Best Supplements for Egg Quality | Prep your body for #IVF #Pregnancy #EggFreezing

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then we can buy supplements I have a lot I have a lot [Music] [Music] hi ladies thank you so much for stopping by this is just my third video on YouTube I'm just so grateful that you would take the time to come and stop by and see me talk about infertility for those of you who don't know me my name is Helen and I travel to Korea to get IVF and right now I am getting multiple rounds of IVF and that is because I have a condition called DOR this basically means that I don't get as many eggs as somebody else who doesn't have dor during one cycle of an IVF treatment so having to do multiple Cycles it's just a lot cheaper in Korea and I also get government support here but even without that support I would still get it in Korea because it's just much much cheaper so I'm sharing my experience with everyone and I hope that it's helpful because of my age as well I am 40 years old that coupled with DOR really makes me focus on improving my egg quality I don't have that many eggs so the ones that I do have I want to make sure that they are in the best shape I am taking all these supplements to prep my body and make sure that my Eggies are the healthiest that they can be so I thought that I was sure that information with everybody and just my experience of what I've been taking please of course talk to your doctor about what's right for you because everybody's different but yeah I'll just walk you through what I have been taking [Music] is it even possible to improve egg quality I mean there are mixed reviews about this it's definitely true that you are born with a total number of eggs that you're ever going to have but it's also true that these eggs that are in your ovaries they're dormant and then you know three months before you ovulate an egg they develop and grow we're targeting those three months there is a high possibility that what you put in your body three months prior to getting IVF or three months prior to trying to get pregnant will have a significant impact on the quality of your eggs side note if anyone wants to check out my infertility story and how I ended up in Korea I will link that up here and yeah I'll walk you through my supplements there are three basic supplements that I initially started taking for egg quality because these were the basic ones and that includes a prenatal multivitamin and the one that I started out with but I'm soon going to switch is this brand by 365 Whole Foods Market it was just on sale and [Music] you know I I trust Whole Foods so I started taking it this one has 800 micrograms of folic acid you should be taking between 400 to 800 so as long as your prenatal has 400 micrograms of folic acid it should be fine but the one that I am switching to is by a really good brand called neurologics which it's a brand that's independently tested which I really like and so I will link both of these as well there is also vitamin D which is another super important supplement that I take vitamin D deficiency is said to be associated with infertility and so I take a pretty high dose this is the brand that I take I don't really know this brand but it was just given to me by my parents actually I don't know what it's called even anyway I am just waiting for my husband to to meal over all my new supplements when he comes to Korea the brand that my nutritionist friend recommends is oh sir Royal demulsion 1000 so I will link that one below I believe their vitamin D Drops where you can just kind of put some on your tongue or mix it into your food vitamin D you should definitely get D3 and not D2 also you should always take vitamin D with some kind of fat so take it with some food that has some healthy fat CoQ10 it's an antioxidant to help with cellular energy production and chromosomal division during fertilization and so the brand that I take is there a Logics again and so let's see let's see this is the CoQ10 that I take and it's supposed to absorb from 300 to 600 percent better than other coq10s they say that you should be taking ubiquinol rather than because the CoQ10 is all about how well it absorbs into your body the quality of CoQ10 that you take does make a difference but this one that I have been taking is actually ubiquinone so it's not supposed to be the more absorbable kind but they have a trademarked technology that's supposed to help it absorb much much better into your body foreign because my situation is pretty dire and I wanted to maximize my chances I have gone the extra mile and I am trying to take more supplements to be as healthy as possible I've talked about how cellular energy is super important for the quality of your eggs besides CoQ10 I also take a very close cousin of CoQ10 called pqq and this one is from Health through nutrition so one of the great things that I took away with me from the consultation with the fertility doctor in California that quoted me thirty thousand dollars per cycle is that he let me know that Pikachu will improve egg quality by protecting them from oxidative stress and DNA damage I also take L-Arginine which is an amino acid that helps with cell division immune health and hormones I think it helps with blood flow to your uterus as well so it's good when you know it's time for implantation as well so this is the one that I take from GNC another essential supplement that I take is fish oil hmm smells pretty bad because I actually brought this one over from the states and when I got to Korea I opened it and it just it was all stuck together and it smelled so bad the one that I take is called Nordic Naturals prenatal DHA and this is supposed to help reduce inflammation as well as help with insulin levels this is supposed to be the best brand for DHA Nordic Naturals because my doctor told me that I should be taking a lot of antioxidants I also take vitamin E you only need 400 IU daily but I take a mega dose which is a thousand IU and I just take the one from Nature's Bounty nothing fancy and acai berry also antioxidant support the one that I used to take is the doctor grade one that my nutritionist friend recommended initially but I ran out it's from Pure encapsulations but now I take the one from now so this is the one that replaced the old one it's really hard to get supplements in Korea I just got the one that could be delivered to me so this is my replacement vitamin C this one is a thousand milligrams which is also a giant dose so I usually cut this in half and take half a day this one is from Douglas Laboratories and this is also a doctor grade supplement brand sleep is very important for the quality of your eggs actually it's the most important good quality sleep and so they do recommend that you take melatonin three milligrams I take five milligrams because I [Music] have a lot of trouble sleeping and it's it's always been like that for me I kind of ripped the sticker part off so [Music] the brand is gone last but not least I wanted to talk about DHEA because I used to take it supposed to be really good for egg quality for even a quantity I believe for women who have dor like me and so I just started taking 75 milligrams per day without blood testing to see if I actually needed it I started taking the one from there logics and I would take this three times a day but then I realized that it was messing up my cycle this was the only change in my regimen when my cycle got messed up it went from 26 days to 22 days or something like that and I freaked out and I stopped taking them later I decided to test my dheas levels and it was pretty Optimum so I didn't even need to take it and a couple months after that actually three months after I initially tested I tested again and it was still at 300 so only take it if you really need it talk to your doctor about it and make sure that you get tested and continue to test if you do end up taking this one because it's kind of scary it's a hormone so it can just really change a lot of things around so I don't recommend that you just start taking it like I started taking it please talk to your doctor about this one as you can see I am a total psychopath when it comes to supplements I'm so thankful that I have a friend who is a nutritionist who helps me pick out doctor grade supplements I will link everything below because I'm taking a lot of supplements I need to stay super organized and I have this this pillbox that helps me to stay organized and it's just a box that has every day of the week and three times a day I usually take it just in in the morning after breakfast and after lunch sometimes if I forget then after dinner so this thing really helps me to stay organized and you know just stay on top of things because I can just grab one and leave the house if I need to go out for the day thank you other than my supplements I am being super super strict with my fertility diet as well and if any of my friends and family are watching I just want to thank you so much for sticking by me and eating all the healthy food with me I swear once this is over we're gonna have pizza basically I try to stay away from refined carbs and sugars and I tried to eat organic which is kind of hard in Korea but you know you do your best oh man this is a whole other video so I'll talk about that further in another video I also do yoga three times a day to get my heart rate up and just kind of meditate as you take daily walks which has been really helpful my understanding is that you shouldn't be doing anything too strenuous like preparing to run a marathon so I'm trying to take it easy with the exercise but yeah mostly it's been kind of nice because it's good for my mental health ultimately I am a true believer that you should do everything that you can to help yourself hopefully if you've done everything that you can possibly do then you can surrender and God will take care of the rest and so I am working on that every single day it's not easy every day but I am doing my best to Just Surrender so we'll see how this goes thank you guys so so much from the bottom of my heart for watching this video and my other videos I hope it was helpful to you or somebody that you know and you know it's certainly been helpful for me staying sane through this because it makes me feel like it's not just a waste that I'm retaining all this information do me a favor and like And subscribe to my channel and share it with somebody that you think that might need it let me know in the comments below if you want me to share any other information thanks for watching guys [Music] foreign
Channel: Hellynn
Views: 28,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ivf for low amh, ivf diminished ovarian reserve, ttc at 40, ivf low egg count, low amh ivf, ivf 40 years old, ttc 40 years old, icsi ivf, ivf in korea, travel for ivf, low amh ivf story, how to improve low ovarian reserve, best supplements to improve egg quality, best supplements for egg quality, can you improve egg quality for ivf, how to prep your body for pregnancy, how to prep your body for egg freezing, prep your body for ivf, prepping your body for ivf, ivf supplements
Id: KNvfFNrw7Qc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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