OMG! Angry Auditions That SHOCKED The World | Top Talents

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an extremely good vocalist to sing like friends chrissake I can sing like Cyndi Lauper and Gwen Stefani so you know you don't get any more versatile than that I've got the X Factor because I'm a natural raw talent I'm not gonna look so got the body really at the end of the day I deserve it I just - god damn good what's your name Rachel Rachel and what you do for a living nothing I'm lazy at the moment do you ever sing professionally been singing all my life all around the towns and everything okay do you think that you're capable of winning this contest yeah and how good from one to ten would you rate yourself ten whatever song you want me to sing I'll do it Gwen Stefani I can sing Prince I can sing Sheila E Kiley dad I probably could do Danny as well I was saying fatter than Madonna you're better yeah nothing go on then all right can I have a microphone now please you're holdin a stick above my hand it'll find you where it come from this place called heaven all the good children go sour silver the strips are cold but the small where you come from massugu walls mashuka walls oh my sugar walls I was good wasn't it let's face that no no you've got a really bad attitude sweetheart everything I wouldn't want lazy deluded very little talent everything I've done one what you asked for an opinion sweetheart you getting one the way you like live your life your all each other it's all to get where you want to be and the truth of the matter is you and you know you and that is the truth of the matter why did you come here why don't you come but you want to leave Rachel I think you should go somewhere else nobody does cassettes anymore it's called a CD so you ever seen someone like that or speak like that it was foul very this is the fourth here never employers have we ever had anybody as out marry shears I mean she scared me she don't touch me because I'll have you so full of hatred major aptitude huge ego no talent didn't want to be told that good riddance recommend me and what's your name my name's Andrew Finland Andrew and why are you here Andrew I'm here auditioning for American Idol should be fairly obvious right point okay so like waiting around okay I think you know why I was asking the question what brought you here to audition what brought me you to audition I don't think it's that interesting of a question actually but I think I drew I'm gonna just water you now if you want to carry on being a smartass you can leave the room I'm not being either answer the questions okay leave okay no I'll answer the questions I'm gonna answer your questions I'm sorry first of all okay what are you gonna think I'm gonna sing House of the Rising Sun you know that song I'm just okay I do you are really pushing this no all right I'm just gonna sing it I'm sorry I didn't mean to push any buttons all right there is a house in New Orleans it's called the Rising Sun and it's been the ruin of many poor boy and God I know I'm one my mother was a tailor she sewed my new blue jeans my father was a gamblin man way down in New Orleans thank you are you angry am i angry very on edge tell us what happened what happened I just am on edge from waiting what just from waiting it's just you know the thing is you want to be in the music business but you don't want to wait to get into American Idol that to me seems to be a problem and you know were you to have a badge no no I'm not reading it too far because you just told me that you're a little bit annoyed that you had to wait three hours to come in here and get your shot when there are people that would wait years to do so so I am now angry at you who I don't like at all well why are you doing no there's no problem at all I think that I don't know why you guys there's no problem you walked in mm-hmm very sulky quite rude very aggressive and you've got very very bad energy oh man you did let's have a little conversation about this I was trying to seem confident confidence is how it came out and you what you don't have the goods to back it up that's what I think is disappointing I don't I don't I don't agree with you I think I do have the goods to back it up I'm still getting Andrew no I'm sorry Victoria no Randy wasn't good enough today dog no I said yes Yatta got to like except on I mean you have an attitude but you're at least charming wait a minute you're being really vicious you really don't like you I don't know why but I'm not judging you in this way and there you're being awful right thank you see you later ladies so what are you hoping to get out of today I'm hoping to get four yeses but after that I'm hoping to get a bit of an identity my own identity and other your father model with you too though yes and my dad's a Tom Jones tribute act yeah my mum destroyer Twain so we got Shania Twain Tom Jones and pink in the same house you're finished Tom Jones and then should i what do you wanna say I'm gonna sing so what buy pink pink okay I'll take you I just ooh fight I'm gonna start we're gonna get a fine okay Tulisa okay I actually quite like to image when you when you came and then you told me about pink I realize okay you based it on pink this is what I didn't beat on pink oh you did it no I'm trying to get away from the pink thing okay see the problem is is that you came out saying that you wanted to you know find your own identity yeah it's very confusing for me because I did feel like I was watching a pink tribute act should we get a second song yeah yeah I want to give you a chance because you kind of blew it on - can you be yourself yes off you go what are you gonna sing Zoe Emeli sandé next to me that Emeli sandé bu-bu-bu-bu I'm always being me that whenever I'm on stage I do so close I want to help you you are buying drinking at the table rolling dice staying out two three you never find him being a payphone you will find him to find him next me next to me you okay thank you so II Nicole hi Zoey I really like your energy up there I think you have a pretty good voice I honestly think that you need to go away and take the time to find yourself as an artist who you are yes Zoey I'm confused with the identity issue now coming out saying you wanted an identity then he's singing pink I thought that the second song was much better but I do think you need to go away and really find your own lane and find what sounds right for your voice because at the moment it just sounds like every other average sort of singing voice yeah Zoey it's a pity because you go great look you absolutely look like a pop star but the vocal was just very very average but I think with time you could be fantastic but I think you need to go and find yourself and come back to Zoey so we're gonna vote Gerry Zoey I'm afraid to know from me Nicole Tulisa sorry it's the night for now you told me to sing a pink song I didn't want to sing a pink song you guys tell you never to stop seeing a pink song we never told anything I think we are sorry I want to be I wanted to be me you guys told me to sing a pink wheel we heard a second side we never told you to sing a big song did you need that come out of our mouth any of us listen we had a second song from you as well so it's like a second song filler it was your audition and you messed up I'm sorry I just leave it so cool stay on the same I should sue the cameraman I tried to help her you did you said come back is Zoe so we gave her a second shot she got the same chance everyone else Oh right round baby right round slap this is hysterical all right okay van you are a true New York character you are different all that where it falls short is untalented it's a joke enjoy it don't take it so seriously you're not serious are you I'd like to do things that are funny I also like to do things that a corporate my other talents you know the piano the piano is not good the singing well you know what you're wrong about that I am NOT I'll show you that no no it's not serious music oh no you're funny No he was being outrageous and comedic David you know Kavon I do want to say something because there were four X's up there I must tell you that it would be an impossibility at this point for you to go through that's not true that's how it works you know I don't think you were going for funding I think you consider yourself a serious artist look at Madonna yeah well she has a sense of humor but Medaille Lady Gaga she has it's like Avon let me tell you something Lady Gaga is one of probably technically the best singers I've ever heard Madonna is a fabulous thing to watch on TV why do you think I'm not a good singer you're not a good singer good pianist I taught myself how to play I believe you I do believe you do have to get given credit you did come out here you did put on a show when it comes to singing your technique is not even there do you think that you're a better singer than me I'm not saying that and I would never say that I mean why water sir this is America's Got Talent I'm telling you from a technical side of things your technicality when it comes to your vocals you need a lot of work on that I've been taking vocal for six years now let me give you some honest criticism right if this show is called America's Got obnoxious little brats you would win it right your behavior and for you to have the gall to stand there and try and compare yourself to Mel be use had number ones around the world was frankly an insult to the judging panel and you should have more class more respect I think she's talented I wasn't saying that she's not I'm saying I don't think that she is you know like a Whitney Houston but she's a good singer okay it's the first time I think I've heard someone saying that never stayed on any melody so to speak yeah I couldn't even tell what song that was after the first couple of bars so I think that you have a pretty voice but I think that you need a lot more vocal training well listen sweetheart I don't really care about your opinion I really could care less because I'm 22 years old and I'm beautiful and I can sing so I really don't care what you think okay I'm gonna be a star and you have my number and if you change your mind give me a call whoa maybe we've made a mistake we've made a big my name's general we want to show you that we're not street we're here to prove a point you may see as we're in tuxes it's become an island or whatnot but not the average teenage drug that causes trouble hangs around in the streets maybe food photographer bubble in a good way we all know that time enhances alive on but they need to sound big headed for facts the facts they're ready to give it good food listen I wish you the best of luck hello hello hey we got here then gem oh yeah Maria and what's it called triple trouble guys what's the message you would like to spread if you want not all teenagers are the same because nowadays teenagers are getting and we want to show them that no way because when the Sun shines well shine together told you I'll be either that was a racket but that's time to do to me you need to get off your high horse talking rubbish Sammy very serious laughter seriously telling me how I'll go to the pharmacy being a girl Milstein I would sleep with one eye open seen the last of as I do down the street with eyes behind your head because chicken chopped you it has the last trick which I but we will be back to back with Avenger what's going on Jennifer you know you can't sing with gum in your mouth stick it on Taylor's face or something no it's cool I got it today I'm gonna be singing tenderoni I want your love baby I think you I think of you a million times a day baby I cannot I cannot get you I'll stop and maybe I'm crazy and it's always about you give me your love baby and not give you any love baby don't want it I like that answer I don't think it's gonna help us too long can I keep on going no no no Jennifer the song was all over the place you were all over the place it's a terrible audition pinioned on me none I did then why are you here pinioned on me none then why are you here because you don't leave no stone unturned then why are you here what do you know about music why are you here why am I here yeah where are you here I'm here to judge you so well I'm here to sing you don't know that we didn't I see singing that's the rule all right well I really don't care you don't know nothing about music I heard you do a demo I've known well I wouldn't want to sound like you Jenna okay I like her I don't think you should have come here today okay well that's your matter of opinion it's a pretty good opinion I say it's awful - you think awful - okay - people who were wrongfully would you do know I kind of like this girl's opinion like to really sing something else to showcase where it starts Jennifer please stop why did you get a job down in the port why get a job why a job in the pool when it's not what I get a record as a brain surgeon do yourself in the bottom I love you Jennifer thank you you just made five seasons million trip for me they scream hello hello Santa hi what's your name Shawn Armenta okay how would you Shawn I turned 50 okay I want something you gonna do my own song called candy girl how the girls that you might meet in your local bar anywhere else that is really good-looking then they're your sweet can your over here let me watch some yummy buns walking left-right you're a bad girl holy Thank You Austin sure I'm gonna be out because you put a lot of effort into this but you're like a mouse trying to be an elephant I know 50 rolls doing it it's got nothing to do with your a or maybe it has but it's just it's just wrong no you know I worked way too friggin hard for this and I'm ever really I'm not a bad singer I know I'm not because I've been writing songs for too long and too many people copying them a lot of people work really really hard for their dreams but it's not meant for everybody that's why you use auto-tune and I don't and what would it mean to you to win X Factor so you can put into words the world - add a bit to my swag oh hey no attention to the videos because no work mom how we doing nothing wrong so don't tell me nothing I'll go try have so Keith a party jumping so West okay I'm curious to see where to leases be okay girls I'm just gonna put it as burnt as possible to you I think all the energy and all the dance moves is to cover up the fact that none of you can really sing it's a bit rich coming from you but let's vote Majid say one thing coming from a female group that always talks about how women should come together and they shouldn't be bitchy towards one another I understand that you have an opinion but at the same time you came here for us to judge you and there was no reason for you to come back it like that and I can understand I can tell these two don't appreciate the fact that you did that because what if you just messed up their chances for an opportunity guys I think we should just vote and don't start with Gary there's no talese isn't really announced her being bitchy and you know I'm gonna be the same back that's just one of them things Sariah just a learning curve we're still young and maybe next time we just keep bite our tongues okay guys you are singing the singing trolls sorry the singing souls okay tell me honestly girls what's the sort of dream here who who do you want to be like in seven or eight years time Spice Girls anybody could outsell them like your ambition okay girls best of luck Thanks a lot of stage presence me girls can I be honest with you it's one of the worst groups I've ever heard in my life you wanna sing Simon girls here's the deal you sing I judge that's the way it goes you sing and I'll judge you I can just be as bad as you love you or grounded bite me the other two just look a bit like let's get out of here so stop making it worse Oh girls you sounded like three cats being dragged up the motorway just awful you know and to compare yourself with the Spice Girls it's just crazy Bosco's couldn't sing anyway I'll take you Donna you can't be rude sometimes I know what you say is true but it can be rude yes you're right you can't you can't be rude well actually you put it much better than new friends so I accept that yeah you should be they should be the spokesperson it just swap places with lippy I always dress like brill nice like this out time everything I'll where people just happens they're girls begin man just yelling at me I'll be like whatever whatever why did you go with this look this is the kind of look I'll like this my style and what is this tie would you describe it um sexy different a bit reflective yeah you know the winner their show competes with superstars in the business do you think that you are up to that level of talent yes and you could compete on the charts and in the music videos yeah I'll probably be a tough at the top like really at the top above JLo yeah Mariah yeah Billy yeah hi come on in how are you I'm good what's up there's an awful familiar gay thing I think no that was just a joke so now what's your name come I'm not that innocent I believe you are okay so what's your name Renea Johnson I'm nervous a little bit yeah me too thanks you speak nothing to be nervous about so how do you renew that I just turned 24 and you believe you are without a doubt the next American Idol yeah I'm good I'm good well it says you what you think you could be bigger than JLo and Janet I can be yeah what in a way she is I want to pick another song I'm sorry I don't like that one noted way yeah it's horse yeah that's kind of horse oh my mouth is so dry wait do you want some water do we have any water it's bubbly water yes anytime you're ready yeah anytime you're ready you want to go for it okay I can have everything in this world what a sacrifice and all for him that's it that's it okay run that's it Ronettes it was I can do much better than this well yeah we didn't see it though you want me to do it again oh no no no Ronettes everything's gone wrong today yeah it says yes or no Simon absolutely never Paul outdoor yeah it's enough for me to neither you're not a good singer thank you for coming out all right yep I feel ready though oh yeah I'll survive yeah they turned down the solstar they turned down the superstar he said I'm a nice girl but I have a horrible voice in Pilot and get o me so I don't know who she was staring her nose up to it doesn't even matter cuz I'm still gonna make it and y'all see me on TV y'all gonna be like damn damn that's the same girl we turned away and guess what she hide it in the person who won American Idol and she at the top of the charts selling more records than American Idol that's what's gonna be that's what they gonna be saying next Renetta did not take rejection well maybe she feel better after cooling off no I bet you I guarantee you if me and Paula Abdul walk outside nobody wouldn't even know she was a celebrity but they would think I was the celebrity and that's the fact cuz I am gonna be the one bigger than hub nigga didn't straight up and down tell me do you want to learn me forever that ain't I can do that I'm gonna be bigger than that and and she could never mean she old as hell and she still ain't gonna she she could never be famous trying to judge somebody she could never do it again she did that 10 20 years ago and she trying to talk trying to talk bad about somebody's voice it don't matter cuz when I get there you best believe I'm setting a city on fire well that got it off her chest anybody can learn how to say that anybody can be like me that's for damn sure no wait there's there's room for more tail Paula Abdul wahap funky Oh play down it's so funky and played out she can't talk about nobody else cuz she a made an album in about 20 damn years and she gonna have a nervous near her damn nose up and then she asked me did I wanna drink out for her I said I'm thirsty she's sitting here you want some bubbly water you think I'm gonna drink of you I know you a celebrity or whatever you might get more money to me but I'm not putting my lips on yours you can drink off me bow down cuz I will never felt bad about singling out Paula she wanted to include Simon if I would have chose me you would have probably made more money but you chose to choose the beat aunt probably can sing but the beat ain't move so here take this number back and dream about it you're gonna wish that you would have picked me well said
Channel: Top Talent
Views: 5,625,749
Rating: 4.7439771 out of 5
Keywords: x factor, got talent, idols, crazy auditions, offensive auditions, rude auditions, Angry Auditions, SHOCKED The World, shocked simon cowell, simon cowell, Cheryl Cole, rude x factor, rude got talent, rude idols, angry contestants, angry contestants on x factor, angry contestants on america's got talent, angry contestants on got talent, angry contestants idol, omg auditions, bad auditions, mad auditions, worst auditions, Funny Auditions, OMG, Best Audition
Id: oOvl5C6TP9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 20sec (2300 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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