Best TV News Bloopers Fails #6

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[Applause] California is farting its excuse me fighting but another fire on the log it's gonna be another cold night retired army lieutenant general lieutenant oh I'm scared well I drill are we having Hertling joining us and you are taking a live look out over UT's campus this morning ball fans fired up about the farts this [Laughter] on-again off-again lane closures and tow removals and throwing away cars I should say tow removals that doesn't sound right but right here we do have some slow-moving traffic on 190 right here fairly unique in this city as we say they are not sure reporting live in boo Reno Harbor channel 9 Eyewitness News this morning bumper-to-bumper traffic on i-25 after a major good evening everyone and welcome to us a Jay we're gonna start with this guy let's get right to it especially late Thursday through Saturday morning hey Kerry it's our floor director she's pretty good fifties battling the massive wildfires California the holy fire the southern part of the state is down more than 50 percent contained TDOT trying to make things a little bit easier on all of us for this holiday as we all get out and about today again no lane closures that runs through 6:00 a.m. tomorrow what's my biggest peppy what yeah but then I feel like I'd have to monitor and then you know look and see [Music] [Laughter] another power displayed by your Atlanta Braves and of course we have a situation where we're gonna get you downstairs now to hear from manager brain stick your traffic looking pretty clear throughout this city but we are still tracking a few issues out there's Cory on his phone good morning for that third who feared that he was going to start weeping are [Laughter] you okay I got your glasses we think the heaviest rain though sets up to or north through portions of central Massachusetts so I have to here close eye on that and we just said the sprinklers go on here so we're gonna send it back to you guys oh you got to tell somebody to turn those off thank you very much this is the 14th Street now we're gonna look back in time on this date in history December look at this General George Washington this is the lemonade this is for my WoW as I make a major mess everywhere I'm a rookie let me tell you but what's not a rookie is you get the I'm making a mess ladies I'm gonna this is really really delicious it's good I feel like I said you like lemon yeah you're gonna love this thing mmm oh sorry huh oh I don't know something not that good this let's see hmm hmm what do you think he likes that one - he likes it - it's like a sorbet so you know what I think it is it's those hot temperatures that we've been experienced hearing southern color oh you want me to taste it maybe try it for you has it all the time mmm delicious it's really good let me turn this on because we were playing with this yeah that's a spot-on I promise it works cuz we were doing it earlier and of course now that we doing it out my desk maybe I didn't charge it okay keep going we needed Rodney the magic touch I told you it was worth Nancy on camera so it's extra hand underneath and it senses it there you go the reason this thing is so awesome this is ages 4 and up so little guys can play the Crone's you don't have to worry about remote controls and this is free with the purchase of a bigger drone we lost Rodney basically it's just a very strong low-pressure system and we can even see that here on our maps where the moisture is oh whoa I'm back here there it is I could do weather like that all day some parts the comfortable stay drier longer than others there's a heavy rain across some spots across the country looking at it across you can see we're going to be looking at fine across many parts of the country particularly across the south and the West that system will continue to churn its way through but let's have a look at things high pressure of course should be seeing a slowly work its way through it's going to be yep today folks at the Windsor Court Hotel are getting festive more than 25 thousand mini white lights twinkling on their nearly 20-foot tall tree that's where our very own Kenny Lopez well apparently we've lost Kenny smiling I love him and the lights are and that's at the Windsor Court they are a joke Rob Barnes is out there tonight singing and mm-hmm okay the photos right here right I'm taller I'm live on the air right we're talking about it and get out of the way and I'm looking at it and then look at the debris on the ground right right and that's what was going on when the funnel was coming down and there it is I get it didn't last long didn't last long but it was on the ground for about 30 to 45 seconds okay move and there it is and again this is going to be with south of Wilshire east of the Kilpatrick Turnpike and it didn't last very long at all but this type of the storm that's about what happens it doesn't last long and then about 45 seconds later it again just off to his east [Laughter] police say what they discovered be careful and on one of the ow oh and I'm at one of the region's zoos where they're doing that annual stock take of animals oh you little boy what is it it's a huge center right but my feet I'll go running out of the studio it's right in my weather wallet it's okay you want to see it more good no thing about these that when I was on the other wall yeah right everybody talking about small little centipede you're talking about ones that have been injected by launching a new bullet the verse that also offers a fit [ __ ] coat Oh oops fit [ __ ] I mean again oh my god fit fit sorry so pretty windy but it is going to get a little bit better yeah I'm not last night I was lying in bed and I'd not heard a wind like that for an awfully long time oh that's just wrong isn't it anyway you know what I mean but that's what you were bred that is what you were predicting yes quite a blow that is true is national pie day is an American word embarrassing 42 pecans walnuts and hickory nuts anything that requires a stone to break you know yeah yeah you know oh yeah this isn't big nuts okay you have to crack as you get the meat out now that you think about it when you crack the roundups with a nutcracker like your grandparents those usually ones so that's considered good you can also write right on someone you just fashion tomatoes place all right what [Laughter] Wow all right sorry to put you through that [Laughter] film themselves the brunt of a massive and elaborate tinder prank we're gonna tell you the holiday - here's a look at how the Katie Lee family is spending Christmas we will have pictures and then we'll be back at 10:00 and 11:00 if you Charles Dion McDowell was featured on the we love fugitives from Escambia County that's having a ball and here's why he has a giant's neck I mean seriously look at this guy's napkin it's like a day at the gym thing look at this so far his mugshot has gotten about 250,000 comments leave a some reason Alex I miss the back the competition to talk the Muto hand out tricks through the sharks and the fish all of those have been well behaved through the year of course santa came in from has bubbled through hohoho came in through his bubble if i could spit this out through his breathing apparatus give me a break he bored over his suit there there's his hohoho Oh Miller's never gonna make it alright there's enough of Santa right let's move on four o'clock that's pretty cool right this next story is not exactly the tale of Winnie the Pooh in a honey pot Shantae not at all that bear didn't find his hand in a honey jar but his whole body in a whole utility workers excuse me take it to a bear excuse me you see in here poking his head up Emiko searching out the surroundings before making an escape oh sorry this is a funny video to me there's a viral video Colorado Parks and Wildlife how remove the manhole cover hoping at 250 what attracted the bear to the storm drain well right above it was a garbage can filled with trash and branches okay next durian hundreds of people win some mad shoes excuse me I don't know why we found that funny that video so funny but hundreds of people went to Massachusetts Beach to witness some incredible sand sculptures the 15 Revere Beach international sand sculpting festival was held in Revere the festival showcase all of the amazing sand sculptures sculptures built during the sculpting competition it also featured food trucks vendors excuse me amusements and live music well Allen of course you can see here we have a case of the giggles but how cute was that of the bear glass their consoles made books in there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all terribly nice done in drifting meant I am I still to come on the six one extreme weather we're gonna be speaking to Professor John Sweeney from the knuth University that includes hugh janus he works at a liquor store in Garden City Stuart avenues already bad enough during rush hour how sad are you that you didn't get a chicken today well I don't look but I really am disappointed I'm at KSC I mean look at that just chilling there happy sorry we mad with them we want to get in that sit down have some food but we're gonna do that today sorry but I'm matter here's the thing none of these people are gonna win I'm not gonna win you're not going to win we all know it how many how many are you getting you thinking here five tickets five tickets it's about $10 worth so let me let me see how much for a lighter over there how much our lighters yeah okay so what you could do is buy a lighter burn the rest of the $10 and then at least you still have a lighter so why are you walking out here in this ring and it's beautiful it's actually the hurricane Michael and my name is Michael so I kind of wanted to get a taste of it would your name is Michael I got an album I'm an R&B artist Mike Lukas mantas and Bugattis is coming out tomorrow and I just thought it was kind of ironic huh hurricane Michael is here and so I was like man let me feel this energy and get out of here he's trying to sell some records yeah everyone takes a crap everyone goes to the bathroom so everyone can relate to that and every the terms that I use to name these products or everyday terms that you know people are used to hearing and stuff so we just kind of you just try to you know combine the two to come up with something halfway decent that's funny you know for example the first thing that we make now instead of a cuckoo clock see this is a poopoo clock and what we did see is we took them turns and we crammed them in between the number there so that's 1:30 2:30 3:30 now over here we make fecal people and depending upon the shape of that middle turds right there we can do with big boobs or guts or butt so long legs a short leg see cuz there's no two turds under ever like you ever seen a turd the two turds alike no the turds are all local we just go out and track the Moose and and wherever the moose are they're gonna take a crap and I I have found that when a moose takes a dump you walk about 50 yards in any direction and they take another dump and moose takes a dump they'll crap out between two and four hundred turns every time they they take a crap so it's like I get five bucks a charge for these things so I get jumpin right up and down I get excited when I see a turn get on there and that's all life turds are on that on that page right there with the prices and click on them and then get to me and let me know what you need for turds we're Mississippi State fans are so excited to be here in Omaha at the College World Series we look forward to this event every year even if we're not in it we love Omaha we love the hospitality that they show us we make incredible sacrifices to come here in 2013 we traveled with about 25,000 this year we're going to have at least that when we come into the championship game which we fully expect to do the fact places that we've personally made to be here are incredible my wife's boyfriend sold his prosthetic leg on Craigslist to afford me the opportunity to be here but they get a loan time and I get a chance to be in Omaha and my double-wide trailer will turn into a single live when I get home but we got a fund me page that I get to get a check at the local library on the line so I get to go check that GoFundMe page as soon as I get enough money to afford him a new leg at the end of next year we're going to be right back look I didn't sleep maybe five minutes it had somewhat to do with the excitement this game but also my roommate snores incredibly bad and so I text his wife and asked him that's her how she does it and I think she's just deaf instead of a rally hat we started to adopt the rally banana but what I really love about that is that our team is loose our team is a focused team when they're on the field and they're when they're in the dugout they are loose and they genuinely love each other and they play like family so that's really the dynamic that makes this team you need so the banana is just part of that rally cry that we've adopted as a fan Basin and look Chiquita's on board doles on board they've all wished us best of luck and they're pulling for us we do have a banana with us and we have it with us and I don't have it all on me but it's in myself no no they definitely let you bring it in yeah and there's bananas of all types of people with bananas on the shirts on their hats and their hands I've seen banana costumes my wife has a banana costume I have a banana hammock so I mean it's all good and Abby you're gonna have what kind of fun do you think you're gonna have today um lots of fun lots of fun that's it that's a good kind helping just helping everybody what kind of fun do you think you can find here at kinds all kinds of fun bouncing fun yeah I think so because this is a place where kids and families can come and kind of bounce around but you need something and I'm gonna have everyone do it like a magic chant all right you guys ready because when we're talking inflatables you need something that's been inflated are you guys ready all right here we go repeat after me abracadabra one two three now it's time to see what we see oh my goodness how's everybody doing my name is mr. wacky welcome to the inflatable run give mr. wacky a nice round of applause mr. wacky this is uh this is an honor first of all well thank you ah we are local san diego-ins so we're proud to be here everybody on this wonderful beautiful Saturday morning welcome San Diego this is so much fun here first of all it's like a 5k but not really it's it's longer than a 5k right well yes each participant has the option to do a one-mile lap as many times as they want we're out here trying to get families off the couch we're a family-owned business throwing events for families in San Diego so we're really excited to be here we have all kinds of attractions behind us and of course that families can run as many times as they want with inflatables on them yeah this is great you guys now does that mean that everybody here becomes an inflatable today do they want to be inflatables today you guys want to be inflatable yeah absolutely even the big Levesque he's doing the mr. wacky right now yeah what are you doing Colette though what is this we're doing rope this is not a good shot not a good shot not a good shot not a good angle it going and then once we do see somebody in front of our favorite coffee store that I won't be needed are you gonna open to there what we've been waiting since 5 o'clock in the morning you don't get somebody that does he doesn't work there but he says he's going to be on it for us Tracy you trying to scare people into opening up their businesses to you listen if I can endure all of this I can get some coffee up and you know an example so we actually have seen a person I was ready to call him nuts until he brought me some coffee come on Mikey bones get over here correct that canteen open I mean let's do what we're doing here I heard your call and I feel your pain that coffee is probably freezing cold already enough not in this thermos no no I doesn't want to press things I have a purchase yeah braggadocious man I like it in you I like get any Mikey bones he's awesome but behind you Robin how significant is this move well this proposal could see the biggest change to the leadership of this country now the second biggest economy in the world of course for hello hello you only bestowed on Chairman Mao before Robin thank you Robin bran there for us in Beijing the Bollywood superstar Sridevi Kapoor her courage local authorities to work with charities and other organizations to the point and that's it now Biebs you want it's time to news where you are good night you
Channel: Funny Local News
Views: 5,977,179
Rating: 4.7952819 out of 5
Keywords: best tv news bloopers fails #6, bloopers fails #6, bloopers fails, tv news bloopers fails #6, tv news bloopers fails, blooper (TV Genre), news broadcasting (TV Genre), television (invention)
Id: nLc2iKaaN7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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