Build & Sell Online Courses with Wordpress (Using FREE Plugins) Learnpress and Elementor | 2021

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well guys and welcome to mr webb reviews so you'd like to start selling courses online but you're not planning to hire someone and spend thousands on development fees wise decisions especially that you can do all by yourself all for free at no extra cost to you apart from your target course so for this we're going to use wordpress and use a free drag and drop page builder called elementor so don't worry there will be no coding involved in this tutorial which means that even if you're a complete beginner you can easily follow along with just a few others if you have any questions feel free to ask in the comment section okay let's have a look at how we can do this okay guys so the very first step is to take care of our hosting and domain name registration and for this we're gonna head to our website here mr so mr and you can type forward slash hosting as you can see here forward slash hosting or you can click on the link here in the menu tab that says hosting and i'm going to leave this link in the description below anyways so you can use any of those three options and they will all bring you to the same place so let's click on this now just hosting and as you can see we are on the hostinger website now so this is a co-branded page that i have with hostinger so basically i've negotiated uh special rates for you guys with hostinger so you can get up to 80 off and also i'm gonna give you a promo code in the next step that will give you access to an extra seven percent discount at checkout so all in very very competitive rates indeed it's a whole singer they're very good this is where i host all my websites because they're good they're fast and they offer uh quick support as well because with the hosting company obviously it's when things go wrong that they shine and hosting uh they are they were always there when i had uh some issues and all that so they're very very fast indeed so as you can see their hosting is very simple you have three uh packages here you can choose from uh this is the shared hosting so we have single premium and business so what's the difference between those three packages three plans so very simply uh the single one has the name uh indicates as you can gain from its name it's for one website only so if you're planning to build and host more than one website this one is not for you let's make this clear from the start but if it's just a one website you're going to host you're only starting up this is absolutely fine no problem at all and as you can see it starts from 99 cents a month which is very very competitive again now uh please bear in mind that this one doesn't include free domain and google ads credit which the others to have so the value of uh of the domain is 8.99 so you have to factor that in and consider this when choosing your plans so again this one is limited uh bandwidth so it's only 100 gig of bandwidth and two databases only you can use whereas those two as you can see these are unlimited uh in regards to uh bandwidth and databases as well so what's the difference between those two now as you can see this one the premium is the most popular one and for a simple reason is because this is the most advantageous and the most best value for money let's put it this way so with this one you can host up to 100 websites so plenty plenty to do with this 100 gig of ssd storage so ssd is the fastest hard drive or currently available on the market so on your website will be very very fast indeed and as you can see all of these offer free ssl certificates so what's ssl certificate it's basically the padlock next to your uh domain name in the web address which indicates that your website is safe and secure especially if you're running an e-commerce website so again as you can see this one gets a free domain free google ads etc etc so let's go ahead with this one now and this is our next step so in our next step we have to select the billing cycle so as you can see here we can choose among those four options so either one month 12 months 24 months and 48 months so the one month uh it's obviously just for a trial plan it's a pair as you go but with this you have to pay a 4.99 setup fee and the price goes up immediately at 10.99 as you can see you know so that's not the most advantageous but if you just want to try things off you can simply select this one now the 12 months if you were to select 12 months it would cost you and 84 66.84 so on this one you save actually 49 so if we scroll down a little bit as you can see this is the normal price the regular price it would normally cost you 131 and 88 cents but thanks to mr red reviews you get a special discount 49 and you only pay 66.84 now if you want to get 24 months normally it should be 66 times 2 so normally 60 times two let's say 120 it's only 84. you see you save you save even more money by getting a longer period a longer billing cycle and then again 84 times two let's say 80 times to 160 you will expect to pay 160 for 48 months and it's only 97 look at this gigantic uh savings you can make indeed so again uh you feel free to click on any of these we're just going to go ahead with 12 months for now just for the sake of our tutorial here and then after this you select your payment method so you can pay by credit card paypal coin payment so coin payment it's all these uh virtual currencies like bitcoin and then google pay as well and i'm just going to select paypal for now so if we scroll down you can see we have a recap of our order here so it would normally cost us 130 188 and we get 45 discount again you get free ssl certificate free domain name free cloud uh cloudflare's uh protection and the setup is free as well you don't have to pay for this which is normally as you've seen here 4.99 as well so plenty of savings to be made now here's the the icing on the cake the cherish on the cake if you add here mr web reviews all in capital letters and click on the plus sign here you get an extra discount so it was 88 and now you're only at 80 27 extra 7 so that's it basically once you've done here all you have to do is click submit secure payment and this will bring us to the next step which is our payment platform so depending on which option you chose in our in our case you have selected paypal so what we'll do now is just to proceed with paypal okay and once you've gone through the checkout process and process your payment you will receive a couple of emails from hostinger and one of them will contain a link back to your h panel it's on the admin panel from hostinger so for this basically you can also go on the hosting website immediately and click login and then you type in your email address and the password you created and then log in and now we will be ready to set up our website and hosting as you can see the very first thing we have to do is to claim our free domain so again you get a free domain with a hostinger except the trial version obviously the trial plan that's the only one but any other plans you get a free domain with them in which case you can claim it so how can you claim your domain very simply in one click all you have to do is click on claim domain and then as you can see you can type in the domain name here so you can choose among different up uh extension you know domain name extension so it could be a if it's a parcel website is the most common one the most widespread let's say so you might want to type in your domain name here so let's say your and then after this all you have to do is claim domain now bear in being the most common extension uh it might not be available you might have to go through a few different attempts before you get the right one and one that's available so that's it basically for this and once you've done with this you have to set up your hosting to set up your hosting all you have to do is click setup and as you can see we have a welcome message here welcome to hostinger and then start now so all we have to do basically is to go through all these steps one by one so let's take click on this and as you can see here you can you have to choose your domain so the domain name we just registered in the previous step you selected here so in our case here i have best london uh done uh that was from a previous uh tutorial i did and then you click select or you can use an existing domain if you have one registered already somewhere else so it's up to you select either of those two options and then click select and from here which way do you want to go so you have to answer this question you want to build a new website or migrate my website okay so we have a third option here as you can see in small writing skip i will start from scratch and this is what we're going to do we're going to start everything from scratch so let's click on this now and then let's finish uh setting up here are some important for you so it just let you know that this is the domain name you're gonna use and the server is based in the netherlands and once you're finished all you have to do is click on finish setup and once you've gone through these steps and your hosting is configured and set up you will see your hosting will appear here on your admin panel as well and all you have to do is just click on the domain name that links that's linked to it sorry so all you have to do is click on mr web reviews tutorials that's the one we're going to use today but in your case it'll be your domain or whichever it is you registered you know so from here this is h panel so normally uh you might be familiar with the c panel which is the control panel because it's whole stinger and their name start with the h they call it h panel so very clever indeed so as you can see here we are presented with a few different options a few different categories so we have a few different heading wordpress folder accounts emails domains website files database in advance and others so it might seem a bit uh confusing a lot of options here but don't worry it's very simple i'm going to walk you through each and every step it's very simple indeed so the first thing we're going to do is to install wordpress on our hosting so how do we do this under the tab website here you see auto installer we're going to click on this okay and as you can see here if i scroll down now you can see we have different options so we have wordpress and woocommerce joomla and others so we're not interested in joomla that's a different uh cms and other we're not interested in any of those two at the moment what we're going to do is install wordpress so we have the choice between those two so what's the difference between wordpress and woocommerce woocommerce basically is an additional plugin that runs on wordpress and which allows you to run an e-commerce website so in our case here we're just gonna use wordpress we don't need an e-commerce platform at the moment so we're just going to go ahead with this as it is at the moment so we're just going to click on wordpress and from here you want to make sure to select https so https again is to show that your website is safe and secure and to enable the ssl certificate and as you can see here in this field you leave that empty you don't put anything in there so let's put our username so i'm just gonna put mr web reviews or you can put anything you want uh you're gonna type in a password and then normally your email address will be filled in automatically with hdmi address that you use at registration but feel free to change it to whichever email you want to use you can put another email if you want to and then you put the website title in our case it's mr web reviews and then we scroll down a little bit and as you can see here we have different options for the database leave everything that is don't touch this leave it the way it is it will be uh created automatically and then we need to set up the updates so update only to minor versions or always update the latest available version you'd want to click on this so you make sure that your wordpress installation is always top-notch up-to-date and then after this all we have to do very simple click install and this is going to take a few moments obviously you know so depending on how fast your internet connection is etc etc it might take maybe up to a minute even so there you go that was quick enough actually maybe 30 seconds altogether so from here where do we go we go back to dashboard and as you can see another option dashboard here so first we're going to set up an email address just before we go ahead if you wanted to set up an email address linked to your website so uh for instance info at or sales at uh or hello at whichever it is you want to click on this so we're gonna create a new email account now so let's click on this and from here you'll be able to create a new email account so all you have to do basically is to type in here for instance info at and make sure that the extension is your actual domain name so as you can see mr and here we're going to create info at mr web reviews tutorial and we're going to type in any password okay and all you have to do after this is click create and there you go as you can see you got a confirmation here we now have an email address info at mr and it's the same for you so you can create as many as you want it's unlimited you know there's no limitation as to how many you can create so you could create info ad sales ad or your name at whichever whichever so let's go back to our dashboard now and we click on dashboard again and now we're going to access our wordpress dashboard so this is the important part we will be able to actually change our website and make it our own so as you can see you want to make sure here that the force https is active so if it isn't maybe it is off like this all you have to do is just click on it this is just to make sure that your sss certificate is active and from here what do we do simply click on edit website and this gonna bring us to our wordpress dashboard where we'll be able to customize our website so welcome to our wordpress dashboard let me zoom in a little bit there you go so this is wordpress so how does it work but simply on the left hand side of the menu that will bring us all the different options and this is our preview of whatever we are working on so let me show you what our website looks like at the moment so there you go it's very basic indeed this is the 2021 theme the one that's built in by default in wordpress so not appealing at all as you can see but don't worry we're gonna make it look fantastic so let's go back to our dashboard so the first thing we're gonna do is do a bit of cleaning and maintenance so we're gonna go into plugins and as you can see these are our plugins so uh hostinger uses a lightspeed cache which is absolutely fantastic which allows to high performance page caching which is great once your website is up and running but as we'll be working on our website we want to see the changes we make immediately so we're going to deactivate this at the moment so deactivate this first and then we're going to delete those two estimate anti-spam in hello dolly which uh which we don't need at all so we can delete those two there you go and as we are working on our website we don't want anyone to access our website from the outside world obviously so what we're gonna do is add the next plugin now so we're going to click on plugin and we're going to type in maintenance and as you can see the very first one here with 500 plus 500 000 plus installation from web factory this one is absolutely fine it is great i've been using this one for years myself it's super easy to use so just click install there you go and then all you have to do after this is activate well that's it done so if we go to the maintenance now as you can see this one is enabled so it is on at the moment so what does that mean so if you go to our website as you can see because we are logged in as an admin now if we go on to our website and refresh we can see it no problem now let me open this in a different browser just like that and as you can see anyone else from the outside world that's what they see they see that your website is in maintenance mode so they won't be able to see what's happening which is great to keep your privacy of course you know and while you're working on your website it's probably better that way so after this what do we do we go into settings and we're going to general so here you type in the name of your website so whatever it is you want to call your website you know and make it clear and very simple for people to identify you and in here we're going to just put learning online has become super easy since we are going to create an e-learning website selling courses so that's it so as you can see we have https here so that indicates that this is um ssl certificate is active as well and then you put in your email address right here and then we scroll down and we can save and then we go into permalinks now so here basically we're going to choose the format your urls so your web addresses will be displayed as you can see if it's plain he will type you will read mr webreview's forward slash question mark p equals one two three which is not uh user friendly at all so what we're going to do is just select this one here that says post name so whatever page we're going to create so let's say if we create a page that's called about us or services or contact us all you'll see is forward slash about iphone us contact hyphen us which is a lot more user friendly and much better as well for indexing and search engine friendly as well this is most important of course you know so now we can click save so that's it basically that's just done for the maintenance and cleaning of uh our wordpress installation so back to our website here as you can see it doesn't look great at all so what we're going to do now is install our theme so we're going to appearance themes and as you can see we have three themes here which are the basic one you know we have 2020 2019 and 2021 so this is from two years ago last year and this year but as you can see this is very very basic so what we're going to do is just add a new and again this theme we're going to install is 100 free as you see so all we have to do basically here in the search box is to type astra and now if you hover on top as you can see you have details and previews and install showing up here so you don't see it this way but if you hover on top you can see install and you click on this to install this theme but it's installing again it will take a few moments depending on how fast your internet connection is you know so there you go that's installed now and all we have to do now is to click activate so there you go our theme astro is installed as you can see we have a message here thank you for installing astra so did you know astra comes with dozens of ready-to-use starter templates so this is the bit that we're interested in you know uh that's the beauty of astro and they have pre-built templates that we can use so it saves us a lot a lot of time hours and hours of designing and all that so all we have to do from here is to click get started or if you want to click on the theme here you can select astra options both ways are fine let's click on this now and as you can see we have the import starter templates here and we have to click on this one here so what we're going to do again is to use the starter templates to save us a lot of time so let's click on install importer plugin now as you see it's activating it activating and here we are so in this step we have to set our page builder so astra gives you the option among four different uh page builders elementor beaver builder gutenberg and breezy so gutenberg is the one that's built in into wordpress beaver builder and breezy are two different ones but the most popular one is elementor which is used worldwide but i don't know how many exactly but loads of people are using elementor it is it is it is by far the most user friendly anyways as you'll see later in this tutorial so let's install elementor let's click on this there you go so from here we can select our theme our template which one are we going to install so in our case here we're going to use only three ones so if you scroll down as you can see some of them have the agency tag agency agency so these are premium templates so if you wanted to use one of them you have to get the premium version so i'm going to leave a link in the description below anyways to the astra website and you can use that link to get any of those premium themes but again for the sake of our tutorial here we're going to use only free resources so all we do basically drop down menu here and click on free and now all you see here on your screen are free theme free templates so these are totally 100 free to use uh it's not going to cost you anything you can use them for free and as you can see they look absolutely fantastic very professional looking indeed so what we're after here is a theme that we can use for our courses so we can narrow this down by typing in the search box here courses so if we go back up here as you can see with uh get academy around digital marketing online coach online programming courses online courses again etc etc so you can simply click on them if you click on it you can have a preview so you can see this one comes with four different pages home all courses about and contact and you can scroll up and on the page to have a full preview so if you're not happy with your choice you can always go back click on this arrow and then select another one so let's go and have a look at this one here why not and this one comes with all these pages so we have home all courses about us instructors pricing and frequently asked questions in contact and if we scroll down you can see this is absolutely perfect this would suit us perfectly for this tutorial all we have to do from here is just click import complete site and as you can see we have a message here that says require plugin plugins missing learn dash lms and learn course grid so we're not going to need these to be honest because we're going to use another plugin a free one so we're just going to click skip and import and you have to provide them with a few feedback here so i'm a wordpress beginner intermediate or export you select whichever you want and i'm building this for myself or a client whichever and then click next and then you can skip this step altogether and then the import will start now bear in mind this can take up to two minutes so don't be anxious if it takes a long time or long enough again it will depend on how fast your internet connection is so what i'm going to do now uh is just pause the video and i'll meet you guys when the import is completed so there you go guys all done imported successfully as you can see so now we can close this and if you go go back to our website so this is what our website used to look like and now if we refresh look at this how beautiful this is in just a few clicks very easy to use indeed and very professional looking as you can see so this will make an impact with your visitors and no doubt about it this will be this is very professional indeed and then from here let's take care of our last step setting up our website and from here we're going to plugins add new and then in the search box you're gonna type in learn press and as you can see we have our plugin here learn press wordpress lms plugin so lms stands for learning management system it's a free plugin absolutely free 100 free and this is why we're going to use it because learn dash is not free and but long press is and as i said we're going to build a website today using only three resources so we click on install and while this is installing as you can see there are different other plugins from the same company so uh theme press theme press then press then press and you can also have consist reviews uh courses wish list offline payment uh import export and state extension and all that so it's very complete actually you know okay so this is installed now so we all you have to do is to activate it nearly there now so that's it so this is done and before i go ahead with anything you always want to make sure that you read all these messages here so basically on top of your pages these are the warnings and uh warning messages you need to pay attention to and as you can see you have learn dash has just successfully installed run the setup wizard so we can do this now obviously let's take care of this immediately so let's do that there you go so welcome to longpress thanks for choosing onepress to sell your courses online setup wizard uh will help you with basics information etc etc so let's go and run this so let's run the setup wizard so which currency are you going to use is it us dollars is it euros uh is it pounds which is it so you select your currency and then uh the thousand separator decimal separator and the number of decimals etc etc and this is how the price would be displayed so this is the usual one if you live in the u.s now if you if you select euros you might want to change a few of those settings but anyways you you do so based on your location and your target audience of course and then you click continue so courses we have to select our pages as you can see because we're only starting up we don't have any pages created and as you can see these are the basic pages uh on our website so what we can do is just create one so you create and you select the title so for courses we're going to simply call it courses oopsie course explorer okay and then we're gonna create one that's called profile as well okay and then let's create one that's called checkout check out page and then become a teacher become a teacher table and then after this we continue so paypal do you want to use paper if you have a paper account you might want to set it up immediately right here so i'm just going to click yes and i'm going to put sales at continue email system so emails are sent to users and all teachers for each particular action so you want to enable emails obviously because this is almost mandatory now you want to let people know what's happening so let's click continue now and we're almost done now so finish congrats you're almost done with your settings what's next and from here we can select among those four different options so install sample course create new calls visit your site or back to dashboard so we can either click on create new calls or back to dashboard i'm just going to go back to the dashboard now just to show you the menu bar now so as you can see we have long press tab here with our courses lessons quizzes questions orders statistics add-on settings and tools so these are basically our main sections for our courses to set up our courses so we're going to create a new course now so we're going to click on courses so to create a new course you just click add new but let's first have a look at our categories here as well you can create different categories obviously so let's say if you were to provide a digital marketing courses you can type in digital marketing in here and then maybe web designing as well why not so we have two categories created now as you can see and you can do the same with tags if you wanted to uh associate tags to your courses so let's create our course now we can create new so add new or let's say we're going to provide digital marketing courses and we're going to put a description here so i went online and found something from another website i'm just going to paste this here you know but feel free to fill this up with your own content of course and then you make sure you select your your category as well so in our case is the digital marketing category there you go and then we have a curriculum here as you can see so you can write section name and press enter so let's call this maybe lesson one intro and then enter and right here we can create a new lesson so as we said this is intro enter and if you hover on top of the section you can see you can turn on and off you can edit or delete so let's edit this one and as you can see it's opening up a new tab for us so this is not our course anymore this is a lesson part of the course obviously you know so this is the intro lesson and then we're gonna put our description so the description of our lesson comes here and then as you can see you can insert different format you have gallery images link quotes video audio studies and all that so let's add a media here in our lesson so as you can see you can choose among those all these different options here so you can create a gallery create audio playlist video playlist or insert from url so what we're going to do here is just to insert a video so insert from url okay so let's say you wanted to insert a youtube video i just went ahead and grabbed one from my website on my channel sorry digital marketing website so we could include this one for instance and if you click insert into page this is the embed code basically you know so we can update now and if you click on preview changes right click open a new tab this is a preview of our page as you can see with intro the description of our lesson comes here and this is the content of our page so very simple indeed as you can see now let's come back here and as you can see you can uh let your visitors know how long this lesson is so let's say the video is maybe 45 minutes and you want a preview of this lesson do you want to provide a preview yes or no so if you have for instance a shortened version of your video you might use it as a preview as well or not it's up to you really you know so let's click update now and again let's see a quick preview of this there you go and you can leave the comments on or off you can disable that it's up to you really uh it's really up to you so as you can see if you don't want the comments just click allow comments untick a long comment sorry and click update and now if we refresh as you can see there's no more comments underneath this is just our lesson on its own and this is how you create a lesson so let's go back to our course so as you can see this is intro and you can create a second one so it could be so we have less than one intro maybe i should have named this differently actually you know instead of lesson one i should have called it something else but anyways you get the gist and in here you can call this differently and you can see you have a book and then you have a quiz as well so you could create a quiz if you wanted to so let's call this quest test quiz number one so now we have a new item here test quiz number one and if you hover on top you have the small pencil and we can edit and it will open up in a new window so we can put our description here so description goes here and then if you scroll down you can see we now have our questions so we can add a question so let's add question number one let's say question one and then if you hover here you can have a true or false multiple choice or single choice so for the question one let's go with the true or false and how do you fill this out it's very simple you can select either of those two that's all either true or false so what's the question so this is your question here your question goes here and then you can have a small explanation right here so i'm just gonna copy and paste this in here just to make it easy okay and then you can give a hint as well so let's copy and paste this again right here so this would be our hint so this is the question the explanation the hint and you can select either true or false then we go to the next one so let's say question two and here we're going to select multiple choice so what's the difference between multiple choice and single choice basically i'm going to show you here multiple choice is basically uh you have different options uh as many as you want you can add maybe three four five but they can select two or three or four or five or different options so you can set more than one option out of several options whereas the single option you have several options we cannot only select one at a time so here you can if you wanted to add another one just click add option and you have here you will have the fourth option then okay and then this is the content of our question this is the explanation this is the hint let's go to question three let's say and you can add a single choice this time so as you can see this one is the same you have several options but you can only select one option and again if you wanted to add a new one just click add new to other five options only one is correct so here you're gonna paste paste and paste just to create our quiz here and as you scroll down you can see we have more options so do you want to have a lot of reviewing questions after completing the quiz so if they get if they get it wrong can they review them or not yes or no it's up to you you can let them know what the duration is so how long will it be so maybe you have 10 minutes to answer those three questions maybe only five minutes maybe three minutes depending on how many questions so now in relation to the scoring system as you can see minus points and you have the opposite obviously each and every question you can add mark for the question you know for every time if they they get the the answer right they'll get an extra maybe one two three four or five it's up to you it's uh unlimited basically you know you can score by maybe 10 each answer they get right maybe five each for each answers so let's say five for the moment five so every uh one answer gets five points and if you want to minus maybe it would be minus one every wrong answer or maybe minus ten if you want to be harsh why not so let's say let's go with one then once you're happy enough with the results and your quiz is finalized and you're happy with your questions and answers all you have to do is click update just to save it now let's go back to our course and as you can see uh just a recap very quickly so we have a course of course we made of lessons and lessons are made out of different chapters and quizzes so that's very simple isn't it and then you can assign the price as well so as you can see here with the price how much do you want it to be so we're going to keep it free for now just to be sure just to be on the safe side and don't forget to take the uh category as well there you go so update and as you can see here we have a permalink so this is the address to our course so what i'm going to do now is just copy this and then i'm going to open this in another window so now before i go ahead with this step we have to switch off the maintenance mode before hand so let's do this first so save and switch off the maintenance mode and now we can run our test and the reason why i'm doing this is because i don't have to be logged in as an admin i want to access it as anyone would from the outside world and this is the only way to do it is using a different browser basically or maybe an incognito tab in the same browser that you are using as you can see here we have the title of our course uh no students at the moment so there's the overview and you it's free and you can enroll by clicking on this button here so what's the curriculum as you can see lesson one intro we have an intro and then we have a test quiz and the instructor is mr web review so let's go ahead and with this on the next if you were to click on enroll you're not presented with two options you can either log in or register so we're not registered yet so we're going to create a username webb reviews student i don't know if i can use i'm just going to use another email address and then type in a password then register okay so clearly we don't have any anything set up at the moment so we cannot click on any of those tabs obviously will not redirect us to the right place so we can just i'm just going to copy the same address here and then refresh and we go back to our course course you know and then from here we can just continue so as you can see we have the items completed 0 out of 2 and the overall progress of our course so we have the intro and the test quiz so we can either continue or click on the intro so let's click on the intro and as you can see we have our video here so we can start watching our video if you wanted to so just click ok and then once you're finished it should normally take you 45 minutes when you finish just click complete so do you want to complete this this lesson yes or no yes okay i've completed it let's say you went through the whole course the whole video and you watched everything so it's fine and then from here congrats you have completed intro and then we can have our quiz then after that so this is our quiz here test quiz attempt allowed zero so none and you have three minutes and the passing grade is eighty percent and there are three questions so let's start now let's go ahead with this and you're gonna see our question so uh do you want to click the like button oh yes absolutely don't forget to hit the like button and then you can click next skip or complete so we go complete on next or let's go next next so did you subscribe to my channel not yet but i'll do it now already head i was just thinking about it all done okay so let's this is the right answer not yet but i'll do it now okay very good thank you guys and then next do you find mr web review awesome yes of course you do maybe no sometimes who's mr rep reviews so if you wanted to click this one please stop the video right now thank you very much click yes of course and then we have complete so complete do you want to complete this quiz yes and as you can see we passed you your grade is past 100 great so and then click finish the course now you want to finish the course yes and there you go our student has passed 100 uh excellent so let's quickly go back to our course now and have a quick recap so again as you see we have a curriculum here which is different lessons made out of uh different sections and quizzes but here at the bottom as you can see we have different options again so in the duration the total duration so not of the lesson but of the course obviously you might have the first lesson which is an intro it could be 15 minutes then the next one could be half an hour and another half an hour and so on and so on so you have to add that up and see how long it takes so it could be in minutes hours days or weeks even you know so do you want to block the course some block costs when duration expires and block of course when finished so when someone is has finished the course they can't take it again obviously a lorry purchase so that's the opposite of the previous section obviously so maximum student you want to set a limit yes or no maybe a maximum of a thousand students student enrolled so how many students have taken this course so you can update that as you go along maybe over time maybe every week you can go back to your course and update this manually retake call so how many times the user can retake this console set to zero to disable retaking so zero basically they are not allowed to or if you set one or two maybe they can do it once or twice do you want this course to be featured yes or no and don't forget to set a featured image so the image we forgot almost about this so he set an image so we select this and i went ahead and uploaded a picture already so digital marketing website let's set the feature now and then of course we have pricing as well you know so the price now we we left it at zero uh just to be able to actually run through the test here but if you wanted to put the actual price it could be 199 for instance and you want to have it this item on sale maybe it's only 119 this month and if it's the case do you want to have a schedule yes or no when do you want it to start so let's say it's going to start on the 1st of march until maybe the end of june just like that or maybe just a short period of time from just in march march the whole month of march so from the 1st until the end of march just like that and once you finish maybe you want to cancel this at the end of march so just cancel that remove the sale price and then you're back to normal then and then with the assessment here as you can see course results so evaluate via lessons so this is what we've done at the moment with our lesson quizzes and all that which is adding points and score so evaluate value via results of the final quiz so you can have a final quiz at the very end oops yeah and then evaluate via results of quizzes via quizzes by questions and by a mark so it's up to you really and then you can set the grade here so it could be 80 75 or even even 90 percent it's up to you and once you're happy enough again just don't forget to update and this is how you have your calls done and ready for your visitors and your student to buy and now that our course is done let's have a look at the lessons quizzes questions and so on here by the side so let's click on lessons and as you can see these are our lessons that we started so you have the intro and test quizzes so you can always go back to these and edit them later on and uh basically uh tweak them around and customize them or update them based on your own requirements and quizzes is the same basically you know we have a test quiz as you can see here this is the one that we've just uh published uh three minutes in duration three questions this is the one and then we have questions here so what are the questions so these are all the questions we created as you can see there's a few of them so you can actually reuse them along in different quizzes in different courses as well saving you time obviously and so you don't have to type them all over again if you have repeating questions and then we have orders here or as you can see someone called mr webreview student so this is the order we just placed because it is free obviously there is no total here but if you were to charge 119 it would obviously display 119 and you would have been paid 119 on your paypal account so very exciting indeed so then we have statistics which is very handy for you to have an overall look and a quick overview of your sales and how you can monetize your website and the progress actually of how much money you're making you know which is very uh helpful indeed because in business you like to measure everything the more things you can measure the more money you can make as a result so you can have the general overview you can have an overview by users by courses so this is very handy indeed if you want to know to know which course is doing uh well and which course is bombing so this is how you can have a quick overview as well from here and then your orders as well so this is really all about money here and having a quick overview of your overall progress and then if you go into settings let's have a quick look so we've gone through all the basic settings initially anyways so this one here you might want to change this so log out redirect so some when someone is finished with the course and the logout where do you want them to be redirected so i think the best options is probably the home page and then you can save this and then we have our courses here so as you can see here with the general archive single course i would leave everything as this to be honest uh this is absolutely absolutely fine the way it is and for profile is the same except those two options here you want to make sure you have those two boxes ticked they are not initially but because we have to run a test here and we had to log in as a user i had to enable them but before you launch make sure these two options are ticked very very important indeed and then we click save settings and then we go to our next tab payments here so we already set up our email address previously but just to double check make sure this is your email address this is correct and as you can see here we can select our checkout page we set that up already so it's just to double check everything is fine and when you're happy enough just click save settings and then pages so we've done all our pages already so there's no need to do anything here basically you know so instructors registration so create option for instructors registration so if you want to have more than one instructor and you want them to be able to actually register themselves you'd want to take that box but for our uh tutorial here we're gonna leave as is and then with all our emails of course so these are all the emails that will be sent and received by you and your students so as you can see here this is from this so you put your name here and your email address and then you have the email templates so all the email templates here you can all edit them so as you can see where footer here it says long press you can change this make it your own put your company name or what the name of your website and these are all the emails that will be sent and received and so on and you can edit them by just clicking on them and as you can see with new order processing orders here by the side all of these are to edit your emails so the subject box as you can see new order placed on and that's the order date so this is a short code and this is the content now you can change this you can add stuff to it you can remove things we can tweak it around bear in mind that these are the only short codes that you can use in here so as you can see we have the site admin name the header site admin email you can add all of these variables basically straight up into here and you will fetch the information automatically and then we have the advanced so here basically is just a debug mode css coding etc again i would leave everything as it is it's absolutely fine okay so i think we've covered all the basics and how to set up your courses etc so now let's have a look at our front end at our website itself so as you can see we have our website here how can you change this and make it your own and maybe add your courses have your courses page link all these to uh actually existing pages and maybe link these buttons here to actual courses as well so let's do that so for this we go back to our wordpress dashboard and we go and click on pages so again this is using the elementor page builder which is very easy super user friendly and it's a simple drag and drop as you will see so these are all our pages as you can see here about us all courses check out page contact courses etc etc so we're just going to edit the home page together here so we're going to open the home page so there it is and as you hover on top as you can see you can edit quick edit trash view or edit with elementor and we're going to edit with elementor there you go so elementor how does it work is very simple actually as you can see on the left hand side with all the elements this is our menu if you wish and this is the preview of our page and how it will look like so basically it's a drag and drop feature so as you can see here we have the plus x and those dots so this indicates a section so this is a section if i scroll down again you can see you have those tabs again this is another section and so on and every section is made out of columns so as you can see you have one column here so if i click on this one here me click on this you can see edit section if i click on this edit column and then each column is made out of different elements so this element here is a heading this one is a text editor and this one i believe is a button so let's say you wanted to highlight that course that we just created maybe you can put this straight on your home page and uh drive traffic to it so how do you do this song very simple simply let me show you now so if you just click on this we're just going to put the title here so digital marketing course and then we can put the description here so in the full description it would go here there you go all about digital marketing and then we're gonna link this button here to our course so let's go back to our course here we're going to courses this is our course as you can see so if you open this this is again the address the web address where this link is located so we copy and paste this and we're gonna paste it here just like that and then we can click update so if you go back to our home page and refresh as you can see digital marketing course the full description goes here and if you click on this this will bring us immediately to our digital marketing course so remember we had we had a picture we have our overview curriculum and instructors and this course you can buy it now because now it's not freedom we set the price at 1.99 and as you can see with curriculum here and the instructor is mr web reviews so this is how you can link this to the home page immediately so where are all our courses how can we find them very easy let me show you so if you go back to our courses you remember we created some categories so if we click on this and as you can see we have digital marketing and if you hover on top you can view the category so let's right click on this and open in a new tab and as you can see this is displaying the digital marketing category on on its own but with the breadcrumbs here so the breadcrumbs is basically how the sections are broken down into different categories so you can see we are in digital marketing at the moment but next to it we have courses so this is our main category if we click on this this is all the courses we have as you can see mr web reviews forward slash courses this is our root folder for all the courses so we're going to copy this ctrl c and then we're going to assign it to this one here and maybe this one as well or let's go let's go to this one here all courses so for this we go back to our main uh um wordpress dashboard we're going to appearances and then menu and then we're going to select our primary menu select and as you can see all courses here if we click on this we can remove that and we're going to create a custom link as you can see here customly click on this and then we're going to paste the url we just copied and we're going to put our text here the title so it is all concepts we add and now you you will see it's very easy you can drag and drop so if you just drag and then drop it in between so as you can see you can have an indentation here which means it'd be about us and then as a subcategory all courses you want it to be straight up against the edge aligned with the others as well so save menu now and if you go back here and we refresh as you can see all courses if we click on this now we are redirected straight to our section now let's say we we're going to create let's say we wanted to create maybe uh two subcategories so we have a menu here and again so let me exalt of this very quickly i have different tabs opened let's leave this again so we go back to our courses here categories so we have digital marketing and web designing so let's add those two now so i'm gonna right click copy the link address and i'm gonna add this here as well so custom link paste so this is digital marketing and we're gonna do the same with this one here which is web designing so right click copy link and i'm gonna paste it here and this is web designing courses and now we drag and drop this but this time we'll have an indentation so all courses and the subcategory will have digital marketing and again here and with an indentation and then save there you go and now if you go back to our home page as you can see we now have an arrow pointing down here and we have sub menu as you can see of all courses and we have digital marketing and web design so if i click on all courses it will show us all the courses and if i click on digital marketing all i'll see is digital marketing of course we only see one here because the only one we set up but if you had more than one course and several categories assigned to them you will see only those in which they are located now what if you wanted to change this button here start learning and change it to all courses maybe and drive traffic straight to this and all the attention to this button so let's do this now so for this we go back to appearance and customize and then from here we're going to select our header builder so this one here and as you can see or you can immediately click on it from here it's all the same so as you can see it says start learning so you can have maybe all courses or c or courses even better and then we're going to back here and this is our link here as you can see this is all courses we can highlight this ctrl c and then you're going to paste it here there you go then now we publish and if you go back to our page now refresh you can see see all courses and if you click on it it'll bring us straight to all the courses i think that's just done for what's in relation to courses so let's see how we can edit our website customize it and make it our own so i'm going to show you how to customize a few section here on the homepage maybe and you can proceed with the other pages afterwards and i'm going to show you how to change your footer section as well put your own contact details and then we're going to change the contact page as well so let's go ahead with this so we go back to our wordpress dashboard here again back to pages and then we're going back to our home page edit with elementor this one now okay so this is our page so as you can see we've designed this already we've changed that now let's say you wanted to change the background picture or change it to something else maybe all you have to do is click on those dots and as you can see to edit that picture in the background go into style as you can see this is our picture and you can see this difference from this one this one is a full color and this one has a blue overlay on top because we selected background overlay so as you can see this is the the color that's been selected now you can change that color make it your own if you want it more red maybe more orange on the green maybe a bit more bluish it's up to you really and then you can um increase the opacity so this is fully opaque and this is brighter as you can see this is the actual original picture when it's full like this you can't see there's no contrast with your text so you don't you'd want to avoid that unless you put your text in dark color it's up to you really but the best thing is to really increase the background overlay until you're happy enough so maybe up to here just like that would be a happy medium i'd say it's easy to read and yet we can still still see the background picture so if we scroll down the page as you can see with all our different sections now let's say you wanted this section on top and this one underneath it all you have to do basically is to drag and drop so click on this then drag it and bring it on top and you can see the blue highlight is where it will be so if i drop it now as you can see this section now is on top and this one is underneath it so let's put it back the way it was it was a bit neater i think so as you can see here we have a shortcode which is not being used because initially it was for um learn dash which we are not using so you can delete this and that's a much much much need to look so let's say you wanted to change the text here or also you can have experience education certificate which is fine and then you can change the content here so you all you do is we basically start typing whatever it is you want you know visitors to see simple just like that and don't forget each and every time you make a change you can click update now let's say you made a boo-boo oh my goodness oh no what have i done this is not what i wanted it's not too late as long as you don't uh leave this page you can always go back in time as you can see we have an arrow here that says history if you click on this you can always go back so let's say you type something here and oh you can't remember what it was before but it was much better than this one you can always go back and go one step uh behind and then again and then again and as you can see now we're back to the text that was originally there and then you can update again and save it so you can do the same with all these um elements here as you can see they're all different they all have their own settings so we have the stars here if you click on this as you can see you can you have a rating scale from zero to five it could be from zero to ten as you can see a bit more now we have 10 stars and what's the rating so if you were to put 6.5 we'd have six and a half stars colored and the rest would be clear so this is how it works basically now this number here if you click on it this is a counter so it will start at zero and end up at 4.8 but maybe you want it to finish at 12.7 and as you can see it goes straight up to 12.7 or you want it to finish at 4.7 there you go 4.7 and then you might want to want the stars to match this 4.7 then so 4.7 and it will be out of 5. there you go so now we have 4.7 out of 5 and this is how you can change things around basically so again as you can see everything it can be tweaked around just using all these features by the side so this can be changed at the bottom as you can see if you hover on top you can change it because this is our footer section so we're going to take care of this now and for that we go back to our wordpress dashboard and then we'll click on appearance and as you can see we have header footer and blocks and click on this and this is our site footer so we're going to edit this with elementor again so i'm just going to open that in another tab again just like this there you go and as you can see this is our footer so let's scroll down our actual page as you can see we join our community so it's just this block at the moment that you can edit from here so if you wanted to have one main message you can change it here so join our community change it to whatever you want and the same here at the bottom change the text now let's say you wanted to add a call to action maybe a button how can you do that click on those dots you can see here we have button drag and drop you can bring it wherever you want so let's say let's say we're going to put it bang on in between those two and we're going to call this maybe see our courses again what we're going to do is to copy the link from this one so right click copy link and we're going to paste it here ctrl v so this way whether someone is at the top of the page or at the bottom of the page they will see the same call to action so if i refresh now as you can see when you scroll down the bottom you still have access to all the courses and if i was to click on this it will bring us to the exact same page now let me show you how to change these settings here so for this it's slightly different so let's go back to our wordpress dashboard and from here we're gonna go into customize again and then footer builder and this is from where we can edit our footer so as you can see we have the small description here so just click on this and now we can change the text to everything you want so you can say something something about your website so this is an important section enough because most uh visitors will go on your website especially if you if they're using a mobile they will usually scroll up and then straight down and that's the information that's at the bottom of the page that matters most in this case so make sure you pay close attention to this message here which has to be short and sick since but say everything about your website so there'll be no doubt whatsoever what is it that you do well you can see all the social media links so click on this now how can you change them as you can see with facebook twitter pinterest youtube you can select among many more again as you can see all of these are available now let's say you don't have any pinterest account you can delete it and let's say you have a linkedin account you want to add something so all you have to do basically is click on this and then select linkedin and then add social icon and now we have a linkedin account so how do you link actually your facebook page to your website to your url as you can see if you click on it it will uh open up uh content here and this is where you paste your facebook address it's on and then the link to your page and then you do the same with twitter you do the same with youtube if you have a channel and the same with linkedin and once you finish you simply click publish and this section is done already now popular courses you can keep it or you can remove it it's up to you but it's very handy indeed you could have five or ten maybe of your main courses here immediately there and as you can see this is actually a menu so how can you change this from here it's not that easy to be honest so let's go back to our wordpress dashboard we go back to appearances and then menus and you remember we changed this menu initially so what we're going to do when i select the other one as you can see with footer menu so click on this and then select and this is our footer menu so we have one two three four five six items and as you can see one two three four five six items so these are the ones basically now if you wanted to remove this one here just remove it and then you can create a custom link basically straight from here so you're going to custom link you put your web address here the link title add to menu you will add it here so let's say we're going to hit https mr and then i'm going to uh mr what reviews special courses add to menu i could bring this up a little bit just like that save menu and if we go back to our page as you can see now we have our menu here that's been changed so back to our so this is how you change this and now i contact information so as you can see this is simply a text editor so you can put the address here so 7175 shelton street oops what's happened here sorry shelton street covent garden london this is our address the phone number you can put zero one two three four five six seven eight and then you can put your email here info at and once you're happy again click publish and that's it that you're done for this page so let's go and refresh now and this is the actual page as you can see and this is the photo what our photo looks like so again i'm going to show you now how to change your logo on top and bottom okay so how do we do this uh simply go back here now so let's take care of the one in the footer first so i just click on it i see the small the smaller pencil here again and then we're gonna replace the image so i'm gonna upload a new file and then click select files and then select your logo i just want to head in only one online you know just as an example here and then click add to widgets so as you can see this is way too big based on the size of our website so what do you do how can you resize this very simply let me show you now all we have to do basically is to edit the image just like this and as you can see with the size here so at the moment it's on full size so it's a 600 by 285 so what we want to do is just use a custom size and we're going to reduce that so it was 600 let's say maybe at 265 let's try 265 and then click update and as you can see this seems to be okay i think this is pretty neat so let's keep it this way and then you can click publish and then let's take care of our other one now so this one here in the main menu so it's header builder this one this time and as you can see you can click on our logo again and you can see this one is here so we're going to change the image and we're going to select our same logo as you can see it's not displaying at the moment okay so the reason is is because we have the retina version as well so retina display because this is a 4k screen i'm using at the moment here to record these tutorials it is displaying on high resolution screen so your website is using two different logos a low resolution and high resolution low resolution is for screens up to 1920 by 1080p basically and then the retina displays for every resolution higher than this so if you click on this one now and then select our logo again there you go this time it will display as you can see and since we've resized it already for the footer it's already at the right size okay so we can publish now and if you go back to our website and then we refresh go back to the home page and as you can see you have our new logo now that says short courses online very good now let's take care of our contact page and as you can see on our contact form we have all the contact details obviously you know address email address and uh phone number but we also would like to add a contact form so people can contact us outside office hours as well so let's go and see how we can do that so we go back to our pages again all pages and this is our contact page and we're going to edit this with elementor i'm just going to open that in a new tab and as you can see uh there is something here so let's open this let's click on this uh we have a contact form already set up actually as you can see from this template so all we have to do is basically select our form so this was not selected that's why so let's select the contact form so name email address subject and your message that's absolutely fine now let's go and make sure this uh form is linked to our email address so back to our wordpress dashboard we're going to wp forms all forms and as you can see the one we selected is called contact form so this is our contact form so click on this as you can see this is our form so name email subject message name email subject message so this is the right one and you want to make sure that this we're gonna is going to land in your mailbox so you're going to settings now and then notifications and right here when it says admin email you're going to put your email address hello at mr web and then save just like that so now if you go back to our page here and refresh let's put this to the test so i'm going to say john and my name is test and this is a test from the contact page and then send message there you go so as you see thanks for contacting us we will be in touch with you shortly but here now as you can see if you're going to confirmation this is where the message is so you can tweak this around as well it's up to you so this is our message here wants to mess the email the contact the form has been completed and forwarded to you so let me show you now in our mailbox so there you go as you can see we received this uh form the con content of the form so name is john email test and this is a test from my contact page so very good very simple indeed as you can see now let's go and finish the content of our contact page so again as usual is the same with elementor you can simply click on the element and then go and change the content so this one here let me show you there's different tabs so three different types on these i icon list as you can see because we have different icons this one is for the location on the email and for the phone and if you click on it basically you can go and change the content and make it your own so very simple indeed and again once you're happy don't forget to click update now for the google maps here let me let me click on this what you can do basically is to copy and paste your address exactly the same way you have it here so if i had here let me change this to actual address 7175 shelton street uh corporate garden london wc2h 9jq let's say you have your address done and you're happy with that what you can do you can just duplicate this here in your google maps so just copy and paste it here and just like that it will show you your google maps now you can make it bigger you can make it smaller so all you have to do is drag and drop this tab here and this will be a bit bigger as you can see more in-depth details and then you can have the zoom in and zoom out feature as well so at the moment it's at 14 so if you click on 13 you're actually gonna zoom in so the smaller the number the closer no it's the other way around sorry the bigger the number the closer you are so i'll zoom in and then zoom out is the other way around so let's say we would keep it this way would be nice enough okay and then when you get a new order you receive a confirmation email that will look like this as you can see where the order number the the date the payment method uh whom it was a purchase from and then the description and uh of course the price so it's set to zero at the moment because this was a free course but if it was 199 you'd see 199 here obviously and also each and every time someone enrolls you will get a confirmation email as well which is very nice and exciting especially if you carry your phone around and you have your emails on your phone when you get a notification you might be made aware of every time someone enrolls on your website so there you go guys that's all for today i hope you found this helpful if so please consider punching that like button i would really appreciate it thanks for watching and i'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Mr Web Reviews
Views: 3,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: build & sell online courses with wordpress (using free plugins) learnpress and elementor, creating online courses a step by step guide, how to create an online course, how to create an online course for free, how to create an online course that sells, how to create an online course with wordpress, how to make an online course website, how to make an online course website with wordpress, learnpress, learnpress tutorial, make an online course, wordpress lms
Id: 0nEK3HOIW90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 57sec (4797 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.