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hey devs and designers today I will show you some great practical tools for Unreal Engine 5 that you can use for your game projects or any cinematic project as you want if you're ready let's dive into it first great tool I will show you is electronic nodes as you know when you're writing code with blueprint when the blueprint file gets bigger and bigger the blueprint notes can be looked like a bit Noodle and it's not looking good and when you open the project after a bit while it's hard to understand which one is connected to which one what did you do before and so much stuff so electronic notes finding a great solution for that as you see electronic notes is a great project if you have a bigger blueprint files than normal for example if you're making a commercial project like a video game that means you have so much function so much macros and so much blueprint files so it can be hard to understand which one is connected to which one and they all kind of look like like noodle it's rabbit time so if you use electronic notes it is giving you a great UI and ux design for the blueprints when you add the electronic notes to any kind of project you have to activate it so go to plugins search electronic notes click here and restart the project after you did that all notes will be transformed into electronic notes okay when you activate the electronic notes from the plugins just go to edit and edit our preferences in here you can find electronic notes plugin in plugins Tab and you can adjust every kind of settings from here you can change the wire style or alignment priority ground radius thickness and every kind of stuff I'm just going to create a little blueprint to show you type tutorial just kind of open come here and just like let me show you you see the set actor rotation as you see it is behaving different than the normal notes and for my opinion it is looking much better let's go to the next plugin the Second Great plugin that I will show you is ocean system for rendered cinematics it is not good for video games for my opinion because it is asking so many performance but if you're making like cool shots and if you are working on a virtual production projects it is an incredible tool that you must use for my opinion and let me show you how it is working okay I add a cinematic ocean to the project I'm just going to go to map and I'm gonna open ocean example okay unreal uh prepare the shaders for us and as you see it is looking incredible for my opinion also you can adjust so many options for this plugin too let me click the BP ocean in here you can change some settings like LOD scale distance bias and in the grid you can extend or you can change the density by the way it is looking different when you play like in the if you're in the play mode in the editor let me show you when I open debug LOD mode it is showing colors and this color represent what is the resolution of that area that you using for example here it's blue when it's going far it is being yellow and red and it is just changing the resolution based on where is the camera at it is giving something like 30 FPS but when I change the LED scale to 3 it is giving 70fps I think they just uh updated the plugin and it is working much better than before because before that when I was using this it was taking many so much performance then right now also there's a like a if you put something under this Shader ocean it is changing the View of it let me show you when I delayed This Plane it is being much darker like a real ocean but if it is for example close to the ground to the beach it is giving much uh lighter ocean because as you know it is when you distance between top and ground is less the lights behaving and bouncing more it's a great tool as a as as I said if you're going to make any kind of Project based on C or cost you can use this asset for uh great island or like if you're making something a movie or game that happening in a chip it is working so great too for example they added a cylinder in here and it is behaving interesting you see is making bubbles I earned it which is a great and you add something like rocks and stuff close to the beach it is behaving same and I think it's a great let me change the LOD skill to something like six and I'm just gonna make the instead of the two a performance cut solo but because right now it is like forcing computer to make it looks so much realistic let me show you the debug mode you see there's no there's a red in here but everywhere is blue but when I play it it is giving 10 FPS but it is looking so great for my opinion you can use this tool you don't have to use like six slots together three I'm just going to dance it to one you can change the base scale to it is changing resolution to but I think it's a great tool and you must use if you're making any kind of like great looking shots in Unreal Engine let's move to the next plugin the next plugin I will show you is easy Park made by William foucher he is also a virtual production producer and artist and he is making great videos on YouTube too if you want to if you didn't see him before I recommend to go and check his channel because he is making incredible things easy fog is a great asset as you see you basically giving you opportunity to put fog with hand like a you just made those kind of assets that you can use every kind of project again it is working for games too because it is taking so less performance let me show you I'm just going to visapock levels level demo okay so project is opened and as you see all those fogs made with easy fog and you can like let me show you how you can break box somewhere here hate it you can change the intensity and change the fog intensity it was base color it is asking cast Shadow or not a bit bigger look like that as you see I think it is a great tool like if you're making any kind of cool shots let me get into snomatic viewport I think it is looking incredible and they're also moving to if you want you can just go to one yes just make it one as you see you can make them much more alive if you were going to use like there's a wind in the scene I think it's a great tool for every kind of filmmaker virtual production artists or even game designers because let's say you have a ground big plane and there's mountains too and like so far far away from the player and you just want to make that those mountains looking incredible I think the easy Park is a incredible tool to make it more realistic make it look so much better even you looking from far or close let me show you something let's say you're gonna make uh like Harry Potter style cinematic and you the camera will move inside of this fog you see it's not like dissolving so fast it is like changing the opacity I think it's so good thing if you're making okay much live and much movable cinematics it can work a lot I will definitely recommend the easy fog if you choose as I said if you're working on cinematics and virtual production also I think it's pretty cheap so you can consider to buy it by the way every plugin that I show you in this video will be in the description so if you want to check it out any of those just go to the description and click it also if you like my content please like the video and subscribe to the channel I'm trying to produce more video for this Channel and I'm going to make much larger and bigger videos like maybe a one hour tutorial half hour tutorial so but before that I need to get more like a returning viewers more subscribers so many people can see those videos so if you like my content please subscribe to the channel and like the video so let's move to the next one the next one I will show you is not exactly a plugin but those online learning kits when I'm using Unreal I just tried some of those and I didn't understand like how can I use it for the first but there is something they called Unreal Engine online learning which is a website uh you can go those website which is I will put in the description and you can start to learn from those courses that Unreal Engine or third-party people made it but they're pretty useful for example there's something blueprint communication if there's a project like that that means there's also uh online learning course in there too let's click this taking us the web and I will show you what is it as you see it's a course that you can take and you can learn something about Bluetooth communication also made made by epic games so like which means like Unreal Engine itself I recommend to use those if you're so much beginner and if you don't know how to start to learn Unreal Engine I think those are great courses at the Epic Dev community so you definitely must check it out the last one I will show you is quicksil Mega scans I'm using some of those in my virtual production projects or any kind of cinematic those are like packages that you can use and I like it a lot I think there's scanner meshes so they're like so by polygons on those but if you still making like kind of like good cinematics or stuff it is they're like great packages and tools that you can use for example let's go to Nordic Coast collections as you see it is looking incredible is it taking so much performance yes but maybe if you're using nanite you can still use in your video game projects too they're still good quality meshes so if you're making any kind of project with Unreal Engine and if you want high definition Graphics you definitely must check it out this quick lsats go to free and in here go to Mega scans and there's so much content in here for free that you can download okay guys I tried to show you three great Tools in one uh a real online learning projects that you can use to learn if you're a beginner intermediate or Advanced doesn't matter there's an incredible courses that for everyone in the epictive community and also show you a quick sell Mega scans I said you can use for your every kind of project if you're using high definition assets if you liked the video please there is a thumbs up in the below and just click it and subscribe to the channel it means a lot and it is giving me more motivation to produce more video until the next video see you all I hope you're doing all great works
Channel: MeteDev
Views: 17,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine 5.2, unreal engine tools, unreal engine plugins, unreal engine 5 beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5.2 tutorial, making a game in unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial for beginners, ue5 cinematic, unreal engine cinematics, gamedev, devlog, unrela engine devlog, metedev
Id: 0oBDpKF6T0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 53sec (953 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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