plant so filthy dirty so by the time we get ready to harvest it and clean it it's you know it's hard to get all that grit out of it so i just love doing them in containers another reason is is then the containers it's easy to maintain there's no weeds it's up off the ground so i don't have to bend my back and when we get ready to harvest it it's at a comfortable standing position everything about the container table and and the container container grown vegetables for me is user-friendly especially when you get to be 68 years old so this is the way we're going to go with them i'm going to use one gallon containers and we'll go through that as soon as these seedlings get ready to plant so let's get these over in the seed starting rack and let them get started okay there's our baby milk bok choy and the seed starting rack off and running so we'll be back in the days ahead and to check the progress of these these only take about 10 days to germinate and then we'll um we'll get them on up big enough to transplant so we'll do all that process together so we'll be back shortly take a look at the progress see you then well good morning homestead family we started our baby milk bok choy 15 days ago from seed and the seeds starting trays they've been out here and the seeds starting to rack for 15 days and if you come up and take a little close look at them you can see what the progress has been these uh these guys are just getting started good they've got some true leaves and they're starting to get some good stem structure they're kind of flopped over a little bit right now because i just got through watering them but they'll stand right back up in you know about an hour but anyway these guys are really coming along good we're going to let these stay out here a few more days then i'm going to put them on the hardening table and harden them off for about three days and then we'll plant these in some one gallon containers because remember these are pretty small for bok choy so anyway we'll be back in a few more days and we'll continue with the progress of these beautiful little baby milk bok choy see you then well welcome back been 25 days since we planted the seeds and the seeds starting trays put them out in a rack and let them grow and we've had them out here on the hardening table for about a week now and they're doing ready i mean they're doing great they're ready to go come on up and take a close look at these and you can see that the stem structure looks beautiful plenty of true leaves and it's up to about three inches tall so this is really a perfect time to get these things planted because remember these baby milk bok choys really don't get that big so today we're going to put these into some one gallon containers very small containers which is uh going to be quick and easy easy for me to do i like doing it and we can put this up on a grow table and just let her grow and they won't take very long to maturity at this point so like i say they've only been going for 25 days so we'll continue to monitor progress of these all the way to harvest so let's get these little fellers up in some one gallon containers and step them up to a bigger container let's get started okay we're about ready to get these things in the containers and get started this is my homemade container mix that i'll make this at home myself so if you want to make some of this homemade container mix nancy will put a link on this video for you on how to make container mix at home we did this video a couple years ago and i think it helps you so go check out our video on that and um that's what i'll be using in my container today now the containers i'm using is a what landscaping calls a one gallon container it's not really one gallons of fluid water remember it's just this is the way we can they size them that's what to consider to be one gallon and i got these containers at okay got them shipped directly to my house so what i'm going to do is i'm going to fill up my containers with my container soil and we'll take it to the next step and filling them up is really pretty easy all i do is just scoop and brush it off good to go all right let's get started okay this is a pretty easy process i take my container level it off i pop a little hole in it with my hand i usually go down tip of my middle finger to about center my palm i put in about two tablespoons of blood meal get the seedling out put it right in the hole collapse the hole around it push it down and as you can see i just packed that container so i'll take a little bit more of my container soil and i put it in here and kind of bring that level back up closer to the top of the container edge right to the rim there we go i don't want to be any closer to it than like about an inch so an inch below the container is what i'm looking for that way it'll capture all my irrigation that i'm putting to it or rain water and direct that beautiful water right down to the root system there we go i want to do one more there we go pop in my little hole a couple of tablespoons of blood meal and i'm using blood meal simply because what i'm looking for on this bok choy is of course the leaves so i want the leaves to grow vigorously so i add lots of nitrogen like that which promotes leaf growth so if you're if you're growing a plant that you're going to eat the leaves then add nitrogen so it'll help the leaves to you know really flourish that's what you really want so there we go there's our first couple of them let me get the rest of them in the pots and then we'll get them on the grow table get them watered in and we'll be ready to go well there we go got 36 of the baby milk bok choy planted into the one gallon containers and i just used the hardening table i used half of the hardening table out here to use it as a grow table so it comes in convenient for me to water these in the morning when i'm taking care of all my other seedlings so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the development development of these beautiful little bok choy all the way to harvest we'll see you soon well good morning friends we started our baby milk bok choy four weeks ago from seed and during that period from four weeks to the day they've done really well all except for about the last week we've had some pretty hot temperatures come in here in florida for our early fall and it's really been a struggle in the garden some of the plants suffered a lot of heat stress and i've lost many of the plants you can look at one plant on the table here and it'll look beautifully healthy looks like it's doing very well and look at the plant right next to it and it just gave up so this is a sign of a lot of heat stress i'm coming out here a couple of times a day and i'm hand watering them trying to keep them cool down but i'm i'm i'm not really winning this battle too well so i'll try to keep up with the the temperatures and the watering um frequency and see if i can't save some of these the good thing about baby milk bok choy or any bok choy is they grow very fast so if you see some of this happening in the early fall go ahead and start another seed tray and have some more seedlings ready to replace the ones that just didn't make it but for uh right now we've still got some growing here i'm going to try to get through the next week next week i have another um seven days predicted of temperatures 88 degrees you know so we go down to you know the upper 60s at night which is great for them but then at about the noon hour you know all of a sudden we'll go from you know 65 degrees it'll jump right on up to 88 degrees all in about an hour hour and a half and that really stresses out the plants to make that severe temperature change and then the whole afternoon it's just hot so it's a struggle this year but that's what gardening's all about you kind of got to roll with it and just do the best you can and try to um you know recover any way that you can and in this case looks like i'm going to get a little bit out of here and i'll just start another seed tray and i'll start over again so i can get a couple of harvests every year out of bok choy it doesn't it doesn't take much to start them over so anyway we'll keep uh keep our fingers crossed and we'll watch the weather and see how these progress and if i have time i'll start another uh another seed tray of uh these baby milk bok choys and get them going too so you know it's never too late so let's get uh get this through this little heat wave here and we'll see where we're at we'll see you back here in about a week see you then well welcome back friends our baby milk bok choy's been growing for 42 days today and for the last week we've been coming out and kind of picking out it and and harvesting a few of these every couple of days because they show it tastes good these things are really small they're miniatures so the one of the good benefits of having these little miniature plants is you can use just a small amount harvest a little little one and have a small amount for an ingredient in something you're cooking rather than trying to harvest a whole bunch of the big bok choys and making fermentation with it or anything like that that nancy normally does but this is just right like if you just want to add a little a little bit of bok choy to a salad or a little bit to a soup or something like that these are just right so what i wanted to do was just harvest a couple of these beautiful little bok choys we'll take them over to the harvest area let's clean these up and take a look at them up close i'll meet you over the harvest area oh yes ma'am miss nancy going like this let me get the little pieces off really not much to pick it's pretty clean i like that beautiful block choice oh yeah come on up here and check this out [Music] [Music] well i hope you had fun growing these little baby milk box toys together this may be a little candidate for your fall and or spring garden you may want to try them very tasty so we thank you for watching we hope that our video brought some joy to you today and some peace to your heart so until me and nasa see you next time we want to thank the lord for this beautiful bok choys buy us hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen amen have a blessed day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 31,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollisnancyshomestead, how to grow bok choy, how to grow bok choy in containers, baby bok choy, Chinese cabbage, how to grow cabbage, pac choy, baby pac choy, how to grow baby bok choy, how to grow baby pac choy, bok choy, pak choy, pok choi, growing patchy from seeds, growing pok choy form seed to harvest, how to grow bok choy from seeds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 07 2022
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