PREGNANT naturally in 3 months! Being told she needed IVF but she did THIS!

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she had been trying for eight years without any success and she did not give up hope but she was told that the only way it was gonna happen was if she did ivf or if she did adoption and certainly she was told she needed to do donor egg and potentially even donor sperm she really hurt it all and she never lost hope does this sound familiar to you today i'm bringing you a real case study from a member of my hope coaching program who after three months of joining the program she was able to get pregnant and have a healthy child but for the seven years prior she was told it was never going to happen if you've been diagnosed with unexplained infertility and you've been trying for a while without success and you're on the brink of giving up i want to ask you not to lose hope and i want you to stick with me and watch this success story because this could be the motivation that gets you going in the right direction and gets you the results that you deserve and need you're not just going to gain hope by watching this you're also going to learn what she was able to do and how we were able to guide her through that to get the results that she was able to get so i want to ask you to keep watching and the little extra bonus is that in the background you're going to hear her little baby crying and giggling and laughing which hopefully also gives you more motivation to keep going [Music] hi my name is dr mark siglar also known as the fertility expert and i've been working with couples for over 19 years through my online coaching programs and right here in san diego at my clinic and hearing success stories is one of the most amazing things that continues to keep patients and members of my coaching program going and motivated so that's part of the reason why i'm sharing today's story with you and the other reason is because i want you to learn from it so keep watching to learn more about how you can improve your fertility all right so now let's hear a little bit from her and i'm going to start commenting on her plan and what we were able to do for her my husband and i have been married almost almost eight years and we've always wanted kids we've always loved the idea of kids always wanted kids and we started just kind of like casually trying not um we weren't like crazy serious about it but we really hadn't been careful the whole time we were married and when we started trying we were proud about like four years into marriage and we started trying and i mean it was kind of like i feel like something's off because now like we're intentionally trying and we haven't been careful at all until this point and now we're intentionally trying and it's not happening and i immediately kind of just like had a check in my spear i'm like i think this is going to be difficult for us and but i still was like you know it takes a while and this is the first time we've intentionally tried so um we kept we just kept trying and like months just went on months turned to years i want to stop here and just comment on what she said she said she had a gut feeling that it was going to be more difficult than she expected now often what we do when we have these gut feelings is we actually push them aside we bury them because we don't think that they're right or we don't want them to be right she didn't do that but she did she probably could have listened to it a little bit more clearly and move forward to get a little bit more support a little bit earlier so i want to encourage all of you if you've got a gut feeling inside that something's wrong not just right that you're going to need a little bit more support be proactive it doesn't hurt to seek out that support now and get the support earlier or at least to rule out anything that might be in your way and then you know that you can be move forward and start trying without any additional issues so i want you to listen to your gut and i want you to be a little bit more proactive a little bit sooner i don't remember how far into it must have been like two years into it where i was well i had always been in contact with my ob gyn about it um i had always like been like i think we're struggling with infertility like she ran some like just like the minimum hormone testing you could do it was identified that my testosterone was like a little bit higher but she she offered to put down clomid and femara stuff like that so i want to comment again here this was the first issue that i see and that i learned about her case is that they found elevated testosterone levels elevated androgen levels and they did nothing about it they tried to recommend clomid and femara which are not going to lower testosterone levels and regulate that those are going to allow her to ovulate hopefully more regularly but she wasn't having that issue or at least she didn't express that she was having that issue so that's another piece is like sometimes they find things but because they can't do anything about them they ignore them that doesn't mean you have to ignore them ready to go on those things because like i knew my body was still working like i was testing my ovulation i knew i was ovulating i told you we'd hear her so i knew i knew all that was working i was like it doesn't make sense to go on this and like and mess around with ovulation when i know that's working like something else is off right um so i held off on that good for her and let's see gosh i did so i did so many different things i went to like a naturopathic person and she was really helpful my gut has always been kind of off i've had like some issues for as long as i can remember and so she wanted to really focus on that let's get this in order you've always heard me talk about digestive issues and gut health so i do think that that was a great approach for her she was able to seek out someone who can help her and support her to to improve her digestive health so that was always a great idea but they weren't also wrapping in the other things that needed to be addressed well different people thought maybe i had pcos because i had the elevated testosterone so i did everything that that person recommended i started eating paleo i switched up all my stomach stuff went on a bunch of like supplements to help address like my gut issues got that really improved so did all that still didn't get pregnant but i do think that laid a good foundation i don't want to say that absolutely i think it was really good work that i was doing um but i think it just took a little bit longer so i had done that for several months and then i had always watched dr scalars videos um like i love to research things and i wasn't getting plenty of answers like at my ob gyn and there it is again little one i knew there's my baby so i knew i knew that i needed to do like more than what was just recommended and i had already spent a good amount of money on naturopathic stuff i had gone to obgyn and i was like you know what i don't know how much i don't know how much this is gonna be but i'm gonna i'm gonna do it because i feel i really like the way that he approaches this there was kind of an advocate in him to some extent like i felt like his heart was very much to advocate for people who had unexplained infertility and he wasn't satisfied with taking like this is unexplained as an answer and i liked that he would do digging because i felt like apart from the naturopathic person no i felt like no one was doing that i was just getting like pushed off when i really felt like i had a chance for it i just needed like the right person to help me figure out why this wasn't working so i met with dr scars other person lenica so sometimes when you work with me and my team you're working with monika as well and so it's wonderful when that actually happens which is what happened for her because she was able to get both of us viewing her case and supporting her because i review every case even if i'm not the primary person overseeing or managing that case and so that was the benefit of her working with lo nica but it's also to just inform all of you that we work as a team and so when you join my hope coaching program you get both of us let's keep listening my name is called the hope consultation or something um and i did that with her and my husband and i had done all the lab work that they had like asked beforehand um and i remember i remember doing the live work and i went to my primary care i was like who can i get through this live work and she really kind of pushed back on it she was like you know insurance isn't going to pay for this um like this is really extensive at work and i was kind of like i do not care about what instruments will pay for at this point i question i did that did all the lab work and then i met with lanika so this is an important piece to mention we need detailed lab work we need to understand what's going on in your specific situation and we can't keep guessing you can't keep guessing which is why we ask for the type of investigation that we do it's not uncommon to get pushback it's not uncommon to get the comments that she got that is the norm but one way or another we need to get that testing done for you because that is vital to us understanding what's going on for you and getting the results that you deserve was really helpful and i i feel like just meeting with someone like that approaches it the way they do was immediately just like giving hope because like her on the other end of the zoo call wasn't like man you're probably never going to get pregnant this phone number like she was just like okay like we can do this and she was like full of hope and i mean up until that point i really hadn't met anybody that was hold hope for us other than that like the naturopathic person i'd see just kind of like it's unexplained um people had mentioned adoption they mentioned egg donors um and people in my family are kind of crying for adoption and like adoption isn't isn't bad but like i wanted to figure out what was going on so i met with her she identified a couple different things like potential pcos like my blood sugar's always been kind of wonky so she targeted that so i remember she gave me like a massive treatment plan so i want to be clear here she does have a variation of pcos it's an atypical form but it is still a pcos pattern and what was ignored in the past when they supported her is they ignored the androgen levels and they ignored her blood sugar or dysregulation in her blood sugar so they didn't regulate either one of those things and that was one of the bigger things that we actually did both with her diet her lifestyle and with her supplements so that was key to getting her the results that she got so let's keep listening with like it had lifestyle changes that i could do um there were supplements um a bunch of different things and they they had always said like it takes like if this is gonna work like it it you probably need to give it up to three months um you need to give it like up to three months to like figure out they check my vitamin d level like actually i want to comment here as well three months is the bare minimum that we need to make change sometimes it takes longer sometimes we hear that differently like she heard it like we need you know up to three months but we need at least three months to see change they got that up it was like it was lower and they increased it a bunch so i think around month three i was just like at this point i just spent so much life and we just spent like a bunch of cash on stuff like everything we've done point in that pocket like all all the stuff once all the naturopathic stuff all the labs and i was it was around like month three i was just so discouraged i was like this like nothing is working and i had after i'd gone to see dr scar um and lenica i like around my three or two i was just like gosh nothing works this is i just can't do this anymore so i went to like an actual like reproductive fertility clinic and obgyn person that they specialize in like ivf and stuff so i met with her i did like two consultations with her and she told me yeah you're pretty much never gonna get pregnant naturally based on all these numbers my husband's numbers had came back and it it wasn't looking it really wasn't looking good at all so we we often talk about checking both in her case it took too long to really check her husband she's going to tell you that you know that lonika had recommended some things for him but most importantly we also recommended that he get tested and that is really important because we need to check both sides and in their case we needed support on both sides he needed support and she needed support and without that i don't think we were going to get the results so she was like this doesn't look good and she talked about like um sperm donation my egg donation sperm donation and i was just like it was just really really depressing really depressing news um so i was like you know what and she told us like there really wasn't much chance of even iui working but she was like you can you can try it if you want these numbers just don't look good for that and so i was like you know we're gonna do it anyway like we're not about to do ivf so even though that wasn't what she wanted to hear sometimes we do have to talk about those topics that just aren't ideal and comfortable conversations because we want to be real with you we want to be upfront with you and even though we have a lot of hope in the process we don't want to give any false hope so we did believe in their case that they would have gotten better results if they did or faster results although that wasn't necessarily the case they got fast results but that if they did actually look at some of those processes that maybe things would have happened a little bit sooner for them do you not want to do sperm donation right now guys i'm glad you didn't look like my husband please um so i we were going to do iui i had the prescriptions filled for that i had them like in my hand and i was i was ready ready to take those i was just kind of waiting on my cycle to start and then i was gonna do all that and i was journaling about like that that process and i was just like this feels really weird like i don't want to get my hopes up i don't want to just put like all my eggs in this basket like i know what this feels like and i really don't want to do that and i we just prayed like so much throughout this journey too and i was just like kind of talking to the lord about it all of it and i was like i don't want to get my hopes up and i felt like the lord was like you can get your hopes up like and it was just a really interesting thing and i was like you can trust me you can get your hopes up and you know if it falls through you can you can trust me with that too and so it was kind of like this leap of faith where i was just like okay i'm i'm gonna believe that this is possible she just mentioned something that was really important here that she was going to believe that it was possible that she could do it and i can't tell you how often i hear that that i didn't believe that it was possible that i didn't have the hope and that once i started to bring back that hope and once i started to believe again that it could happen that it was possible and things shifted and that that also shifted for her because she restored her belief in herself and her abilities and that is key as well to this it's believing in yourself i'm gonna like let myself get my hopes up um and if they come crashing down like i know the lord's big enough to take care of me in that and so i had journaled like that day and i i was like three days late um for my period and i was like yeah i was i was really frustrated i was like this is so stupid i was like every time we're about to do something this is late and it's a big tease to me and it always ends in disappointment so i was like you know i'll just take a pregnancy test this is stupid and we had i guess at that point been trying like three to three to four years actively and but also more time before that the pregnant two kids and the second line came up and i was like it's positive no that's not real no and so i did it i did it again that it was exactly three months after we had seen monika and yeah that's how we got pregnant it's such a small investment so you can listen to the rest of her story but i want to mention a couple things here that i think are really really key things to her process one is she did do some preliminary work because she was trying to dig deeper and she wasn't satisfied with the answer that we don't know she knew that she needed more and she sought out more and her and her husband were really keen um and actively involved in following our recommendations and that was also essential to the process things that were missed prior were the fact that no one focused on some of the real things that were right in front of their faces that were just ignored like her androgen levels and her blood sugar no one checked her husband until we did and we were able to support that so these are things that i don't want you all to miss i want all of you to start to address those things and sometimes that might mean that you need the coaching that you need the guidance that you need to the support that you're not getting from your ob gyn or your fertility clinic and lastly i want you to trust your gut and believe that it's possible because we've seen so many places and so many examples of where people were told it can't happen and it does or that they won't and they need donor or sperm or adoption and then they do get pregnant so i want you to believe that it is possible believe that you can do it and trust your gut to get the results that you're looking for if this story sounds familiar if you've been trying longer than you want if you've tried all sorts of things and you're just not getting the results that you want and if you're just not getting the support that you deserve then i want to invite you to apply to join my hope coaching program this is where you get me and lo nica and our team supporting you and guiding you through the process to get the results that you deserve and just like she got so it might take three months it might take longer but if you want that same support and that same guidance then i want to invite you to apply i'd love to have you in my hope coaching program and to apply all you have to do is use the link in the description below what did you learn from her story what was impactful for you what really spoke to you i want to hear from you comment below and let me know i'd also love your questions so if you've got questions about what we did for her or your specific case also comment below and i'll do my best to answer those questions if you like this video give me a thumbs up if you're not already a subscriber to my youtube channel please subscribe just hit that bell to subscribe and get notified when i put out a new video for you and until the next video stay fertile
Channel: Dr. Marc Sklar - FertilityTV
Views: 58,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: get pregnant naturally without ivf, getting pregnant naturally after infertility, infertility tips to getting pregnant, get pregnant naturally, fertility treatment, conceiving naturally, natural fertility treatment, natural pregnancy, infertility success story, fertility treatments, pregnancyafterinfertility, fertility story, fertility journey, Marc sklar, The fertility Expert, Fertility tv, How to get pregnant faster, Fertility, get pregnant naturaly without ivf
Id: KuExl0hTIKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 23 2022
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