How to Grow Lettuce in Containers | Beginner Growing Guide

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well today's video is sponsored by a black gold compost company we want to thank the good people over black gold for their generous donation of all this black cow commodore that we're using in our video today thank you for sponsoring our channel well good morning homestead family today we're going to grow three different kinds of romaine lettuce together we'll be right back after the break [Music] well welcome back friends miss nancy loves romaine lettuce and so this year i was going to grow you know the real big ones for him she goes now this year i want to get some of those little miniatures and mix them in different kinds of things that i'm going to be cooking i said oh okay we can do that so we ordered three different uh types they're all mini um romaine so they only get about six or eight inches tall the first one is dragoon dragoon that's a green romaine the other one is breen this one is a bronze red it's kind of a red and green mixed onto the same leaf kind of looks kind of cool and then the other one is the trucas this is a red romaine all of them small so um we're going to start these in the seed trays today and then we're going to transplant these over into some small containers here as soon as they get up big enough to transplant so today we just wanted to get these um seeds started now if you want to grow these we bought these seeds at they have all of them on there go check them out if you're going to be planting your seeds in a tray i usually use pelleted seeds but i accidentally ordered the raw seeds so it's not the end of the world it's just the pelleted seeds are a lot easier to plant if you're just trying to get one or two in each cup so these seeds are real small so i'll end up having to sprinkle into the seed cups and then after they get up big i'll have to thin them down until i get to one seedling per cell so anyway go to and check them out if these are what you want to get and might be a good candidate for your fall garden this year so let me get these seeds in the trays and get them watered in we'll get them over on the seeds starting rack and get this show on the road let's get started [Music] hey [Music] so [Music] you [Music] do [Music] okay there's miss nancy's uh three different colors of uh many romaine in the seed trays and in the seed rack ready to go so we'll be back in the days ahead we'll watch the development of these all the way to harvest so we'll be back soon well welcome back friends well it's only been 13 days since we planted our three miniature romaines out here into the seed starting trays and put them in a seed starting rack and today's time for us to do a little thinning on these i like to get these down to just one single plant per cell so um i'm going to take these over to the little seed seed starting table over there and we'll give them a little bit of a haircut let's get started okay these are some beautiful little lettuce what i do is i just use a plain old pair of scissors and i don't want to try to pull out the seedling out of this out of the cup because whenever i do that i may accidentally injure the seedling that's adjacent to it so what i want to do is simply take the seedling and cut it right off at the root level until i get down to one single seedling one single seedling per cell and it doesn't take but just a couple of minutes let's see how i keep working it right on down and i get each one of them until i get it down to one set one one seedling per cell okay not so hard let me continue to get this done and we'll be right back well there we go i got the uh the first tray thin down to one seedling per per cell so i'll get these right on back into seed starting rack we'll give those guys about another week or so and we'll be ready to transplant so let me get these other two trays done and we'll be uh back in a couple of weeks and we'll take it to the next step see you then [Music] well it's been about five days since we came out and gave all of our um our three romaine lettuce seedlings a little haircut and got them down to one seedling per tray and as you can see they're doing pretty good once you get them down to that um thinned out and you get them down to one seedling per tray they seem to grow a lot better and those are real happy and these are doing very well so we'll keep our eye on these little fellas we're having kind of a a hot fall here we're getting into the upper 80s during the day so i'm having to really keep these things under the shade in this seed starting rack to help them survive but they look like they're doing pretty good actually com considering what they're going through so we'll be back in a few days since we i got another seven days of high temperatures predicted hopefully it'll cool off it'll be november by then and as soon as that temperature drops off these these should be uh transplant size and we'll come out and get these things into some one gallon containers so we'll be back here in probably about a week we'll see you then well welcome back well it's been about four weeks since we planted our three miniature romaine lettuces from seed and they've been in the seed trays all this time and maybe about a week longer than i wanted to and that's due to the heat wave that we experienced down here but i think we may have got through that now the temperatures now are starting to fall kind of pretty good powder now we got three more days next week that are pretty warm but i think i can get them through it just simply by um starting these guys out over under the shade cloth over nancy's um salad bar the reason i want to do that is i want to get ahead and get them out of these small seed starting trays and step them up into the bigger container so they don't um so they don't go bad on me so they they can't sit in these little containers any longer so let's get them out of seed starting tray here and a seed starting rack and take a little quick look at them and let's get this uh get these beautiful lettuces put into some bigger pots and get them over on the grove table let's check it out well here we go here's our trucas those are these are the red romaine the trucas and they're looking pretty good take a closer look at them up close you can see some beautiful about three inch tall seedlings nice beautiful true leaves they've done well since we thinned them out i think the little guys are ready and here's the dragoon they're the bright green romaine they look beautiful nice big seedlings they actually look like they're a faster grower than the other two but they they got some good stems and good leaf development so i think that they're ready to go as well and the brain is the bronze red and it's it's about the same as the other red over here and this um this tray here is ready to go too so i think what i want to do today is i want to take some three gallon containers and i want to put a combination of the three different colors in one container i think i can pull it off since they're miniatures remember they're small they only get about this big so if i put three in there you'll get the um three different colors in the same container i think it'll make a pretty present um presentation to nancy i think she she'll like that and then whatever little bits left over after that i'll just put out some little one gallon containers and grow them as well um also uh i can save those for a quick salad or whatever you want to do with them give them away to friends that come over so we'll have a combination of some three gallon containers and some little one gallon containers with individual plants so let's get to go get the containers ready i'm going to be using my homemade container mix a day it's uh a mix i've been using for many years a lot of you old timers have been on the channel for you know several years you've seen me use the same this same mix over and over so nothing different about it but if you want to make uh some of this homemade container mix yourself nancy will put a little link to that video that's on our channel go check out that video and you'll see the container mix that i'm using in the containers today now when i get these um the container mix in the in the containers i'm going to fill them up about three inches from the edge of the top of the container i'm going to add blood meal blood meal this will give me a good organic shot of nitrogen which is what i want to do with these beautiful lettuce i want to push that leaf development and that's what the nitrogen will do for me so i'm going to use the blood meal in the bucket then i'm going to saturate the bucket with about uh about a two inch stand of water let that sink down all the way through the bucket to pre-moisten that dry container soil then i'll put some new dry container soil on top of that then i'll bring them up here to the container a starter table and i'll push a hole in each bucket about this depth of from the middle of my tip of my middle finger to the middle of my palm i push a hole put some more blood meal in the hole then i'll insert the seedling and collapse the hole and i'll have them set i'll put some dry container mix on top of that to bring it back up to that one inch mark below the rim of the container so that it can capture water as i'm watering it with my irrigation and or rain so let's get these started because i want to get them over onto the uh into the salad bar and let these things sit out for about a week or so under that 40 shade cloth until these temperatures come down a little bit more then we'll bring them out and subject them to full sun out on our grow tables you know out from under to grow out from under the shade cloth so let's get started [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] well there we go got nancy some three different color miniature romaine lettuces planted out on her grow table today this is underneath the 40 shade cloth out here on the salad bar so we got three more days of temperatures up a little higher than i want pre projected for next week after those three days are passed then the temperatures start to decline pretty good after that point so we'll leave these out here for about a week then we'll take them from underneath the shade cloth and get them over there out on a grow table to into the direct sun so we can take them into their final stage of growth up until harvest so we'll be back in about a week and we'll watch the progress of this little stand of lettuce together see you then well welcome back friends we finally got through that heat wave here in florida this year and the temperatures are now coming down into a more seasonable cool temperature for florida here in november so i was able to pull all of our three beautifully colored miniature romaines out from under the 40 shade cloth over in in the salad bar over there we pulled them out up from under the shade cloth and we got them out here in the full sun these romaines will love full sun as long as it's not hot so i like to bring them out as soon as i can as soon as the temperatures cool down some so we're doing good on the temperature right now and i got them in the full sun and they should grow great they've grown quite a bit just since we put them in the pots as you can see but they're going to really make some rapid development here in the next week or two so we'll be back shortly and we'll take another look at them and see how they're doing all the way up to harvest see you soon well welcome back friends our many romaines have done really great we're just about right at the eight week mark today that these things were planted from seed they've done really well we got through the early fall heat wave this year underneath the shade cloth over there and once we got out into the full sun and we got them temperatures to come on down some these little guys just thrived and just exploded the plants look beautiful i planted some in a three gallon container and i planted an individual and a one gallon container so i wanted to just show that to you here's the one gallon container as you can see making an individual plant and the one gallon plant in a one gallon container works just fine if you want to grow just singles you know i preferred growing it in the three gallon container and as you can see if you look at the plant not the pot but look at the plant there's no difference in them they're all about the same so i would say that you can grow either way it's just fine i prefer the three gallon because i can get three plants in at one time and that's usually how we will harvest this since they're miniatures we'll harvest all three of them at once and make a multi-colored salad so anyway what i want to do today is just grab up this uh this pot right one of these pot three gallon pots we'll go over to the harvest area we'll clean it up a little bit and take a close-up look at how beautiful these miniature romaines came out this year see you over the harvest area well there's our beautiful little romaines let me cut i'm just going to harvest the whole plant there we go one thing i really like about growing uh any kind of lettuce or anything like that i'm gonna eat the leaves on in containers is it's up off the ground and uh it doesn't get a lot of dirt splashed on it from irrigation or rain so when i get ready to clean this to take it into the house there is very little involved in trying to clean that any more than what i'm just doing right here just rinsing it off and miss nancy will spin that when she gets it in her little salad spinner in the house and she'll dry that right off pretty good so these are beautiful come on up here close and let's take a look at these how beautiful these things are well here's the green i just that's a really a beautiful color here's the red couldn't be more happy with that and here's the one that's got the bronze and the green mixed into the same leaf it's kind of a bronze and a red mixed together so there's our three miniature romaines that we grew this year in our fall garden well i sure hope you had fun hanging out with us so as we grew this beautiful miniature romaine this year in our fall garden this may be uh a candidate that you want to try in your fall garden this year so keep these in mind these miniature romaines are just right for salads so anyway um i hope that our video brought a little smile to your face and some joy to your heart so i'm gonna take this in the house miss nancy gonna make us a nice salad so tell me a nice to see you next time we want to thank the lord for this beautiful salad he's fixing to give us for lunch by his hands we are fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 65,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hollisnancyshomestead, how to grow lettuce in containers, growing lettuce, easy way to grow lettuce, mini romaines, 3 mini romaines, how to plant grow harvest lettuce, stop buying lettuce from stores, how to grow lettuce, howto, small space garden, patio, how-to, patio garden, how to, complete growing guide, growing guide, gardening in pots, fire escape garden, patio gardening, tutorial, pot, lettuce in containers, porch, beginner growing guide, how to grow lettuce from seed
Id: YSeJXjKckTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 52sec (1732 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 01 2022
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