The Fertility Diet: What Should You Eat if You Want to Get Pregnant?

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one of the most common questions that I get around fertility is what diet should I do if I'm trying to get pregnant or what should I be eating if I'm trying to get pregnant well that's really not such an easy question to ask and the reality is is it's very unique for each one of you based on your history diagnosis labs and so forth but in this video I'm going to summarize the five best types of foods which I'm going to start with right here to help you on that path to deciding what's the best diet and foods that you should be eating to get pregnant before I do that I do want to give a quick shout out to the sponsor of this week's video the fertile mind app just for my viewers that's right all of you they don't do this for anybody else the fertile mind app is giving away a 30-day free trial for all of you all you have to do is use the link and the code in the description below it's an amazing app to help you get your mind in the right place while you're on this fertility Journey check it out with the link in the description [Music] hi my name is Dr Mark shlar also known as the fertility expert and I've been working with couples through my online coaching programs and right here in San Diego in my clinic for over 19 years actually close to 20 years okay so as you can see I'm prepared to talk about food and diet and what we put into our bodies and why it's so important when we talk about fertility the first thing I want to highlight is you know what should our plate look like when we are compiling a meal for ourselves and this is an important thing that we need to recognize okay so often what we find is that we put a lot of bread or pasta or rice or carbs on our plate and I'm not here to say that carbs are bad I'm here to start to explain which carbs you should be focusing on and which ones are better for you and how much of those things are appropriate for you so when I look at this play late and I think about a meal the first things that come to mind are how am I going to fill this plate with protein how am I going to fill this plate with fat and how am I going to fill this plate with carbs and preferably those carbs coming from vegetables and that's what I want you to start to think about as well as you are starting to compile your meals and start to comprehend and understand how you compose a meal for yourself that's going to be balanced healthy nourishing and sustaining in a day so as I'm going to start to dive into these Basics the one thing I do want to touch on first is that if you've been trying for more than six months and you've been unsuccessful on your attempts you might need a more personalized plan that goes beyond just some of the basics that come around that we're discussing today around nutrition and diet and what food you should be eating you really might need a more comprehensive integrative and combination approach to bring everything together to get you the results that you're looking for and that's exactly what I'm going to be talking about in my upcoming training that I would love for you to join me on it's a free training and it's going to be packed with so much useful and important information to help you on your fertility Journey but you do need to register for it to join me at it and you can use the link in the description below to register and join me for that training I hope to see you there now let's dive a little bit deeper into all of this so before I get into some of these main details and components of a meal I do want to highlight and you've heard me say this before that quality is everything the quality of the food that we consume is probably one of the most important decisions that you make when you are making your choices when it comes to food and so the first thing that we need to understand when it comes to that is organic food is number one okay and that is the top of the list and then from there I do prefer that it's local if you can get at your Farmers Market some of these things that I have here I did get at my local farmers market but the quality of the food that you eat is essential to nourish your body the right way so if you can't splurge on the best quality of foods for everything then you need to start to prioritize some of those things so what is best for you I always say that if you are eating Animal product that should be at the top of the list and then you go from there okay so remember quality is everything I view your shopping and your your the food that you eat as health insurance and so if you spend the right money on the good quality food then you are paying into your health and your fertility and I think that investment will come back to you tenfold so work on the quality first and foremost the next thing I want to highlight as we are talking about quality is the quality of the water that you're consuming so first and foremost most of you don't drink enough water and this little Cup's not going to do it but you want to be drinking about half your body weight in ounce ounces you want to stay hydrated and you want to make sure that the water that you're consuming is good quality so what you can't see over there is that the water that I have is filtered because you want to get rid of all those chemicals all those byproducts even all the Pharmaceuticals and toxins that are in the water you want to make sure you get rid of all of those things so that's why this is very important but you also want to make sure that your water is mineralized so that you can hydrate your cells appropriately when you're drinking it so that's why water is so important the other piece that I do want to highlight when we're talking about water is get away from those one use plastic bottles and buying bottled water most of us don't need to buy bottled water from plastic bottles unless we're out and about if you're home you shouldn't be using that you should be using a glass cup from and using a filter at home and that's really what you should be focusing on when you are consuming water so I know those two points those first two points are simple right water and quality of food but so many of you don't do that so that's why I'm highlighting them now let's get into carbs so this is a common question that comes up should I be eating carbs should I be on a low carb diet what should I do with carbs what kind of carbs should I eat what is a carb well first and foremost I want to say that we should be eating carbs we all still need them they're very important for us and I want that to be in moderate amounts now carbohydrates really provide the body with glucose which is converted into energy and used to support bodily functions and physical activity that's why you need it this gives you energy and that's why you can't go into a no carb diet now maybe for a short period of time you might want to be on a keto diet that's okay but in general that is not a long-term solution or something that is sustainable okay now what kinds of carbohydrates are there when we think of carbs we think of bread and pasta but you can also find carbs in dairy products in fruit in vegetables right in our fruits right here in our veggies right here in grains in nuts in legumes there's lots of other places that you can find your carbs as well but you know the other place that is full of carbs and not the carbs you want sugar sweets all those processed treats and snacks that we eat that's right and that's not what we want those are called simple carbs right we want to avoid those things so those simple carbs to be clear for all of you are raw sugar brown sugar corn syrup high fructose corn syrup glucose fructose sucrose fruit juice concentrate those are all simple carbs and we use sodas right those are all things that fill us up and taste good but they're not good for us and they're not good carbs which is why we want to get away from those things we want to fill our body with more complex carbohydrates that's right those are much much better for us and those are the things that we actually should be eating they are actually beneficial in the sense that they're anti-inflammatory and have also been shown to regulate blood sugar what are those things why I already mentioned them but I'm going to highlight them again just to be clear those are grains those are fiber filled Foods right fiber that's why you need the fiber from all of these things that's why these leafy greens right here have this fiber that's why you want it that's why you want this broccoli okay because it has the fiber and the carbohydrates those things are good for us legumes which are beans and seeds fiber rich veggies that is what we want so again coming back to this piece about keto because I know everyone has this question is yes keto is okay if we need to lose weight for a short period of time but it's not something that we should be using for a long period of time and sustaining that sort of diet we need the carbohydrates to help us as well and we need to eat a balanced meal that provides all of those things and carbohydrates is one of them one of my favorite things to talk about when we're talking about diet is fat because we're scared of fat in the United States in the Western World we have been accustomed to understand that fat is bad for us when in reality it's not it's so important and essential for fertility dietary fats are essential to give your body energy and to support cell function and they also help protect your organs and help you keep your body warm they're so important for everything having to do with having good energy and fat helps your body absorb certain nutrients and they also help you feel Fuller longer have a balanced blood sugar and help you regulate your hormones and that also helps you make certain steroid hormones like estrogen and testosterone and we need these things for fertility so it's so important that we consume a real and balanced amount of fat and most of you need much more than you're actually incorporating into your diet so it's really important that we spend a little bit of time on this topic okay so some good balanced fats are nuts have good balanced fats seeds cold water fish right salmon is awesome and you can see it's wild wild salmon also meats are really important for fat or can be so good grass fed meat and a wild meats are really healthy and essential fats olives I don't have my avocados here because we eat so much of them we're out but avocado is really good eggs eggs are essential as well for balanced diets and actually not just these chicken eggs but also we have quail eggs right now in my house as well because we want to try something new and chicken eggs were becoming expensive so we switched to some quail eggs which have been a lot of fun in our household something different in something new so that's our important some other fats that I want to talk about and I'll highlight them in just a moment as well is ghee okay clarified butter and fish oils omegas right and omegas are called essential fatty acids for a reason because we need them they're essential for our body so all of these fats are important and I do think they should actually make up more on your plate and actually take up about anywhere between 30 to 50 percent of your plate in some capacity should be fats we need that especially women women need more fat than men to help balance and regulate those hormones another thing that I want to highlight as we're talking about fats is which ones are good for us to cook with and which one shouldn't we cook with now there's a lot of confusion here okay so the fats that are okay to cook with at high heat are going to be your avocado oil okay I prefer it in glass bottle we couldn't get it this time in glass bottle so this is plastic but I do prefer it in glass bottle butter regular butter ghee is also very good Bacon fat is really good these are good and okay to cook at high temperatures when you have to saute okay but other fats are good to consume in general and not used at high temperatures like olive oil olive oil is great as well we use this as part of our salad dressing but we also use it to top a lot of things MCT oil is also good in that regard and you would never cook with fish oils just to be clear but those are good to just consume straight I do prefer the the liquid one to the capsules because you get a bigger bang for your buck but either way and I want to make sure you're clear on that because most of you can mix that up and you are cooking with processed fats and oils and you're also cooking with olive oil and you don't really want to cook olive oil at high heat okay so you want to make sure you're using the right fat for the right cooking ingredient or the right way to cook now moving on to protein look there's a lot of confusing information should we be eating animal meat should we be eating fish or not what's okay for us should we be vegan everyone has a different take I do think that our diets should be high in vegetables high in Plants okay and when we're talking about carbs on our plate and talking about plants and veggies I do think if you can have a much bigger part of your plate as long as your carbs are coming from veggies as part of that okay I still think that we need animal protein but it doesn't have to take up the whole plate right we're used to having our animal protein take up most of the plate and then these little portions here it should be the reverse and so I want you to think about still getting your your protein from animals that's my preference if you are a vegan or a vegetarian that's also okay but then we need to be more conscious of how we're getting our our protein I am not a fan of the plant meats and those processed meats that look like meat but they're plant-based I prefer that you just get your protein in other ways from like legumes and seeds and maybe even a little bit of soy but hopefully that would be fermented soy so there's a lot of different other ways to to make that happen but I just want to be clear about that I still think that if you have small amounts at every meal of animal protein that's okay right here when we're talking about fish I do love salmon but I want to make sure that you're all getting your fish to be wild okay that your your fish should absolutely be wild I love Wild game as well so um Meats if not they should be at least grass-fed your chicken should be pasture raised and they should all be organic if you can make that happen why is that because that assures that you are eating protein that has not been contaminated by added chemicals and hormones and antibiotics we want to leave that away right we don't need any more of that we get enough of that on a regular basis so we want to make sure that we steer clear of that also if we're eating the right quality of meats that will not only have or add to our protein intake it will also add to our fat intake as well so that's why that's really important I want to mention coming back like eggs or protein and fat and have a lot of key nutrients I love consuming eggs I mentioned that before but I'm going to come back to that here because it's part of the protein conversation so just make making sure that we have a balanced diet and and that it has a good amount of protein as I'm rounding up this conversation of protein before I come back to vegetables I do want to say that I love organ Meats actually I should be clear I don't always love consuming organ Meats but I do love the benefit of organ Meats so if you are a fan of them and you're okay cooking them then I do recommend consuming them that way you really just need a small amount maybe once or twice a week if not then you can get the organ meat capsules and one of the companies that I love for that we're going to list in the description below it's paleo Valley and they also as we're going to segue into greens they also make a wonderful dehydrated organic green powder without any grasses in it which I also love again those links are in the description below for all of you so let's talk more about greens we need to eat more veggies in general every time I look at someone's diet they are not not eating enough vegetables so you can't have enough you need to increase it but I do recommend doing that slowly so it doesn't upset your tummy okay having a heavy plant focused diet is great as long as it also has those other items that we want to consume as well we want to make sure that we are eating enough vegetables at every meal it provides fiber which is also really important we talked about that it's really good for us on the carb side of things it's good for some of those micronutrients that we are lacking and it really makes us nice and full and helps us sustain our energy moving forward you all do not eat enough vegetables I know it because I see it so let's increase that quite a bit I do want to highlight a couple other things I already talked about water I want to talk about bone broth bone broth is one of my favorite things to consume you can get it in a box like this actually this is the only one that I really like to recommend in a box you can also make it it's wonderful has tons of nutrients tons of great protein it's a wonderful thing to have especially in the winter time make a nice cup of it if you want to add it as a as you're sauteing things and add it to a saute cook with it in other ways just sip on it make a soup whatever it is I want you to incorporate bone broth as well and you can have tea some green tea is my favorite I love green tea okay but we just want to have like a cup a day and balance that out all right and while we're talking about drinks minimize your caffeine and make sure that your coffee is organic for all the same reasons I've always mentioned which is all the chemicals and toxins that is that we are exposed to and that is in our food two other items that I want to touch on one of them I kind of highlighted already which is soy I want you all to eat some soy in small amounts or really moderate amounts my preference is that they are fermented so miso natto tempeh those are much better for us in so many ways especially because of the fermentation part of it and sparingly in its full form okay and then Dairy as long as dairy is in the full fat form you can have small moderates amount of it okay I don't want you to go crazy with it some good healthy cheese here and there but you don't have I know it tastes good but cheese doesn't have to be in everything so please be careful of that as well now I want to hear from all of you what did you learn from this video what was something new that you learned from this video I know there is so comment below and let me know additionally I want to hear your questions so post your questions below about your fertility and I'll do my best to answer them all right hopefully this video on nutrition and food and diet was helpful for you I will have more of these in the future but again I've got a free training coming up shortly that I would love to see you at it's going to be packed full of wonderful information use the link in the description below to register for it now if you like this video give me a thumbs up if you're not already a subscriber to my YouTube channel you need to be so hit that Bell to subscribe and get notified when I put out another video for all of you and until the next video stay fertile
Channel: Dr. Marc Sklar - FertilityTV
Views: 120,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the fertility diet what to eat to get pregnant, fertility diet to get pregnant, foods to eat to get pregnant, fertility foods, fertility diet, foods for fertility, fertility boosting foods, fertility diet plan, pregnancy diet, foods that boost fertility, foods to get pregnant, ttc diet, infertility diet, boost fertility, fertility nutrition, fertility food, the fertility diet, foods to increase fertility, healthy fertility diet, thefertilityexpert, marc sklar, fertilitytv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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