How to Grow Hot Peppers in Containers - HUGE Harvest

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today's video is sponsored by black gold compost company i want to thank the good people over at black gold for the generous domain donation of all this beautiful black cow cow manure that we use in our video today and it's made a tremendous success in our garden i've been using black cow for uh many years ever since 1980 and it's always made a tremendous difference in my garden and i've been very pleased with our product i highly recommend it thank you black gold for sponsoring our channel well good morning friends today we're going to plant some tam jalapenos these are a little bit milder than the traditional jalapenos that you're probably used to getting in the grocery store these are a little bit milder than those so we wanted to grow some of these and we're going to grow them in five gallon buckets and i just thought you'd like to tag along on this little journey because it might be something you want to grow in your spring garden we'll be right back [Music] well welcome back we're going to get started on our tam jalapenos i got these seeds at baker creek great place to buy seeds go check them out online they have a good selection of all kinds of good stuff and i've always had a really good success with their seeds great company good people to work with too anyway i got the seeds uh you know planted i'm going to get them get them germinate and get them growing and we'll be back in the days ahead and watch the progress of these beautiful little plants and we'll we'll set them out in some five-gallon buckets i know a lot of people don't have many people don't have a a big huge space to work with and this is ideal for you if you like like them hot so we can uh we can put these in some five gallon buckets and grow them on up and and to the harvest so stick with us and let's watch the progress of these together so we'll be back in the days ahead check them out check up on them see you then well our tam jalapeno have been in the seed starting rack for 10 days you can see some real small seedlings breaking the ground right here here's a couple that's already came up with the cottolin leaves a couple more trying to come up they're a little slow to get started as typical with all peppers so you have to be patient with these they're getting there so we'll be back in about 10 more days and take a look at the progress they should should get a little traction over in the next 10 days so we'll be back soon well the big day finally got here the uh tam jalapenos are ready to be uh planted into some five gallon buckets and get that show on the road if you remember we planted these beautiful little jalapenos on march the 10th from seed and the day's april the 21st so they've been doing um really pretty good remember peppers are kind of slow so you know they these are some good sized plants you can take a good close look at them they're they're pretty good size considering they've only been out here for you know what um about four or five weeks six weeks maybe so they they're not really um what you call small they're just ready to get out of these little bitty cups so we got our five gallon buckets ready let's go through that process together and show you how to grow these things together in a five gallon bucket okay got my five gallon bucket set up i'm using my uh this is my container mix that i make myself um it's really nothing to it if you want to mix up your own container mix at home we've got a video on our on our channel go check it out on how to make container mix at home and nancy will put a link to that video up for you so you can go check that out but today i've got the um the soil in the buckets and i've got it about three inches three or four inches from the rim and the reason i do that is i'm going to pre-soak these buckets before i plant them and that right there is going to sink down okay it'll compress once it gets wet now when i when i get this um get the buckets in i want to add in about two to three tablespoons of bone meal so i can get a good shot of phosphorus i want to promote lots of healthy roots and lots of blooms okay then i'll put in another three tablespoons of blood meal this is going to give me lots of good foliage promote good foliage growth and good healthy overall plant so let me get that in the buckets and then i'll water those in okay bone meal putting it in the way i do it after i water it in that puts that bone meal and that blood meal right at the bottom of the root level of the seedling that i put in okay now i'm gonna flood the pots i put about three inches of water on here see i get it to where it's pretty close to the top of the rim and that'll soak down through the pot so it can pre-moisten all that real dry container mix that i just made okay our pots have soaked down next thing i do is i add some more container mix that's dry on top of what i just pre-soaked i get it up to about an inch above the i mean it's below the uh the rim of the bucket like this see then i'm gonna punch a hole in here about from the tip of my middle finger to the middle of my palm that's the depth i'm looking for then i take a seedling get it ready i take two more tablespoons of bone meal two tablespoons of blood mill right in the hole then i take my little seedling and i put it in there and i collapse the sides around that seedling see see how i did that once i got it in i pack it down kind of tight as i can okay that seedling set now let me add a little bit more soil since i cramped packed it down in there okay now i got it up to the level i want it my next step is i take some bamboo steaks these are what i get uh to use to to give this stem and this little seedling some support because it's brand new and it's you know having to learn how to deal with wind and heavy rains and stuff like that so what i do is i take this i take this bamboo steak and i go right beside it and i trap it in a triangular pattern now see how i got that seedling trapped by its own stem inside that triangle okay that gives it some support now you can get these bamboo steaks at any garden center if you have trouble finding these things we have them on our amazon storefront link on the about page of our youtube channel you can go there and get some if you can't find them nowhere but that's what these are bamboo steaks 24 inches long then i use these little wire tomato cages you've seen these they're everywhere in all the garden centers you can get these anywhere what i do is i put that right over the plant right in okay and the reason i put it in now is i want this plant to mature and grow into into the wire frame instead of letting the plant get big and then trying to put the frame over it then you just break up a bunch a bunch of the um limbs and things trying to get it on there damage the plant so let it grow into the into the support cage and when this thing gets on up big and it's full of fruit it's going to be supported correctly and it'll it'll be a good plant for you in your garden let me get the rest of these four pots done and we'll i'll meet you over at the grow table we'll get them set up and do a final water okay i got all the pots over here onto the uh five gallon bucket grow table and if you haven't got one of these five gallon grow tables bucket grow tables for your backyard um nancy can put a link to a video where we built these tables together you can get some of these for your own backyard but anyway i got the i got them all over here onto the grow table i've got them all watered in um remember i just had to lightly water them when i got them over here because we've already pre-moistened the top the the bottom 75 of these buckets when we before we planted the seedlings so all i had to do was um lightly water that new soil that i put in over there so anyway the tam jalapenos are off and running and we'll be back in the days ahead and we'll watch the development these all the way up until harvard so we'll be seeing you soon well good morning just wanted to give you another update on the tam jalapenos remember we planted these from seed on march to 10th and the day is made attempt so they've been doing uh pretty good for two months we got them planted out here had a real cool spring this year so they kind of had a hard time a little bit of a struggle to get going because of the cool temperatures because these pepper plants they don't like that cold weather so anyway they're doing great now they're they're up about 10 inches tall maybe a couple of them might even be 12 inches tall they're starting to look um like they're putting on some blooms if you look up real close you can see some little buds um forming now on on all of them and these little buds here will blossom out and put on the little flowers here in the next week or so and then they'll start to actually produce the the peppers so we're looking forward to that remember these are only half as hot as a normal jalapeno that you're used to getting these are only 2 500 on the school field heat unit so that's not bad i think we're going to really enjoy the spicy kick that it has to it plus you can taste the flavor real good so we're looking forward to these so we'll be back in the days ahead as these um beautiful tam jalapenos continue to develop and we'll watch the progression of it together see you soon good morning friends our tam jalapenos are coming in to their first harvest and it looks like there's some pretty um good-looking ones in here and today we were going to pick up about what about a dozen or so nancy gonna make some um jalapeno poppers i like them things anyway um let's let's grab up a dozen or so of them and head over to the harvest area and wash them up and take a little close-up look at how they turned out okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look how pretty they are that is a nice looking jalapeno nice and plump that's that's the perfect one for a popper in it okay well we got a nice little a little harvest this morning so we can go over and and uh make some jalapenos poppers and th this one here is supposed to be um remember like we talked about earlier a 2500 on the scofield heat unit instead of the normal 5000 that a regular jalapeno is so let's check it out and see if it's much less heat oh you thought i was gonna bite that thing you know i'm tender i can't do that so i'm gonna pass it off to nancy she's she's a lot um she's a lot more uh dialed down on that heat stuff is it um less heat than a regular jalapeno yeah a lot less you can tell the difference oh cool so they work so anyway i guess you're if you're looking for a jalapeno that's got a little less heat and they still have plenty of good flavor right yeah this might be what you want to try in your spring garden this year tam jalapenos so we thank you for watching i hope you enjoyed our little journey on these little beautiful little jalapeno peppers so we hope our video brought a smile to your face and some joy to your heart and had a good day today so until me and nancy and bing bing see you next time always remember bias hands we're fed give us lord our daily bread amen have a blessed day [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Hollis and Nancys Homestead
Views: 138,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to grow hot pepper plant at home, how to grow hot peppers from seed, how to grow hot peppers, how to grow peppers from seed, how to grow peppers at home, how to plant hot peppers at home, how to plant hot peppers in containers, hot pepper plant, how to grow hot pepper plants, how to grow peppers, how to grow pepper, how to grow hot peppers in pot, how to plant hot pepper seeds, hot pepper care, hollisnancyshomestead, successful method of growing hot peppers
Id: UXaqBCdF8r4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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