Easiest Way to Grow LOTS of Carrots & Harvest Carrots

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today's video is sponsored by black gold compost company i want to thank the good people over at black gold for the generous domain donation of all this beautiful black cow cow manure that we use in our video today and it's made a tremendous success in our garden i've been using black cow for uh many years ever since 1980 and it's always made a tremendous difference in my garden and i've been very pleased with our product i highly recommend it thank you black gold for sponsoring our channel well good morning friends today we're going to plant some carrots together so stick with me we'll be right back after the break and we'll get started see you then [Music] well welcome back today's big day we're going to plant us some carrots and i'm uh this is uh october the 1st here in florida and i'm going to be planting a variety of um carrot called bolero bolero okay and i'm gonna be using a brand new device that i just got i got this from johnnyseed.com and i used this same uh um little uh seed planter last year i borrowed one from my friend and uh it works fantastic i was really impressed with it so and this year i got one for ourself and this will allow me to drop four rows at a time and it puts it out uniformly and it works good really good last year we had over a thousand carrots planted and it only took me a minute to plant them so that's time is of the essence around here so i really like that and i also like it on a big long handle which means i don't have to bend my back which is even better so anyway let's talk about these seeds take a close-up look at these seeds and we'll also take a close-up look at the four row pinpoint seed dropper well here's the seeds i got got them from johnnyseed.com you might want to check out their website and get some of these for yourself if you want these are called bolero bolero and i got the pelleted seeds of course because i'm going to be using my my little seed dropper so i have to have the pelleted seeds they will not work with the with the raw seeds so there we go get the seal off you can see the seeds here as you can see they're coated in a clay material so they're very uniform they're a little bit bigger and they'll fall through my little um seed dropper you know just right so it'll go down in there only release one seed at a time so i can spread these out correctly now this um coating on these pelleted seeds you know it'll deteriorate a little bit slower than raw seed it'll so it means it's going to germinate a little bit slower than if i'd have planted raw seed but really it ain't going to make much difference you know a couple two or three days at the most so anyway i recommend using this if you're going to um try to use this seed dropper well here's my little um four row pinpoint seed dropper you notice that it's got four little hoppers here and it's got some adjustable brushes here with some indentations in the crossbar underneath so you can put different size seeds in here and you adjust these little brushes here i don't know if you can see that but there's some little brushes here with a little thumb screw and you can adjust that to where you're dropping one seat at a time so when the the unit is being pulled you pull it in a you know reverse direction like that it's spinning the crossbar which is dropping a seed out and it has these little these little things here are jig digging a little furrow for you while the seed is dropping into the furrow and last year when i used this they buried themselves i go back and i tamp down the um the furrow a little bit and it put it right on into the ground we had a great harvest with them so i really like this thing i'm going to be using it from now on and it's quick and easy and you might be something you want to try in your garden yourself let's go get started okay we're about ready to get started i'm gonna head over to the earth bed and get the earth bed prepped i'm gonna be adding in a bunch of black cow in there to give me some good animal composting into the bed itself i'm gonna paint plant my carrots in my perimeter box bed because it's easy to maintain and that's the perfect for this little pinpoint dropper so that's where i'm going to put the seeds get the bed prepped and get them installed and we're going to watch the development of these carrots all the way through from today when we plant the seed all the way until we harvest them together so this is a full a progression video from seed to harvest so let's get started [Music] [Music] so well there we go we got our uh our bolero seat carrot seeds planted into the uh little perimeter box here and they're off and running and i wanted to talk to you a little bit about uh what you saw me doing on the video uh clip earlier when i was um putting in the bone meal bone meal is a great source of phosphorus which is going to promote root growth and that is exactly what i want to do with this but i want you to keep in mind whenever you're using bone meal that it is a slow release fertilizer and it takes about four months to completely degrade and come completely be used up so a lot of people say well why are you putting it in there when uh carrots only take 75 to 80 days well let me explain that the um bone meal when i put it into the bed here and i wet it down that it when i get it wet that first time it's going to release probably maybe 10 of that phosphorus right away it's almost a complete powder at that point so it's going to give some phosphorus into the soil to let that soil start absorbing it and then when those seeds start germinating and they start reaching down they're going to feed on that a little bit of phosphorus and that promotes the root growth now over a period of time over the next three or four months that bone will completely release gradually little by little by little that's why i only need to put it in the first time on the initial planting because it's going to take four months before it's used up so i'm gonna put these um carrots in today's october first theoretically in you know 75 or 80 days they should be ready around december right well i'm not going to harvest these in december i'm letting my carrots winter over so i'm going to leave these in until maybe february around february or so so that's plenty of time for that bone meal to work in that soil and to feed those carrot roots and and produce some really pretty roots so just keep in mind any root plant root vegetable root crop that you're trying to grow when you're using bone meal you want to only use it if that root crop is going to take greater than 90 days 80 or 90 days before you can harvest it keep in mind it's a very slow release i wanted to point out that these seeds i just installed need to be kept moist so you don't want these seeds to dry out at all come out here and check them especially the first three weeks check them a couple of times a day feel that soil with the back of your hand if it feels the slightest bit dry wet it down again and get it moist don't over water where it's standing in water so lightly water and get that moistened up and come back and check it it's better to water it often than to try to do it all at one time okay so water it in light it lightly in the morning come back about two o'clock in the day check it again you'll probably have to water it again and uh that should hold it until the next day i don't really want to water this at night in the late afternoon because i really don't want it to sit overnight too wet because that causes you know your seeds to rot so be careful with your watering and make sure that it doesn't go dry on you now what i'll do with this um this carrot bed is in about five or six weeks i'll come in here and i will um rinse this down with some liquid uh fertilizer which is a got some nitrogen to it so i can help to promote the tops i want the tops to get good and healthy and as if the tops are growing real good then it's going to make the root grow and dig in and dig deeper so that's that's the idea is in about four to four to five weeks here i'll come in here and i'll hit it with some uh liquid fertilizer that will um push the nitrogen so that's our game plan we've got the bolero carrots installed stick with us this is a progression all the way to the day we harvest them so we'll be back in in the days ahead and we'll monitor the progress of these pretty little bolero carrots see you soon well our bolero carrots are doing really great they've been out here in the little perimeter box here for about four weeks now you can see they have emerged they've already got the true leaves they're doing really good and i really like that pinpoint seed dropper that i used and it's as you can see has a nice organized row for me which i i like that way i can maintain the keep the weed pressure under control um with it being organized the way it is and it gives the carrots the correct amount of space and so they can mature and develop into the carrot that god meant them to be so we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the development of these beautiful carrots till we get them out of the ground see you soon well good morning our bolero carrots are doing pretty good they've been out here for right about 10 11 weeks now and as you can see they're uh making some good tops they're starting to get some traction and it's at this point i want to hit them with some liquid nitrogen so um i'm going to be getting some fish emulsion and i'm i'm going to apply that liquid fertilizer on top of this all the way down to get the tops going good and get them nice and healthy which will help that root continue that taproot to continue to develop remember we got plenty of phosphorus already underneath so now we need a little bit of nitrogen to help push the tops to give me an overall good healthy plant so we'll be back in the days ahead get these things fertilized and watch watch the difference should be about three weeks after i fertilize them we'll see a nice jump so we'll be back in three weeks well it's almost christmas and we fertilized these with some liquid nitrogen fish emulsion about three weeks ago and as you can see they've exploded and they're doing great so we're going to let these continue to grow right on through the winter and until we harvest them totally out next spring but right now we're at the point where nancy says hey hollis go out there and get me six or eight carrots for supper i can come out here and get some so um we can eat them along the way let me grab a couple we'll grab some for supper tonight delicious looks good you like them baby oh yeah bolero carrots they're ready to start cooking and eating right now and we pick them as we as needed along the way now to the rest of the winter and uh enjoy them they're gonna get a lot bigger than this so next spring we'll come back and we'll uh we'll harvest the rest of them out and they'll be nice big beautiful bolero carrots and nancy will count them up and then they last the whole recipe we actually have some left from last year you know the little sugar snacks uh but this is a different variety this year these are the boleros they're even bigger so we should have enough kerosene you know with this for at least 18 months wouldn't you say so nancy will be getting the cannon stuff out and really getting to work on cannon carrots so we'll be back in the spring taking another look at his beautiful bolero carrots see you then well here we are right into january the second almost third week of january and these have been growing uh great and um we've already been nibbling on these i guess you could say more than nibbling yeah we've been eating these things up man they are really good and today we we just wanted to harvest up a few of these bolero carrots just to show you how beautiful they are so this may be a variety you want to try and what's good about these is they really get pretty big and i was thinking i haven't grown these before i was a little bit of afraid of such a big root like that that it might be woody and tough it ain't man it's good and sweet as it can be so you want to grab up well we need six of them right yep let's get about six we got some let me show you these things i want you to look at them things i want you to look at what a carrot ain't that something these things are huge and um good as they can be they just are sweet and they're not tough at all and they're real hardy we've grown them all winter and these will continue to grow on out into the spring we'll eventually in the spring we'll um can some and yeah we'll harvest up probably this this whole row but we we'll go ahead and finish this video now because we're gonna harvest this all the way out into um in a couple of more months and then nancy will get busy canning them all up actually we still got carrots from last year when you canned all them but anyway we need at least 100 for each variety each carrots and all the other things that we're planning to can a hundred jars each yeah that's a lot of carrots hey just anyways let's head on over yonder to the uh harvest area and wash these up and look at how purty they are see over the harvest area yeah okay washer up i love using these they're so good tastes so sweet what are you putting in mountains what are you putting them in a stew stew stir fries anything you use a carrot for i mean pot roast oh man look i love these and stir fries though but i'm gonna can some of them there's plenty of them they're so big i'll make a lot of i could scan a bunch of carrots for for prepping just in case of emergency yeah the pantry looks pretty out there where you got a whole bunch of them canned up on the shelves you know yeah all those orange carrots in there looks pretty 100 of each things that we're going to can okay folks there it is did a nice job baby you grew them you did a fantastic job growing them these are some nice carrots we're um looking forward to enjoying these all year and they're going to be producing for a couple of more months here so they'll be they all get about that big right there that's pretty much what to expect on the bolero variety and right tasty beautiful carrot so anyway we thank you for watching we hope you enjoyed this little journey of growing um whole mess of these bolero carrots they're very easy to grow and they sure worth it ain't they oh yeah definitely so we thank you for watching i hope our video brought some joy to your day and peace to your heart so until me and nancy see you next time we want to thank the lord for these beautiful carrots by his hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 110,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow carrots, easiest way to grow carrots, carrots, hollisnancyshomestead, food security, beginner gardener, harvest carrots, garden, gardening, grow carrots, how to grow carrots from seed, growing carrots, how to grow carrots at home
Id: ztp6E0gPh34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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